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[ch 6] ESP?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:33 am
by Da~Mike

I've noticed in the text a few places (including at least once in this chapter) where Koizumi replies to Kyon's unvoiced thoughts. Is that really what is happening, or are there just some accidentally missing quotation marks? I know his commentary sometimes "covers up" real dialog, but in conversations with Koizumi is seems to happen more than usual.

The case I noticed just now is at the very end of Chapter 6:

The car stopped, and as I was about to step out, he spoke again,

"Please pay attention to Suzumiya-san's actions. Her supposed mentally stable state has now begun to have signs of rapid change. It's been quite a while since something like today has happened."

Even if I did observe, she'd still become like that, isn't it so? [Note: no quotation marks on this line]

"Frankly, I don't know either. But I find it to be a good idea to leave everything to you, since some of my companions tend to think things way too complicatedly."

Perhaps this is just a very subtle way of showing that Koizumi has some "ESP" powers that Kyon has not noticed yet. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't an artifact introduced in the translation and typing process.

--BlckKnght 21:47, 3 May 2006 (PDT)

Sometimes the missing quotations deal with Kyon's thoughts, sometimes they're his dialogue. The author lets the reader determine it by context. I think this may have been for two reasons: 1) To get the reader closer to Kyon, and 2) to allow the author to have Kyon say something, then have a "Or that was what I was going to say..." line afterwards.

Since it's repeated often enough to constitute a style, and the confusion it causes doesn't change between Japanese and English, it should probably be translated the way it is. You get used to it after a few chapters.

--Kumarei 12:46, 8 May 2006 (EST)