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14/11 Update

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:40 am
by cotton

I did not see that one coming.

Kinny, it's like you're some translating whirlwind. Don't burn yourself out.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:42 am
by Tonberry50
oh dear that last bit its a little hard to get i'll need to re-read it

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:11 pm
by Kamera
I gloat!

From post in 13/11 Topic (by self).

"There were enough clues to point at Nagato as the culprit without making it totally obvious. However we still have chaper six and an Epilogue to go so Asakura may have a chance to add a further twist since the behaviour of her changed character was very enigmatic."

For my next prediction I definitely think that an older Kyon has just picked him(self) up and taken the gun.

I'd like to think that Haruhi stopped the knife but can't see any logical way that could happen. I have similar problems with it being Nagato but at least we know that her normal self could do it.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:34 pm
by AzureThunder
I agree with the above poster on the Kyon thing. Him and little Mikuru probably went back in time (so confusing, isn't it?) to save him and the future. Also, there is evidence to suggest that it is Kyon right here:
"Sorry about that. I have my reasons for not rescuing you right away, but don't hate me for it. After all, it was painful for me as well. Anyway, we'll take care of the rest. No, I already know what to do now, and you will as well. So go get some sleep for now,"
Heh, pretty cool stuff there. The only problem is that I thought that the Mikuru's couldn't meet each other? Whatever though. Moreover...
"I'm so sorry......Kyon-kun, I should have known, but still......"
I wonder why Mikuru (big) didn't remember what happened in her past?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:58 pm
by XkaOnslaught
moral of the story - Time Travel is a pain in the ass.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:02 pm
by wedgejaeger
woah, wait a tick, what just happened!?

if someone would like to draw a picture out of how that last scene would even be arranged, let me know.

so both Asahinas are there, but are they both the time travelling ones or is one of them from that screwed up time?

actually, come to think of it, how many dopplegangers are right there?
I mean, did Nagato who changed the place catch the knife, or a time displaced version, then theres possibly kyon's double, there could very well be at least 3 doubles of people.
of course unless the one talking was actually Koizumi, which it probably isn't, and the one who caught the knife wasn't Nagato, regardless how much sense that wouldn't make...

I had a dream like this once, even wrote a blog about it...

in conclusion, my brain hurts

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:28 pm
by Guest lol
Allow me to explain this to all of you.

During the final scene before Kyon is about to get finished off by Asakura, Nagato (alien one) steps in to stop the knife. Nagato, Kyon, and Mikuru all go to that time again some time in the future to help Kyon.
Spoiler! :
I have my reasons for not rescuing you right away, but don't hate me for it. After all, it was painful for me as well.
That was slightly in the future Kyon talking to Kyon. He didn't rescue right away because when this event occured for him, the future future Kyon didn't show up till late into the fight. Evidence that that guy is Kyon is how he says "After all, it was painful for me as well." It occured to him before. Although you can say that it may be painful watching it, he's a total stranger with no attachments to Kyon. Thus taking away that possibility (to a degree atleast).

Further evidence of my explanation of this plot is:
-Author puts note on "no glasses", why else would you put in that unless it's Yuki? Plus, the normal Yuki exclaimed Huh? while sitting on the ground (it also says how that one has glasses). 2 Yuki's one alien one normal.

Mikuru shows up.
- Even though they're not really supposed to meet, but if the Older mikuru saw the older older one in the older's youth, then they're supposed to see each other.

You can't deviate from the path time intended, nomatter what you're going to do, and ever do. You are still following the path that was writtin in time. The author knows this as well.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:47 pm
by wedgejaeger
kinda like how you can't really screw up time by going back in the past, because in the time you came from you would have already screwed it up

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:07 am
by Shariku Onikage
Well shoot, i was wrong.

I felt for sure that it was Asahina over Nagato. I had once picked her, but abandoned it after Asahina started feeling more likely. It occured to me when it was said that Haruhi no longer had her powers, and i deduced that possibly the main way that Haruhi would lose her powers to someone else would be if she gave them to someone. since Haruhi then announced Asahina as a 'real' santa, and not to be fooled by the fakes. It made sense to me that Asahina may have gotten some 'santa like' present from Haruhi, (the ability to give people their heart's desires or something like that) and then she did all this.

But no, t'was Nagato.


Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:39 am
by Fulung
Spoiler Alert ...
Spoiler! :
who stop the knife : Yuki (from a bit Future)
another are mikaru (small-same) kyon (same)
At last all event back to normal.

But time chrono now gone to more conflict... 'cause if all back to normal then all event happen in Vol.4 will vanish... so Yuki(from a bit Future) sent kyon(original-at begining of vol.4) to the parellel world that distort event take place

After injured kyon had been take to hospital ... u will see how much haruhi care for him :)

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:38 pm
by Haiyami
@_@ Hauhh! My eyes are spinning. GAH I DON'T GET IT! GRRR. I can only understand that alien Yuki stopped the knife and that a version of little Mikuru appeared and possibily the Kyon from before he entered the Alternate World.

GAHHH MY BRAIN HURTS! If people could not be so complicated when they talk.

(I am not as smart as I used to be. WATCHING ANIME NON STOP KILLS BRAIN CELLS!)