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Editing questions (disambiguation)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:43 pm
by Smidge204
I'm currently doing a full review of the first half of "Snow Mountain Syndrome" and there are a few things I'd like to discuss/clarify before I can finish!

As we play with the numerous games that Koizumi had brought along, each and every one of us seemed to have a good time. Nagato's stage was on <<The Day of Sagittarius 3>> elimination game on two networked notebooks, while Haruhi and I pushed and shoved on the Twister

I think it's fairly clear what's happening in this scene but I'm not quite sure how to word it so it makes sense.

1) I'm not clear on the use of the word "stage" here. I'm guessing the intent is to say this is what she did the whole time, or what her favorite activity was that night. What was the original text?

2) I'd recommend "pushed and shoved while playing Twister" (assuming they are referring to the classic Milton Bradley game.

The days between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve went by in an instant as if Haruhi was pushing along Chronos, the god of time. We did a total clean up of the clubroom, and even got a phone call from a seemingly brain-dead high school former classmate. After being begged to, I went along to a football game with him. The end of the year approaches during this time.

Who is the "former classmate" Kyon referring to? (It may even be nobody... but I might have missed something when reading the other chapters)

Koizumi fiercely launched the wind direction balloons into the air. You lose 90% of the time in life however and the stakes here are just too high. Even a skilled statistician would hesitate at this. We shouldn't ask for more trouble without some very convincing reason to do so.

I'm guessing "wind direction balloons" are supposed to be like weather ballons, but I'm not sure how that ties in with the rest of the paragraph. Is it supposed to symbolize how Koizumi is chiming in with his opinion on the matter?

I'll add more as I discover them...

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:39 am
by shiratoriryuuko
let's just say that she owns the floor for the LAN game.

and yes, weather balloons.