Zero no Tsukaima Rough Translation by Enoylawnisk

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Zero no Tsukaima Rough Translation by Enoylawnisk

Post by onizuka-gto »

These script was translated from a Chinese translated script from the Japanese.

I'am now currewntly looking for this source, as at Baka-Tsuki we seem to have alot of Chinese-English Editors.. (^^)/

Volume 1, the bottom half of chapter 1, translated by Enoylawnisk on the Aquastar Forum

I am Hiraga Saito, second year in highschool, 17 years old.
Average at sports, average in the classroom. Haven’t had a girl friend in 17 years.
Teacher’s comment: [Hm, Saito? He doesn’t mind failure, and he is very curious. He is kinda slow though.]
Father’s comment: [You have to study hard. You’re kinda slow]
Because I’m slow, I react calmly to dangerous and weird situations. I’m a guy that can accept anything.
I just saw someone fly。But as a normal person, there is nothing else after the initial fright. This and my slowness is related.
To put it bluntly, my personality is someone who does not give deep thoughts about things。
But I like winning。Putting it that way,I’m quite similar to Louise in that way。
30 minutes ago, I, Saito was still in the streets of Japan。
My computer was just fixed,and I was on the way home。Feeling happy, because finally I can surf the net. I just registered at an internet dating site.
Maybe I could find a girlfriend。Saito hoped that this normal day would be more exciting。
But,this excitement did not come from the internet, instead, it was found on the way home.
Walking from the train station,a weird circle-like portal appeared in front of Saito。
He stopped, and looked at the portal with a glaring stare. Saito had the curiosity of a non average human。
It was about 2 meters tall。1 meter in width, like an oval mirror。No thickness。Upon inspection,the mirror was floating midair。
His curiosity got the best of him。What is this?Saito thought while staring at the unusual object。
He couldn’t figure it out。He has never seen or heard something quite like this before。
He wanted to walk around it,But his curiosity was throbbing in his body。
Saito wanted to pass through the portal。
At first, he thought about not doing that。But then thought nothing could happen if he just visited it for a second。This is his nature that always got him into trouble。
Saito picked up a rock, and threw it into the portal。
The rock disappeared。
Walking behind the portal, Saito searched for the rock。But the rock was no where to be seen
Then he pulled out his key from his pocket, and pushed the tip of the key into the portal。
Nothing happened。
He pulled it out to inspect it, but nothing had happened to the key。This is why Saito thought it was safe. Because of this thought,his curiosity for the portal grew even more。
Finally, Saito walked into the portal。
He regretted it immediately。There was pain on every inch of his body。The pain was the same as the one he experienced when he was small. His mother had bought him a device that was supposed to stimulate the brain. But as soon as he put it on and turned it on, there was a big shock to his body. Saito fell into unconsciousness, and when he woke up......
It was another world.。

[Are you telling the truth?]
Louise asked suspiciously, her hand holding the bread from dinner。
The two were sitting on chairs next to the table。
Louise’s room。12 square meters wide。The window was facing south,and the bed was placed on the west. Facing north was the door, and facing east was a wardrobe for clothing
From any angle, anyone could tell that each piece of furniture was very expensive。
Saito, who had just woken up, was dragged here by Louise。
Saito, rubbing his head, replied:
[Why would I lie?]
Saito had never hated his curiosity as much as he had now。
Stupid,If I hadn’t walked through the portal, it would be so nice right now......
This isn’t Japan。Hell, this isn’t even earth!
There are familiars,Countries that levitate on the sky. Saito had never heard of places like this in highschool。
If this place exists,What’s with that big moon in the sky?it was twice as big as the moon back on Earth。
Okay, so what if its big? Some countries might have a bigger view of the moon。
But,seeing two moons is a bit too much。Did someone add another moon into the sky while I was still unconscious?
No。No way。In other words,this isn’t Earth。
It is night time......very late into the night。Is my family worrying about me right now? Saito thought guiltily。
From the window, Saito could see the grass field he laid on a few hours ago。Beyond the grass field, there was a big mountain
On the right, there was a patch of forest。Saito sighed。These trees were completely different from the ones in Japan。This kind of lush, green forest could never be found in his home country。
Louise had told me that this school was called Tristien magic school
A boarding magic school。
Magic school!!Yaus!Boarding school!Yaus!This kind of things could only be found in movies!
But, this place isn’t earth......
[I don’t believe what you just said…]
[I don’t believe it either!]
[You said you come from another world. What kind of world did you come from?]
[A world without familiars. A world where there is only 1 moon]
[What kind of screwed up world is that?]
[I came from a world like that!]
Saito yelled angrily。
[Don’t yell. Its obvious you’re a commoner]
[Who’s a commoner?]
[You can’t use magic right?That means you’re a commoner]
[What?What’s a commoner?]
[Ugh. And you call yourself a member of this world?]
[That’s why I said I’m from another world!]
As Saito said this, Louise put her head onto the table。
There is a lamp on the table。It is emitting light。The room was illuminated by the lamp。It looks like there is no electricity。
Isn’t this made by hand?Like the ones in foreign hotels。
Yeah。This is......

[Understand what?]
Louise tilted up her head。
[This is a setup。Its setup day right?。Everyone set me up for this, right?]
[What’s a ‘setup’?]
[Someone got injured, so the show stopped。I couldn’t visit the net these few days,so you guys are playing a trick on me。Wheres the camera?] (Translator note: I’m not sure how to translate the previous part. Saito thinks he is in some hidden camera show)
[What are you talking about?]
Saito jumped across to Louise。
[Ah!What are you doing!]
He pushed away the chair,holding his body over Louise’s。
[Where is Macfeng?(???) Is he in here??]
Squashing Louise,he started to unbutton her shirt。But before he could, Louise positioned her ankle below Saito’s crotch, and brought it up. The next thing he knew, Saito was on the floor, screaming。(TN: at least this is what I think happened)
[Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!.......]
[You,You dare,to do this to a noble like me?]
Louise said angrily,while picking herself off the ground。
Under a huge load of pain,Saito thought。
This isn’t a dream。
And......,This isn’t Earth。This is some place in another planet。
[Please, I beg you]
[Let me go home......]
[Because we’ve signed a contract. You’re my familiar now。I don’t know which village you came from,or what world you came from,once a contract is made, it cannot be broken。
[Stop kidding me]
[Hey, I don’t want this too。Why did I summon a familiar like you?]
[If that’s the case, please let me go......]
[Are you really from another world?]
Said Louise, now every tired and confused。
Saito nodded his head。
[Have you any proof?]
Saito, ignoring the pain in his groin, approached his bag and opened it。
[What?What is that?]
Said Saito。
The now fixed laptop started flashing。
[Hm…I Haven’t seen anything like this before。What kind of magic is it?]
[Its not magic,its science]
Saito pressed the power button, and it was turned on。
[Wahhh!~~ What is this?This is?]
Louise said in a startled voice while looking at the screen。
[The screen of the laptop]
[Its very beautiful......What kind of magic does it operate on?Wind?Water?]
[Its science]
Louise turned to Saito, Showing a stunned and naïve face。
[Science?What?Is it different from the four sides of magic?]
[Haha, yes! It’s not magic。]
Louise sat on the bed,stretching both legs and hands,said in a carefree voice:
[Mmhm....but,that doesn’t prove anything] (TN: I don’t know how to translate this either tongue.gif)
[Why?Does this world have anything like this?]
[No, but......]
[Then why won’t you believe me?]
With her long hair waving in the air,Louise nodded her head。
[Fine。I believe you]
Louise, in an irritated voice, replied:。
[Yes. Because otherwise you’ll never leave me alone]
[Fine,as long as you understand, it doesn’t matter。Now,can I go home?]
Louise, in a very irritated voice, told Saito:
[Because no magic can make a portal between your world and my world]
[Then how did you summon me?]
[I’m not too sure about these kinds of things]
Saito and Louise exchanged glances。
[I’m telling the truth! There’s no magic that can do this, because no one even knew your world existed!]
[If you don’t try summoning again, how would you know for sure?]
[The summon spell,known as ‘SUMMON SERVENT” Is a spell that summon organisms from (some place I can’t translate)。Usually it’s a creature that’s summoned. This is the first time a human has been summoned]
[Don’t say it like it doesn’t concern you。So,use that spell again。]
[So I can go back home]
[......Impossible。‘SUMMON SERVANT’ can only summon。A spell that reverses this process does not exist]
[Just try]
[No。Now is not the appropriate time to summon。]
[......。To cast ‘SUMMON SERVANT’ again requires......]
[Requires what?]
[To cast it again, it requires the death of the first summoned familiar]
[What did you say!]
Saito jumped back。
[Want to die?]
[No,Its okay。]
Replied Saito. Lowering his head, the weird symbols on his hand caught his attention.
[Ah。What’s this?]
[It means you’re my servant. It’s a tattoo on all familiars。]
Louise stood up, holding her shoulders。
On closer inspection,she’s actually pretty cute。(something about the legs that I cant understand),small, pointy feet。She’s not very tall though, about 1.5 meters in height.
Her eyes are just like the ones of a cat。The delicate eyebrows enhance the appearance of her delicate face. (TN: I can’t translate this part, so I made it up)
If only we had met over the online dating site。But this isn’t earth。Can’t even go home if I wanted。Sorrow flowed over Saito’s body.
[......I understand。I’ll be your familiar for now]
[What was that?]
[What。What did I say?]
[You sound like you’re not very educated in the speech manners of a familiar。You should have said: ‘If you have any discomfort, don’t hesitate to order me around’]
Louise said with her finger pointed at Saito。Even though her pose was very cute, her voice was cold and unemotional。
[So, what does a familiar do?]
Saito had seen familiars in Harry Potter before. He knew they sat on the master’s shoulders, but what they did, he forgot。
[First, a familiar is the eyes and ears of the master。]
[That means what a familiar sees, the master sees as well。]
[But you’re an exception, because I’m not seeing anything]
[Maybe you don’t have that kind of power]
Saito said in a dull voice。
[Next, a servant finds things for a master. For example, secret medicine]
[What’s secret medicine?]
[It’s the ingredients needed for a spell]
[I guess you can’t do that either。You don’t even know what secret medicine is……]
Louise said in an annoyed voice。
[The most important,is that the familiar must protect the existence of the master。Using all your power to rescue me from enemies is the most important task。But, I don’t think you can do that either……]
[That’s because I’m a human]
[……If you’re a real familiar, you should be able to defeat even the most powerful of monsters, but judging by your looks, you probably can’t even beat a crow in battle]
[So I’m assigning you things you actually can do, like cleaning and washing clothes。]
[Stop kidding。Watch, soon I’ll find a way home]
[Yeah yeah。If you did, that would be great。Because if you go back to where you came from, I can summon a more useful servant unlike you。]
[Ugh, I’m getting sleepy。Time for bed]
Louise yawned。
[Where do I sleep?]
Louise pointed towards the floor。
[I’m not a domestic animal]
[There’s no other way。There’s only one bed]
Louise pulled the overs off of her bed。
Then,slowly, started to unbutton her shirt。
One by one the buttons became undone。
Until her underwear could be seen clearly。Saito suddenly jumped in surprise。
[Hey! What are you doing?]
Louise replied in a dull voice:
[I’m going to sleep. Isn’t changing clothes before bed a common thing in your world?]
[Then change somewhere where I can’t see you]
[Be,because isn’t this wrong。]
[Its not wrong at all。]
[you don’t mind if a man sees you this way?]
[Man? Where?You’re only a familiar.]
What the heck is this。Being treated like a cat or dog。Saito laid on the straws while thinking。
Doesn’t matter,I was wrong when I thought she was cute。I can’t get use to this。Be her familiar?Don’t kid me。
[Wash this by tomorow。]
Something dry flew towards Saito。
Wondering what it is?He picked it up。
It was Louise’s underwear and panties. (some comments about her panties being high quality and white)
[Why? Why should I wash your panties……I’m happy about it……but don’t joke, this kind of thing……]
Saito unconsciously stood up。Louise pulled her nightgown over her head。Under the soft candle light,Saito tried to look away from Louise’s naked body。Even though it was dark,it seemed Louise really had no problem with Saito looking at her。Saito didn’t felt shamed, being a man that had to follow every one of Louise’s orders without being treated as a human
[Who do you think is taking care of you?Who gives you food?Whose room are you living in?]
[You’re my familiar aren’t you?washing clothes, cleaning and doing my bidding is your rightful duty]
Once again Saito laid down on the straws。
Who does she think she is。 She hasn’t even once treated me like I was a man。
Arh! I want to go home! I miss my parents。
His homesickness started to show。
……Theres a way home…right?。
By this time,my family should be worrying about me right now……
If I don’t find a way home soon……
What to do? Should I try to escape?Where would I go after that?
Should I go search for help? But after Louise’s reaction, who would believe there is another world out there?
Calm down。Nothing is impossible。There’s no clues right now,and there’s no promise that I could escape this place successfully。
There’s no one here I can depend on。I can only depend on Louise。
No other solution for now。I’ll have to be her familiar。At least I have food to eat。Even though she’s an angry witch to me, I’m nothing more than a familiar to her.
She’s a snob, its true,but she’s very cute。It would be so nice if she became my girlfriend。If only we had met online。
Doesn’t matter even if I had to go out of the country to meet her。Being an exchange student is even better。I must be very naïve thinking something like that would ever happen。
At least I’m not stuck on some unpopulated island.
Okay, from now on,I’ll live as a familiar while trying to find a way home。
Having this thought, Saito fell into slumber quickly。
Whether its good or bad,Saito’s weird personality was the thing that always protected him。Any fear of this new environment a normal person would have was cut in half by Saito’s personality。
Louise swirled her finger a bit,and the light went out。
Wow, even an oil lamp uses magic。This place must really have no electricity。The darkness of the night shrouded over the room。
The two moons outside the window shown their unusual light over the land。
Mom,Saito came to a magical world。I won’t be able to come to school or study for a while。Please forgive me。
And so, Saito’s life as Louise’s familiar began。 8) :D
Last edited by onizuka-gto on Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Post by onizuka-gto »

I have found the chniese Translation it is located here:
"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Post by onizuka-gto »

For those too lazy to check on it i have copy and past it here:
「你是谁?」在湛蓝的天空下,一个女孩张着她水灵水灵的眼睛看着才人的脸问道。她的年龄和才人差差不多,在黑色的披风下,穿着一件白色的上衣 ,灰色的百褶裙。
「结束了!」(to be continued)

(to be continued)

桌子上放着套着 的煤油灯。煤油灯中放出淡淡微光。房间隐隐约约的被照亮着。好象没有电。
[召唤的魔法,也就是‘SAMON SERVANT’是召唤出哈鲁克吉尼亚上的生物的。一般都是动物幻兽之类的
[......不可能的。‘SAMON SERVANT’之有召唤。将使魔送回原来地方的咒语之类的根本不存在的]
[......。‘SAMON SERVANT’再次吟唱是......]
Edit: Attempt to fix thread formatting. The real problem is that phpBB2 can't handle posts larger than around 64624 bytes (at least on my local testing forum.) This is worse for Chinese or Japanese, because phpBB2 stores these internally as numeric html entities -- takes up even more precious bytes. I better stop writing now before I have to cut off more Chinese text to make this post fit ... oops, too late!
-- the_naming_game
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Post by Da~Mike »

Uhh... you're not thinking about translating the Chinese version are you Onizuka...? :shock:

Well... I guess either way, too much Chinese or Japanese text cause my eyes to roll (or something like that).

Again, the Chinese versions already lack numerous details that couldn't be translated smoothly without borrowing words (such as honorifics) so it isn't quite the ideal source material I don't think...

Oh and even though the Chinese I learnt during my gap year (and forgot...) is just about good enough to get me through the script, I think I'll leave it to a translator. :P
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Post by onizuka-gto »

no. this was just a teaser to try and grab some of the translators a attention.


Since most are the chinese translator types.


So far none has gone for my bait. dammn.

:roll: :twisted:
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Post by the_naming_game »

Nice job finding the Chinese version. I'll have some fun with this one. I did notice some bad romanizations, in particular, the "Summon Servant" spell. I don't have a big character vocabulary, so I could only skim for the main ideas, but it's kind of neat seeing the same sentences in Chinese.

You learned that many words in 3 months? :shock: I might have to look into a program then. I've always imagined it as mostly busywork, not bootcamp. But I should probably keep a more open mind.

By the way, I learned once, to my chagrin that "ni2 shi4 shei2?" is a pretty rude thing to ask someone on the phone! So the tone of that part at least, seems pretty close to the "anta dare?" of the Japanese. I only mention this because that phrase is burned into my head from that incident. Ah, memories.

this thread's formatting.
Is it just me, or does everything posted after all that chinese text have messed up formatting?
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Post by bicube »

Nope, I'm getting weird formatting too. There's a huge blank space to the left of the text.
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Post by onizuka-gto »

This reminds me why I hate feung sheung, always mess everything up for no appriciable affect.

:roll: :P
"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Post by Da~Mike »

the_naming_game wrote: You learned that many words in 3 months? :shock: I might have to look into a program then. I've always imagined it as mostly busywork, not bootcamp. But I should probably keep a more open mind.

By the way, I learned once, to my chagrin that "ni2 shi4 shei2?" is a pretty rude thing to ask someone on the phone! So the tone of that part at least, seems pretty close to the "anta dare?" of the Japanese. I only mention this because that phrase is burned into my head from that incident. Ah, memories.
The reason I learnt as much as I did (yet forgot a great deal of it since...) in three months is due to several reasons:
1) I took a 3 month intensive Chinese course in Beijing at the Beijing Language and Culture University.
2) Being in a country where hardly anyone understands English forces one to learn the language better (since you have to practice using it almost immediately). Plus, force yourself to watch telly in Chinese. That also kind of helps.
3) I had extra tuition classes on top of my regular classes to help cram in the bloody characters.
4) Having several language exchange partners helps but you may end up teaching them more English than them teaching you Chinese (or Japanese or Korean).
4) My greatest aid in learning Chinese: my Palm dictionary. Look up for Pleco Dict, it's absolutely brilliant.

Ah... seems like you've learnt a variant accent, probably a southern type. Instead of "shei2", I would say "shui2" and instead of "zhei", I would say "zhe" (I forgot what the tones were though... :cry: )
But yes, the degree of politeness for "你是谁?" is somewhat determined by its tone (don't forget that it already has a tone!...). Normally it is equivalent to "あんた誰"(anta dare) or "お前は誰"(omae wa dare). At worst, it could end up as "誰だ貴様?!" (dare da kisama).
In a sense, Chinese can be literally translated in to English for you to understand whether it might sound rude or not (though my experience with the Chinese language taught me that it's not quite like Japanese or English when it comes to etiquette).
So if you directly translate "你是谁?" in to English, it becomes "you is who?". Now that sounds rather crude doesn't it?

A semi-polite version to ask for a person's name (I think) would be:
"请问,你叫什么名?" (qing wen, ni jiao shenme ming? = may I ask, you call what name?) Or
“请问,你的名字是什么? (qing wen, ni de ming zi shi shenme? = may I ask, your name is what?)

But to this day, I still hate reading characters unless I absolutely have to... :P

Back to this topic…
Sorry but I don’t wanna translate! :P
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Post by the_naming_game »

thread formatting.
(Breathing a big sigh of relief. Damn, that was bugging me.)

Basically, there was just too much text, and so phpBB2 never managed to store the "close quote" tag to the database. The rest is history. This just goes to show, that as much as I'm capable of over analyzing formatting issues (See the collab forum.), I realize now, it could be much, much worse.

Da~Mike --
That kind of training program sounds very very interesting. What level were you at before you got there? I assume you'd need some basic proficiency to be able to get the most out of something like that?

About pleco dict:
I'm assuming the big win for that is that, being portable, you could drill characters, etc, no matter where you were? I've done a little reading on cognitive research, and they tend agree on 20 minute sessions as an upper limit for effective learning before retention starts to drop. Basically, it advocates many small lessons as opposed to a few large ones.

So if you were using it as you went around Beijing, looking up words, doing character drills while waiting for the bus, you were probably doing just that.

For some reason I was thinking that the accent I wrote out was the "official" accent, and so for better communication, I used that. The actual accent I use is pretty close to the "regular" one you mentioned. Though admittedly I probably DID learn a different accent, as I don't stress my r's like they do in Beijing.

To break it down,
  • "zh" -> "z", "sh" -> "s", aka "xh -> x where x = { z, s, ... are there any others? }"
  • "ren2 -> zjen2", aka "rxxxx -> zjxxxx" -- take a "j", relax your mouth, and you've got it. Or conversely, take a "z", relax your mouth, and you've got it too.
  • take out any r's that remain, and replace with various words, if the "r" happened to serve a grammatical function. "na2li3? zhe4bian1." ("where? here.") ... as opposed to that "nar3? zher4." business.
(Oops... what was I saying about it being similar? The vowels are, at least...)

Basically, it's probably a much easier accent for someone who speaks English. I find Japanese -- at least that I hear in anime -- to have an easy accent as well. By that, I mean there aren't any consonants that make your mouth boggle or anything like that. Getting things sounding native is always going to be hard, of course.
  • And I absolutely love hearing the Japanese "r-l" sound. It sounds odd in "Engrish", of course, but in "miteru", "shinjiteru", "arigatou", "Utawarerumono" (now THAT'S a fun phrase to listen to.), etc -- it's one of the nicer consonants I've heard.
"zhe", I'm pretty sure, is 4th tone, but there are times it sounds dangerously close to a 1st to me.

Maybe it's because I associate them with raw manga, OP and ED karaoke, etc -- and not hours of memorization -- that I consider them fun. Hopefully by the time I learn my 500th or 1000th, I won't be sick of them...

"Who are you?" does sound pretty rude in English, come to think of it. But at the time I was thinking more "May I ask who this is?" or the like. My language skills don't allow me to decide the politeness of "zhe4 shi4 shui2?", aka ("this is who?") ... it's probably pretty rude as well. Come to think of it "May I ask who this is?" is formal, but it's kind of snotty and brush-off. The best thing I can think of right now is "May I ask who's calling?" ... I guess I'm just not very polite.

I spent way too much time
writing up this post, not to mention figuring out that phpBB2 bug. I started up replies to your other posts, but I'll have to finish them later. And there's always Japanese study too... not enough hours in the day, as you say.
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Astral Realm

Post by Da~Mike »

The thread looks much nicer now.
Nice one The naming game. :)

Okay... Whatever I'm about to type is completely irrelevant, with respect to what the topic of this thread originally was (although I am about to discuss more Chinese stuff so I guess it is still vaguely relevant...).

The Naming Game

About the training programme:
My level of Chinese before I enrolled? Very very weak!
I could recognise a few characters (less than 20) although I did learn numerous of them before due to my language exchange partners.
I was pretty much illiterate though my spoken ability was some what better.
I could say the basic survival things: greeting people, eating, telling the time, the days of the week, and basic etiquette.

If I could read and write as much as I could speak, I guess my proficiency in Chinese wasn't that weak after all. :P

But yes, it does help to have a very basic grasp of the language before going on a course like mine.

In fact, I did meet a friend from Northamptonshire in Beijing (whom I first met there) doing the same course as me. However, his Chinese was far worse than mine so yes... he didn't quite get as far but he did make a hefty sum of cash by simply recording his voice for audio books, aimed at Chinese people.
I chose not to, since I was in China to learn Chinese, not to make easy money...
Though I mildly regret that decision of mine... :P

About Pleco dict:
No, I didn't drill characters every where I went... :P
I revised characters using pen and paper before I went to bed.

What I did do, as you guessed, was to whip out that dictionary and look up the meaning of words that I didn't understand as I was going around Beijing.
Moreover, it was a life-saver when I got into situations where I had no idea how to express myself clearly. I'd search for what I wanted to say in English and show them the characters that it brought up. :P
Furthermore, if I didn't understand people, I'd ask them to write the characters into my Palm and then the dictionary would bring up the meaning in English for me (it's primary benefit is its ability to search for characters via written input as opposed using the bloody annoying radical system).
Pleco dict was brilliant in helping me both ways.


The daft thing is that no matter where you go in China, the Chinese people will normally have the gall to say that they speak the real "putong hwa" (the standard dialect/language).
But since Beijing is the capital of China, one would assume that the people there do indeed speak the "standard dialect/language"

About "xh" and "xj", may I ask what is that supposed to be?

The main difference between the northern accent and the southern accent would be:

• Zh => Z, Ch => C, Sh => S, R => r

For the case of the "R"s, southerners don't roll their tongues as much and sometimes replace the "R" with an "L".

About it being any easier or harder... I don't think so...

While I believe I caught the gist of speaking the language, there were plenty of others who pronounced things so painfully wrong. I mean, in a sense, it would be like listening to "Engrish".
One of the biggest flaws that many people use when trying to speak a foreign language is to interpret what something sounds like in your native tongue.
To become closer to sounding like a native speaker, you simply have to mimic the way people pronounce things. No two ways about it.

Regarding Japanese, since it isn't overloaded with tones, it is generally easier for an English speaker to pronounce things properly. Though I have heard some people speak it to the extent where it almost makes my ears bleed...
A great example of people who know the language but sound nothing close to being native speakers of Japanese; search for something called "Yamato Damacy".


The most interesting way to learn characters, I find, it to try and understand why each character represents what it does.

Easy ones would be:

人 = ren = person = a person walking

大 = da = big = a person who is holding his/her arms outstretched

火 = huo = fire = Chinese people drew fire this way?

心 = xin = heart = Chinese people drew hearts this way?

More complicated ones would be:

好 = hao = good = a girl (nu) and a boy (zi) as your children is good

家 = jia = home = a roof with a pig. Chinese people used to rear pigs in their homes (FOOD)

饿 = e = hungry = the part on the left is for food (fan), the part on the right represents yourself (wo) thus, connotes hunger

Sadly, not everything works out quite like this so, the rest you simply have to rote learn...

Despite the fact that the Japanese also use Chinese characters, their relevance isn't quite the same.
While some words have the same meaning, their pronunciation is completely different.

人 = ren in Chinese = hito in Japanese

天 = tian in Chinese = ten in Japanese

Other things have completely different meanings:

君 = jun in Chinese (means emperor) = kun in Japanese (-kun, the honorific)

大丈夫 = da zhang fu in Chinese (means "A REAL MAN!") = dai jou bu in Japanese ("ARE YOU OKAY?")

I had lots of good laughs with all the Japanese friends I made whiles in Beijing. They often forgot that they were supposed to read the characters in Chinese, not Japanese.

1000 characters huh?

Ohh... there're so much more than that... :rolleyes:

To be able to read newspaper articles, you should know at least 2000-3000 characters...


Too formal?? In stark contrast to their far eastern neighbours, Chinese people are actually quite rude...
In fact, I remember my course mates saying that China was similar to America and Japan was similar to Britain. :P

I too, spent far too much time typing out this post...
I think I shall shy away from my computer now and go read a book or something.

p.s. Maybe we should create another thread where we could discuss things like this in the future?
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Post by HolyCow »

Hmm oni, where did you get the chinese version? If memory serves me right I don't think there's a chinese version out yet...

A fan-made version?

Sorry for bringing this topic back from the dead, but it was too interesting to ignore.
/me claws out throat and dies
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HolyCow > If you want it, I have the first volume. ^_^

But it's in traditional, and I don't know which one you read. Lol.
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Post by HolyCow »

Erm, is it a fan made or did some company release it behind my back? I'm fine with either traditional or simplified.
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Fan Made, 尖端 still has yet to release. ^^;

At least, I don't think they've released it yet.. >.>

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