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About renaming pages and deleting old pages

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:35 pm
by larethian
There's a reason why the old page creates a redirect automatically after a move.
Is there a good reason to delete old pages? (I do not see one except it might annoy people with perfectionist housekeeping habits)
At the very least, please check that the old pages are not linked by any other page before deleting them.
But still, I don't recommend deleting them because you might not know which external site is linking to that 'old' page you just deleted.

Re: About renaming pages and deleting old pages

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:13 pm
by AKAAkira
Eeh, I'll admit I'm one of those "perfectionist housekeeping habits" people in terms of organization on wikis. There were more than a few moments where my fingers were just twitching to go on a Delete-Category-tagging spree when I look at all those leftover redirects... But I'll concede that a few examples - e.g. fairly old pages, pages that used to go by different names, maybe pages with many internal links to it - are probably better off with the redirect remaining.

On the other hand though, I still want to suggest that the suppressredirect right be given more widely, at least to translator, editor, and supervisor usergroups, because they're the ones who usually move recent mistakenly named pages to its correct place, and that'd be a little simpler if they don't have to go back and delete manually. I also want to nominate for deletion any mistaken redirect pages that show up on the drop-down list on the search bar, such as "Madan no Ou Vanadis:Volume 07", since I like using that feature and hiccups like that throw off proper listing sequence.