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Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:46 am
by Linkmet95
Seriously, well ill look out at the project. 8)

Already registered, i decided to finish the Chapter "Life 4" from Volume 02 and then finish Volume 03 before moving foward.

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:20 pm
by Karloz
Hello there. Not sure in which language to speak since we have mods here that speak on English too, so I'll go ahead with English and use Spanish if requested later on.

So I'm back after two years! Holy crap the studies. I've finished it all and now I'm finally free again. I was expecting to be replaced already but to my surprise looks like the project is... dead or something like that? At least the core managers and former members look like that...

I've checked the page history and it has been barely thru any change after all. In fact, just a major one after my leave haha.

So my question is, since I'm going to stay here from now on permanently (I promise no more ninja farewells), from where I start to translate? I'll end up my scratched volumes I started at 2014 and finish them in the following weeks/months to see if more former people appear.

I'll start updating the front page tomorrow to have the last English version in Spanish.

EDIT: Minor grammatical error fixes. I wrote this at 6 a.m haha. Now's better.

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:29 pm
by Linkmet95
Karloz wrote:Hello there. Not sure in which language to speak since we have mods here that speak on English too, so I'll go ahead with English and use Spanish if requested later on.

So I'm back after two years! Holy crap the studies. I've finished it all and now I've finally free time again. I was expecting to be replaced already but to my surprise looks like the project is... dead or something like that? At least the core managers and former members looks like that...

I've checked the page history and it has been barely any change after all. In fact, just a major one after my leave haha.

So my question is, since I'm going to stay here from now on permanently (I promise no more ninja farewells), from where I start to translate? I'll end up my scratched volumes I started at 2014 and end them in the following weeks/months to see if more former people appear.

I'll start updating the front page tomorrow to have the last English version in Spanish.
Hi Karloz

I'm really sorry that I have been unable to work on this. First I was occupied with studies and then I forgot.

I still want to work on this but given that you were here previously is better if you take the lead

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:12 am
by Karloz
My thoughts are to update the Main Page / Traslation Guidelines over this week and the next after if needed. (9 May onwards.)

I nearly finished the front page update. Just need to add the last novel illustrations, overhaul the Short Stories section and some minor stylish/informative changes all over the page.

There has been a lot of inactivity here. I should check the volumes taken and remove the inactive translators from there so new translators can join if interested.

I also remember that some of the first volumes were translated in a Google Translator-esque type from non-spaniards or people with little knowledge about spanish language. Not sure if they fixed it by now but I remember I promised myself to fix those volume mistakes (aberrations / grammatical errors) myself but I'll do it later when most of the new volumes are finished (9 onwards).

Take the lead? Well, I can. In fact, actually I'm the only one here but I don't mind being alone. I'll try to translate them as fast as I can but I'm under a certain medication (nothing serious, but the side effects include headaches and anemia) until summer and the pace will be slow till then.

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 4:59 pm
by Nagiax Phantomblade
Buenas a todos, he estado intentando participar en la traducción desde hace semanas y después de muchos problemas por fin puedo escribir aqui! Como podría hacer para participar? Podría empezar desde el volumen 6 en adelante o podría también primero llenar los Lifes que faltan de los tomos anteriores.
Agradecería mucho a quien pudiese ayudarme ^^ :3

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 4:00 pm
by Karloz
Puedes empezar por los Lifes faltantes en los Volúmenes 3 y 4.

Por una serie de infortunios no he podido acabar la principal. Acabaré de hacer las modificaciones en estos días.

EDIT: Si estás de acuerdo con ello escribelo aquí y te añado como traductor.

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:06 am
by Nagiax Phantomblade
Con gusto. Empezare con todas las lifes faltantes de los tomos. Traduciré directamente de la versión en inglés. Gracias ^^ :mrgreen:

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 6:01 am
by Nagiax Phantomblade
Estoy trabajando en el Life aun. Llevo 1/3. Avisare mis progresos aqui para que no piensen que me he olvidado XD

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:13 pm
by Nagiax Phantomblade
Llevo 2/3 del Life del Tomo 3. Creo que esta quedando bastante bien. Disculpen la demora, mi trabajo es algo demandante pero realmente me gusta hacer esto asi que no me ire hasta terminar todos los tomos que pueda. Animo a mi XD :mrgreen:

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:21 pm
by Karloz
Bah. Si tampoco hay prisa. Fijaté, yo he estado este mes liado al final porque entre varias cosas, me tengo que presentar al final al teórico del carné de conducir entre otras (no me gusta y lo he estado evitando, pero ya no queda más remedio). Esta semana que viene me presento y en cuanto salga de la DGT ese día editaré la principal. Ni en vacaciones se está tranquilo.

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:19 pm
by Nagiax Phantomblade
Hey! Ya terminé todo. Use los códigos html de la version en ingles, pero evidentemente he hecho algo mal porque sale mal. Podria alguien guiarme como hacerlo bien? Deberia subirlo para que alguien pueda enseñarme a arreglarlo o hay un manual o algo asi?

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:52 am
by Karloz
Que yo sepa guía para esto no hay.

Haber, esto va en formato Wiki, guías haber hay, pero sobre los códigos y todo eso. Si lo que quieres es imitar el estilo de otro Life es a base de prueba y error. ... n_3_Life_1 ¿Te refieres a este? ¿Qué el principio queda mal muy separado? Eso lo puedo arreglar yo.

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:04 pm
by Nagiax Phantomblade
Perdonen por no informar en tanto tiempo, como soy nuevo en la ediciön web he estado probando un poco pero he tenido que retrasarme bastante en ponerla por situaciones del trabajo. La traducción está completa, solo espero tener un poco de tiempo para finalmente subirla. De nuevo, perdonen el retraso.

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:56 am
by zxzxzx
¡Hola! Por favor disculpe mí español, no es mí idioma nativa pero yo se un poco y yo soy todavia aprendiendo (lento). Entiendo que varios traducciones de High School DxD existe, hay el razón? Como traductor, yo se traduccion es mucho trabajo. ¿Alguien tiene contactado los traductors a enviar su traducciones en Baka-Tsuki? ¿O me perdiendo algo importante?

Sentir libre correcto mí español. Probablemente suena como un traduccion literal de Inglés.

Re: Comentarios sobre High School DxD Español (Spanish)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:07 pm
by Nagiax Phantomblade
LIFE 3 TERMINADO Y SUBIDO AL FIN!!!! XD espero que les guste