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Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:42 pm
by Darklor
Isapfe wrote: For example,
Spoiler! :
Myoznitnirn (as per Naming Conventions For ZnT) is actually Mjothvitnir from Prophecy of the Völva. There is a link from that wiki-page to an English translation, see numbers 11-12, Gandalf(r) and Vindalf(r) are also there.
Maybe it should be changed into Mjothvitnir, if its like that?

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:24 pm
by chrnno
Well all 4 options have some truth. The speed of translation decreasing made the ones who still like it end up more or less giving it up for a time, the anime while somewhat interesting has simply too many differences from the light novel. The kind of person who enjoys the anime most is not in general the kind of person who would read a light novel. Lack of originality also impacts somewhat as there have been several volumes which could have had cut most of it due to being extremely similar to what alreay happened, vol 13 seems to change that unfortunately not much translated. And another major reason would be the maintained status quo.

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:38 am
by Wolfpup
Well I like both the novel and the anime they both have there own 'unique' features. :D

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:26 pm
by DragoZERO
I think because the translations slowed and stopped at a fan service filled volume, the popularity took a hit. I do hope things pick back up since the fourth and final anime was announced.

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:30 am
by octapusxft
After reading the novel and having watched the anime, I have to say that the anime was watering down the plot a bit too much after the first season. The anime should had spent like double episodes to properly cover the novel.

As far as the popularity of the novel goes... I think it the problem is that the translation is those last months abysmally slow which also discouraged any remaining translators as well...

Is there a way to encourage/motivate the translators?

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:42 am
by Mystes
octapusxft wrote: Is there a way to encourage/motivate the translators?
The problem is that to me, as a translator, I get the feeling that ZnT has become too...long? Old?

I mean, I think that you must translated these kind of novels with the momentum, just as other projects. Some projects gpt started because there was an anime airiing in a 6 months radius, so it's easy to get the enthousiasm. But ZNT...

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:59 am
by Silimir
Seriously, who thinks ZnT lacks of originality... it's sooooo good!

If you talk about the downfall in the translation, maybe I would say because when someone begins the translation and their is anyone else to work on it, it discourages them... I mean, it takes time translating a chapter and when people see that they are the only one, they think that it is impossible to continue more than 2 chapters because they don't want to spend their time on it... translating works well when 3-4-5 people regular (each month or so) put a new chapter... this means 3-4-5 chapter a month, which is a lot! Translators that can see a possible end of their translating [one day] are most likely to continue over 2 translations!

I know that because I'm the only one working for the french version of ZnT... even if it isn't that much read, I love so much ZnT that I want to help in a way the translation.. i'm not a japanese or chinese guy so I found a way to still help (and I always enjoy re reading them)! If I'm going to continue over my second chapter... yes, for sure.. i'm playing an "auto" fighting video game while translating so that all my free times aren't wasted!

But I must still say, I have done 2 chapter so far and I really understand why people quits... it's long, the chapters aren't all the time good (for example chapter 2 tome 2 = only non interesting plot) and you fell alone doing it.. but you can be sure in my case, isolated french reader, that I won't stop now! ^^

Ps: for me, interesting plot are: Louise/Saito, fighting..... non interesting plot are: long definitions (which are sometime boring, sometime good for the development of the story but aren't fun to work on)

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:47 pm
by octapusxft
Kira0802 wrote:
octapusxft wrote: Is there a way to encourage/motivate the translators?
The problem is that to me, as a translator, I get the feeling that ZnT has become too...long? Old?

I mean, I think that you must translated these kind of novels with the momentum, just as other projects. Some projects gpt started because there was an anime airiing in a 6 months radius, so it's easy to get the enthousiasm. But ZNT...
ztn was promised a last season soon you know

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:15 pm
by Silimir
yes she knows that, we all know that!... it's why she said "But ZnT.." ^^

let's say that ZnT had 3-4 years between season 3 and 4 and that lots of people have already past here to help translating... the fact that next season is airing in january his helping the translation.. a lot of people asked to help these last week.. the only trouble was... creating an account... but now that it works!

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:57 am
by Mystes
octapusxft wrote:ztn was promised a last season soon you know
BTW, Sil, I'm a boy ( for the I-don't-know-how-many-times)

Though even if ZnT has a last season, some people (including me) have been perhaps disapointed by the fact that JC Staff put too much fanservice into it. So they don't really expect a extraordinary 4th season. Plus, 3 seasons have 12 volumes in them. Now, you'll fit a 10 volumes in one season. That means that parts will be cut...

That's for the anime part. For the novel part, I've got nothin to complain.

As for the translators, it seems that most of the new translators would rather choose new projects and projects that aren't really translated. For example, J112 does Kampfer, Code Zero does High School DxD, alexoconnel does Campione, Imoutoulover/Allen does Horizon...somehow, there's a new 'generation' of translators who would like to do the projects that aren't being done/projects that run too slowly and which are new.

Basically, my point is: We'll need to grab the momentum of the anime, if there's one (the momentum, I mean, not the anime), and make the projects run more quickly.

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:59 pm
by Silimir
kira, tu sais que je fais mon possible pour ne pas dire elle! Je te jure! C'est vraiment d'instinct envers le livre... vraiment vraiment dsl, ça me sort de la tête et ça ne devrait plus l'être.... vraiment vraiment dsl :(

how come JC made a lot of fan service in it? You mean that they will try to make the best turning for the readers?

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:31 pm
by j112
I was considering doing a couple chapters of Znt after Kampfer vol 1 but that will probably be a while :(
oh that and theres no guarantee since i would want to do vol 13 but all the chaps are registered already

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:53 pm
by Mystes
Silimir wrote: how come JC made a lot of fan service in it? You mean that they will try to make the best turning for the readers?
That's simply a question of taste. For example, JC usually picks up the popular LNs + Loli-tsundere such as ZnT, Shana, Index, Kamimemo, Toradora, Hidan no Aria and others, then adapt them with a bit more of fanservice. Shaft and Soul Link usually take the anime with a "mysterious" feeling, and adapt the anime with more "inserted things" (e.g. Bakemonogatari, Ef, Denpa Onna, C^3, etc.). KyoAni takes the good stuffed and adapts them as good anime, especially what a call the KEY-trio (KyoAni made noticeably Haruhi, plus the trio Air-Kanon-CLANNAD) As for Sunrise, it's Gundam all the way. (Gundam SEED, Code Geass, etc.)

Just to say that different studios adapt in different ways, but JC ha the reputation of pass-or-fail.

@J2 So, it's due for when, approximatively? :D

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:38 pm
by j112
Whats due the chapter of ZnT or Kampfer
for kampfer ill probably finish the first chapter tomorrow and the entire novel in like 2-3 months though ima take a week after tomorrow to catch up on my studying since i have about 600 new words i haven't memorized
As for ZnT depends on if i can get a raw/chapter i like but probably some time in February

Re: What has caused/would cause the possible downfall of ZnT

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:17 pm
by Silimir
j112 wrote:I was considering doing a couple chapters of Znt after Kampfer vol 1 but that will probably be a while :(
oh that and theres no guarantee since i would want to do vol 13 but all the chaps are registered already
Well there's actually chapter 4 and 6 in tome 13 that no one is really working on it... As for tome 14, there are all available (not sure chapter 2 will be finish...)

thanks Kira for the infos! For ZnT, I think it wasn't that bad the anime comparatively to the light novel BUT: there's so much fights and plot that they have shortened... but very too much...and the other thing, it's that like in any movie, the feeling are more expressed or felled when it is read than when it is listened..

@j112: waw, how much is there volume to kampfer :shock: you are a fast translator doing it in 2-3 months! Seriously, I would like to have the capacity to work as fast as you! For me, it's like 1 or 2 chapter a month.. :oops: