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Unnatural History

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:23 pm
by b0mb3r
I usually never pay attention to those stupid live-action shows on CARTOON NETWORK but this show really caught my eye. The pilot episode appeared tonight and it isn't half bad.

Basically story about a multi-talented boy named Henry who is sent back to america aka D.C. to gain discipline since he is such a jungle boy who likes to be reckless and help people. anyway so he goes to a specailized high school that is connected to the National Museum in D.C. where there are mysterious artifacts to discover. lives with his strict uncle whose the princpal of his school and his cousin Jasper.

This show is like the Hardy Boys combine with National Treasure with a small hint of Hogwarts. It has action, parkour, kung-fu and tons of great flashbacks of henry's travels around the world where he picks up his skills. It could be just cravings from an adventure story but I dig it. you guys check it out when you can.

Re: Unnatural History

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:05 pm
by Gwilthyunman
I had originally thought, Oh, NO not another teen show, idiotic, silly, and shallow (BORING), but the Wizards of Waverly Place could never catch my attention like this show has. I really liked the javelin through the football scene, and the dialog is catchy like the comment that there are perks and irks to being a professor's son. There is definitely a huge dose of Indiana Jones type situations that I find hilarious. If you enjoyed the Indiana Jones Movies and TV-Series, you might enjoy this. :)

Re: Unnatural History

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:44 am
by cboy123
What show? Too much interesting story.