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Revision as of 01:19, 11 February 2010



Cumulonimbus clouds stretched from the gleaming ocean into the cerulean sky.

Due to the sunlight’s reflection, the asphalt road that followed the shoreline sparkled with a white glow.

Beneath the railing, translucent waves could be seen rolling in. I think, it must be very comfortable to jump in. But right now, I am currently holding on to this phone.

“How’s it going on your side?”

I said, as I heard the nearly weeping voice of my colleague on the other end of the line – although she is just a colleague from work.

“Although there is an air-conditioner, it is still like hell. What about your side?”

“I thought as it is further north, it should be a little cooler, but in the end that is completely not so.”

Noto-peninsular’s summer, is really summer.

“That’s so disappointing –” a cheerful laugh came through the receiver.

“It’s actually even hotter than Tokyo instead, right?”


“But if there’s the sea, can’t you go swimming? It should feel completely different from swimming in a pool.”

“Yeah, that’s the theory. But that won’t do, there are 4 who can’t swim.”

Of all our members, one is currently hospitalized. As for the 3 others, due to their bodily injuries, it would probably hurt a lot if they bathed in seawater.

“What the heck is Bou-san doing, being so pathetic this time; he should just swim from the start.”

“They all look exhausted. Although their stitches were just removed, I’ve heard that they should still refrain from swimming. Because of lingering wrist pain, work is also cancelled. John is apparently already better, but – ”

“Poor things. I want to see them.”

“Are you coming?”

“If I’m sponsored I’ll go.”

“Ah? … Ha ha.”

“A-ah, I, from a poor family, have no sympathy. I hate myself for having dealt with all the clothes, cakes etc that were for visiting Bou-san in hospital.”

“Forget it, there’s no use regretting. This is the type of person you are.”

“You bastard. – What about boss?”

“He should be discharged in 2 to 3 days; we’ll know after his check-up today.”

“Mai – I think even if he isn’t hospitalized, boss still won’t put on a swimsuit and go swimming.”

“Yeah yeah.”

“Mai is lucky, you can look after him hand and foot.”

“What- whatever! Ayako and Masako are the ones that hover over him like a shadow!”

“If that’s the truth, then what are you doing every day?”

“I’m looking after Bou-san.”

“You’re so cunning!” Came an extra-loud voice from the receiver. I hurriedly pulled the receiver away from my ear. That bastard, why was she so loud.

“I’m joking; I’m currently doing my assignment.”

“What? Did you bring your homework there?”

“The lady at the hostel here sent it, and all the answers are correct. Furthermore, Yasuhara is here too.”

“Yasuhara broke his ribs; he couldn’t possibly bathe in the ocean, can he?”

“That’s of course. Thanks to you, like this I’ve gained a free-of-charge home tutor.”

“You bastard who doesn’t know manners in any situation – you’ll have to remember to treat me when you get back.”

“Yeah, it’s all right if it’s a stick of ice-cream.”

“You bastard who only knows how to bully me – just an ice-cream?!”

“Grr… you’re going to kill me?”

“Whatever, don’t you have a special subsidy? Just treat it as a special treatment for me; I will wait until your pay day.”

“Ha-ah, landlord-sama, thank you for your leniency.”

“Don’t be such a pain! I’m looking forward to that day. I’ll stop here today, we’ll chat another day!”

“Take care!”

“I’ll take care of the things at home; I’m leaving the casualties to you!”

“Yeah, bye-bye!”

Replacing the receiver, the green colored telephone ejected my phone-card and made a beeping sound. The cicadas, which were even louder than this, were also crying non-stop.

I, Taniyama Mai, am a second year high school student.

Why I, a student in a Tokyo high school, am here in Noto, would be half explained with work. Regardless, I still have a title as an investigator, even though I’m not capable of doing anything great.

With the arrival of the summer holidays, I had originally thought it’d be fun to travel far away from Tokyo to Noto. In the end casualties appeared continuously, and because of boss’s hospitalization, despite the end of the investigation we remained in Noto.

Too bad for the restaurant that we investigated to provide lodgings. Just like this I wandered around and waited for boss to be discharged, and before I knew it, half a month had already gone by, and my summer holidays ended just like this.

Coming out from the telephone booth, I was looking for shade while walking along the shore, when I heard the sound of a car horn.

Lifting my head I could see a common car moving slowly over.

“Ai? Are you here for hospital visitation?”

I could see the silhouettes of 3 people – a male and two females; it was a male who stuck his head out from the driver’s seat.


The fellow who appeared was the monk Takahashi mentioned – the Romeo Takigawa Hou-sou, aka Bou-san.

Originally of Mount Takano, his current job is apparently at some studio. Despite putting it like this, I haven’t encountered that side of Bou-san ever before. Although Takahashi had shown me many CDs printed with ‘Norio Takigawa’ on the cover, I’m still incapable of linking those two people together.

“Mai! Naru can be discharged. I’m going to pack the bags now, do you want to go too?”

“I’m coming!”

Actually, there’s completely no need for so many people to go to handle the discharge procedure. But Bou-san’s car is installed with an air-conditioner. Compared with walking back along the unbearably hot road, I’d definitely choose to take the car. Drive to the hospital, and then drive back. Hey hey, this is, of course, the most advantageous.

“The heat is killing me!” As I just sat down on the backseat, the woman beside me started speaking immediately.

“Are you an idiot? You still deliberately travel such a long distance on such a hot day to go to a phone booth to make a phone call.”

“But I have to call the office, and there are no public phones where we stay.”

“That shop can’t be heartless; you only have to ask to use the phone. Won’t that do?”

“Mai and Ayako are different; she is not brave, and borrowing other people’s phone to make long-distance calls isn’t too easy either. However, to run such a long distance to a phone booth to make a call isn’t a good idea either.”

It was a 10 plus minute walk from the lodgings.

“I rudely borrowed a phone from someone?”

“There’s no such thing. I think it’s Ayako who doesn’t know manners or perhaps her skin is thicker (tl/n: less easily embarrassed).”

“- Mai, tonight you must tell me fully what you said over the phone!”

“No way!” With that I punched Bou-san, but only lightly though.

Ayako is Matsuzaki Ayako. She’s a self-proclaimed Miko, but a Miko made up so garishly was beyond my imagination; she’s also very cool. Her personality is also very explosive. However, she donated a lot of clothes to the parentless me, who is unable to wear those high quality clothes. That’s why I say, she’s a sharp tongued, soft hearted big sister. She always says, “This clothing suits you very well, it doesn’t fit me” and what not. In a line, to be able to be with Ayako like this is also some sort of fate.

Ayako looked at Bou-san and I and couldn’t stop laughing secretly on one side.

Masako’s full name is Hara Masako. She is a medium who frequently appears on Wideshow and other similar programs. She, clearly, like me, is just the age of a high-school student, but the difference between us is so great, this fellow! She’s currently infaturated with the boss of ‘Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR)’ – our boss. I heard she cried because she had to go back to Tokyo to record a program.

“Apparently it was Naru who wanted to be discharged!”

“He requested to be discharged?” I turned back to look at Masako.

What in the world is he thinking of, that young master! Naru, who I’ve called ‘Naru’ from the first, and who I call ‘Naru-chan’ affectionately now, is our boss who opened his own offices in Shibuya at age seventeen. Towards the older people he always wears an apologetic look; his personality is also terrible. Summing it up it’s a look of supreme arrogance and omnipotence.

“If he’s so willful, he’ll die young.”

“Well said.”

“Forget it, it’s not like that fellow Naru’s willfulness started today.” Ayako opened her mouth to speak.

“And it’s not like he has to create trouble for others, furthermore it’s not only because there’s something wrong with his own body. If Naru does this then isn’t it not wrong?” Although the words are a little too much, they are indeed the truth.


“That body of his isn’t very study either; it’s better to pay a little more attention to the state of his body.”

“Naru’s weakness should be due to his use of Qi Gong, his previous hospitalizations were also due to this; if he doesn’t use Qi Gong, he should have any problems temporarily, should he?”

“As to this I don’t know, at first I even thought it was leukemia or something, it shocked me to death. So Qi Gong is Naru’s secret.”

“What illness, and it doesn’t have any symptoms… you’re talking about that soap opera from a few years back, right?”

Really, the number of secrets that young master has is really numerous; while it is a matter of course that one wants to keep things hidden, but…

I smiled. “Bou-san, why are you so quiet?”


“Normally you’ll talk when you’re driving.”

Bou-san glanced into the rearview mirror and smiled bitterly, “even I have times when I think about things!”

“I know. Are you thinking that because work is on temporary hiatus, your living expenses haven’t been dealt with yet?”

“Right right. And there’s the fuel cost for going back, what will I do… hey hey, there’s no such possibility, right?!”

“Is that wrong?”

“Hn, is money the only thing I can think about?”

“Speaking of which, Bou-san hasn’t been very energetic recently.”

“It’s not being unenergetic, it’s thinking about things; that’s very manly, right?”

“As if. This look doesn’t suit you at all.”

“You wench!”

“It’s unrelated, right? Tired yet?”

“Continuously babysitting children is exhausting; I’d consider myself to have experienced the sensation of a teacher leading a school tour – it’s just like Bou-san has been these few days.”

“Young children? Who is a young child here?”

“As for this – who do you think it is?”

Che~ That’s not cute at all.

But the kindhearted me, who had seldom seen Bou-san space out like this, was still worried. Furthermore, the investigation this time around was really exhausting, and Bou-san was even injured – he had 15 stitches on his back.

The other 2 people who remained in the lodgings were similarly injured.

Yasuhara, whose full name is Yasuhara Osamu. This spring, he breezed through his examinations with outstanding results, and is already a university student at a famous university. We encountered him because he had previously made a job request, in the end he became the muscle of the company. This time he even broke his ribs, and is still currently wearing a plaster cast. And during the long awaited relaxing summer break too! Sigh! Poor fellow!

The other is John, whose full name is John Brown. A priest from Australia, John had also endured many injuries – his body is covered with stitched up wounds. Although he isn’t as badly injured as Yasuhara and Bou-san, it is serious enough.

This was a rare visit to the seaside, but the 3 men couldn’t swim. Besides, if there were 3 females looking after Naru it were already more than enough. Just like this we gathered together every day to gossip, sigh! I can’t help feeling it’s a waste of this summer vacation.

Just as I was thinking this, the tall building could already be seen directly in front of us. The building that towered over the other buildings surrounding it was the hospital where boss is staying at.

Entering the verandah, I saw Lin-san at the reception area.

Lin-san’s name is Lin Koujo. Based on his name I think he should be a China man, or more precisely he was born in Hong Kong. I’m not sure whether to call him an investigator in Shibuya Psychic Research or the boss’s secretary. Ma~ He is just this type of fellow. Apparently he even knows Chinese Witchcraft techniques – this I know from the things he had done. He is an uncommunicative sort of character. As to why this type of person is working in SPR, I do not know.

Lin-san was making a payment at the reception.

“Yo, are you settling the bill and handling the discharge?” Although Bou-san was greeting Lin-san, his gaze was fixed at his hands.

As a poor person I also couldn’t help looking over. From a distance of 2 to 3 meters I could see a rather thick wad of cash; if it were only 3 or 5 notes, it shouldn’t look that thick; it should be the hospital fee from Naru’s family. If it’s like this, then he is, as expected, a young master from a rich family.

“Is he really getting discharged? Is he alright already?”

“Naru requested it himself.” Although his tone is still very cold, he is making a reply, and that’s an enormous improvement already. Recently I’ve been able to converse with Lin-san, although the conversations are all very short.

I secretly asked Ayako, “Ne, is hospitalization so expensive?”

Ah, Ayako nodded her head.

“Furthermore it appears that Naru doesn’t have insurance.”

- Gei, that fellow.

“Are you lying? Is that fellow paying the full fee out of pocket?” If he had brought along his insurance policy, if he had National Health Insurance, he would only need to pay 30%. That is to say, in reality the victim would only need to pay 30% of the bill, the country would shoulder 70%. If the doctor’s bill were 3000 yen, the actual fee would be 1000 yen.

“The cost of just a single bed is 10 000 a night. Without insurance, the treatment cost would add up to tens of thousands.” On that note, Ayako’s family runs hospitals.

“That’s really scary; clearly with health insurance it’d be decreased by a lot.”

“What about you? As for poor people, it’s still better to take good care of your body!”

“Mind your own business!”

Although Ayako’s words are quite brash, I know she is being concerned for me.

In the midst of our conversation, Lin-san had finished settling the bill, so we walked together towards the wards, and said farewell to the doorman whom we had already gotten familiar with.

The room labeled ‘Shibuya Kazuya’ was his room. After gently knocking on the door we opened it and entered. The patient wore a hospital gown and sat on the bed looking at documents. That document was a record for work – he’s a 17 year old workaholic.

Upon hearing Lin-san’s voice, Naru closed the file.


He looks like he’s in a very bad mood; his color is also very poor.

When Naru collapsed during the investigation, he nearly stopped breathing. Lin-san and Bou-san performed mouth to mouth resuscitation on him; the paramedics who rushed there had said he was in trouble, and he even entered the emergency room. It really made one feel he had a very narrow escape. He was already like that, is it really all right to get discharged now? If he hasn’t really recovered, the doctors should have stopped him from getting discharged.

Ayako brought the fruits that were prepared and went to greet the doctors and nurses; Lin-san packed the bags; Masako made tea; while I leaned against the wall looking on.

Despite this, in the end everyone still stayed behind.

Naru was hospitalized for 6 days. While it was a matter of course that Lin-san stayed behind to protect Naru, even the other fellows who should have had other jobs scheduled had also stayed behind. Could they possibly be that free – or were they concerned about Naru? He’s clearly a willful and secretive fellow.

But didn’t I also stay behind? As expected I still worry about this fellow.

The last time he was hospitalized he refused to accept visitors, but this time he didn’t say so, perhaps there is a reason on this side I can’t be sure. Originally we only came here because of the investigation; furthermore this time it was even more severe than the last, therefore we were this worried that we didn’t return first. Perhaps even Naru would feel insecure?

- This shouldn’t be possible.

I even thought he would be like the last time and unhesitatingly say “With you lot visiting I’m not able to sleep, you’re getting in the way!” Has his heart changed slightly, does he know gratitude now? – Sigh! Such a thing shouldn’t be possible.

I also don’t know whether Naru’s family knows of Naru’s hospitalization. During the period of his hospitalization not once have I seen a visiting relative. Under normal circumstances, if the son is hospitalized, the mother would come at least. Yasuhara’s well tempered mother had come. But no one from Naru’s family came; it’s like they weren’t contacted at all. Thinking about it, it’s quite incomprehensible.

Naru’s father is apparently a University Professor, a researcher in the paranormal. But is there this type of teachers in University? While his mother is apparently around, as to what type of person she is I don’t know, but I don’t think she’s a normal mother. Otherwise she’d definitely be very angry to see her son not attend school and open a psychic research company instead.

- But… up till now she hasn’t appeared in the hospital.

I don’t know if they are unaware of Naru’s hospitalization? Such a possibility shouldn’t exist, right? Even if they silently accept their son’s suspicious behavior of starting a company to be a ghost hunter, but he hasn’t returned for such a long period of time, could they possibly not think it strange?

It’s really such a puzzle!

Where is his home? What type of home is his home like? Does he have brothers? As to Naru’s situation, there’s nothing that I know of. Even I have started feeling frustrated; he is really an exceedingly secretive person.

“Naru-chan, can we send these things away?”

“Have you forgotten anything? Have you said goodbye to the doctors?” I smiled.

At a time like this everyone was like a temporarily put together family.

Bou-san is the father, Ayako is the mother, Lin is the picky grandfather. The broadminded eldest son and the steady, reliable second son are John and Yasuhara. The carefree and precocious daughters are me and Masako. And Naru is the willful youngest son (although he is slightly older than me). Look, it’s really very suiting.

“You’re still grinning stupidly by yourself over there; hurry up and help out!” My head was knocked a few times – it was Bou-san.

“Put this in the car.”

“Got it, Dad!”

“Haah??” I smile secretly as it’s a secret! I’m not telling you, Bou-san!

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