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"Nishimura-kyouyu'''[Reference added later]'''. It's not like we're planning something bad. We're just purely curious about what our summoned beast's equipment has become."
"Nishimura-kyouyu'''[Reference added later]'''. It's not like we're planning something bad. We're just purely curious about what our summoned beast's equipment has become."
Hideyoshi interrupted to help. Iron man won't believe me or Yuuji no matter what we said, but he won't be able to ignore if it's Hideyoshi or Himeji-san or Minami who says this.
"No, even so, Kinoshita, to call out a summoned beast besides using it for summon war is not something very good you know."
He said that as if there's something caught in his molar. Just as expected there's really something wrong going on.
"Iron man. What are you hiding to that extend? Is there something inconvenient with our summoned beast?"
"No, there's nothing going on, Sakamoto. Rather than that, the break will soon end. Return to your seat and prepare for the next class."
To not complaint even a word when called as iron man, this is really a rare sight.
Seeing this situation, not only Yuuji who realized this from the start, even Minami and Himeji-san start to realize there's something wrong with iron man.
"Nishimura-sensei. Does something happen to our summoned beast?"
"Our summoned beast can't touch things so it's okay to summon it right?"
"...Now then. Let's start the lesson."
Iron man ignore both of them and return to the teaching platform.
"Wait a minute."
Yuuji grabbed his hand.

Revision as of 18:25, 19 May 2011


"What is it, Shouko?

"Until when will the special supplementary lesson continue?"

"I think end of this week to the utmost. Really, even though the first semester finally ended too, to still have to go to school everyday, does that hag doesn't understand the meaning of summer holiday?"

"....But, it can't be helped for Yuuji and everyone in the F class. Since you usually skip classes a lot."

"Well, you have a point there.... Rather than that, why are you going to school everyday? A class doesn't have supplementary lessons right?"

"...There's no supplementary lessons, but we have a summer short course[Reference added later]"

"Summer short course? If I'm not wrong, that's for the college entrance exam preparation right?"


"Yare yare. To go to school even during holiday, you're really enthusiastic aren't you. As expected of A class-sama."

"....It has nothing to do with A class. Yuuji is there, so I go to school."

"You're still spouting that...."

"....If Yuuji's not going to school, then I'm also not going. Whether there's a summer short course or not."

"Aaah. Got it, got it."

"...If Yuuji's not going to the wedding place, then I will bring you there. Whether there's any intention to marry or not."

"It sounds like a cool line, but remember that it's a splendid human rights violation! Or rather, if it become like that, I will make sure to resist with all my power!"

"....Resistance is futile. Because I will do my best."

"Why are you doing your best on something like that! Don't waste your effort!"



"....Before, Yoshii said this."

"What? What did that idiot say?"

"....[I can do my best for the people that I like]"

"That's not it, okay!? The implication of what he said wasn't that at all okay!?"

"...Lately, I also think like that."

"What do you mean by also! Even if you look for it, you're the only one in the world who would think like that!"

"....With Yuuji, I will fight without any petty trick straightly with my arm strength for a marriage."

"What's marriage has to do with arm strengyaaaa! My skull! My skull let out a creaking voice!"

"...Will you, marry me?"

"I won't! Or rather, I can't! It's too soon you know!"

"...Ah...is that so..."

"Ze...ze... Do you understand now...."

"...Un. I was too hasty...."

"That's right. I'm still 17 years old you know? Even if I wanted to marry - "

"...At this hour, the wedding place and the civil office haven't opened yet."

"That's not the problem you know!?"

"...Un. I know. Just joking..."

".......How do I say this, you, you're steadily getting stupid aren't you...."

"...So mean."

"It's the truth."

"....So mean."


"....But, Yuuji"


"...That remark earlier, does that mean you will marry me when you turn 18?"

"Geho geho! What are you spouting about!"

"...I'm looking forward to it."

"You know.... Until when do you plan to keep spouting those words.... It's time for you to return to reality."

"...It's alright."

"Alright? What's alright?"

"....Because no matter what, I will always like Yuuji."

"Geho geho!"

First question

Please change the following words into English


Himeji Mizuki's answer


Teacher's comment

One of the basic English words, isn't it. Sometimes there are people who forget to write the first letter, S, as a capital letter. Please remain vigilant against those kinds of careless mistakes.

Tsuchiya Kouta's answer


Teacher's comment

I wonder if you wanted to write "Speinese", just like the form in "Japanese". Too bad, but it's wrong.

Yoshii Akihisa's answer


Teacher's comment

No matter how I tried to interpret this otherwise, I can't see this as anything other than, you were going to write "Spaghetti" as the answer.

The finals are over, it's a period where we're covered by an indescribable sense of freedom. The number of days left until July ends become just a few more. The loud voice of the cicada and the cumolonimbus[1] that cover the surrounding skies, the signs that signal that true summer has come are being painted all around us.

The season where the burning ray of sun rains on us - something that a girl who's mindful about getting sunburned might hate.

Not only sunburn. The season called summer is hot, noisy, and even insects come out.

But, even so, for me, this season is the one I like the most in going through the whole year.

Passing through the cold winter, the season where life start to bud, spring.

The color of the mountain change from green into red, the season where preparation against the visiting cold wave start, autumn.

The air is clear, the season where you can feel the shine of the stars closer than usual, winter.

Even each of the other seasons have their own mountains of good things.

But, in spite of all that, I feel that compared to the the other season, the season called summer always have something special.

The boiling heat, the bug's self-assertion that breaks your eardrums, even the clamor of the baseball club that you can hear from the campus, all of them are the spices to enjoy this special season.

Going outside, I want to feel the heat that can only be felt on this period. Frowning a little toward the bustling clamor, I want to bask in the burning sun rays. Wiping the unstoppable sweat, I want to move my body as much as I can. That's the right way to enjoy the season called summer, the period of time called broad daylight isn't it.

That's right. Now is the special season called summer which can make your heart dance. That's why -

(Yuuji, let's run. From this hell's jail of the soul.)

(Nicely said Akihisa. I'm already fed up with this iron-fist-supplementary-lesson full course.)

-That's why, we decided to run away from Tetsujin's supplementary lesson.

(In the first place, to still have lessons even on summer holiday is a mistake isn't it. Moreover, most of the people in this class is male. Let alone study, it's hard enough to breath inside here isn't it.)

My bad company, Sakamoto Yuuji, who sit right beside me frowned his full-of-roughness face.

(And additionally, the one doing the supplementary lesson is iron man too.... He's so sultry even in the winter, in this circumstances, looking at iron man is just like a torture.)

At the platform, the well muscled hot-blooded teacher, Nishimura-sensei a.k.a iron man is continuing the supplementary lesson without even showing a drop of sweat. The reason he doesn't even slightly show any form of being worn-out is because his trained physical strength through his hobby of triathlon.

(For Himeji to still be able to take a note seriously in this situation.... Is she a monster?)

(Just as expected of someone who has the capability of A-class's valedictorian - is what I want to say, but Himeji-san's body is weak isn't she. I wonder if she will be okay.... Lately it seems she's in a good condition, but I'm still worried.)

For the time being, at least she got the window-seat position where the ventilation is good, but the best position under the shadow of the pillar is already given to someone else. As long as she doesn't forget to keep hydrated, I don't think anything bad can happen suddenly....

(Iron man is pretty considerate about that think so it should be alright isn't it. Even if he looks like that, in proportion to who the other party is, he's pretty considerate to them)

(Un..... he indeed look well at who the other party is isn't he....)

That's why we're placed at the furthest ridge from the window where the heat from the sun is strongest and the ventilation is the worse. This is extreme discrimination.

(So, Yuuji, how do you plan to slip out? The opponent is that iron man so if we're caught it will be hell.)

(Akihisa, you invite others to run away but didn't think about any plan at all?)

(If I already have a plan I would have executed it alone at once.)

(Well, you're right about that. Now, what should we do....)

While discussing with Yuuji in small voices, we're looking for iron man's weakness. Of course, we don't have the luxury of being suspected of talking with each other. We suppress our voices to the lowest volume and move our mouth like a ventriloquist when we talk. An indispensable technique for the boys in this class that iron man set his eyes on.

[-Assume the height of the object before is h, when all of the potential energy in the object is converted into kinetic energy, the formula of the speed of the object in this state, v, is heavily reliant on the gravitational acceleration g and the height h which- ]

Iron man was facing us while reading the text book out loud.

To move now is not a good idea. If we made even a slightly stupid move, we will caught immediately wouldn't we. I wonder what should we do.....

(Oi, Yoshii, Sakamoto. Are you two going to run away?)

(If you're going to run, we're coming too. We can't stand staying in this hell any longer.)

(Me too. If I stay like this, I will certainly die from dehydration.)

While being troubled thinking about the way to escape, our classmate that sit nearby start to talk to us. Of course, their face keep facing the blackboard, and their mouth only move very slightly that you wouldn't think they were currently talking. The only person that iron man hasn't set his eyes on is only Himeji-san and Minami. The other classmates already learned this special skill.

(Then Yuuji, how does the plan where we simultaneously run away with this many number of men sound?)

(Human-wave tactic huh? It's a simple yet reliable tactics... Yosh. I'm in.)

Yuuji, with his farsightedness that I almost don't understand at all, slightly nodded.

The demon is only iron man himself. If we all scattering simultaneously on different directions to run away, even iron man wouldn't be able to catch us all would he.

(Everyone agree on it right? No resentment for whoever get caught. If there's no more problem, everyone who wants to do it please nod slightly.)

After saying that, everyone in the class beside Himeji-san, Minami, and Hideyoshi simultaneously nod. For 47 people out of 50 running away.... even though I'm the one who make the suggestion, but this class really is odd isn't it.

Although, the more people join means the probability of me getting caught is lower. How convenient.

All that's left is looking for the chance.

[ - That means, the speed of a falling object is independent to the weight of the object itself. But, unlike the ideal condition in this theory, in reality there's also the resistance of the air. The reason a feather and an iron ball doesn't fall with the same speed was largely because of this air resistance. When it's inserted into the equation - ]

Since the explanation finally reach its climax, iron man turn to face the blackboard and start to write something there.

There's no way we're going to miss this timing when he finally face away from us!

When we raised our hip to escape,

"Nobody move!"


In that instant, iron man get a start on us. Impossible! We were found out!?

"You punks.... you've got quite some guts to try to escape aren't you. Is my lesson that boring?"

Iron man slowly turned this way and glared at us. Ku...! Just as expected of inhuman creature. To be able to read our escape just from our presence...!

While we're being afraid about who'll become the first victim of the iron fist,

"...Is that so. I didn't realize you were that bored with my lesson. This is my fault for giving a boring lesson."

unexpectedly iron man said something like that. Huh? You're not going to hit us?

"As an apology, I will tell you an interesting story in return. ....Himeji, Shimada, Kinoshita, you three close your ears."

Interesting story? that's always welcomed, but I wonder why Himeji-san and the others have to close their ears. If it's something interesting, isn't it better to let everyone hear it?

"That's right. That was a summer more than 10 years ago - "

As if ignoring our questions, iron man starts to weave his words.

"-This is when I was wrestling with a exchange student from Brazil."


Damn it! It seems the guys with low resistance are done in by iron man's sweltering words!

Iron man's wrestling lecture in this scorching condition is just like a death penalty....!

"The opponent is a giant with a height of 195 cm and weight of 120 kg named Gino Grachero. He was a man whose arm was as thick as a female's waist. Even so, I wasn't going to lose. With my 188 cm tall trained body with a 97 kg weight, we clashed from the front..."

"Stop it! Please stop it!"

"My brain! My brain hurts!"


The sound of the mental breaking seems to can be heard like a clattering sound.

This is bad! My head starts to feel strange too! Have to think of a counter-measure soon!

" - But, he mistake wrestling with judo. He do an Ude-hishigi move on me. But, there's no way he can win against this prided biceps of mine. Covered with sweat and with my blood vessel showing up, I continue to resist by not letting my arm get stretched. Then, the other party starts to go around my head without delay, and while pressing that bulky chest muscle of his to my face he start to do Kame-shiho-gatame - "

"Guaaaaa! No more! I don't want to close my eyes! The worst image cling to the back of my eyelid and it won't come off!"

"He's not waking up! Fukumura's not waking up! Oi, get a hold of yourself!"

"Air! I need cool and fresh air!"

In this Abikyoukan hell-like situation, to bear the mental attack, I continuously looking at our class' 3 girls.

First is the girl who doesn't understand what's going on and keep closing her ears while staring blankly at us, Himeji Mizuki-san. That gentle hair, that fluffy atmosphere, she's a girl that looks as if all her body is formed from healing aura. Brilliant mind, satisfactory physical growth, killer cooking, she's far above the normal level in all those categories. Just looking at her is enough to escape from this mental attack, and just remembering the taste of his cooking is enough to send you to the other world.

Next is the girl who's looking at us with a shocked expression while plugging her ears, Shimada Minami-san. A girl whose characteristic is her ponytail, pretty leg, and slender body. A precious girl in the class who we can talk without worry, but just remembering her high attack power that she send out in her joint-lock technique is enough to make cold sweat running on my back. Well, even that will be refreshment in this situation so I can't say that it's something not to be grateful about I guess.

The last one is the classmate who understand everything and sympathize with us while pushing his ears, Kinoshita Hideyoshi. There's a little sweat at Hideyoshi's eyebrows because of this heat. If it's hot, it would have been better if he would just wear the more breezy girl's uniform too. No, rather than uniform, how about wearing a one piece dress. Wearing a white one piece dress while being fluttered by the wind and standing on a plateau Hideyoshi. Un. It sure feels refreshing imagining that.

" - and then, using up until the time limit, we continue to attack and defend using Newaza [Reference added later] - N? What's wrong you guys? Already downed?"

When I noticed it, almost every classmates of mine already prostrating on the tea table while losing consciousness.

"Really, no choice then. Let's have a 10 minutes break. Reflect on your action for trying something stupid like escaping."

After giving a gesture for the three person who close their ears that they can remove their hands, iron man instructs them to rest and then sit at the teacher's chair. It looks like even though we got some break time, he doesn't have any intention to go out of the classroom. I wonder if it's because he's still wary about us escaping?

In this class that's fill with dead bodies everywhere, the few survivors approach us.

"Ano, Akihisa-san. What happened here? Everyone looks like they're suffering...."

Himeji-san worriedly look at the classmates who fall flat on their face at their tea table. Just as expected, she really is kind."

"Uuumm, how do I explain this, it's some kind of verbal punishment, or rather you could say that it's some kind of mental attack...."

If I want to explain this, I have to re-tell iron man's story. Please spare me from that.

"Really, in any case it must have been something stupid again isn't it. It's because you think about something like escaping, of course sensei's going to be mad."

At Himeji-san's side, Minami's looking at me with a chaperoning expression while letting out a sigh.

"Don't say that, Shimada. Akihisa and my seat's position is bad enough that it can't be helped that we think about escaping. It's around all-the-water-part-in-our-body-will-evaporate level of bad."

Just like Yuuji said, it won't be an exaggeration to say that Yuuji's and my seat's exposure to sun already far past the satisfactory level. The absence of curtain wasn't a problem up until now, but it's because of this kind of period that make me realize the importance of that for the first time. So that thing wasn't only for making people outside unable to see inside huh....

"Is that so? My seat wasn't that hot so I can't understand that."

"The wind pass through mine too so it's still okay."

"It's because our seat is positioned in the place where the sun exposure is the strongest and the ventilation in the worst. It's really awful."

"How awful is it?"

"Around Akihisa's test mark level."

"On the level that human can't be endured by human then."

What a thing to say.

"But, this seat is really around Yuuji's personality level of awful. Just now when I touch the aluminum part of my pen, I get a light burn."

If a steel plate was laid out, we could make something like a sunny-side egg on it.

"You get a burn? Where?"

"Ah, no. It's not something that bad."

Minami spontaneously took my hand. It seems she's worried about my burn. Lately, the difference between when Minami in an attacking mode and when she's in kind mode is large. I wonder what happened. I really can't understand girl's way of thinking.

"What's this Shimada. Aren't you quite kind to Akihisa?"

"That's right. Minami-chan is too close to Akihisa-kun."

Seeing us like that, Himeji-san and Hideyoshi start to said those words.

"I, it's not like I'm being kind to Aki...! I, it's just that if he's hurt I have to hold back when hitting him...!"

So you're still going to hit me even if I'm injured....

"Even so, I also think that Minami is kind."

"Eh...? Even Aki too, what are you saying."

"You're helpful, notice about sensitive things, care about your little sister too. And also, you can put your love into animals too - as an opposite sex."

"You still misunderstand about that!?"

The last part was Minami's big secret that only I know of so I turn down my volume when saying that. A person who loves animal is kind, so Minami is no doubt a kind person.

"Listen well, Aki! It seems you misunderstand, but I don't have any interest in orangutan, the one that I actually like is - "


Talking about such important topic such as the person she like, everyone in the class, including all the classmates who collapsed earlier, focused their attention on Minami.


Minami boldly confessed in front of everyone's attention.

"I, is that so...... That's.... sorry, for misunderstanding."

"U.... T, that's right.... it's not like I like orangutan you know...."

Furthermore, seeing me shocked by the new truth that just come out, Minami slowly murmur "I can no longer be a bride...." with a cry-like face.

What is it I wonder. Just know I feel like somehow I can understand something from Minami.

"Shimada. It's hard to be you too isn't it."

"Sakamoto.... If you're feeling sorry about my situation, please repair Aki's misunderstanding...."

Misunderstanding? If it's about Minami liking chimpanzee instead of orangutan then I think I already get it though.

"Well, this seat is indeed hot. I guess it's just normal for you guys to plan an escape."

Hideyoshi put his hand on my tea table.

"Now that you mention it, Hideyoshi was really quiet weren't you? You didn't hear our talk about escaping?"

"No, I did hear it....but my seat is a lot more cooler than yours. I dozed off because of that and missed the timing to participate in the plan."

Even if his seat is not cooler than ours, to be able to dozed off in this heat, Hideyoshi sure is something else. Furthermore, there's also the matter of him not getting found out by iron man while sleeping. I wonder if his ability to sleep while still looking as if he's awake is also part of his acting ability.

"What's the matter? Did the escape plan become ugly because I didn't participate?"

"No, that's not it. It's just that, as a part of stupid friends group, it feels lonely when one of us is missing."

It feels hard to invite Himeji-san and Minami for things like this. It's different for good friends and stupid friends though.

"Is that so...."

"? Hideyoshi, why do you look so happy?"

Is it just my imagination I wonder. I somehow can see a smile at Hideyoshi's face.

"Umu. Truth to be told, I'm a little happy to be called stupid friend. It's because lately you think of me as a girl. I'm a little worried about how you don't care about the part in my appearance that's different from my sister."

The sister Hideyoshi's talking about is his twin older sister Kinoshita Yuuko.

Well, both of them really do look alike, they're both very cute too...

"Hideyoshi also worries too much about weird things aren't you?"

"No, taking account of how you treat me lately, I don't think it's weird at all though..."

Seeing me laughing it away, Hideyoshi said this sourly as if he's still not convinced at all.

Why is he worrying about weird things like that I wonder.

"Because, to not care about things other than appearance, there's no way that could happened right?"

"But, I"

"Indeed, I do thought Hideyoshi is cute, but if it's only that, there's no way we'll be together like this right? To study together, play together, it's because I know a lot about how good Hideyoshi is inside that we're together like this you know.

To choose your friends based just on the appearance, I think that's a very weird think to do.


"N? What's wrong, Hideyoshi?"

"D, don't look this way"

Saying that, I don't know why but Hideyoshi turns his back this way as if wanting to hide something.

"Mizuki..... Kinoshita is really cunning isn't he..... even though he's treated like a woman usually, only at times like this he wasn't thought as an opposite sex and get those kind of words..."

"He really is isn't he..... My hard work's in vain...."

"Mizuki's still better. My hard work only results me becoming a high-school girl who loves chimpanzee..."

Himeji-san and Minami seem to grumble about something with some sigh mixed in while doing that.

"Nmu....? By the way Akihisa, I get the feeling you didn't refute the part about thinking of me as a girl though?"

"Ahaha. Hideyoshi really worries about strange things aren't you. It's not like that kind of things need to be answered clearly."

"Why are you avoiding making a statement!? Eei, do you think of me as an opposite sex? Answer clearly with a "yes" or "no"!"

"Youi"[Reference added later]

"Mu.... the two answer is mixed in so it become unclear - or not!? You, on top of that, you mix "yes" and "oui" aren't you!? You really thought of me as a girl aren't you!"

"By the way Yuuji. Mutsullini looks like to be in a really dangerous situation though."

"You're letting the fact that you just said it doesn't need to be answered slide!?"

Our friend who usually plays with everyone together or with his camera during break time for some reason doesn't move even the slightest bit and only blankly staring today.

"It's because his imagining power can't be compared to normal people. The picture of iron man and the Brazilian sultrily wrestling must have been freshly burned in his brain from hearing that story isn't it."

"....That happens without difficulty huh?"

I see. So he become unable to move even an inch because of that.

"Even so, it sure is hot isn't it.... my sweat won't stop since earlier."

"It is.... In this condition there's no way we can put our spirit to study isn't it..."

The tatami and tea table equipments look like something that further add the sultriness. To be hot during summer is a natural thing, but just as expected this is a little too much....

"What's the matter, Aki. You were quite spirited in studying during the final exam last time, but now you return back to be just like usual?"

"That time was an exception for repelling my sister. In the first place, I don't really like studying."

The result of the test, in the end I'm in the fix of my sister returning to Japan. Right now, in order to prepare to move here, she return for a while to my parents place, but my freedom is in precarious situation now.

That's why, I wanted to fully enjoy my summer break even more, but of all things to have supplementary lesson is really.....

"Besides, there's also another reason in the last test."

Yuuji, who also shows that his low study motivation like me, said that.

"Another reason? Is it about the shiken shoukanjuu(!)'s equipment being reseted?"

"Un. It's because mine and Yuuji's equipment is extremely weak. We thought we might get a stronger equipment if we get a new one, but...."

"You of all things missed putting the important name field at the test. It will be a Gakuran and Bokutou[Reference added later] again isn't it."

"Uuu... I wished for at least a metal weapon...."

I don't want a bokutou because I feel like it will be worn out just from clashing with other's weapon....

"Well, with that result Akihisa's weapon might not be changed, but what about Yuuji? Didn't your score go up quite a bit since the last class division test?"

"N? Now that you mention it. I wasn't paying attention to my score or my equipment since I'm too caught up in with other people's score."

"It's because Yuuji is in the position of giving command right? You assumed that there won't be many instance where you have to fought directly with your enemy aren't you?"

"Aa. Instead of upgrading my equipment, having the others' equipment strengthened will make the battle easier."

That kind of thought just naturally come to me, so this guy really must have commander disposition by nature.

"My final exam's result was quite good too. Perhaps my equipment become better too."

"Compared to class division test, I can read the question better too on the final exam, so mine might get a little stronger too."

It seemed Hideyoshi's and Minami's test result become higher. I'm so jealous.

"I'm sorry.... It seems mine doesn't change that much."

"No no. If Himeji-san's result become even higher it will be too amazing you know."

Even if there's no limit to the test's score, to get a higher score than that is extremely difficult isn't it.

"Ah. If that's so let's all summon our summoned beast once. I'm curious about what everyone's equipment become too."

Perhaps my equipment also turn better. Since the equipment before is the worst, there's no way it will become worse than before I think.

"You're right. To grasp our fighting potential is an essential need for test summoning war. Fortunately we also have iron man here, let's get permission for summoning and check the new equipment right away."

"Right. Excuse me, Nishimura-senseeei."

I called iron man who's sitting on a pipe chair near the blackboard to look at the class' situation. When I do that, iron man looks this way with a dubious expression on his face.

"What is it Yoshii. How rare it is for you to call on me."

Of course I am. I'm not as stupid to voluntarily talk to someone when it'll add bruises to me proportional to the number of conversation we have.

"Excuse me. I have a request for sensei."

"Request? It's not a strange request right?"

"No, it's not. We just want to get a permission to summon our summoned beast."

When I said that, iron man clearly showed an expression that said "troublesome things occurred". I wonder why. Is there some problem or something?

"Aaah... Listen here, Yoshii. You're the Kansatsu Shoubunsha. Your summoned beast have more power than most people, and furthermore, it can touch things and people. To recklessly summoned that kind of thing is not something good. Don't think about useless things like that - "

N? His condition is really strange. Even though he'll usually talks about everything clearly, he's really awfully ambiguous now. Is there something he feel guilty about I wonder.

"Nishimura-kyouyu[Reference added later]. It's not like we're planning something bad. We're just purely curious about what our summoned beast's equipment has become."

Hideyoshi interrupted to help. Iron man won't believe me or Yuuji no matter what we said, but he won't be able to ignore if it's Hideyoshi or Himeji-san or Minami who says this.

"No, even so, Kinoshita, to call out a summoned beast besides using it for summon war is not something very good you know."

He said that as if there's something caught in his molar. Just as expected there's really something wrong going on.

"Iron man. What are you hiding to that extend? Is there something inconvenient with our summoned beast?"

"No, there's nothing going on, Sakamoto. Rather than that, the break will soon end. Return to your seat and prepare for the next class."

To not complaint even a word when called as iron man, this is really a rare sight.

Seeing this situation, not only Yuuji who realized this from the start, even Minami and Himeji-san start to realize there's something wrong with iron man.

"Nishimura-sensei. Does something happen to our summoned beast?"

"Our summoned beast can't touch things so it's okay to summon it right?"

"...Now then. Let's start the lesson."

Iron man ignore both of them and return to the teaching platform.

"Wait a minute."

Yuuji grabbed his hand.