Kingdom Hearts III

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Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Hiiragi Kagami1 wrote:It's all because Japan rules the video game industry...
If it weren't for Atari's stupid decisions (E.T. and Pacman on the 2600= failure), cheap home PCs, and too many amateur companies trying to get a piece of the video game industry cake (which was pretty much hogged by Atari), North America would still be on top of video games. Life would be SWEET!
At least we have animation and Disney... :)
Moving on, I wonder what platform KHIII will be released on? I'd like to say PS3, but PS3's not looking too good... it might suffer the fate of the 3DO :shock: If that happened, and KHIII were released exclusively on PS3, it could mean the end of Sony for a couple of years (even though PS2 and PSP are still strong, so they have something to fall back on), and it'd definitely be the end of Kingdom Hearts. :(
So, Square Enix will probably:
a) release KHIII on Xbox 360 and PS3, so if PS3 fails, Xbox will be there (this isn't likely, since Xbox 360 only sold 300,000 units in Japan, compared to 1,000,000+ units of PS3s and Wiis, even with a year's headstart) (I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft withdrew from the game industry in the next decade. They have Windows, anyway...)
b)release KHIII on PS3 and send Kingdom Hearts to the holy crossroads of fate
c) buy more time by releasing an in the middle game on Wii (cause believe me, Square Enix is not going to release a high quality graphics game on a platform that does barely better, if at all, than the PS2 in graphics, aka Wii)
d) wait for Sony to get their act together (which probably will be left to the PS4)
poor Sony and their PS3DO...
PS3 might start doing a little better than you think. Bluray is winning in the HD war. Really they just need to get their big guns out like the next FFs, MGS, DMC, ect. I honestly think Sony is doing an amazing job on support as well. Their version updates pack some pretty impressive stuff each time. 8) Just need some decent games to play on it now. :?
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Post by Setherzam »

and don't forget this: ... Beats+Wii/

remember, Japan makes almost all of our games >.>
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Hiiragi Kagami
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Post by Hiiragi Kagami »

So PS3 may survive this generation after all... like you said, putting out popular games will definitely raise PS3's value.
Now that I think of it this way, KHIII on PS3 is highly likely (especially since FF's on there). If KHIII does find its way to PS3, I'll probably buy one, but not now... when PS2 was new, I thought it was expensive at $200 :P, and the only reason I got a Wii was because it introduced a new way to play. I'll wait until I find a PS3 for <$250, but that might not be until PS5... :cry:
Well, one thing's for sure: Sony will stay strong in video games! :mrgreen:

By the way, anyone found any evidence of the (PS3 fated) KHIII? All I find is 358/2 Days, Birth by Sleep, and Coded.
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Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Of course Sony is going to survive. The one I'd be worried about is Nintendo. They own the portable market and that isn't bad at all, but their console domination has been lax since the SNES. :? A few hit titles here and there isn't going to bring them out of the rut, they really need to dig into the 3rd party stuff and hit up more mature titles. :?
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Hiiragi Kagami
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Post by Hiiragi Kagami »

Nintendo's the Disney of the gaming world... :roll:
According to Wiki, one reason the Nintendo Gamecube (a.k.a. where it all went wrong, I think N64 was pretty nice) did the worst of the sixth generation is because there was a lack of adult titles (the PS2 and Xbox had more than plenty of adult games, which beat Gamecube up pretty bad). Nintendo's been like this since NES, so they probably aren't going to change their mind for Wii. (which is too bad, since the Wii could have some mean shooting games, with the controller and all!)
Then again, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles might prove me wrong...
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Post by Fushichou »

Honestly, with Halo gone, do any of you really think that Microsoft will survive much longer?

Bungie separated from Microsoft months ago; now what do they have to offer?
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Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Fushichou wrote:Honestly, with Halo gone, do any of you really think that Microsoft will survive much longer?

Bungie separated from Microsoft months ago; now what do they have to offer?
Halo is complete yes, but the story of Master Chief isn't done yet. 8)
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Post by ainsoph9 »

Mass Effect and BioShock are definitely there for Microsoft. As for the PS3, I am just waiting for Final Fantasy XIII for my excuse to buy it. I do not know of any other games that look interesting for it right now.
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Post by Setherzam »

argh, need either a 360 or a PS3 for DMC 4!
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Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Lost Odyssey is going to be superb. I can smell it. 8)
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Post by Fushichou »

I honestly don't think any of the new game systems are that good...

Even though I think the Wii is the best, it's not like it's really up there compared to my thoughts on previous systems.

The PS3 and the 360 are on the same level in my book as well. It's just that the PS3 has a major lack of interesting games out, like the Dreamcast did before it crashed.
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Post by AuraTwilight »

I just wanna nitpick that it technically won't be called Kingdom Hearts 3. They're releasing all sorts of new KH games, none of them bearing the title. Check Wikipedia.
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Post by ben1234 »

Its the fact that COD5 is going to be console only that worries me. :?
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Post by Fushichou »

Call of Duty 5 will suck...

Back to WWII, but wait! This time we get to kill Japanese people! Oh..wait...
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Post by onizuka-gto »

Fushichou wrote:Call of Duty 5 will suck...

Back to WWII, but wait! This time we get to kill Japanese people! Oh..wait...
Call of Duty 5 will feature you underwater fighting in scub gear and hunter-killer dolphins and anti-submarine seals.

Welcome to waterworld hell.

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