Your theories on Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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Astral Realm

Your theories on Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Post by Stratosphere »

This seems to be one of the most confusing animes(according to most people). I've watched it twice, including the moves. I decided to wright up a very brief summary of what I think is happening(Mainly towards the end of the anime and the movie.)

In order for one to clarify their own existence, they must have something else to compare themselves too. However, one's perception of a person is different from every other person, thus their truths are different. The human mind is a complex thing. There is a psychological wall between people, because it is impossible to fully understand someone, no matter what they say. In Shinji's case, he was afraid of getting close to people because he was afraid of being deceived and lied to which would lead to pain. On the other hand, not getting close to people also caused him pain because it is hard to compare himself to others when he was never around them. Thus, he didn't know himself very well.

The whole point of Third Impact was to give Shinji a choice. He could either break the psychological walls by turning everything into one being, thus eliminating factors that could cause hurt such as anxiety, sadness, deception, etc. or he could continue the world where every entity is separate. Shinji chose to keep the world as it is because he would rather live with the pain than never be able to feel the good emotions or see anyone again.

Rei/Yui stated that the others would be revived by their own will. It's possible that the world might revive itself naturally, or it may be that Asuka and Shinji have become the new Adam and Eve, in which they must regenerate the world, themselves.

I want to see what other people who have seen it have to add.

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