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Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:57 am
by Synchro
I have a feeling, seeing as this is the authors most popular Novel, that even if he ended it, he will create a timeskip, sequal or something. I just hope he doesn't create a spinoff with different protagonists.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:03 am
by Pedram
Synchro wrote:I have a feeling, seeing as this is the authors most popular Novel, that even if he ended it, he will create a timeskip, sequal or something. I just hope he doesn't create a spinoff with different protagonists.
Yeh me too :D i hope if doesn't Get Different Main Characters :D
btw Vol is Coming soon isn't it ? if it gose at his normal Timing it should come in this or Max in next month :D

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:11 am
by Synchro
Yeah, looking at the plot summaries for the volumes we don't have this next one is gonna be epic, seeing as it's the 2 legendary Familiers with 2 powers now, I think Saito will get super hurt, and Louise will be obviously super confiding and cute to him, Just can't wait until that gets translated among everything else, We need to advertise this website to people who can translate this series >8o


P.S. Keep up the GREAT work the translators who already are, the sacrifice you have made to help us read this series is not matched, I really do hope you guys know how much we look up to you all. You truly are heroes in your own way.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:36 am
by Mystes
Just wanted to say that ZnT is actually licenced.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:38 am
by Synchro
At the moment, doesn't look like SSE is gonna do anything, as soon as that license runs out, I doubt they will renew it, read through the forums and the Admin of SSE keeps saying he does not want to release the plans for it but hasn't released a single chapter... Just what is he planning?

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:49 am
by Mystes
Lack of popularity in NA, I guess.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:52 am
by Synchro
They didn't even release a single chapter though, can't really use that as an excuse, they never tried to advertise it either, as to what I could dig, wasn't even in their list of projects or current Light Novels, I wonder why this is? I really do think this Novel would be severely popular in not just North America but Europe if advertised and translated well enough.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:53 pm
by Mystes
I, on the other side, do not think that. How much Shana novels did Viz sell? Well, not enough to keep the licence alive.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:37 pm
by Synchro
SSE didn't even try to sell or advertise i'm saying, they got the license then did nothing with it, once it expires I doubt they will renew it, that wouldn't make much sense.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:37 am
by Mystes
There should be a reason why they didn't release even 1 volume.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:02 am
by Synchro
Right after licensing it, can't figure out why. They won't drop the license either, but refuse to translate it, what a weird group.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:56 pm
by Mystes
Well, the licence has a time limit, I think.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:58 pm
by Synchro
Yeah it does, just a question, don't mean to offend or impose or anything just curious.

If Fan translators edited every single day lets say with 3 people translating, how fast would ZnT be translated to novel 20?

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:41 am
by Hiyono
Heh. Light novels are a complete failure in the US. That's what happens when you intersect a minority (US reading public) with another, far smaller minority (anime/manga etc. demographic) [throw in the word "paying" and our Venn diagram leaves us with an empty set].

@ Synchro: It depends on the translators. Everyone translates at different speeds. That may seem a slightly trite answer, but it's also accurate. Speed of translation also greatly varies depending on interest. As any translator can tell you, even a project you really liked in the beginning can quickly wear on you.
If you really want a ballpark number though, you can look at the history of other projects to kind of get an idea. I'd say a good example of a nice, consistent pace would be Yoake's work on Hidan no Aria, although again, it'd be nigh a miracle to find someone that dedicated to ZnT.

Re: Appreciation for the Translation of Zero no Tsukaima Thr

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:58 am
by larethian
Synchro wrote:Yeah it does, just a question, don't mean to offend or impose or anything just curious.

If Fan translators edited every single day lets say with 3 people translating, how fast would ZnT be translated to novel 20?
if you rephrase your question to:
if [named person 1] & [named person 2] & [named person 3] DEDICATES to translating ZnT ONLY, how fast would ZnT be translated to novel 20?
if three clones of [named person] DEDICATES to translating ZnT ONLY, how fast would ZnT be translated to novel 20?

next, you need to find out 2 things:
1. average English-translated page length (in bytes) for ZnT
2. average number of pages for each ZnT volume.

or you can be bold and use approximated generics averages across all LNs:
1. 1000 bytes per page
2. 300 pages per volume

with this info, you can compute the total number of bytes remaining until volume 20.

then, you go and find a page translated by the [named person], view history, then view contributions of said person. you can then grab a sample of his contributions, say in the last six months, and find the average number of bytes said person outputs per day.

finally do your division to get number of days needed.