My Favorite Star Wars Games

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My Favorite Star Wars Games

Post by b0mb3r »

After the much disappointed sequel, Force Unleahsed II, due to in sucky story and being a very short game (4 hours) I thought about what star wars games appealed to me. So I made myself a top ten list to share.

10. Force Unleashed: I find the story to be pretty cool and fanservice to fans like visiting the inside of the Death Star. Yeah the controls is clunky and the camera isn’t smooth and the fighting isn’t too fluid and you don’t dismember stormtroopers like in Jedi Knight series but I enjoy the graphic a lot.

9. Empire at War: Total control how the war fares between Empire and Rebels in the tip of your hand. Nuff said.

8. Republic Commando: Not too great but is awesome to played memorable clones in a tactical-squad gameplay. Now if they only make it co-op and gives us the much needed sequel.

7. Super Star Wars: My 1st SW game and is totally fun to play Retro Han Solo and blow Stormtroopers away.

6. Sega Star War Trilogy Arcade: Back then it was the only game that allows you to play through all the trilogy and had a 1st person light saber combat against boba fett and vader. Still pretty fun to experience the trilogy great moments.

5. Jedi Academy: One of the best lightsaber duel game to existence.

4. Rough Leader: The thy best flying game in star wars. To me it rivals Star Fox 64 and Crimson Skies.

3. Lego Star Wars – Original Trilogy. A truly enjoyable game that captures the Star Wars Spirit well and brings joy to my heart.

2. Battlefront II: Make me really feel a part of a Star War Warzone.

1. KOTOR: Probably one of the best Star Wars fiction I’ve experience to date. And also a fun RPG.

What's your favorite star wars games?

baka baka baka

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