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Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:06 am
by Devenk83
This is the translation check thread.
If you find some dubious lines or successive lines that don't completely make sense, you can post them here for correction. It'll be helpful to provide RAW page number if you are able to.

And I will start the thread with this sentence in Volume 4 - Chapter 6 :
“I would appreciate it if you do not get in my way? I was just getting to the best part.”
“I apologize for that, but that’s impossible. You went slightly overboard back there. ——Kneel before me and let’s start the punishing session of love.”
Well, I don't know if everyone think the same way as me, but I found this sentence a little strange.
Except if Kotori talk about a SM session...

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:27 am
by denormative
Devenk83 wrote:
“I would appreciate it if you do not get in my way? I was just getting to the best part.”
“I apologize for that, but that’s impossible. You went slightly overboard back there. ——Kneel before me and let’s start the punishing session of love.”
Well, I don't know if everyone think the same way as me, but I found this sentence a little strange.
Except if Kotori talk about a SM session...
When punishing a child for their misbehavior it's also considered "punishment out of love", since while you don't want to punish them, you're doing it because they need to learn that mistakes come with consequences.

A younger child saying this to an older one would result in exactly the reaction Kurumi has; though spirits have a bit more firepower at their disposal then an average child of their apparent age. :P So I can't say it's wrong, something does sound slightly off in the sentence structure.

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:04 am
by Devenk83
Thanks for your opinion, Denormative. But I was hoping for more answers... Oh well.

To continue with Volume 4, Chapter 6 (as I am translating it in French), there is this strange sentence :
“Nn——I can vaguely remember what happened, but the exact details evade me. Ah no, I still remember becoming a spirit you know? But I don’t know why I’m only able to remember this now.
I think their is some syntax mistake here, or the translator didn't read a single volume as this sentence contain some inconsistency compared to the previous volumes and part (but it not this case as Rozenbach also translated volume 3).
Kotori say that she only remembered now that she was a Spirit (well, this is how I understand it), but how she could reactivate her spirit power if she didn't know before ? And even in the first volume, where she seems to know that her brother could use her power to reincarnate, it's strange that she say that now, right ?

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:58 pm
by Nurin
Devenk83 wrote:Thanks for your opinion, Denormative. But I was hoping for more answers... Oh well.

To continue with Volume 4, Chapter 6 (as I am translating it in French), there is this strange sentence :
“Nn——I can vaguely remember what happened, but the exact details evade me. Ah no, I still remember becoming a spirit you know? But I don’t know why I’m only able to remember this now.
I think their is some syntax mistake here, or the translator didn't read a single volume as this sentence contain some inconsistency compared to the previous volumes and part (but it not this case as Rozenbach also translated volume 3).
Kotori say that she only remembered now that she was a Spirit (well, this is how I understand it), but how she could reactivate her spirit power if she didn't know before ? And even in the first volume, where she seems to know that her brother could use her power to reincarnate, it's strange that she say that now, right ?
Lol, just saw this now, but if you can next time put together a reference for it to be easier to check, like Illustrations, ends of parts etc. I will see what if I find it on the raw

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:26 am
by Devenk83
Ah yeah, you're right.

Well, it's near the chapter's end... there isn't much thing to situate it, so I've done a screenshot if it can help :
Spoiler! :

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:42 am
by Nurin
k, I will take a look.

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:19 am
by Nurin

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:21 am
by Devenk83
Thanks a lot.

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:25 am
by Nurin
Devenk83 wrote:Thanks a lot.
No need, just keep giving me the problems and I will give you solutions :lol: :lol: :lol: Kidding...

Anyway, just give references and I will check it without problems

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:34 am
by Devenk83
When I will translate volume 7, I will post here all the incoherence and mistake that I find.

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:12 am
by Devenk83
Yeah, me, one again. And this time, it's at the end of the first part of Chapter 7, Volume 4.
Origami ignored the slight dizziness as she stepped forward——but
stumbled back onto the bed due to the drip that was still on her arm.
A drip ?
A drip in your arm can make you fall ?

I think, thanks to the context, it may be a catheter in her arm and not a drip that make her fall, as their is an I.V. drop in her room. But I can't verify it with the original text so...

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:17 am
by Nurin
Devenk83 wrote:Yeah, me, one again. And this time, it's at the end of the first part of Chapter 7, Volume 4.
Origami ignored the slight dizziness as she stepped forward——but
stumbled back onto the bed due to the drip that was still on her arm.
A drip ?
A drip in your arm can make you fall ?

I think, thanks to the context, it may be a catheter in her arm and not a drip that make her fall, as their is an I.V. drop in her room. But I can't verify it with the original text so...
Sorry, bit the word here is 滴点 that means drip or drop point... and I can't really understand the rest of the sentence... low quality raws...

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:40 am
by Devenk83
I just wanted to report what seems to be a funny mistake, seen by Yorak, another french translator :
“……………..During the time I was gone before, I've heard that you were making quite a mess?”
“It’s okay! Because at that time I only went PigBang towards commanders love! Oink! There is no problem this time! I will show you, that I will certainly make sure to see Shidou-kun’s one page of youth through!”
“………………well, I am also at that area anyway, it’ll probably be fine”
To brush away the feeling of uncertainty in her chest, Kotori *Haah* made a sigh.
For those who don't know what the Pig Bang theory is, it's an explosive dropping made by somes pigs.

The mistake here, I think it's on inversion of "p" and "b", as there are similars in japanese. But I don't have the raw, so I can't confirm it.

Re: Date A Live: TLC Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:55 pm
by RikiNutcase
Devenk83 wrote:I just wanted to report what seems to be a funny mistake, seen by Yorak, another french translator :
“……………..During the time I was gone before, I've heard that you were making quite a mess?”
“It’s okay! Because at that time I only went PigBang towards commanders love! Oink! There is no problem this time! I will show you, that I will certainly make sure to see Shidou-kun’s one page of youth through!”
“………………well, I am also at that area anyway, it’ll probably be fine”
To brush away the feeling of uncertainty in her chest, Kotori *Haah* made a sigh.
For those who don't know what the Pig Bang theory is, it's an explosive dropping made by somes pigs.

The mistake here, I think it's on inversion of "p" and "b", as there are similars in japanese. But I don't have the raw, so I can't confirm it.
its correct refer to the.... oink