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[ch 6] Snow White?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:36 am
by Da~Mike
Snow White?

--Yankervitch 14:47, 6 June 2006 (PDT) Although Snow White may be referenced in the earlier editions- if Mikuru's talking about how to get out of closed space with Haruhi, the fairytale she should really be referencing is Sleeping Beauty. Snow White is awakened in the Grimm's fairy tale version by the servants of the prince, who stumble while carrying the glass coffin, which dislodges the poisoned apple from her throat. In the interest of making it flow better... could that be changed to Sleeping Beauty in the translation? Or at least have a footnote explaining the author's original error? -- (yankervitch)

The author initially said 白雪姫, a quick Google [] reveals Mikuru certainly said Snow White. Technically we can consider the poisoned apple as the closed space that Haruhi got herself trapped in with Kyon, and Kyon kissing Haruhi later in chapter 7 is pretty much symbolic of dislodging the "poisoned apple", or rather, the closed space. Does that make sense?

I should also mention that in the anime, Snow White is also mentioned by the adult Asahina Mikuru in the episode 10 raw. If Kyoto Animation has also decided this will be the case, it means Nagaru-san definitely did mean Snow White and not Sleeping Beauty. I'll have to consider this case closed.

Lastly I should mention that Nagato said "sleeping beauty" in pure english in chapter 7. Last I checked she didn't discuss things with the future Mikuru, let alone the present-day one. If Nagato truly got the idea from the future Mikuru, she would have mentioned it in the epilogue, especially since she's one to go into analytical detail. To not do so only shows she has an ego, which of course she doesn't to begin with. -- velocity7, 12:44 PM EDT, June 6 2006

--Yankervitch 14:47, 6 June 2006 (PDT) Hang on a sec, then. So both fairytales are mentioned in the novel? Bizarre. Talk about badly mixed metaphores, then. In the Grimm's Sleeping Beauty, everyone is asleep and time is frozen throughout the kingdom (down to the point where a cook about to hit a boy in the kitchen falls asleep right before hitting the boy, and as soon as he wakes up, he follows through on the slap as if he hadn't been asleep for that long). That fits (in my own interpretation) with the closed space appearing to the point where only Haruhi and Kyon are present more than the poisoned apple.

I wonder what other analysis could be made of Nagato and Mikuru referencing different Western fairytales.

You might be looking a little too deep into this... in the Disney version, both females were awakened by a kiss, hence the "common thing" between the Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.

--GDsMDDLFNGR 18:37, 6 June 2006 (PDT)

This is quite a late response, but given that the final episode of Haruhi has aired and both the "Snow White" and "sleeping beauty" things are both said as such by Mikuru and Yuki respectively, I'd like to close this issue permanently. Seems the author does in fact know what he said and knows what he's doing, if Kyoto Animation is so willing to do this as well.

-- velocity7, 18:22 EDT, July 2 2006