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In the not so deep cave keeping out the rain, after three days and nights, he finally saw someone besides himself.

The first inhabitant he saw of this world had short black hair and black eyes and had smooth brown skin.  The moment he saw that black hair, he forgot even how to speak.

Because it was the same color as his own.

He was surprised.  Do people with blackness exist as a matter of course in this world?

In the country he’d left behind, there was no one else besides him who had black hair and eyes.   Because of that, he was treated as a rarity.

They’re standing facing him from about ten steps away.  The child was staring motionless with eyes wide as if they were surprised as well.

He imagined that it was a child from their silhouette, but the growth of a person differed by area and species.  He couldn’t say so for sure.  If they’re a demon, they might already be an adult, but if they’re human, it wouldn’t be unthinkable that they were still being cared for by their parents.

But even those assumptions are from the country he’s left behind and they might not apply to the living beings on another planet.

When he started to call out, he realized it.

What should he say?  There’s no way the language he speaks will be understood.

While he was thinking that, the child quickly turned on their heel and ran away.

They’re fast.  With the speed of a healthy rabbit, their figure disappears in the distance.

He thought for a moment to give chase.

But he instantly gives up that thought.

The place where that child is returning to is definitely a town where people live.

But what would be the point of checking that out?  Before that, he needs to make sure to decide how to handle the things he brought with him to this world or make a final decision.

These abominable ‘boxes’ have the power to destroy the world.  The one good thing is that there are no keys in this world.  The boxes won’t open without the keys, so the menace that will bring calamity won’t be able to be released.

That being said, even though there aren’t any keys around, he can’t just leave the boxes here and move on.  Placing them in a shallow cave would make this too crude of a hiding spot.

He leaned against the entrance and waited.

Without even knowing what he was waiting for, he waited while gazing at the ocean on the other side of the plain.

That child from before might come back with adults or another inhabitant might wander by chasing after prey that escaped.

But even after waiting one night, the child didn’t come back and there was never a second person.

When nearly three days and nights passed again, a tall shadow appeared behind the bushes.

In order to not fail this time, he had decided on his first words beforehand.

It didn’t matter if they were understood or not.  He’ll greet them with the weather and the time.  If it’s morning, ‘It is a fine day, is it not?’  If it’s the afternoon ‘The sunlight is nice, is it not?’

After deciding that, the figure that appeared before him wasn’t the brown-skinned child or their parents, but a figure that wasn’t human shaped.

What came out of the bushes was a horse with a golden mane.

It was a beautiful animal shining in the sunlight.

“Come here.”

When he called out at first, the horse with the golden mane did not come near.  It looked at him uninterestedly from a spot where it could escape at any time.

“Come here…..”

He calls again, this time calling the name of a great man whom he will never see again.  Doing so, the horse approached him without any wariness and presses its wet nose to his chin.

He calls the name again and wraps his arms around the beautiful horse’s neck.  Pressing his wet cheek into the warm hide, he kept on repeating the name as if he were begging.

“Please give me strength.”

Eventually the horse will probably carry his belongings and allow him to start out on a new journey.

He’ll be able to do things that are impossible with one person’s strength alone and be able to carry out his mission with new companions.

He will move the forbidden boxes from this land and find somewhere safer.  Eventually he’ll find a place suitable to hide them and be rid of his abominable luggage.

At that time, his mission will be complete.

“So please lend me your strength.  I need your help.”

The horse he was embracing gave a small neigh and scuffed the ground with its sturdy hooves a few times.

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