Volume 9, Chapter 8

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Astral Realm

Re: Volume 9, Chapter 8

Post by Xorius »

Novaren wrote:As for the second spoiler Henrietta was actaully saying Saito's name with a more formal Japanese, compared to Louise's...unfortunately from what I can see it would only spell out Saito-san in the first dear...and still Saito-san afterwards...(sorry I am not that good with Japanese culture and almost zero to none on their language so there might be a better way through this^^) So after reading the dictionary the closest I could find to at least make the scene make some sense was to use dear instead.
Wow, that's a hell lot different from the chinese version. It's sort of similar, but that bit of conversation is quite literally all over the place.

My other enquiry would be this bit:
''What is that maid rambling on about… and what’s a guy like me supposed to do…''

Only meaningless words passed through Saito’s lips.

At the same time, Louise was quickly approaching by horse.

Saito hesitantly went to the shelf where the horse whip was hidden. Nearly fainting from all the blood rushing to his head, Saito could resist no longer.

At that instant, Louise opened the door.

In front of her eyes was Siesta, collapsed on the floor with her skirt pulled up and saying something about waiting for her master’s punishment and Saito, with the whip from the shelf in his hand. Louise promptly spun around and landed a kick directly on Saito’s crotch.
I can't tell in the chinese version what on earth was happening (didn't know who did what, and the order of events literally didn't make sense... it's like someone jumbled sentences together). One minute it was talking about Louise whippin da nuts outta Saito, the next of her barging in, seeing Saito with a whip in his hand and than roundhouse kicking him like Chuck Norris.

Your machine translation was also very confusing. All I did was quite literally guesswork and intepreted in the most logical manner... So yeah, maybe look into that as well? Thanks :)

And don't worry about it, it's what the forums for afterall, to help with translations and whatnot :D
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Astral Realm

Re: Volume 9, Chapter 8

Post by Novaren »

Heh, as far as MT's are concerned unfortunately a block between

1. Making sense/translating of the jumbled sentences (And if too jumbled check every word in the dictionary...if it is in the dictionary nad hope for the best)

2. Fear that changing it though might make it sound alot better but loose all meaning. (I constantly struggle with being an editor or translator^^)

As for the second scene...it is actually much worse since most of that scene was orginally compacted as one paragraph...

If it where anime or a moviethe screen would be split into two or 3 sceanrios one is saito getting the whip (in slow mo), and Louise getting back to her room. Then Louise barges in, sees saito, looks at him trying to grab the whip, gets uber pissed, and made a spinning heel kick to his crotch. (All this in one paragraph is too much so i tried my best to split it up and try to convey that all this was happening at the same time...sort of way before it single screened after Saito was being hit in the crotch...damn now I'm talking in movie speak^^)

Hopefully my MT skills will improve and be less confusing in the future. :D
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Astral Realm

Re: Volume 9, Chapter 8

Post by Xorius »

Novaren wrote: Also I am currently translating chapter 9...in a very slow pace and I hope you can help me out with this as well^^...when it is done. :)
Of course I can :), but I think I should really finish up Volume 7 first haha. 'Might' be a tad bit easier on the readers if things progressed a bit more 'linear'' :P

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