Kara no Kyoukai:Chapter05 0

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  Autumn was short this year. 
  With November having passed and winter about to come, officer Akimi encountered a strange ghost story. 
  At a workplace which is second only to hospitals in people dying, there is no seasonal time for ghost stories. It is normal that such stories come up year-round with no end. 
  Naturally officer Akimi has become so that he wouldn't bat an eyelash at most stories, but this story was of a different level than others. Anyway, something was recorded in an official report that could only be interpreted as a ghost story. The reason that this story that no one would normally be interested in had gotten into his hands was that his love for mysteries was famous. 
  That event was concluded to be a false report put in by a robber who was wrong in the head. 
  The contents were rather simple. At the end of October, at a housing complex close to the heart of the city, there had been a robbery. The inhabitants of the house had been empty at the time, and among the more than 10 mansions in the complex, the robbed house had been the most high-class. 
   The robber was someone with a previous criminal record. He was not the type to plan beforehand, but rather someone who suddenly decided to take the opportunity when the house was empty. It is said that the robber went into an empty mansion, took a quick look around, and went into a house that looked like no one was home. 
   The problem was that a few minutes later, the robber ran to the nearest police station and asked for help. 
   The robber was in shock and couldn't explain properly, but he had found everyone in that home had been left dead. The policeman who was there followed the robber back to the house. However, contrary to what the robber had said, the members of the house were all alive and enjoying a nice family dinner. 
   The robber was perplexed, and when the policeman found out that he had broken into an empty house, he was arrested. 
   “What is this.” 
   Having briefly skimmed the report, officer Akimi muttered to himself on his squeaky chair. 
   It was definitely a strange story, but it really wasn't especially worth remembering. 
   The report said that the robber hadn't used alcohol or drugs, and there wasn't anything wrong with his mental condition. To get arrested while making a false report, it was definitely a rare event. 
   He didn't have time to waste on such a boring and closed case (it was a stretch to even call it a case). 
   Right now, he was as busy as he was 3 years ago. In fact, the current cases of disappearances was enough to make him suspect that this was the second coming of the case 3 years ago. It was not very well known, but since October, already four people had disappeared. It was getting more and more difficult to keep quiet the families of the victims. 
   In such a situation, he couldn't waste time with a story like this. He couldn't, but for some reason, it appealed to him. 
   Muttering to himself, he picked up the phone. The place he was calling was the station where the case had taken place. The phone was answered immediately, and officer Akimi started to ask detailed questions about the case. 
   Whether they had checked with the neighbors of the “family of corpses” the robber had mentioned, whether there had been any inconsistencies in the robber's description of the bodies. 
   As expected, the reply was that they had indeed checked with the neighbors and that besides the fact that it was completely false, there was nothing of note about the robber's description of the bodies. 
   He thanked the person and hung up. Just then, there was a noise behind his back. 
   “What are you doing, Daisuke. Hurry up, a second body has been found.” 
   “Already? By the way you say it, I'm assuming it was also left partly eaten?” 
   Officer Akimi stood up and quickly switched his train of thought. No matter how much this case bothered him, it was already a finished event and not something he needed to take care of urgently. 
   In this way, even officer Akimi who was known to be supremely eccentric forgot about this case.