Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by Beware the talking cat »

My eyes. My eyes.

Besides the fact it was inane, pointless, fanservice-ridden, and just plain boring, it didn't even have the semblance of plot most awful harem shows have. I have no intentions of watching a show where half the episode is the main running around groping half of the school.

And on top of that, the colors were all washed out.
Archnemesis of the name changing guy.
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ben1234 »

First impressions so far:

Ladies vs. Butlers!:
Aroduc wrote:It somehow managed to be even worse than I had feared, and considering how low my expectations were, that’s an accomplishment all to itself... The music was awful, the production mediocre at best, leaning aggressively towards poor, and the censoring just made things even worse... Every other poorly animated and drawn shot with any detail featured fierce nipples violently trying to break through their oppressive clothes, which is a sentence I hope to never have to write ever again.
Cobra The Animation:
This is almost as bad as Ladies vs. Butlers. Almost.

Just when you think you've seen it all, someone throws talking boobs at you.

You can already tell the K-On fanboys/girls will swarm over this like bees on honey, and you can tell that's how the studio is planning on selling the DVDs. The show makes no sense in the first place when you realize nobody in their right mind would join an army to learn how to play a trumpet.
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ainsoph9 »

You can already tell the K-On fanboys/girls will swarm over this like bees on honey, and you can tell that's how the studio is planning on selling the DVDs. The show makes no sense in the first place when you realize nobody in their right mind would join an army to learn how to play a trumpet.
Umm...I will beg to differ. I have known several individuals who joined the army just to play their instrument. I know that some people learn instruments while in the armed forces as well. Also, historically speaking, trumpets, bugles, and drum were "instrumental" in the function of an army. So, I am somewhat confused as to what you may mean. Could you please clarify? :?
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ben1234 »

The problem I really have with it is that the girl could just go to a music school to learn how to play the trumpet.

I mean, if she's going to enlist, she'll have to shoot someone eventually right? Could someone that innocent looking harm another living creature, let alone a human being?

And let's say she won't be shooting anyone. Does she even look brave enough to blow that trumpet in the middle of a battle and in a way that won't make ears bleed?
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by Kaisos Erranon »

There's probably more to her decision than we're being told.

Keep in mind that Sora no Woto's screenwriter is the same guy who did the series composition for Mai-Hime/Otome, Code Geass, and Macross Frontier. ...I would not be surprised if some kind of half-twist relating to that legend they mentioned/the single fantasy element is introduced at some point. And hell, the director is the guy behind the Elfen Lied anime.

Of course, if they don't build on that single fantasy element I can be pretty certain that the show is gonna suck in the long run, but....
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ainsoph9 »

ben1234 wrote:The problem I really have with it is that the girl could just go to a music school to learn how to play the trumpet.

I mean, if she's going to enlist, she'll have to shoot someone eventually right? Could someone that innocent looking harm another living creature, let alone a human being?

And let's say she won't be shooting anyone. Does she even look brave enough to blow that trumpet in the middle of a battle and in a way that won't make ears bleed?
True. I have heard of troops who do not fight and just play their instruments despite them having basic training though. Also, I wonder how many men have been done in by beautiful women thinking that thought of, "She is so cute and innocent-looking. Like heck she will be able to anything to me!" My point is the classic saying, "Looks can be deceiving."
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ben1234 »

You kinda have to look beyond the writer and director to predict how well it'll do. Besides, it's really easy for a show to get popular if you throw in lots of mindless blood spraying and naked women.

It's also really easy for a show to do well when you have Pizza Hut and a well known studio behind your back.

Like, name 1 decent series made by A-1 Pictures that's not that Fairy Tail crap
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by b0mb3r »

ben1234 wrote:You kinda have to look beyond the writer and director to predict how well it'll do. Besides, it's really easy for a show to get popular if you throw in lots of mindless blood spraying and naked women.

It's also really easy for a show to do well when you have Pizza Hut and a well known studio behind your back.

Like, name 1 decent series made by A-1 Pictures that's not that Fairy Tail crap
*facepalm* kannagi?! the only reason why i know they exist!

baka baka baka
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ben1234 »

Besides Kannagi -_-
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by Rectifier »

Kannagi season 2?
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ben1234 »

More first impressions:

Omamori Himari:
It's amazing how ZEXCS can consistently bring us these decent shows but they can never produce something good

But ya, the manga never really kept my attention for long and there's probably better stuff to watch than this

Baka to Test:
Is this really the same studio that did Tayutama? You can immediately notice the difference in budget and quality, and it doesn't feel like some cheap harem. This is rare coming from me but... I'm utterly shocked and impressed. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

The difference here is like going from Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka crap to near Seto no Hanayome quality

I just wonder if they can keep up this quality of production for the rest of the show

Incidentally, Silver Link happens to have worked on the animation for Bakemonogatari so the DVD sales might have been more than enough for the drastic change
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ben1234 »

Dance in the Vampire Bund
The manga deserves a better adaption than whatever crap Shinbo decided to pull :?

Wasn't really as good as the trailers made it out to be. It was missing that "WOW!!" factor Baccano had to keep me interested.
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by b0mb3r »

ben1234 wrote:Dance in the Vampire Bund
The manga deserves a better adaption than whatever crap Shinbo decided to pull :?

Wasn't really as good as the trailers made it out to be. It was missing that "WOW!!" factor Baccano had to keep me interested.
damn it where i am i have no internet to watch these shows. (how am i tying now is only temporary)

so everything been pretty bad cept baka?!

baka baka baka
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by ben1234 »

Baka Test's probably the sleeper hit of the season. As in nobody expected it do well (ie. Moyashimon) and manage to surpass the original version (not like the manga/novel was anything good).

Durararararararara is worth a try since it was supposed to be the best show of the season and it's really a hit or miss show

Those are probably the 2 I'll keep my eyes on, haven't gotten near Oukami yet (heard it was really boring though).

I'd rather read the Vampire Bund manga than watch the disaster Shinbo directed

Everything else either sucked or almost put me to sleep
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Kaisos Erranon
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Re: Anime Fall 09 Line-up!

Post by Kaisos Erranon »

You guys need to allow Ookamikakushi and Durararararararararararararara at least three or four episodes to set themselves up... hell, Baccano didn't have much draw in its first episode either simply due to it not making any sense.

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