OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

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Favourite Light Novel: Mushoku Tensei, Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, Re: Monster

OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by rushido »

Hello everyone. :)

This is my first attempt on writing a light novel and English is not my native language, so I will need a huge help. Suggestion, ideas, critics, and corrections are welcomed. :D

Anyway, the story took place in a global Virtual Reality MMORPG. Since it's a global server, there will be Thai, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Germany, Spanish, and other non English conversations in the story. I will provide the English translations of the said conversations, so don't worry about it. The narrations, inner thoughts, and most of the dialogues are written in English.
Since I'm not fluent in many language, most conversations in foreign languages was written through machine translation. If you are fluent in that certain language, please don't hesitate to correct me. :)
I will add new chapters every Sunday, unless I'm sick, or dead, or my laptop broke. :P

On 2041, Japan, Korea, China, and USA finished their joint project and created Neo Eden Online, the first Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game in the world. Players from various countries gathered in one large global server and start their adventure in a world named Nýr Heimur.

Putra Arthawijaya is a college freshman, and a pet maniac who just lost his parent and all of his pets in a terrible car accident. From his classmates, he found his way to Nýr Heimur aspiring to become a beast tamer. He bought the device and entered the game only to found that the pet feature on the game is bugged! Through some silly luck, he managed to found some unknown tricks in the game that would turn him into one of the strongest character in Nýr Heimur.

Spoiler! :
In the middle of a day on a certain tundra where some polar bear hibernates and a lot of snow rabbits copulate, stood a young man with a messy white hair wearing a shabby teal robe.
The young man wields a blue staff with his right hand while putting his left hand on his hip. He’s scouting the tundra with a purpose.
No… no… not to peep on the snow rabbits, though that might be interesting, that is not what he’s here for…

“Hmm… no snow storm today. I guess I’m going to find and molest my cute fluffy Darling soon! Muhahahahahahah… ehehe…”

His echoing freaky laugh is making the snow rabbits tremble in fear. Oh poor "Darling", hide yourself! Don’t let that young man find you!
The young man is now walking to the north.
From behind a tree 20 meters in front of that man stood a white monster called yeti Jr. Unlike the docile snow rabbit, the yeti families are aggressive toward adventurer. This yeti must have heard the young man voice.
The yeti wears a fierce expression while baring its claw.

“|Fire bolt|.”
The young man cast his spell on the yeti. Four bolt of fire were thrown at it, one hit its leg, two hit its body and another one hit the head. The yeti’s body got knocked back by 3 meters… and it died.
“Ha! Easy…”
“Hmm… I should start walking faster if I want to reach the wolf’s den before the next snow storm. I will definitely tame that cute dog. Wait for meee Darliiiiing!”
This young man is a mage… and probably a beast tamer too… and some kind of animal molester.

What is this place you ask? This world is called Nýr Heimur. It‘s a world inside a virtual reality MMORPG called Neo Eden Online.
On 2028, Helgi Gunnlaugsson, a genius scientist developed a method to transfer information from a computer directly into the human brain efficiently. His invention gave a breath to a lot of new technology.
On 2035, Japan, Korea, China and USA started a joint project to create the first VRMMO in the world. The project was finished in 2041.
The game world was tremendous, the main continent is around 500.000 km² and there are several smaller islands around it. There was still a lot of blackened part in the world map. Perhaps they will open it in future patch.
There is only one server for everyone in the whole world. No regional server, just one big international server, one big world… for everyone… from any country… as long as you has the money to buy the required device and pay for the subscription… and it’s kind of expensive. Damn money grabbing capitalist…
The world is named Nýr Heimur as a tribute to Helgi Gunnlaugsson, the scientist who pioneered the technology. Gunnlaugsson is from Iceland and Nýr Heimur means new world in Icelandic language.
As for the game itself, it is named Neo Eden Online due to some old abrahamic myth. It was said that mankind were banished from eden because Adam ate the fruit of knowledge. That knowledge gave birth to modern science and technology, and from that, human created a new eden.
The other reason is because the author of this light novel has a pathetic naming sense.
Now, who is that young mage who is obsessed with a certain puppy? He’s a player that has just entered Nýr Heimur recently, and this is his adventure.
Chapter 1
Spoiler! :
Welcome to Nýr Heimur

My name is Putra Arthawijaya. I was born and raised in Bandung, Indonesia.
I just graduated from high school and I’m going to attend college in two months. My academic grades are certainly not the best, but at least I’m pretty good.
My dad run a furniture company together with my aunt, and my mother is an elementary school teacher. I’m their only child and they spoil me a lot. Whatever I want, my parents will buy it. Aaaah the glory of a spoiled child!
I’m a pet maniac. Currently I’m taking care of a Siberian husky, two guinea pigs, half dozen of guppy fish, and a barred tiger salamander.
The husky is an old friend, her name is Kathryn and I call her “kat”. She’s definitely a dog though, not a cat, I’m sure. It doesn’t meow, purr, or poop in a litter box so I’m absolutely sure it’s not a cat.
My father gave her to me as a birthday present when I’m still wetting my bed. Although she’s not a small puppy anymore, she always sits on my lap whenever she has the chance.
Why did I tell some stories about my pet but none about my friends? Because I don’t really have any close friends.
It’s not like I’m antisocial or anything, it’s just that the people in my school tend to form their own comfortable group with similar interest or lifestyle, and unfortunately I don’t fit in any of it.
Not that I care that much anyway… For me being able to caress my pet is already a heavenly joy. I don’t caress my guppy fish though. Who the hell would…
Today my family is moving to a new house. Some stuff is already transported there, so now it’s just me, daddy, mommy, and my animal army inside daddy’s van. In the car, dad is driving, mom is in the front left seat, and I’m sitting behind mom while overseeing my pets.
We chat about my college, daddy’s new furniture design, a troublemaking children in mommy’s school, and many silly stuff… and then that damn accursed truck came… with a speed of 80km/h… from the right side of my car…

“Awas paaaaaaaa!!” (Watchout daaaaaad!!)
My mom’s scream aghast me and my dad. A truck is heading toward my car. It was an intersection. The traffic light in front of dad’s car is definitely green. Yet why…

I woke up in the hospital. A severe pain can be felt in my rib, my left arm and both of my leg. My aunt was sitting in a chair beside my bed with a morose face.
She immediately called the doctor after she saw me waking up. I didn’t say a word…
I spent three days in the hospital until my aunt brought me to her home. Her house is just three houses away from my new home. On these three days, she has not said anything about my family.
From her silence, I understand the bitter truth.

“… Tante…” (…Aunty…)
“Iya putra? Ada apa?” (Yes putra? What is it?)
“… Yang selamat cuma saya ya?… Mama?… Papa?… Kat?…” (…Am I the only survivor?... Mom?... Dad?... Kat?...)
The moment I said that, my tears started to flow. I didn’t cry during the past three days since I still had some hope that my family survived… But no matter how I look at it, fate seems so dreary.

“… Iya putra… Mulai sekarang biar tante yang urus keperluan kamu. Tante akan urus kamu seperti anak tante sendiri.” (… Yes putra… From now on, aunty will take care of you. Aunty will take care of you like you’re my own son…)

I can sense grief on her voice. Judging from her eye bags, she must’ve cried a lot during the past three days. She is my father’s closest relative after all. They run a company together for years, so she’s more than just my dad’s little sister. For her, my dad is also a friend, a partner, a comrade.
Since then, I’m living with my aunt, her husband, and her daughter. I knew her daughter ever since she was small.
She’s a third grader in a middle school now, so she’s actually still a small kid. Her name is Alma, her hobby is cooking, has a cute face and a hardcore brain. She’s super smart! Perfect grades? Check! Mastery of several languages? Check! A flaw to prevent her becoming a Mary Sue? Well uhhmm, I haven’t found it yet, but nobody is perfect you know. A character with such a marvelous stat must have had some silly weakness! I mean… She’s too awesome right now! Nerf Alma please!
If you think Alma is going to be my love interest in the future, forget it. She’s cute, but since I’ve been playing with her ever since we’re little, I thought of her as my own sister. No matter how cute she is, my grand cannon just won’t get up for her.
Haha my parent just died and I’m making a silly shamisen joke on the same chapter. Anyway she’s a cousin and will always be a cousin. A fantastic and dependable one though.
I recovered pretty fast, both physically and mentally. There is still a bitter feeling of course, but I have to move on. Besides, this novel is a light hearted one. Too much negative emotions is no good.
Two months later I started going to college, but I guess I’m kind of doing it halfassedly. Not just college, I’m doing everything halfassedly. Losing my parent and all of my pets does give a huge blow to my spirit. But when I overheard my classmate’s conversation, something inside me is brimming with hope…

“Hei gimana talent beast taming nya? Udah berhasil jinakin pet belum?” (Hey, how is your beast taming talent? Have you succeeded in taming a pet yet?)
“Boro-boro jinakin pet, yang ada gua digigit! Kayanya beast taming di Neo Eden masih nge-bug deh. Masa gua udah coba macem-macem tapi talentnya level 1 terus ga naik-naik!” (Not even close dude, In fact I got bitten a lot! It seems the beast taming in Neo Eden is still buggy. I have tried various stuffs but my talent is stuck at level 1!)
“Haaah saying banget. Padahal kalo bisa jinakin pet asik tuh, banyak monster imut-imut yang gua pengen elus-elus.” (Haaah too bad. It will be fun if you succeeded in pet taming, there’s a lot of cute monster I want to caress.)
“Tungguin aja, nanti juga dibenerin lewat patch.” (Just wait patiently, it will be fixed in future patch.)

Pet? Cute? Taming? Taming cute pet? This is it! I can’t raise any pet at home since my aunty’s husband is allergic to animals. I always need pet as some kind of mental support! I will reclaim the glory of pet molesting taming! Muhahahahahah!
When I’m home I started to search about Neo Eden Online. Hmm… so I have to buy this Morpheon brain communicator huh. It’s pretty expensive… There is a subscription cost too.
Thankfully Indonesia’s internet speed is pretty decent now. My grandfather often told me that Indonesia’s internet connection used to be as slow as a crippled snail!
The worse thing is, there was a time when the government tried to block porn access! Every time I hear about this, a spark of rage emanate from my blazing heart. Grandfather… I feel sorry for you…

“Tanteeee….” (Auntyyy…)
I called my aunt with a sweet voices, a voices that hide some ulterior motive. Uhehehehehe.
“Iya putra? Mau minta dibeliin apa?” (Yes putra? What do you want me to buy now?)
She said that while giggling a bit. How did she know? Was my sweet voice too obvious?
“Ehhmm kok tante tau saya mau minta sesuatu?” (Ehhmm how did aunty know I wanted to ask for a favor?)
“Hahaha, tante udah kenal kamu sejak kamu bayi. Tiap kali kamu bersuara manis gitu, pasti besoknya papa kamu beliin sesuatu buat kamu.” (Hahaha, aunty knew you since you were a baby. Everytime you use those sweet voice, your dad would bought something for you in the next day.)
“Ehem… uuhhh oke. Putra pengen beli…..” (Cough… uuhhh okay. I want to buy…)
Then I explain everything. Starting from my need of pet, how it relieve my stress, how I can’t raise them due to aunty’s husband, and finally about Neo Eden Online and the required peripherals.
“Oke, pesen aja nanti tante bayar.” (Okay, just order it. Aunty will pay for it.)
She said with a gentle smile.
“Serius tante? Hahaha tante fantastis sekali lah pokoknya.” (Are you serious? Hahaha aunty is very very fantastic.)
It took three days for the hardware to be delivered to my home. In the meanwhile I’m going to search some stuff about the game world.
Nýr Heimur has a large main continent separated into several kingdom. Each kingdom has diferent set of talent trainer.
Talent is required to use some specific skill. To use fire spell, you need fire magic talent. To use sword skill, you need sword mastery talent.
To get the talent, player need to find the specific trainer and finish the necessary quest. After a player get it, the talent need to be equiped. The talent start at level 1, and it can be raised by using the skill related to the talent.
A level 1 player can only equip 3 talent. Every 10 level, a player got 1 aditional talent slot until level 100. After level 100, the player won‘t get any talent slot, so it‘s capped at 13 talent. The talent can be switched with a 1 hour cooldown, so talent swaping can be used strategically but it can‘t be spammed. Hmm... interesting...
Player get 5 bonus stats for every level up. It can be allocated in STR (strength), VIT (vitality), AGI (agility), INT (intelligence), WIS (wisdom), and LUK (luck).
STR affect physical damage, physical knockback, and weight limit.
VIT affect defence, maximum health, health regeneration, and stamina. Sprinting, rolling, jumping, and physically attacking drain a portion of stamina. It recover pretty fast though.
AGI is corelated to character‘s move and attack speed.
INT affect magic attack, maximum mana, and mana regeneration.
WIS affect magic defence, healing power, maximum mana, and mana regeneration.
LUK influence character‘s critical chance, drop rate, and some crafting related stuff. T
he level cap is 500, but since the game is just launched 6 months ago, no one has gotten that far yet.
I have searched about the beast taming talent. The trainer is available in the northern kingdom Rozaria, and the western empire Ezanar.
Since I‘m going to be a full fledged beast tamer, it will be good if I can support my tamed pet properly, so I‘m thinking of becoming a magic oriented character with a buffing and healing capabilities. Yeah yeah something like that...
I moved my research toward healing and buffing magic.
It appears that there is no single talent that specialize only in healing or buffing. It is spread on several elemental talent.
There is six elemental talent in Nýr Heimur, fire, water, wind, earth, light, and darkness. Healing magics are available in water, earth, and light magic talent.
The water heals decently, but has average cast speed and mp consumption.
The earth specializes in heal overtime and area heal, has low mp cost, but the healed amount are kind of low.
The light talent has the fastest healing magic, but the mp cost is ridiculously high.
As for the buff… it is spread on every six elemental talent. Fire has an attack buff, water gives a regeneration buff, earth boost defense, wind increase speed, darkness boost magic attack and light has a magic defense buff.
Okay then… I guess I’ll pick water first and take the other later.
Why water? Well I need to bathe my pet, and I will definitely need water for that. The usefulness of other magic talent means nothing over my pet’s hygiene!!
Since I pick water, it means I’ll have to start on Rozaria since the Ezanar Empire doesn’t have water talent instructor.

Then after three damn days, a package containing the morpheon brain communicator came. Muhahahahah!
I pick the package, bring it into my room, and open it faster than a cheetah in turbo mode. I read the instruction manual, connected the device to my computer, calibrating brainwave, etc etc etc… Aw come on, seriously there is so many things that need to be done as a first time user.
Ha! The preparation is finished. I laid down on my bed with the brain communicator on my head and close my eyes.
“Beep beep beep…”
After the beeping sound I opened my eyes. It’s the welcome screen…
“Welcome to Neo Eden Online. Please read the terms and agreement before you begin. Say ‘I agree’ if you’re willing to comply with our rules and contract and proceed further.”
A pop up window appeared, ah it’s the terms and agreement contract.
“I agree.”
I didn’t even read a single word of the contract. Who the hell read this stuff anyway…
“You may create your character.”
I was taken to the character creation mode. There is 5 playable race, human, elf, dwarf, orc, and castian.
The default appearance is a human and the face is based on myself.
When did it scan my appearance? Ah it must be during the brainwave calibration. The machine figured out my appearance using the data in my brain.
Such an amazing technology! Mister Helgi Gunnlaugsson, you deserve a nobel!

Hmm… Let’s try the orc.
The character turns into an orc, but the face is still based on me. Hmm this face will scare the pets away! No no no… How about the dwarf?
There stand a midget that looks like me. It’s cute, but looks a bit unreliable. Okay now the elf.
It looks like human, but with a much more slender body, and a longer ear. Elf seems frail. Okay, last one, the castian.
Oh castian is some kind of demon – human hybrid. It has a pair of horn on its head. This race is pretty bad ass! But I’ll pick the human anyway. Role playing as a demon lord is not my thing.

Hmm what is this? There is a “Real Appearance” icon above the character. Let’s read the info.
[The “Real Appearance” icon is given to a character who used their default appearance. It is given to people with a confidence over themselves.]
Hahaha… What a bullcrap. I can change my hairstyle to an absurd shape, modify the color to a silly one, and a lot of other stuff, like hell I would use a boring default appearance. It’s not like I’m ugly. Though I’m not extraordinarily handsome, I’m definitely far from ugly! The “Real appearance” icon was given to people with a confidence? Ha! To hell with confidence! I’ll pick some stylish messy hair and dye it purple!

Uuggh purple is too much… it’s too silly.
Let’s try blonde!...
Hmm I look like a certain hero from one of Squ*re En*x game. Since that hero is popular, there must be a ton of character using this kind of hairstyle. I’ll pick another one then, and dye it white!
Muhahahahah. Okay it’s cool enough. Now make the pupil crimson red.
I’m too lazy to customize my face and body shape so I’m leaving it as it is.
“Please name your character.”
A virtual keyboard popped up. I typed “Putra” in a rush.
“Pick your starting area.”
A map popped up. As planned, I pick Rozaria kingdom.
“Please obey the rules and be polite to other players. Enjoy your stay in Neo Eden Online. “
Some dazzling light appear in front of me. I’m being sent to Rozaria huh…

I arrived in the center of Rozaline, the capital city of Rozaria Kingdom.
“Holy poop! It’s… It’s freaking beautiful!”
I have seen the screenshot of Neo Eden Online, but witnessing it yourself gives a different vibes.
Rozaria is a region with a cold climate. No snow can be seen in Rozaline but if I go further north, vast tundra is waiting for me.
I tried to move my legs, and arms. Yup it works perfectly.
Next I’ll try opening the user interface.
Hmm… wait… my name is “Purta”? Not Putra? Ah damn I must’ve mistyped.
Well since Putra is a common name in Indonesia, there must’ve been another person who used the name. Even if I delete this character and create a new one, I can’t use the name.
I’ll just stick with this name. It sounds like a cat name though. Pur pur pur….
Now that I think about it, why did I use my real name in the first place? I don’t think people usually do that on an online game.
On the player terminal menu, I can enter a player's name and the player's model will appear. Some of them had a "real appearance" icon above the character. So that icon only appears in this player terminal huh. I thought the icon would appear above the character's head in the whole game.
All of my stat is at 10 point. I’ll need to pump some INT and WIS to be a proper mage.
When I check my inventory, several beginner weapon seems to be given free of charge. There is a dagger, sword, great sword, staff, bow, spear, and several others. I equipped the staff immediately.

“Pagbebenta ng murang potion!” (Selling cheap potion!)
“Pagbebenta ng mataas na kalidad ng custom na tabak” (Selling high quality custom sword!)
“Magbigay sa akin ang ilang pera mangyaring… Am i isang bagong manlalaro.” (Give me some money please… I am a new player.)
The crowd’s are saying some stuff I don’t understand.
What… What did they say? What language is this?
Ah well there is an integrated internet browser within the game. I’ll just access it from the UI (user interface). Alright, let’s sniff this kingdom around for a bit.
[Rozaria is a kingdom located in the northern part of Nýr Heimur. It‘s signature product is.... bla bla bla bla... Most Filipino player starts in Rozaria and now Rozaline became their main hub city...]
Ah... They are Pinoy! They must be speaking Filipino or something.
Well it‘s a global game with a gigantic area to explore. It‘s no wonder that people of the same country group together to easily progress the game.
I‘m not really a social person, a lack of communication won‘t be much problem.

Chapter 2
Spoiler! :
The Beast Tamer

I’m in the city of Rozaline, and I’m trying to find water magic and beast taming instructor.
Right now I’m looking a huge map of the city on a board at the town center.
Hmm… the water magic instructor can be found in the second floor of the mage association building north of here, and the beast taming instructor is in the barn at the east. Since the mage building is closer, I decided to go there first.
It was a three story building. There is some kind of neon light signboard saying “Rozaria Mage Association”. Seriously… A neon light signboard? It’s not a damn bar!
There are a lot of magical item vendor inside. I got to the second floor and saw a pretty lady in her mid twenties with a wizard hat reading a certain book. She must be the instructor.

“Excuse me, are you perhaps the water magic instructor?”
“Yes I am. You wanted to learn mater magic boy?”
She said that with a gentle smile.
“Yes ma’am!”
“Call me Madam Velma.”
“Yes Madam Velma.”
Why am I obeying this NPC...
“Oh you’re a newbie who hasn’t learned any talent yet huh… In other words… A virgin right? To think that such a young boy would have their first time with Madam… Fufufufu… This is exciting.”
Hey isn’t this NPC too dangerous? She’s kind of a predator. I thought this game’s age limit is 13 years old. This is not something you should say to a child!
Ah it must’ve been matched to the player’s age, since I’m 18 years old, I’m considered a young adult, so the NPC can say something provocative like this. That must be it, but sorry madam, I’m not a virgin. I’ve done the deed once with my classmate during high school. Muhahahahahah….

“So what do I have to do to learn water magic Madam Velma?”
“You just can’t wait to play with something wet huh? Fufufufu… Well since you don’t have any talent yet and you’re kind of cute, Madam is going to give you an easy quest. Take that bucket, go to the healing well behind this building and fill the bucket full with healing water. Madam needs some of it for an experiment, and Madam is a bit thirsty.”
“… Is… Is that all Madam Velma?”
“Yes boy… Do you prefer a much more difficult quest?”
“No madam, I’ll finish the errand immediately.”
“Good boy…”
I take the bucket, go to the well, fill the bucket, and back to Madam Velma’s office. Isn’t this too easy? Maybe it’s because I don’t have any talent yet.
A new player is allowed to equip 3 talents. Perhaps the NPC will give an easy quest for the first 3 talent. After that, they will start giving a quest with proper difficulty to gain the talent.
“Madam, I have finished the task.”
“Ah you’re quick. Fine, Madam will bestow you the ability to use basic water magic. You will start at level 1, beginner rank. After you leveled it up to 34 you will be able an intermediate ranked magic. The advanced rank is available when your mastery is at level 67. You need to buy the proper spell book first to be able to use the spell. I’m going to give you the basic water spell book, |Water Bullet| for free. You understand everything I said boy?”
“Yes madam, thank you very much.”
“Good, you’re clever. Madam like clever boys. Fufufu…”

“Daram dam dam daaaam….”
A funny sound effect can be heard and a window suddenly popped up in front of me.
[You have gained Water Magic Talent]

“Alright I’ve got the talent. Madam Velma, thanks for the assistance. May your beauty last for eternity!”
Madam Velma is a pretty fun NPC, so I decided to play along a bit. Uhehehe…
“Fufufu… You have a sweet mouth. If you got some question about water magic, feel free to ask Madam. Oh and don’t forget to equip your talent boy.”
“Understood Madam. See you later.”
“Take care boy… Be sure to visit me again sometime. Madam could get lonely easily you know…”
“I’ll visit you again when I have become an astounding mage. Till then madam.”

Alright, water magic? Check!

Next is beast taming! It’s time to look for the barn in the eastern part of the town.
After 10 minutes of walking, I found the barn. It looks a bit rickety. There is an old man with a remarkable beard feeding the horses.
“Sir, you must be the taming instructor, right? Right? Right? I am a genuine pet lover who really really wants to learn about taming.”
I said that with sparkling eyes.
“Do you have what it takes to be a real tamer lad? Taming a beast ain’t an easy job lad. You need patience, diligence, strong will, passion, and most importantly….”
Before the old man finished his sentence, I cut it with a strong yell full of conviction.
“…Hmm… Hahahahaha!”
The old man laughed delightfully.
“It seems I underestimate you lad. You know what you need before I even taught you. That conviction! That sparkling eyes! That hand that caressed my horse softly! You definitely got what it takes to become a great beast tamer young lad!”
Now that he said it… I realize I’m caressing his horse unconsciously. The horse seems jolly.
“I don’t mind bestowing you the talent gratuitously lad, but I can’t. You’ll have to do some quest. I’ll make it an easy one though. Brush that horse clean, and then feed it some grass. That’s it young lad.”
“Roger that sir.”
I wanted to try the water magic to clean the horse but since I haven’t even tried it yet, I’m afraid I will cause some injury.

I’ve done the task splendidly. It’s time to report to the instructor.
“Old man, I’ve finished your order. Look, the horse is squeaky clean! He looks blissful isn’t he. Hehehehe.”
“Alright lad, I’ll bestow you the beast taming talent. With this talent, you may tame a beast with a special characteristic. Once you have tamed them, they will be yours to command. Don’t forget to feed them lad, it’s bad for their health if their tummies is not filled with yummies.”

“Daram dam dam daaaam….”
[You have gained Beast Taming Talent]

“Thanks old man. Oh yeah, you haven’t told me how to tame the beast though.”
“Well you just… Tame them? Like giving them yummies, rubbing their belly… just do what makes them delighted.”
“Oh that’s all? Alright then, see you old man.”
“Godspeed lad…”

Now it’s time to explore the field. But before that, I’m going to buy some candy, beef jerky, and other yummies.
The game gave me 1000 gold starting money. It’s not much, but it’s enough to buy some pet snack.
I’m heading to Rozaline’s east gate. Beyond there, lies a plain with mostly non aggressive monster.

“Whoaaaaaaa there is a lot of fluffy mammals. Uhehehehe…”
The monster around the town is usually weak and non aggressive. Am I supposed to hunt them? But but… it’s kind of cute.
I’ll just hunt the scarier beast and the insect type monster since they are not cute. Well there are some people who consider insect cute, but I am not one of them.
Let’s try to give the ferrets some candy to build a friendship. I sit on the grass, and then try to call one of the ferrets.

“Hey Johnny, come here. I got some snack for you.”
Johnny is probably not the name of the ferret. But he still took the candy. He ate it with a contented expression. Then he took a nap on my lap. After 10 minutes, he woke up and left… He left…
“Johnny come back please… I can call you Rambo if you desire it…”
Johnny left with his ferret buddies.
Hmm what went wrong… Johnny seems to enjoy the candy. He even slept on my lap. There must be a certain step that I miss to tame a beast.
I’ll try that possum over there.

“Yo Steve what’s up? Want some beef jerky?”
Steve come to me and ate the jerky. I pat his head and rub his fur while he fills his tummy. He doesn’t reject my hand or anything, so I suppose it works.
After he finished eating, he says “Myaaah Myaah Myueeeeeh… “ and then he left… Just like Johnny…
Whyyyyy? Am I not worthy enough to be your master? Or is it because the snack was cheap? I tried the candy, and it’s actually delicious though.
After that I tried lots of stuff to various animals on this plain but none seems to work.

Now that I think about it, my classmate said something about the taming being buggy or something. Hmm… Let’s open the integrated browser and get some info about taming from the forum.

[Bonbonzakura: You take taming talent? Jajajajajajajaja that talent is an utter crap right now! It doesn’t work man!]
[Randomixer: Forget about pet taming. Until Morpheon corporation fixed it in future patch, no pet.]
[Mordekaiser: Pet sucks anyway. In other game, usually they just assist you a little bit. It’s not really fundamental. More importantly, look at my Blazing Claymore! It’s so awesome! Huehuehuehuehue…]
[xXBestWarriorEverXx: I’ve tried everything and all kind of food. The taming talent doesn’t even budge. It stuck at level 1 with 0% exp!]
[53xy455: There is currently no single player ever who had succeeded in taming a pet! No matter how you look at it, it’s definitely bugged.]
That is what fills most thread about taming in various forum.

“Haaaah I’ve tried all of this for nothing…”
Well Morpheon will surely fix this in the future. There is no way they would neglect my hope and passion!
I already bought the device and pay for one month subscription. The game is damn amazing, so I’ll just stick around for now. Let’s try my water magic in the forest south of this plain.

The forest is a home to mandragora, an aggressive plant monster. They can attack but they are rooted to the ground. Moving is out of the question. They are the perfect sand bag for my magic test. Muhahahahah…

“Water bullet!”
A ball of water is formed and thrown to the mandragora. Since I’m only a level one player, it took 5 spell to kill one of them. The experience is awesome though. I hunt these plants until I’m level 10. I allocate all my stat points to INT and WIS.
“Time to go back to the town.”
Since I got an extra talent slot when I leveled up to 10, I decided to visit the town to learn two other talents. I made some money by selling the pile of mandragora loot I just hunted.

Aaaand it’s already dinner time. I’ll resume the game after I dine.
It was some stir fried vegetable and a spicy penyet chicken (it’s a chicken with a spicy sauce). Very delicious! As expected of Alma’s cooking!

I’m back to my room. Before I connect to Neo Eden Online, I think I will search some info about talents.
I got two spare talent slots… Hmm what talent should I fill it with.
I probably need another magic talent to fight a monster that resist water element. As for the other slot, I better filled it with something passive that could complement my skill set.
Let’s look around for some guide.

After looking up here and there, I’ve decided. |Fast Casting| talent is good, but it requires my INT to be at least 75 points.
When I cast a magic spell, there is a slight delay until the magic is formed. |Fast Casting| reduce that delay.
I will definitely take it later, but for now I’ll just stick with |Increased Mana Regeneration| talent.
I took |Fire magic| talent too since it’s very useful in Rozaria.
Rozaria has vast tundra. Most monsters there resist water and weak to fire.

The fire instructor is a military oriented person who speaks in military style, and expects me to also speak in military way. Sir, yes sir! Affirmative! Negative! Etc… It’s something like that.
The quest is to do a skirmish with several fire monster. I use my |Water Bullet| and it ended quickly. Ha! Mission accomplished! I got |Fire Bolt| spell from him. Now that I think about it, I don’t know the name of this instructor. I also forgot to ask the beast taming instructor I met before…

The |Increased Mana Regeneration| talent instructor gave me a fetch quest. I was tasked to bring 20 zumozumo’s liver, 5 mandragora’s vine, and 10 mana crystals which I bought from another player.
Phew… luckily English is one of Philippine’s main language. I don’t have to rely on an online translator to communicate. I managed to find a player who sold cheap mana crystal.

I managed to gain a few levels and raise my INT. Now I can grab |Fast Casting| talent.
The quest was simple. I just need to knock down five dummy targets using my magic under ten seconds.
Easier said than done… It took two second to form the water bullets, and I need some more time to aim it.
I failed several times then I decided to create five water bullets at once. It works nice, better than casting and shooting them one by one. It took more mana though.
It’s already midnight so I decided to sleep. I have a class tomorrow morning.

After I got back from college, I ate lunch then go to my room. It’s game time!

I did various quest today. Goblin subjugation, spider nest clearing, some herb gathering, and various other stuffs. It’s fun! I did all of it solo. Perhaps joining a party would make me progress faster, but I don’t really need to rush. I’m playing with my own pace, slow and steady…

I did this everyday for a week.
I died two times during this week. When my character died, I lost 5% of my experience, I can’t connect for the next 15 minutes and when I could connect, I got a curse that reduce my character’s stat by 20% for one hour. There is also a chance that one of my equipment is dropped during my death. It wasn’t that bad.
I’ve grown stronger a bit, though my progress is probably slower than most players. Let’s check my stat!

Level: 23
STR 10 VIT 10 AGI 10 INT 85 WIS 45 LUK 10
|Water Magic lv. 21|
|Fire Magic lv. 20|
|Beast Taming lv. 1|
|Increased Mana Regeneration lv. 23|
|Fast Casting lv. 12|

I got healing magic |Healing Splash|, |Cleansing Water|, and regeneration buff |Soothing Water| from the water talent. The spell book is damn expensive but I can sustain myself better now.
The |Soothing Water| also boost mana regeneration which is awesome! |Cleansing Water| is useful to dispel debuff like bleeding, poison, and some others. It can’t cure a curse though.
To remove a curse, I need |Purifying Light| from the |Light Magic| talent.
My |Beast Taming| is still stuck at level 1... Sigh…

I bought a new staff from the auction house. Though there is an auction feature, some players still open up a stall and sell their stuff by themselves.
It’s because the auction house implement taxes. The tax rate is different between each kingdom depending on the guild that controls the area. The auction tax will be sent to the administering guild.
That’s why turf war often happens between guilds. The tax that flow to their wallet must’ve been pretty abundant.
I still wear my starting clothes though. I’ll change it when I reach level 30. The level 30 mage equipment set is very cool, so I’d rather save my gold to buy it than buying some lame robe.

Today I’m going to venture the northern part of Rozaria. The aggressive monsters in this area are yeti, wolf, bear, and frost wyrm. I’m not going to touch the frost wyrm… It’s far beyond my ability.

I hunt lone yeti, and bear. If they are in a group I don’t think I can finish the fight unscathed. I don’t hunt wolf since they are always in a group, and they are pretty cute too.
The |Fire Bolt| spell is super effective on the yeti, but so - so on the bear. Several hours later, I heard a loud rumble from the east.
The wolf packs are fighting with a horde of yetis. Individually, the wolves are definitely stronger than the yeti, but the amount of yeti attacking them were too much.
Perhaps realizing they are cornered, the wolf decided to retreat.

“Holy poooooop!!”
I shouted in surprise. The wolves are sprinting toward my direction…
“Aaaaargh… I got a bad luck todaaaaaaaaaay! Shit shit shit…”
I started running to get away from the wolf’s path. One wolf passed, two wolf passed, three wolf passed… and then the next wolf bumped my side…
In this game, it sting a little if you got hit. It’s not really that painful though. The sting acts more like a warning to tell you that you got damaged.
I rolled along with the wolf that bumped me and we fell to a cavity in the side of the wolf’s escape route.
The wolf seems panicked… But it doesn’t attack me or anything. Hmm… weird… the wolf is supposed to be aggressive toward players. This one seems docile. It sticks so close with me.

“Are you hungry? Want some beef jerky?”
I pull a beef jerky from my inventory and show it to the wolf. He ate it and then sniffed me passionately.
“You want more? Fine, I still got some anyway. Here you go darling.”
I haven’t even check whether you are male or female and yet here I am calling you darling. Well even if you are female, people would still think of me as a weirdo for calling a wolf “darling”.
The wolf ate the jerky, then she look at me with an open mouth, hanging tongue and an ear that was bent forward. It seems happy.

“Hehehehe, you’re happy aren’t you? You really like that snack? Here, you may eat everything. Just let me caress you a little. Uhehehehehe…..”
I took out every beef jerky I got on my inventory. The wolf ate it blissfully while I caress its smooth fur. Let’s check your gender while we’re at it. Hmm… No rocket on the crotch… It’s a female huh.
We sit very closely in the small cavity. The rumbling sound of the yeti horde can be heard clearly.
Five minutes later, it gets quiet. The horde must’ve gotten pretty far from us.
I got out of the cavity, and then I help her out of the hole.

“Darling, the yeti armies is gone now. You can go back to your pack.”
The wolf sat in front of me with a happy expression. I patted her head.
When the taming talent has been fixed, I’m definitely going to tame a wolf. Hehehehehe…..
“Come on darling, hurry up. If you stick with me too long, your pack will be too far from you. You’ll be separated you know.”
She pushed her head toward me like a cat, turns around, and then left. Bye darling, take caaaaareee…

“Phew I’m lucky enough not to die today…“
I decided to go back today since there will be a snow storm soon around this area.
Hmmf… I don’t hunt much today. That turf war between the wolf pack and the yeti horde is obstructing my hunt.
The bear are hiding in their cave, and the yeti is in a big group now.
I’ll just check what I got today.

Some fur, claw, fang, skin, and several other loots. Well at least it can be sold for a decent price.
How about my talent?

“Eh… What the?”
I rubbed my eyes a little. There seems to be no problem with my eyes… so… How can this happen?
My |Beast Taming| talent is at level 2! It’s something that no other player managed to do ever since the game launched six months ago! I thought it was bugged.
What the hell did I do to level it up… Is it the wolf pack? No no no… It must be her! The wolf that fell with me on that cavity!
Now that I think of it, that beast tamer instructor said something important.
… you may tame a beast with a special characteristic …
Special characteristic… special characteristic…

That’s it! The tamed beast can’t be an ordinary monster! It has to be a beast with a special characteristic!
A monster that has something that defies their racial trait! Like a wolf that didn’t chomp a player when it had the chance. A docile monster that belong to the aggressive category…

The |Beast Taming| talent is not bugged! It’s just that the requirement is pretty specific and the instructor didn’t explain it explicitly.
I bet most players who tried taming unequipped their |Beast Taming| talent after they failed to tame several bunnies near their city gate.
They never had the chance to meet a special monster while having the |Beast Taming| talent on. Since the talent is known to be buggy, no players tend to pick it up again.

I’m planning to go to track my darling but… It’s time for dinner already. Alma tends to nag me a lot if I didn’t join the family’s dinner time.
Ah fine… I’ll just munch some food, go back, and find darling. Muhahahahahahahah…
Last edited by rushido on Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:35 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Kanda Hikaru
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by Kanda Hikaru »

I'd suggest dropping all the foreign language. Just write it in English and mention they were said in a specific language.
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by gamerbaki »

I just read the first chapter and it seems that you had mashed everything in the beginning which causes me confusion right at the start.

How about you let go of the things a little bit slower? :)
In that way, you could express every events in the story more precisely.

I also understand that English isn't your forte since I myself, have some English problems as well.
However, try to re-read your story and analyze the discrepancies there.

I'll try to read the rest of it so I can you some suggestion to your story
Writer of Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes.

If you have extra time, kindly go for my thread and have a taste of my story. Any comments are welcome.

Chance are, that I might be doing the same thing on yours ^_^V
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by rushido »


I could do that but it would be less fun. Hehehe :D
I want to simulate a global game world where lots of language are involved.
Thanks for the suggestion though, I might do that in the future and re-edit my past chapter. :)


Can you help me point out the discrepancies? I already made 14 chapters and I tend to revise my past chapters bit by bit. I omitted some details, add some stuff, and change it a bit. There might be some discrepancies due to the revision. :D

As for the mashes, do you mean the real life stuff or the info dump about the game? If it's the real life stuff, it's because I want to focus more on the activities in the game. There are occasional real life stuff, but it won't be that much. If it's the info dump about the game, well I suppose I could give the details about the game a little bit at a time. I do agree that I tend to mash too much stuff though.

Anyway, you're from Philippines?
Pinoy will have an important part in the game.
Some info from real Pinoy would be very helpful. :)

Chapter 3
Spoiler! :

I’m back online after finishing my dinner.
Currently I’m in Rozaline stocking beef jerky and some other stuff. Darling seems to like it so much.
Why am I calling that docile wolf “Darling”? Well… I call her like that before and she seems to respond nicely. So… With that, her name has been decided. Muhahahah!
I reached the north gate. The weather seems fine, there is no sign of a storm.

“Hmm… no snow storm today. I guess I’m going to find and molest my cute fluffy Darling soon! Muhahahahahahah… ehehe…”
I head further to the north, trying to find the wolf's den based on their escape route.
From behind a tree 20 meters in front of me stood a yeti. The yeti wear a fierce expression while baring its claw.

“|Fire bolt|”
The yeti died in one spell. Since fire is its weakness, my |Fire Bolt| cause significant damage.
“Ha! Easy…”
“Hmm… I should start walking faster if I want to reach the wolf’s den before the next snow storm. I will definitely tame that cute dog. Wait for meeee Darling!”

I'm traveling as fast as I can, evading unnecessary battle and only killing those that really obstruct my path.
Then I stumbled across a group of players.

“OK, full set na tayo. Bumili na kayo ng pots!” (Check your gear. Prepare the potions!)
“Bro, si Cyron wala pa.”(Cyron haven't come yet bro.)
“Parating na yun.” (He's on the way, he'll be here soon. Don't worry about it.)
“Sige, ako ang unang papasok” (I will lead the vanguard.)
“Firato, harassing mo lang yung wrym. Wag kayong papasok.” (Firato, you'll handle the ranger squad, provide constant pressure to the wyrm while keeping your group as safe as possible.)
“Tapos yung mga mage at healer natin, isusuport nila Cyron at Rintia.” (Cyron will take care of the mage squad. Rintia, I'm leaving the healer in your care, keep them safe from harm.)

Of course the only words I recognize from their conversations is "Okay"...

"Excuse me, what are you guys doing here?"
I asked one of them curiously... Don't tell me they are going to raid the wolf's den! Nooooooooooo!
"There is a sight of frost wyrm, and we are here to hunt it down. Wanna join us?"

Phew... They are not after the wolves...
"Oh eehmm... No thank you, I got some important business to attend. Anyway, good luck with your raid."
I said that with a smile.
"Okay then, be careful dude. A wyrm is pretty brutal. You might get caught in the battle, so I suggest you to get away from this tundra for a while."
"Thanks for the consideration. I'll keep that in mind."

Hmm, they are quite friendly. Decades ago, Pinoy online gamers were stereotyped as rude people who tend to curse and swear a lot. Plenty of time had passed, now they seem more polite…

“Kung saan dapat I-set ang bitag boss?” {Where should I set the trap boss?}
“"Ang bobo mo! Hindi ganyan ang trap sa mga wyrm. Tang ina, pakitulungan nga yun!!"” (You're stupid!! We won't use that kind of trap on a wyrm! Somebody, teach this son of a b**ch how to hunt!)

Or maybe not…

Okay, the good news is they are not here to hunt the wolves. The bad news is this tundra will be a battle zone! I need to find Darling quickly!
The wolves were escaping to the east, I need to find their tracks.

After one hour of searching, I found the wolf pack. Hmm which one is Darling...
I climbed a tree and watch the packs from above.

"Ah that one! The one that has some slight beau blue stripe fur is Darling!"
Now that I think about it, Darling is a bit different than the rest of the packs. Darling's fur is mostly white with some gray part just like the other wolves, but she's a bit fat chubby, and she has several beau blue stripes! She also has pretty blue eyes.
How do I contact Darling without alerting the other packs... Ah beef jerky! I'll try to throw a beef jerky at her when she's close to this tree.

After waiting for 10 minutes, finally she walked near my tree. I throw a beef jerky and it hit her head.
"... Huu?"
Darling stare at the jerky... Then she starts looking around. Left and right and UP! She found me. Hey it's me! you remember me right! Hehehehehe....
She took the jerky and walk to my location. I get down from the tree and pat her...
"Hey Darling. How do you do?"
"Woof woof..."
She put her front body down, raised her butt, and wagged her tail. A playful attitude...
"Hahaha. Well I don't mind playing around with you but right now we got to hurry. A frost wyrm is going to...”
“Holy turd! The wyrm is here!"
Me and Darling are staring at the 40 meters long frost wyrm that spread its wings widely in the sky.
A swarm of arrow is hitting its wings, and several |Fire Bolt| is targeted at its body. The raid group is trying hard to bring it down.
Ten seconds after I first saw the wyrm, the raid group managed to force the wyrm to land.
Why did you guys make it land so close to meeeeeee.....

The wolf pack runs when they saw the frost wyrm.
The wyrm fell hard. After a moment, it tried to stand, and while it does, its tail is swinging everywhere.
Its tail hit me and Darling, and made us flew 7 meters away.
Geez, just a simple tail swing caused such damage... I got up and use |Healing Splash| on myself. Then I run towards Darling and cast it on her while I carry her away from the battlefield.

The vanguard squads are surrounding the frost wyrm and send their best attack. The arrows can pierce the wyrm’s wing but not its body.
“|Fire Bolt|!”
“|Blazing Ground|!”
“|Rain of Fire|!”
“|Burning Mark|!”
“|Heat Ray|!!”
“|Fire Pillar|!”
The mage group keep spamming various fire spell on the struggling frost wyrm. Those spell scorched the wyrm’s scale.
The melee fighter uses various skills, but most failed to cut the wyrm’s flesh. Finally, a warrior with a great sword performed a high jump, and stabbed his sword downward, piercing the wyrm’s head.
It was a fantastic killing blow.

I was watching the whole thing from 50 meters away with Darling. Her wound had been healed by my spell.

"So... Darling... Want some beef jerky? I got like a whole bunch you know."
I pulled all of the jerky from my inventory and present it in front of Darling. The instructor said to just make the beast happy anyway.
Since I bought so much, It's going to take hours for Darling to munch it all.
"Ahh so warm... so fluffy..."
I put my cheek on her back while I hugged her. Hmm is there a special command to tame a beast? There must be something like that right...
I stayed like that for another hour and suddenly...

"Pon poronpon!"
A funky sound effect can be heard, and a window pop up in front of me.

"Hmm what is this..."
Your |Beast Taming| talent has reached level 10. You gained |Pet Contract| ability]
[|Pet Contract| Skill to pop a pet contract window. The pet candidate must sign the contract willingly by tapping their paw, nose, finger, or any other part the pet chose to.]
Aahh so this is it. The talent has to be at least at level 10. That instructor is so irresponsible! He should have explained something important like this. Well, anyway I managed to accomplish it so I'll just forgive him.

"Alright, |Pet Contract|! "
A window suddenly popped. There are some terms and agreement in it. Hey... I don't think the pet can read...
[... The pet will be contained in the form of egg unless they are summoned by the tamer... While summoned, the pet will require a constant supply of mana from the tamer… If the pet’s HP reach zero, it will get un-summoned, and can only be summoned again after a certain cool down period… The satiety gauge has to be watched properly. Feed them when it gets low... Don't abuse the pet... Sexual activity with the pet is not allowed... Bla bla bla...]
Rubbing my cheek is okay right? It doesn't count as sexual activity right...
Keeping a pet summoned will drain my mana huh… Fortunately, I’m pumping all my stat to INT and WIS. My base mana regen is pretty good.
If it’s not enough, I’ll buy some mana regen boost accessories. If it’s still not enough, I’m going to change all of my equipment into something that grants mana regen.
I’m going to keep my pet summoned permanently! Muhahahahaha….

"Darling, if you are willing to be my pet, please put your paw in this window. I will raise you properly and give you yummies everyday!"
"Woof... Rrrrr... Woof woof!"
I don't get what she's saying but she put her paw on the window.

"Dodondoooon tring durumdumdumduuuum!"
Darling is bathed in light and turn into an egg. I got a pet? Yippieee! Yaaahooooo!

[Please name your pet]
A keyboard window popped. Her name has been decided... I typed "Darling"...
Muhahahahahahahah I'm the first player that has a pet!

"Let's try summoning her. Ehem.... ehemmmm... Summon Darling!"
A magic circle is formed in front of me, and a small puppy appeared. Wait... a puppy? Isn't Darling supposed to be bigger?
Ah she's cute. But wait, why did she became a puppy? Let me check the contract info for a second...
[... The tamed pet will start at level 1 in baby form. It transforms into juvenile form at level 34, and adult form at level 67...]
"Ah that's why you turn into a puppy! Don't worry darling, I'll raise you into an astounding canine!"
"Woof woof..."
Let’s check her status.

Darling ♀
Level: 1
Race: Rozarian Dire Wolf (baby)
Weak to fire
I’m going to screenshot her level 1 stat as some kind of a birth certificate. When she grew up, I can compare her ability with her newborn form. Hahahaha…
Her stat is a bit weaker than a human player. Well, she’s a pet. In MMORPG, pet usually exist just to support the player a bit. They are not supposed to be a main battle force.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry Darling, even if you are weak, I won’t abandon you.”

Oh yeah, the satiety level. There is a half filled bar under the pet’s HP, MP, and stamina bar. It must be the satiety bar. There are a lot of beef jerky on the ground.
Darling is eating them before she officially become my pet. I pick one up and feed it to her.
Munch munch munch…..
The satiety bar is now full…

“A single beef jerky is enough to fill half of your satiety bar!? Then why are you eating so much before Darling?”
Darling averted her eyes from me and glanced to her side. Avoiding some guilt eh…
Then she looked at me with an expression begging for forgiveness. She’s a glutton…

“It’s alright, I’m not mad. The meat you ate is not even that expensive.”
“But next time, please eat with some moderation. Overeating is not good you know.”
I said that while patting her head.
“Woof woof…”
Her happy expression is back. Alright, now let’s level her up. Is our exp shared or she has to kill monster with her own paw? Hmm let’s just try to kill some yeti.

I walk with Darling at a direction away from the wyrm’s landing ground. The monster around here must’ve run away when they saw the wyrm, so I have to walk a bit farther.

Aha! A Yeti!
“Darling, you stay close to me okay. Don’t charge at the yeti, you are not strong enough right now.”
“|Fire Bolt|”
As usual, I killed yeti with one spell. When I check the pet window, the exp bar seems filled. Ah so our exp is shared. I don’t have to find lower level monsters then, I can level her up here.
“Alright, let’s hunt! Here goes nothing!”

For a week, I hunted in several areas. I fought giant hornet, various kind of kobold, zombies and drakes.
Darling’s job is to annoy and distract the enemies while I cast my spell. We gained a lot of exp! Muhahahahahah…
I’ve tried to pop the |Pet Contract| window and persuade another animal to put their paw in it, but it doesn’t work. It really has to be a special animal.

I bathe Darling by using |Water Bullet| spell when she got too dirty. It’s not like I shot the spell at her directly though. I put the water above her and cancel the spell. The water then falls into her body. She doesn’t seem to like it. But she does like to play in the river so I decided that I’ll just wash her there.
I’m level 33, and Darling is level 32 right now. It seems baby pet need a smaller amount of exp to level up, thus she leveled up faster than me. She almost surpasses my level!
Her stat isn’t that amazing though. Player get 5 stat points to allocate for every level up, Darling only got 3 stat points and the allocation seems predetermined. She’s good at disturbing the enemies though.
She’s four levels away from becoming a juvenile. Ahh I will miss her puny puppy form.

I found some interesting stuff about pet. You see, when I kill a monster, its corpse remain for 1 minute before the game system removed them. During that 1 minute, Darling can eat the corpse!
Free pet food! You are not going to get a stomach ache aren’t you?

My |Beast Taming| talent is at level 33 now.
Lots of talent gave some bonus at level 34. I wonder what I’m going to get from this talent.
|Increased Mana Regeneration| gave me 5 WIS, and |Fast Casting| talent grant me 5 INT. The bonus only took effect if the talent is equipped.
I was hoping to get some skill, but a bonus stat wouldn’t hurt.
I got one spare talent slot but I’m too busy playing around with Darling. I should take |Wind Magic| talent after I turn Darling into her juvenile form.
Oh I bought the level 30 kick ass mage set! I look fabulous with this white robe.

Today is Sunday. I can play all day! Muhahahahah… Darling, we’re going to gather enough exp to turn you into a juvenile!
“Darling let’s go hunt some water drake.”
Drake is some kind of a giant lizard monster. Its length is about 1.5 meters.
I cast |Soothing Water| on myself and Darling, and then I cast |Fervent Muscle| on Darling.
|Fervent Muscle| is a buff to increase attack power. It’s from the |Fire Magic| talent. I bought the spell book two days ago, but I never cast it on myself since I didn’t use physical attack.
The buff is active for 10 minutes.
“Usual tactic Darling.”
Darling rushes and bite a water drake’s tail and then run toward an open space. The drake is writhing and then it chases Darling.
I hit another drake with a |Fire Bolt| and then run toward the place Darling is standing at. The two drakes are in the same location now, then I casted |Blazing Ground| right at their feet. It was a fire area attack.
The water drake’s speed is pretty slow, I can kite them easily. Hit them with an area attack, run, hit again, run, that was my tactic.
When there is a lot of drake in vicinity, Darling will hit them and make them chase us. There was a time when we were chased by a dozen of drake! Hahaha it was so fun.
I died once though when there is a drake that spawned right beside me…

An hour later a window popped up.
[Your |Beast Taming| talent has reached level 34. You gained |Pet Communication| ability.|

Woooooooow… Darling is going to speak English? Or am I going to speak in ‘woof woof’ language?
{Master… Can master understand Darling now?}
Oh we communicate through some kind of telepathy. There is now way she can speak human language normally. Her voice is like an innocent little girl.
{Yes Darling, I can hear you. Woohoooooo this is awesome!}
{Thanks for raising and feeding Darling, master.}
{No problem Darling. You have been a great partner.}
{Ehehe… Now that Darling has expressed Darling’s gratitude, let’s get down to business.}
{You see master, Darling has been eating corpse and beef jerky for a while. It won’t give Darling any digestion problem but Darling want to eat some fresh delicious cooking. So… can master cook for Darling?}
{That’s it? I thought you are going to charge me some gold for your assistance Darling, Hahahaha. Okay then after you became a juvenile, we go back to Rozaline and I will take |Cooking| talent and buy some cooking utensils.}
The |Wind Magic| talent is postponed then.

{Really master? Master is going to fulfill Darling’s request?}
{Well yes of course. It’s not that difficult to accomplish, and feeding a pet properly is a master’s duty.}
{Yaaaay, as expected. Master is so kiiiiiind.}
{Let’s hurry and gather the drake so we can do it sooner.}
{Okay master!}

Her spirit is at its peak. She brings a dozen of drake at me several times! She must’ve wanted to eat fresh cooking so desperately.
The thing is, I don’t know how to cook in real life… Well if I got the |Cooking| talent and follow the recipe, perhaps it won’t taste too bad.
After 4 hours of mass drake hunting, the moment we’ve been waiting for has arrived.

[Darling has reached level 34. She will transform into her juvenile form.]
A light surround Darling’s body.
{Master, Darling will transform now. Darling is going to be a beautiful and popular wolf idol!}
Darling come baaack! Don’t drown in your delusion!

“Bashuuuuuun gashagashagasha…. Dadadaaaam!”
The sound effect is kind of ridiculous…
Darling’s body is at the size of adult husky now.

[Darling has grown into juvenile form. STR, VIT, and AGI is increased 10 point.]

{Darling, isn’t this your form before you become my pet?}
{Correct master! It’s Darling’s juvenile form!}
She said it excitedly. I thought she was already an adult before she became my pet.
{If this is your juvenile form, then how will you look like when you got your adult form?}
{Darling will become a huuuuuuuuge buxom wolf with a pretty fur, strong muscle, and an unbearable charm!}
She raised her head high while saying that. I thought she's going to grow a pair of cannon on her back like Metal Gar**rumon when she become an adult.
{I can’t wait to see that Darling.}
{Huhuhnn… It will not disappoint you master.}
{Alright as promised, let's go home and try cooking.}

I better check her stats again.
Darling ♀
Level: 34
Race: Rozarian Dire Wolf (juvenile)
Weak to fire
STR 43 VIT 40 AGI 51 INT 10 WIS 12 LUK 17
|Vicious Bite|
|Quick Dash|
|Deadly Pounce|
|Smell Detection|

Aside of some bonus stats, she also got a new skill, |Deadly Pounce|.
The |Vicious Bite|, |Smell Detection|, and |Quick Dash| is already acquired some time during her baby phase.
Oh the amount of mana required to maintain her is bigger now, but it’s still less than my mana regeneration. I can still keep her summoned indefinitely.
Alright, let’s go to the city… Eh wait, there is a boss monster. It was Papa Drake Crodeal, a bigger drake with a manly beard.

{Before we go home, want to test your body to fight that Papa Drake Darling?}
{Hmm… okay, it won’t take long anyway.}
{Okay, you distract him and I’ll spam |Fire Bolt|.}
{Darling is going, master.}
Her stat doesn’t receive any boost, but by having longer legs she can run faster now. Stat isn’t everything huh…
Darling bite Crodeal's hind leg, dodge the tail sweep and then bite another leg. Juvenile Darling, you are so dependable!
As planned I cast several |Fire Bolt| at Crodeal. I need to be careful not to hit Darling. After a few minutes, Crodeal is down.
It’s not a high level boss like the frost wyrm, so it’s actually not that hard. I have fought papa drake before but that time, I was mostly kiting.

{It’s done master.}
{Boss monsters are much more delicious than the normal mobs right? You should eat it. It’s going to take a while to reach the city.}
Munch munch munch…
She was already chewing Crodeal’s flesh before I told her to…
{Did you say something master?}
{No Darling… Continue…}

When we got back to town, we go to the town center to look at the map. Hmm… where is the |Cooking| instructor….
While I’m looking at the map, some people took a glance at Darling. Hey dude, stop staring…
During the time I hunt drake, some people was mistaken about Darling. They thought she was a player character using |Animal Transformation| talent.
Hahaha, if they knew that Darling is the first pet in Nýr Heimur, they are going to swarm me with questions. The people in the town square must’ve thought the same.

I met the |Cooking|instructor. She tasked me to find some specific mushroom, some spice ingredient, and various fruits. With Darling’s assistance, it was a piece of cake.
You see, Darling has an exceptional sense of smell. After I found one item, she easily found others by tracking the smell. I might be able to run a detective agency by utilizing her ability. Muhahahahahah…..

I bought cooking utensils, raw meats, recipes, and various spices from the |Cooking| instructor. Eating a cuisine gives a certain stat boost for an hour.
It’s not like player has some satiety bar that needs to be filled though. Since it’s not really crucial, I never thought of it that much, but since its Darling’s request, it must be done.

Let’s try grilled meat! We go outside of the city, and set a grilling tool. I did as instructed on the recipe.

[You made |So-so Grilled meat|]
[|So-so Grilled meat| STR + 10 for 1 hour]
It was so-so… well at least it’s not burnt…

{Darliiing, it’s time to eat.}
She had been waiting anxiously. I’m afraid it’s far below her expectation…
{Master it’s delicious! Much better than the beef jerky!}
{Hohoho is that so..}
Let’s check her status.

Darling ♀
Level: 34
Race: Rozarian Dire Wolf (juvenile)
Weak to fire
STR 53 VIT 41 AGI 51 INT 10 WIS 12 LUK 17
|Vicious Bite|
|Quick Dash|
|Deadly Pounce|
|Smell Detection|

Hoo the STR boost also works on pet huh. Eh… wait a sec…
I checked her stat when she turns into a juvenile and I remember that her VIT was supposed to be 40. Why did it suddenly increased by 1 point?
My |Grilled Meat| was just boosting her STR. Does a pet get an extra food boost? I’ll just wait for one hour and check her stat after the food buff was gone.
Meanwhile, I’ll check the auction house and some player’s shop in town. I need to buy some mana regen accessories.
I have enough mana regen to sustain Darling indefinitely but if I keep spamming spells, my mana fell down quickly.
An hour has passed. The food buff was gone now. Let’s check her.

Darling ♀
Level: 34
Race: Rozarian Dire wolf (juvenile)
Weak to fire
STR 43 VIT 41 AGI 51 INT 10 WIS 12 LUK 17
|Vicious Bite|
|Quick Dash|
|Deadly Pounce|
|Smell Detection|

Eeeeh her VIT is still at 41! It’s not a temporary buff, its permanent!
Hmm I don’t think it’s from eating a cuisine. Gaining a permanent stat just by eating a cooking is too convenient…
What did she do after becoming a juvenile but before she ate my cooking… Hmm… defeating Crodeal, eating it’s flesh, going back to town, helping me with the cooking quest…
Defeating a boss… Eating its flesh! That might be it! She had eaten papa drake’s corpse once before becoming a juvenile so she must have gained two extra stats by now. I have a screenshot of her stat at level 1. Let me check it out.

Darling ♀
Level: 1
Race: Rozarian Dire wolf (baby)
Weak to fire

She got 3 stat points every time she level up. She’s level 34 right now so she had leveled up 33 times.
33 x 3 = 99
Her STR, VIT, and AGI got boosted by 10 points during her juvenile transformation.
3 x 10 = 30
If she really does got a 1 stat boost every time she defeat or ate a boss and she ate two bosses, that means she got 131 (99 + 30 + 2) extra stat right now if you compare it to her level 1. Let’s count this…
43 + 41 + 51 + 10 + 12 + 17 = 174 This is her total stat right now.
8 + 7 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 7 = 43 This is her total stat at level 1.
174 – 43 = 131
Ha! I was right! Darling got 1 stat boost for one boss. I’m not sure whether she just needed to defeat it or she also needed to eat the corpse. I also don’t know whether the extra stat follow a certain pattern or completely random. But this is an amazing find!
If I can train her properly, she could be a force to be reckoned with! Muhahahahah… Darling, your stat is not that pathetic after all, you got so much potential!

I have found a god level trick!

Chapter 4
Spoiler! :
The Beast Master’s Grind

I decided to try farm some bosses to boost Darling's stat.
Unlike normal mobs, bosses will respawn 3 hours after they are killed.
I have researched about the boss monsters around this kingdom.
I need to pick the weaker boss since I'm not doing this in a party. Picking the strong one is plain suicide. Well once Darling got stronger, maybe we'll try to take down a stronger boss.
To achieve optimum result, I look for an area that has 3 or more bosses close to each other, and it has to be far from the city.
The area near the town's vicinity is too densely populated. The boss in those areas usually got slaughtered quickly by a swarm of player.
It's good if I got in time and the boss corpses still remain, but if I miss the timing, I have to wait for another 3 hours. No no no... Not good.
I need a quiet place with lesser players. I'm going to monopolize the boss. Muhahahahah...

After browsing through various forum and sites, I have found my ideal training ground.
It was Golmorian Jungle at the western part of Rozaria. It is located between Rozaline and Arandor, the capital city of Zerandil Kingdom.
It has an access to 3 small scale dungeons, and it can be reached by riding a horse carriage for 4 hours. It's pretty far from the city, and that is why the jungle is desolated.
There are some people who went there to finish a quest or gather some plants but there is no one who would grind them self there just for the level.
There are 4 bosses that spawn in Golmorian Jungle, 3 can be found in the dungeon, and one roams the jungle.
The one that roam around is The Golmorian Raging Gorilla Zlocvir, and it’s pretty strong. I'm not certain I can kill that one. Well, I won't know until I tried it...

I'm level 38 right now, and Darling is 34. The monster in Golmorian Jungle is around level 30 to 35. The monster is below our level but I'm a bit worried about the boss.
Even though they are of lower levels, a boss is still a boss. I'd be happy to grind in an area with level 10 bosses, but those areas are too crowded. This is the only place where I can train efficiently.

{Darling, today we will hunt several boss. It's going to be a hellish grind, so prepare yourself.}
{Will there be a cuisine like yesterday's grilled meat master?}
{Yes of course! I bought a lot of raw meat yesterday, not using it would be a waste.}
{Yaaaaaaay... Then whether it'll be dragon, vampire lord, or troll champion, bring it on!!}
You are overestimating our battle force Darling. Just one mage and his wolf wouldn't be enough to take a dragon down...

Let's get to the western gate and wait for the carriage. Traveling between Rozaline and Arandor is a merchant's carriage is routine.
To reach Arandor, the carriage will pass Golmorian Jungle. It would take a bit too long if I walk, so hitchhiking a carriage is my best option.
After waiting for 10 minutes, a carriage arrived. I asked the merchant for permission to ride his carriage. At first he won’t allow me, but after I gave him some gold he told me to get in. You are pretty greedy for an NPC.
The trip went well. There were some monster obstructing the carriage but an archer wards them all. The archer must’ve been some mercenary.
I got off the carriage at Golmorian Jungle as planned. Now that I think about it, how am I going to go back to the city? It’s too far to be reached by foot.
I could wait for another carriage though I don’t know when it will show up. Ah I’ll think about it later...
My first target is the dungeon north of my current location. It’s the nest of a crimson spider and the boss in that area is the Crimson Spider Queen Carisrau.

{Darling, we are going to exterminate some insect.}
{So that is one of today’s menu.}
She think of the monster as food...
I cooked a |So-so Meat Stew| and ate it together with Darling. It’s not that good, but Darling seems to enjoy it. It boost our AGI 10 points. I casted |Soothing Water| and |Fervent Muscle| as usual.

A while later, we found the nest. It was a huge cave filled with cobwebs.
Soon after I enter the cave, lots of spiders attack me. The small one is 40 centimeters long and the big one is more than 1 meter long! It was a sight that would make arachnophobic people piss their pants!
I wonder about the queen... Its level are not too high though, so I guess me and Darling can take care of it. I use |Blazing Ground| to decimate the spider swarm and Darling took care of the rest.
Darling gained a level from fighting these spiders. She need lesser exp to level up just like when she was a baby. Perhaps when she reached adulthood, her need of exp will rise.
I mean, during baby and juvenile period, she got some growth spurt and stuff so that’s why she leveled up faster.
At the end of the cave, there is a large chamber...

Ah there’s the queen. It was a fat spider with 4 meters length and two meters height. If the regular crimson spider can make arachnophobic people piss their pants, the queen will dye their pants brown!
I know that it’s level are not too high, but looking at the huge queen like this still made me shiver.

{Darling, strike the queen’s legs. Ruin her balance. Tumble her down! You take the left and I will take care of the right side.}
{Master’s left or the queen’s left.}
{My left.}
{Understood master.}

Darling used her |Quick Dash| to close the gap and then proceed to do |Vicious Bite| on Carisrau’s foreleg.
I cast |Blazing Ground| at the queen. I position the spell carefully to prevent Darling from getting caught in it. Once the ground is lit in fire, I started to cast |Fire Bolt|.
The queen’s right foreleg is crushed from the repeated |Vicious Bite|, but Darling got hit by the queen’s other leg.
Darling got knocked back and smash the wall.

“|Healing Splash|”
{Thanks master.}
{Be careful Darling, don’t be too agressive. Play it safe okay.}
{Okay master.}

We proceed to crush the remaining legs. Me with my |Fire Bolt| and |Water Bullet|, and Darling with her |Vicious Bite|. After a while, Carisrau tumbled.
She lost five out of her eight legs. On her cornered state, the queen spew some poison liquid around her.

{Darling, get back!}
She did a quick backstep and managed to escape the poison puddle. Some poison liquid managed to stick on her a bit.
“|Cleansing Water|.”
Damn, it’s not completely cured yet. Another one...
“|Cleansing Water|.”
Phew, now the poison is gone.
“Muhahahahah... now that the queen has lost it’s legs, it can only sit there while waiting for its demise...”

I spam |Fire Bolt| at the spider queen’s face, and Darling is running in a circle chasing her own tail. Since there is a poison puddle on the queen’s vicinity, Darling can’t get close.
Shortly thereafter the queen died. Both I and Darling gained a level.

{We did it Darling!}
{Yes master! This spider queen is too weak for us! Let’s go kill a dragon!}
Darling... your confidence is just too much!
Hmm there is a poison puddle here. How can Darling eat the queen’s corpse... Ah there it is!
{ Darling, eat the queen’s butt. There is no poison puddle there. }
The area behind the queen is safe from the poison puddle...
{Alright master. A butt is fine too...}
It’s fine as long as it’s edible huh...
I watch her stat window carefully while she ate the queen’s butt.
Ah her STR increased by 1 point. So she has to eat the boss’s corpse huh. Just defeating one won’t grant any stat.
I pick the loot Carisrau dropped. It was a poison sac, crimson spider queen’s spinneret, and crimson spider queen’s pedipalps.
In Neo Eden Online, there are no monster that drop equipments. All they drop is various material which could be used to craft weapon, armor, accesory, and many other stuff.
Materials from bosses is pretty expensive since it can be used to craft higher grade equipment. I’m definitely going to put this at the auction house.

{Master, Darling had finished eating.}
{Okay, let’s go to our next destination. We’ll be fighting a bunch of bear.}

The next objective is the Shelled Bear King Dexedia. It lives in a cave west from here.
On the way to the cave, we killed several monsters that roam the jungle. Lots of boar and various oversized bug died by Darling’s |Deadly Pounce|.

{Master! There is a treasure here! Under the soil! Let me dig it!}
She sniffed the ground and found something. She seems very enthusiastic.
{Sure Darling.}
I watch my surrounding area for monsters while Darling dug the ground with passion.
“Zuru zuru zuru zuru…… gosha gosha gosha goshaaa……”

{Here it is master! The treasure! Look look!}
It’s a mushroom… Is it even edible? Well, anything is edible for Darling. She ate a poisonous spider queen’s butt before and she seems fine. No stomach ache, no diarrhea…

The mushroom is called the pupake mushroom.
{Can you cook this before we start the next fight master?}
{I’ll try my best.}
{Yaaaaaaaay, thanks master.}

We arrived at the cave. I set up my pot then I fill it with water by using |Water Bullet|. I gather some dry wood branch, put it under the pot, then I burn it using |Fire Bolt|.
I don’t know any recipes that use pupake mushroom as its ingredients so I’ll just try to create an improvised soup with some random stuff mixed in.
Darling… You’ll be okay right? You ate some weird stuff all the time, my soup wouldn’t be able to scratch your intestine.

[You made |Delicious Pupake Soup|]
[|Delicious Pupake Soup| increases STR VIT AGI INT and WIS by 15 point for 1 hour]

Hey it’s labeled delicious! Not so-so! Darling, you really found a treasure!
I pour the soup in a cup and give it to Darling. I pour it again in another cup and eat it myself.

{It’s delicious master!}
{If you sniff something like this again, don’t hesitate to dig it Darling.}
{Sure master. Ehehehehe…. Darling’s treasure is awesome right?}
{Yes Darling, this is amazing!}
{Did I make master proud?}
{Of course! You are one wonderful wolf!}
{… Do master like Darling?}
{I love you!}
“Woof… wooof”

She must be very proud when she found this pupake mushroom. She’s someone who put food on a very high priority.
Eh… wait… this kind of conversation… Did I raise a “flag”? I do love pet, and I do hug and rub them a lot but I’m not into bestiality.
I had a second portion. Darling ate… err… I don’t know how many portions… She ate the rest of the soup. She put her head inside the pot and licks everything clean. She really loves her treasure.
I cast some buff as usual and then we enter the cave.

{We are going to face bears Darling. It’s not like the polar bear in the tundra. This bear’s back and arm is covered in shell. Bite its hind legs or butt. Do not bite the neck, the bear will bite your neck back.}
{Understood master.}
{They are stronger than the spider, but there won’t be too many of them. We can do this.}
{Alriiiight bring it on!}

It’s fortunate that I have searched about this shelled bear thing on the internet.
We enter the cave and fight our way to find the boss. The path has several branch and intersections so I got back and forth a bit.
The bear’s claw attack can cause bleeding status, but it is not a problem since I can cure it with |Cleansing Water|.
Darling got hit at the beginning of our exploration, but after a while she got used to the bear’s attack pattern and can dodge pretty well.
Finally, we found the shelled bear king’s chamber.

The bear king stands and roar. It is just slightly bigger and more muscular than the other bear. The striking difference is… a crown.
The bear has some kind of crown on its head. I don’t know whether it is indeed a crown, or it is a part of its head.
Whether you are a king, queen, or whatever, in front of Darling you are no more than a food. Muhahahahahahah…

{The strategy is the same like the other bear. But be more careful Darling, this one is much stronger. Play it safe. If you hesitate, retreat. Only attack when you are absolutely sure you won’t get hit.}
{I’ll try my best master.}

I feel like I depended too much on Darling. She always attacks first, and she keeps the enemies attention on her. She played the role of a tank even though she’s actually not.
Because of that, I can cast spell without any interruption and finish a fight unscathed. Like the previous battle with the crimson spider queen… The queen didn’t even attack me once. It is too busy trying to hit Darling.
Well, it’s not like I have much choice.

{I’m going now master.}
Darling performed a |Quick Dash| and tried to attack.
Dexedia used a sweep attack, but Darling managed to dodge it.
Darling does everything she can to keep the bear king busy. She run around it, bite here and there, and then retreat with a back step.
There are some occasions when she got scratched by the bear king sweep attack but it’s not fatal since it did not hit her with a full impact.
Meanwhile I spam |Fire Bolt| at the Dexedia.

I should have bought more spell book before coming here… Using just this spell is not effective. When I got back in town, I will buy a pile of spell book.
It took a while to kill this one. The bear king is definitely stronger than the spider queen, but we managed to bring it down.
We both gained a level from defeating this boss.
{Master, what part shall Darling eat? Is it the butt again?}
{Oh this time any part is fine. Go ahead and munch them all you want Darling.}
{With pleasure master.}
Then she proceeded to eat the bear’s tummy. She got one AGI stat from this. I got shelled bear crown, tough bear shell, and some bear claws.
Okay, now let's crush the last dungeon in this area, the infested mine. It was a large gem mine that is now infested with a horde of undead. The boss is a Cursed Ghoul Knight Guilhem.
These zombies are not agile enough to strike Darling, so this will be a piece of cake for us. Darling had eaten a zombie before. She said it tastes a bit bitter. Well it's a rotten meat...
The mine was located in the southern part of Golmorian Jungle.

Darling dug some treasures on the way. Today, we will dine like a king and queen! Muhahahaha...
Then we met a three meters tall gorilla... It was pounding a dead boar on the ground... Oh poop, It's Zlocvir! What a rotten luck to meet this guy on the way...

{Darling, prepare to run.}
{We're not going to fight this chimp master?}
Darling no matter how you look at it, it's not a chimp...
{No we are not Darling. We can't handle this one yet.}

I prone and move behind the bushes. If there was a cardboard box, I would hid inside it and sneak like Solid Sna*e.
I sneak from one bush to the other. I did it so smoothly I thought I had a ninja talent or something. Then on one of the bush, I found a boar hiding with a shivering body.

The boar was startled and started running frantically. It attracts the gorilla's attention.
"No good, no good! Darling Run!"
Damn, the gorilla is chasing us... not! Hahahaha, it's chasing the frightened boar! Thank you mister boar, I will definitely avenge you later when I'm strong enough.
The gorilla caught the boar soon and pounded it on the ground.
Darling and I were running as fast as we can. Well, I run as fast as I can, but I know Darling is slowing herself down to match my pace. I'm sorry Darling, I'm such a sluggish master...

"Gabump gabump gabump...."
Oh holy snail! The gorilla is chasing us now! Mister boar, why don't you hold the gorilla a bit longer...
Zlocvir is carrying mister boar's corpse on its hand and then throw it at me.
I'm hit... Uuuugh...
I fell on a five meters wide road. Ah it was a path used by the carriage. Ten meters away from me stood a carriage.
Hahaha reinforcement has arrived! Suck it you stupid gorilla!

"There is a gorilla here! Please help!"
I plead for some help.
"Oh a gorilla? Wait a second... Guys, there is a gorilla here! Let's kill it quick!"
The men who ride the carriage call his friend who is inside. A moment later, 2 male knights came out of the carriage, an orange haired dwarf who uses mace and shield, and a blonde human with sword and shield.
"Hohoho it's been a while since I saw this boss."
"Let's finish this fast. I need to get offline soon to finish my homework."
From their equipment, their level seems to be higher than me.

The gorilla tried to tackle the carriage, but the two knights block it with their shield.
"|Shield Bash|!"
One of the knight use his skill and the other one do a normal attack. Zlocvir is knocked back 2 meters away.
"|Fire Bolt|!"
I follow up their attack with my spell.
"Nice one mister mage."
"Thanks for the help guys."
"Save your gratitude after we bring this gorilla down."
I cast my usual buff on the knights. They are fighting in the frontline, while I spam my spell from safe distance.
I told darling to stay at my side. If she got hit and out of HP, I won't be able to summon her for an hour.
"|Healing Splash|"
"Nice timing dude."
It's kind of reflex... Every time Darling got hit, I always immediately cast |Healing Splash|.
A moment later Zlocvir died. Hey wasn't that too quick? Are these knights too strong, or the gorilla just doesn't have much HP?

{Darling, eat the gorilla.}
{Okay master.}

"Hoho it's done."
The knight with the mace said that with a satisfied face.
"It died pretty quickly. Your levels must be pretty high."
"No, actually the gorilla usually die pretty easily. It doesn't have much defense and HP. It used to be very tough, but the last patch nerfed it a lot. It's not really that strong now, but its appearance is still intimidating, so lots of new player got terrified at it."
"Oh so, it's not as strong as it looks?"
"Definitely not."
Daaaaamn, the info I got from the forum is outdated. Well at least I don't have to fear it anymore.
“Mister mage, what is your name? I’m Lorent, and the one who use sword is Polkie.”
“I’m Purta.”
“So Purta, want to hitchhike the carriage? We are traveling to Rozaline.”
“Thanks for the offer but I need to do some important mission here.”
“Oh okay then. Good luck Purta!”

They ride the carriage again. Polkie doesn’t seem to talk much…
“Thanks for the help guys. Have a safe trip!”
As I said that, Lorent is waving his hand at me.

Alright… to the infested mine!

Before we enter the mine, I grilled some pupake mushroom.

{Yaaaaaay more yummies! Aaaaah happiness!}

[You made |Delicious Grilled Pupake|]
[|Delicious Grilled Pupake| increases STR, AGI, and VIT by 20 point for 1 hour.]

I pick it up and feed it to Darling.
{Master this one taste better than the soup. Master should try this.}
I pick another one and chew it. If this is a comic book about cooking, there will be a lot of explosion and flowery effect in the background.
“Whoooooooooooooooooaaaaaaa… This is even more delicious than Alma’s cooking!”
{Master, who is Alma?}
{Oh, she’s my cousin.}
{How come master never introduced her to Darling?}
{Well… she doesn’t live in this world…}
{Oh… Sorry master… Darling doesn’t mean to invoke some sad memories.}
Sad? Ah, she misunderstood. Alma is alive and well. Darling won’t meet her anyway, so I’ll just leave it like that.

The infested mine is like a walk in the park for us. The bear and spider cave is a bit harder than this.
The boss has a stronger attack power than the bear, but it’s so freaking slow!

“Wooof woof wan wan wowowowowowooooof… Waaaan wan woof wan wooof”
Darling fought while singing with a wolf’s voices. Hmm, nice melody…
Once it’s over, Darling ate the rotten flesh while I checked the loots.
With this, we have finished one set of our training program. It took almost three hours to kill the four bosses since we got lost a bit in the dungeon.
The next set can probably be done in two hours or less since we already know the dungeon’s structure and we also have some experience with the boss fight.
“Darling, let’s go back to the spider cave. It's almost three hours, the queen will respawn soon.”
{Roger master!}

We repeat what we have done before. This time we fought the raging gorilla properly, and it wasn’t really that difficult.
It’s a bit weaker than the bear king. I can’t believe I run away from this weakling before…

So with that, we set the training ground. We do three sets during weekday, and four sets on weekend. That’s twelve to sixteen stats a day excluding level up.
I need to grind hard if I want Darling to be as strong as a player.
Pet had lower base stat, lower growth rate and incapable of wearing equipment. It was obvious that the pet were not designed to be a main battle force.
Pet wasn’t programmed to be comparable with a player character on the same level. But with this one bonus stat per one eaten boss, Darling can close that large power gap through massive grind!
My pet will be stronger than a player! Muhahahahahah…
Anyway, thanks for all the input guys, and also for sparing some of your time to read my stuff. :)
Also, thanks to gamerbaki for the help on the Filipino's conversations.
Last edited by rushido on Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by gamerbaki »


I just skimmed the latter chapters and they made laugh a little bit (no offense)

And also--you really have some trouble in foreign languages, considering that you are only using machine translator to use other languages.

Anyway, let me pinpoint the first Filipino conversation I firstly saw and correct them for you:
rushido wrote:“Suriin ang iyong mga kagamitan, ihanda ang potion!” (Check your gear, prepare the potions!)
“Cyron hindi pa dumating bro.”(Cyron haven't come yet bro.)
“Siya ay nasa paraan, siya ay maging dito sa lalong madaling panahon.” (He's on the way, he'll be here soon. Don't worry about it.)
“Ako, Venetus ay hahantong ang taliba.” (I, Venetus will lead the vanguard.)
“Firato, makikita mo mahawakan ang Ranger iskuwad , bigyan pare-pareho ang presyon sa wyrm habang pinapanatiling ligtas hangga't maaari sa iyong grupo.” (Firato, you'll handle the ranger squad, provide constant pressure to the wyrm while keeping your group as safe as possible.)
“Cyron ay ang bahala sa mage iskuwad. Rintia, ako umaalis sa healer sa iyong pag-aalaga, panatilihin silang ligtas mula sa pinsala.” (Cyron will take care of the mage squad. Rintia, I'm leaving the healer in your care, keep them safe from harm.)
“Tama.” (Alright!)
A. "OK, full set na tayo. Bumili na kayo ng pots (Filipino gaming term for potion)"
B. "Bro, si Cyron wala pa."
C. "Parating na yun."
rushido wrote:“Ako, Venetus ay hahantong ang taliba.” (I, Venetus will lead the vanguard.)
Is he referring as himself as a vanguard? Somehow, even I can't explain it in my own language since I can't fully understand about it.

Anyways, let me continue:

D. "Sige, ako ang unang papasok"
E. "Firato, harassing mo lang yung wrym. Wag kayong papasok"
F. "Tapos yung mga mage at healer natin, isusuport nila Cyron at Rintia"
G. "Okay!"

I could translate those statements in our own gaming terms in the same order the original conversation were written. Also, rest assure that those examples are similar to those English translations you had written there.

Kindly add these statements I recently changed on Ch. 1

“Pagbebenta ng murang potion!” (Selling cheap potion!)
“Pagbebenta ng mataas na kalidad ng custom na tabak” (Selling high quality custom sword!)
“Magbigay sa akin ang ilang pera mangyaring… Am i isang bagong manlalaro.” (Give me some money please… I am a new player.)

"Mga suki! Bili na kayo ng potion! Murang mura lang!"
"Selling high quality sword! Murang mura lang, dali!"
"Palimos naman diyan mga ate, kuya. Newbie pa lang ako dito."
Last edited by gamerbaki on Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Writer of Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes.

If you have extra time, kindly go for my thread and have a taste of my story. Any comments are welcome.

Chance are, that I might be doing the same thing on yours ^_^V
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by rushido »

I already added some foreign language from the first chapter didn't I?

Well, I'm expecting some help from the respective language native speaker. :D
If there are no volunteer at all, I probably would use Kanda's suggestion and fully use English. Translating a gaming terms on foreign language is difficult for non native. XD

Thanks you so much for the correction Baki, I will edit it according to your translation.

Anyway how about this line? Is the curse word correct? One of my reason to include foreign language is so that I could use cursing word in various language...

“Ang bobo mo!! Hindi namin gagamitin na uri ng bitag sa isang wyrm! Isang tao, magturo ito anak ka ng puta kung paano manghuli!” (You're stupid!! We won't use that kind of trap on a wyrm! Somebody, teach this PuppyofaMikuru how to hunt!)

Venetus is referring to himself. He will lead the vanguard group.
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by rushido »

Another two chapter

Chapter 5
Spoiler! :
The Huge Buxom Wolf

It’s been two weeks since me and Darling grinds in Golmorian Jungle.
My training plan is to kill twelve to sixteen bosses a day, but life is not always that smooth.
Occasionally there is a hunting group stealing my prey! They did not come that often though, so it didn’t slow us down significantly.
I didn’t go back to town even once during these two weeks. I planned on coming back after Darling transform into her adult form.
Darling died once when she got mauled by the bear king.
I run away when she died. I look like a coward but there is a reason for it you know!
If Darling died, she will be revived after one hour. If I died, I would be revived in 15 minutes but I’ll respawn in the last city I visited, which is Rozaline.
I need to ride the carriage again for two freaking hours to get here! I told Darling about this and she understood. My safety becomes the priority.
This is Darling's stats at the moment.

Darling ♀
Level: 66
Race: Rozarian Dire Wolf (juvenile)
Weak to fire
STR 98 VIT 103 AGI 110 INT 46 WIS 45 LUK 48
|Vicious Bite|
|Quick Dash|
|Deadly Pounce|
|Smell Detection|

Muhahahahahah! Darling is very strong now! At least her total stats is much higher compared to a player with similar level.
She needed to grind more though if she wanted to be equal to a player with high grade gears.
The stat gained from eating a boss is random. Her natural STR is supposed to be higher than her VIT, but now the VIT is slightly higher.
Her AGI is still at the top though, which is good since that is her main forte.
Some stat goes into her INT which is not really useful since she doesn't have any magic spell.
Overall, I'm satisfied with the result.

This is my stat right now. It's a pathetic if you compare it to Darling. I got outleveled a lot by my own pet... She can pounce me and kill me easily now. I'm sure she will not do it though.

Level: 58
STR 10 VIT 10 AGI 10 INT 160 WIS 165 LUK 10
|Water Magic lv. 57|
|Fire Magic lv. 46|
|Beast Taming lv. 69|
|Increased Mana Regeneration lv. 61|
|Fast Casting lv. 43|
|Cooking lv. 24|

Since Darling is getting stronger, I didn't act as the main damage dealer anymore so I pump my WIS stat to heal her more efficiently.
INT increases my base mana regen, and WIS multiply that base mana regen. To achieve maximum mana regeneration, I need to balance my INT and WIS.
I'm thinking of pumping up my VIT later to increase my survivability.
There was a time where my |Fire Magic| is at higher level than my |Water Magic| talent, but since Darling is becoming such a deadly beast, I didn't use |Fire Bolt| as much as before, thus my |Fire Magic| didn't grow that much.
When I’m back in town, I will get the other magic talent and buy some spell book. Honestly, my spell list is very lacking.
When the |Beast Taming| talent hit 67, I got |Pet Mana Conservation| passive ability. It cut down the mana needed to keep the pet summoned by 30% which is very good since Darling is going to become an adult soon and her mana cost will definitely grow bigger.
|Fire Magic|gives me 5 INT and |Water Magic| gives me 5 WIS when they reached level 33. They are just some minor bonus but if I stack a lot of them, they would definitely help.

Right now, I'm cooking in front of the crimson spider's nest. You know, the one with the fat ass spider queen. Darling is rolling on the ground with a happy expression.

"Woof wan wan waaaan woof woof woooooooof..."
That is some kind of song. She sang it a lot.
"You seem very happy Darling."
{Of course master! Darling is going to transform into an adult soon. Darling can't wait to show master Darling's glorious form!}
{I can't wait to see that Darling.}
I'm also excited to see it. She won't become something like Metal Gar***mon right? It has a cool cannon and stuff, but Metal Gar***mon's body is covered in metal! She won't be soft and fluffy anymore if she became something like that!

"Alright here it is! Your last cuisine as a juvenile."
{Thanks master!}
Munch munch munch....
{Will master keep spoiling Darling when Darling become an adult?}
{Well, yeah.... But I don't mind toning it down if you dislike it.}
{No master! Please keep spoiling Darling! Ehehehehe....}
Don't regret it Darling. I'm going to rub my cheek on you for a whole day. Muhahahah!

Alright, it's time to enter the cave. The spider swarm got stomped easily.
I use |Blazing Ground| to finish them faster.
I didn't even need to do anything when we fought the queen. Darling can crush the queen's leg in a quick manner and then pounce its back till it die.
I'm just there casting healing spell occasionally. Darling is the main attacker, and I'm the heal bot now... Huuu...
After the queen died...

[Darling has reached level 67. She will transform into her adult form.]
{Master the time has come... Uhhhmm... Darling's adult form might not be up to master's expectation, but Darling will try hard! So uuhm... Please keep taking care of Darling okay...}
{Of course Darling, whatever you'll become, I will take care of you properly.}
Even if you turn into Metal Gar***mon, I will still keep you around. Don't worry about it.

A bright light surround Darling's body.
"Bashuuuuuun gashagashagasha…. Babump babump... Zubazubazubazuba...Dadadaaaam!”
The sound effect is funkier than the one on the previous transformation.

[Darling has grown into adult form. STR, VIT, and AGI is increased 20 point.]

A huge wolf with pretty blue fur stood in front of me. She's 3 meters long if you include her tail, and 1.7 meters in shoulder height. She's not kidding when she said she will become a huge buxom wolf...
She lost most of her white fur now. Almost all of her whole body is covered in blue fur.

{Uuuuuhm does Darling's new appearance suit master's taste?}
Her telepathic voice is still the same.
{You looked awesome Darling! You're so big now, and you've gotten fluffier!}
I said that while burying my face on her fur. Uuuugh it feels so good.
{Ehehehe... Darling is glad to hear that.}
She said so while waging her tail. She acts more like a dog than a wolf...
{I feel like I could ride your back now Darling.}
{Well, master can ride Darling if master desire it.}
{Really? Okay, let's try it. Get on your sitting position Darling.}

She did as I command.
"Huuuugh... Ah I'm riding you now. Now stand, and try to walk a bit"
"Tap tap tap tap..."
She walked slowly.
"Now try running Darling. Take us to the cave entrance. Is it fine if I grab your fur?"
{It's fine master. Darling's fur is tough, it will not come off easily. Alright, prepare yourself master. Darling will run in full speed!}
She's damn fast...
That pile of AGI stat really mean something.
Perhaps it’s not just because her AGI stat. Her size and posture also help to achieve her tremendous speed.
All this time during our travel, she always followed my pace so I didn't really know her full running speed.
With this kind of speed, we can go back to Rozaline in less than an hour.
Darling, you're the best!

{We have arrived master.}
{You are so faaaast! Like a Lamborghini!}
{What is Lamborghini master?}
{It’s a car.}
{Car? Is it a wolf like Darling?}
{No, it’s not. Anyway, it’s not important Darling. Hey, why don’t we do one last set before we go back to town.}
{Sure master. Grip tightly.}
{Wa… wait! Let me check your stat first Darling. Maybe you gained a new skill.}

Darling ♀
Level: 67
Race: Rozarian Dire wolf (adult)
Weak to fire
STR 118 VIT 123 AGI 130 INT 46 WIS 45 LUK 48
|Vicious Bite|
|Quick Dash|
|Deadly Pounce|
|Smell Tracking|
|Savage Claw|
|Paw of Fury|

Hey, she got |Savage Claw| and |Paw of Fury|. What is |Paw of Fury|? I have heard about a legendary martial arts movie with similar name.
[|Paw of Fury| Rapid combo attack using the paw. It’s as fast as Chen Zhen’s fist.]

{Darling, try using |Paw of Fury| in the next dungeon okay. I want to see it.}
{Will do master.}

In less than 2 minute, we arrived in the shelled bear cave’s entrance.
{Master, Darling sniffed some treasure over there. Can Darling dig it?}
{Sure Darling. Meanwhile, I’ll cook something here.}

I got off Darling’s back and prepare a grill.
{Darling will be right back master.}
She run off to somewhere beyond my sight. It seems what she meant by “over there” is not as close as I thought.
Ah well, time to grill some boar meat with pupake mushroom mixed in.
During these two weeks, I have eaten so many pupake mushroom. Honestly I am a bit surfeited by it. But Darling seems to like it so much, so I still cook it for her.

While I grill, a cute elf girl with a green bob cut hair came closer to me.
She wears leather armor, carries two daggers, is about 160 cm tall and has green eyes matching her hair colour. Hmm… Assassin?

“K̄hxthos̄ʹ, khuṇ ca pị nı kār s̄ảrwc t̄ĥả?” (Excuse me, are you going to explore the cave?)
I stare at her with a confused look…
“Mạn k̆ xo khe t̄ĥā c̄hạn k̄hêā r̀wm khuṇ?” (Is it okay if I join you?)
“Uuhm I’m sorry I don’t understand your language.”
“Oh uuumm sorry… I thought you were Thai people. Hehehe...”
She must be speaking in Thai language before.
“I thought this area is inhabited mostly by Pinoy.”
“Ah you must be from Rozaline. Golmorian jungle is actually a bit closer to Arandor, and it is usually the starting city of players from Thailand.”
“Yeah I started from Rozaline.”
She stared intensely on my grilled meat. Is she a glutton like Darling?
“You can grab one if you want. But don’t take too much. My companion loves to eat a lot.”
“O.. okay then. Just one bite is okay right.”
Munch munch munch…
“Zis is derishyush! I hud hab ta’en a chuking talhen.” (This is delicious! I should have taken a cooking talent.)
Then Darling came carrying a lot of mushroom on her mouth. She came from the direction behind the elf girl, so the elf didn’t notice Darling yet.

{Master, there is someone stealing our food!}
{No Darling, she’s not stealing. I gave her permission to take one bite.}
{But but… that was supposed to be Darling’s share…}
{I’ll grill another one for you okay.}
{… Okay then master.}

Then the green haired girl turn around.
“Whoooaaaa there is a giant wolf!”
She screams while unsheathing her daggers and put on a battle stance.
{How rude…. Darling just had a big bone… Darling is just slightly plump… Darling is not a giant fat ass wolf!}
{Darling… the elf doesn’t even say that much…}
“Hold it! Miss elf, please sheath your weapon. The wolf is my companion.”
“The wolf is your companion? Ah someone with |Animal Transformation| talent huh? The talent must have been on a very high level. I’ve never seen someone transform into such a huge animal.”
{Did you hear that master? She just said Darling is an obese animal with unhealthy cholesterol levels! Can Darling eat her?}
{Wait Darling, you misheard her. She didn’t say huge, she said cute! She said you are one cute animal!}
{Really? Darling’s ear must’ve been clogged a bit. Can master clean Darling’s ear while Darling nap on master’s lap?}
{You spoiled girl… We’ll do that after we got back to town okay. I’ll brush your teeth too while we’re at it.}

Then I whisper the elf girl.
“Shhh… hey can you avoid words like big, huge, giant, fat or anything like that? My companion is a bit sensitive about it. After all, she’s a girl you know…”
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend her. I’ll watch my words carefully from now on.”

Then we ate the rest of the grill. The elf stares from the side while eating her own cookies. She wanted more meat but she didn’t have the guts to take Darling’s food.

“So, how about it? May I join the party?”
Well… there is almost nobody in this area. If I reject her, she would have to go alone. I did the hunt without another player’s help before but I didn’t do it alone. I had Darling with me.
“I don’t think I can kill the boss alone. I just need to kill it once for my quest. Please party with me, I promise I won’t be a burden.”
Well, if she can keep Darling’s identity a secret, I don’t mind letting her join for a while.
She thought that darling is a player with |Animal Transformation| talent, but if a rumor about a large wolf that always follow a certain player starts to spread, people might get suspicious.
If people knew about Darling’s identity, they will bug me to leak the secret of taming.
With more tamers around, my chance to meet another potential pet would be reduced!
Darling is an awesome pet, but another one would not hurt. I’ll love them all properly.

“ I’ll help your quest but you have to agree with my condition.”
“What condition?”
“Don’t tell anyone about me and my companion.”
“Is that it? I thought you are going to ask for money… Gyahahahaha…. Okay I agree. I won’t tell anyone about you and your wolf friend.”
“Alright invite me.”
“Wait a second…”

She opened her user interface. On her pop up window, any available player’s name within three meters can be seen. Well there is nobody else here, so there’s just my name in the menu.
“Your name is Purta? I’m Noire, a deadly assassin with silent feet, nimble arms, noxious poison and a pair of razor sharp blade!”
“I’m Purta , a godlike mage that can fight ten thousand soldiers, solve a rubix cube, and play tetris at the same time! The wolf is Darling, a powerful beast who ate dragon as a breakfast cereals without any milk!“
“It’s an honor to meet you mister Purta. The wolf’s name is…. Er… Darling? Is she your lover? Is this some kind of role play? Y-y-you’re into bestiality?!”
“Just Purta will do, and no I’m not into bestiality!”
“O-okay I’ll invite you now.”
The party invitation popped up.
“Alright I’m in.”
Her levels, HP, and MP appeared. She's level 62.
“There is a slight problem here. I can’t find Darling in the player list…”
Of course you won’t, she’s not a player. She’s my loyal pet!
"Now that I think about it, you should be the one to invite me to your party since you already formed one with Darling right?
“Err… Well you agreed not to tell anyone about us right Noire?”
“Yes. I swear I won’t tell anyone.”
“Do a pinky promise with me.”
“No problem. “
We entwine our pinky fingers together…
“I swear I won’t tell anyone about Purta and Darling.”
Alright, I’m going to tell her. We did a pinky promise after all. It’s an unbreakable pact! You’ll get wretched luck for 7 generations if you break a pinky promise!
“Darling is not a player. She’s my pet.”
“Huh? Pet?”
“Yeah, through |Beast Taming| talent…”
“That talent has been fixed? When?”
“It’s not broken to begin with. It’s just... a bit tricky…”
“Whoa whoa whoooooaaaaaaaaa! Are you serious? C-c-can you tell me how to do it?”
“Uuuuhm... it would put me in a disadvantage.”
I answer her immediately.
“Ah… well okay then. Anyway, thanks for helping me doing my quest Purta… and Darling too.”
“Wooof woof.”
“Alright, let’s go.”

I put a buff on everyone and proceed to enter the cave.
|Savage Claw| is strong enough to drain more than a half of a shelled bear’s HP.
|Paw of Fury| is even more ridiculous. It’s a combo attack involving five or more hit using Darling’s paw. It can one shot a shelled bear!

“Purta, Darling is too overwhelming! I didn’t even have chance to show off my skill… Uuuu…”
“Well even when she was smaller, she could already obliterate these bear. Now that she’s stronger, killing these bear is like hunting a common slime in Drag*n Que*t.”
“I thought you were kidding when you said Darling ate dragon for breakfast. But now it seems possible…”
Of course I’m kidding. I don’t think Darling has never eaten a dragon before...

Exploring the cave with Darling is like walking in the park. We breeze through easily and met the shelled bear king.
{Darling try to perform |Deadly Pounce|, |Savage Claw|, |Paw of Fury|, and |Vicious Bite| consecutively. }
{Okay master.}

Darling use |Deadly Pounce| and she managed to topple the bear king. Then she performed a series of skill I have instructed on the bear king that lay on the ground helplessly. It took almost half of the bear king's HP.
"Whoooaaaa that was brutal!"
"That is what's going to happen to you if you take more than one bite of that previous boar meat Noire."
"... Gulp... I definitely don't want to be on your wolf's bad side."
{Master, it is done}
She beat the shelled bear king in less than a minute.

"Alright, it's done. What kind of quest are you doing anyway?"
"It's tailor quest. The instructor told me to get some shelled bear's fur. Oh since you helped me, I will sew something nice for you later Purta."
"Make it soft and fluffy Noire. The defense doesn't really matter."
"Sure. So can I register you on my friend list? I'll contact you when I have finished it."
"Go ahead Noire."

"Ding dong..."
Oh the friend request popped up.
"Alright, what are you guys going to do now?"
"We are going to hunt the raging gorilla and the cursed ghoul knight. Then we're going back to Rozaline."
"Can I join you for a while? The carriage to Arandor will pass in about one hour from now. Just sitting around would be boring."
"I don't really mind, but I'm traveling by riding Darling. Can you keep up with her speed Noire?"
"Can I just ride Darling too? I mean... there's an enough space for another passenger right?"
"Let me ask her."
"What? Y-y-you can speak with her?"
"Yeah, through some kind of telepathy."

{Darling, do you mind having Noire on your back?}
{Hmmm... Honestly, letting people other than master ride Darling's back is a bit uncomfortable.}
{Wait a second...}

I speak with Noire again.
"Noire, I saw you eating cookies on the cave entrance. Do you still have some of them?"
"Oh yeah, I got a whole sack of them. My guild mate made it herself. She's a famous pastry cook in Arandor. It's very delicious you know."
"Do you mind giving half of the sack to me?"
"You can take the whole sack Purta. I can ask more from my guild mate anyway."
"Thanks Noire. Wait a second okay..."

I opened the sack, take one cookie and feed it to Darling.
Munch munch munch...

{How is it Darling?}
{Master, leaving a girl alone in the middle of a jungle is impolite. Darling thought we should accompany her for a while.}
She's so easily bribed with food... I'm worried Darling will switch her allegiance to another master for better food...
{So... can she ride you Darling?}
{Tell the elf girl to get on Darling's back. We'll escort her to that Dorandoran place if necessary.}
Hey hey heeeeey escorting her there would be too much Darling, and it's Arandor not Dorandoran. I need to buy some water spell book in Rozaline you know.

"Noire, you sit behind me."
Darling lowered her body, and we ride her back immediately.
Noire is hugging me from behind. Some enjoyable squishy stuff can be felt on my back. She's an assassin so she didn't wear some heavy armor. Her twin mountain is not really that big though.
On the way to the infested mine, we found the raging gorilla. Darling pounced the gorilla and decimated it brutally while me and Noire are still on her back.
"Wooohohohohohoooo this is fun Purtaaaa! You should let me ride Darling again some other time"
"I'll give you a ride when we meet again Noire."

We massacred the infested mine easily.
This time Noire managed to show off some of her skills. She has a meek face so I underestimate her combat abilities a bit, but she's actually pretty strong.
She dodges efficiently and strikes the enemies really fast.
Too bad they are undead so I didn’t witness her poison skills since undead is immune to poison.
I cast some |Fire Bolt| and |Water bullet| carefully so it won't hit Darling and Noire.

"It's done now..."
"Yeah. Me and Darling will accompany you until the carriage arrived."
"Really? You'll do that? I-it's okay if you wanted to go to Rozaline immediately though..."
"Darling said it's impolite to leave a girl alone in the middle of jungle. So... we'll be with you for a while."
I said so while looking at Darling.

"Aaww... Thank you Darling. When you visit Arandor, big sister will treat you with a pile of yummy food."
"Woo Woooooooooof!!"
You're her big sister now Noire?

{Master give Darling more of that cookies please.}
I pick some cookies and feed it to Darling.
{It's delicious... Eheheheheee....}

While Darling is munching the cookies, Noire chatted with me.
"So Purta, why are you here alone? I thought there are pretty many Pinoy player in this game. With that large player base, I don't think you would find it hard to join a party."
She must have thought I'm Pinoy, since I started in Rozaline.
"I'm not from Philippines Noire."
"Oh you're not? Then where do you came from?"
"I'm from Indonesia."
"Oh most Indonesian player starts in Dolorea Empire in the east. You won't find many around here."
"Well I didn't hunt with other players to hide Darling's identity. Their origin doesn't really matter."
"Is it okay to tell me about your secret?"
"We did a pinky promise, so it's fine. You didn't plan on spreading this aren't you?"
"N-n-no! Of course not. Even if my mama is taken as a hostage, I won't leak your secret Purta!"
Who the hell would kidnap your mom!

Noire also taught me some stuff.
If the player is already in a party, the name won't appear in the available player list. A player can also block every party request on their option. If they set it like that, their name won't appear.
I should set it like that and pretend that me and Darling are on a party. With that setup, people would probably thought that Darling is just a fellow player who transformed into an animal.

Not long after, the carriage arrived.
"That's my bus. I'll take my leave then."
"Yeah, see you later Noire."
"I'll contact you later when I have sewn something for you. Till then, take care Purta! Thank you so much for the help!"
She waved while smiling at me.

"Alright Darling, let's go back to Rozaline."
{Give Darling 3 minutes master. Darling will eat all these cookies.}
Munch munch munch...
She ate the rest of the cookies joyfully like a vegan man who found grilled meat just 5 minutes after he quit being a vegan.
Once Darling is finished, I rode her and went to Rozaline.

Hohoho, today I managed to register someone to my friend list.

Chapter 6
Spoiler! :

We traveled from Golmorian jungle to Rozaline in about an hour. It could be faster if I told Darling to keep using |Quick Dash|, but I'm trying to figure our normal traveling speed.
Without sprinting or using |Quick Dash|, we traveled four times faster than a carriage. I get to rub my face on Darling's fluffy fur the whole time too. Woohooooo...

"Alright Darling, stop. I'll walk from here. Is there any specific things you want me to buy in town?"
{Meat master! Lots of meat!}
"Alright, be a good girl in the egg form for a while okay."
{Yes master.}
I unsummoned Darling at the city outskirt and walk. Bringing Darling to the city would attract unwanted attentions.
I sold some of my loots, then go to the mage association to buy various spell books and take |Wind Magic| talent.
I plan to take all six magic talents to gain all buff spells. The rest is unavailable in Rozaline. I'm going to pick |Earth Magic| and |Dark Magic| talent in Arandor.
The |Light Magic| talent can only be learnt in holy kingdom of Selandrium, and it's pretty far. I'll take it later.

The |Wind Magic| instructor gave me a task to obliterate a harpy colony in the eastern plain. Hah, this is easy.
Then I went to the general store and buy some food ingredient and soft cotton.
Anyway during my travel, some people witness me and Darling. There is a rumor in town about a white haired man and his gigantic wolf companion. They said it must be a high leveled |Animal Transformation|.
The transformation talent might become more popular in the future…

Let's go to the eastern plain and slay some harpies.
I walk a bit far from the city gate and find a quiet place to summon Darling. It was a place surrounded by several huge trees.
"Ehemmm... Summon Darling."
A big magic circle is formed and Darling appeared.
{Masteeeer, what are we going to hunt now.}
{It's harpy Darling. A whole bunch of harpies. But before that....}
I sit in with a straight leg.
{Put your head on my lap Darling.}
She put her head on my lap. She's heavy... Uuuuurgh...
{Show me your ear.}
She switch her position so I can see her ear.
"|Water Bullet|"
I cast a water spell and wet the soft cotton I just bought.
{I'll clean your ears a bit. Didn't I promise you that?}
{Uoooooo master remembers! Darling doesn't even remember it anymore... Ehehehehe... Ah it tickles master!}
{Stay still, don't fidget too much.}
{Ehehehehe... Thanks master.}
{No problem Darling.}

There is a lot of thing I want to do in the game, but I don't really need to rush. I could enjoy moment like these once in a while.
I did not belong to any guild, I don't participate in a war, I don't really have to reach a certain levels with a deadline or something. I can just relax... Yeah yeah... It's good... Muhahahah!

"Woo woo woooof..."
{It feels good master... Ehehehehe...}
She fell asleep?
Darling you're kind of heavy...

An hour later, Darling woke up.
{Ah hello master, good morning.}
{Good morning Darling. You enjoy your nap?}
{Yes! Darling is supercharged right now! But Darling's tummy is a bit empty...}
{No problem, I've bought ton of ingredients.}

After we ate, we visit harpies nest in the eastern plain. It was a cave filled with dozens of harpies.
{Darling, I will cast |Ice Lance| on the harpies that flies. You wreck havoc on those on the ground.}

|Ice Lance| is an intermediate water magic I just learned. It creates several chunks of sharp ice and flew it on the opponent.
The amount of projectile can be manipulated by the caster. More lances means more mana needed.
The good thing is, it has a chance freeze or cause frost the opponent. Freeze stops the opponent’s movement while frost slow them down.

Darling rushes using |Quick Dash| and took down several harpies. The harpies fly and attack Darling with their claw.

{Master doesn’t have to heal Darling. These harpies are weak. Their attack tickles. Ahahahahahahaha.}
Well it’s true… Her defense is good enough to endure these weak harpies.
“|Ice Lance|!”
I created six lances and threw it on the harpies.
Two harpies charged at me. Hohoho, |Ice Lance| isn’t the only spell I learned you know…
“|Ice Shield|! “
A large floating ice shield materialized in front of me. The charging harpies bump the shield and tumble down helplessly.
“|Ice Lance|.”
I stabbed the fallen harpies with my lances.
The ice variant of the |Water Magic| talent is pretty good. There will be more ice magic when my mastery hit level 67.
I decided that I will concentrate on the water spell.
I will take all of the element though, but I will only use them until they are level 20 because the buff spell is only available to those with level 20 mastery or above.
If the other element proved to be useful , I might change my mind.

The thing is, after my |Water Magic| talent hit level 50, the growth is getting slower. No it wasn’t just because Darling slaughtered the enemies before my spell hit them. Sometimes I told Darling to stay beside me while I spam |Water Bullet| at the enemies, and from that I can see that the exp required to increase the mastery is getting bigger significantly. If I raise every magic element, all of them would be mediocre. From the six elements, water is the best for my plan, so I guess I’m going to use this one a lot.

Darling is leveling up slowly too after she transform into an adult.
After I took some other magic talent, I’ll find another place with lots of bosses that have a bigger level.
Prepare yourself Darling, there will be Purta’s hyper training part two! Muhahahahahah…
Anyway, the harpies are dead now.

{Maaaaster they taste like chicken!}
{I’ll cook you a real chicken later in Arandor Darling.}
{Yaaaaaay… Eh? Wait… Arandor? We are going to another city master?}
{Yes Darling. There is some important thing to do there. If everything goes well, you will get stronger considerably.}
{Darling will get stronger? Alright get on master. Darling wants to beat dragons and eat them!}
{No, wait Darling. I need to go to Rozaline first. It won’t take long. Then we go full speed to Arandor.}
{Oh okay then. Huhuhnn dragon’s meat… ehe ehe ehe…}

After that, Darling took me close to the city and then I unsummoned her. Uuuugh walking feels really slow now…
I visit the |Wind Magic| instructor to report the quest and get |Wind Blast| spell. I also bought |Tailwind| spell, although I can’t use it right now. It’s a buff that increase speed and only available after the wind mastery reach level 20.

I met Madam Velma in the mage association building.
“Hello madam.”
“Oh hi. Ah! Madam remember you boy. You are the boy who learned water magic from Madam long ago right? You look sturdier now boy.”
“Yes madam. I’ve been fighting a lot of monster. I’m much stronger now.”
“Hooo… Mind showing your strength to Madam boy? Madam’s office is empty right now… You can show it to Madam in the couch…”
“Err I’m sorry madam, I got an urgent business to attend. Maybe next time.”
If I said yes, I bet she would say that she’s joking and tease me. I won’t fall for that! Anyway, can we really do it? Actually I’m a bit interested...
“Aah too bad. Until next time then boy...”

I left the mage association and head to the barn. I’m going to meet the |Beast Taming| instructor. I wanted to meet the old man but I don’t know why I always forgot about it. I’m going to leave Rozaline and I don’t know when I’ll be back so I’ll meet him now while I still remember.

“Hello sir! Long time no see.”
“Aaah hello lad. How are you doing?”
“I’m good. I managed to tame a wolf, and she’s an adult now. Thanks for your guidance old man.”
“Wooow, of all the people who came to me, you are the only one that managed to tame a beast lad. The other adventurer is too impatient! They failed and then came yelling at me. Some even accused me of scamming. Aaaah these youngsters nowadays are no good.”
Muhahahaha! As expected!
“Those good for nothing doesn’t have any sense of gratitude! Old man, next time don’t give them any clue about taming, let them learn it themself!”
“Hmm... yeah that’ll do lad. Hahahahaha!”
Can I really influence an NPC like this? If it works, the next person who tries beast taming would suffer! Muhahahahah.... Aaaah I feel like I’m becoming more like a villain nowadays…
“Anyway I never got your name old man. I’m Purta by the way.”
“Oh I’m Zalenor. How many pet do you have now lad?”
“Just one sir. I’m busy training her so I haven’t got the chance to look for another pet.”
“Ah that’s too bad. The more the merrier lad.”
“Anyway how many pet can I summon at the same time Mister Zalenor?”
“Huh? There is no limit lad. As long as you got enough mana to keep them, you can summon as much as you want.”
“Are you serious? I better watch my surrounding more carefully for a potential pet candidate.”
“Hahaha, yeah do that lad. The more the merrier!”
“Later than Mister Zalenor.”
I waved and left…
Seriously? The number of pet I can summon only depended on my mana?
Then say goodbye to VIT… I’m pumping everything on INT and WIS! I’ll summon lots of cuties.
I don’t mind having no mana to cast a spell. My fellow would stomp the enemies. Muhahahahahahah!

Alright let’s go to Arandor.
Noire said that Golmorian jungle is actually closer to Arandor. The carriage need 4 hours to reach Golmorian jungle from Rozaline. The distance Golmorian jungle and Arandor is closer so it’s less than 4 hours.
If the carriages need 8 hours to cover all that distance, Darling can achieve it in 2 hour!
I look for an empty space to summon Darling.

{Darling, we go to Arandor now. If you see some crowd of monster, slow down a little okay. I need to level my |Wind Magic|. I’m going to cast a |Wind Blast| quickly.}
{Understood master. Oh yeah, can Darling ask for a favour?}
{What is it Darling? Food is already prepared, don’t worry.}
{No, it’s not that… During travel, can master hug Darling’s neck instead of grabbing Darling’s fur?}
{I thought your fur is tough and wouldn’t easily come off?}
{Well it won’t. But it feels more comfortable that way master. So...}
{Okay I got it. I’ll hug your neck from now on.}

Traveling with Darling is really effective.
We met some players on the way, but since Darling is really fast, they didn’t even manage to catch a glance on my face.
Whenever there is an enemy crowd, I cast |Wind Blast| several times. Whether the monsters die or not doesn’t matter, I’m just doing it to increase the wind mastery.
When Darling found some valuable mushroom, we would stop for a moment.
While Darling dug the treasure, I cast |Wind Blast| to the monsters around us.

It took a bit over than two hours to reach Arandor. If I rushed, it would be less than two hours of course. My |Wind Magic| is still at a low level, so no |Tailwind| for now…

{Stop here Darling. I’ll walk.}
{Becareful Master.}
I unsummoned her and proceed to walk to Arandor.

“Kerāa rākhā t̄hūk læa xāwuṭh!” (Cheap armor and weapons!)
“Mxng h̄ā bukhkhl thī̀ ca Baltferre Monastery!” (Looking for party to Baltferre Monastery!)

Just as Noire said, Arandor is filled with Thai people. Too bad she’s offline at the moment, I could’ve used some company.
I checked the mage association location through the city map. It’s a bit south of the main square. I wonder what quest they are going to give me…

The |Earth Magic| Instructor is on the first floor, while the |Dark Magic| is on the second floor.
“Hello sir, I’m here to take |Earth Magic| talent.”
“Oh hello young man. Hmm… it seems you already has several magic talent already. I suppose I can give you a harder task then young man.”
“Please don’t make it too hard sir, I’m not on a party you know.”
“Ah a solo magician huh… Fine then, how about getting me ten bronze bull’s hard horn? You can find them in the hill south of Arandor.”
“Alright, I’ll do it sir.”
I parted with him and proceed to the second floor.

In the middle of the room stood a short young girl with a long straight purple hair. She seems to be doing some short of experiment.

“Hello, I’m here to…”
An explosion occurs…
“Aaaaaah you distract me! Look, you ruined my experiment! Grrrrr….”
The girl is yelling at me. Is this a scripted event?
“I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m here to learn |Dark Magic|.”
“Okay, get me 5 chimera’s claw, 10 ghoul’s decayed nail and 30 death knight’s eyeball! They are all in King Solaren’s Tomb. Make it quick!”
“Isn’t that too much?”
“That’s what I need for my experiment. Now go, or I’ll give you a quest to defeat a demon lord!”
“O-okaaay then…”
Uuuugh this instructor is a pain in the bum…

I go to the general store and bought some ingredient. Oh some chicken meat too… I almost forgot about it.
I proceed to the south and summon Darling in an empty area.
{Darling we’re going to fight bronze bull. They look scary but don’t worry, you are much stronger than them.}
{As long as they are tasty, Darling will maul them to death!}
Sometimes I’m a bit scared of you Darling…

The bull is a bit shorter than Darling, has two large horns and a yellow gem embedded in the middle of its head.
After we locate the bull, Darling pounced it immediately.
Six other bulls charged at Darling. She swept two of them with |Savage Claw|, and I block another two with |Ice Shield|.
The other two manage to strike Darling.

“|Healing Splash|!”
{Thanks master.}
It was stronger than the harpies attack but it doesn’t damage her that much.
{Give them a taste of your |Paw of Fury| Darling!}
{Will do master!}

Without much effort, these bulls were obliterated.
Darling used her brutal skills and I use |Wind Blast|. I will keep using wind spell until the mastery reach level 20.
You bulls will respawn soon right? Right? Otherwise some cattle would become a lonely widow…

The hard horn's drop rate wasn't that bad. I got one from killing around ten bulls. I got four of those right now. Just six more and we're done! Then something occurs...
Darling killed another bull, a topaz is dropped... and a lime green bird similar to a falcon dived from the sky, snatched the gem, and fly again.
A bird's tweet can be heard clearly.

{M-m-master! The yellow rock!}
"D-d-did that bird just stole my loots? Ah well, it's just one gem. I can get more from these bulls anyway. Darling let's continue the hunt."
Is it a player with |Animal Transformation|? If it is a player and he stole my loot again, I will track him down and cook him alive!
We hunt more bulls and got 7 horns now. From the corpse of the bull that Darling just killed, I saw something shiny.
"Woooooooogh! Another topaz! Nice!"
Then the same friggin’ bird dived swiftly and snatched the gem away...

"That's it! Darling follow that bird!"
{Alright master! Today's lunch would be fried chicken!}

Purta ride Darling's back and chase the fleeing falcon. The thief flies toward a forest.
{Darling, can you find that bird by his smells?}
{Uhhhmm, there are a lot of bird in this forest master. Darling doesn't know which one is the thief.}
{Hmm... Alright then. I'll just bait him.}

Purta got off Darling's back, pull a blue gem from his inventory, and then put it on the ground.
"Alright, this sapphire will do. Darling, let's hide behind that bush."
{The bush is too small for Darling.}
{Then just hide your head Darling.}
Darling proceed to hid her face behind the bush while her huge body is still showing. Even I could spot her from two hundred meters away!

In less than a minute, the bird came down and snatch the sapphire.
{We won't ambush the bird now master?}
{No Darling, we'll move stealthily and find its nest.}
And if it's a player, I'm going to take all his stuff and boil him alive! Muhahahahah!
Eh wait... What if it's not a player... What if the bird is a tamable animal! Ha! I guess I found something worth more than a silly treasure.

Several bait later, we managed to found the nest. I thought it would be on a tree hollow or something but I was wrong.
The bird's nest was a small cave hidden by lots of vines. I took a peek and find the thief arranging the gem he stole.
Damn, this bird must've been around pretty long. There was a pile of treasure in his nest ranging from a gem, ores, daggers, and various clothes.
Monster doesn't drop equipment, so she must've gotten them from unfortunate players.

We stormed the cave and ambush the bird. He was startled and tried to escape but Darling catched him with her paws.
Now that I look at him closely, there is a small oval shaped green crystal on his head. It is embedded between his eyes.

"Muhahahahah! I got you now you silly thi... W-w-w-wait Darling, don't eat him."
{Okay then...}
Darling wiped her droll with her right foreleg. Her left one is used to pin the bird down.

"Hey snatcher, return to your normal form or I'll boil you."
Even if he return to his normal form, I would still boil him.
The bird shakes in fear. His eyes began to shed tears...
"You're a player aren't you?"
The bird shakes his head left and right. Is it really a tamable pet?
"Hmmm... I will tell the wolf to back away, but promise me you won't run away okay? If you try to escape, the wolf will chase you and chew you alive! Understood?"
The bird nodded in fear.

"Darling, return to your egg for a while okay."
{Tell me when the food is ready master.}
{.... Uuuhm sure Darling.}
"Unsummon Darling."
Blue light surround Darling's body and she disappear soon after.

"|Healing Splash|"
I healed the bird as a sign of goodwill. He's not severely wounded though.
"You like shiny stuff aren't you?"
The bird nodded excitedly.
"I got some stuff you might like. Wait a second, I'll show you."
I pulled various stuff from my inventory. Gems, boss loots, even my mana regeneration bracelet.
"Kweeeh kweeeeh!"
The bird jumped excitedly. He toyed around with my bracelet with his beak.
You can't equip them mister falcon. I've tried it on Darling before. Pet can't equip any equipment.
While he checks my stuff, I pat his head while opening my talent window. I tap the |Beast Taming| talent and watch the experience bar carefully.
Ah it rises! I unsummoned Darling before, so this |Beast Taming| exp must have come from interacting with this bird. Muhahahahahah! Jackpot!

"Oh yeah, try this one."
I show him the shelled bear king’s crown and put it in his head.
The crown’s diameter is around 5 cm, so it fits his head properly. Now that I think about it, the crown doesn’t suit the bear king at all. It’s too small!
Hey mister bear king, go find a bigger crown for your large head!

Anyway the crown is freaking weird. It can stick to anyone’s head!
I tried it on myself and Darling’s head and it sticks! It can be removed by pulling it with a bit of strength.
It didn’t increase any stat, and it’s probably not an equipment since pet can also put it on. Darling hated it though, she said it makes her head itchy.
"I got this crown from a dragon king! The battle took hours but finally I managed to slay him and claim his crown! Its value is sky high! A thousand of gems wouldn't even compare."
Of course it’s not true…
"Mugweeeeeh Kweeeh kweeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!"
With sparkling eyes, he chirped excitedly while fluttering his wings.
The crown is not from a dragon, but it's still a king's crown.
"If you join me, you will find lots of shiny stuff! There will be something that worth more than that crown."
"Kuu... Kweeehh..."
"I will provide delicious meal, and you may take five shiny stuff a day. Oh and I'll raise you properly, so you will be veeeeeeery strong just like that awesome wolf you met before. How about that? Not a bad deal right? right?"
Where would he put his stuff anyway... If he accompany me, he won't be able to get back to his nest for a while.
"Chuuiit Chwiiiit!"
"Just tap this |Pet Contract| window mister bird. Trust me, you won't regret it!"
I said so while presenting him the pet contract. I smiled and put my thumbs up. Did I look like a desperate door to door salesman?
"...Kuuu... Kweeehh... Muuu..."

The bird seems to think for a while. A minute later, he tapped the contract window with his beak.

"Dodondoooon tring durumdumdumduuuum!"
A swarm of light surround the bird and he turns into an egg.
[Please name your pet]

{Ahoy boss! Nice t' meet ya!}
Oh so the |Pet Communication| ability works on pet eggs too. It won't work if the egg is in the inventory though, I have to hold the egg.
She spoke like a pirate with her teen like voices. Eh wait... The bird is a girl? I thought only male birds collect shiny stuff to put on their nests.
{You sound like a pirate. Anyway, you're a girl right?}
{Aye aye boss. I am a lass.}
{A female pirate huh...}
{Aye boss! Yohohohoho!}
{Then I'll name you Mary!}
{Arrr! Why Mary boss?}
{It was the name of a famous pirate in the 18th century! If you found even just one of her treasure stash, you would have enough money to buy a country. She's a pirate that managed to conquer the world you know!}
{Whoaaaaa! So full 'o awe! }
Actually, the famous pirate Mary Read didn't conquer the world... She died in a prison...
{I'll be in yer care boss.}

I managed to recruit another member to my pet harem! Muhahahah!
Ehmm... I'm not into bestiality... I-I-I don't swing that way. I swear!
Last edited by rushido on Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by gamerbaki »

To be honest, your LN is somewhat hard to finish, considering that you are a new member here.

Since you are dealing with a multilingual story, people who know certain languages is a must.

Even I who is already a member of this forum for few months barely know the nationality of the people here (most of them are French and German, to be exact)

Anyway, regarding to that swearing statement; try this one.

"Ang bobo mo! Hindi ganyan ang trap sa mga wyrm. Tang ina, pakitulungan nga yun!"

I added a little more swearing to the statement to be more "realistic" to us. It should be at least 90% similar to the translation/statement you want to express.

Just be careful with these harsh words--BT won't tolerate frequent swearing, even if it to your story.
Writer of Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes.

If you have extra time, kindly go for my thread and have a taste of my story. Any comments are welcome.

Chance are, that I might be doing the same thing on yours ^_^V
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by rushido »

Well, I could always go to with plan B, using full English and mentioned that it is spoken in certain language. It's much easier, but it would be better if I managed to put proper foreign language in the story. Maybe I should start bugging a friend of mine who's fluent in foreign language... Muhahahahah!

I will tone the cursing and swearing words in the future chapter then. I didn't really put that much anyway. Just once every five chapter is fine perhaps. XD
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by gamerbaki »

I see...
Do you best then

I'll be posting my comments here one of these days

good luck
Writer of Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes.

If you have extra time, kindly go for my thread and have a taste of my story. Any comments are welcome.

Chance are, that I might be doing the same thing on yours ^_^V
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by rushido »

Thanks gamerbaki.

I will read your LN once I've finished my piled up laundries.

Good luck to you too. :)
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by gamerbaki »

Okay, I finally finished reading your LN.

Let's go to the business part //lol

I'll mention the good parts first:
Spoiler! :
You really enjoy writing, don't you? I can feel that you are placing yourself in the story. Or maybe I should think that YOU ARE the main character there. I got a headache due to your unusual paring though. Is there a human, or an elf, or a human-like heroine that will come in the later parts of the story? I feel that you are planning to go all out for an animal harem, since you proclaimed the MC to be the greatest tamer of them all. Anyway, that comprises the half on my entertainment there.

Okay, then the "'you-know-what" part:
Spoiler! :
1. Throughout the first 6 chapter I had read, I never felt that the plot is already there. True, the MC aims to be the greatest tamer in the game--considering that he unraveled the mystery on beast taming, not to mention that he got his pet very OP. But in my opinion, it is really unnecessary to tell how did Darling grow bit by bit as well as not really focusing on other parts of the story. I believe that you can expand the earlier parts of the story; starting on how he lost his entire family, and so on and so forth. I feel that Putra got over with the incident with his family very quickly (which is in my opinion, seems to be unrealistic). I really wish for some conversation with Alma though, since he talks to his "digital" pet/harem candidate more than to his cute cousin.

Putting the long story short, the story lacks on emphasis on the event the MC experience. It can make your every chapter wordy and lengthy but at least, you could describe everything in full detail. I know that you can add more detail regarding that.

2. The story needs more twist, I mean--it is a VRMMORPG but that is all to it. The part the Purta discovered a way to tame a beast is a twist enough, but it is still insufficient to make your story, more exciting. To be honest, I just read your story as a "diary of the first beast tamer" than the title itself.

3. Grammar and sentence and thought construction.

You are having problems with the grammar. Have you already put your story even at a machine spelling and grammar checker? (MS Word for example) Try to put there even for once to look for grammatical errors there. Also, you can ask a person good at English for help to edit your story. That person has a plenty of room for edits. (I bet that!)

Also, separate the statement that symbolizes the mind of Putra than the actual conversation.
Just by adding a parenthesis in the thoughtful statement of Purta can make a difference. Although the story was written in a 1st POV format, it doesn't mean that you can add everything and anything you think as a narration.
Another thing: avoid using unusual onomatopoeia in the narration. If the MC wants to laugh, then use "MUWAHAHAHAHAHA" with quotation marks.

Also: this part is the other half why I tend to laugh as I read the story

4. Language barrier.

It is already mentioned some time ago, but if you want to make your story a multilingual one; ask your friends who know several languages to help you writing these statement. This is easier said than done to be honest, since it has one game server and its scope is the entire Earth--meaning ,you have to deal not only Asians, but Europeans, Americans, and maybe Africans as well; and relying on machine translation is really a good idea, considering the fact that I once corrected some incorrect Filipino statements, the machine (I assume, Google) had shown. On the other hand, if you could make that thing possible--then it could some hell of a story ( in a postive way.)

So, these are the things that I thought about your story. I know that there are some things that I forgot to tell you, but at the least--give some of my words here, some of your thoughts. I enjoyed the way you write since you just write everything you want to write and that is one of the aspect a good story should have. But to be honest, it is also better to rewrite it.
It's up to you, whether you revise it or not though. but in order to attract more readers try to fix some of the discrepancies I had mentioned before.

Well, I'll still be waiting for the next chapter!

Writer of Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes.

If you have extra time, kindly go for my thread and have a taste of my story. Any comments are welcome.

Chance are, that I might be doing the same thing on yours ^_^V
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by rushido »

Thanks for the impression gamerbaki! :)
I appreciate the constructive suggestion.
Spoiler! :
Most of the cast has not appeared yet, so there isn't much development to the story for now. There will be a lot of human cast in the story. His love interest would be also human, since he said it himself that he's not into bestiality. People will thought that he is a pet pervert though. Oh, and he do speak to his cousin in the future chapter. :D
The earlier part of the story is indeed the diary of the beast tamer just as you said. Hahahaha :D

As for Purta's lack of grief... I actually wanted to dig on that part of the story more, but I'm not really good in sad and emotional stuff. I'm more interested in the battle, war, comedy, progress in power, and their funny daily shenanigans. Hahaha :D
I also feel that Purta healed too fast mentally. I will try to dig more about this later.

I wrote this in MS words and set it to English (United States) and I also turned on the grammar correction. There are some correction but not that much. Perhaps my computer is playing a trick on me! Damn you skynet! XD

spoiler alert:
The plot will thicken when kingdoms and empires started to build an alliance and lit the flames of war. Purta will join one side, change side, took another side, until he decided that the right choice is to stood on his own faction. During the main character's first guild siege, it will be shown that his pet is not that OP...yet. It's just that all the enemies he fought before was merely some small fries. He will gather more pets, trained them dilligently and be an OP force. His cute cousin will also play the game and starts begging for Purta's gold in the future. There won't be any plot about getting trapped in the game, can't log out, or something like that.

Purta also seems fine mentally at the moment, but from chapter 10 and on. He started murdering players. He did it not out of malice though. He did it while laughing MUHAHAHAHAH loudly. I was thinking that his mental state is actually a bit scarred. That is why he started killing people mercilessly as a way to vent his emotion.
I think I wrote a little too much on the spoilers....

I'm planning on reworking some chapters. Perhaps I will remove the mass of infodumps in chapter one and spread it on other chapters.
Ah yeah I forgot to mention.
[...] is a game system message or forum message.
{...} is a telepathy conversation.
|...| is a game skill or talent.
"..." is the normal conversation.
*...* is a written message that is sent between players by typing on a virtual keyboard. It's something like whispering on other MMORPG.

Anyway I'm going to upload two new chapters today. :D
Last edited by rushido on Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by gamerbaki »

Oh yeah, I just forgot.

You also tend to mix 1st and 3rd POV especially during some first and last parts of the chapter

also, I seemed that the first part is the prologue since you wrote it in the 3rd POV. You can make the first part as a prologue to avoid confusion.

Also, try to maintain the POV's to maintain the consistency.
You sometimes use "he" to the MC which you usually use as "I."
Just try to use pronouns carefully, I say.

I just realized it after a short nap. Anyway, I hope that I could be some of a help.
Writer of Tales of Mysidia : Paradox Heroes.

If you have extra time, kindly go for my thread and have a taste of my story. Any comments are welcome.

Chance are, that I might be doing the same thing on yours ^_^V
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Re: OLN: Nýr Heimur Chronicle

Post by rushido »

Yeah, I guess I should split the earlier part of chapter 1 into a prologue chapter.
I guess I mixed up the 3rd and 1st person POV a lot huh. I'm going to fix some part then.

Thanks for the tips. :D
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