Hidan no Aria (Italian)

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Re: Hidan no Aria -Italian

Post by raffreddato »

PM sent. I will tell you when i get the answer
Seriously, what kind of ugly videogame is 'My Sister is a Goth Lolita'? A title like 'My Sister is a Tsundere' would be a lot more fascinating. Moreover, i could lend MY sister to the game designers as a specimen o_o
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Re: Hidan no Aria -Italian

Post by raffreddato »

Recevied this answer: "I didn't create it(related to the Nav) and I don't work on Hidan no Aria. Maybe you ask in the thread". I told Larethian that i already have asked in the thread, but it seems i am going into a deadlock. Now i will PM Zero2001, who created it.


Zero2001 said he is pleased and gave me some advices about creating the Doc page and the instructions how to use the nav. Now it works fine. I thank him and Larethian for their kindness and explanations
Seriously, what kind of ugly videogame is 'My Sister is a Goth Lolita'? A title like 'My Sister is a Tsundere' would be a lot more fascinating. Moreover, i could lend MY sister to the game designers as a specimen o_o
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Re: Hidan no Aria -Italian

Post by raffreddato »

Hello baka tsuki admin, i need one moment of your time.

An Italian who likes Ligth Novel, 'zazai90', has came up with the idea of reuniting various Italian version of Light Novels in a unique blog, so he has asked me if he can publish my Italian Version of Hidan no Aria, obviously giving credits to me and Baka Tsuki.

For me it's ok, but i would like to know if it's ok for Baka Tsuki too, since i am translating here and from the English version of the LN. If it's against the rules 'exporting' LNs to other sites and i have should known that, please be patient with me, because i still have to understand all the rules. If instead it's possible, i would be very happy because it will help to get LNs known in Italy, where very few people know about their existence.

Waiting for your answer,

Seriously, what kind of ugly videogame is 'My Sister is a Goth Lolita'? A title like 'My Sister is a Tsundere' would be a lot more fascinating. Moreover, i could lend MY sister to the game designers as a specimen o_o
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Re: Hidan no Aria -Italian

Post by raffreddato »

Ciao a tutti,
Volevo semplicemente avvisare che a causa dell'abbandono della versione inglese di Hidan no Aria, non posso più continuare il mio progetto di traduzione. Per fortuna avevo il volume 5 salvato sul PC e non sono stato costretto a interrompere a volume in corso :D. Dopo aver fatto un piccola revisione e realizzato i PDF del volume 4 e del volume 5 chiederò agli admin di mettere il progetto in 'Suspended', naturalmente se qualcuno in possesso della versione inglese o che capisce il giapponese/coreano vorrà continuare sarà liberissimo di farlo :)

Se avete letto qualche mio capitolo, fatemi sapere cosa pensate di HnA e della mia traduzione.
Seriously, what kind of ugly videogame is 'My Sister is a Goth Lolita'? A title like 'My Sister is a Tsundere' would be a lot more fascinating. Moreover, i could lend MY sister to the game designers as a specimen o_o
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Re: Hidan no Aria -Italian

Post by Misogi »

Hmm, I don't understand Italian, but I may have understood that you will drop the project. If so, can you tell why?
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Re: Hidan no Aria -Italian

Post by raffreddato »

No, i haven't dropped the project yet, when the time arrives I will obviously post in English.

In my message I said that I can't translate anymore because the Eng version has been abandoned (and I can only translate Eng-It, I don't know Japanese T_T), so for the time being I am going to do some editings and to make the PDFs of Volume 4 and Volume 5.
After that yes, I will drop the project (trust me, if I could I would be happy to continue but... :oops: )

Thank you for your cares.

P.S. For other informations, here it is the English form of my previous message (sry for my bad grammar):

(Hello everybody,
I want only to inform you that causing the Abandonment of the English version of HnA, i can't continue my project anymore. Luckily I had Volume 5 stored on my PC so I wasn't forced to interrupt the translation in mid-way :) . After some revisions and the realization of the PDFs of Volume 4 and Volume 5 I will ask the admins to put the project in 'Suspended', obviously if someone who owns the English version or who knows Japanese/Corean wants to continue he will be free to do it :D .

If you had read some of my chapters, let me know what do you think about HnA and my translations.)
Seriously, what kind of ugly videogame is 'My Sister is a Goth Lolita'? A title like 'My Sister is a Tsundere' would be a lot more fascinating. Moreover, i could lend MY sister to the game designers as a specimen o_o
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