Zero no Tsukaima:Side Story Volume1 Story1

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Status: Incomplete

36% completed (estimated)


1st Story - Tabitha and the Pterosaur

Carrying her master, the blue-scaled Sylphid soared in the sky, flying towards the other end of the sky, more blue than its scales. The two moons shone brightly in the clear sky. The white moon was so bright it could almost be transparent, while the red moon leaves a slightly reddish tinge. Seeing this scene from such a high altitude, it was as if a scene in a dream.

Grumble, grumble.

Sylphid snorted quietly. It was hungry.

But it would be rude to disturb the master while she is reading a book. Troubled over what to do, Sylphid looked furtively at the girl who is her master.

A young girl savouring a book was riding on her just a little beyond Sylphid's head, on her neck. Her blue short hair was dancing in the winds.

Although turning 15 years old this year, her body's build could be easily mistaken as 2 or 3 years younger, as if she stopped growing since 12 years old.

Her cold blue eyes behind the spectacles do not reveal any emotions. One could not determine whether she was absorbed in the book, or flipping through the pages readily.

However, her facial profile was as lovely as a peaceful tranquil. Perhaps the little bit of clear, transparent, cold winter wind shrouds her innocent young face with a tinge of melancholy on her.

She is Sylphid's important master, Tabitha.

Growl~, Sylphid's stomach growled again.

Oh, I cannot endure it anymore! Even if she gets angry, I don't care! Sylphid doesn't care anymore! Unable to keep it down anymore, Sylphid began begging its master

I'm starving. I'm starving. I'm starving

Tabitha lifted her head and looked towards the mythical creature she was riding on.

Noticing that it got its master's attention, Sylphid bleated happily.

Fufu~ Nee-sama's head finally moved~ you finally decided to take notice of Sylphid

Sylphid calls its master Tabitha as "Nee-sama"

Sylphid was always alone to begin with. When it was summoned out during the "Summoning Ceremony" of the Tristain Magical Academy by this girl, feeling very blessed, it decided to call Tabitha "Nee-sama". It makes it feels as if it really had an elder sister.

Because of this rather simple character, Sylphid had completely forgotten about its hunger just from Tabitha looking at her. Since it had a chance, all sorts of chatter began coming from its mouth.

"Nee-sama, you look so lovely today. I'm so glad!"

By looks, Sylphid is a wind dragon of around 6 meter's length

The beautiful blue scales that covered her entire body seemed to be transparent, glittering under the moonlight

Its wingspan was even longer than her body. Those two strong powerful wings is enough to let it soar freely in the air with little effort.

Although it looks like another normal wind dragon, it was hardly so.

Although out of all mythical creatures, a dragon's intelligence is considered as superioir, that alone is not enough to make them talk

"Today's weather look great! How are you feeling, Nee-sama?" Sylphid virbated its throat. A cute speaking voice came out of its mouth.

Only a sage carrying an abundance of knowledge may realise the true nature of Sylphid

The name of her kin, forgotten long ago in history, once described in numerous legends

Tabitha flipped open a book written by exactly one of those sages. The book title was called "Mythical Intelligent Creatures of Ancient Times - The Rhyme Dragons"

"Nee-sama, what are you reading?" The cute voice which came from her mouth and face hardly matched each other.

"A book on your species" Tabitha answered without emotions in her voice.

"I'm glad. As I thought, Nee-sama is really interested in me"

"Not really. It was just by chance"

"Even if it's coincidental, I'm delighted already. Nee-sama, do you remember? The day I started calling you Nee-sama"

"I remember" Tabitha responds with some measure of coldness.

"I also remember! That day Nee-sama gave me my name! A superb name! Sylphid! A human name!" Sylphid cuckooed joyfully.

"It is not a human name"

"Is that so! It's a wind wisp's name! An ancient wisp! Kyui-kyui!" Sylphid nodded her head exictedly. Tabitha's body rose up and down along with its motions, but still managed to hang on. Such an amazing sense of balance.

"Between dragons, I have a name called 'Illococoo', it stands for gentle breeze! In the human world, my name is Sylphid. I have two names! Just like Nee-sama! Kyui-kyui"

Tabitha lowered herself and returned to the book.

Sylphid continued to chatter all by herself.

"That's right, that's right! After Nee-sama summoned me, it was the pinked-haired girl's turn! She summoned a human male! How shocking! That is so improper! Hilarious!"

But Tabitha had already ceased respinding.

"Really!" Sylphid moaned sadly. This made her remember about her famished stomach.

"My stomach is starving. Is dinner ready yet? Is dinner ready yet?" Talking in human language with such skill, Sylphid is no oridinary wind dragon.

These ancient wind dragons are so rare and ancient, that even legends about these wind rhyme dragons are about disappear.

They hide in high altitude dense forests, where no traces of human could be found. Legendary creatures that live in peace

Because wind rhyme dragons have a high ability to understand human language, they a extremely long time to mature. From the annual growth rings of her scales, Sylphid is a wind rhyme dragon who has already lived for more than 200 years. In terms of human age, it would be equivalent to a 10 years old child.

Just because it's young, doesn't mean that one can let his guard down.

Wind rhyme dragons have much higher intelligence than humans, outstanding conversation skills, can manipulate "primal magic", even at high speed it can spit flames in flight. In short, it is most certainly a powerful creature.

Being able to summon such a large wind rhyme dragon from this world and forming the familiar's contract with it, just from that alone one can see Tabitha's extraordinary magic skills.

Even Sylphid admires such a powerful mage from the bottom of its heart.

"I'm hungry. I'm hung-greeee"

"You're noisy"

"Unless I talk about it, Nee-sama will immediately forget about my meal. Therefore I have to keep saying it. I'm hungry. I'm hungry" Mixing its protests with occasional cries of "gya gya", Sylphid refused to stay quiet.

"I'll let you eat when we arrive"

"Really? For real?"

"I promise"

"Hooray, hooray. This time I'll surely eat a lot. Eat MeeeaaaatttWildk 04:44, 15 July 2012 (CDT)" Sylphid began to hum a song. Because of the large lung capacity it has, the sound it was made could not be covered by the rushing wind.

Tabitha knocked its head with her staff.

"Ow, ow, oww"

"that's why you should keep quiet"

"Huh, fine I'll stop. Oh right, Nee-sama, if you are not taking the carriage but riding me instead, does this means that we are heading to the city?"

Tabitha nodded.

Sylphid became uncomfortable. She hates the city.

"The city is irritating. Uuu, why can't I talk in front of other people?"

"Trouble" Tabitha replied with a quite voice. Afterall, wind rhyme dragons are creatures long assumed to be extinct. If Tabitha's real nature had been exposed, there's no say to how the Science Academy of Tristain or the Gallian royals will demand her to hand it over and do all sorts of test. That's why Tabitha doesn't allow Sylphid to talk while she is in dragon form.

"I hate the city. Hate not being able to talk in the city. Not talking is boring"

Detached, Tabitha looked into the distance and said "bear with it"

Sylphid felt the cold air surrounding Tabitha dense. Taking a peek at her master, it was just as expressionless as usual.

Whether she is unhappy, she's normal, she's eating, even when she's angry, Tabitha face will always be impassive.

The same goes for when she's happy (although none have been witnessed so far), she will probably be just as impassive.

Sylphid have never seen Tabitha smile.

Like her nickname "snowstorm", Tabitha's expressions never changed much.

Sylphid really hopes she will one day be able to beam like the sun.

However, it had no idea where to begin. Feeling a bit depressed, Sylphid sighed, going "kiyai kiyai".

Capital of Gallia, the city of Lutèce was about 1,000 leagues inland from the border of the neighboring country Tristain. It boasts a population of 300,000 and is the largest city on Halkenia.

East to this city was the grand and huge palace of Versailles. It's where the royal family of Gallia lives. A long time ago, this was a lush forrest. The one who turned it into the beauty it is now was the second last king, Robespierre the third. King Joseph the first is its current master. At the centre of this Palace, he wields the scepter of government in the heart of Grand Trois, a building made of rose-colored marble.

Some distance from the Grand Trois, inside the pink colored, small scaled palace called Petit Trois, a young lady gave a big yawn.


It was a 17 years old girl. The unusual color of her hair was the same blue as the pupils of her slender eyes. The appearance of such an unusual color would convey to any person that she is affiliated to the Gallia royal family. The blue hair grown to shoulder length was combed carefully, smooth like silk thread, waving lightly in the winds. On her forehead was a large extravagant crown. The lips which have never known hardship gave off an alluring shine.

The girl licked her crimson red colored lips with her tongue. This course and vulgar gesture spoiled the dignified features of an noble in an instant.

She was the daughter of King Joseph, princess of Galia, Isabella.

Seemingly listless, there Isabella lie in a luxurious sprawl. Pulling a thin cord to a bell. Three female attendants immediately jumped into the living room.

"You rang, your highness?"

"I'm bored"

"Would it help to have a game with us?"

"Pinochle? Whist? Card games are so tedious"

"then, a dice game......"

"Isn't that a game for the commoners. Princesses do not play such games"

"What about going out hunting? In Pierrefont forest, you can land a deer's head with hunting dogs, according to Mr. Simon's report"

"I do not want to go out"

The female attendants looked at each other anxiously. Isabella talked with increasing irritation.

"Really, father is also so inconsiderate! Even I want to be useful to the royal family! I am different from the doll lady from wherever she comes from, I really am capable! It's only why I suggested for a title, then suddenly I became the commander of the "Knights of the North Parterre"? I don't want such a simple job, it's so mundane! Doesn't father love his daughter!?"

On hearing that title, the female attendants shuddered.

In the Palace of Versailles where valuable flowers blossom all year round, there are an innumerable number of flower beds. Distinguished knights of Gallia are named after such flower beds. For example, Knights of the Southern Rose Parterre, Knights of the Eastern Lily Parterre...... However, because there isn't any flower bed in the northern side, no squadron of knights should contain "North" in their title.

But, covered by the shadows of the Palace, one knight squadron "North" in their title remains

That is the Knights of the Northern Parterre.

This squadron speciall takes care of all the dirty work of Gallia, domestic or foreign troubles. Isabella is the commander of none other than that. Since this is also a Knight's squadron, it contains various Chevaliers with various abilities. These shadowy knights carry out shady missions, have no fate with glory, and will never get to know each other. They are knights of the Northern Parterre.

Isabella was waiting for one such Knight of the Northern Parterre.

"Hasn't that gargoyle arrived yet?"

The older attendant shook her head.

"Lady Charlotte is still yet to be seen"

"She's only a 'doll'. Calling her 'the gargoyle' is enough"

No matter how hard they tried, the attendant could say anything but "Yes". Lady Charlotte is of royal blood, and is the cousin of the Isabella lying around, although stripped of title and birthrights. As a mere servant, they cannot take such a rude attitude towards her. Besides, compared to Isabella, Charlotte is......

Noticing the quiet discord in the servants, Isabella gave her orders in a trifling tone.

"All of you, go welcome that doll (gargoyle)"


With a relieved expression, the attendants nodded.

But Isabella scolded the attendants who were about to line up to welcome her

"I never told you to welcome like that"


Isabella laughed wickedly.

Riding Sylphid, Tabitha slowly landed on the front gardens of Petit Trois. The soldiers waiting at the entrance came running towards her and gave her a bow

"Welcome back, Lady Charlotte"

The bowing soldier reminded the other.


With a bitter expression, the soldier took a step backwards and also bowed. "The princess awaits you"

Handing the reins to the first soldier "Let it have some food" She said, pointing to Sylphid. Since Tabitha forbade her to speak to anyone except to her, Sylphid snorted happily.

Tabitha went into the building, unmoved by Sylphid's actions.

The gargoyle which stood in front of the princess's room removed its pole which prevented passage. Unlike other countries, Gallia value a conscious magical gargoyle much more. Compared to Golems, which can only execute simple tasks after long hours of issuing mundane commands, gargoyles can imitate a person's actions. A gargoyle with such variety, is something that only a powerful country like Gallia can manage.

Lifting up the heavy cloth curtain that hung from the ceiling, she entered the room......

Flap~! flap! flap!

Something seemed to fly towards Tabitha. But Tabitha took no action to evade, calmly taking it with her body.

What came flying were eggs and mud filled sausages.

Splat! Splat splat! The contents scatter all over the place on impact. Thick egg whites spewed all over across Tabitha's face, still, Tabitha's expression did not change at all, not even attempting to wipe it off.

On seeing such a sight, the master of the room, Isabella, burst out in laugther

"Oh ho! ho ho! oh ho ho ho!"

The attendants who hurled the eggs and sausages at Tabitha came out from behind the shade of the curtain with apologetic looks. Tabitha remains expressionless and stares straight ahead. Only Isabella was in her field of vision, but the only focus of her view was of something much more distant, as if there was nothing else around.

"You laugh as well! What kind of ugly attire is this! That appearance!"

Being ordered so by Isabella, the attendants laughed helplessly. Isabella continued laughing at Tabitha for some time.

As ever, Tabitha's expression did not change

This manner only further irritated Isabella.

"Why don't you say something?"

Tabitha did not respond at all. The artificial laughter of the attendants stopped as well.

"At least get furious, relent me, or try crying?"

Tabitha looked at Isabella


Feeling slightly overwhelmed, Isabella bit on her lip. Next she forced herself to put on a discriminating smile.

"This child is totally like a gargoyle. I have no idea what is going inside your head. Just because you can use a little magic you can act unscrupulously?"

Isabella tried her best to say this sort of scornful words.

However Tabitha's expression did not change. With eyes that looked like they were staring at an ornament, she only continued staring at Isabella.

Getting no response from Tabitha, Isabella was reaching her boiling point

"You dare to talk to a princess in such filthy attire? Take off those filthy rags!"

Having ordered for the eggs to be thrown herself, now saying such unreasonable requests, even the attendents could not help but tremble from anger just by watching this farce.

"Take it off! That's an order!"

By those words, Tabitha began unbuttoning her shirt. As if changing into bedclothes at night, she took off her shirt and skirt without any reservation.

All that left was only her chemise.

There wasn't any curve or shape on the girl's body.

This build certainly cannot be one of a 15 year old.

Isabella sniggered.

"Take that off too!"

Never changing her expression, Tabitha took off the last piece of clothing on her body. The attendants closed their eyes out of pity. The skin of this beautiful girl was pure white and appeared like snow.

"......hmmph, you, are you eating properly?"

Even so, Tabitha remained expressionless.

How could Isabella give such a cruel treatement to her cousin?

Exactly because their are of the same bloodline, Isabella cannot stand the talent she weilds. Since small she was already carrying the title of Chevelier and was able to perform outstanding magic.

As for her own magical talent......

Being magically capable implies being respected. In this grand Palace, how many aristocrats and servants actually see her as a princess? Just the slight thought of this, she is close to passing away from remorse.

Isabella stood up and approached Tabitha. Snatching her glasses away, she moved her face close to her cousin's.

Painfully biting her own lips, Isabella said "You are not part of the imperial family anymore, do you understand? Just because you have have a little magic ability, you think you can do whatever you want?" Isabella glared at Tabitha in the eye.

The atmosphere in the air froze instantly. And so, several minutes passed

Beads of cold sweat formed on the forehead of Isabella.

Hmmph, Isabella snorted.

She could not bear the pressure of Tabitha's silence anymore.

Picking up a letter that was lying on top of the bed, she threw it at Tabitha.

"This is for you, the seventh mission of the Northern Parterre. Clean it up quickly"

Quietly putting her clothes back on, Tabitha left the princess' room along with the letter.

From the Gallian capital of Lutèce to the Al Delaware district, it would take 2 days on horseback; 5 days on foot; but only 2 hours on Sylphid. Al Delaware is a place covered by an endless forest. This forest stretches all the way to Germania. Both countries call this forest as the "Black forest"

At the corner of this forest, was a small little village called Eginheim. Every war between Gallia and Germania will always end up next to this little village of around a population of 200. The villagers here make their living by transporting lumber to the town and selling them. Today, they were gathered in the centre of square of the village, yelling with fury

"We cannot take it anymore!" cried the stocky man carrying an axe on his shoulder.

"that's right, that's right!" the villagers joined in chorus. In their tightly grasphed hands were nothing but weapons. As most of the villagers were woodcutters, most of the weapons that they wielded were axes. The crowd was rioting, as if about to have a fight.

"Those goddamed winged creatures! Because of them, we not able to go logging anymore! Is it going to be our future for the rest of our lives? Huuhhh!"

"Ab-absolutely not!" A sickle wielding grandma cried out shakily. "If we continue and let them do whatever they want, I won't make it through the winter because of those bastard winged mans! No? Hah, all our lord does is talk! Dispatching some knights he said, how many months do you think it will take to dispatch some knights!"

"Granny Amithbah is right! If we let these winged man have their own way, we'll all starve to death! No matter what, we must put an end to it today! Let's go! Follow me!"

Full of a murderous atmostphere, the villagers were about to march into the forest

A skinny boy stood in front of the villagers, blocking their way.

"W-wait a minute! Everyone wait."


The stalwart man who led the villagers scratched his head, in confusion.

"Brother Sam, wait a minute. Don't go!"

"Move aside"

"Let's talk it over! Talk it over! Why don't both sides negiotiate!"

"Negotiation? With whom?"

"that, those winged creatures......" Josiah shrank at the angry look of his brother.

"Even if were to negiotiate, those fellows will strike at us with magic as soon as we approach them! How are you supposed to talk with talk kind of bastards!"

"That's right, that's right" the villagers concurred.

"But that's only because we tried to drive them away with bows and arrows first."

"I say, Josiah. Those things fly in the sky. They're birds, just like birds. What's wrong with shooting at birds with bows and arrows?"

"How so! Aren't those winged creatures capable of speaking human languages? They are definitely not birds! They're friends living in the same forest!"

Sam's face changed.

"Friends? Don't mess with me. If friends, they'd be in this bunch a lot time ago! Only people inside this fence are friends!" Sam pointed at the fence seperating the village and the forest.


"All creatures living in the forest are friends? Don't that kind of naive words! You're my brother! Son of the village head! If you don't protect everyone's livelihood, who will!"

Thunk! Sam rammed his younger brother aside

Many times the size of himself, his elder brother sent Josiah rolling on the ground. Sam and the villagers walked passed him. Josiah slammed his fist on the ground regretfully, then crawled up and chased after them.

Around 30 minutes of walking distance from the village, the villagers' journey to the forest were full of zelkova trees. Zelkova trees are the best material for construction and furniture, it is also a broad-leaved tree which makes it large and easy to process. The villagers of Eginheim make their living by selling furniture made out from these zelkova trees.

The thick trunk of the zelkovas reached up to the skies. Its dense leaves have completely blotted out sunlight. Even during daytime, the understory is pitch black.

When they reached a part of the forest where zelkova trees grow densely together, Sam and the villagers stopped their footsteps. Spreading apart and hiding under the shadows of the trees, Sam pointed to a corner and told a team of bow weilding hunters "That guy has its nest right here. There's a total of ten"

The hunters nodded their head.

"It'll be fine, damage to their wings is enough. As soon as the fall to the ground, I'll take care of this guy" Sam said, holding his axe as if it were a small dagger

"Won't they use magic? Is it really alright?" A hunter worriedly asked

"As long as we have this guy", Sam indicated to his axe, "the bird's magic will be rendered useless"

Around Sam was 30 or more muscular males with axes in their hands. There were also around 20 hunters with bows, each of them very capable of shooting down birds. One could say they are just like another bunch of mercenaries.

Waving his solid arm around, he declared "Kill all the birds!"

The villagers laughed relaxedly.

The hunters drew their bows, Sam lifted a boulder as large as a cow next to him

"Arrrrhhh!" With a cry, the blood vessels on his head became completely vissible. With much effort, he hurled this boulder towards the largest zelkova tree.

Bam~! The ancient tree shook

All the hidden villagers swallowed.

After a while which felt like ages

from the wobbling tree, fell a few person

Freefalling towards the ground! Just the instant before they slammed into the ground, there they stopped

floating lightly in the air.

On closer look, these are not humans

They were wearing crude clothes made out of a single piece of cloth, a pair of wings extending from their backs

These are the winged men as people of the Halkenia call them

Sam yelled towards the hunters "Now! Release!"

Whish whish whish whish~ countless arrows sailed towards the airbourne winged men.

As they were about to pierce them, something extraordinary then happened

All of the arrows were derailed from their original trajectory, either digging themselves into tree trunks or disappearing into the dark distance.

"Damn!" The hunters signed, cursing themselves. Did they really miss?

No, they were all adept bowmen. An arrow or two missing their targets maybe possible, but so many arrows missing at once?

Which means the arrows never missed.

They were deflected.

"Next volley! Don't stop, keep shooting!" Sam's bellow woke the hunters out of their trances, who began releasing arrows again

Male and female, a total of four winged men was floating in the air

Looking like young humans themselves, they reached out their hands like opera singers, lifting them high slowly, singing "Air oh blow away these foolish arrows"

Along with the melody, the air surrounding them began to whistle radically.

All the newly released arrows had been blown off course, one of them even sticking itself back on the tree trunk right above the hunter's head "Waah!" That hunter cried, throwing down his bow

"Don't flee!" Sam yelled

The next moment, branches behind the winged men of the zelkovas began to extend, reaching forward.

"Magic!" Someone cried out. The villagers instant succumbed to fear and panicked.

With a low voice, the winged men quietly chanted spells. Well, more than spells, it could be better described as them announcing what was going to happen next "Oh, branches under our contract, reach out and take the freedom of the people who hates us"

Following this winged men's voice, the other three joined in chrous "Take their freedom"

Superstitious hunters all fled, throwing down their bows

"Don't run! There's only 4 of them!"

"Ahhhhhhhh! Primal magic! Primal!"

"The primal magic of the devil in the forest!" All that were coming out of the hunter's mouth were "Primal magic!!", fleeing like ants out of an anthole.

"Primal so what! Whether its a noble's magic or primal magic ignore them all! Let them witness the bravery of real men!"

Ten muscular males who did not flee, gave a threatening war cry and charged towards the winged men. Immediately, branches lashing out from nowhere trapped them.

Sam lifted his head.

Looking at the winged men in the eye, ten metres high above, Sam's entire body went rigid. Those things only look alike humans, but they're a different species. It feels so different

Sam felt very useless. Orignally thinking that they would win in numbers, everything turned out to be furtile without magic.

A winged man chanting spells whisked his hand towards the woodcutters "Dry leaves, according to the power of the water in the contract, turn into razors"

"Turn into razors"

Dead leaves all around them started circling them like as tornado, next straightening as if there were steel wires laid inside. As strong as steel plates, the leaves hurled themselves towards the woodcutters

Sam and the others closed their eyes in despair--


A strong wind along with small traces of ice and snow suddenly blew across the trees

All the dry leaves were whisked away in this icy wind.

The winged men lifted their heads.

The shadow of a young girl decended from the sky into their vision

It was Tabitha

The winged men immediately turned their targets to the larger threat, Tabitha

More leaves began dancing again, turning razor sharp and charging at Tabitha

Descending, Tabitha waved the staff in her hand and chanted a spell Illu, fulu de la sora in de

Fua! Tabitha's descending trajectory changed.

The razor sharp leaves passed through the empty place where Tabitha should have been just now.

What she chanted was the most general spell in the wind category, the soaring spell. This spells allows the caster to soar freely in the sky.

While using the soaring spell, one cannot cast other spells though.

Therefore, after evading the winged men's attacks, Tabitha landed onto the ground swiftly

Refusing to back off, the winged men controlled the branches of the zelkova trees. Like how it attacked Sam and the others, countless branches slashed towards Tabitha

Waving her staff again, sharp blades of the wind chopped off all the attacking branches.

The winged men began to feel distressed.

They had not expected such a young and fragile girl with uncommon blue hair to be a strong mage.

The two sides remained still, only a distance of 15 metres between them.

Both sides exchanged stares.

Neither side made their next move, and so the time passed. Because they were both in front of each other, failure to deliever a decisive attack will imply death.

"Stop! All of you! Don't use the contract of the forest for this!" A sorrowful voice sounded from the skies.

The winged men all looked towards the voice. A long brunette haired beauty winged men, descended from above. A full clothing in white, she opened her wings and slowly came downwards, a beautiful sight not worthy of this world.

"Miss Elsa!"

Tabitha was not going to let this chance pass by.

Just as she was about to deliever an attack

Her arms was grabbed

"Please! Please! Hide your staff away!" A weak, thin green clothed teen begged her.

That teen was none other than Josiah. He was shaking all over, but there was no sign of letting Tabitha's right hand go.

The winged beauty called Elsa waved towards her mates.

"Come back! Please come back! No more fighting!"

Still facing Tabitha, the winged men looked at each other with hesitation.

Under Elsa's pressure, they flew away along with her.

Josiah peacefully watched the winged men leave, but his eyes soon became fixed on Elsa.

Elsa was also looking at Josiah, then she bowed her head grievingly.

The winged men slowly disappeared above the canopy. Staring dumbfounded for a while, Sam suddenly regained consiousness and rushed towards Tabitha

"Are you the knight dispatched by the palace?"

Tabitha nodded, simply describing her title and name. "Gallian Parterre knight, Tabitha"

"Everyone, it's the knight! It's the Parterre knight from the palace! Our lord really did appeal to the palace!"

All the villagers began cheering.

Sam then beat his brother who was still holding on Tabitha's arm.

"You little! Get your hands off the great knight! Why did you have to stop her from using magic!"

Being thrown onto the ground, Josiah lowered her face in sorrow

"Then, great knight! Please hurry and eliminate them" Sam suggested to Tabitha, rubbing both hands in glee

Tabitha stood there quietly, not moving a muscle.

"Is there a problem?"

Slowly, Tabitha put her hands onto her belly, saying without much expression "Empty stomach"

Under the guide of the villagers, Tabitha arrived to Eginheim. The village head prepared a banquet in the best room he had to serve Tabitha.

"Although our lord requested the support from the Palace to help elminate the winged men, it seems to be furtile. Looks like we better give up. Your arrival has already helped us a lot" The village head sighed discouragingly.

All other villagers also sighed after seeing Tabitha. "Is this not a child?" "Will this really be fine?"

Hearing the villager's complaints, Sam threw a stern glare. "Stop this kind of baloney! The great Tabitha here, drive all the winged men away when they were about to kill us!"

The atmosphere immediately changed to awe and fear, looking at this seemingly tweleve, thirteen years old girl.

Mages are terrifying. Even such a small girl has such a powerful effect. It's not surprising why only magicians can become aristocrats, royal subjects, even control the entire Halkenia, all over this world.

Tabitha laid her staff slowly on the desk.

But even this minute action sent bones chattering shivers to the villagers next to her.

Tabitha began to eat the feast placed on the desk

"P-please, enjoy yourself"

Without much concern, Tabitha began gobbling.

How can all that food fit in her tiny body? All they could see were her swift actions clearing plate by plate clean.

After finishing a salad the size of a small mountain, Tabitha stared the empty bottom of the bowl.

Seeing her staring motionless, a villager asked "How do you like hazel grass?"

Tabitha exaggeratedly nodded her head.

Hazel grass is a very bitter, needle shaped vegetable, commonly used for meat seasoning purposes.

Very few people seem to be fond of it.

"Hurry, bring lots of it!"

Stacks full of hazel grass was immediately delievered. Without much noise, Tabitha began chewing again.

The villagers looked at her, stunned.

A knocking sound came from the window.

Those who looked in that direction began screaming "AHHhhhhh!"

"Dragon! Dragons!! A dragon has appeared ahhhhhhh!"

A blue-scaled dragon was peeking inside the window.

Dragon is the most powerful mythical creatures on Halkenia. To commoners living in these villages, dragons are as terrifying as storms, blizzard. They are like natural disasters, an opponent uncapable of defending against.

Fortunately, this dragon was anything but disaster. It is Tabitha's trusty familiar, Sylphid. Just now Tabitha had spotted the villagers in danger, therefore directly lept off from it, leaving it in the air by itself.

This wind ryhme dragon was knocking its nose against the window.

"Dragon!!!!! Outside the window!!!! AHhhhhh!"

The villagers scurried frantically.


The dragon smashed the window with force, poking its head into the house. Seeing the table full of great feasts, the wind ryhme dragon also complained "Nee-sama is eating all by herself! That's too wicked! I'm hungry! Sylphid's stomach is hungry as well! Gao, gaao, gaao!"

The dragon was furiously bellowing. The house turned even more chaotic

"Waaaaaahhhhh! T-the dragon! The dragon spoke!!! That dragon ahhhhhhh! Dragon ahhhhh!"

Tabitha scratched her nose without any expression. Since they had left the palace, it's true that she did forget to prepare food for Sylphid.

Seeing the villagers panic, Sylphid secretly thought "oh boy" and stuck out its tongue. Although it thinks it looks very cute this way, in the eyes of the villagers, there's nothing more like a scene in a nightmare than a dragon revealing its vicious teeth.

"Please don't eat! Don't eat usssss!"

"Nee-sama, I'm sorry, I spoke in front of other people. But, but, I have become very hungry already"

The village head called out the the villagers "Calm down! Is that not the knight's familiar? There's nothing so weird about familiars speaking human language! But if one can make a dragon a familiar, she must really be an incredible knight!"

Hearing the villager's words, the masses did seem to calm down for a bit. But then "I've never heard of creatures being able to speak after becoming familiars. For example, cats, dogs, hamsters. Nevertheless, dragons are creatures that cannot be tamed"

Hearing the most knowledgable Granny Amithbah say so, the villagers immediately resumed their chaos

"It is an evil dragon afterallll!!!"

"We taste very bad!!!"

Tabitha repositioned her glasses, the pointed to Sylphid and said softly "Gargoyle"

"Eh? Gargoyle?"

As the residents of this magically advanced country, of course they know what a "gargoyle" is. It's a magical statue crafted by nobles used to imitate life. If it's detailed enough, one cannot possible tell whether it's alive or not.

"Wh-waht! Is that so! Hahahahaah!" To cover up their ludicrous performance the villagers began laughing.

"Wahahahahaa!" Sylphid joined in their laughter.

In the peaceful atmosphere, Sam leading a tied Josiah by his hair, walked in. "Just now this kid did something very disrespectful to you. Whether's it's to roast or to boil, please give your punishment"

The villagers also coldly looked at Josiah

Tabitha shook her head. Feeling relieved, Sam hit Josiah lightly, unbinding his ropes.

"This is great! Hurry and thank this benovelent knight! There's really nothing to complain even if she killed you over this! Do you understand!"

Josiah only stood there biting his lips. As if sensing something from his brother, Sam questioned "You, don't tell me, with the winged man"

All the villagers broke into whispering chatters

"Josiah and the winged girl"

"Shame of the village"

"Hey! What do you want! Josiah!" Sam bellowed. Josiah stood up and ran away.

Tabitha continued her dinner, uninterested at all.

That night.

After resting tonight, she would be looking for the winged men tomorrow morning.

Tabitha was assigned the best room in the village head's house. She laid on the bed, preparing to fight all she can in tomorrow's battle. She doesn't even use the effortless "illumination" to read her book, replaced instead by the oil lamp's light.

The noisy Sylphid stuck its head from the window, mumbling all sorts of things next to the Tabitha about to sleep "Aww~ awwwww~~ really want to drink some wine. A little, just a little bit of it. That way I can sing for Nee-sama. It's a joyous, beautiful melody. Lala, laaala"


"Huh. After all I'm just a gargoyle. Treating a wind ryhme dragon like a controlled gargoyle! This is too ridiculous! The most I can't stand is that just because people think I'm a gargoyle I'm allowed to speak as much as I want! The reason why I'm so noisy right now is all Nee-sama's fault. It's not my fault, no no. If in human language, I guess this would be 'self-inflicted trouble'! Speaking of which, that is really a weird thought. Does this mean that you harm yourself because of the things you do? But all things are decided by the great consiciousness. That's how we dragons think. Therefore? It's also the great consiciousness which is hurting itself. How terrifying" Mumbling all sorts of pointless talk, this really is annoying.

Even so, Tabitha managed to say silent. Sylphid reached her head over, licking Tabitha's face with its child sized tongue.

Unfortunately, the saliva drenched Tabitha like how she would be after running in the rain, her whole body dripping wet.

Wordless, Tabitha took out her hankerchief and rubbed cleaned her own face.

"Nee-sama, turn this way, accompany Sylphid" Just as Sylphid was about to beg like that,

Tabitha slammed her book shut.

Is she going to accompany Sylphid?


Sylphid also shut her mouth, not saying anything.

Tabitha reached for her staff next to her bed.

Someone outside the door was walking this way.

Who would it be?

From the door, a small, timid voice could be heard "It, it's me, Josiah"

The teen to obstructed Tabitha from casting her spell during the day.

"What is it?"

"I have something to talk to you"

"Wait til tomorrow"

"Please. I want to talk to you now"

Tabitha jumped off from bed and opened the door

Not know what to do, Josiah stood there trembling

"Come in"

Although Josiah made a scared cough when he saw Sylphid's head from the window, he went on and bowed politely before entering the room.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing you so late at night. I also know that it is very disrespectful to you."

"Your point is?"

"That, um, I hope you won't, hurt those winged men."

Tabitha shook her head.

"I beg you, please" Josiah kneeled at Tabitha's feet.

"It's my duty" Tabitha replied coldly.

"Please let me explain the situation to you"

Tabitha didn't say anything. Josiah began describing

"The winged people will construct nests on different trees according to the weather. Because it is spring, they have a larger family, that's why they constructed a big nest on the larger zelkova trees. Oh, since thay call it their nest, that's why I also call it the nest. But it's a very well made home."

Tabitha sat there motionlessly look at him. Josiah continued saying

"The winged men began living there around half a year ago. Actually we can still make a living not chopping those zelkova trees. It's because there are lots of other trees, we can always chop those ones. Only because zelkova trees can sell for much more, everyone made up this lie that the winged men affect our livelihoods."

"that's why you are driving the winged men away?" Sylphid helped along. Josiah nodded.