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My O(L/W)N: Soul Anomaly

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:24 am
by cud-b-better
Here's my novel (still in progress) Soul Anomaly.

Click spoiler for front cover
Spoiler! :
Art belongs and is copyright of Renealexa I personally can't draw unfortunately.
Quick summary: Yuichi Shiro is a foolish, narcissistic, and oblivious teenage boy. After a sudden accident his once ordinary life will go through great changes. How will the optimistic, self proclaimed genius, handle the life he'll lead from now on? As well as handle the new acquaintances and enemies it brings with it. Let the story of action, life, romance and stupidity begin.

If you're after a laugh, and if your sense of humour is similar to my own, then I ask you to give this a go. Feedback is always appreciated (How else can I improve).

By my personal count the story is currently somewhere in the middle of vol 3.

And finally just a light teaser from chapter 3
Spoiler! :
Chapter 03A: The Revival Of Yuichi Shiro - Fun As A Spirit

"Woah! Nice view!" I shout my utmost respect at the scenery.

"Would you stop looking up the nurse's skirts already!?" Alicia looks back at me in anger "Hurry up!"

What are you saying? It's not everyday you're a spirit. This is what is known as taking advantage of a bad situation.

"Looking up a girl's skirt, when you can't be seen is a must!" I explain to Alicia, who seems to be lacking this everyday knowledge.

Alicia and I have returned to the living world. I'm currently a spirit, so normal humans can't see me. It appears they're unable to see Alicia also.

"It's the opposite. looking up people's skirts just because you can't be seen is just despicable," Alicia states.

"Don't misunderstand, I still looked up their skirts when I was alive," I reply proudly whilst folding my arms, "Now I don't mean to brag, but there is not a girl in my school year, who's skirt I have not seen under." How is that, impressed? Ha ha ha, worship me inferior being.

"That's not bragging, that's confessing," Alicia replies with a face full of disgust, why? Where's the respect? Girls should be pleased that the one and only Yuichi Shiro looked up their skirts.

We continue walking through the hospital as I try to find an answer for my previous dilemma. Outside the Operating room I spot two people I recognise.

Yuna and Sakura are both wearing sorrowful faces. Seeing this is truly painful, please cheer up both of you.

"Acquaintances?" Alicia asks.

"My sister and a friend," I reply solemnly.

We walk through the door, not opening it, literally just walk through it.

Several doctors and nurses are in the room, busily running around.

Seeing myself sleeping in the bed is, how should I put it.

"My sleeping face is also heavenly beautiful," I state in one hundred percent self admiration, "Alicia, as my apology for before, I officially give you permission to stare at my sleeping face."

How is that? Just one look at me, and all your mental wounds shall heal. Aren't I just the kindest?

"Like I'd do that, punching you in the face might work however!" Alicia coldly refuses.

"Not a chance! My absolute beauty is one of a kind. Destroying or harming it, is a huge unforgivable sin!" I declare. Damn Reaper, I was trying to make amends, and she throws it back in my face.

"Just hurry up and lie inside your body," Alicia says whilst holding her head.

I quickly do as I'm told.

"AHHH! I'm inside! It feels good!" I scream in ecstasy.

"Knock off the sexual innuendos!" Alicia shouts in anger, "I'm doing this for your sake, so stop playing around."

"Fine, I just wanted to lighten you up," I reply in a rejected voice.

"Okay, I'm going to reconnect you to your body," Alicia says whilst a green aura flows out of her right hand, "You'll awaken again soon after."

"Thanks for everything Alicia, it was a pleasure meeting you," I say sincerely.

"And it was a displeasure meeting you, Yuichi Shiro," She coldly responds.

My conscience starts to fade.

Yuna, Sakura and all the other millions of Yuichi Shiro fans.

I'm back, no autographs please.

Re: My O(L/W)N: Soul Anomaly

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:39 am
by Eleven
Hello, Cudb. Fancy meeting you here : )

Knowing this novel from the original source, I can only say that you could have chosen a more... Heavy teaser ;) Though it probably makes sense not to spoil the more juicy parts? In any event, this novel has some moments that made me suffocate with laughter. I hope that's a good recommendation ^___^

Best of luck!

Re: My O(L/W)N: Soul Anomaly

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:57 am
by cud-b-better
Oh, hey Eleven surprised to see a familiar face myself. And if you have a personal bit you think would work better in mind please share, because I chose randomly.

Re: My O(L/W)N: Soul Anomaly

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:46 am
by Eleven
I'm not so sure if it'd necessarily work better ^___^ I think sharing the bit that displays our main character's "genius" could be a nice touch, though ;)

Re: My O(L/W)N: Soul Anomaly

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:45 am
by cud-b-better
Well I'm not 100% sure what bit you're referring to but I guess I'll throw in this omake to show a bit more of his genius (that and I love some of these quotes). I'm trying to avoid spoiling after all.
Spoiler! :
Omake 4: Yuichi Superhero (Perspective: Ren)

It's midnight and I am standing outside my house looking at my late night visitor, my best friend.

"Ren, lets become superheroes," He said with a smile that seemed to be saying the matter has already been decided, regardless of my input. I can only sigh at my misfortune that my best friend, Yuichi Shiro brings to me.

Without even having the chance to get a single word in Yuichi dragged me back to his house inside his garage.

"Here, put this on," He says as he throws me some sort of costume on a hanger. It looks like it has been tailor made to my exact size, Yuichi never misses a dime for the most stupidest of reasons.

"Do I have to?" I ask, in hopes my friend would have mercy upon me.

"Superheroes must always hide their identities Ren," he instantly refuses.

Without much choice I changed my clothes into those that Yuichi handed to me. This is truly beyond embarrassing. Hide my identity? My mask only covers my eyes dammit.

"Are you done changing, Ren?" Yuichi asks, as he comes from the other end of the garage. He is wearing a navy blue costume with a cape and a pair of gloves, like my mask his only covers his eyes, anybody who knows us would instantly be able to tell who we are.

"Sorry Yuichi, I have many complaints but let me just ask, where the hell did you get this weird car from?" I ask as I point at the car that there could only be one in the world of.

"When I said to Father-in-law that I wanted to try and be a superhero with you, he generously commissioned some engineers to make the 'Yuichi Mobil'," Yuichi answers, your Father-in-law dotes on you too much, "Superheroes must always stick to the shadows and blend in perfectly with society, therefore driving around in a conspicuous car is an absolute must," Yuichi adds.

"Oh, that makes perfect sense," There is no way I am going to be able to talk him out of it, "But why on earth do we have to wear these underwear like things on the outside?"

"We're superheroes Ren, so wearing clothes that emphasise our genitalia is an absolute must," Oh god, even by Yuichi's standards that was an awful answer. "Anyway, get in, we've got a lot of criminals to punish." He says with a smile.

*VRROOOOMMM!* - Yuichi floors the gas of the 'Yuichi Mobil', as he zigzags past the flowing and even oncoming traffic.

"Oi Yuichi, this maybe a bit late, but do you have a licence!?" I ask as the many swift turns jostle me side to side.

"Can cats fly, Ren?" Yuichi questions

"No," I reply.

"Then there is your answer, one doesn't need a licence for as long as one is beautiful," He answers. Oh god, can this get any worse? Oh shit, that question always raises a dark flag, I take it back.

*BEEP NAAA BEEP!* - That sound, a police car. Crap! I was too late.

"FUCKKK!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Oh, law enforcers," Yuichi notices, "I guess they're sounding their sirens so they can get our autographs and thank us for all our hard work," Yeah, and handcuff and drag us down to the station whilst they're at it. I can only slap my hand against my forehead from hearing Yuichi's genius come into play once again, seriously how on earth does he do it?

Yuichi stops the car and opens the side-door and steps out. The police do the same.

"A fine night tis tonight," Yuichi says pretentiously with a forced heroic like voice, "Your streets are in safe hands once again thanks to 'Beautiful Man'," Leaving the streets aside for a second, the roads are anything but, and I think we're the culprits behind that.

"Bestow thou grace onto my noble beautiful self," Yuichi strikes a dramatic pose at the unamused policemen, oh god read the atmosphere, Yuichi. "Ah hey, what are you doing!?" One of the officers forces Yuichi's hands behind his back and cuffs them.

"You're nicked sonny," The police officer states.

"EHHH- Why-!?" Yuichi screeches obliviously.

Thus ended our brief attempt of being superheroes. Number of crimes stopped, zero; number of crimes committed, no less than four.

Fortunately, thanks to Yuichi's father-in-law's 'lawful' persuasion, all charges were dropped, and our personal records were kept clean.

Afterwards Yuichi's Father-in-law gave us a swift earful, "Listen you two, you shouldn't stop for the police, you should've floored it!" Although not the kind of earful I was expecting.

"I'll remember for next time, Father," Yuichi said with a understanding salute.

Trust me on this one, Yuichi; I won't let there be a next time.

Re: My O(L/W)N: Soul Anomaly

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:15 am
by cud-b-better
I guess I'll post all the Omakes that I've currently done as well as the first chapter just for the sake of it.

Prologue/Chapter 1
Spoiler! :

Do you believe in life after death?

Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?

Do you believe in reincarnation?

Have you ever asked yourselves any of these questions?

Don't worry if you haven't. Because up until now, neither have I.

But soon, for some of these questions, there will be answers.

Oh! There is one question I forgot to ask. It's also the most important one.

Do you believe that someone who has died once, can get a second chance at life?


Chapter 01: How It All Began

"Ah, I look irresistible."

Today is the opening ceremony for my second year in high school.

I, the great Yuichi Shiro, am standing in front of the mirror.

I can't help but admire myself, so handsome it's sinful. I now know how Narcissus must have felt.

My wonderful short dark hair. My beautiful, yet manly face. My big brown eyes. I truly am a work of art, if I do say so myself.

*Knock knock* - my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I call out, without diverting my eyes from the mirror.

I look at the girl who enters my shrine through the mirror's reflection.

She is my younger sister by a year, Yuna Shiro. She has dark hair which is tied back, and brown eyes that are similar to my own. She is the type of girl who could be called either 'cute' or 'beautiful' depending on who looks at her. Her maturity hovers between the line of being a girl, and being a woman. But, considering she's my little sister, I never think about such things.

I guess this is to be expected of my little sister. We share the same blood after all. So naturally, like me, she too is really pretty. The type of sister that I can brag about to my friends. I'm sure she too does the same about me. Yes, she most definitely does, who wouldn't?

"Onii-chan, will you please hurry up!? At this rate we're going to be late for the opening ceremony," Yuna said like she is in a hurry. I can't blame her though, Yuna too must have realised.

The girls at school will probably kill themselves if they don't get the eye candy of seeing yours truly. This will not do! I must hurry. I would not be able to take full responsibility for a series of mass suicides.

"And Onii-chan, will you stop thinking such things, you aren't as popular as you think," Yuna says as she places her hand on her forehead, "No girl would go that far for you."

As expected of my little sister, you can read me so well. I have nothing further to teach you.

"You have taught me squat!"

"To come up with a retort to my thought process. You've already surpassed me, Yuna."

Wait a second. It is probably because I was so moved by the maturity of my younger sister just now. But did I just miss something Earth shatteringly important?

"Wait, Yuna! What do you mean I'm not popular?" I ask, my voice is unable to hide my mental shock.

Yuna simply remains silent as she quickly searches through her skirt pocket before pulling out a pamphlet. It's title; 'Things to watch out for on campus' and one of the sections headings has. Huh? Why is my name there? I take the pamphlet from Yuna and begin reading it out loud.

"Enemy of all women, Yuichi Shiro. Yuichi is a second year student, whom during his freshman year, became notorious for sexual harassment. Many female students and even a couple of teachers fell victim to this monster. If he ever harasses you, feel free to come to the discipline room in confidence. We shall handle his punishment. Article submitted by Akane Mizuno."

That damn Demon Mizuno again. How dare she dye the pureness that is me with this fucked up article. I can feel tears running down my face. My mind becoming plagued with a mixture of anger, sadness and frustration. That demon should just stay out of my way. What's wrong with me showing some love to all the cute girls?

"See? You aren't well liked by the female student body," Yuna said whilst wearing a smile that seems to be saying 'I told you so'.

"It's just a minor setback!" I proclaim, as I push my bangs out of my eyes like a prince. If this were an Anime, there would be a sparkling backdrop behind me right now.

"Just come downstairs for breakfast," Yuna simply ignores me and walks off. How cold, how cruel. Onii-chan is hurt, truly he is.

After a while, I drag my body down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mum, Dad and Yuna are already sitting at the table. I take my seat next to Yuna and start eating. Meals at breakfast and dinner are family time, our parents are pretty strict about this.

"So Yuna, today will be your first day as a high school student. Are you nervous?" Mum asks with interest.

Yuna shakes her head. "I'm only concerned that people may think that I'm like Onii-chan," she replies whilst looking at me.

Is Yuna worried that she may end up living in my shadow? This is bad, I must remove her worries so she can quickly settle in. Her high school debut is today, I must act now.

"Don't worry Yuna, you are you. No one expects you to be like me. I have every faith that some day, you will outshine everyone, myself included," I proclaim with a voice full of passion. It's times like this, that I show my brotherly love.

Yuna, upon hearing me, looks truly surprised. Dad puts down his newspaper, and looks at me.

"Yuichi, I think you missed the point entirely. She was saying she doesn't want to be thought of as someone like you; not that she can't measure up to you," Dad's tone of voice has something in it I recognise, pity.

Wait, so she wasn't showing respect to me. But that she doesn't want to be grouped with me. How can this be? Where did the little Yuna who persistently claim that she wanted to marry me disappear to!?

"I never once said that!?" Yuna once again retorts to my inner monologue. I don't have the energy to compliment her this time however.

My heart feels like it's breaking.

*BANG!* - I hit my head hard against the table. Trying to clear my head of all the awful memories that I wish to forget. This morning has been one shock after another.

Fifteen minutes later - we finish breakfast.

Yuna and I are now walking to school together. I am still feeling depressed, but I'm trying not to let it show. No girl wants to look at a depressed guy after all.

Suddenly, I notice a familiar girl across the road from us.

She is wearing our school's uniform, almost like it was made for her. She has a small build, and shoulder length brown hair that has a ribbon tied on to it.

This girl is Sakura Kirei. She is the same age as Yuna, as well as her best friend. I already heard that she was going to attend our school from her brother. So I'm not surprised to see her wearing our uniform.

Sakura is a girl who is very popular with the guys in my year. She ranked second in the girl you most want to call you 'Onii-chan' competition back in middle school.

As a little bit of trivia, the person who ranked first in that competition was Yuna. But because she always called me 'Onii-chan', I guess I kind of take it for granted. Well, those that want things like a girl calling you 'Onii-chan', are those who don't have siblings themselves already. They are unable to understand what it's really like to have a younger sister. You just get used to how they address you, and think nothing of it. The fact I don't go squealing 'cute' every time Yuna calls me 'Onii-chan' proves my point.

Anyway, to mend my hurt heart. that just keeps being trampled on. I believe some skinship with Sakura is just what the doctor ordered.

Locking onto the back of my target with my eyes, I put myself in a crouching start stance.

"GOOOO!" I shout enthusiastically.

"KYAA!" Yuna screams, guess I shocked her.

I run onto the road. Faster, faster, faster. I continue to increase my pace so I can reach Sakura, even if only a fraction of a second sooner. My eyes are locked on target. Just wait my dear, I will give you plenty of loving.

"Onii-chan, on your right!"

Reacting to Yuna's voice, I look right. A man on a bicycle comes into view. He is riding at full speed, and is on a straight collision course with me. The bike won't be able to evade me.

My reflexes instantly kick in, I jump directly backwards. Missing the bike by mere inches. My reactions are as sharp as ever. The cyclist carries on riding past me. No word of apology? The manners of some people, but I'm a nice guy, so I'll let it slide.

I brush my bangs out of my eyes again, almost like I am striking a victory pose. To everyone present, I must look truly cool right now.



Both Yuna and Sakura shout at me simultaneously. Sakura must have noticed me when Yuna drew my attention to the cyclist. So much for the element of surprise.

""LOOK OUT!"" The two girl's shouts overlap with each other. I feel heavy vibrations on the ground, I look to my left, and I see something I wish that I didn't.

Oh, you have got to be kidding me!

"A TRUCK!" I scream in shock.

I previously jumped out of a collision course with a bike, only to land into one with a truck. Just what the hell is with that!?

I feel my face instantly turn pale.

*Honk! Honk!* - The truck sound its horn. But it's meaningless. I know, I cannot escape from this one. The screeching of the tyres trying to brake reverberate inside my ears.

It feels like time has stopped. Is this what is meant by one's life flashing before their eyes?

All of a Sudden! My body feels light. I'm in the air? Why? Why am I flying through the sky? A second later, I realise.

Oh, I've been hit.



The two girls calling me are the last words I hear. Everything falls silent.

I was hit by a truck, I must look totally uncool right now.

I can feel my conscience fading.

My mind slowly falling into darkness.

Yuna, congratulations on getting into high school.

I guess, my time has come.

Goodbye, Mum, Dad, Yuna, Everyone.
Omake 1
Spoiler! :
Omake 1: Yuichi Shiro's Nightmare

"Huh? Where am I?" I ask myself.

I remember Alicia was reconnecting my soul to my body. Next thing I know, I'm in this weird place.

Is this even Earth? Everything is distorted. Where the hell am I!?

"HAHAHA!" A loud laugh comes from behind me.

Standing there, is a teenage boy who is looking at me menacingly.

"You think you can defeat me, the Demon King!? Pitiful mortal!" The teenager screams.

Okay, what the hell is going on?

"It's time to DUEL!" Shouts the self proclaimed Demon King.

Suddenly, a stadium appears, two huge podiums stand opposite sides to each other.

"Huh, what the hell!?" I shout in confusion.

I somehow moved onto one of the podiums without even noticing.

"Get your game on, hero!" The Demon King challenges.

Huh, these cards? Am I suppose to use them?

"Hero, these cards were created for you based on your personality. Use them and defeat the Demon King and save our world," A girl's voice enters my head, but it quickly leaves again.

"I don't really get it, but what the hell!" I psych myself up.

"It's my turn," declares the Demon King, "And I summon Constipated Camel, in attack mode!"

WHAT THE!? A huge disgusting camel suddenly appears between the two podiums, it looks vile. Get out of my sight, just looking at you burns my eyes!

"Oh, whatever, my turn! And I summon myself, 'Yuichi Shiro', attack that monstrosity," I shout to my clone on the board.

"Heck no," My clone refuses, "My beauty will be lowered if I touch that thing!"

Damn it, am I really like this!? Well yeah, I guess I am.

"This move will end you hero!" The Demon King declares loudly, "It's my turn! And I summon the Blue Eyes White..."

"No! It can't be! You possess the legendary!?" I am truly scared. If he does, there's no way I can win.

"BEHOLD! The legendary Blue Eyes White Donkey!" The Demon King screams.

That thing is even more vile than the Camel!

"Blue Eyes White Donkey! Attack his monster now!"

"No! I'm too beautiful to die!" Shouts my monster card counterpart as it vanishes with a stream of light.

"Constipated Camel! Attack the hero directly, with Slimy Spit Barrage!"


I wake up in a cold sweat. The hospital room? So it was just a dream?

Thank god, there is nothing scarier than a camel intending on defiling my beautiful body.

"You're awake, Yuichi-kun," A doctor approaches me, "It's a miracle you survived after being hit by that truck."

Good, I'm back in the real world.

This is how my worse nightmare ended. There is nothing more dangerous to my beauty than camel spit.

And now, the legacy of the beautiful Yuichi Shiro can recommence.
Omake 2
Spoiler! :
Omake 2: Yuichi In Kantoland

"Have we arrived in the Underworld?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, Master," Wolfy answers.

"Hey! there's a girl over there," I notice, "Let's go ask her where we are."

I walk up and approach the girl. Wolfy is walking just behind me.

As soon as I am about ten metres away from her, "Huh? I could've sworn I saw an exclamation mark appear over her head just now," I remark in confusion.

The girl walks up to us in a brisk walk.

"I don't like the colour of your shoes," she states.

Huh!? Say what!? That was completely random.

*da da da duh* - Huh? Where did that midi like sound effect come from?

GIRL wants to fight!

Hey, what the hell is going on here!?


HUH!? Some sphere like creature with grass on its head; just came out of some sort of red and white baseball.

It looks hostile. No choice.

"Go Wolfy!" I shout, "I choose you!"

Wolfy, hearing my voice, runs in front of me.

Enemy RANDOMISH used Blade Leaf.

It's not very effective!

Wolfy used Fire Breath!

It's super effective!

Enemy RANDOMISH fainted!

Wolfy gained 12 EXP. Points!

Wolfy grew to level 11!

Wolfy learned Bite!

*DA DA DA* Another midi sound effect comes from nowhere.

Yuichi defeated GIRL!

"My shoes are no better," She says.

Again, what the hell are you talking about!?

Yuichi got $52 for winning.

"Sweet, I'm rich!" I celebrate, "No, never mind that, where the hell are we!?"

"Hey Yuichi," A voice shouts.

Suddenly, I come back to my senses. It looks like we arrived in some kind of mansion.

"This is my home," Alicia explains "Travelling between the living, and the Underworld can sometimes make you dream."

"Oh, I see."

So that's what happened. That truly was weird.

"Let us not discuss it again, Master.," Wolfy says, I give a swift nod back.
Omake 3:
Spoiler! :
Omake 3: Yuichi In Character Poll

"How are you feeling Yuichi?" Ren asks. He has already finished his audition.

Today is the character polls for the series Soul Anomaly, written by the wannabe author with low self esteem, cud-b-better. I am the main character of the series, hence the most popular. This contests winner has basically been decided already.

"I'm over flowing with confidence, the first place spot has my name on it. I wish you the best with second place Ren." I replied.

"Don't get too cocky Yuichi, or you will be in for a rude awakening." Alicia stated.

"Don't worry honey, I'm going to pull out all the stops." I declared. Even though my victory is guaranteed, it doesn't hurt to be careful.

I spread my arms out wide, and begin to chant my secret weapon with a eerie voice.

"Ancient spirits of narcissism, transform this glorious form. Into Yuichi, the forever, BEAUTIFUL!"

"Yuichi, other than you making a fool of yourself, nothing happened." Alicia said frankly.

"I guess it is because my beauty is already off the charts. The ancient spirits of narcissism were unable to increase my beauty parameters." I replied, in a one hundred percent self confident voice. "Then I'm going." I said as I walked towards the curtain.

Official Soul Anomaly Character Poll Ranking.

1. Ren Kirei.

2. Alicia Pandemonium

3. Yuna Shiro

4. Sakura Kirei

5. Constipated Camel

6. Yuichi Shiro

"How could I lose to a camel that only made a cameo in a single omake?" I can't hold back my tears due to the shock and humiliation.
Omake 5:
Spoiler! :
Omake: Yuichi In England

I've just received an invite from England's monarch inviting me to her home. Even foreign royalty loves me, well it's only natural. I walk down the long road and show the invitation to one of the guards at the huge gate.

"I'm expected," I state.

The guard's eyes instantly spark up at the card and he runs to his outpost and takes out a megaphone. "YUICHI SHIRO IS HERE!" His voice echoes as the huge gate opens and a vast number of different people in various outfits run into view, they total at least a hundred.

Huh, what on earth is going on? Several people begin banging on their drums and blow lightly into their trumpets. And just when I didn't think I could get any more confused the large mass of people sing to the many instrument's rhythm.

"Welcome to Buckingham Palace, Yuichi Shiro we're honoured to meet you.

Other nations claim we're a land of complainers, yes that's true.

Brush our crooked teeth and drink tea until our bladders turn blue.

Vomit out our cuisine as we the queen's guard stare stoically at you."

Okay, this is really scary. Watching a group of guards with those big hats can canning isn't the most pleasing to my eyes. A huge drum solo fills the air as fireworks litter the sky. They really didn't pull any punches with this.

"Welcome to Buckingham Palace, Yuichi Shiro we're privileged to meet you.

We all get pissed Friday night, yes that's true.

Tread carefully, the slightest provocation will make us sue.

We're proud of our butt kissing and sticking to the influential like glue."

Several people perform pointless acrobatics during the instrumental break. Watching girls in short skirts performing back flips is a lot more fulfilling than the last sausage fest.

"Did Saint George really slay the dragon? No that's untrue.

Have we seen Nessie? You've got the wrong country, dude.

We're all rich aristocrats but we still can't buy ourselves a clue.

Our leaders belong in a zoo? In which country is this untrue?"

All the men and women pull a dramatic pose at the finish.

"HAAAHHHH!" I wake up in a cold sweat. I wipe my forehead. "Well that settles that, I'm never going to England."

(Author note: It's meant to sound stupid so don't worry if it fried your brain)

Re: My O(L/W)N: Soul Anomaly

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:13 am
by cud-b-better
Well why don't I share a few more images of Soul Anomaly with you. None of the art was done by me here's the artist

The first four spoilers continue LN Illustrations. The Fifth a spread of some of the series characters.
Spoiler! :
Art belongs and is copyright of Renealexa
Spoiler! :
Art belongs and is copyright of Renealexa
Spoiler! :
Art belongs and is copyright of Renealexa
Spoiler! :
Art belongs and is copyright of Renealexa
Spoiler! :
Art belongs and is copyright of Renealexa