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===Part 2===
===Part 2===
Rebecca stood on Cú Chulainn’s neck heroically, but Ash, Silvia and Jessica are struggling to cling on in its fur.
Because Max was almost out of breath, he was left behind in the Student Council’s office. The other reason is that when an emergency situation occurs, it would not be appropriate to leave the office empty.
In the end, there is no need for such a large group of people to march forth to the scene. As long as Rebecca is dealing with it personally, she is sure to come up with the most appropriate solution.
However, after Rebecca and Ash jump on Cú Chulainn, a strange thing had happened. Silvia and Jessica also stepped on the window and jumped.
After giving a wry smile, Rebecca immediately change back to her serious looks.
"Send us to the Merk house!"
After receiving Rebecca’s orders, Cú Chulainn made an earth shattering roar and spread its wings.
Ash and the rest just felt a floating sensation and a strong pressure. But in a blink of an eye, the Merk house which is a twenty minutes
walking distance away is right in front of them.
The Merk house was designed as the accommodation for the basic class female students.
Unsurprisingly, outside the dormitories was packed with many girls. They should be the ones who escaped after they found out about the smoke.
After they saw Rebecca who jumped down from Cú Chulainn, the girls screamed. The Student council president Rebecca Randall has always been
regarded as an idol by the low-grade students.
"We are from the student council! Is the warden here?"
After Rebecca stated her name loudly, an old lady walk towards her.
"Is Lukka still in her room?"
Rebecca quickly asked and the warden nodded.
"That’s right. The other students had called her for several times, but she didn’t respond......"
According to the warden, the conclusions are as follows-
Not long ago. The students living on the same floor as Lukka discovered smoke coming out from her room. If such an event occurred in the
advance class dormitory, the advance class students should have a way to calmly handle it.
However, the lower class students who was still mentally immature, was shocked by the unexpected events. Their fear spread like an epidemic and it finally become a commotion.
Warden said that she had a headache by just trying to get panicked girls to safety. Logically speaking, she had should have the spare key to
open Lukka’s room to confirm, but she was busy with some other stuffs.
The warden who finished speaking handed over the silver keys to Rebecca.
"This is the spare key to Lukka-san’s room.”
"I understand. Please stay here and take care of the students."
After she held the key, she started to run. Ash and the rest also follow Rebecca from behind. On the way there, Ash asked Rebecca.
"Rebecca-san...... I would like to ask what kind of problem the girl named Lukka Saarinen is facing."
Perhaps this is not an important enough question for them talk while running. But even the calm Rebecca after she heard Lukka’s name, even
mobilize Cú Chulainn to rush to the Merk house. It means that the situation right here is not some small matter.
"She is now being severely tortured because she as a Dragner lost her ability to ride her pal...... although she gave excuses like being
unwell; in fact the problem is much more serious. Since she was unable to ride her pal, she sheltered herself in her dormitory. Recently, there were many students who began to show concern about Lukka’s problem."
"I see......"
It is not rare for a breeder to unable to ride his Pal. For example, illness, injury, etc and many strange things could be the reason. At the school assemblies, "That rumor" that Raymond said should be this.
“Don’t tell me that because that she couldn’t ride, and thus…”
An ominous possibility brushed through Ash mind.
"That's not impossible ...... no one can guarantee anything, that’s why I’m so anxious."
After finishing this sentence, Rebecca kept silence. The group of people rushed into the dorm, walked through the hallway and climbed the
Soon, Rebecca stopped in front of a door. It was located on the end of the corridor on the third floor.
The name list beside the door has only the name Lukka Saarinen. The basic class dormitory are generally a three person bedroom, it appears
that she is living alone.
Leaving the question aside, the main focus is on the source of the smoke.
In fact, some visible white smoke can be seen floating out from the cracks of the door.
Compare to the big commotion, the amount of smoke only be regarded as insignificant.
"Lukka! Answer me!"
Rebecca knocked on the door, but there still isn’t any response from inside.
"I’m going to open the door!"
Rebecca put the key in the keyhole. With some 'rattle' sound of metal, the door unlock. Once the door was opened, the white smoke pouring
into the corridor.
Rebecca's followed behind by Ash entered the room. Most of the smoke drifting into the corridor after the door was opened.
Ash looked around the room.
The room was cramped with all kinds of dryied plants, which does not look like a girl's room. To force a description, this is more like a
pharmacist’s workroom.
To Ash surprised, apart from the furniture that the dormitory provide, the room is also with some working table. It should have been Lukka’s
private property.
In the center of the room, there is a low round table, which is also a design that cannot be seen in the Knight Country and the Kingdom.
In addition, a surprising number of flower pots also made the others curious. There were traces of flower pots from the side of the wall to
the window side. Each flower pots was planted with plants that Ash had never seen before.
The reason why she can have this amazingly large number of personal belongings in a room is that she is using a room for three alone.
Although there is double bed and a single bed by the wall, but they were used to place her stuffs.
Just when Rebecca shouted in the room’s owner’s name......
Ash was shocked by what he saw.
A girl suspected to be Lukka was lying in the middle of the room.
The problem I, Lukka’s body was lying in a container that looks like a coffin. At the base of the container was covered with a layer of soft
flowers. Her hand were also folded on her chest.
The only word that can use to describe Lukka was- it was her remains. <ref>this sentence is originally short and made is seems like it is a
dead body</ref>
"It can’t be......?"
Silvia and Jessica rush pass Ash who was muttering towards the side of the coffin.
After witnessing Lukka’s appearance, Silvia and Jessica froze.
At this point ......
Followed by a cute yawn, the body slowly sat up.
Even though it had a sleepy look, Ash was almost scared out of his live.
She is like a Yōsei from the fairy tales.
Her whitish gold straight hair is at shoulder length. Beneath the neatly trimmed fringes is a pair of amethyst like mysterious watery big
shining eyes.
Her skin is like white porcelain skin, which normal whiteness cannot be compared with. On the surface, she looked like an exquisite doll. Her
petite high is no difference from Eco. But she gave a feeling of a dreamy easily breakable object, which is different from the lively Eco.
The most important feature, are those protruding ears that can be seen outside of her beautiful hair. Even the tip of her ear was pointy. Ash
ad long ago heard about the existence of this race, but until today, it was the first time he actually saw one.
"...... Anything?"
Facing a group of stunned people, Lukka while speaking with a clear voice, lazily looked at the faces around.
===Part 3===
==References and Translation Notes==
==References and Translation Notes==

Revision as of 06:18, 25 June 2013

Status: Incomplete

20% completed (estimated)


Chapter 2 - Rebecca's Dangerous Command

Part 1

After class, Ash anxiously went to the student council’s office.

Even though he was worried about Eco who stay in the dorm for the entire day, but he insisted that he must speak to Rebecca face to face.

"Excuse me!"

Without even a knock on the door, Ash walked into student council’s office.

Just as he expected, Rebecca was in the office. She was sitting on the couch comfortably drinking her cup of tea. The sweet aroma of the

Ansal tea can be smelled. Apart from Rebecca, there were no other students in the office.

"Hai, Ash. I had expected that you’ll show yourself."

Seeing Ash rushed into the room, Rebecca smile.

"What is that about? Why even I, with those kinds of results can also participate in the selective training camp ......"

"Don’t you worry, please have a sit first before we start talking."

Ash unwilling sat down opposite to Rebecca. Upon seeing this, Rebecca suddenly patted the empty space next to her.

"Didn’t I tell you before that is more effective to get to know each other when two people are sitting next to each other? This is the iron rule when dating."


Although his current mood has nothing to do with dating, but Ash obediently sat next to Rebecca. A refreshing can be smelt. It was the perfume that Rebecca loves to use.

After Rebecca place down her cup, she look at Ash. Her emerald-like eyes were reflecting Ash's face.

"Are you so concerned about yourself being selected?"

"Of course, I don’t know why I was even chosen......"

The Specially Recommended System was only adopted this year. It was evaluated by the student council president, so I choose you. It is just as simple as this. But-

Saying this, Rebecca showed her tongue. This is the first time Ash saw Rebecca’s playful look. That cute look made his heart beats faster.

"To tell the truth, the person who suggested the Specially Recommended System is me."

"What!? What is your purpose?"

Seeing Ash was dumbfounded, Rebecca with a calm attitude placed her hand on his lap, gently stroked his knee. Not only that, her mouth was getting closer to Ash’s ear.

Rebecca's breath at his earlobe, which made Ash shivered.

"Are you forcing me to tell you personally? Of course, it is to allow you to participate in training camp!"

"W-Why ......?"

"By following the previous selection method, an irregular like you will surely not be selected. But you are with a genuine talent. To even have the incredible power of riding other people’s pal...... and to have a special pal is also a fact. Additionally, you defeated the Necromancia and ‘Avdocha the Convict’. That is why, I am insist in letting you to participate in the training camp, The Specially Recommended System is use to accomplish this task. "

"So it is really...... for me?"

Ash was staring at Rebecca’s beauty.

Am I thinking too much? There is the feeling of Rebecca’s cheeks also turned red.

"That ...... Until now, I never fell in love with any particular boy."


"Because no matter how good is that boy, he can never be on the same position as me."

If these words were from the mouth another girl, she may sound arrogant. But since it was Rebecca, it will be another story. After all, she is the unique Ark-Dragner.

"But whenever I see you...... Stranger to say, I am always looking forward to it. I've never had these feelings. Maybe...... I am easily attracted to 'hidden talents'."

Ash was surprised that even there were times when Rebecca stutter. Moreover, she looked like she doesn’t know how to deal with her feelings.

“W-What you mean...... is it?"

Ash's heartbeat is almost at its peak.

Rebecca as if leaking her secret, uttered that sentence.

"Can I expect it from you?"

Despite feeling flattered, Ash still had the urge to tightly hug Rebecca. This is the first time Ash had this kind of feelings for Rebecca.

Their shoulders leaned closely together. No, it was done intentional by Rebecca. Since the summer uniform is made from thin material, Ash was able to clearly feel Rebecca's body temperature. Maybe summer uniforms also have its advantages...... This is the first time Ash thinks so.


Just when Ash was quietly murmuring like he was dreaming-


The door was suddenly opened with a loud sound. Meanwhile, two girls who lost their balance plunged into the office.

With a closer look, the two were Silvia and Jessica.

Ash quickly got up from the couch.

"What are you doing!?"

"I-It is not me! It was Jessica who suddenly pushed me......”

Silvia while rubbing her waist quickly climbed up. A while back, she slowly build up her royal’s dignity which made him gave her a little admiration. But after she had shown her useless side. Ash felt a little regret.

"Rebecca! I am not gonna let you of easily today!"

Jessica rushed up from the ground and said to her.

"There are so many people for you to seduce and you choose my Ash-sama!"

Rebecca with a nonchalant look replied:

"Jessica, you are mistaken. Ash at this stage does not belong to anyone! Logically speaking, I am not seducing him."

"You're lying! The scene just now......"

"Aright, I won’t deny that I might like him in the near future......"

After hearing, Jessica's expression instantly stiffens.

It seems that she never thought that Rebecca would declare war on her in this case.

Not only Jessica, even Silvia was also speechlessly staring at Rebecca.

"I actually would like to ask what were you two doing suspiciously behind the door. Since you are in the student council, why do you not walk in proudly?"

Rebecca retorted with sharp words, which result in Silvia and Jessica explaining with a "Uuh!".

"I-I accidentally saw Ash-sama in the corridor, and I came to take a look and I found out that Princess-sama was standing at the doorway......"

Jessica quietly stared at Silvia.

"I-I initially wanted to ask president on the issues of the selective training camp, but I saw president and Ash...... Err ...... the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, so I was embarrassed to come in......"

After listening to the two explanations, Rebecca sighed.

"The two of you are a proud member of the student council, at the same time, both of you are participants of the Selective training camp. I hope that you two have some self-respect, and remind yourself to keep an honest attitude."


Opposite of Silvia who humbly accepts the advice, Jessica refuted.

"Hmph! Rebecca are you in position you have to make those irresponsible remarks? I wonder who was the girl who embraced Ash-sama on the student council’s office’s sofa? Had Her Royal Highness and I didn’t broke in, God knows at what stage you will be progressing!"

"Ara, such attitude. I'm happy to talk about the trouble you made in your childhood small right here? Anyhow you are my childhood playmate. Well, there were many things that could become the topic."

Despite the smile made by the smooth lips, Rebecca's eyes did not shown any smiling sign. Like an eagle forcing its prey into its end, they were bursting out with dazzling light.


Her previous arrogance had disappeared. Jessica who turn pale was sweating profusely.

"I-It was my b-bad."

"Hmm, it is good to admit you are wrong honestly."

When Rebecca was answering while smiling- someone frantically rushed in through the opened door.

"President! Something was very wrong......!"

It was Max in charge of the accounts. Perhaps he was running at full speed along the way, he was out of breath. He didn’t even found out that his spectacle was not at the right place.

For the calm Max to become this way, how urgent is the situation? Since the city had been full of disaster recently, Ash was also feeling very tense.

"What happened, Max? To be panicked until this extend is not your style."

The student council president is sure to be very experienced, even after seeing Max expression, Rebecca was still calm. She was calmly waiting for Max to reply.

"W-We received a report...... there were smoke emerging form the Merk House of the women's dormitory-!"

"Is it a small fire?"

"The details are unclear. But, the smoke is suspected that it was emerging from Lukka Saarinen's room......"

Upon hearing Lukka Saarinen’s name, Rebecca face became pale.

"I'll leave for Merk home... In my name Rebecca Randall I order! Respond to my summon, Cú Chulainn-"

The next moment, Maestro Cú Chulainn who responded to Rebecca’s summoning spell appeared in front of the window.

Part 2

Rebecca stood on Cú Chulainn’s neck heroically, but Ash, Silvia and Jessica are struggling to cling on in its fur.

Because Max was almost out of breath, he was left behind in the Student Council’s office. The other reason is that when an emergency situation occurs, it would not be appropriate to leave the office empty.

In the end, there is no need for such a large group of people to march forth to the scene. As long as Rebecca is dealing with it personally, she is sure to come up with the most appropriate solution.

However, after Rebecca and Ash jump on Cú Chulainn, a strange thing had happened. Silvia and Jessica also stepped on the window and jumped.

After giving a wry smile, Rebecca immediately change back to her serious looks.

"Send us to the Merk house!"

After receiving Rebecca’s orders, Cú Chulainn made an earth shattering roar and spread its wings.

Ash and the rest just felt a floating sensation and a strong pressure. But in a blink of an eye, the Merk house which is a twenty minutes walking distance away is right in front of them.

The Merk house was designed as the accommodation for the basic class female students.

Unsurprisingly, outside the dormitories was packed with many girls. They should be the ones who escaped after they found out about the smoke.

After they saw Rebecca who jumped down from Cú Chulainn, the girls screamed. The Student council president Rebecca Randall has always been regarded as an idol by the low-grade students.

"We are from the student council! Is the warden here?"

After Rebecca stated her name loudly, an old lady walk towards her.

"Is Lukka still in her room?"

Rebecca quickly asked and the warden nodded.

"That’s right. The other students had called her for several times, but she didn’t respond......"

According to the warden, the conclusions are as follows-

Not long ago. The students living on the same floor as Lukka discovered smoke coming out from her room. If such an event occurred in the advance class dormitory, the advance class students should have a way to calmly handle it.

However, the lower class students who was still mentally immature, was shocked by the unexpected events. Their fear spread like an epidemic and it finally become a commotion.

Warden said that she had a headache by just trying to get panicked girls to safety. Logically speaking, she had should have the spare key to open Lukka’s room to confirm, but she was busy with some other stuffs.

The warden who finished speaking handed over the silver keys to Rebecca.

"This is the spare key to Lukka-san’s room.”

"I understand. Please stay here and take care of the students."

After she held the key, she started to run. Ash and the rest also follow Rebecca from behind. On the way there, Ash asked Rebecca.

"Rebecca-san...... I would like to ask what kind of problem the girl named Lukka Saarinen is facing."

Perhaps this is not an important enough question for them talk while running. But even the calm Rebecca after she heard Lukka’s name, even mobilize Cú Chulainn to rush to the Merk house. It means that the situation right here is not some small matter.

"She is now being severely tortured because she as a Dragner lost her ability to ride her pal...... although she gave excuses like being unwell; in fact the problem is much more serious. Since she was unable to ride her pal, she sheltered herself in her dormitory. Recently, there were many students who began to show concern about Lukka’s problem."

"I see......"

It is not rare for a breeder to unable to ride his Pal. For example, illness, injury, etc and many strange things could be the reason. At the school assemblies, "That rumor" that Raymond said should be this.

“Don’t tell me that because that she couldn’t ride, and thus…”

An ominous possibility brushed through Ash mind.

"That's not impossible ...... no one can guarantee anything, that’s why I’m so anxious."

After finishing this sentence, Rebecca kept silence. The group of people rushed into the dorm, walked through the hallway and climbed the stairs.

Soon, Rebecca stopped in front of a door. It was located on the end of the corridor on the third floor.

The name list beside the door has only the name Lukka Saarinen. The basic class dormitory are generally a three person bedroom, it appears that she is living alone.

Leaving the question aside, the main focus is on the source of the smoke.

In fact, some visible white smoke can be seen floating out from the cracks of the door.

Compare to the big commotion, the amount of smoke only be regarded as insignificant.

"Lukka! Answer me!"

Rebecca knocked on the door, but there still isn’t any response from inside.

"I’m going to open the door!"

Rebecca put the key in the keyhole. With some 'rattle' sound of metal, the door unlock. Once the door was opened, the white smoke pouring into the corridor.

Rebecca's followed behind by Ash entered the room. Most of the smoke drifting into the corridor after the door was opened.

Ash looked around the room.

The room was cramped with all kinds of dryied plants, which does not look like a girl's room. To force a description, this is more like a pharmacist’s workroom.

To Ash surprised, apart from the furniture that the dormitory provide, the room is also with some working table. It should have been Lukka’s private property.

In the center of the room, there is a low round table, which is also a design that cannot be seen in the Knight Country and the Kingdom.

In addition, a surprising number of flower pots also made the others curious. There were traces of flower pots from the side of the wall to the window side. Each flower pots was planted with plants that Ash had never seen before.

The reason why she can have this amazingly large number of personal belongings in a room is that she is using a room for three alone. Although there is double bed and a single bed by the wall, but they were used to place her stuffs.


Just when Rebecca shouted in the room’s owner’s name......

Ash was shocked by what he saw.

A girl suspected to be Lukka was lying in the middle of the room.

The problem I, Lukka’s body was lying in a container that looks like a coffin. At the base of the container was covered with a layer of soft flowers. Her hand were also folded on her chest.

The only word that can use to describe Lukka was- it was her remains. [1]

"It can’t be......?"

Silvia and Jessica rush pass Ash who was muttering towards the side of the coffin.

After witnessing Lukka’s appearance, Silvia and Jessica froze.

At this point ......


Followed by a cute yawn, the body slowly sat up.

Even though it had a sleepy look, Ash was almost scared out of his live.

She is like a Yōsei from the fairy tales.

Her whitish gold straight hair is at shoulder length. Beneath the neatly trimmed fringes is a pair of amethyst like mysterious watery big shining eyes.

Her skin is like white porcelain skin, which normal whiteness cannot be compared with. On the surface, she looked like an exquisite doll. Her petite high is no difference from Eco. But she gave a feeling of a dreamy easily breakable object, which is different from the lively Eco.

The most important feature, are those protruding ears that can be seen outside of her beautiful hair. Even the tip of her ear was pointy. Ash ad long ago heard about the existence of this race, but until today, it was the first time he actually saw one.

"...... Anything?"

Facing a group of stunned people, Lukka while speaking with a clear voice, lazily looked at the faces around.

Part 3

References and Translation Notes

  1. this sentence is originally short and made is seems like it is a dead body

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