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Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:32 pm
by draega20
How close is episode 10 of DAL II anime to the ending of the volume 7? want to make sure I won't be skipping anything if i read volume 8 now.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:25 pm
by Crimsonflair
draega20 wrote:How close is episode 10 of DAL II anime to the ending of the volume 7? want to make sure I won't be skipping anything if i read volume 8 now.
What I know is that the epilogue was altered a bit.

Spoiler! :
The scene with Miku and Shidou was different in the LN version.
Instead of Tohka, there was a different girl that came inside the dressing room after the sealing.
The dress Miku wears in the performance is one of the maid outfits from the Raizen booth.
Tohka, Yuzuru, Kaguya, Yoshino, and Kotori were not present while Miku sang. Shidou was the only one seeing the performance.
Another thing to note is at the end, Shidou silently exits the auditorium after the audience was confused about why Miku said "Darling".

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:45 pm
by Deathclock
Thank you very much translators and editors of this series!
Looking forward for more Origami <3 :D

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:04 pm
by Zeninth125
I love Date A Live! You have no idea how grateful I am for you translators to translate them for us(me). Though, I wish that Volume 7 have been translated already. I'm waiting for a year already. Please, for I as the representative of one of the fans waiting for Volume 7, I beg of you to complete them before 2015!

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:07 am
by thejadmaster
Thank you very much for your work on this light novel. I have enjoyed it very much, and greatly appreciate all the translation team's work to share it with us. :)

I would, however, really appreciate knowing why the two chapters in volume 7 have not been taken from the translators that registered for them so that someone else might be able to fill that gap. It has been many months since they were first registered. Neither of them seem to be in contact, and neither have shown any sign that they will complete these chapters, ever. Nor have they translated any other chapters before, at least in this project. Shouldn't the way be cleared for other to work on them?

I am the sort of reader that likes to read from the beginning to the end. I have been unable to read any of your fine work on this series for nearly a year, as I don't want to even start the "Miku" arc until I know that I will be able to finish it.

All said, for the sake of your fans and the fans of this series, please at least remove the registration of those two volume 7 chapters from the users that have monopolized them. I know that it might take a while, but, with this crack team, I am sure that those chapters will be finished soon if they are merely available.

Thanks again!


Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:17 am
by RikiNutcase
"I love Date A Live! You have no idea how grateful I am for you translators to translate them for us(me). Though, I wish that Volume 7 have been translated already. I'm waiting for a year already. Please, for I as the representative of one of the fans waiting for Volume 7, I beg of you to complete them before 2015!"

Err........Hmmmmm, if you be a good boy and be patient, it will eventually be translated okay? :?


1. There is no translation "team". It's just a bunch of Translators picking what chapter they want to translate. And it just so happens that Vol 7 translators have more important issues in real life thus causing slow translations.

2. Just because they are slow doesn't mean they should stop.

3."I am the sort of reader that likes to read from the beginning to the end. I have been unable to read any of your fine work on this series for nearly a year, as I don't want to even start the "Miku" arc until I know that I will be able to finish it."

Honestly speaking, it's not their problem because you have that way of reading a book. Go watch the anime if you can't be patient.

4."All said, for the sake of your fans and the fans of this series, please at least remove the registration of those two volume 7 chapters from the users that have monopolized them. I know that it might take a while, but, with this crack team, I am sure that those chapters will be finished soon if they are merely available."

It was up for grabs for almost a year and no one took it until they appeared. And i am not removing them off the list unless they want to quit.
(I will be checking with Restiaest since he really is MIA)

5. Adding "Thanks again" behind a complaint doesn't make it sound nice. It just make it sarcastic.


If Restiaest really is MIA then i will take on Vol 7 Chpt 9.(After Volume 10 of course)

Watch the Anime and be patient.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:26 am
by thejadmaster
I order to avoid sticking my foot in my mouth again, I will be brief.

I misunderstood the project structure, and thus my suggestion was inappropriate. I apologize.

I do understand the constraints of real life and am grateful for whatever the translators are able to put into a project. Thanks especially to you, RikiNutcase, for the immense amount of your free time you have put into this project.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:28 pm
by octapusxft
thejadmaster wrote:I order to avoid sticking my foot in my mouth again, I will be brief.

I misunderstood the project structure, and thus my suggestion was inappropriate. I apologize.

I do understand the constraints of real life and am grateful for whatever the translators are able to put into a project. Thanks especially to you, RikiNutcase, for the immense amount of your free time you have put into this project.
Under the current circumstances the best course of action would be to watch the anime episodes that correspond to the missing chapters in volume 7. We are quite fortunate for the anime to cover that gap.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:57 pm
by ID not in use
Just caught up on Vol 10 chap 4....
Spoiler! :
I was stunned by the development of Origami's origin. She is such a tragic character and now this. I'm hoping the author has some way out for her cause I would be sad if after taking out Phantom she kills herself.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:19 pm
by Flowers-LavDai
I updated 2 color photos from volume 6 and I'm not sure if the colors are right. Can someone please check it and tell me if it's ok? If it's not, then delete it or revert to previous update. Thanks

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:17 pm
by AKAAkira
I'm not sure if it's a question of "right" more than it being a question of picture scanning/picture quality. The two you replaced were definitely more grainy than your replacements, but by the--dunno the right word for it, I'm not versed in image editing at all--"bleeding" of hues in your replacements, I'd suspect someone actually put them in an image editor and "adjusted" them that way. While I like the overall effect for the band picture, for sure, I'm a bit more conflicted on the Miku one. I felt like that one was "bled" too much, such that the words became too blurred (well, not that that's important for most people) and a few details were slightly obscured, like the shine inside Miku's eyes.

And if I'm right about the adjusting thing, there's also the question of how much picture editing Baka-Tsuki should accept--else, at some point we're gonna stray completely outside of "official" material. Like that Oreimo V12 picture I raised a fuss about a while back, since it was more or less a large enough redraw-and-colour that it could be considered fanart. (And there I am again, bring that topic back up...)

Uh, anyway, by and large my answer is: I don't know. It's a topic worth raising in the DAL talk page, I suppose. I suspect most would linger between "I don't mind" and "looks good!", though.

(Besides which, now that I think about one would actually be able to tell you whether it's "right" or at least closer to the original version unless they have a physical copy of the book themselves...)


Different issue directed @whoever's-in-charge - it looks like somebody made summary copies of Kotori Mystery and Mana Mission, again. Granted, if my memory serves right these are actually a little bit more comprehensive compared to the last ones submitted, so I'm only about 80% sure they're summaries, but the dashes (-) at the start of every paragraph is a big hint.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:38 pm
by RikiNutcase
No source to confirm if it's summary or not.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 5:06 pm
by Crimsonflair
RikiNutcase wrote:No source to confirm if it's summary or not.
Looking into this, the text originally came from a 4chan thread so it should be a summary. Where this was found was probably in a pastebin document; though I don't know if I should provide its link.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:44 pm
by Assassin
Those are summaries. The guy behind those often posts these in point form.

The guys over at the 4chan threads decided at some point that a pastebin would be easier to have things be kept in track considering summaries are rolling in from that guy, not to mention said guy often drops summaries from other side stories in length - and it takes probably two threads at minimum for a volume to be summarized completely.

Re: Date a Live: General

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:48 pm
by RikiNutcase
So....we delete?