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Post by b0mb3r »

*sniff* is over. such a beauitful series come to the end. what is odd is that i learn of this series from megatokyo. apparently the author/artist is a fan of the 1st verison and named his main character Piro. what is funny is that he wears ayu's hat (episode 24) alot in the series. so care to share your response to the series?

baka baka baka
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Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Spoiler! :
I hated the final episode. It left so many things unanswered and it was pretty lame. They could have just finished it at ep23 and said she was dead.
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Post by b0mb3r »

Spoiler! :
maybe is suppose to be magic and nothing is suppose to made sense at all

baka baka baka
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Post by HolyCow »

I HATED the last episode of Kanon. It just threw everything they worked on out of the window. I had expected Shiori to die. Even though I like her as a character, it makes sense for her to eventually die. It sort of gives you a bittersweet feeling, knowing that she's dead but that she managed to make up with her sister in the end.

When Shiori suddenly appeared I was going 'WTF?'. It sort of killed the mood for me right there. I don't mind Akiko surviving, but the Shiori surviving scene was just too cheesy for me. It kinda reminds me of Mai HiME -.-

They should have ended Kanon at 23. This ending is too fairy-tale-isque for me.[/spoiler]
/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by ben1234 »

Spoiler! :
My theory is that Mai, AKA the miracle maker, had wished for Yuuicihi's happiness and bought everyone he cared about out of the hospital.
Story Synopsis for the individual characters taken from gamefaqs:

Spoiler! :
A mysterious girl with a sword who is fighting invisible demons at night.
Yuuichi from pure curiosity wants to see what's going on and brings her dinner everday.
The thing that is funny is that all his menus are oriental and cheap,
such as Beef bowls and rice crackers.
It certainly destroys this fantasy like setting.

Meanwhile in the day time, they spend time eating lunch along with Sayuri.
Sayuri brings her own home made lunch and they all eat it together upstairs.
Yuuichi easily gets along with the two and teases Mai everyday.
One way he plays with Mai is through a traditional Japanese word play game.
In this game, you take turns coming up with a word that begins with a letter
that a previous word ended with.
For example, Ri-n-go, go-ri-ra, ra-ppa and so on.
You lose the game if you say a word that ends with a "n" sound
When Mai says an animal name, she always puts a "-san" after it, so she always ends up losing.
(BTW, -san after a name is used as politeness in Japanese)

One day they find a stray dog at school.
While everybody is scared, Mai takes out the dog and feeds it with Nayuki's lunch.
Yuuichi later learns that how Sayuri and Mai met each other was like this.
When Mai was feeding an hungry stray dog her fist(yeah),
Sayuri asked her if she wanted to give Sayuri's lunch to it.
Since that day two years ago, Sayuri and Mai were best friends.

Yuuichi starts to make plans to brighten up Mai and let everyone know how kind she really is.
Such as making her hold one of those stop signs so childrens can cross the road.
This plans fails tho, since there were no children in the front of their highschool...
As she was pathetically holding the stop sign in front of the school,
her reputation among the students further falls.
However Yuuichi sees Mai helping an old woman crossing the road
and further realizes her internal kindness.

As a second plan Yuuichi suggest her to go to the school dance party.
They succeed in making her go, and Sayuri gets her a nice dress.
However, the demons suddently start to attack the party.
While Mai was running out from the gym to get her sword, a body is thrown in front of her.
It was Sayuri.
Mai in rage starts slashing all over the place.
Fortunately Sayuri was not badly hurt, but Mai was kicked out from school.
Yuuichi and Sayuri tries to get her back to school by talking to the student body and such,
but in Yuuichi's surprisement, Mai just pops back at school.

Yuuichi seriously starts thinking of helping Mai fight the demons,
and starts training himself with a wooden sword.
From no where, a pan flies out at him and he's knocked out.
It's mai, helping his training?
The next thing he knows a fire extinguisher flies at him.

Meanwhile, Sayuri and Yuuichi was planning a surprise birthday present for Mai.
Sayuri chooses a stuffed Ant Eater...
On the day of her Birthday, they were going to give it to Mai,
but misses the opportunity at day time.
At night time, Yuuichi realizes Sayuri might have gone to school to see Mai.
Sayuri might not have known the existance of the demons and their danger.
When he gets there, Yuuichi sees Mai leaning on the wall...
the stuffed animal soaked in red...

Fortunately again, Sayuri's life wasn't at risk but she's heavily injured.
Mai heads on to the school again to finsh the battle with the demons.
Yuuichi follows.
With their coorporation, the last demon is killed, but Mai is hurt badly.
She says its going to be fine, and Yuuichi gets her the beef bowl he promised when it was all over.
As yuuichi was heading back, he realizes the number of the demons today
was missing one from what Mai told him earlier.
As he rushes back to the school, he sees an illusion of a small girl.
Yuuichi starts to remember he met a girl 10 years ago.
This girl had no friends and yuuichi was the only person who played with her.
The day he needed to leave the town came and trying not to make him go,
she makes up a lie.
"Demons are attacking our place, we needs to protect it together..."

In confusion, he finds Mai on the floor.
Yuuichi starts to talking to her,
"it's over, there's no demon in the first place, you were creating them, its your power"
Observing Mai who's not responding, he puts a cute bunny ears that he got from Nayuki on Mai.
"we can start over, lets live in an apartment together with Sayuri, Life will be so joyful"

You see her flashback when she was a child. Her mom was always sick, she could never take Mai out.
One day she determines her end was near and tries to take Mai to the Zoo.
She can't go far and stops at a benchi.
Mai tries to lighten her up and makes Snow bunnies.
However, all her work is powerless and her mom slowly closes her eyes.
Back at the hospital, she prayed her mom will be back.
She miraclly returns.
That's when she realized her power, and was the beginning of a miserable life.
Her relatives used her power as a show and everyone started to treat her differently.
She and her mom were forced out of town and had to live an lonely life.
There he met Yuuichi.

Going back to the school..
Mai asks Yuuichi "I might start crying"
Yuuichi "Don't worry I'll be always there to comfort you"
As she determined something.. she stabs herself...

few month later, after the graduation ceremony.
Yuuichi "I shouldn't make the main heroine wait"
Sayuri "Am I the heroine??"
Yuuichi "yup, Lets go princess"
::A chop on Yuuichi's head::
"You tried to leave me behind..."
Sayuri "Oh the real heroine's here!"
Spoiler! :
First time they meet in the town, Makoto starts hitting Yuuichi, but she falls down exausted.
Yuuichi didn't know what to do and takes her to his house.
They find out Makoto lost her memory, so Akiko with her famous one second reply of "Understood,"
permisses her to live with them until she remembers something.

Every night Makoto tries to play dumb tricks on Yuuichi while he's sleeping,
but it all fails since he always know beforehand.
One such example is throwing noodles on his face.
On top of that all she does in the daytime is eat meatbuns and read comics.
The family tries to make her childishness go away by treating her as an adult,
especially Akiko who's extremely forgiving.

While at the town, Yuuichi finds a cat and thinks an interaction with animals will make her sympathetic.
However she drops the cat on a bridge and it drives off on a truck.
Yuuichi gets furious, but soon the cat is found by Makoto, who tried hard to find it.
The cat is going to live with the family, again with Akiko's "Understood".
Yuuichi comes up with the weirdest names for the cat, such as "Meatbun", but it's finally named "Piroshiki".
Makoto doesn't know that this means something in the line of "Meatbun," in Russian.

One day Yuuichi finds a mysterious girl called Mishio who said, pointing to Makoto,
"Do you know her?"
She seemed to know something, but doesn't want to explain it.
Mishio strangely says Yuuichi met her before, and that,
"The cost for a miracle is its memory and its life."

Yuuichi soon realizes what that word meant.
Makoto was starting to forget how to do things, normal human things, such as using a chop stick.
In panic Yuuichi struggles to reteach her how to do stuffs,
but it fails, what's worse she even begins to forget words.

He tries to contact Mishio if there is anything he can do,
but she doesn't want to talk to him. Finally he receives a call from Mishio.
There she tells him of a myth of a magical fox who brought bad luck to the people.
Yuuichi at first couldn't belive it, but soon realizes Makoto is a fox.
The fox never brought bad luck to people, but in fact wanted to experience human coziness.
Mishio met one of them before and knew what comes at the end.

Yuuichi decides to be by Makoto's side till the very end,
and so he reads her comics, talks to her everday,
and goes out with the family and takes a picture.
One day he remembers when they were reading a comic,
she mentioned she wanted to get married,
so he takes her to the field and has an wedding together.
That day, she passes away...

Few days later, Mishio and Yuuichi are talking to each other.
Mishio "If you can make a wish what would it be?"
Yuuichi "Mine? mine would be..."
Spoiler! :
Shiori's a suppose to be a sick girl who can't come to school.
Yuuichi didn't know how sick she was, but decides to hang around with the lonely girl.

Shiori totally loves Ice Cream.
For one thing she eats its it everday, in dead winter.
Shiori also has a pocketfull of medicines:
headache pills, stomcach aches pill, cough drops, you name it.
Yuuichi mentions the pocket must be 4 dimensional (Joke from a famous Japanese manga Doraemon)
Her hobby is to draw, but she sucks.
She says her family runs away everytime she mentions she'll draw them.

He finds out Kaori is her older sister,
but when he asks Kaori about Shiori, she denies the fact that she has a sister.
Yuuichi soon finds out Shiori has only has to her next birthday, February 1, to live.
Kaori couldn't stand the fact that she has a dying sister.

Shiori then asks Yuuichi to treat her like a normal girl until that day.
Yuuichi now realizes how much she means to his life and tries to do his best.
Since then she starts coming back to school,
they go out to the hidden park, and go around the shopping district.

One day when they were at a cafe(ordering Super Jumbo Puffet DX), they see Nayuki and Kaori.
Kaori sees her sister living in a positive attitude,
and on their way back she finally accepts her as a sister;
"Of course she's pretty, you know she's my sister"

Everything was going well, that you thought she's not going to die after all, but that day comes...
You bought her a birthday present, a sketch book, but you could see in her eyes that she's not feeling well.
They spend the whole day together, and the clock was almost 12.
He lets Shiori rest while he takes out his present...
"Happy birthday,"
but that word never reached..

Few days later school, carfeteria,
Yuuichi looks in the refridge for an Ice Cream. there's none.
As he sighs, he stoods up thinking it's not the season.
Then a girl with an handfull of ice cream cups stumbles upon him...
Spoiler! :
The first day you see Ayu, she's running away from not paying for her Taiyaki snack.
You try to dodge her, but for her clumsyness you get rammed.
She has an weird habid of saying "Ugu~" either happy or sad.
Yuuichi's first impression: "What a weird girl"

They get along pretty well(actually Yuuichi just teases her everyday).
One day she tells him she needs to look for something she's lost, but she can't remember what.
Yuuichi decides to help her out in the search.

While they are together Yuuichi starts to remember in his dream that they actually met 7 years ago in this town.
Ayu was just going through a sad state that her mother just died.
Yuuichi felt sad for her and tried to lighten her up in everyway.
One day they were at a video game arcade.
Ayu wanted to get this doll from this crane game.
No matter how hard they tried,they weren't able to.
The next day, Yuuichi borrows money (permanently) from Nayuki and gets the doll.
As she presents the doll to Ayu, he tells her this is a magical doll and you can have three wishes,
except it has to be something he's able to do.
Ayu first wishes that Yuuichi would never forget about her,
even if he goes back to his hometown, she wants him to remember there was this little girl...

Going back to the present.
Nayuki invites Ayu to stay at their house.
Ayu can't cook and makes a huge mess at his house.
Ayu stays at their house for a while, doing chores for Akiko.
One day, Akiko gets an fever and Ayu panics.
Yuuichi and Nayuki had to go to school that day, but with Ayu's hard work, Akiko recovers.

Yuuichi starts to notice something strange about Ayu,
for one thing she said she can miss her school any time she wants,
and second of all, they both watch the same dream about their past.

Finally Ayu said she'll take him to her school. but when she got there,
there was only a empty space and a tree trunk that was cut down.
Ayu starts to panic and she runs off and started to dig a hole saying she needs to find it.
In the midst of that she mysteriously disappears, leaving her backpack with feathers.

In Yuuichi's next dream, Ayu and he was playing at the same place, in the woods.
As her second wish, she wishes she could go to school with Yuuichi.
Yuuichi tells her alright, this place will be our school.
There will be no test, no homework, and we can miss school anytime we want.
Ayu suggest hiding the doll underground so she can make a wish in the future, like a time machine.

Back to the Present.
That day Yuuichi asks his friend to help him search for the doll.
They do find it, and Nayuki voulunteers to fix the worn out doll.

In the dream that night, Yuuichi was holding a present to Ayu, a hair band.
As he got to the woods, he finds Ayu up on the trees again.
However, a wind blew.
The body of the girl falls to the ground like a doll and a blund sound is heard.
The white snow starts to dye in red,
Yuuichi runs up to her trying to comfort her.
As she loses consciousness, the scene blacks out.

Back to the Present.
Yuuichi goes back to the woods again with the doll and the backpack.
He waits there all night, and finally in the morning Ayu appears.
He hands her the doll and backpack.
In a fading tone, she makes her third wish:
"Please forget about me"
Yuuichi hugs her gently and asks her
"Is that what you really want?"
Ayu starts crying and admits that she still want to be with Yuuichi and eat Taiyaki with him.
Yuuichi tells her lets do that then, but soon Ayu disappears from his hand.
Yuuichi although in an empty heart felt that Ayu was able to smile at the last moment.

Morning, few days later, it seemed like an another typical day.
Akiko was watching the local news,
and tells him that an unconcious girl that fell from the tree woke up after 7 years...
her name was...
Spoiler! :
Nayuki can never wake up by herself up in the morning.
She has multiple alarm clocks but they don't work. (They work on Yuuichi next door)
Yuuichi is given one of her alarms with a voice recorder:
"Morning, It's morning, eat breakfast and go to school~"
He comments that it makes him even more sleepy.
Because of her, they never get to school on time without running.
The only reason they make it is probably because Nayuki's on the track team.

Nayuki is filled with happiness when she eats Strawberry Sundae, 880 yen(tax not included).
She always gets the A set Lunch at the school because there's a Strawberry ice cream as an desert.
That's how much she likes Strawberry sweets.
Nayuki loves cats but has a cat allergie...
She also has a weird stuffed frog called "Keropii" (hmm? heard of it somewhere? heh)

Nayuki's watch breaks one day and they go to a shop to get it fixed.
On the way home, he said he can buy her something small, and she asks him to get a 10 yen marble.
He is puzzled why she would want that, but she was happy.
That marble was later used as an eye of a snow bunny found at school.

If you haven't noticed by now, Nayuki always liked Yuuichi, not as a cousin but as a girl.
Yuuichi, however, never realized that.
The story goes back to 7 years ago, few days before Yuuichi was leaving her town.
Yuuichi was crying on the benchi after a tragic event(you guess what tragedy).
Nauyuki makes a snow bunny trying to lighten him up, but Yuuichi was in no mood for that and crushes it.
Nayuki weakly tells him that she wants to tell him something and will be waiting at the benchi tommorow.
Yuuichi never showed up.

Going back to the present time.
While they were studying for the test.
Yuuichi slowly remembers the past and finally realized Nayuki's feelings.
He hugs her in the porch and tells her he loves her too.
Nayuki at first didn't know what to do, but soon accepts that fact.
"I'll forgive you with 7 Strawberry Sundaes"

When everything seems to go well, Akiko gets in an car accident.
Nayuki couldn't recover from that tragedy, and locks herself up.
Yuuichi tells her everything will be alright, Akiko san's not going anywhere, but she won't stop crying.
As the final plan, he tells her he'll be waiting at that benchi.
He leaves the voice recording alarm clock by the door.
Yuuichi doesn't go to school and waits in the front of the station all day.
The clock had reached 12, nothing...

and then you hear a girl's voice "Oh found a ditcher"
Yuuichi, "that makes two of us"

flash back to Yuuichi's recorded message...
"I can't make a miracle happen"
"But I can be by your side"
"I promise"
"If you're in despair I'll comfort you"
"At happy times I'll laugh with you"
"Even in Winter, filled with snow"
"Even in Spring, when the sakura tree blooms"
"Even in the quiet Summer"
"Even in Fall, when the color of leaves change"
"and even if the snow starts to fall again"
"I will stay here"
"I won't go anywhere"
"Because I"
"really like you"
Spoiler! :
Sayuri had a little brother.
Her parents asked her to treat her brother strictly.
Sayuri knew that they were strict towards her too, that's why she was able to grow up so mannerfully.
So she decides to be harsh on her brother.
She never plays with him, although she really loved him.
However, he grew sick..
Sayuri couldn't stand her little brother suffering so much, and for the first time disobeyed her parents.
On the bed of the hospital, Sayuri brought him toys and candies.
"When you get well, lets go out and have fun"
her brother smiled a bit.
However, he never got well and his short life was over.
From that day on Sayuri has been always smiling...
trying to make someone happy....
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Post by Kinny Riddle »

For those who bash the show and the last episode in particular, that's utter b0llocks (BTW Why bother with swear-filters?). I can't believe you HolyCow of all people gutter voted in the ASuki forum. WTF is wrong with a happy ending? You should've been grateful Kyo-Ani was very faithful to all the girls' endings from the game and they did it in the most non-cheesy way possible.

I must say I'm utterly disappointed with you not being able to understand the vibes us original game players felt, but I guess it's understandable as you've probably never played the game. :(

Shiori's survival, Mai and Sayuri-san's recovery, Akiko coming back from the dead, Makoto making a reappearance can ALL be attributed to Ayu's final wish - of wanting to make Yuuichi happy. Kyo-Ani incorporated the elements of all 5 girls' best endings and interweaved them well. I certainly like to see the detractors attempt a better job.

I seriously advise you guys to play the original visual novel to understand the feel of the original.

And since we're at it with CLANNAD, I motion that we BakaTsuki translate Kanon and AIR as well, as long as someone tell me what programme to use to extract the script straight from the game (which I happen to possess and cleared).
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Post by Umiman »

There should be a huge spoiler message on the topic of this thread. But since I've already read it, sigh...

I must say, I agree with Kinny. What is wrong with a happy ending? Are you guys so dysfunctional that a story can only be considered good if the ending was depressing? Are you such an MTV-devotee where everything has to be disastrous to be considered good?

If you take into account all visual novels in general, I doubt anyone wants to keep a depressing, morbid ending as the canon version, especially if there are happier endings to be had. Tsukihime for example: they kept a collective of the happy endings for the sequels.

Personally, I don't enjoy watching entertainment to be depressed. And if I did come across a depressing one, you can be damn sure I won't be going near it again anytime soon (i.e: AIR).
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Post by HolyCow »

Sigh. I already explained once in the ASuki forums, but I graded episode 24 a 1, and not the entire series. Don't get me wrong. I loved Kanon 2006. It was beautiful. It was touching. It was almost PERFECT, all the way until Episode 23, which I gave a perfect 10. The end to it, with Nayuki's "Fight on!", seemed to conclude the series perfectly.

Episode 24 sort of killed the ending for me. The whole emotional buildup they went through with Shiori's arc was kinda ruined for me seeing her alive and fully recovered. I like Shiori as a character, but this episode sorta ruined everything they had done for her.

Kanon 2006 as a whole I would grade an 8 or 9, but for this episode alone, I can't give such a score. It just pains me to see such a great series end in such a way, and I'm really disappointed by it. I understand why some of you are pissed by the low rating, but that's just my opinion of the EPISODE, and not the SERIES, just to let you know.
/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by Iznogoud »

It depends how you look at it.

The end could be a dream, with all the characters dead.
It seems to good to be true.
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Post by Setherzam »

>.> I never watched it...

Don't hurt me!
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Post by Dan »

Darn it! I came home and found out my brother got into some trouble with our ISP over torrent programs...I'll have to wait till I get back to school to get it all.

One thing is bothering me...
Spoiler! :
What's the final pairing? :shock:
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Astral Realm

Post by Symphonia »

Dan wrote:
Spoiler! :
What's the final pairing? :shock:
Yuuichi X Jun X Akiko's special jam. Woops zomg oh noes spoiler!
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Post by bicube »

^ lol...
Kinny Riddle wrote:And since we're at it with CLANNAD, I motion that we BakaTsuki translate Kanon and AIR as well, as long as someone tell me what programme to use to extract the script straight from the game (which I happen to possess and cleared).
I think Kanon is already translated, but haeleth (the guy who did it) has held it back due to ethical reasons or something. You can read his blog about it here: http://www.haeleth.net/index.shtml

Though it seems like AIR was started, it seems to have been scrapped, so picking it up shouldn't cause any problems. If you want more info about this kinda thing like which program to extract Kinny, you should ask velocity7 about it. He knows a lot more about it than me. >_>
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Post by Kinny Riddle »

bicube wrote:^ lol...
Kinny Riddle wrote:And since we're at it with CLANNAD, I motion that we BakaTsuki translate Kanon and AIR as well, as long as someone tell me what programme to use to extract the script straight from the game (which I happen to possess and cleared).
I think Kanon is already translated, but haeleth (the guy who did it) has held it back due to ethical reasons or something. You can read his blog about it here: http://www.haeleth.net/index.shtml

Though it seems like AIR was started, it seems to have been scrapped, so picking it up shouldn't cause any problems. If you want more info about this kinda thing like which program to extract Kinny, you should ask velocity7 about it. He knows a lot more about it than me. >_>
It is because I'm aware that the guy that did the Kanon translation held back because of his beliefs, and not other people's, that I propose doing one ourselves. No disrespect to haeleth intended whatsoever, but I did not agree with everything he said in his reason for holding back.

I'll admit I'm not good at arguments, so please don't ask me to elaborate, but there's something in his "there's only black and white, but no gray" reasoning that I just cannot agree with.
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Post by Dan »

If we buy the game and use a patch for translation, I can't see why the company that sells it would complain. I think it'd be pretty cool if there was a translation for it.

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