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ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:03 am
by Krikit
Well, I'm not for certain about the whole point of the story yet, sorry ^_^. (I haven't translated the wiki :)) But from what we have written in other forums, here is the gist of this light novels story line.
Spoiler! :
Chinese translated name: The Genie Maid

The main character is cleaning his room when he found a lamp. He cleans it slightly and the rich, most popular and famous girl in school appears, in maid uniform! (Sadly for the girl, she was resting in her big mansion, with dozens of maids and servants in the residence. And she unknowingly gets summoned into his room.) Her father then follows through the warping portal formed as she is summoned, and explains that they are a family of genies. And that they are so rich and carefree because of her father's genie abilities. However, there can only be one genie in the family at one time. This would mean that the girl has inherited all the abilities (but requires unlocking) and thus her family is in a big crisis of breaking apart (becoming poor, and also because her mum is married to her dad because of how rich he is too, showing how love can be bought with money? ^^") and so the girl will have to try and please the main character to try to unlock more of her abilities and try to save her family.
I don't know everything about this story line, and it seems to be based on the manga more than the novel, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I will be the translator ^_^ whoo hoo :)

I have the first 2 pages done so far, but I decided to skip from page 12 to page 24, because that's where the two protagonists "meet," and it's the first major interesting part, so that will bey my excerpt for all of you to read. Here it is, PuiPui Volume 1 Chapter 1 Excerpt. (short)
Spoiler! :
Sierra, was in an unfamiliar room.

Dust was piled on a great deal of old books, and there were boxes of bowls and heaps of newpapers.

"Wha, what is this....some kind of warehouse? How did I, come to this kind of place?"

", who are you?"

Sierra turned her surprised eyes towards the bewildered voice. With her eyes flashing, she assumed a battle position. In front of the boy, a dull golden container in the shape of a water kettle tumbled away.

"Y, you're, Araki Jin! Why, are you here?"

"Why you ask, this is my room!"

"Eh....your room? W, why....?"

"By the way, how come you know my name?"

"What was that? We're in the same class, so it's obvious right?"

"Eh....the same class?"

"No way, you don't know me? Me?"

"I transferred here from another high school, that's why."

"That's not the problem! April is over and yet you still don't know the names of the girls in your same class? I mean, why does someone not know me in the academy?"

Sierra angrily slapped her hand against her hip, then suddenly narrowed her eyes.

"......Ah, I see. This must mean, your eyes are bad? I thought it was strange. It's because you can't see me, that's why you're not making a fuss. Then it's agreed."

"Nope. Both my eyes are one/five."

"Hah? What's that, I don't believe it!"
Okay, first things first about the way the novel is written here. I like it so far, but it is true that it seems a tad unrealistic...If you disappeared from home to end up in someones house, I don't think you'd be asking why the guy doesn't know your name ^_^. Then on the other hand, it's realistic, because if it actually happened, I think the shock would leave people acting normal-ish, as we have here. ^_^.

Anyway, tell me what you think, and vote on it :). I'm actually really happy with this novel so far. here's why:

I've tried translating Spice and Wolf. I suck, hard words, no luck. I tried translating Toradora! hard...but a little bit easier. Still took ages. Now for PuiPui...I'm actually able to read alot of the dialogue sentences, and without putting them in Wakan, knowing their translation right off the bat!!! Then with the grammar, it really isn't hard, and wakan is able to help me learn the Kanji, and then I work with school knowledge to figure out conjugations and stuff. It's really a heck of a lot easier, and a fun story to boot!

So I think I will be using this as my FINAL Practice Light Novel. I will continue to dabble in Spice and Wolf, but it really is still so complex right now....sigh. Anyway, hope this gets good ratings, I know I like it :)

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:16 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Krikit wrote: Okay, first things first about the way the novel is written here. I like it so far, but it is true that it seems a tad unrealistic...If you disappeared from home to end up in someones house, I don't think you'd be asking why the guy doesn't know your name ^_^. Then on the other hand, it's realistic, because if it actually happened, I think the shock would leave people acting normal-ish, as we have here. ^_^.

Anyway, tell me what you think, and vote on it :). I'm actually really happy with this novel so far. here's why:
That gist is good enough to attract attention I guess? =X

And as to why she seems surprised...
Spoiler! :
The reason she is asking that, is because she is an idol in school, every single person knows her... As of NHnH, Sierra is like Haruka, the most well known person in school, having lotsa fans and such... Thus she is surprised that Jin does not even know who she is.
The story is MEANT to be unrealistic =X, i mean, how many people find genies? or am i the only who dont get wishes? >"<

Anyways, it is a good read... the only thing i cant stand is how the conclusion is made out in some novels, like who will end up being with who as a couple in the end... =X (Haruka is an exception, the story is good)
I would rather they dont state that outcome on the first volume ~.~
Especially if they intend to make it some kind of harem novel, with so many girls and all...
Other than that, a good read i guess =X

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:32 am
by Nerevarine

actually the story is not that appealing to me (but of course, thats only because of the description [but dont let that stop you, i thought Midori no Hibi would be bad because of the first description i read about it. but it actually turned out really really good])

just one thing though...if you can tell me

this isnt going to be one of thost stories where they start up some romantic adventure in the first volume, then have 10 more volumes of fillers, then at the last 2 chapters of the last volume they finally get together. (because i really really hate those kind of stories)

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:46 pm
by Krikit
lol, right now, you know as much as me :).

This is what I do know about this story so far:

1) Araki Jin is searching for Solomon's Secret Treasure.

2) Araki moved to a new high school.

3) He still has loads of stuff to unpack in his room. Whether he lives alone or with family I don't know yet.

4) Anyway, it seems that for some reason he does have rare artifacts.

5) One of those artifacts is a magic genie lamp. He rubs it (don't have the details yet, sorry ^_^), and Sierra appears.

6) Again, I don't have details on her family, etc, but it seems from what others have said, it's hereditary. (her genie-ness).

7) So Again, not sure, but here's my "feeling" so far. They start searching for Solomon's Treasure together. (maybe there is a reason he can't just "wish it up."

8) Then there are probably obviously things that hinder them. Women attracted to him, Sierra's genie family, who knows. It also looks like in one of the pictures there's a bit of action with a splash of fantasy in this novel. It's not loaded with it though from what I'm seeing.

9) As for "who he ends up with" I don't know what kind of novel it is yet. There most likely is some romantic stuff, but I want to believe it's balanced with comedy, seriousness, true decisions, etc. Again though, I'll have to keep reading :)

I like what I have read so far...which is really just about 4 pages :)

EDIT: As for Midori no Hibi, same here ^_^. But I was finally in need of something to watch, so I watched it through, and it really stuck to me :). But I hear the manga has more to offer, so I might get into that. (watched it after seeing hand maid may, kinda okay)

EDIT 2: I've got another 2 pages translated in an hour haha, I'm so happy with my speed in this :). I can actually do this with pretty decent understanding :). (then again, maybe I just haven't run into anything hard yet.)

But I have about total, 5.5/48 pages. So not a great deal, but it's about 10% of the first chapter. ^_^. I think that's enough to warrent a project page creation :).

What do I need to make a project page, and how does one go about doing it?

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:53 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Nerevarine wrote:this isnt going to be one of thost stories where they start up some romantic adventure in the first volume, then have 10 more volumes of fillers, then at the last 2 chapters of the last volume they finally get together. (because i really really hate those kind of stories)
I cannot answer for sure, since i only read the first volume... but just to add on to what Krikit said...
Spoiler! :
The two arent exactly together yet. It is a sword spirit that said near the end that prompts that the two will be together eventually. It is not exactly romantic so far. The reason the genie is interested in the guy is because he is the only one who doesnt seem to even know about her despite how famous she is in school, and she is afraid that she made him hate her somehow. Later on, she realizes the truth, and due to the way they met, she has nothing to hide in front of him. Something similar to NHnH in that sense?

The guy on the other hand, is more focused on finding solomon's treasure. However, near the end, it is revealed that he HAS one of them, and he will have to help protect the world. From the demons that was once sealed in the solomon's treasure, and from some wacky genie that if leveled up enough, has the power to destroy an entire nation in the blink of an eye...
As to what Krikit says, well, he is likely to end up with the genie... ~.~ and I am not sure about romantic stuff, since the guy seems really dumb in that area, and its comedy with fiction so far? true decisions? seriousness? not sure about those =X

P.S. to make a project page, how about asking the moderators for help? @@

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:29 am
by Krikit
Thanks for the update Shadow. I really don't know much about this novel, but what you posted has made me want to read it more. I don't really like the romantic novels if that's all it is....and that goes on for 10 volumes. (stuff like D. Capo I don't find too interesting.)

Sorry about writing "serious" and the like ^_^. What I meant by that was more along the lines of...I didn't want to see that normal weakness, where:

guy meets girl. guy is weak. guy screams alot of nonsense while mindlessly bashing enemies. guy somehow gets stronger...guy still screams and acts kinda immature. guy gets girl.

That's the kind of thing I don't want to read really....example, one of my favorite stories I've found recently, has been (anime anyway) "Heroic Age." Age-kun is a human brought up by a superior race, and helps save mankind. He's not a wild get stronger by yelling and immature character. He's simply strong, He knows what he has to do, and he works hard to do it. Those stories I really like. Then Bleach for example. Ichigo isn't always screaming, there is serious training that happens, he gets stronger, and works to protect his friends. He never acts wild or immature. He's always serious and devoted to what he does. and he's mature about it. Those are the kind of action stories I just can't get enough of. (vandread really made me upset, and I never finished watching Gundam Seed...but I've been thinking of at least finishing because I'm at episode 40-something....sigh.)

anyway, what I wanted to say all that for, was because PuiPui doesn't focus on D.Capo stuff or Vandread action. It's got a male protagonist, and his dream. He happens to get a helper, and she's a bishoujou to boot ^_^. I like it when people don't just cling together right off the bat and spend the rest of their story messing up, fixing, messing up, fixing, etc. it's more serene, more mature, that's what I enjoy reading. Akira Jin seems to be that way, at least from what I know now. He's not chasing girls, etc. He's working for his dream, and there happens to be a cute girl there that is, little by little, falling for his qualities ^_^. Or something like that. Maybe that's not true either, we'll see. Anyway, that's the novel that captivates my interest, and this one, adding in some fantasy type action with magic surrounding Solomon's Treasure, and you have yourselves what I hope will be an excellent story.

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:51 pm
by Akirasav
To create a new page (or any page) type in the baka-tsuki address with the name of the Novel you want to create.

Example: ... le=XXXXXXX

replace XXXXXXX with the novel's name.

A blank page will show up. Then just edit it like a normal page. I would suggest copying the Toradora! page and modifying it for PuiPui.

Then you'll need to ask some one to add link on the sidebar. But I would translate a chapter or two first to show your commitment. In the mean time, let us know the address here in the forum so we can follow along.

I would be happy to help edit the novel.


As whether or not to translate the novel in the first place,

You should find something you enjoy translating. (As translators are our real limitation.) If you are willing to translate a significant number of volumes then you should go for it. (Though you may be looking for a popular book too.)


Edit: Go here ... shi_Kanojo for an example of a pending project.

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:24 pm
by Nerevarine
Krikit wrote: That's the kind of thing I don't want to read really....example, one of my favorite stories I've found recently, has been (anime anyway) "Heroic Age." Age-kun is a human brought up by a superior race, and helps save mankind. He's not a wild get stronger by yelling and immature character. He's simply strong, He knows what he has to do, and he works hard to do it. Those stories I really like. Then Bleach for example. Ichigo isn't always screaming, there is serious training that happens, he gets stronger, and works to protect his friends. He never acts wild or immature. He's always serious and devoted to what he does. and he's mature about it. Those are the kind of action stories I just can't get enough of. (vandread really made me upset, and I never finished watching Gundam Seed...but I've been thinking of at least finishing because I'm at episode 40-something....sigh.)

anyway, what I wanted to say all that for, was because PuiPui doesn't focus on D.Capo stuff or Vandread action. It's got a male protagonist, and his dream. He happens to get a helper, and she's a bishoujou to boot ^_^. I like it when people don't just cling together right off the bat and spend the rest of their story messing up, fixing, messing up, fixing, etc. it's more serene, more mature, that's what I enjoy reading. Akira Jin seems to be that way, at least from what I know now. He's not chasing girls, etc. He's working for his dream, and there happens to be a cute girl there that is, little by little, falling for his qualities ^_^. Or something like that. Maybe that's not true either, we'll see. Anyway, that's the novel that captivates my interest, and this one, adding in some fantasy type action with magic surrounding Solomon's Treasure, and you have yourselves what I hope will be an excellent story.

Hah, i hated Herioic just seemed so pointless to me.

its like...first there is one "nest" thingy from the bronze race, everyone is scared and Age runs thru it and kills it.

Then there is 3 "nest" things, Age runs thru and kills it

then there is another battle, and Age is individually fighting the "bronze race" insecty guys. and then the ship is in trouble, so Age goes super sayan style and roars and like 5 nest things die at once....its like... why fight the insect guys individually in the first place if you can just kill thousands of them with one power blast thingy.

there was no limit to his strength, he would always win and it didnt matter what was thrown at him....i stopped watching around episode 12 i think

as for vandread....that was one of the first anime i watched...and i liked it, heh. it was just the idea i liked...not really the characters or plot. though i wish there was more besides the dismal ending.

never watched bleach (probably will never, dont really like shounen like that) nor D. Capo (yet)

but well, anyways, this story dosnt really "catch" me. but you go ahead, who knows, i might like it if i read it.

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:32 pm
by Krikit
Lol, you didn't like Heroic Age....this saddens me...:( But I do think you kind of had the wrong idea about Age. He wasn't like a male protagonist lead that had to go out and keep winning to save the world. He was given specific guidelines by the Golden Race, and that was to follow and protect Deannera (name spelling sucks..O_o). He wasn't supposed to go full out and take out all of the bad guys. It's this kind of guideline that exhibits when and how Age fights. I enjoyed seeing his simple honesty and innocence in following this guideline. The parts I really liked the most however, was the little things. Example: how he paints the ship wall, (I really miss his long hair, I wish they never would have cut it.....sigh). His child-ish will, the small comedy he has, the way Deannera comes to like him, the whole thing I just liked. :)

As for Vandread, I really did like the plot. Earth had begun to manufacture humans in plants, and got to a point where they needed to harvest organs. So the other planets were colonialized for that purpose. Then we have one of the "originals" who was frozen and so remained a kid for a long time. Anyway, the whole romantic thing in that anime kind of annoys me, his screaming, his...I guess it's the immature feel he gives off while he's fighting....sigh. but I did enjoy the plot. Though then again the ending was wierd the end it was what? that one little boy that was ruling the universe? we never saw another earthling. idk....

Anyway, as for PuiPui, I guess I'll just have to translate it to know what and how the story will continue :)

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:28 pm
by Krikit ... tle=PuiPui

Oh no i'm gonna be late for school..argh!!!

Okay, if someone can do the pending thing at the top, that would help. I've got around 8/49 pages translated.

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:40 am
by Krikit ... tle=PuiPui

So I've finished updating and editing to the best of my abilities. All that's left now is to get it moved onto the side bar :)

And then try to get thousands of people to read it, so I can feel happy about bringing Japanese media to people who Need it as much as I do :)

But hey, what do you guys think of the layout? Anything that can be added, that's cool :)

(As for the picture, I used an insert, but I'm not sure what kind of image people might want to see. Her in a maid uniform might throw off the story, and make people think it's some kind of nonsense story, when it's a bit deeper than that ^_^. Didn't know if I wanted her face serene, excited, sad, or what, so I went with seems to work okay for ZnT :))

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:45 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Nice, simple and clear...
But... about the Synopsis...
Jin is interested in archaeology, and seems to have a desire to uncover the hidden treasure of the ancient King Solomon.
He does not SEEM to have a desire =X he has such a desire...?

And for the teaser, why not throw in the manga into the page as well, since they are talking about the exact same thing, and the way they look seems cute too~ ^^

Just a suggestion~

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:59 am
by Akirasav
Lots of minor things:

Pretty good for 10 hours of work (Though you probably took some breaks lol.) Mind if I sign up as an editor?

As for the synopsis, I would suggest translating the back cover of Volume 1 (or some other summary). That way we don't have to quote wikipedia. I don't know if taking their summary and editing it is bad or what. I would just rather start fresh. Plus we won't have to link them.

I like the picture. Though I would say it's mad-embarrassed.

Krikit: you have seen the "All Projects Startup Guidelines" post by Oni right? ... f=4&t=1822

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:01 am
by Krikit
lol, RAWR!!! Fear me. It's been a total of around 12 hours since I started (with school, food, etc breaks). I have the site pretty much done to the best I can, and Akira has fixed the "pending project" stuff, which I thank you for :). I'm actually really excited so far, I've actually gone 2 WHOLE PAGES and don't have to ask for help in the "learning sections" place ^_^.

I've updated it to 12%, and it seems I can do one page in like 30-50 minutes depending on difficulty. This beats my 3 hours a page for Toradora!, and my "never yet completed a page" of Spice and Wolf :).

I'm really happy with my speed in this, some understanding I have, and the work that we've all done to turn this into what it is now :).

Yes Akira, go ahead and be an editor, goodness knows I'll need one. ^_^

So yeah. I guess that's it. I've written all the "Powers-that-Be" and got a response from the Demon, that the project is all set and everything's green. Once I get a chapter up, then it will be moved onto the side-bar. I've been seeing all those other projects there unauthorized....and I'm wondering if anybody even cared enough to do anything...because they've been there for months :). And at the rate of my translation speed, I might be able to have this project up and on the sidebar come My Birthday. That will be my Birthday Present to all of you out there. :). October 17th is my birthday. Remember it!!! and you had better make a topic for "Krikit's October Birthday" or else my translations might get a little....slow ^_^

Anyway, I like what I've added to the translation so far, we get to understand more about Araki's geekiness. He reminds me of Seto from Love Hina a bit :). Except in High School.....O_o

Anyway, I'm thrilled so far. A project I can actually enjoy, and so far, that I do enjoy :). But I've no idea how the story will play out. Maybe it really will turn into a drag.....sigh. (or not :))

EDIT: I just realized....maybe it's just me but I"m using an aweful lot of smiley faces :).

Re: ぷいぷい PuiPui

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:07 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
How about I proofread your work on your birthday and send you a complete list of every minor detail about how it defers from my chinese text? haha!

Anyways, you might need someone to help you keep track of your translations... I am not exactly free, so you should ask around to see who has the text and can help you check your translations?