Vol 2 Chapter 2

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Vol 2 Chapter 2

Post by TheDefend »

There is no one doing chapter 2 at the moment right? can i take the work?
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Post by HolyCow »

.... With a TL program?
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Post by TheDefend »

well yeah but i fixed it so it would become more easier to read.... i'm not gonna submit something as scrappy as the preview you know....
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Post by Darknemo2000 »

Well, if you were to ask me personally I don't think TL programs are all that good, but for preview only..Who knows...

But when using TL program maybe you should option for something better than your last one?

I dont want to promote Atlas by all means as its only one of quite a few translation programs (yet not for free) that can do more or less decent job.

Heres an example - I have run some part of chapter 2 through it, and heres the result:
Louise came into the classroom, and instantly, all classmate's eyes popped out from a surprise. She was holding a chain in her hand, dragging it as if it was some scarf. Louise, with an extremely grim face entered the classroom. Her eyebrows were arched in an strict manner. Coldly, she took her seat with a loud thump.

[Hey, Louise. What have you dragged along?]

Montmorency asked Louise.


[Well, I can see this much.]

Montmorency said, while nodding her head. Saito's face that was blue from bruises, all swelled up and had some very angry fist marks on it. The chain was fastened to his neck and hands, and Louise was dragging him like some bag of trash.

[And why?]

[Sneaked into my bed.]


Surprise was clearly seen on Montmorency's face as she pushed few strings of her hair backwards.

[How shameless! Argh, sneaking into my bed like that! Aaah! Dirty <hit> pervert! Pervert! Pervert!]

while saying that Louise started hitting Saito again.

At this moment, a door opened <squeak> and a red-head beauty stepped into the classroom. It was Kirche that stepped in and stared at Louise.

[Oh dear, what are you shouting at? Louise. Ero-Louise. You harlot! It was you who tried to get him into your bed, right?

[Who do you call Ero-Louise! You little! And I do not shout!]

[She is like this again, no manners at all... You poor little thing... Let me cure you.]

While saying so Kirche embraced Saito's head. He soon started suffocate between her large breasts, his body falling into her's and his nose rubbing into the valley of her two soft mountains.


[Are you all right, darling? Where does it hurt the most, where should I start healing?]

[If I am not wrong, only ancient water affinity mages can heal wounds, while yours is "Fire". Sickness. Fever. It all should be treated with cold water rather than heat.]

Louise said in an annoyed voice.

[Heat can help against the fever. Seems like even your memory is a zero as well.]

Kirche said poking Louise's chest.

[Just like you are a zero at magic and breasts.]

Louses face dyed in a brightly red color. But Louise bit her lips and managed to keep the cold smile.

[Why does a woman that has a big chest, try to decide the value of others by the breasts size? Maybe because she feels inferior to compare brains. You have only empty head. I guess nature try to compensate the lack of brains with the breasts size.]

Though her voice sounded calm and cold, you could still hear it shaking. Seems like Kirches remark still hit its point.

[Your voice trembles. Valliere]

After that Kirche gently embraced Saito, pressing his cheek into her breasts.

[Darling, do you also think that I am a fool for having such big breasts?]

[Y-You have a wonderful mind]

Saito, replayed thoughtlessly, while having his face buried between Kirche's breasts. Louises eyebrows started to twitch. With a sudden jerk she pulled the chain that was attached to Saito's neck and hands.


Saito's neck and wrists were pulled with the chain, making his body roll forwards. Louse, put her feet on Saito's back and said coldly

[Who allowed you to speak, dog? Bark!]

Saito replayed in a weak voice.

[B-bark. Yes.]

[Stupid dog. I repeat one more time - "Bark!"]


[So. One "Bark" - "certainly, my master", got it?

[Bark! Bark!]

[Then, two "Bark's" - "I, want to go to the toilet, got it?]

[Bark! Bark! Bark!]

[So. Three "Bark's" means that stupid dog is very grateful for the kind treatment and thinks he deserves to be punished more.]


[Aww, barking darling looks so cute!]

Kirche gently stroke below Saito's jawbone.

[So, how about coming to sleep to my bed tonight? I will give you there a lots of love and licking.]

Saito shook his artificial tail, that Louise made for him last night and attached to his butt. It was made from the same furry material as his ears that were attached to his head.

[Bark! Bark! Bark, bark!]

Louise silently pulled the chain.


Saito, once again tumbled forwards.

[Bark correctly!]

Saito tried to rise his head and then jump on Louise, but he missed and with one jerk of the chain he was brought back to the floor, with Louises feet on his head.

Louise rubbed Saito's head into the floor with her feet. Saito tried to look up with blazing hatred filled eyes. He looked just as lovely pet, as fire breathing dragon.

[Control your sexual desires, stupid dog, and don't show that in public, one shake of woman's butt makes you attack your master. Aaaa, you need to be punished more]

Louise took out a whip from her bag, and started whipping Saito.

[It hurts! Stop it! Stop! Please, stop!]

Saito's body wriggles and rolls on the floor with a chain.

[Hurts? "Bark"! I said "Bark" you dog!]


The dry sound of whip echoes in the classroom. Louise's hair twining around her head, while Saito tried to crawl away unsuccessfully, as he was caught again and again. Whenever hit with the whip Saito gave up a weak squeal with all his heart. The legendary familiar was trying to get away in the most shameful ways, that were not noble at all.

Classmates, seeing such a pathetic sight, started questioning themselves, if this was really someone who could have beaten Guiche and Fouquet, The Trembling Earth.

[Stop it! Stop it!]

Class in mute shock watched the crazy red face of Louise, who blushed furiously, when finally started to notice the surroundings. She let her familiar go, and pointed her whip at the class, stating.

[P-Punishment is over.]

Disturbed by the sight of punishment, the classmates turned away in fear. Only Kirche said in a shocked voice.

[Are you out of your mind, Vallliere?]

Louise and Kirche stared at each other. Meanwhile, Saito, who had fainted from the blows, and was lying still. Then, the door of the classroom opened, and Mr. Gito appeared.
Though I am not too pleased with the results as it skipped or interpretated few lines all by itself, its still looks more readable than your last preview of chapter 7th of Volume 1.
Last edited by Darknemo2000 on Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by onizuka-gto »

Let me be clear that personally i'am not against Translation Programs, but it is hard to ignore the criticism about them.

Some of which has been indirectly criticising Baka-Tsuki as a whole, ranging from comments that they reflect the quality of Baka-Tsuki as a translation group. :roll:

However I don't want this to be a reason for Baka-Tsuki to be seen as one who would stop contributions from people who wish to help.

While traditionally Previews were actually human translation, but by faster members who were either impatient or wish to help out those chapters where the registered translator were absent for a long period of time.

The use of Translation Programs is new to baka-Tsuki, therefore it was a sort of "experiment" to see what it was like and how it will be recieved.

As Darknemo has pointed out, TL script can be fine as a rough "preview" and if we keep it in that context, it's easy for me to defend Baka-Tsuki when we host them.

However it will be some time for us to allow electronic translated scripts to be an "official" script, unless the quality improves to a more "satisfactory" level.

"satisfactory" as up to a point it can challenge human translated scripts.

So TheDefend, there are some guidelines i have to point out for these scripts, they can only be published on Baka-Tsuki as "previews" and i would like you to send them to me first so that I can look it over, after you have done some edting on it.

If you need help, you are welcome to post the script on the forum, from there you can get people to help you out on it, instead of being a one-man team, perhaps even Darknemo can help you?

While it's easy to say that we should dismiss Machine Translated scripts, because "anybody" can do it and the quality is low, doesn't negate the fact that "anybody"isn't exactly flooding the ZNT project to help us out, or that the person behind them really want to help us out, and has a vast interest in the ZNT project.

I think as long as these Machine TL scripts have been edited to a certain degree, then we can at leased give readers of ZNT an extra "bonus" to give them a hint on what's going to happen in that chapter prior to a more detailed translation, and since machine TL are naturally "cryptic" they won't give away too much.


So, I hope i haven't discourage you TheDefend or anyone else.

I like to thank you for helping out on ZNT, and like they say,

"it's the thought that counts"

.....well, thats what my ex-koibito said when she asked for the receipt for the Photo Printer birthday present....it was portable too! nothing wrong with it at all..... :roll:
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Post by TheDefend »

darknemo.... GOD.... that was perfect translation you got there......
the one that i edited were like this
The next morning.
Looking at louise which made all eyes turned at her in the classroom. Connecting those people like the rag being cut off and connected to the chain then dragged them around because she entered the classroom.
Louise come to the class with extremely bored expression. Her eyebrows that looked good on her were bend just like it was attached to the seat
"Well Louise, What's the matter?"Saito openend his mouth and started asking
"It's Monmorancy's perfume"
"You used the demon"
"When you smell/see it don't you think so?"
? << The the [zu] >> being, you called [monmoranshi].The face which the swelling << >> the [re] rises largely and, prototype stopping << with the [do] >> the [me] [te] it is not with the blood which sticks, but certainly that at one time the smart << occasion, >> was the object which is.The chain to be coiled round to the neck and both wrists, quite like the rubbish sack, because it is dragged to Louis [zu], it was.
“What it did? Him”
“It crept into my bed”
monmorancy face was suprised and it shakes it beautify removes its exaggeratedly and how scared she is.
“It did and it is not! Well its creeps into such a bed, Well! It is dirty and on top of that he is just a commoner”
While she talking about noble rank, she removes the handkerchief.
You saw that Kirche enter the class and scratch her red hair while staring at louise

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Post by Darknemo2000 »

You say its perfect? Far from it, my friend. It really misinterpretated few places and even put one line of Montmorency as Louise words as well...

However, despite it being f;awed by itself, it is still arguably better than the one you have in here.

I do not want to discourage you from posting previews or anything, yet you have to realise that TL prohgrams are VERY unreliable, and the ones like Babel Fish should be banned from using alltogether.

As GTO said, it only serves for preview and is only here for limited time, but it SHOULD at least help readers to have idea of what happens. Sad to admit but the TL program you are using is not enough for that, unless you would do some supreme editting...

For me it is also clear that TL programs are new in Baka-Suki as poeple mostly think that Baka Fish or Google represent all TL programs, yet its not like that. There are others that harder to find and not necessary for free, but arguably can do the better job in translating.

TL programs cannot challange the human translator by all means. Not yet at least. Even if I were to build in the memory of my ATLAS up to supreme levels and add the biggest user dictionaries suited for ZnT and use JWPCE and other handful translators it would still be far below anything that HolyCow or Sushi-Y would translate.

If you want to be an TL program translator, that is fine, yet you should be ready to do HUGE amount of editting if you are using crappy TL programs, and for a matter of fact, never use only a single TL program, no matter how good it is it will always skip few things now and then and mess the meaning a lot.
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Post by HolyCow »

Darknemo2000 wrote: For me it is also clear that TL programs are new in Baka-Suki as poeple mostly think that Baka Fish or Google represent all TL programs, yet its not like that. There are others that harder to find and not necessary for free, but arguably can do the better job in translating.
No kidding about that one. I was genuinely surprised by the level of quality the ATLAS translated had. If you had kept quiet about it, it could have easily passed off as a human translation 8)
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Post by Dan »

HolyCow wrote:No kidding about that one. I was genuinely surprised by the level of quality the ATLAS translated had. If you had kept quiet about it, it could have easily passed off as a human translation 8)
Same here, I think at some parts, it's even better than that one guy who tried to get one project going. :lol:
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Post by HolyCow »

... Me and FMP? :3
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Post by Setherzam »

use it to do the ghost hunt novels!
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Post by HolyCow »

Meh Ghost Hunt... I've spoiled myself with the ending of the novels. It was disappointing. We never see MaiXNaru go anywhere :\
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Post by Setherzam »

but I haven't! Translate! translate!
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Post by onizuka-gto »

HolyCow wrote:Meh Ghost Hunt... I've spoiled myself with the ending of the novels. It was disappointing. We never see MaiXNaru go anywhere :\

and after all that teasing?!

well screw that! :evil:


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Post by Dan »

HolyCow wrote:... Me and FMP? :3
No, that one kid who compained about people not commenting on his previews. I think the story was about a kid with a vampire harem?

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