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Status: Incomplete

The following morning.

When I awoke, Masuzu's beautiful face was before my eyes.


In light blue pajamas, she was straddling over my stomach and gazing down at me. Her hanging silver hair brushed across her cheeks.

"W-What are you doing? Masuzu-san."

"I was looking at the sleeping face of the man who has deceived me."


"I was going to kill you."


Even though she was saying something really heavy, Masuzu's face was calm.

It's a complete change from her crestfallen expression yesterday, and it seemed now like she was possessed by some evil.

"You should have slept a little longer. I was going to return you the favor on your sneak attack last night.

"Sneak attack?"

Aah, she must have meant the kiss on stage.

"But, in the first place, you were the one who told me to kiss you."

"I didn't tell you to do it in front of so many people. We didn't even discuss and rehearse on it."

"I didn't have a choice right. There was no time for that."

Besides, if we had discussed about it, there was no way it could have turned out that way. It would have probably become an anxious, stammering and stumbling, unnatural confession.

It was a kiss done without any rehearsal, leaving it to the flow of things.

"Just to make sure, I need to verify something."

While still riding on me, Masuzu's face closed in.

"Your confession was a total act right? You didn't really fall for me right?"

"...... that's obvious isn't it?"

Her face came peering into me just inches away, and I averted my gaze.

"I really hate you. Once you return my notebook, we'll go our separate ways. Regardless of how beautiful your face may be."

"--- I see."

Masuzu's eyes narrowed, and her face came even closer.

"You're acknowledging that I have a beautiful face?"

Her sweet breath fell onto my nose. I was feeling faint.

"Hey, am I really that beautiful?"

"...... d-don't say something something like a fellow with a lovestruck mind."

Masuzu giggled.

"Say, if Harusaki-san's beauty points amount to 1, how much would mine amount to? Hey hey."

"A-Are you really asking that!? You really have an extraordinary bad personality!"

Upon saying that, Masuzu acknowledged that by puffing out her chest in an unapologetic way.

"Didn't you say it last night as well? My personality is the most horrid. That I am ill-natured, shameless, insolent, impudent, brazen, vulgar, always humiliating, scorning, mocking, speaking ill of others and demeaning others, and."

"Did I go to that extent!? Wasn't I much more lenient than that!?"

She could actually speak that badly of herself. Well done.

"Stuck up, arrogant, willful, absurd, full of nonsense, unreasonable, pathetic, tragic, wretched --- and also, a girl who loves you very much."


"Remember it well, Eita. Your 'girlfriend' is such a woman."

...... now, the last part was fake right?


"By the way, the last part on 'a girl who loves you very much' is the most tragic of all."

"Why!? Why is loving me tragic!?"

"That's obvious right. To follow you to the place of Mayhem where 2 x childhood friends + ex-girlfriend are at, there's nothing more tragic than that."


I can't dispute that!

Following that, in a covering fashion, she collapsed onto me. In between the cotton blanket, she pressed against me, and consequently, I came to know her exact body shape.

"Eeita ♪"


This woman, where did that voice come from?

Did I hear it wrongly? It was like the voice of a lovely girl......?

"Uwufufu. Eita. Eeiitaa. Such a wonderful person, is my boyfriend. Fufufu."

"...... Ma,"

Masuzu is broken! She's finally broken!

No wait,

"T-This is also an act right? You're faking it right?"

Masuzu then looked up,

"That's obvious right? Do you think I'll seriously do such a loathsome 'flirtatious lovey dovey' act? Please don't insult me."

"Y-yeah, so true. Aah, I was surprised."

"Jeez. Eita gets so easily deceived."

"Hahaha, I got fooled."

"I also love this about Eita."


Masuzu, while lying on me and hugging me, started rubbing her cheeks against my chest.

As if she was rubbing a scent into my body, she kept rubbing. And consequently, the bed creaked.

Just like that time in the bus.

The only thing different from then was that her body was glued to mine, and my entire body was shaking left, right, up, and down, what's this geez, jeez, aah --- things are becoming real strange!

"M-Masuzu-san? What are you doing all this while?"


"Am I still in elementary school!"

"Breathe with your gills."

"Am I a fish! I'm asking you what's all the cheek rubbing for!"

"Aah this? This is --- 'Mo-nyo-mo-nyo'."

My head went blank.

"............ m-mo-nyo?"

"Yeah, mo-nyo-mo-nyo. It's very good for health."

Masuzu's eyes were sparkling,

"I've always had a frail body up till elementary school. Even for school lunches, I was the last to finish, for track sprints, I was also the last. I always got melancholic when the annual autumn sports meet came, and as the day drew near, I would hang the Teru Teru Bozu upside down. At that time, I chanced upon the 'Mo-nyo-mo-nyo'. Just by doing it five minutes of this exercise in the morning upon waking up and in the night before sleeping everyday, day after day, my stamina gradually increased, my appetite came, my waist became narrower, and even my luck with money was getting better, and I was so much healthier than before. Even now, my friends and relatives have recommended to continue with it."

"...... raising your luck with money is quite impossible......"

"Just my humble opinion."

"Aah, then say that at the beginning!"

"By the way, frankly, a person who experiences Mo-nyo-mo-nyo has an eighty-seven percent chance of getting pregnant afterwards."

"That's a lie, that's just not possible!"

"Just my humble opinion."

"That's not an opinion, it's clearly your imaginatiooooooooonnnnnnnnn!"

It was too much a comeback line that my throat went hoarse.

As I was gasping for breath, Masuzu snuggled up to me.

"Hey, Eita."

"...... what?"

"Coming to the beach and staying overnight with a boyfriend, mucking and flirting around in the morning on the bed, all that make me feel as if my body is rotting from the core."

"Yeah, totally."

While listening to the sound of waves, we exchanged such idle talk that can be said to downright completely useless.

There was nothing to be gained, nothing of value to obtained from speaking or listening to it.

However, as to whether I dislike that or not ---.

Masuzu hit both my cheeks with her hands,

"Rotting and returning to the earth with you, may not sound like a bad idea."


What did she mean by that?

Did she mean she was going to give up on being anti-love?

At that moment.

"Eita, are you awake?"

After a knock on the door, I could hear Saeko-san's voice call out to me.

Seems like today is her 'awaken mode'.

"Stay quiet", I told Masuzu with my eyes and then replied,

"I-I'm awake. What's up?"

"I came to see you before going back to the office. There's something I need to talk to you about, can you come down for a while?"

"Alright. I'll be right there."

After waiting for a while for Saeko-san's presence to disappear completely,

"Masuzu, go back to your own room."

"I wonder what Auntie wants to talk about?"

"Who knows......"

I was quite sure it's about the contest yesterday though.

Masuzu's shoulders drooped,

"I didn't manage to win the contest after all. Perhaps, she really has no intention of accepting me as your girlfriend."

Quite frankly, even as her family, I didn't know either.

I wonder how Saeko-san took what had happened yesterday.

"Well, at any rate, I'll be going."

"Will it be ok? Shall I come along?"

I said to the Masuzu who was looking at me anxiously.

"Trust your 'boyfriend', would you?"

"--- hn, got it."

Be careful, Masuzu whispered into my ear and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

...... ermmmm.

Somehow, somehow, you know.

I myself no longer knew whether I was a fake or not......

Status: Incomplete

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Translator's Notes and References

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