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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:14 am
by HolyCow
Nope, manga has 'Twins' divided into 2 chapters, so that's only 4 chapters in total.

VOICE and DOG are not covered in the manga. From what I've read in the novels, WRISTCUT and TWINS are heavily centered around Morino, and that's why I've put down my name for both of them 8)

Morino's moeness increases at every chapter. The DOG chapter is excellent proof of it :P

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:01 am
by obaka-san
I haven't read the translation of GOTH yet ^^ I'm waiting for at least 50% of the novel get translated before starting reading >.>

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:20 am
by Dan
I've been busy learning to program in two differnt languages for some projects due next week. I have read the translations in this thread though.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:03 am
by Dan
Ok, I slacked off and read some.

About the notebook they find, does it really jump back and forth between past and present tense? I was going to fix it, but I thought maybe the screwed up writing style might indicate a state of mental instability. Adds to the creepiness, kinda.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:16 am
by HolyCow
Yea, the notebook does shift between tenses sometimes - Boku explains why later on.

I'll do more of WRISTCUT later. More long, dry, psychotic sentences to come :D

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:02 pm
by HolyCow
Up to 10%, for anyone who bothers to read it :P

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:32 am
by Dan
Of course people read it. :P

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:23 am
by the_naming_game
I would like to emphasize that HolyCow is right; there are in fact, 2 chapters out of 6 that are novel-only. These are the final two chapters of Boku's part.

(edit: should have checked before writing.)
Correction: The middle story of Yoru's part, "Dog", and the final chapter of Boku's part (and also the conclusion of the novel.), "Voice", are novel-only.

Also, if any of you are holding off on reading Wristcut until Goth is finished, these stories do not depend on each other, and in fact, what I read of Wristcut puts it chronologically earlier. Wristcut is actually covered first in the manga adaptation.

I will probably start adding more to "Goth" in about a week plus or minus; mostly likely minus, actually.

If the tense changes in the notebook really are important, I'm going to have to go back and proofread that...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:35 am
by HolyCow

What I meant was, it doesn't matter if the tenses jump from past to present or vice versa, since (IIRC):
Spoiler! :
Boku points out that the killer planned the murders from the start (which would explain it being in present). However, sometimes things don't really go according to plan, so he had to either start referring to his notebook again, or proceed with something different, before changing the contents of the notebook later on.
It doesn't matter if GOTH or WRISTCUT is read first, actually. The two have nothing much to do with each other.

P/S: the_naming_game, since you started with the GOTH chapter, I'm assuming that you're planning to do the other 2 Boku chapters? Have you seen DOG? It's good, and definitely shocking. Oh yes, shocking indeed... <Insert Evil Laughter Here>

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:41 am
by obaka-san
So evil, absolute evilness.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:11 am
by HolyCow
Me, Morino or the Wrist-slitter? :twisted:

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:17 am
by Dan
Oh, good, now that I know they are independent stories, I can start the other one. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:50 am
by the_naming_game
You've really, really, really fallen for Morino, huh? I haven't read anything (much) beyond my translation, but if I could read it even half as fast as I do English, I'd be done with the book by now. I'm looking forward to all the chapters, but definitely DOG, as it's one of the novel-only chapters. And yes, because it's a Morino chapter.

By the way, "Goth" is contained in Yoru's part in the split novel. I haven't read enough to see why this is considered a Morino story... seems to be split equally currently. About the two remaining Boku chapters... sure, I'll take them. It works out, since we both get a story that wasn't in the manga. Since they're the last two, there might be dependency conflicts, but I will just not release until the necessary parts are cleared.

When you find out, could you say something about any other dependencies between stories? Going by the comic's TOC, it seems "Grave (Dirt)" and "Twins (Remembrance)" can be read in parallel as well, since they're reversed there, compared with the novel. Based on what little I know, it seem like this: "{Goth, Wristcut}, Dog, {Grave, Twins}, Voice" -- two in parallel, followed by a sequential, another two in parallel, another sequential.

In other words, I think "Dog" might have to be finished before I should release anything on "Grave" ... though I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

Also, what I meant about the tenses is that they don't exactly match the Japanese at present. It wouldn't take much time to fix that, for that "authentic" feel.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:22 am
by HolyCow
Huh? DOG is Yoru chapter? :? That's odd. I've finished the whole chapter and other than a few moe characteristic of Morino, that chapter doesn't really concern her at all... She doesn't even appear much during the whole course of the story. That's strange...

TWINS (Remembrance) is undoubtedly her chapter though, and I'm loving every single page of it :twisted:

I'm not sure why GOTH is Morino's chapter either, but IMO WRISTCUT is more of her chapter than GOTH is. In GOTH, you get to see how badass Boku is, while WRISTCUT has a scene that just reeks moe for Morino 8)

GRAVE and VOICE are Boku chapters according to the Japanese Wiki. They're horribly long, though (they make up almost half of the entire novel, 3/8 to be accurate), and I suggest each of us doing one of them (I haven't read either yet).

This way, the chapters would probably be divided as such:


I think I'll leave VOICE to you, since you're the one who started the project, it's fitting that you should be the one to finish it :D

P/S: Very, very small spoiler for DOG (more of a foreshadowing)
Spoiler! :
Do NOT translated DOG prior to finishing the whole chapter. There's a huge shocker (aka Trap) at the end that will pretty much screw up all your previous tenses unless you caught the hint really early on... (I was going WTF?! at the said trap :P )
P/P/S: Morino's moeness is overwhelming... 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:41 am
by HolyCow
Just finished off the 'TWINS' chapter and the rest of the GOTH manga, and I must say, the manga version of TWINS sucks. It makes the whole thing seem like an action flick whereas the novel version is deeply traumatic (at least from Morino's POV).

TWINS is pretty depressing actually. I made the mistake of reading this at 3 am and ended up finishing it at around 5 (in the morning). It seems very much different from the usual GOTH feel. It's good Morino development though, and reveals a different side to her. I'm definitely doing this chapter.

I've only started reading a few pages of GRAVE, but it seems very odd to me... It's like Himatsubushi-hen is to Higurashi; very weird. Boku and Morino are missing, and it seems like we'll have a story told from a different character's POV...

EDIT: Wristcut Chapter 1 done