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<!--Translated by Timo from simplified Chinese version translated by 任雷劈 on www.wenku8.cn-->
<!--Translated by Timo from simplified Chinese version translated by 任雷劈 on www.wenku8.cn-->
==Chapter 1: Ex-Girlfriend Suddenly Leaves, Leads to Mayhem==
==Chapter 1: The runaway Ex-Girlfriend leads to Mayhem==
<ref>The title can imply that the "runaway" can be run rampant</ref>

Revision as of 07:24, 20 March 2014

Chapter 1: The runaway Ex-Girlfriend leads to Mayhem


Oreshura v06 023.jpg

Regardless of everything, the second semester started.

Tomorrow’s classes before noon are all changed into assessment test. This is different from the usual semester tests, there is no specified “the test is from page xxx of your textbook to page xxx” syllabus, and the questions are set to make us think hard, in order to test our real potential.

After eating bento from the convenience store as dinner, I wanted to start studying in the room—but I can’t concentrate no matter what. My sight slipped away from the book while I was reading the summer classes’ notes.

“Hime, how will it turn out….”

I lied on the chair, massaging my temple with my eyes closed.

The thing that happened today is still in my mind——Hime’s defeated face.

Although Saeko-san saw through us as “fake” before, that time Hime never doubt us like Chiwa or Fuyuumi did. She is an innocent girl who rarely doubts people.

I have been deceiving all along that innocent Hime.

It's weird to feel it at this stage of the game, but I still feel guilty.

Will Hime still look at our fake relationship as if nothing happened? Or will she tell somebody because she can’t hold it in anymore for some reason?

“……maybe taking the responsibility before it comes to that would be the best choice……”

As I was muttering, I received a message.

It was from Masuzu.

Subject: I’m sad.

Right now, I am pressured by a very very strong sense of guilt.

Using such a dirty way to silence Akishino-san.

I’m useless. I’m Natsukawa Kuzuzu.[2]

“Kuzuzu? That's surprisingly hard to read.”

Just like a team full of useless people, Natsukawa Kuzuzu……thinking of getting attacked by nine poison-tongued Masuzu, it’s depressing.

Let’s just reply her “I’m also depressed.”

After a few minutes, I received another message.

Subject: It’s painful

Aaah, Is there is someone who could come to hug me right now?

It that someone would be someone close to me, monyo.

Someone like a kind boyfriend monyonyo.

“……Her true desires are showing at the end of her sentences……”

What’s with this woman, doesn’t she need to worry about grades before exams?

Although I don’t know when she studies, her results are surprisingly good. I remember at the first semester’s semester exam, her results are in the top thirty. Maybe her brain—is what people known as “a natural”.[3]

Sadly, I’m not such a person. If I was that type, my results would’ve been good since I early childhood. Although I feel this is unfair, complaining wouldn’t raise my results.

It won't do before exams—— once I replied, Masuzu sent another grumbling monyomonyo text. But today, I can’t back down, after replying “I’ll accompany you next time”, she let me off for once.

“Uaah, it’s already this late.”

Although there was no progress in my studies, it’s already eleven in the night. If it’s usual it should be my sleep time, but looks like I need to stay up late tonight.

“Okay, let’s work harder.”

I recited my “three laws” I pasted on the wall loudly.

  • Studying comes first!
  • No romance! Love is very dangerous!
  • But don't let others believe I'm gay.

I thought after I finished reciting.

The only one I managed to uphold was the third one……

Originally I planned to follow the first one, but with all the activities in Jien-otsu, I can’t follow it perfectly.

About the second…it’s already completely broken. Let's not even speak about 'having nothing to do with love', It’s like love is chasing all out after me.

Perhaps having been misunderstood as gay would have been better.

Maybe Chiwa and the rest would have given up if they thought that my preference was males.

“Perhaps I should ask Kaoru about this.”

If he knows I have such a troubled story, maybe he would be my “boyfriend”. An eye for an eye, a fake boyfriend for a fake boyfriend.

…….no, it won't do.

Let’s not talk about me, but Kaoru will have to face being talked behind his back. No matter how popular and nice Kaoru maybe, if news of him being homosexual goes out, he might not be able to continue with his high school life.

As I was thinking about such random things, the night crept deeper.

The only thing I can do now is study.

Holding my pencil tightly, excluding all other thoughts, I started doing English test questions.

“Ei-kun, I say Ei-kun.”

The me who fell asleep on the table was waked up by Chiwa in her uniform.

I can’t remember what time I slept. There’s a pile of drool o the notebook, all the vocabulary and grammar I learned over the summer looks like drowned worms.

“You can’t do this, you have to sleep on the bed. Or else you will catch a cold?”

“Right now it still feels like summer, nothing will go wrong.”

I wiped of my drool with my arm. The sunlight that shined through the window is strong, looks like it will be another hot day.

“I brought mom’s sandwich, do you want some?”

“Oh, thank you—“

“I’ll wait for you, come down faster.”

After I changed into my uniform, a good smell came from the living room. Warm milk and Chiwa’s mom handmade sandwich was on the table, looking delicious. From small I liked Chiwa’s mom egg sandwich, the sourness and crunchiness of the onions is irresistible.

As I was eating breakfast with Chiwa, I asked her the thing that was on my mind the entire day yesterday,

“Did you guys met up when I wasn’t there?”

Chiwa’s hand which was reaching to the sandwiches stopped immediately.

“Wh, Why do you bring this up now? And who does that 'you guys' refer to?”

“Isn’t that obvious? The maiden's club from the of Jien-otsu.”

“Oh yeah—— It's not like I can say 'no' to that...... maybe?”

Chiwa shifted her eyes embarrassingly.

“Just what did you guys spoke about?”

“Nothing much—— you know, the usual girls talk—— fashion accessories, gossips on relationship going on in our school—— I think Ei-kun will find that type of talk boring——?”


When Chiwa drags the last syllable, she is always hiding something.

“But, Ei-kun, this I can tell you.”


“The maidens from the Jien-otsu get along the best, and we can unite together!”

For some reason Chiwa’s chest puffed with pride.


“Eh! What do you mean by repulsive?”

“Don’t you guys always fight when you’re together? Especially you and Masuzu.

“That’s why I say, it’ll be different from today onwards! We’ll get along the best——okay?”

Chiwa smile looked a bit unnatural.

Masuzu and Hime also said the same thing yesterday. Something definitely happened between these four people when I’m not with them.

“Why did you ask this, Ei-kun?”

“……nothing, I just felt curious about it.”

I can’t tell her my conversation yesterday with Masuzu and Hime, so I just simply covered it up.

“Ei-kun, can I ask you something as well?”

“Sure, what?”

“If you cannot say it, you can choose not to answer……”

Chiwa hesitated, which she rarely does, and said with her eyes unfocused.

“Just now when I was using your kitchen, I saw the wall behind the dishes rack have serious looking scratches, what happened?”

Ah, that?

Because I don’t want to remember it, I moved the rack to cover it during summer. I completely forgot about it before this.

“That is the result of a couple’s fight. About last spring, my mom threw plates at my dad, and this is what it left.”

“……sounds like a fierce fight……”

“That time they fought over “Half of the money we used to bought this house is from my family!”, “Only because I asked a contractor I knew we could get it at such a cheap price!” and things like that, so ruining the house is really funny.”

Just thinking about it is bad enough.

Letting such people dominate my life, I really hate this.

I must absolutely become someone who runs his own life, I will not let the same situation happen where I dance to the tune of those love-struck mind types.

“Also, Ei-kun.”


Chiwa shifted her body uncomfortably, stared at me with her eyes upwards.

“I think Ei-kun’s parents are special cases.”


“Although there are still a lot of couples or lovers with bad relationship, there are also some more who are not.”

“That much, I understand.”

While I gave that out, I feel as if my true heart was not revealed on that answer.

After all I’m am anti-love——— just where is this "perfect relationship”? I do feel some disdain for that topic.

Although the cause was my parents separating, but recently I feel there is more to it. I can understand it just by looking at Masuzu. I am the same as her, as if there’s something more twisted in our hearts.

As to what that is, I don’t know myself.

Chiwa tried to lighten the atmosphere by changing the topic.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore. Have you been eating good recently, Ei-kun? Why is there only food from the convenience store in the rubbish bin?”

“Still okay.”

I don’t feel like making food when I’m alone, so I just ate simple.

“That won't do! Lack of sleep and nutrition, your body will wear out soon. You have to sleep and eat properly.”

“I know, just shut it.”

Without noticing, my voice turned unpleasant.

Chiwa lowered her eyelid sadly.

“I’m really, really worried about you…”


These eyes, are eyes that when you’re really hurt.

“I apologize, I said too much, I'm at fault.”

Chiwa shook her head.

“I don’t mind it at all, but you have to take better care of yourself. If you ruin your own body, you can’t perform in studies or club activities. Even if you have to sleep late, at least eat well, okay?”

Umm——. I let Chiwa worry about my diet.

Somehow, it's our roles have reversed.

“Ah, it’s about time we leave.”

Chiwa stood up and started cleaning the table. I look at the time……Uooh, this is bad, I wanted to go to school earlier to study for the test, but ended up at leaving at the same time.

I left home with Chiwa. When we met the students who were also rushing to school, at the school gate, I saw a familiar back.

Shining under the Sun is the black hair, bouncing around on her back.

It’s Hime.

But it’s different from usual.

She had a long thing strapped on her back, covered with a purple cloth, the thing inside unknown. Which class would need that kind of stuff?

“Himecchi, did you got hurt?”

Like what Chiwa said, Hime’s left arm was bandaged. But the work quality was bad, the end part of the bandage flapped in the wind, however I look it was made by an amateur.

“But it seems weird, if it’s a fracture or sprain you have to use a cast to fix it in place, is it a burn?”

Chiwa, who had experience in injury, tilt her head in wonder—— However I have some idea about this issue.

The reason for those meaningless bandages.

That huge thing strapped to her back.

……I can think of why this might be.

“Wait there, that first year!”

Hime wanted to go into the school earlier than us, but was stopped by the disciplinary duo who was in charge of promoting the “Greet others campaign”. They were also there when Fuyuumi wanted to shut down the club, the third year with the ponytail, and the second year with the glasses.

But Hime didn’t look at them, and wanted to walk away.

“Hey, you, wait up!”

Ponytail-senpai wanted to grab Hime’s left shoulder.

Hime instantly evaded, open her arms, stood on one leg and striked the pose—

The pose of the eagle.

“Don’t touch my sword! Do you want to get possessed by a dragon curse?”

I suddenly feel sweat rolling down.

Hime and ponytail-senpai started pushing each other, the other students all stopped to watch what happened.

Chiwa ran towards them, and grabbed Hime from behind and pulled her away.

“Calm down, Himecchi! What happened to you?”

“Don’t get near to me, human! ku……I can’t! I can’t suppress the, the urge, to, kill!”

Hime shook of Chiwa, fell to the floor and started rolling around, and knocked her forehead on the sign which had the school name. She fell quite beautifully, and voices expressing “Ohhh—” rang around us.

I ran to her wanting to if she’s okay, but Hime instantly stood up, her forehead still red.

“I said don’t come close to me, I can’t guarantee your safety, Villager A-ta.”

“Vil, villager?”

She won't call me the Burning Fighting Fighter—— I say this, I remember it well. Right, previously, to make Hime hate me I made myself “Villager A who was given the memory of being the Burning Fighting Fighter”, but the effect was the opposite of what I hoped.

“Right now I’m not Burning Prin Princess—|

Hime started swinging the stick on her right hand, ah that’s dangerous, Chiwa and me stood back three steps to evade it.

“I’m the blood-stained crazy fighter ‘Burning Prin Princess • Genocide mode’! An!”

Once the swinging stick hit the gate, Hime gave out a cute scream and let go. Her hand was probably numb by the impact, what a weak warrior.

“What, what do you mean by genocide? What do you want to do with that stick!”

Ponytail-senpai had sweat on her forehead, and asked Hime with her legs slightly shaky.

“Hmph! Only the sword knows the fate of the sword……that’s right, only this “Raijin Slayer” knows.”[4]

Hime picked up the fallen stick, and suddenly held it with both her hands into the air. Her voice doesn’t seem firm, could it be because the character is not complete yet?”

“Be careful, Wyverns. Right now I won’t be as soft as before, because I had thrown away my kind heart, and exchanged it with the powerful Genocide mode!”

“Don’t be stupid! You will affect your future like this!”

“This mode’s power is ‘lightning’, it can release a power equivalent to twelve times the power of a thunder in this world in a single strike!”

“Then you can work in the electrical company, can’t you?”

What a good senpai, guiding Hime so seriously.

There are a lot of people around the two, almost every students stopped to watch.

After a while, someone opened a road through the crowd easily like Moses—— Fuyuumi is finally here.

“Wait, just what is happening here?”

“Well, I also want to ask that.”[5]

Why today, out of all days, the chuunibyou worsen?”

Also, Hime’s embarrassing moves, usually only appear in front of us. I heard she was quiet and does not stand out in Class 2, and she isn’t the kind of people to make such decorated performance.

What happened to her today then?

It’s just like letting go of something in front of the crowd——— no, it’s like giving up on herself.

“Anyway, Hime-chan, give me that stick!”

Her master, Fuyuumi, came close, and Hime held her Raijin Slayer close while moving back.

“Sorry master, I already cannot return to the usual peaceful life.”

“What are you saying, you think you would become popular with that kind of thing?”

Chuunibyou vs. Love-struck mind, despite being an interesting match up, but since it's Hime I can’t leave myself out of this.

“Whatever, just give it to me!”

“No. A human won't be able to handle this sword.”

They both started pulling at the stick, so the purple cloth covering it loosen, and the thing inside came out, it’s a fish pole. I don’t know what it will do against the Wyverns, but looks like It can catch a lot of eels.

Because the cloth came off, Hime and Fuyyumi who was pulling at it fell almost together. Fuyuumi, who was pulling harder, knocked her head on the electrical pole, and made a huge sound, it sounds kind of painful.

Hime manage to escape because she was weaker, stood up earlier before Fuyuumi who was pressing on her head in pain. She looked at Fuyuumi apologetically———— but she immediately look down, picked up her fish pole and cloth, and walked towards the school gate.

“Hi, Hime-chan! Wait! Listen to what I'm saying!”

Fuyuumi finally stood up with some effort, but her voice didn’t reach Hime.

“What could have happened to Himecchi?”

Chiwa tilted her head, looking disturbed.

In the crowd looking at the drama, I saw Masuzu. She was looking at Hime’s back with a troubled look.

Looks like things are going in an unexpected direction.

Translator notes and references

  1. The title can imply that the "runaway" can be run rampant
  2. くず is trash, Masuzu replaced ます(真) of her name into “くず”
  3. the expression he uses is like "it(knowledge) comes naturally to them"
  4. Raijin means Dragon God
  5. this Keita
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