
Project of creative fiction that can be related to light novels or of an original nature.

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Literature Club Member
Posts: 34
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Favourite Light Novel:

Re: Suffering

Post by DOL »

Chapter 8
Spoiler! :
Chapter 8

Part 1
It was still morning when Elric led me to my Room.
He said he prepared it while i was asleep.
Sleep was one thing he doesnt seem to need.
Maybe he even stayed up to prepare my room for me.
As he is a servant it was his job.
Not that it would matter to me even if he wasnt.
He led me up a circular stair way .
We left that staircase at the first plattform and there only was one door.
" Mylord , please place your hand on the door" did the old man tell me.
I looked at the door curiously and saw it didnt have a lever to pull on or a knob to turn.
I layed my hand with outstrechted palm onto the door and an almost inaudiable clicking sound came from the door as it slid open.
Inside was a small room about 6m long and 2 m wide with a shelv for shoes.
At the other end of the Room was another door but this one had a lever.
I took my shoes off as elric did the same.
Then he opened the other door after he closed the first and waved his hands which made it seem he invited me in.
Nonchalantly i stepped through the door and the scenery before me robbed me literally of the ability to speak.
Endored tiles made up the floor, they were made out of marble.
A Rich grey - blackish sofa where easily 10 people could take place on sat before a huge window display.
The Whole Glass front was 15 m long and showed a breathtaking scenery of a mountain range and its white tips .
The sun was just starting to rise so that even gave a warm feeling off.
On the left side of the room was a bar counter behind it almost limitless shelves filled with vrious bottles glasses and other utensils as well as a Kitchen with a huge Table where easily 15 people could take place on.
The Walls were aligned with various refined paintings and hanging carpets with pictures woven into them.
On the right wall where 3 more doors.
I stepped infront of the right door and pushed down the lever.
As the door silently swung open i could smell a strong fragrance of paste and ink.
It was a Library filled with easily a hundred shelves , per shelve at least 100 books.
" Son , this is my personal Library filled with every book i found interesting over my long life so take care of it." i heard the sound of my mother from my head.
Interesting, interesting indead.
I left the room again and turned to the middle door.
As i opened this one i was dumbfounded to the extreme.
White and Blackish-green tiles made up the floor and the walls.
5 Washingbasins a toilet and a 10 * 8 meter long bathtub could be seen there.
" That will take a lot of heated water to fill." did i state without thinking about it.
" That wont be a problem sire , do you see those 2 Metal like sticks at the wall and the big metal plate there? That is a mechanism which is induced by magic it lets water pass through it. But the metal plate is binded with a Spell of efreet heating the water before it reaches the tub."
That sure is convenient.
I left the room and Elric closed the door after he stepped outside.
I was eager so i directly went to the third door beyond it lay another room with 3 doors.
On one of these doors was a writing ive never seen before in my life so i pointed towards it as Elric came in through the door after me.
" That room is currently lets say *under construction* so nobody can enter yet."
Cant be helped then.
So i explored the door which lay opposite the door which we came through from.
A room with rech grey carpet came into view on the wall opposite of the door was a bed which easily was 5 m wide and 3 meters long.
A few shelves and wardrobes as well as simple washinbasin with another 2 Metalsticks and a metal plate was there.
I closed the door again after Elric left the room and stood before the third.
I gulped down some salvia and had a kind of eerie feeling in my guts when i touched the handle.
I pushed it down and stood in the door frame as the door swung open.
A City filled with orange light of the setting sun came into view.
Actually this city has been abonded a while ago.
Every house was layed in ruins sand pilled up everywhere and the plains around this city was also made out of sand.
" What is that?" did i ask elric as he was standing behind me.
" This is a atrifical dimension created with magic. This was your mothers idea and she connected this door with this Dimension. What you will do with it is your own choice. Sire this space is as far as the eyes can reach so it should be about 200 km across as well as wide."
" I see... . But for now i want something to eat."
" Certainly , sire i food has been prepared for you and it should have arrived while we were exploring these rooms."

Part 2
We went back to the living room.
A fire was burning in the fireplace and the small sounds of crackling wood could be heard.
At the table between the sofa which was shaped like an *U* were alot of plates with all kinds of different food set up.
I sat down in the middle of th sofa and Elric handed me a already filled plate with alot of meat and potatos as well as a knife and a fork.
As i was starting to dig into the food Elric moved across the room and gave fetched a Goblet filled with a Golden liquid.
Something which i remembered clearly *MET* a from honeybrewed Alcohol which was very sweet and burned only a little bit as it was sliding down ones throat.
I took the Goblet from him and sipped a little bit off it.
Exactly like i remebered the taste.
The tense body which i havent even realised i had instantly loosend up.
I tossed the knife and fork away and as i was about to dig into the food with my hands Elric stopped me as he placed his hands on my arms.
" Sire , you should start and learn etikets on how to eat speak and manners." did elric coldly reply towards me.
" You should hold the knife and fork properly , no not like that like this."
He was explaining different rules to me and certain ways to behave while i was getting accustomed to this way of eating.

Part 3
After quite some time it was now 8 o clock as another Clock was set up in this room told me.
I have been learning manners and all kinds of different stuff for 2 1/2 hours now.
" Sire , you learn really fast you havent made any mistakes for the last hour , but always remember this which i thaught you. It will greatly help you to achieve the respect of the others. did Elric tell me almost passionetly.
For him passionetly at least , he didnt show much emotion in his facial features but his eyes had a certain glint of fire in them as he spoke.
I finished my meal a little while earlier.
Elric told me he would get some new clothes for me as i was heading towards the bath.
I pulled on the lever for the hot water and let the utmost hottest water inside of the bathtub while holding my hands beneath the running water to check its temperatur.
Still feels cold i should ask Elric about it later.
I undressed and went into the tub and scrubbed myself clean.

After i scrubbed myself clean and half an hour soaking i went outside of the tub and rubbed myself with a clean bathtowel.
As i finished this Elric came back into the Bathroom with new clothes.
He helped me to get into the clothes , not that i needed help but he just started dressing me up.
Then i went infront of the big mirror.
I had my Blond redish hair combed away from my forehead and the overlapped with the hair ontop of my head.
I wore a Green sliken shirt with a V formed shape at my neck , this V part was connected through a thread of Silk.
Also some Black wollen pants.
A Black belt was strapped over the shirt at my waist levelit hung there loosely and on the left side it was about 15 cm higher than on the right side.
I also wore a pair of Black leather boots which almost reached my knee caps.
The 2 Metal balls which were portruding out of my left earlob felt out of place but at the same time just right.
Overall i looked like a bandit prince and smiled at this thought into the mirror.
I recognized this smile the same as Darkre... my mothers smile.
" Son dont tell anyone that i am your Mother just tell them you lost every memory you once had. Elric seems to know what you really are . With this have fun on your first day of school!" did i hear my mother saying inside of my head.
" Sire? You look troubled?" did i hear Elrics rather suprised voice.
" It is nothing."
" Very well , but now sire it is almost 9 oclock your Classes will start soon."

Part 4
Elric led me along a long hallway with many different doors.
It was almost 9.15 which was the time Classes would begin.
Elric told me along the way a few things about this Facility and the habits of school but i would find these out soon enough as the school progressed.
One important thing he told me was though , i was starting classes late.
The classes normally started around March.
It was June though now.
To be precise Friday June 15.
On the first of July a feast would be held, but for what that feast was i couldnt get out of him.
More like i gave up after he said i will know when i have to know.
It sure seems to be a hobby around here not to tell anybody what the heck is going on.
We stopped infront of a Door which had letters on the door.
1-a was written there.
Elric knocked and stepped a few steps back after he knocked.
After a few seconds a Women about 25 Winters of age came out of the door wearing Green Robes.
" Yes > Dragulav <?" was the thing she said towards Elric while glancing shortly at me.
" Madam Rose , this is a new Student of yours which as of this moment will be parttaking in your classes." did Elric tell her.
" Already?" did the Women Rose almost cry out with a suprised look on her face.
" Yes it seems this one is rather impatient and he woke up after a few hours." did Elric tell her in a monotounus voice.
I felt this as an Insult of some kind so i shot a devestating glance towards Elric.
He seemed to shiver when my gace meet his eyes.
The Teacher Rose signaled me with her hands to follow her so i stepped behind her thorugh the door.
I found myself in a Forest.
It was filled with numerous Trees but Rose led the way clearyly forward.
After we walked for 20 m a clearing came into view.
On this clearing which was about 50 meters across without a single tree, there were Stone steps and Stone tables aligned.
Those tables were aligned in a half circle around a desk which stood in the middle and a Blackboard like thing made of clear glass.
The second line of tables started behind the first but it was clearly higher.
The bottom of the second line started at the level where the first tables ended.
The third was even higher and so on.
I could see about 5 levels of tables with each 6 tables in a line.
Those different level of Lines were connected by steps cut right out of the same Stones which made up the desks and chairs.
I counted a total of 27 other people in this forest besides me and the Teacher.
Following the Teacher i approched the middle desk as Rose declared :
" This is our new Student !" did rose proudly declare while showing with her hands towards me.
Literature Club Member
Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:30 pm
Favourite Light Novel:

Suffering 9+10

Post by DOL »

Chapter 9 English
Spoiler! :
Suffering 9
Part 1
At a clearing in a certain forest , which was my classroom as well as a dimension between this world and the world of gods i gave to my class a short intoduction.
" I humbly greet you my fellow classmates. My Name is Iliyan Osson as you can see im a Bandit prince" did i proudly declare while closing one of my eyelids towards the class." That is all!"
All of the 27 children infront of me had ? marks above their heads and some even had the mouth agape.
I laughed at my humorus side of myself.
As nobody not even the teacher said anything i just went to an free Desk in the last row and slumped myself there.
" ... What an interesting greeting?" did my teacher Rose a women at about her 25 Winter with shoulder long Silver-whiteish hair say in an amazed voice.
" *cough* as i was saying before the interruption we are in the 2nd semester of your first year and in a few days we will start combat training. First without magic purely technik vs technik or strength vs strength. But as you all now polishing ones magic and fusing it with your combat capabilitys is why we are here so lets work towards that Goal .*Huah*" she said in a engergetic voice while pumping her right fist into the air.
" So for now do some self studying in your magic arts."
Everyone took out a book from i dont even know where.
Some took it out of a rift some out of their Desks , where the table part could be pulled open and some even out of a bag.
I didnt een bother to raise a hand and declared strongly towards my teacher.
I made another decision to try and give of a polite speech as Elric told me thats part of the etiket.
" Rose , could mylady bother to give me some of her valuable time?"
She blushed a little bit while she started walking in my direction.
As she started walking i looked around i was in the utmost right corner so the last desk in this line.
3 empty desks till another person came good this way i could tell her without problem.
" What is wrong , child?" DId rose say still a little blushing.
" Please refrain from calling me a child , i am already 17 and so ive come off age a while ago." I replied this in a Voice with a little anger in it.
" 17? What r you doing in my Class then?" she shouted this out as surprise took her.
" Huh? Dont know just got transportet her yesterday." okay now i failed , the surprise even took me so far to drop the polite speech.
" Yesterday why did you arrive her yesterday?"
" Dont know."
" Iliyan , is your name correct? " as i nodded she continiued " You have to explain this as i havent even had the chance to get a explantation from the headmaster."She still used a loud voice that the whole student body could hear inside this forest.
Acutally she pissed me off so im going to tell her everything i know.
" Screw that " was the thing i said in an audiable voice to nobody in particular as every pair of eyes was concentrated on me and the Teacher." DONT KNOW GODDAMNIT, i lost all ov my memories yesterday got my ass transported into the infimary , Oh actually that i lost every memory is incorrect. I remember being hung in the main sqaure at the capitol. Then i couldnt talk , then a guy i remembered a little bit about took me to a room and thaught me some stuff . That was that guy who brought me here Elric." i said with a voice full of anger and malice.
" Ev-Ever-Every part of your M-M-M-Memory?" was the shocked answer of the Teacher.
" Yah , and thats why i called you over dont know anything about magic."
" Hmm i see ... do you have any book on yourself with your Colour in them?"
" Obviously not , i didnt even know i had to bring a book in the first place."

Part 2
As i said this a Hand grabbed my shoulder.
I turned around and saw a man with gray hair , black eyes which seemed to be very deep and those eyes have seen alot. He wore complete Black clothes and had something like a bag in his other hand.
" Mylord , i just went back to your room to get these." Did elric tell me as he gave me the bag.
So i opened the leather covering the opening of the bag and grabbed inside it without looking into it.
First my hand disappered then my elbow then all the way up to my shoulder my arm disappered in this actually 30 cm long and wide bag....
" What the hell is this?" did i shout towards Elric.
" Mylord , try holding your Hand infront and say the thing that you wish it will come from your room to here "
I tried it out as i placed my right hand infront of the bag and said to it. " Book on green Spells"
Nothing happened as the whole class began to laugh at me.
My always scolding gaze became ferocious at this humiliation and i turned towards Elric.
But then something weird happend.
A whisteling sound could be heard.
And shadows apperead everywhere.
I finished turning towards Elric but i saw him burying his face in his Hands.
Then i realized as i looked towards the sky.
The SKY was filled with books that were flying towards my desk.
I started to count them but after the 50 Book i gave up.
There was easily 10 times the amount of Books i already counted...
Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk , Clonck , Clonk , Clonk .
The books rained down from the sky and kept on pyling up ony my desk.
" All books return?" did i make a desperate shout as the books not only landed ony my desk but also on rose which was still standing there petrified.
Elric was also standing there but every book seemed to avoid him.
A Wet slurping sound could be heard as the books got sucked into the bag.
Then i declared , still in a firm tone.
" 1 beginners book on Green spells."
One book with a few houndred pages appeared in my hand.
Elric bowed and dissappered inside the forest after taking the steps that lead down these desk arrangment.
Rose still stood there petrified and looked at me curoiusly.
" So , Mylady can i ask you something?" was a question which i shot at her after a few minutes of staring at one another.
As she nodded i continued trying to gain back my etikets and my Polite Speech.
" How do i cast magic?"

Part 3
After that question my Classmates which had terrified expressions on their faces turned forward again and started talking with one another or reading in the books they had infront of them.
" O-O-Okay .... " She took a deep breath to ease the tension she just had.
After she did this an energetic smile surfaced on her face .
" Lets see could you start by picturing your mind until you see something , you said green spells correct , green?" Did she say while i nodded my head.
I started picturing my mind as she continued to talk and i could only hear her voice as if she was standing 25 m apart from me.
" Dont be depressed it takes a while to imagine...."
As she said this a Black rock with green flames around itcame into view .
" ... What your mind will look like , so i am going to leave you until you found sth." did she say with a rather happy voice as she turned around.
I grabbed her wrist.
" Uhm teacher i see something ... green....." did i declare rather confused myself.
" What did you find?"
" Something.... green."
She gave me a rather skeptic look with one eyebrow turned upwards , this image almost shouted at me she thought i lied.
" Describe it to me then."
" It is actually kind of hard to explain what im seeing. What should i see?"
" Any shape that is green , triangle , sqaure , hexagon or any form. Every form has a different level. For example a triangle means you have a third level power. But dont worry as your power gets stronger the shape changes." did she declare while patting my shoulder.
" Teacher.... i dont see anything like that...."
" Thats why i wanted to leave you alone so that you could find it." did she say while taking her hand of my shoulder and leave the place where i sat at.
So i started picturing my mind again.

Part 4
After 2 hours of trying to see some form in my mind the only thing i could see is that burning rock....
But every time i went out and came back to see this burning rock some other things came into view.
Lines which almost look like cobwebs spread throught this otherwise black area.
Those cobwebs had a black colour and the remaining space was also black.
But somehow everytime i came back the black lines got more destinctiv.
The problem was though. I couldnt see any shape besides this stupid rock.
Rose just finished talkin to one of my classmates.
I didnt even bother to look at them properly until now.
Didnt even want to remeber them anyways.
Its not that i didnt have interest but something deep in my mind told me to not remember them properly.
I still gaced around a few times and i saw sth weird.
The all looked rather young.
The should be about 14 winters of age.
But put that aside for now.
" Rose , mylady i have a question" did i tell her while poking her shoulder so she would turn around.
She came from the 4 line to the 5th line where i was seated and stood a little bit behind me.
She had a face that clearly told me " Yes what is it?" while smiling.
" I still cant find any shape.... but i see something different green...."
" Then describe it to me." a energetic reply again filled in with a warm voice.
I looked around and saw that nobody bothered to look.
" Its hard to describe.... "
" Then lets do it differently. I can look at the source of your magic power , the green shape and your mind if i want too , but : It will give you a headache if you havent found it yourself . Actually to call it a headache is quite the under assesment . It will hurt like you burned yourself. So do you still want me to try it?" this time her facial features changed.
Her usually wide round and big eyes were halfclosed now and she gave of a rather chilling feeling.
This made me directly think of a Queen where servants laid across the floor at her feet and quarreld who would lick her feat first.
I took a quick glance around and saw every other person in this room shudder.
" Plz do , mylady."
Chapter 10
Spoiler! :
Suffering 10
Part 1
It was almost midday as the sun in this forest told me.
I didnt know if i could trust the sun in this dimension but i decided to trust it.
I just told my Teacher , Rose , to look at my mind even if i could get a rather strong headache from it.
She still had almost squinted eyes and was smiling only with have of her lips upturned.
I could even see her teath as she was half smiling.
Her silver gray Eyes gave of a icy radiance.
Her shoulder long hair were blowing in this Forest even if couldnt feel any wind.
She was dressed in a tight fitting robe which looked like a Dress but this *Dress* had long and wide sleeves.
Still her legs were clearly visible and she had a quite good rack if i compared to my previous experiences.
Bigger than aylin at least...
She brought up her hands to my head and rested her fingers at my temple.
" I will begin now , just go into that what you think is your mind and picture that *Green thing * in your mind." did she say with a rather sardistic smile this time.
I could still picture her atop a throne with a wine glass in her hand and servants licking her feet or even the complete legs.
But rather surprisingly i was calm.
Unlike the other people who were in this forest.
They seemed scared and others were looking eagerly forward to this situation.
I pictured my mind again and saw the burning Rock with the green flames and the Black lines.
I closed my eyes for this but i opened them halfway while still looking at the green flames.
" I can see it now..." did i tell her rather calm.
She smiled even more sardisticly now.
She snipped with her fingers and while looking at the green flames a little spider came into view.
The spider had its back to the flames.
" Huh i cant see anything its totally black?" did i hear her say while looking at her face and also looking at the spider.
" Is that spider yours?" did i ask her calmly.
" Ohh you can see it while looking at me at the same time...." the last part she added in an almost inaudible voice" Tchh , couldnt burn him."
" Even if you found your mind , i cant see anything green before me , so your power seems very low." did she add .
" Teacher, i humbly request that you turn around."
She turned around while taking my hands off of my temples.
" So what now?" did she tell me with a rather dissapointed look on her face.
" I meant the spider...." As i was watching both scenes a bit ammused.
She got beet red , but as she coughed the red colour went away.

Part 2
" Haha good you caught up to this test .... Hahaha"
She desperatly tried to hide her embaressment there , ey? did i think for myself a lot more amused than before.
She touched my temples again and the Spider turned around while moving its long and hairy 8 legs.
As the Rock came into view somehting changed.
I got a stinging pain in my chest.
My heart beat ferociously and the Green flames got brighter and brighter and BRIGHTER.
This was the first time i could feel heat coming from it.
That heat emited directly from the Rock not from the flames.
I could even feel a pulse , equivalent to a Tsunami , coming from the Rock.
This Pulse even had a visuable effect.
Like a ring of Green flames it started spreading in a circular motion.
I noticed a stern look as well as surprise in my teachers facial features.
She tried snipping with her fingers again but the wave reached the spider faster.
The Spider started to disintegrate.
A scream emanted from Rose.
She held both of her hands to her temples this time.
I pictured my mind clearly this time again to see if this wave did any damage to myself.
I was astounded to what i could see.
The usually black lines were reveberating this time with a green light.
Lines everywhere lines.
This doesnt look like simple cobweb.
The more i looked at it i could see circular forms and a lot of triangles even hexagons and alot of Octagons too.
Everyone of those forms emited a bright green light but it had a rather soothing warm effect on me.
Those lines were connected to eachother by one point stretching outwards.
I couldnt even count these forms so many were there.
But while still having a part of my concetration on my Teacher infront of me i could see her with her elbows on my desk crouching on infront of me and that ripped my half half concentration.
" Is everything alright?" did i ask her while touching her shoulder.
"..." silence
" ......" utter silence filled the room the birds which chirped a little bit before even silenced.
As i touched Roses shoulders smoke emitted from under my hands.
Her robes were burning where i touched them as a green light started to emit from my hands.
She screamed out in pain and i released my touch from her.
Now the Flames crept up my Arms as the other hand and my feet started to emight green light and started to turn into flames.
" What the hell?" was the only thing i could shout as i felt a stinging pain from the back of my neck.
As i lost my conciousness i saw Elric stand behind my with and outstrechted arm...

Part 3
I woke up with a fimiliar szene.
A white celing a stench of alcohol.
White wollen clothes drapped over me and a nice pillow like feeling from the back of my head.
The Infimary again huh.
I Lifted my Hand and looked at it nothing no green light.
I checked my mind and only saw the burning Rock and those black lines.
Nothing felt out of place .
My body felt very very light at this time.
So i decided to stand up.
I put on my boots which stood at the exact position which they stood at yesterday.
I drew the curtain back and a Women in completly white clohtes came into view.
She definetly had a Body for which anybody would envy her for.
A slender waist. Huge rack and broad hips.
She wore a complete White REALLY tight fitting dress and white stockings.
She had a Dark skin a little darker than mine and Silver hair.
Her eyes were Yellow.... Yellow never seen that before.
She turned around as she heard the curtain open.
" Get out , seems like your good to go."
" Do you know where i can find my Class?"
She looked at the clock set up on a wall.
" Cafeteria ...."
So i just left the room and followed a sign which said cafeteria.

Part 4
As i turned at a corner which had another sign saying cafeteria Elric appeared ot of thin air infront of me.
This time the never changing face of his had a surprised look to it.
" It seems you are Hungry , mylord?" did he say regaining his composure.
I nodded and he walked behind me the rest of the way.

We entered through a wide opened Portal.
The Portal like Door was made from splendedly crafted Wood and had runes as well as Rare metals , such as gold and silver , artistically attached to it.
A sight which robbed me of my composed face for one second came into view.
This room was easily 400 m across as well as wide.
One wall was completly made up of a counter were food was given out from.
I started to walk to the counter but Elric stopped me.
" Young lord , i will get your food. Please wait at your table."
" My Table?" did i ask him with disbelieve.
I scanned the area and saw hundres of Tables made from wood that looked rather crude.
Some tables were better as they were atristically carved or had a Metal stand or had rich linen coating to them.
There were over 1000 people her varying in age from what seemed to be 14 to about 25 winters.
Even a few which were at about 10 years of age could be seen but those were only a handfull and they sat all the way across almost 400 meters from where i was standing.
Yes even those 400 meters apart from me i could easily make out.
One thing caught my interest more than anything though.
A Table which was made for about 40 people was clearly empty.
The surprising thing wasnt only that it was empty but the way the Table looked like and the chairs.
The table itself seemed to be made from a Green blackish wood.
The chairs were endorrsed with leather of the finest quality as the didnt even have one hole or a scratch to them , they looked more like Thrones than chairs.
Elric pointed to that table and told me to wait there as he dissappeared through a door which connected this room to the Kitchen as i could see as he went through it.

Part 5
The lively Atmosphere changed as one person spotted me at the table i was just passing by , she even pointed at me.
The whole Room became silenced as the chat between them ceased.
I reached that table which wasnt occupied at this moment.
I sat down after i pulled back one of the throne like chairs.
With a relaxed position i made myself comfortable as somebody approached me.
She was a girl with a slender built , her breast portion didnt stick out very much but a soft roundness could be seen beyond her Gray robes.
She had Long velvet like blackhair and a cute face.
Her eyes were big and almond shaped.
The colour of them could only be described as striking , Black with golden speckles.
Aylin stood infront of me.
She was angry and a Red colour could be seen on her face.
Not from embarresment but from Anger.
The light coming from tens of Chandeliers dangling from the celling made her silken hair shine very brightly.
" Why are you sitting at the Pieces Table while we dont even have Games at the moment?" did she shout towards me from across the table.
Oh she wants to vent her anger on me , huh? Most likely because i couldnt remember her Name.
I ignored her still sitting calmly in the chair.
She got even reder as i was still ignoring her.
A Wind gust flew past my ears and made her hair whip around behind her.
She banged her Hand on the table and shouted at me with an even louder voice then before.
" Tell me you imbecile , or are you deaf?"
I squinted my eyes together even i got mad at the insult she threw at me in a fit of anger.
Every pair of eyes in this hall was set upon this spectacle.
I heard all kinds of murmering voices , even a collectiv gasp and a few following words out of the crowd " The *Princess* got mad....."
Princess? Save that for later.
I pushed back my chair with my legs as i stood up and stood straight up i exceeded the height of the girl before my by a large margain.
Normally i stood a little crouched while reducing my height by about 20 cm.
She was about 1,55 m tall.
I on the other hand was 1,80m tall at least.
My anger took on a physical form as i felt pressure emanting from me.
Aylin took back a step from the table.
She even looked shocked.
My hand started feeling hot again.
I bent a little bit and layed both hand on the table while bending forward to look her straight into the eyes.
The atmosphere in the Hall changed again.
Eerie silence filled with fear.
My hand started emiting a green light but the flames didnt come out as i tried to control my anger.
Still a loud pulse could be heard from my chest region.
Her eyes widend even more of surprise as she saw me emmiting a grave dread like green light from my body.
The colour didnt even reach the warmth green colour of leaves , not even the colour of grass which was more calming.
It was a dark Emerald colour filled with an oozing touch to it.
I was Angry beyond believe at her rude apperance and that she tried to vent her anger on me as i havent done anything wron with not remebering her.
But i still gave off my crocked smile with still squinted eyes.
I was just about to say something to her as Elric stood behind me pushing a cart full with rich foods and a astounding amount on top of it.
He grabbed my shoulders and that reminded me at the jab to my neck.
So i calmed my Anger and the Green aura dissappeared.
I stood straight again and even Elric was a head shorter than i am.
The feeling i had at this moment was that i was even bigger than normally.
Especially because Elric was 1,70 m tall.
He was taller than the average Human which the biggest recorded was 1,75 m.
Still i was a head taller than him.
" Because it is the Table of the supreme , that is why he is suited to sit here." was the calm reply from Elric to Aylin.
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Favourite Light Novel:

Suffering 11+12 English version

Post by DOL »

sufferin chapter 11
Spoiler! :
Suffering 11
Part 1
Table of the supreme did i think rather surprised.
I didnt let my surprise out and just tried to look rather elegant while still not looking down on other people.
This was something Elric taught me this morning.
" Where were you the whole day Elric?" did she overgo his answer to her question.
Nothing came from Elric as i seated myself again and he started to place Plates infront of me.
" ... Elric ... why are you serving him....." a little anger as well as fear came thorugh with her voice.
Still silence from him.
Aylin got insecure as she started shaking and squirming a little bit.
She dropped her head.
I could see a drop of liquid from her face dripping on the table.
After the drop fell she took a deep breath and started to shout.
" > Dragulav< , why are you serving this commoner?!" did she shout in a loud voice.
At this word he placed the Plate in his hands on the table and took a straight posture.
The posture made it seem like his Time had stopped.
His eyes became covered in mist and even emitted some mist from it.
Green mist to be precise.
It was as thick as fog but it still had the charming colour of leaves from a tree in spring after it budded.
" Last acceptance of command .Princess , rejected deamed as she was born , placeholder* Grey Knight*. King , accepted deamed as amenable , true King.... *Jade Canon*... ." Was said with a machine like voice from Elric.
After this Elrics eyes returned to normal and he resumed to put plates infront of me.
Aylin had her eyes opened as wide as ive never seen before.
Tears started rolling down her cheecks.
She turned on the spot and ran through the Wodden Portal.

Part 2
There still was a eerie silence as everyone watched this scene.
As i started focusing my meal of rich Meat and exelently prepared food the atmosphere lightend again.
Talk soon started after this.
Through my meal Elric stood slightly behind me at my left side and when my Cup was empty he instantly refilled it.
I glanced around at the other tables.
The food i saw there wasnt even a quarter as good as the Meal that was infront of me.
As i finished my 10 plate people started looking at me again while all of them were chatting.
I eated neatly as Elric told me before.
Calmly slicing everything up properly and thoroughly chewed before i gulped it down.
People around me seemed to have noticed the quality as well as the quantity i already ate and stared in disbelive.
After the 11th serving i rested my knife and fork on my plate and took the Cup of Red wine filled up with water to my lips and drank a mouthfull savoring the flavour.
I let out a refreshed smile as my stamina returned back to me.
I didnt even know i was low on it , oh well.
As i relaxed Elric started to clean the table.
A young girl about my age or 1 year younger than me approached me.
A heavy sound could be heard as she walked towards this table as though as she was trying to calm down.
She was squibbeling and squirming under my gaze.
I was just looking at her curiously as i tried another approach.
My eyes gave off a warm feeling and i used my crocked smile.
She blushed a little bit and the rest of the 5 meters she walked light footed.
As she approched me she still didnt utter a word for about 1 min.
" What could i do for you?"
" U-U-Um im from the Newspaper . I wo-wou-would like an i-int-inter-interview with you." did the girl ask me in a cute sounding voice which was easy to listen to.

Part 3
Her voice would be equivalent to somebody playing to the piano.
A soft humical tone of voice filled with warmth and energy.
She was dressed in Green robes.
Those robes belitteled her petite body as far as i was concerned.
The robes had a baggy size to them.
It was the farest from being tight fitted.
But nonetheless it was like i could see through those clothes.
Trained from years of living a ruthless live.
A tight frame waist fromed like a vase , breasts that werent large, and shoulder which made a perfekt line with her hips.
She even had a petite Face which made it seem like she was a Doll.
Bright Brown hair covered her head and extended almost towards her behind.
She had a neatly trimmed line cut into her hair at the level of her Eyebrows just barely covering her Forehead.
The Hair at ther cheecks extended all the way down to her hips.
She even wore a stylish green hairband keeping those hair at her cheeks neatly in cheek from getting into her face.
" That interview will be impossible " did i state towards that girl that had doll like features.
" W-Why do you s-say that?" did she ask me rather surprised.
She seemed to have a rather shy charakter.
That didnt seem to quite fit her newspaper *job*.
" Because i dont either know what is going on as of this moment."
After i said this it hit me.
Her shy charakter suddendly felt in place with her newspaper job.
She was in the same classroom as me a few hours back.
Her seniors most likely told her to approch me as we were classmates.
She kept silent hanging her head in dissapointment.
As i saw this i couldnt let this girl be disappointed in myself.
" But after i found out you will be the first person to know."
" Y-Yes , thank you very much" did she say after a crocked smile from me, she even blushed a little.
'Natural lady-killer' resounded in my head which sounded like a voice from my mothers mouth.
Especially good thing to start watching the scene as it progressed this far, did i think for myself.
She left the table again while bowing her head in respect towards me.

Part 4
As she left the table i rose from my chair and started to talk with Elric which was still standing behind me.
" What other appointments do i have today?" did i ask him.
" As it is 5.30 pm now there shouldnt be anything left."did he say rather calmly.
There still should be one thing that i should do.
Certainly not begging for Forgiveness from Aylin as some of you thought now.
I wanted to check up on Teacher Rose if she was okay.
There was no particular reason behind it , just that my instinct told me i should do so.
Elric seemed to have read my face as he showed towards a table not too far from the one i previously sat at.
But as the chance was still within a acceptable time limit i tried.
" What is a Dragulav? And what does it have to do with those Colours and Knight and Cannon?" did i try to persuade him to answer my questions.
I heard a voice out of my head.
'Elric do not accept any of his terms until i give the okay' my mother again , but this time i caught up a conversation between her and Elric.
As Elric opened his mouth i brushed it off with my hand.
" No need to say i caught that."
He just bowed politely.
After this he showed me towards a Table filled with Males as well as Females of varring ages between 25 and 80 Winters.
My Teacher , Rose, sat at a outer border of the Table and was still holding her head.
I approched her and lightly poked her shoulder to catch her attention.
" Excuse me , mylady Rose , i am sincerely sorry for what happened in the Classroom. I humbly request a punishment for my inconsiderate actions..." did i say to her as Elric told me this morning.
It was part of a Etiket to demand a punishment to inproper actions.
She looked at me amazed while still holding her head.
" It was my own fault so no punishment shall be uttered..." did she say to me with an amazed look upon her.
So i bowed down and left the Table exclusively assigned to the teaching staff.
But what caught my interest was that this table assigned to the teachers was the same crude design as the cheap other tables all around the grand dining hall.
There surely should be some changes in the enviorment did i think for myself.

Part 5
After i finished my meal and thanked my teacher for the exemption of punishment Elric led me back to my room.
The room which was located at the end of the first level of stairs of the boys *dormitory*.
As i left the first flight of stairs i noticed sth which i havent noticed until now.
Even if the first floor only had one door i noticed a big hall at the first plattform which led to my room.
There were tables and chairs located at this plattform.
About 10 Tables with 10 chairs each.
There easily chatting were females and males of about the same age.
This hall was located at the right side when someone got off at this plattform.
To the left was the door which led to my room.
I took a turn left but bumped into a couple of a young boy of about 19 winters as well as a girl of about 17 winters.
They were happily chatting with eachother while blocking the way to my room , as the girl was on the left wall and the boy leaned against the right wall.
It still bugged me what this hall was purposed to be.
So i tried to aquire knowledge from these 2.
They were happily chatting with eachother but i interuppted their speech anyways.
" Hey what is this room for ?" did i ask them while pointing a finger towards the direction of the hall.
" What the hell do you ask us for? We just came to the good part 2" did the boy say with a heav accent and anger quelling from his voice.
" Oh , excuse me but as you were standing in my way i thought best to strike up a conversation and then talk to you guys." did i say back without one change in the way i talked to them.
This boy seriously wanted trouble talking impolitely towards me.
Even as he was older talking impolite to one you dont know shouldnt be an option in ones mind , did Elric tell me this morning.
" First i was curious but as you were blocking my way i had no other choice but to strike up a conversation."
The Girl elbowed him lightly and spoke in a hushed voice towards him but i still understood it.
" Hey , isnt he the Boy who fought with the Prinzess?"
" I dont care, but why should we be standing in your way , the room beyond this place has never been opened and not even the King who demanded entrance was allowed in there. So what buiseness do you have beyond here?" did the boy say with a hostile aura around him.
I sighed and started talking with still some traces of politness in my Voice.
" Hmm so this room is special. Nonetheless this room is mine. I live there . So you are intentionaly blocking my way?"
" Hahahahahahaha your room.... So you are saying this is your room which didnt even open to the touch of the King? Prove it then!" did the boy tell me with an arrogant tone in his voice.
I walked upon the door and laid my hand on the door a clicking sound could be heard.
The Door swung inwards leaving a wide open view on the interior.
That boy who mocked me just before started in anger while grinding his teeth.
He tried to pull the girl away but she stood still and didnt move an inch.
So the boy just left her grumbling onward.
The girl on the other hand had a deeply surprised voice.
She didnt look special.
She was a little bit cute with her waist long blond hair and haselnut brown eyes.
She even had a huge bust even bigger than the nurse at the infimary but that didnt even catch my interest much at this point.
I strode towards her and she still stared at the open door which was behind me.
I waved my hands infront of her eyes and then she focused me.
She even drew a little bit backwards as my Face and her were only 10 cm apart.
" Oh i am terribly sorry , mylady. I didnt intend to invade your private space." did i say to her while bowing in humble appoligy.
'NATURAL LADY KILLER' sounded my mothers voice in my head.
I ignored it.
" Dont worry , Mylord. Rather than that , this sure is an unexptected event. For you to open this door. So what could you possibly have to do with a wench as myself?" did she ask rather shy.
" How old are you , mylady?" did i ask her which i got answered with a suprised ? mark.
" We are the same age correct? So how about we talk casually to one another?"
" Yes , thank you."
" I wanted to know what this room is for " did i ask her pointing to the hall with rables and chairs.
" Oh that. Boys arent allowed to take female companions towards the first level. So they cant meet in their rooms. Thats what this hall is for."
" So only first level , huh? Doesnt that mean i can take as many girls as i want to to my room?"
She blushed incredibly at my thought process.
" Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes i t-t-t-t-t-t-think that sh-sh-sh-should be cor-cor-correct"
Dirty thoughts she had there , while i was only thinking of a nice chat.
I grinned an evil smile only in my head .
" So how about you visite me sometimes?" did i ask her with one of my usual lopsieded grins.
I intented it as a casual joke but her face brightened up as i said this.
" G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-Gladly......" did she say with a beet red face" But ive got 5 room mates.... they would be jelous if i went there by myself...." did she say shyly.
" No problem i think i could handle 6 girls with ease." after i said this out i realized my mistake.
I intenteded it to be sth along the lines of no prob 6 persons in my room wont be a problem, but as ive seen her face redden even more she probably thought 6 girls ... one man.... how carnivorous.
" How about 2night then... oh my gawd i gotta pick sth extra special.... at 10 ? okay see ya then" could i hear her as she ran down the flight of stairs.
Oh shit what did i do to myself....

suffering chapter 12 English
Spoiler! :
suffering 12
Part 1
As me and Elric who was listening to my earlier conversation entered my *appartment* he prepared me some strong Met without me even asking for it.
Its not that i didnt want it , i actually craved for it after this situation , but i didnt have to tell him almost like ... he could ... read my mind ..... Hahaha to absurd.... or was it after i learned there was magic in my world .... and even more there was a girl that thought ... one man could take on 6 girls at ... at .... at... one time?!
I took the goblet to my lips and drowned it whole , without releasing it from my lips....
My head was still clear so i told Elric in a almost commanding voice to fill my cup again.
He gave it back to me but something caught my interest before i could take it to my lips.
" Elric , what was that green light and those green flames ?"
I didnt hear anything from my mother this time so Elric actually answered me.
" Mylord , you have an incredible amount of Magic power and talent. Those who are as strong as you *manifest* that power if it isnt used in magic as an aura that covers your body. Ive already seen a few which could use their magic powers like that ... but you... had an incredible dense aura ontop of that almost as if it had a personality which reacted to your emotions. Like when you got angry at Aylin. It poured out and tried to erase the thing which incarnated in your mind as Aylin. It definetly had its own mind as it lashed out at Aylin carnivorously. I dont know what your mind and charakteristics are yet , as your whole personality changed after the Memory erasure. But you still have a gentle side towards girls , thats why i assume your aura has a mind of its own." to make a long story short.
" So i acted differently as i had my memorys?"
' Dragulav ...' did i hear my mothers voice again.
' Damn mother your almost blocking like a censor ....' did i think towards my mother which got redeemed with laughter.
I immersed myself in thoughts very deeply. If that aura had its own mind ... then what would happen to me .... That mind came from within myself correct?!
I tried to chip away at the authority my mother held over Elric.
My Mother even told me that Elric only had a hunch to what was going on.
" Elric listen to me carefully . I am my Mothers son as you suspected so , tell me what is that green light and what do you mean by own mind?"
" ...." Elrics eyes seemed to go from Mist emitting back to normal and then continued with the switching for a few times.
He stopped at the Normal eye mode.
" Hmmmm ... that light i would say is your awakend state ... your awakend state would be the state after you fully merged with your Core. Your core should be a shape in your mind."
" Your saying the same thing as Rose before .... I never saw a stupid triangle or a square in my mind. The only thing i could see was a burning Rock with green flames and a whole Construct of Squares triangles HExagons and Octagons way to many to count...." did i vent my fustration a little bit.
Eyes giving off green , this time Jade like colour from them? Fog.
" >Dragulav< verifiying acceptance of new owner. Override from Darkrend to Iliyan >Moon< . Total access from database goes to new Master. Attach new apperance suited for owner?" was the only thing i could hear from Elrics mouth while Jade like fog emitted from his eyes as well as his mouth this time.
" ....Yes...?" could i only say a little bit overwhelmed of this moment.
The Jade coloured enveloped all of Elrics body and something unbelieveable happend.
The fog disappeared and Elric came into view ... but was this really Elric?

Part 2
Long Grey Hair with velvet like shine made no one doubt that those hair were those of a young person appeared.
Steel coloured irised surrounded by HUGE eyes.
Protrudent lips the colour of cherries with lightely applied , LIPSTICK?
The eyes were framed by a black colour making them even appear even bigger than they actually were.
A small straight nose.
Cheeks which still were a little bit *juicy*.
A neck made from the most talented artisians i could think off.
Ears small but still clearly visible under those hair.
This figure infront of me even had 2 Metal bals sticking out from her right earlob.
Another one was sticking out at the corner of the right side of her lips.
Tight fitting black clothes.
A dress with frills apllied to them at the hem.
A corsage framed her medicore sized chest which captured the beauty of (HER?" ) that waist.
Her?, i still couldnt believe a girl was standing infront of me, Body was the creation of a god.
Her body type reminded me of my Mother a little bit.
She was fragile looking.
Her arms could break with the slightest of pressure applied.
Nonetheless her thighs looked meaty enough to lay there for hours straight... or do other things to them like ..... censored r-18 sorry guys :-p.
I was stunned at the other worldly beauty that stood across me.
" E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-Elric?" was the only thing i brought out after examining him??????
" Insert name for new apperance." was the only thing he/she said.
I tried to think of a name but my head smoked while waging one name with another on a scale with two Plattforms to balance weights on it.
Then i found the perfect solution.
It was so easy that i didnt think of it first , hehe how brilliant am i ?did i think for myself while giving of a grin.

Part 3
" How about this ... pick your own."
" ..." silence.
1 minute passed i took a sip of the met.
10 minutes passed another sip.
30 minutes passed with silence.
" EHHHHHHHHHHH?" was the thing i heard the female infront of me say.
" Choose your own Name i said."
" I am just a construct , how could i decide anything on my own?"
" You look like a genuine girl to me."
" This sure is getting boring" while letting out a sigh.
" How about .... Lily?" did she say but at my surprised look" Okay you choose one then as you are my Master."
" I didnt mean it that way i just thought it suited you very well."
Lily put both her hands to her cheeks as they got red.
Interesting she even showed emotions as she changed into a woman.
" Okay Lily , what was this all about?"
" I accepted Master as Master , you overrid with the explantation of your core Darkrends commands. Your core is that of a gods . A burning Rock with your colour , as well as the shapes spreading from it. Nobody could even imagine sth like that , that is why Darkrend made it the keyword."
" Good to know but why did say your a construct?" did i casually ask her while taking another sip of my Met.
" Because i am , my flesh is made up from the densest Spell you could think of forming the flesh around a Illusion and giving it form . This was accomplished by Darkrend. She gave an Illusion an *Anchor* to this world and made a Illusion become reality."
" So in other words you are Magic?" did i ask her while touching her cheeks and gently brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear , on which she incrediably blushed.
" Y-Y-Yes?"
" You sure dont feel like it... So in my eyes you are a Human."
" But i am Magic?"
" No you arent as you dont burn or freeze me your arent magic."
" I am Magic!" this time it came out with a angry voice while she was pouting.
" I will never hear any of this again you are a Human in every aspect or do you miss something that a Human does?"
" ..." silence.
" So do you lack something a Human does?" did i declare my superior standpoint in this situation.
As she blushed and as Elric even smiled on occasions i even thought she displayed emotions so she couldnt miss that.
... silence from her after my Goblet was empty she did sth which i didnt expect.
She took both of her Hands to her Skirt and grabbed it tighlty before lifting it up.
I watched this scene with utter satisfaction , you didnt see that coming ey?
Okay i didnt do it without my hearthbeating getting faster and flushing a little bit.

Part 4
" L-L-Look for yourself if something is missing." did she give me sth which sounded almost like a decleration of war.
" Do you understand what your situation is right now?" did i ask her while inching towards her but still regaining my calm composed face.
She looked deeply in my eyes and looked a little bit frightend.
In this apperance she was about 19 Winters of age.
A little older than me.... not bad....
She nodded towards me as she closed her eyes shaking a little bit.
I couldnt know if this was from fear , anger or anticipation.
This situation was messed up.
A girl was lifting her skirt up infront of me.
It was a very happy moment for me but at the same time it was terryfiying.
For one i wanted to touch it to verrify if she was a REAL girl.
On the other hand what if she was just joking and i was lead into a trap.
Or even worse if she was physicaly still a guy....
I quickly thought again about this situation and put everything on a scale.
There were seryiously more bad parts to it than good ones .... but
I could touch a female ... at her most secret spot....
Ah screw logic ....

After i was 100% sure i couldnt say anything but this one word.
" Girl."
Her face took the definiton of beet red to a whole new level.
She arranged her clothing back to the way it should be and took on (definetly) her emotionless gaze which she had as *Elric*
" ... Pervert ..." was the thing she replied back with an emotionless tone which made it even harder for me.
I put my head up and covered my head took a fetus position as well as rocking back and forth to keep calm to a certain extent.
After i regaind a portion of my calmness i sat straight and faced her.
" I will never ask for forgiveness for what just happend i enjoyed it to the max!"
She got beet red again but coughed at the same time to fight back the redness , it only worked partially.
Even i coughed to clear me of unnecessary emotions.
" So explain to me what was is Magic?"
" *cough* Magic is something which creates a image of sth in your Mind through those black lines , at least in your case they r lines. Those images cant connect to the Core , the Rock , inside your head with imagination alone. The Core is what creates the magic. Think of it as a Watertank . When its full you can create extrodinary things . If its empty you cant use Magic anymore. So you should know now that you need 2 Things for Magic the core and the imagination , in form of the lines , correct?"
" Yes that is what i know now , but how does the core , which isnt connected , connect to the imagination part , the lines.?"
" Very good , sire. Simply for every Spell colour its different. But for Green spells those of Darkrends it should be simple for you. You bridge the space between the lines and the core with reality."
" Reality?"
" Yes Reality"
"..." silence.
" What the poke?" was the thing that came to my mind first.
" LEt me say it differently then , you imagine that the imagination in your head was real so reality." she snipped with her fingers and a Small blackboard could be seen and she had a chalk piece in her Hand.
She wrote something on the Blackboard.
I could see that was there and what was writen there made it seem easier.
Imagine effekt in your mind -> effekt = real -> connects to core snip = magic.
It was so easy to understand i started laughing.
" Sire , are you laughing at me?" did Lily say while pouting.
" No,no . I just thaught that this was way to easy." did i answer her while rubbing the tears of laughter from my eyes.
" It wont be that easy to think that the effekt is real , due to the laws of nature sire."
" Yes it will there is an easy trick to it and i already used that little trick."
" Trick? What trick how can sth like this be easy sire?"
" What do i know about the laws of nature?"
Her face turned ashen.
Her facial features completly disappeared.
She stood there exactly like how her apperance implied. DOLL.
But as she has been standing there for a few seconds she got the gist of it and a sudden outburst of her voice could be heard.
" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA" i could hear her sweet sounding voice , like sb played a flute a small distanz apart.
" You see very easy right? Hahahahahaha"
So this is how we both laughed at the stupidity as well as the genius of my Mother.

Part 5
After we finished laughing my stomache growled rather loudly.
" Master are you hungry again?" did Lily ask me with disbelieve.
I shrugged my shoulders.
She directly went into the Kitchen and prepared a few things.
I could hear her snip with her fingers a few times but if food could be made up i didnt know.
She returned to me while having 7 plates filled with food on her arms.
" Where did you get the food from?"
" Kitchen i just transported it here, Sire . There even is a heating spell cast on them which breaks after your lips touch it." did she reply happily.
" Must be good to be Efreet born..."
" Master everybody has their talents , and your are just not refined yet give it some time and you will achieve the greatest heights." she closed in on me while i was having food on the couch and lightly tapped my shoulders.
She stood directly at my side ,making me more concious of myself and herself and THAT.
Yes THAT, this is the only way i would for the rest of my life describe it.
Just as THAT.
I concentrated on my food again.
After i finished i patted Lilys head.
" Good Girl."
She looked at me surprised as i was stroking her head while caring to apply no pressure at all.
After she looked at me surprised and i retreated my hand she said sth rather disturbing while becoming red.
" ... Pervert... never ... forget.... cheap tricks ... wont work ... .... .... ... again?"
" Challenge accepted" did i declare proudly.
" G&%$s&%§ ?" i couldnt hear what she said but she seemed to ready herself while she put her right hand over the left part of her chest.
" Hahahahaahaha . Enough of that now i think i will start to Study. Bring me the book i had in class today. Also tell me when the clock strikes 9 so i can take a bath."

I got up and went towards the city which was located besides the door to my bedroom.
There it was easy for me to calm down.
The Burning sun which shined brightly upon my skin and the wind lightly brushing past my ears and lifting my hair , like a women carrassing ones head.
I wandered around a little bit and found an old well.
After kicking it a few times to see if it wouldnt crumble under my weight i sat down on it and put my back against the wood sticking out from the stone circle which surrounded the base of the well.
' So i can do everything as long as it has do with light and Shadows ,ey? Hmm the speed of light is the fastest there could possibly be. Shadows are everywhere so as i control Shadows i am everywhere hmmmm.' did i think for myself.
Suddendly a huge possibility hit me.
It was an encounter like somebody took a Hammer ( with one word on it TACTIC) and striked my head with it. Every time the hammer hit a new Tactic was born. But there wasnt only one man striking me down with a Hammer. There were about 100 Girls Striking me again and again and agaaaaiinnn and aaggaaaaiiinnn and AGAIN.
I smiled with the usual loopsided smile but with my eyes squinted.
That was what people would call * Sirinata of the Mooncricket * in a not so distant future.
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Favourite Light Novel:

Suffering 13+14

Post by DOL »

English version.
suffering chapter 13
Spoiler! :
Suffering 13
Part 1
In this dimension , the time didnt seem to pass.
The sun sat at the same position in the sky as when i started but there shouldve easily passed a few hours while i was standing in the sandy fields at the outskirt of the city.
I wiped the sweat of that already drenched every part of my clothing.
While doing this i checked the core again.
I still couldnt tell the difference in the Flames surrounding it.
The book i discarded after reading and directly mesmerizing it has given me a good explantation if how magic works.
Every time i use magic the colour of the Shapes inside my mind would become darker until the colour turns black.
That didnt help me at all since my mind was made up differently most likely i got that from my mother.
As ive tried various magics by imaganing different effects EVERYthing was different than in the books.
Like the shape normal people have is a triangle square hexagon etc but mine was a burning rock.
I also had these shapes but for me the Rock was the core not the shapes.
The shapes worked more like an instrument for visualizing the effekts.
As i visualized them the core gave a pulse and highlighted the areas which i had to use with the Jade coloured Flames.
Ive tried different effekts some of them worked but the greater part nothing happend.
Okay the shapes got highlighted and certain patterns came from nowhere but no effekt occured.
I was definetly missing sth.
The thought of asking my mother surfaced in my head but she wont tell me was my only conclusion to it.
So i discarded that fact.
I could ask Lily if she would know but i doubted it.
The main reason was probably that i wanted to overcome this situation myself.
I got depressed for not achieving it myself , if i thought about asking for help.
So i imagined the effekt , snipped and nothing happend again ... but what i was trying now i really wanted to achieve.
Clicking my tongue i tried a different way.
I was imagining the shape in my hand , concentrating all of my thoughts on the shape and snipped.
Green fog emitted from my hand but nothing appeared.
Okay i lets try it differently again.
I imagined the shape and my hand BOTH in my mind , and snipped with my right middle finger and my thumb.
Poof ....
Shit my hand felt like it burned.... as green smoke emitted from my hand.
So the hand is the fault here?
Imagine the Shape sticking in the Sand before me and snip.
I saw green smoke forming a long shape becoming denser and denser no i could see light reflecting of off the Black and Green shape.
But then it vanished in midair dispersing the green smoke it was made out off.
I pumped my fist in the air and shouted " YES , but now what?" while scratching my head.
Lets analyze the sequence.
I imagined the Shape sticking in the ground.
At the handrest it became denser , i could clearly see the end of it but ive never seen the tip of the blade.
Tip -> embedded in the ground?
Okay lets try it like this then.
I imagined the shape about 5 meters above me and then snipped.
A Green fog , which almost looked like a circle that was 5 m across , could be seen over my head.
As fast as when you throw a stone in a pond the fog started to concentrate in the middle and got absorbed into a 2 m long form in about 2 secs.
A Black with hints and lines of green fell from the sky so i catched it.
" YES , i made it!!!!"
I swung the 2 m long construct before me and tried a piercing like attack and a swoop from left to right.
All went well and the form didnt dissappear.
" Okay weight is perfekt . Balancing is okay could be better though."
I held the form with one hand and the Bladed tip was 30 cm above the ground.
I stabbed it into the ground.
It stuck there but the sand grains where i stabbed it didnt even move.
So i walked over to the buildings and tried to pierce a wall with this weapon i was holding.
The sun was shining directly on my back as i stood 1,5m infront of the wall.
While twisting my body to the right side and doing a piercing motion towars the wall , the tip got stabbed 30 cm into the wall.
I pulled it out but couldnt see a hole in the wall.
" SHIT , what the poke kind of weapon is this..." did i let my anger quell as i shouted out.
While shouting i stabbed the weapon infront of me.
To be precise i stabbed it my own shadow.
I could feel a sharp pain in my right arm.
So i looked at my arm and there was a crimson coloured liquid running down my arm.
But what surprised me more , my arm almost got severed by this stab.
The skin only connected at about 2 cm on each side and in the middle was a hole.
I was wondering what this could mean looking surprised.
Then i looked at the weapon it was stabbed in my shadow right there where my arm was stabbed .

Part 2
I , Lily , the construct of Master was waiting for him outside of the inner dimension.
I have been waiting here since he went inside.
He didnt give me any commands on what i should do so i was waiting.
It was 9,35 , he told me to get him at 9 but i didnt want that vulgar girl tainting his noble pressence.
Yes Noble pressence , i only thought it a possibility that he could be a Demi-god but he told me himself.
Moreover he was a Male.
Ive already served a few Female Demi-gods but this male one was a first.
The limited knowledge i still posses after starting to service him told me one thing VERY clearly.
Males were different.
Actually to call him a Demi god would be an offense to his person.
He wasnt as low as his predecessors.
Demi-god wont apply , half God was also a title which was to low.
I didnt know why i thought this but sth was disturbing me and i couldnt grasp what it was.
Something suddendly flowed into my mind.
Females are born when a Goddess or a god makes a child with a Human partner.
Males are born when a Godess or god makes a child with a Human partner but deeply love the Human partner....
Something inside the impregnated fetus changes.
Something is born inside it which doesnt have a Human part in it.
These Males are born when the godess .... gets pregnat ... but the Human partner isnt the actual ... father ...
Something else is the ... Father ... but what .... i cant remember.
I was about to grasp the situation as My master came out of the door.
I was in shock he was bleeding heavily.
But something was off about the smell.
I hurriedly rushed over to him and looked at the wound seemed like a weapon got stabbed inside of it.
" Master , what happend? " did i say clearly shocked.
" Haha , i tried to make a Warscythe and i succeded then i stabbed myself?" did the casual voice of my master resound.
His voice was also a bit strange after he woke up.
He used to have a heavy but warm voice which sounded like he had been smoking for years.
It still was the same but i could even hear something besides his usual voice when he talked.
It was a pleasent sound ... but also very terrifiying.
Also the smell of his blood normally Blood smells like Iron.
But this blood lacked Iron.
It had no smell at all.
Something definetly strange was happening to this boy...

Part 3
Lily my servant treated my wounds.
She snipped her fingers and sth like a needle with a small tube on its back got conjured out of thin air.
" Sire , this is a shot. I will stab the needle directly into 3 parts around the Flesh which misses. Those shots are filled with a substance made from a Void born one. It will give you your flesh back momentarily but this will only last 1 hour. We need to find somebody who has Black spells to make it permanent." did she say with a emotionless voice.
I nodded in her direction then she smiled a liiittttllle bit to evil for my taste as she stabbed the needle in my arm.
It hurt like crazy but i endured it.
Searching for the clock to look what time it is i found it .
9,50 ... Oh shit wasnt that girl supossed to come by at 10?
" Lily , why didnt you get me at 9 as i told you?"
" ..."
" Answer me Lily."
" ... "
I stared at her face really hard and a little angry before she turned her head away.
" That girl is no good!" did she softly whisper.
" That is my decision to make. You go prepare a bath for me and fetch me some clothes. Then i will take a quick bath. You will , i repeat , you will let that girl and her companions inside and tell them to wait for me and you WILL treat them with respect and make them feel comfortable." did i demand in a Commanding tone.
" But Sire, your wounds?"
" After i came out of the bath you will fetch a Void borne."
" Yes... Sire..." the following part she said a little angry and while muttering under her breath." Idiot."
I thought it best to ignore it.

Part 3
While i was taking a bath , i heard some voices in the living room.
The girl must have arrived accompying her her roommates.
So in quickly finished and headed outside properly dressing first.
I wore a green shirt , the colour became sth natural to me, some gray wollen pants as well as my usual Black belt and Black boots.
My beard didnt grow to much but it should be cut in a few days.
Checking the mirror once again i went outside.
I noticed steam emmiting from my skin , seems to be the heat from the bath i just took , oh well.
So i opened the door and my eyes seemed to belittle the thought i had about the girls which would be coming.
I natuarily hoped for the girls to be at least as cute as the one i met but that was my mistake.
The were even better than i thought.
The girl from before , a little plain but cute facial features.
2 looked alike both with shoulderlength Blonde hair and blue eyes , theyre facial features were refined but they still had something mature about them.
One with Brown rather short hair , her long slender neck made her stand out even against the others.
Another one had eyes as red as molten iron directly pulled out from a furnace and had a rather childsih body , this contrast made she very pretty.
The last one made me look in disbelieve, she had pink hair? I ve never seen sth like this before as well as yellow eyes like the nurse. She wore her hair in two ponytails at her side. Her body was more chlidlike not that she was young but rather that she wouldnt develope any more.
All of them were looking at me as i strode out of the Bathroom.
I let my gaze wander around the room Lily was in the Kitchen preparing Drinks , and the clock said 10,15.
" Excuse my late entrance " did i say while bowing down a little bit" and thank you for coming today" after i finished i smiled with a loopsided smile which was normal to me.
The Girls looked fascinated upon me and started whispering between themselves.
No one said anything, towards me, while i was wandering over.
" Lily , have you arranged for a Void user yet since we only have 30 min left?" did i shoot my commanding voice towards Lily.
She bowed down before speaking up.
" Sire , this problem seemed to have solved itself as one of them uses Black spells at a rather high level."
" Oh which fine Lady seemes to be born under Void then?" did i casually say towards the crowd of girls occuping my Sofa.
All of them looked astounded.
I heard a few whispers among them which seemed to be sth like , how did that girl over there know? as one raised her hand.
" Ah yes , mylady what is your name?" did i say towards the girl which sat nearest to me while kneeling infront of her and taking her hand.
I placed a kiss at the back of her hand and she blushed deeply while i shot a warm gaze as well as a this time bright smile at her.
" Erica Sulfalur , and yes i am a void borne of the 5th year." did she shyly say.
" Girl , do not belittle my Master , who is of noble lineage , while casually replying to him!" did i hear a angry voice coming from Lily.
" Lily , this i my amend to make , so refrain from intercepting my conversation." were the icy voice i retorded towards her.
" Noo-Noooble LINEAGE?" did i hear all 6 girls replying in shock.
" I am terribly dear young Ladys sorry but i do not know that... As i have woken up yesterday in the infimary without even as little knowledge as my own Name." was my truthfull answer to their shock.
" But continuing from earlier , so you are a Black spell user?"
" Yes , how may i be of your service?" did the girl with red eyes reply, she had Dark waist long hair which hung down covering a big part of her face.
" I had a little accident while ... Studying ... and it was treated with some liquid to stop the bleeding and recover my flesh for a short duration." did i say to her.
" Could i have a look at the place where you have been hurt?" did she reply with some pride in her voice.
I folded the sleeves from my shirt up and showed her the place where the wound appeared.
" ..." she looked at it and touched it with a surprised face about her.
" You did THIS much while studying?" did she almost screamed out in disbelieve.
I just shrugged my shoulders.
She closed her eyes as a little bit of a black substance formed around her hands , while she placed those hands on my Arm.
I stinged for a moment but i endured it through will power , but the pain was even worse then when it got stabbed through.
" I am very surprised you didnt scream in the process my Lord , considering your arm was almost severed...." said Erica towards me with still a look of surprise in her face.
The girls started whispering as i rolled down the sleeve again.
" Please ,dont politely speak to me as i think i am younger than you? " did i say to her after i thanked her.
" As you wish ..." she charmingly smiled back at me.

Part 4
The girls seemed to warm up and were easily conversing with me after Erica healed me.
The blonde girls were Irina and Cassandra Bell , twins and Efreet and Zygidal borne.
Sophie Mitra , was the brown short haired girl which was born under Ryulith.
The girl i met first always stole glances to me but she didnt seem to talk much.
I acquired through her friends that she was May , just May as her parents were of the lower caste of plebeians , she was a Scymar borne.
As most of the girls were of Noble lineage the girl most likely thought herself out of place.
Lily brought over cups full of Wine or other Alcoholic liquids for the girls.
I was last with my usual Goblet of Met.
I watched May as she didnt even take a sip of her drink , while all the other already did.
Even to shy to drink?
I laughed a little bit at her attitude.
Standing all the while i finally decided i would take some place along my own couch.
All the girls , besides the twins , had enough place between them so 3 other people could be seated there.
So i seated myself closely , with some body contact , with May.
The girls seemed interested as i started my way to there and were rather surprised as i sat down besides her.
" May was your name correct? Dont be hesitant , since i invited especially you ,the others wouldnt be here if it wasnt for you. So be proud and raise your head. Im not going to bite ... at least not to hard !" after i said this i laughed a little bit.
She raised her cup and drank the Redwine watered a little bit.
After this she seemed to bloom like a flower which only blooms during the night.
She was still a little shy as i was clearly a little to near to her.
Not that i minded, i could easily place my arm around her waist like this.
She wore a cream coloured dress which gave her eyes a special light , it made her really pretty and i got mesmerized by them.
I found out that she was borne in a Fisher village while her parents were fishers , thats why she didnt have a Family name .
She even told me a few private things like she didnt have a boyfriend and never kissed before , as well as how her life has changed since she came here.
I saw a little sorrow in her eyes as she told me that her life became better since she stayed here.
" I dont believe you." was the thing i said after what she told me before.
" Pardon?" did she exclaim looking me deeply into my eyes.
" Everybody in this academy makes it hard for you , as one without a Family name correct?"
She just looked at me baffled but she didnt deny it.
" I even suspect your so called Roommates of doing the same " did i start with a casual voice like i was bored" So , Irina , Cassandra leave NOW!" did i say with a angered voice.
The Twins jumped up and started arguing that they would never do sth like that.
" You have 10 seconds before you will leave this Room by force." did i declare with a voice as cold as ice.
The first looked angered at me then shot a deathly glare towards May but they left.
The room was silent except Lily giggling standing behind me at the other side of the couch.
" H-H-How did you know?" was the thing May pressed through her clenched teeth.
" Easily , Sophie and Kira defend you because it is in their Nature . Erica on the other Hand just ignored it so she wouldnt get targeted because she is of a Farmers family with slightly enough fortune to receive a Family name. Erica didnt do anything bad but neither anything good what is in the forte of Void users so i cant blame her also she healed my wound . As of why i knew this pure instinct." did i state more of a matter of fact then revealing to them i Lily had studied those girls sharing a room with Erica.
She wanted to do a backup check on them and told me while she was preparing my clothes in the bath.
They were surprised almost to a terrified state at the spot on speech i just gave.

Part 5
I happily chatted with May encouriging her more as the other ones were still surprised.
But Sophie asked me sth which hit me rather heavily.
" Mylord , why would one of a Noble lineage as yourself do sth like this for May?"
" Why should i not?" was my honest thought about this situation.
" Because Nobles , even kidnap girls to ... get ... entertained by them...." did Sophie say sth shocking towards me.
" As ive already said , even if i was a Noble , i do not know anything of my past but i can say one thing clearly. I would never scoop so low as to do sth as THAT what you just told me. Isnt it more fascinating to *hunt* down women which i am attracted to , and ensnare them with a honest approch , then to just trick them or even worse force them into bed?" was my reply after thinking deeply about it.
The girls seemed to be baffled while i hear my mothers fimiliar voice in my head ' LADY KILLER'.
' Stop watching all the time , you old HAG' did i think annoyed towards my mother
My Mother seemed to be taken by surprise as she didnt say anything back to me.
After a respektive pause the chatter between me and the girls continiued but they still seemed to be talking around a certain topic they all burned to know .
I noticed this as they shot glances at one another and seemed to be conversing nonverbal.
As i noticed this happening more often i just sighed and asked them.
" So you young beautys gathered in my Room this moment , what is it you want to ask of me?" did i nonchalantly declare this time.
Kira the most energetic one of them started to speak first.
" As you said that you dont have any knowledge about anything before yesterday ... You shouldnt know but still ... Can we see the entierety of your housing here?" did she reply rather shyly.
I stood up and signaled them to follow me.
As i showed them the Library and we went for a little stroll inside they all exclaimed wonder in unison.
Then i showed them the Bath as the same happened again.
I decided not to show them the City and just told them that door was a storage.
The other door they could easily see that it wasnt accesable and i told them it was worked on so i opened the door towards my Bedroom.
Since i havent been using this room yet everything was in order.
I walked straight into it and the girls behind me.
The seemed to be absorbed in the furniture.
Sophie came from a carpenters Family in the Capitol with a huge amount of fame , but even she was surprised at the quality of the craftsmanship.
All the while as they were examining every single thing in my room i stood leaned against a wall smiling.
There was always talk between them as they found this or that but then all 4 of them stood before the bed.
They all fell silent , Sophie and May were shooting embaressed glances around , Kira had a beet red face and Erica just looked kind of out of place as she was always absent minded.
I looked curiously at this scene wondering for myself what they were doing.
Clearly they wanted to test it but hesitated.
" Why are you hesitating?" did i ask them in wonder.
Erica picked up as the others remained silent.
" It is common courtesy that for a girl touching a mans bed ,or even worse laying on it , to first gather her resolve." did she state as if she wasnt involved in all this but even she wanted to touch it.
" You are all doing this to gather resolve ? I wouldnt mind so go ahead." did i reply with a warm tone in my voice.
As i said this out loud they all looked terryfied at me.
These girls sure amazed me , just because i told them to go ahead they were shocked to this extent.
Lily came near me and placed her mouth besides my ear and started whispering.
" Master , the resolve ... is ... for ... that..."
I put on a thoughtfull face before it dawned me what that meant.
Then my face became a mask of emotionlessness like of a marble statue as the next scene unfolded before me .
The Girls took of their shoes and snuggled in the linen blankets laying otop of my bed.
suffering 14
Spoiler! :
Suffering Chapter 14
Part 1
As Lily just told me they were ready to do ... that ... with me as they already lay on my bed.
I neither knew anything about ... That ... or if i have ever done ... That...
My hands were weat with sweat and a shiver ran down my spine.
But my curiousity won over my brain as they held a battle of legendary scale inside my mind.
So i sat or even touched my bed for the first time as far away from the girls which were looking at me with rather embarrased faces.
Even Erica the Statue as i just nicknamed her inside my head , was red.
I knew that May misunderstood the situation when i invited her and 5 friends over but i thought that was to tease me ...
Now it came to ... That ...
My sweat production increased greatly as i sat on the bed , but i didnt let my embarrasment show on my face.
They were silently watching me with a frightend as well as excited look upon them.
I went into deep thoughts and looked for a way to make this enjoyable.
With a loopsided smile on my face and with half closed lids i found the perfext conclusion to make . this . enjoyable . for .me!!!
In my mind i even laughed with a evil laughter.
So i quickly but still dignified started taking of my boots.
Lily came over kneeled before me and helped me untying the boots.
She muttered while she was helping me but i couldnt clearly understand what she said.
Without my boots i still smiled with this evil apperance and crept closer towards the girls.
The backed up until the reached the headpart of the bed which made escape for them impossible.
While seeing the trapped state they were in at the moment i revealed an even more satisfied grin.
Only 50 cms seperated the girls from me at this moment as i lept while kicking of the bed towards them.
They jumped up in shock but stayed on the bed ready for anything i would do to them.
While flying through the air i reversed the state i was in and turned my back laying towards the sheets and jumped between May and Kira with Sophie laying besides May and Erica at Kiras side.
So it was a sandwich of 5 people.
There still was a lot of room left on either side of the bed but nobody made a move to get away from one another.

Part 2
Me , Lily , masters servant and the most pitiable existence in this world right now saw a scene which i couldnt describe.
4 Girls and one Boy laying in one bed.
The Girls seemed to be mortified of embarresment and Master had his eyes closed.
" Uhm ... Could we atleast hear your name .... first ...?" did Kira say while snugging to Masters chest after she overcame her fear.
' Perverted Master , not revealing his name first' did i think for myself.
Master didnt reply but still grinned with closed eyelids.
A thought rose in my head while i began to silently snicker.
10 minutes passed before sth new happend.
May the girl which didnt have a Family Name got up from her laying position and pulled down the zipper of her half knee lengthed Dress and started to undress.
I snickered even louder this time but they still didnt hear me.
KIra the girl with the red eyes and the extraordianry Pink hair unhooked the clips holding her 2 Twintails and pulled her Dress down revealing her cute Pink underwear.
Even i thought they were cute . The Pantys as well as the Bra had a red ribbon in the middle of them.
After this Sophie the brown haired girl took of her blouse , revealing the pure white Bra. She then opened the hooks for her halfknee length tightfitting pants, revealing a also pure white Panty.
Then it was Sophies turn. She just casually , with a little bit of embarressment , pulled her Dress over her head showing some Flashy red underwear with a simplistic design of a Rose on them.
May finally got out of her clothes showing a black lingerie ensemble.
This raised my interest , as Masters servant.
She came here fully prepared to do perverted things.
Not only Kira but also May snuggled back up to Master on which i squinted my eyes but snickering loudly enough this time for them to be heard.
They looked at me finally noticing me and seemed deeply embarrased.
" C-C-Could y-you please l-l-l-l-l-leave the r-r-room?" did May say towards me with me starting to laugh loudly.
I caught myself again and stated with a sweet voice.
" Master is asleep."
The girls had stunned expressions on them which made me laugh out even louder than before.

The girls dressed again and i decided to tell them to leave.

After they left i went back inside of Masters room and covered him in blankets.
He was fully dressed so i undressed him fully.
I wondered for about 15 min how i should dress him since i didnt know what he usually wore when he went to bed.
He was looking rather cold , even with all the blankets covering him.
So i decided quickly to do the best thing for my Master , the first Master to tell me that i am not a construct but a real person....

Part 3
The sun was shining brightly into my face.
So i coverd my eyes with the back of my hand.
Laying on my right side having my right hand holding my cheeck for supportative purposes and my left arm at my left side was i enjoying the soft bed.
I already noticed when i woke up in the infirmary , i wasnt a morning person.
My mind was still clouded and i couldnt think straight.
What happened yesterday ?
I was a little nervous yesterday so i drank 4 or 5 goblets of Met.
Way to much for me.
I already felt a little lightheaded after 2 Goblets.
A pain in my head didnt pop up so it wasnt too much to have a hangover.
But still it seemed like sth incredible happened yesterday.
At least i think.
But i didnt remember maybe i should ask the girls later on ...
Wait a moment ... the girls?
Now it hit me like a cart full of various goods running over me.
I made a little game of *teasing the girls on my bed* yesterday.
But as soon as i hit the comfortable already warm and very soft bed my mind couldnt recall anything.
I moaned a little bit since i couldnt remember anything.
Something was wiggling inside my bed as though a body was trying to find a better sleeping position.
I tried to take my hand from my eyes but as soon as i did my eyes hurt even though the lids were closed.
So i put my hand back.
Instead i took my other hand and poked the body which was snuggling up to my front part.
As i poked the thing infront of me i could hear a muffled " mhmmmm"
So i poked a few times to the same spot and the same noise came out again af this thing infront of me didnt want to wake up properly.
The reaction wasnt what i hoped for so i took the hand of my eyes little by little getting accustomed to the light.
Then i opened them.
Nothing could be seen above the blanket , but it had a bulge right infront of me.
So i took my left hand and slowly lifted the blanket to peek inside.
The first thing that surprised me was that Lily lay there.
She lay there rolled up but clearly was touching my skin looking in the same direction i was.
The second was that she only wore underwear.
Kind of ... sexy underwear to boot. It was a purple colour with some see through parts and how should i describe it ... the pantys didnt have ... enough cloth attached to them.
I could clearly see her butt with a little peace of cloth between her behind...
The Third and most shocking... i was naked
.... stark naked ... like the way one was borne.
I thought about the current situation and come up with a conclusion.
I put the blanket back in place placed my hand above my eyes again and the other hand i lay over Lily.
She instantly grabbed my Hand and placed it between her crossed arms and i had a soft sensation at my arm...
So i slept in again.

Part 4
I woke up again.
Trusting my inner clock i woke up again and it should be about 9 am.
Lily still lay there but i wanted to get up.
So i tried to sneak out of the bed but the arm she was still holding made this impossible.
I grinned with satisfaction while lifting the blankets.
Bending my body , imitating the way she did it , i drew closer to the back of her head.
Drawing closer and closer i made a decision.
I lightly bit into her neck with enough pressure so she would feel it , but not enough to leave marks or even to make it bleed.
" Muhnja?" was the thing she let out while standing bolt upright in bed.
She looked around drowsily not yet realizing what happend.
I had a nice view of her fine behind and her womenly curves.
This piece of cloth, only covering the end of her spine, still amazed me.
I could even clearly see the lacing of her corsage , didnt realize she didnt wear a normal bra earlier.
She let out a huge yawn and raising her arms above her head to flex them.
I closed my eyes again as she looked towards me.
She then touched the back of her neck , still not realizing what happend after i opened my lids paritally.
Jumping of the bed she fetched her dress which was neatly drapped over a chair and slid into it.
Then she left the room when i started laughing lightly.

She returned a little while later with me half sitting , leaning on the back of the bed.
" Good morning , Master." did she say happily utter towards me with bliss filled in between the happines in her voice.
" Mornin .... " Came a rumbling voice out of my throat which sounded like a carriage beeing drawn over a gravel path.
Lily slightly blushed , at the sound of my voice.
" Ive made up some food and coffee for you Master." did she say still a little bit blushed.
I quietly accept the tray she arranged over my outstrechted legs.
The first thing i did was recalling her figure clad only in underwear , slightly smiling i drank out of the cup full of coffee .
Uhhh the best did i think for myself , reffering to her figure as well as the cofee
After i started eating something picked my interest.
" Lily , do you even eat at all?"
" Yes Master i always wait for Master to do sth without my direct attendance needed to eat." did she say in a matter of fact way as if a behaviour of this kind was set in stone.
" Prepare your food and come back here. From now on we will eat together or not at all." came a commading tone from me with little of the rumbling inside my voice remaining.
Lily quickly went outside and came back with another tray for herself with the same food as i had.
She seemed to be in an even better mood then she was before.
So we ate besides eachother.
" Oh Lily how is your Neck?" did i calmly ask her after she was finished since i had finished a little earlier.
" Pardon Master, what is wrong with my Neck?" did she reply questionally.
" I ment if it hurt , after i bit into it " did i matter of fact say while laughinh hard.
Her face went from questionally to angered to surprised to happy to embarresed.
" Pervert ... Master ... tricked ... me ... again..." did she say almost inaubible.
This cute remark made me happy as i started laughing even louder than before.
" Master ... saw ... half naked..." came another sentence out of her mouth.
" Yes i did! From now on you will always sleep like this with me!" did i say half jokingly.
She took me seriously while nodding filled with utter happines...
'Oh crap ... as a man i cant take that back' did i think for myself.
She looked to be a few years older then me but as she was cutely blushing and happy at the same time it was so cute i almost hughed her.
" *Cough* okay but now i will go to train inside the city. Lily come with me i could use your help ... for various ... things." did i tell her with a commanding tone.
" Yes , for Master to be of help , this sure is the happiest day of my life." did she reply with a honest face.
So i got dressed with the help of Lily , much to my dismay and adding to her happiness.
Then we went for the City.

Part 5
I came out of the City on Sunday night 8 pm.
I didnt even sleep while i was inside there.
From 10 am saturdays till now i was immersed in learning to control and creating new kinds of magic as well as learning from Lily to fight with a weapon.
She taught me the basics and the rest we had a few sparring matches with wooden sticks.
Even a plan for my training was made up from her.
I should do alot of running and weight liffting.
So i did just that the whole Saturday.
Running around countless times at the border of this dimension.
It took me 2 hours to run around the border once... and when completed it i lifted some Stones as weights.
At sunday morning we started to spar.
The first few hours she won without doubt but as time passed i saw through everything and she even praised me very highly.
Then was the Magic training with limited guidance from Lily.
Sometimes she dissappeared to get food or liquid for me to replenish my state.
At the end i ran another lap around the border.
This time it took me only 1 and a quarter hour.
Even then i got highly praised.
Now i was sitting in the bathtub after arguing heavily with Lily because she wanted to take a bath with me and i declined.
Interesting little girl she was.
She really was small compared to me.
After i found it strange to feeling myself even bigger than usual since the encounter in the dining hall Lily measured me.
I was at 1,87 m as of this morning.
7 cms in 4days ... a frightening state...
I was happy but shocked at the same time.
Now i wanted to contact my Mother , just to talk with her a little bit.
So i started ' Hey Mom are you able to talk' did i think towards the direction the voice of my Mother usually came from in my mind.
' After telling me i was a old hag and then going somewhere where i cant see you for 2 days you sure have guts to talk to me now. I even cried after u told me that! *sniffle sniffle*' did she reply back while faking the voice someone makes while crying.
' Get over it , old Hag' did i happily reply back.
' Uwaaaaahhhhh' could i hear my Mothers voice really crying back to me this time.
' Mom , im sorry i was just joking i didnt want to hurt your feelings ...'
' Hahahaha , gotcha there m´boy' did the teasing voice of my Mother reply.
' Tch, you got me good on that one' did i think while clicking my tongue.
So i just told here what ive done the last 2 days and she came at me with some ambiguous remarks about the girls i had over and Lily.
' You certainly are a Natural born Lady Killer my son'
' Drop it already , i dont even know if ive kissed a girl yet , so dont bother doesnt effect me in the slightest'
We continued our little game of who can tease the other more with remarks of perverted nature from her side and jokes about her age and her weight for quite some time.
' okay , okay lets stop this now' came from my Mother after i put up a remark of how many millenia she wanted to keep looking like a 25 winter old girl and beeing older than this dust filled Planet.
" Good , so back onto the main Topic , tomorrow we will start sparring training so i wanted to invite you formily to watch my growth since 2 days.' did i come from me proudly at the hard work i put in.
' I cant come in person as the Teachers would cleeaaaarrrriiiilllly know then whos son you are , but i will watch. He will most likely beg me to watch anyways . Hahahahaha'
' He ? Who he?' did i shoot a question at my mother.
" What he? What do you mean ? Hahahaha' did my Mother try to evade the question.
' You just said he.'
' Ahh son some Gifts got piled up need to go now see ya . Hehe' was the last thing i heard from my so called Mother.
I tried talking to her again but nothing came back.
After i went put of the bath i tried asking Lily but she neither knew.
Damn that mum throwing me some info and not explaining it 'CURSE YOU , YOU OLD HAG! '

After a meal it was 11 pm and i went to bed.
Lily cleaned up the Kitchen , since on the weekends the Dining hall wouldnt send out any food.
Then we went to bed.
The Room was pitchblack as we entered so i lighted up a few candles while snipping my fingers.
One of the neutral spells i could use as a Green spell user , like opening doors.
The Candles burned in a Green light which even surprised Lily who taught me this spell.
Hers were a normal Orange red and yellow flame , even if the only power she had also came from the Moons.
Another thing i learned my Power came from the Moon the plane which my mother resided on , where i always met her , that grey rocky place with green veins of ore attached to it randomly.
The downside to these flames that they barely illuminated the Floor , just enough to see it.
I lay down in bed , fully undressed because i slept better this way.
Lily was standing infront of the bed and got undressed this moment.
As i half jokingly demanded that she had to always sleep with me like this she took it seriously.
She seemed to at least not dislike it so i let her fair as she wanted.
There was the problem with the green flames though.
I couldnt see clearly and begged her that she should turn on the candles.
This got utterly abolished as she saw trough my actions while saying.
" Master ... Pervert" in a cute voice.
I still caught a few glimpses of lace and again a purple colour? she even wore another one of those pantys with not enough cloth.
I saw all this due to her marble like skin in contrast to the heavy purple.
Nonetheless as she snuggled a bit away from me she wiggled around a little helplessly.
So i sighed and crept towards her until our skin touched.
She blushed lightly but smiled at the same time.
I then took my usual sleeping position on my back while facing the celling.
Holding my head with both my hands i closed my eyes.
Lily on the other hand put her head on my bizeps and snuggled with her face towards me in my arm.
Taking my other arm out from underneath my head i let my fingers run through her steel coloured shiny hair.
There was a feint purring sound coming out from her as i did this and so we went to sleep.
Last edited by Rohan123 on Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Suffering 15

Post by DOL »

suffering 15
Spoiler! :
Part 1
While looking at the clock and confirming it was 7 am i looked at the figure pressing her behind towards my ... lets say the front part of my thighs.
I was laying down on my side again while Lily had my arms in the usual spot , entwined with her arms.
But something felt off.
She even entwined my fingers with hers and held them lightly.
I decided to tease her a little bit.
My Body bent the same way as hers did and i crept closer to her ears.
Tracing the entire line of her ear with my tongue before bitting it she bolted upright in bed and strechted in the manner i was used to already.
As it was clear daylight now i could see the underwear she was wearing now , unlike when we went to sleep.
This time it was a normal bra with hooks in the back in a purple colour and the same colour of a panty , with tooooo much exposure.
Okay i lied i really liked those kind of pantys.
As she was standing outside of bed now , it felt a little lonely while i was feigning to sleep.
This time something unexpected happend.
She looked back towards me and i closed my eyes shut this time.
I heared a light screeching sound coming from the side towards the window infront of me.
Opening my eyes again i saw a hole at the corner of the room which had another wardrobe in it.
Lily was standing there while bending over giving me quite the service this morning rummaging through a drawer at the bottom.
She retrieved something which was made out of a white , see trough , kind of cloth.
Looking around again only to see me with closed eyes sleeping and turning backwards again she started to take off her underwear.
Naturally as i heard her turning her head i opened my eyes again and received alot of service again.
Okay she was hidden by the curtains which were hanging from the posts but still imagining a girl changing inside my bedroom while me being naked in bed.... the best....
I was so immersed in thoughts i didnt notice her leave.

She came back with the now usual 2 trays with food on them.
Mine had 3 times more the servings then hers did but as she was 1,58 m tall and me being 1,87 m it wasnt that much of a shock.
But in what she returned made me stutter a little bit.
She wore another one of those ... revealing pantys , as i could see when she turned around to close the door ... but her bra was different.
The part at her breasts wasnt all that spectacular but there was hanging , almost like a curtain , cloth from the sides of her bra all the way down to her knees.
The cloth spreading out but leaving her bellybutton open for view and part of her inner thighs.
I was shocked this much service this morning ... i felt like in heaven .... ah sweet heaven ... dont ever end .... please?
She nonchalantly seated herself besides me after placing my tray in the usual manner.
Seriously i wanted to blush at her level of clothing.
But as she didnt i fighted it back and uttered a question after 3 minutes of not touching my food.
" Lily ... those clothes ... where do you get those from?" did a rather shaking rumbling voice come from my mouth.
" Clothes female masters gave me why?" did she reply with a little bit a jam sticking to her face.
" They sure ... are ... revealing." did i state still with a shaking voice.
" Master doesnt like?" did she reply while tilting her head.
This cute childish way of talking almost made me go berserk.
I wiped of the jam with my index finger from the corner of her mouth and stuck that finger in my mouth.
" I love it..." did i say towards her regaining my composure.
She blushed incredibly at those words or the wiping her face i really feared to know which one it was.
" Hehe ... Lily ... got ... praised." did i hear her mutter while seeming happy.
After i finished eating , again before her, something hit me rather hard.
" Why didnt we go to the dining hall its early enough?"
" Master doesnt want to spend time with me , alone?" did i hear a little bit frightend voice coming from her.
" No i was just curious."
So she wanted to spend time with me ... how cute ... so i patted her head while telling i like eating like this.
" Hehe ..." came the happy voice again." Master this breakfast wont be enough anyways so well continue to eat at the dining hall after we get dressed." did she declare.
I nodded a bit dissapointed to not see her like this the whole day.

Part 2
After we went and used the washroom to freshen ourselves and brush our teeth together we got dressed and went for the Dining hall.
Lilys outfit was the usual complete Black.
But as ive seen she didnt change underwear so the white was lurking beyond it .... very good lily ill praise you later.
I was still hungry after running another half an hour on the streets of the city.
My body felt like it needed some flexing so i consulted Lily about it and she was even happy that i wanted too.
Lily went to get a cart and some food for me and i went for the Table reserved for myself.
After ive seated myself i looked at the big clock infront of me and saw it was 8,15 good time since the classes would start at 9.
The hall was over half filled already as Lily returned.
Starting to eat ,after Lily put the plates full of bread and eggs as well as bacon infront of me , soon 4 People approached with sour looks on their faces.
As i saw the shadows , coming from the lighted big chandeliers at the ceilling, reach the Table i looked up.
Erica Kira Sophie and May stood across the table in my field of view with overcrossed arms.
Oh SHIT did i think for myself.
" So you slept in , huh?" came it unisono out of 4 mouths at the same time in a whispered volume.
Lily explained Friday night to me rather happily on saturday but i forgot about the consequences.
" Yo." came the words out almost to natural.
" ..." Silence while i kept eating all the time.
" You arent going to say anything to us?" came Kiras voice this time alone.
" No."
" Are you sure?" came the angered filled voice of the normally blank Erica this time.
" No , you can come by as much as you like from now on?" did i say rather quickly while putting another fork of scrambled eggs in my mouth and savouring the flavor.
" Is . That . All?" came a question from Sophie this time.
I put my fork at the edge of the plate and after i finished chewing i started with what could easily be my downfall .... social wise.
" Girls listen , you sure had fun. May doesnt get abused anymore as i can see. Even i had fun being with you. As it stands now i could beg for forgivness at your serious approach but what has been done cant be undone . I could make plentyfull excuses to not take the blame but i wont. Everything as a equivalent punishment i will accept." while having a serious look about my face.
" But i would enjoy having your company once again." did i add cutting of Kira who just opened her mouth , while adding my loopsided smile and emitting a warm light from my eyes.
All four of them still pouted but also blushed at my smile at the same time.
The quickly put their heads together and came to a conclusion as the said "Okay" with a louder voice then the whispers from before.
" As long as we can sit at this table with you every day well forgive you." did Kira say.
" Lily is that possible?" did i give Lily a glance and she was giving off a hostile aura towards the 4 girls.
" Master i do not know off any occasions this was even asked. Ask her." came a icy tone which matched the hostile aura.
' Mom ccan those girls sit with me at this table?' did i ask my mother in an inner dialogue in my mind.
' Sure , if teachers ask just say Noble codex §17 -107' did i hear my mothers voice.
With a thank you i ended that conversation.
" Yes but only as long as i am with you at this table. If i am not here you will get in trouble with the Teachers." did i say matter of fact while resuming the consumption of food.
Those girls hurriedly went to the counter to get food.
While they were gone another person i knew approached me.
" Where is Elric?" did a sweet sounding voice, like a violin playing the most precious piece ever created , resound.
Long black velvet like hair , neatly cutted at the height of her eybrows into a straight line.
Eyes as black as nothingness with golden speckles , but as warm as Summernight.
Skin as white as porcelain. Short stature with her 1,50m and not that many curves under her Grey robe.
Something was missing as i looked on her left ear.... i didnt know what but something was clearly missing there to give this picture perfection.
I gave a quick glance towards Lily and gave her a ' OK ' with my eyes to tell her to do whatever she liked.
" What do you wish of me?" did i hear the icy voice of Lily.
The black attire and the same coloured hair probably made her realize that this was Elric , did i think for myself.
But that was clearly wrong.
" So he really is you Master ... and he even gave you a new form ...." she muttered and then turned around and left us alone.
I looked at Lily and she just shook her head.
So i resumed eating , wondering why Aylin knew more about Lily than i did and how much more she really knew ...
" Lily how many know about someone like me in this academy." did i ask her a direct question.
" 2 people clearly know, other think persons as you have been born throughout time." did i hear the clear answer.
" Who are the 2 people that know and how much do they know?"
" Aylin and the Principal , who is seldom here. They know people who are borne from gods exist but they shouldnt know you are one. About myself they know that those in more need than the Royal family will get my servance. That is a utter lie though. While there are no kids of your Mother , i serve the royal Family. Thats the truth."
" Wont they get suspicious because i can use this table to my liking?" did another question pop up in my mind.
" No , but i think you will get to know why later Master... Hehe ... Lily is soooooo Proud" did i hear Lilys voice in the cute kind of state .
" Naughty little Lily ... for not answering Masters question... Lily will have to run around in underwear, for Master to look at , the rest of the day when we get back to our home." did i imitate her figure of speech.
She blushed incredibly deep but then seemed happy about sth.
" ... Hehe ... Our..." even as i heard this from her in her blushed state it didnt give me a idea.

Part 3
So the girls returned and they bombarded me with questions.
Kira and May sat besides me but inching closer every minute.
Lily flashed some Death glares at them.
Erica was silent and absent minded most of the time.
Sophie just listened to our chat with interest , throwing some questions in as well from time to time.
I was tired before Class began ... girls sure are frightening.
As May and Kira almost sat on my lap Lily said we should go to class now.
So i stood up and followed Lily.
I turned around after we left the hall and the 4 girls were following me.
' Naaahhh they couldnt be' did i think for myself and continiued walking.
Soon we approached the door with 1-a on it and the 4 girls were still behind me.
I almost resigned myself , but breathed out relaxed as they were huggin and check kissing one another to say goodbye for now.
Those 4 truly were friends did i think for myself.
Suddendly even i was concluded , Lily shot the girls around me some Death glares again , as Erica and May kissed me on the checks and hugged me in the process.
Then they went off leaving me dumbfounded behind.
Wait a moment where are Kira and Sophie? did i think while turning around seeing them walking into the classroom filled with Trees....

" So class today we will begin our combat training, so for now get changed" as the Clock hit 9 Rose appeared at her teachers desk.
Before this happened i went into the classroom and sat at my usual place.
Top line right row 2 nd last seat.
So the 4th seat to the right from the stairs.
Even before this i could see Kira and Sophie happily and energetically talkin with some other girls while pulling up their desks to retrieve sth out from them.
They waved at them and had all their things in hands while coming closer towards the top stairs...
Now they went to the right side ...
Now Kira was seated to my left and Sophie to my right.
They even snipped their fingers to make the desks move closer to mine.
Even Lily was standing behind me now and was noiselessly cursing them.
Normally the desks were 1m apart now they touched ....
So they just decided to do things like this huh.....
I resinged no point in fighting a lost battle.
A girl turned around to face Kira which picked my interest.
She had Dark skin colour a nuance deeper than my own , but the most interesting thing were her ears.
Those ears had a pointed end and were clearly longer than mine.
They even extended behind her head a little bit.
She couldnt be Human ... so from which God did she orriginate from?
I noticed her glancing a few times at me and saw that her eyes were a deep Purple colour , wow thats a first one for me too.
' She from the world Zephyr governs' did my mother breath in my mind.
She was really watching, this made me a little happy.
After Kira and this mysterious girl talked for a while the Girl stood up and now stood before me still in the row below me.
She was about 1,78 m tall had those Zephyr like features and they were called Elves.
Her hair had a golden colour to them and had a nice fragrance to them like a newly bloomed flower.
Her body line was the most note worthy ive seen so far.
Slender waist but rightly placed curves at her chest and Hips.
She wasnt one some would call busty , but those subtle hills had their own appeal , they neither were small though just the right size to fit in ones hand.
Looking at me first curiously then flirtily she tilted her head.
" My Name is Xeva , i am off the Zephyr race an so called Elv. What can i do to aquire your name , my dear Lord?" she said in a flirting tone.
" Oh dear Lady Xeva , you shant do nothing to aquire my Name , it is a honour for me that Thee wants to aquire my Name. I am Iliyan Osson and as most of you already know my forte are the Green spells binding Light and Darkness together creating Illusions and Trickery." i played even more aggressively a ball towards her in this game called deception.
She looked rather surprised at my figure of speech.
But she didnt seem to dislike having one of equal ,or actually better, calibre in deceiving people with talk , than herself.
" So Sire Iliyan , can this humble maiden show you around the *important * places within this humble academy at a later time?" did she say again with a flirting tone heavily pronouncing important.
" This sure is your quick wittedness showing, that ye wants to give me a tour . From now on i shant call you Prinzess, oh dear Xeva , for your wonderous insight. This modest Gentleman could not decline such a wonderous Person as theeself such a genrous offer." i gave her my answer.
She was baffled at the rate i could pick up this little game to another level.
Lily tighlty grabbed my shoulder and pinched there while Kira and Sophie did the same to my sided.
They wanted to warn me about the most seductiv actress in the Morgue.
She was well know but Lily warned me about her.
But i had other plans for her , did i think as i layed out my little pieces on this gamefield called >Morgue< .

Part 4
Rose our teacher conjured up 2 Doors at the end of the Steps of this auditorium like class seating arrangment.
One had a sign for males the other for females.
We should change into clothes which made moving about easier.
So everyone went into their respektive door and got changed.
Lily gave me the clothes inside and the boys made a fuss about the extra treatment ive got.
Not able to care less at their opinion , as most of them were Nobles which despised everyone besides themselves , i told Lily to wait outside.
I still wore the usual colours and even the usual silken shirt but Lily told me before she went outside those clothes were woven differently allowing me to move more easily.
As it took a while to get out of these bots i was last.
When the other boys left Lily came back inside and helped me.
Thats how i stepped outside.
I saw alot of them wearing pieces of Armor and wondered why i didnt get any from Lily.
One even wore a complete set of Armor making and intimidating apperance as even his head was covered in Metal and his helmet displayed a Dragon with an open maw.
The girls wore pants now too which made me klick my tongue.
Damn i wanted to view the girls legs to the fullest.
As if reading my mind Lily pinched me.
Argh! I went to stand besides Sophie and Kira.
They didnt notice at my approach but as i said " Hey" they turned around and looked surprised at me.
Sophie seemed to sniff the air while looking at me.
" Does he always smell this nice?" did i hear Sophie quietly whisper to Kira too what she only shrugged her shoulders.
I looked around class still wondering about what was going on.
The boys stood left , the girls + me and Lily stood right.
I looked baffled between the boys side and those of the girls and started walking towards the boys side.
As suddendly 2 pairs of hands grabbed my Arm and held me back.
" Iliyan , if you smell like this and go over there you will most likely die or return directly here." did Kira tell me in a whispered voice.
I raised a question mark in my Eyes.
" Listen i dont know why but the Boys in this Academy seem to be neglecting their Hygiene. With exceptions though , like .. uhm ... let me think..." she put up one finger raised a second put it down again then back up then back down and so on before she finally said " You."
I was shocked at this revelation and a little bit discusted.
Dont know what they were thinking but taking a bath is even more relaxing than running in the inner dimension city like place at my Apartment, at least for me.
" SO now everyone listen up. We will now begin combat training produce your own weapons if you are already trained in it , those who cant take one of the few weapons on this stand." As she said this she snipped her fingers and a wooden Stand with easily 100 weapons appeared behind her.
" Everyone choose your own partner . But miss Kira Morgain come to me plz." did Rose continue.
At my questioning gaze Lily answered me.
" The Morgain Family is renown for their Swordsmanship and they start to learn from a very young age. Because she is too advanced she gets left out." did she casually reply.
Lily saw me putting on my loopsided smile and the squinted eyes.
Even she smiled brightly at me while knowing my intentions.
" Mr Rose , I choose Lady Kira Morgain as my Parnter." did i loudly declare for everyone to hear.
A loud murmur went thorugh the whole class while i strode majestically towards Rose and Kira.
Rose looked in disbelieve and Kira had an exited expression about her.
Now the time has come too show of my Training , did i think for myself.

I, Lily , Masters loyal Playthi... SERVANT, was watching the scene before me with utter interest.
The 2 days of Training cant be described by words.
He easily surpassed combat skill wise people of the 4th year and Magic wise 6 th years.
Going from 0 this far his growth was that of a Monsters.
But he was my precious Master.
He would easily defeat this girl.
Even if she trained from the age of 4.
She was 14 now so she has trained for 10 years.
Not enough for a Human being to surpass my Master who has only trained for 2 days.
I was so proud that he was my Master , my loving caring and a little bit to nice Master.
He even surpassed all those children of the same Mother before him.
He truly was a Monster , but my beloved Master at the same time.

I, Sophie Metra, well trained in the same School as Kira , but not as well gifted ,didnt expect this outcome.
Now i would see if this good looking Boy was made out of more than just sweet talk , righteousness and fickleness.
Xeva who was someone i was not so close aquainted with , spoke to me.
" My my , this boy sure is boastfull in an arrogant way. Not even i could stand a match against Kira."
" ..." i was usually silent , but this person i didnt want to talk with.

I was standing infront of Kira now.
Kira had a lax stance infront of me.
Not taking a stance, i just stood infront of her as the command from Rose came.
" Fight..."
Rose , our teacher , made us do a mock fight infront of the whole class for them to learn.
Maybe she was still pissed because of the book thing ... thats why she tried to emberass me , with allowing me to fight Kira.
But she didnt know my potential , even Lily thought i could fight Kira so this should be a piece of cake.
"... BEGIN"
Kira materialized a full set of Armor after snipping her fingers.
Something Lily told me about , materialzing weapons wasnt the only thing magic could do.
She was clad from head to toe in a Green Metal.
She wore a Helmet shoulderguards wristguards Legguards Armguards a Breastplate and some Tighguards.
The rest of the skin was covered in a Piece of Chainmail in a darker Green colour.
She didnt have a Weapon but the most frightening thing were hear Gauntlets.
Those gauntlets had Spikes on them , but even without them one hit would rip anyones face open.
I lifted my Hand over my Head and snipped with my Fingers.
Dense Jade coloured fog formed a sphere in midair starting 1 m above my hand and going 8 m beyond my outstrechted palm.
So a Sphere 7 m across.
Since the Training the densety needed more fog so it extended 2 m.
After it formed the Spear like Warscythe with the 40 cm long blade and the 2 m long Shaft fell directly in my Palm.
I swung it in a half arc while preparing a stance sticking out the blade infront of me.
" Master go all out from the start." did i hear the now passionate voice of Lily from behind me.
" If you wish...."
I snipped another time.

I , Xeva Zeykral , was baffled at the Sphere which turned into a Warscythe.
But now as the Handsome youth snipped his fingers again i was purely petrified as the rest of the class also was.
The Boys shirt ripped open between his shoulder blades.
Not green anymore but a Darker more dense colour of green emitted from there.
Another sphere appeared covering his shoulders too 80 cms above his head.
Around the edges of the Sphere i got denser.
They formed a Perfekt circle.
But if one would look through this circle a feintly green looking clear substance could be seen there as well as feint darker green lines the same colour as the Frame.
Thos green lines looked like blood running down the glass from a window.
A dreaded feeling appeared in my emotions looking at the boy , a hideous dreaded emotion.

I , Kira Morgain , next head of the House of Morgains School for Combat Arts , was sweating roughly.
Not because of the conjured Armor which absorbed shocks from Physical as well as Magical blows.
But from the creepy Atmosphere around the Boy standing infront of me.
This feeling i once had already.
When i was 7 years old and my Father trained me the Original way...

After the Frame was dense enough i kicked off the ground.
Closing the 15 m bridging me from proper attacking range to my target.
10 m left. I bent my body to my right side bringing the Head of my Warscythe behind me and the blunt part of my Shaft towards the opponent.
My muscles were trained for utter perfection while using this weapon.
Being like a spring.
Lighting fast strikes.
Sudden outbursts of Power with little time between striking once and regaining composure to Strike again.
This fighting style wasnt created to do one hit kills, but to wear my opponent down and then deliver the decesive blow.
5m left, A smile surfaced on my prior composed face. A Loopsided smile while showing my teeth a little and squinted eyes.
3 m before i was in a range to attack.
Kicking once of the ground again.
2 m left Jumping into the air amplifying the Tension in my muscles.
1m left , Using the momentum of my body as well as the spring like effect of my muscles to its max to start a slashing motion.
0m ..... to be continiued.

As of now i will write in a different Chapter succesion.
While i was reading Sao i noticed that the Chapters were incredibly longer than mine.
So as of now from 15 onwards 16-20 will be one chapter.
After that 21-25 another.
So im going to rename the new chapters 16-20 to Chapter 4.1 4.2 4.3 and so on.
Same with 21-25 5.1 5.2 and so on.
Volume splitting will be done at Chapter 6.5 then.

Nothing will change with the length of the posts but it lets me conclude more and add new twists making it more interesting for you.
Same with 15 , the tension rose incredibly while i focused on this one spot to make it incredibly expecting or fantasizing what will come out of it.

Hope you enjoy reading.
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Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:30 pm
Favourite Light Novel:

suffering Chapter 4.1

Post by DOL »

Chapter 4.1 or 16
Spoiler! :
Part 1
Using all of my strength , as well as the momentum of my turning body, i drew my Warscythe in a half arc from my right side swinging it at the level of my opponents abdomen.
The Green armored figure infront of me crouched down and put both of her arms up blocking my attack.
THUNK , was the sound my warscythe let out as it hit the green Armguards which cover all of her Arm.
The force i put into this attack shoved her about 50 cms backwards.
Earth particles flying around she dug a line in the ground.
So she absorbed the shock with her feet dug into the ground...
Thrusting her right hand forward she sped up towards me.
She barely missed my head as i bent a little out of harms way.
Still the thrust made the air around my head shake and i closed my right eye.
She used this to deliver a uppercut with her left hand.
Shifting the point of gravity in my body i let myself fall backwards with my back facing the ground.
Digging the blade of the Warscythe into the air i shifted my point of gravity again and did a backflip to stand 2 m away from her.
Not letting me regain my composure she kept on pressuring me.
Left handed hit , right handed cross with the back of her hand after drawing a arc with her whole body.
Jumping into the air to hit me from above with both hands simultaneously aiming at my face.
Side stepping , drawing back letting myself fall to the ground once again i realized half assed motions wouldnt be enough.
While she kept hitting towards me with a flurry oh thrust i screamed out loud.
" Rose , can we actually use magic in this spar?" did my still calm voice resound.
" Whatever you like , attacks wont kill here . They will give you wounds but before there is a killing blow i will prevent it. " Did Rose shout over to me in a excited voice.
Grinning with the loopsided smile again i got the answer i wanted.
The Circle behind me started to glow faintly after i snipped with the fingers from my right hand.
Kira , my opponent , kept her distance to wait for the effekt.
The surroundings became Darker.
" Hes absorbing the light into that thing on his back?!" did i hear Xevas voice from somewhere behind me.
Exactly , the surrounding light reflecting from the sun above as well as the light from the ground. which got reflected was absorbed into the circle.
Now only pitchblack darkness ensnared the surroundings in a 10m sphere around me.
Nobody could see in this sphere not me nor my Opponent.
BUt i could hear as well as feel the hearthbeat my opponent let out.
So i sprinted towards her and just before i reached the distance to attack her properly i let myself slide along the ground with my right foot infront and swinging the Scythe in a half circle.
Then it occured , the heart beat went about 1 m into the air , from its previous position.
With my Weapon on my left side at this moment i used the blunt shaft to strike her out of my sitting positon, she backed up.
Then she came in again as i drew my weapon back.
Not enough time to get back up , so i turned my body around facing her with my back.
CLANK , was a sound hearable as she struck the construct on my back right in the middle.
She flew backwards as i released the energy stored up in the Circle from when i absorbed the light.
It was just a mild shockwave which i released as i only absorbed light for about 30 secs.
The Darkness lifted and i stood back up.
She didnt make any move to move towards me rather frightened of that Circluar shape on my back.
I looked at my surrounding.
The 50m clearing of the forest with the Desks and tables missing at this time couldnt help me with Shadow weaving so i could only rely on my own shadow or hers.
Or on some light reducing expanding or rupturing spells i learned a little bit off.
I decided my next step.
Putting the scythe inside of the circular shape , where it dissappeared, i snipped my fingers again and 20 knives appeared.
Those knifes were about 15 cms long and i held 3 of them in each hand pointing them towards , with the tip , my opponent and holding the shafts in place with my thumb.
The other 14 were half sticking out off the circular shape , ready to be pulled out by hand or command from my voice.
So i charged with full speed.
10 meters was the distance between us as Kira put up her right first infront of her and the other arm was put up infront of her face in a 90 degress matter.
At 5 meters range i threw the knives in my right hand towards her head her abdomen and her feet.
The ones from my left hand i threw without much strength into the air as i shouted " 2 Knives each" .
4 Knives came flying from the shape attached between my shoulders and angling 45 degrees from my body.
I had 2 more in each hand and charged right through her shape that defended first against the frontal knives with a green shield suddendly appearing from her left arm.
Then she defended against the knives flying from above.
Only 1 of these hit its mark the other ones were quite off from the target.
Didnt matter this was just a feint well within my calculations.
I slid beyond her using the ground as a brake while hammering my feet deep in the earth.
In the process i bent my arms back in a 45° angle and let the tension in my Muscles explode while letting go of the knives.
They flew straight into earth just before her as she turned around.
She stood with her head facing me her left arm with the green shield towards me and her body half turned.
Not making any other movements i relaxed slightly.
A Roaring deep laughter escaped my throat.
All of the students even Rose i seemed to have gotten them with surprise.
" Iliyan what the hell. I cant move" did a angered voice come from beyond the Wolf shaped Helmet of the girl.
" Master , stabbed the Knives into her shadow." was the explantation coming from Lily.
Precisly stabbing the ground where the shadow from her arms and legs were i threw the knives , even calculating her shifting of body while turning around.
She could still move everything besides her legs and arms so she snipped with her fingers.
As she snipped a flame appeared infront of her and erasing the shadow , allowing her to be unbound once again.
" What a fearsome technic... if you would have rushed in i would be done for." did Kira state in surprise.
Now unto the next phase of my plan.

Part 2
She readied her fist again and the Shield disappeared.
" Shadowreaver" was my command i let out.
The Long Warscythe appeared again but this time it was more black then green.
While half turning my body towards her i held out my right arm holding the scythe at my throat level the left arm being bent behind me and almost holding the end of the shaft.
She came towards me deciding to deliver the finishing blow.
Yes without any armor i would only need one hit atmost 2 to feint and loose this spar.
Since i enjoyed this *Game* i wanted to play it as long as i could .
The usual loopsided smile appeared with eyes wide open from anticipation.
She started running with an incredible speed towards me.
4 meters between us i lashed out with my spear sraight forward.
The spear was 2,4m long with the blade , it only extended 2 m infront of me though as i didnt rest my hands at the very end which would make the handling of this spear like weapon impossible.
CLANK , did the tip of my spear make a sound as it hit the Green Armor.

I , Kira , wearing my full Armor at the moment was surprised.
There still was 1,5m between me and the spear nonetheless the Tip just scrapped past my Armor.
'What the hell?' did i think for myself as Lily giving another explantation.
" Extending the shaft decreasing the densety of the Shaft itself making it partly unstable but still able to remain its form . Something Master stumbled upon by accident yesterday." was the cold explantation she made.
" Lily , why are you telling my opponent all my Tricks?" did i hear the angry voice of the tall boy before me.
I never heard of anything as this , even as i was at the combat mages peak!
They fell into a quarrel while i didnt know a solution to advance towards him.

After my and Lilys quarrel ended she seemed to have got her resolve back as she produced 2 shields , one from every Arm.
So full defense is how youll rush beyond this wall of spears.
She started with a light running.
Those 2 Shields probably made it hard to move with because of the weight.
As she was within the 3,5m maximum attacking range i had at this moment a merciless thrust and small swipe attack flurry unleashed from myself came flying towards her.

I , Sophie , was stunned beyond believe at the specatacle infront of me.
This handsome tall Boy was doing the impossible.
Kira the descendant of the Combat mages Academy , couldnt advance any further.
Her Skills could still use some advancement but she has already defeated the current head ... her Father ... the srongest combat Magician there was on this planet at the moment.
But this boy stopped her advancement.
She stood still within 2,7m range off him.
A full flurry of attacks almost ungraspable with the eyes alone could be seen.
His Spear like midrange weapon only left, Black with very little green ,blurred lines behind.
Only beeing able to closly defend was all she could do at this moment.
The boy could neither catch her by surprise and was still smiling , while unleashing frightening fast strikes and Thrusts towards the girl.

I was still striking with incredible speed mercilessly at the defending figure infront of me.
First to her upper right shoulder which got deflected , with a screeching sound, of one of her shield.
Next to the lower left abdomen.
Just in time she hit ,with the edge of the shield , the tip off my Warscythe away.
Tzzz always barely trying to avoid dmg.
Everytime she tried to lift a foot i stabbed towards her other side , making her put the foot back down in the same position.
Damn like this it will never end.
So i shouted.
" Knives" knives flew out from the circular shape behind me.
I could even feel the air being parted right beside my ears as the knives got launched out of there with great speed.
As they were about to pierce the shadows which now were behind her she snipped with her fingers and 4 balls of Flames with an orange and yellow shine to them circled around her.
Something she made up in the heat of battle ,ey?
Interesting , she learns quite fast, even if Lily told her the trick.
So another tactic was needed.

I , Lily , Master beloved Playthi.. , SERVANT , watched the battle unfold before me i was wondering for a time now why he didnt go allout even after i told him too.
'Scold Master later ' did i make a Note in my Mind.
Now he got a little serious .
As i trained him for some time , he used the exact same tricks but i always managed to turn around before the knives struck my shadow and he couldnt strike fast enough to make me loose momentum while adavancing forwards.
He threw his Shadowreaver ,as he called this extending type of weapon, into the air and kicking of the ground at the same time.
He withdrew several meters behind him when the Tip came rushing towards his body from above.
He just bent backwards a little and the whole weapon dissappeared inside the Construct at his back.
This construct was something very special which he found out after thinking about it for 2 days.
What it was not even i could say.
This feint substance in the middle , could be seen as a mirror sometimes as i reflected parts of light back as well as a *Gate* where he stord things.
But it was definetly more and ive never seen anything like this before.
Now he uttered in a majestic low tone of voice , a commanding word for this shape at his back.
" Riftslasher"

I just uttered the command for my second most favourite weapon.
*Riftslasher* was another special weapon i desinged while fighting with Lily yesterday.
I couldnt use alot of Spells , dont know why but not many of the Spells Lily tried to teach me worked as i tried using them.
So this circular shape which felt soft as one touched the clear substance in the middle , was something special.
I manipulated the Darkness or light attributes within the Warscythe i conjured up.
The green parts displayed how much *light* i put into it and the *darkness* came from the Black parts.
This weapon had more Green parts then black ones so it leaned more to the *light* manipulation.
It was shorter then the original , 50% green with another 50% of black mixed in as clearly disinguishable coloured speckles all around.
This length was 1,5m from tip to end. Unlike the 2,0 m original or the 2,4 m version of 70% black 30% green Shadowreaver.
But it had a trick up its sleeve.
7 m were between me and Lily and i slashed towards her direction.

I , Kira , was wondering what he would do with this weapon slashing out at me at this distanz as a bad premonition hit me.
I hastily jumped to the side.
Badooooom , the earth where i was standing just exploded.
" Tzz , you even felt that huh" did the boy click his tongue.
I still didnt know what this was but this time he explained it himself.
" I used light ive gathered all the time to form this blade. As i lash out the slashes or thrusts i make have a shockwave kind of attribute. They are invisble because i break of the light particles to reflect theyre surroundings." did he calmly reply while throwing his weapon back into the clear substance.
Seemed like this weapon could only be used once before it needs a recharging.

Part 3
I , Rose , the teacher of this class saw something i never witnessed before and was to stunned to even say anything to my pupils questions.
They were asking how to learn this or that which both displayed at this time.
The Girl was exceptional to not loose her cool from all the tricks the boy had up his sleeve.
Most likely it was because of her heightened senses since the age of 4.
Any normal person would underestimate the boy at his overbearing attitude or his smiling face which crept everyone out a little.
I actually feared a battle between them.
But it wasnt as bad as i thought.
The girl could be described as a deadly and powerful meele fighter.
The boy gave me a headache though.
As i *awakend * his powers during class, when he burned the synapses in my brain , i feared him as a power type beyond belive.
His Magic energy was enough to destroy at least this classroom , or making this intersectioning Dimension become unstable.
But he was genuinly not using high level Magic.
The headmaster told me this boy lost all of his memorys , so even a usage of his powers was out of question.
Every youth who had magical talent exercised while they were small before coming to this academy.
But he didnt know of any of this training.
I even was told he couldnt remember his own name after waking up.
Throughout history of the Morgue only 3 had cases of heavy memory loose.
But they didnt forget their names and still retained some of their childhoods.
Surely not many get brought here by the radical second measure but this method couldnt be taken lighlty.
All of them who have arrived here ,17 if i recall correctly , before him , had excellent magical talent.
Still feeling the slumbering Darkgreen coloured Aura , which enveloped him the other day made me shiver.
He was like an unpolished Diamond at this moment.
Rough and not precise.
He still had too much movement in his attacks , nonetheless he already showed this speed.
Also this circular shape where his Weapon just disappeared into for a third time was a mystery...
Even the trick with the knives in the shadow using them to bind the target , was new even to me who was one of the best Greenspell users on this Planet.
But what came out of the Shape made me gaps in surprise.

As i have thrown my weapon into the shape on my back and pulling something new out felt a wild unsetteling feeling at my core.
This weapon wasnt green nor black.
It neither had Green parts mixed in the greater parts of black, like the shadow reaver.
Also neither Dark parts in the vast majority of green , as the Riftslasher.
Not being half green half black like the standard method , it was something else.
Something which Lily said it defied Logic on a total new level.
It was off a Emerald colour.
A Darkgreen.
The spells of Darkrend , or the 3 Moons , however one called it, were of a livid Green colour ,similar to grass.
But this colour was clearly Darker.
It was the same colour as the Flames from the rock in my Mind.
Also it was 2,2m long longer then the original but shorter than Shadowreaver.
The Stance i took when wielding this weapon was different then the ones prior.
At least in this mock battle.
I couldnt pierce with this weapon of my opponent would die.
So i held my left arm infront with my hand resting on the end of the shaft , covering the blunt side with the palm .
This form had a special thing sticking out from the shaft.
It was another handrest ,sticking out at the exact middle of the shaft ,90° portruding outwards.
The Blade was different too it was longer about 70cms.
But it didnt follow the line of the Shaft but portruded the same way the extra handrest did.
It was a genuine scythe.
Normally it just hade the same form as the other ones but piercing with this weapon would kill to 90 % so i rearanged its from in the Circluar shape behind me.
I started running towards Kira while readying the weapon.
She had 2 smaller shields attached to her elbows this time.
Clearly exposing her fists , for making it easy for her to attack me with a counter.
But what she couldnt know this was no ordinary weapon.
This special weapon came from the first weapon i materialized.

Part 4
I , Kira , was prepared to take the swipe from his Scythe with blocking with one of the shields so i angled my Elbow to the exact position he would attack me on.
At the moment shortly before he hit , i gave my Arm a thrust upwards to let his Blade rebound and making him stagger or forcing him to drop the weapon.
The movement to carry me forward to get into thrusting position was already in motion.
The blade of his weapon should have hit my shield already but i couldnt concentrate on anything else than showing him the superiority of the Morgain clans combatarts.
As i moved 5 cms sth held me back and i felt a sharp pain in my Arm under my shield.
I saw the eyes of the boy look in superiority and declaring him the winner.
He didnt pity me at all.
Just declaring his win with his eyes i turned my head to look at my arm.
His blade was embeded into my Arm.
It passed through the shield and stuck halfways inside my arm.
I began to dissolve in particles after i heared a shout from Rose and a snipp from behind me.
Regaining the sight of my eyes i saw myself inside the Infimary while the Nurse running frankly about looking for sth.
Moving my head i could clearly see i was the first in the Infimary at the start of the Combat season.

I threw the Scythe back into the air and it dissapeared into the Circular shape behind me.
After this i erased the constant usage of Magical power from the core , to highlight the certain areas within my mind, to keep up the shape of the circular thing on my back.
Still having 80% magical power left , after using this magic for 10 minutes straight.
' Still needs some training to absorb more Light to regain the magical power spent , huh?' did i think for myself.
I moved my Neck from the right to the left side and made the tissues between my Bones crack.
It resounded quite loudly , then i took a deep breath and went back to Lily.
My Senses were still in a tunnel kind of focus , so i could only see and register the one thing i put as the most urging thing to be done at this moment.
She handed me a Towel because ive sweated alot and a Goblet full of crystal clear water which i greedily drank.
The Focus in my mind broke and i noticed my shaking legs.
" Crap..." was the only thing i could say out loud before they gave way under me.
I fell at the place where i stood.
They should have been hurting for quite some time now but i couldnt register it in the fighting frenzy i had.
" Rose , Iliyan also needs to go to the Infimary." did i hear the commanding voice of my servant.
I tried to tell her that wasnt necessary but my consciousness drifted off a little bit and i couldnt mutter anything before i resolved into paritcles.

I woke up and had the sight of a white ceiling in my field of vision.
'I really hate the way this looks...' did i think for myself.
The curtains which surrounded my bed were drawn shut.
I couldnt see the outside and my legs still felt shaky.
Also my legs felt kind of stiff , so i got up in a half sitting position leaning on the head part of the bed.
My legs were covered in bandages ...
Crap probably crued overusage of muscle power.
' Need to train them more starting 2night' was the thing i thought in my mind.
Hearing a rumbling directly besides my bed i wondered who that could be.
So i called the nurse over.
" Oh my dear pretty Nurse , can you hear my humble call?" did i say in a sweet voice.
1 second after i said this out , someone drew open the curtains.
There was the usual apperance of the nurse standing infront of me with a red face full off embaressment.
Huge Rack , slender waist , great hips , alluring Dark skin darker then mine, Silver hair and yellow eyes.
She seemed to be pissed at my earlier reply.
" YOU , why are you here again after you sent Kira to the Infimary?" was her angry reply.
Oops maybe not at my earlier reply.
I heard a screeching commotion from a little way back and then Kira appeared in my field of view.
" YOU, YOU , YOU..." was the only thing she could say with a look of surprise, anger and rage as well as a bandaged arm.
" My mind blanked after my fighting focus broke , then my legs gave way from overuse?" did i reply with a happy tone.
Kira was about to hit me as the Nurse told us both to leave.
She even told me in particular to never come back again!
I was wondering how i should leave with these shaky legs but then a wheelchair entered my view.
Lily was pushing it and bringing it up to my bed.
" Master , hungry?" was the happy voice of Lily entering my ears.

Part 5
" Lily ,cmon i dont want anybody to see me in a wheelchair so lets stay in our room . You can cook for me here ,okay?" was my pleading voice coming out directed towards Lily.
" Bad Master , should have used 100% from the start so NO. You will enjoy the happy get together from your class. But first wear some clothes." was her happy as well as frightening voice coming out.
" I can get dressed myself even without legs!" did another pleading tone escape my mouth while Lily tried to dress me , because i just came out of the bathtub.
After we went out of the Infimary , i wanted to take a bath so Lily braught me to our room.
She insisted to help me all the time but i managed to get into the tub without her help.
Every 5 minutes she would enter and ask if she could help me in any way.
She even made it especially clear she would help me clean ~every ~ inch of my body.
Now after i got outside i grabbed the edge of the tub to help support my body.
My legs were still shacking but after the warmth from the hot water they got a little better.
So i just resigned with a sigh and she helped me get dressed.
After i was finished she placed me in the wheelchair.
She pushed me with a Sardistic smile on her face all the way towards the dining Hall.

Arriving there she first pushed me to the table which was reserved for myself.
Then she departed to get my food.
Looking around i noticed the stares and whispers directed towards me.
Now the 4 persons i knew came towards me.
I tried to move the wheels of this wheelchair with my hands and succeded to move away from the table.
But Sophie easily intercepted me and pushed me back while i was resining in my mind.
They made fun of me with " Oho , the big fighter challenging the greates newcommer this year has a wheelchair now? How arrogant of him" was Kiras angry voice entering my ears , or Mays " Stupid , reckless Iliyan..." while half crying , Erica remained silent but smiled Sardistically all the while and Sophie just shook her head at my sight.
Like this they made fun off me all the while Lily wasnt here.
It took her about 4 times the usual time to return for me , she absolutely did that on purpose.
As she placed a plate of food for me and my friends infront of me i whispered into her ears.
" Ill give you torough punishment later on" with a excited voice.
She blushed deeply but resumed her work without fault.
There were about 14 plates of varying dishes on the cart she pushed , she even seemed to have gotten some for my friends as well.
Most likely because she was satisfied with them for telling me off.
They told me various things about the sparrings which occured after me and Erica got transported away.
Xeva dominated after this using a Bow and alot of magic.
No one stood a chance but only 2 more males from our class got transported to the infimary after us.
They even told me during this period of one moth of excessiv combat training about 75% of the student body would be at least once in the infimary.
After finishing my food which took double the time of the others and four times the amount the girls ate , Lily asked me a few things about my legs.
Then Erica looked at my legs and told me i could walk again.
But running for tonight gut suspended ....

While i was seated in a normal chair again and happily fitting in with the chatter of the girls about fighting somebody came up to the table.
She had Dark skin , Golden hair , Purple Eyes and a hell of a Body.
Xeva came up to this table and just got seated without asking for permission.
She received angry glances filled with hatred from the 5 Girls around me and the talk directly seized.
" Oh dear Lord , Iliyan, what a marvelous display off power you gave off before." did she compliment me on the surface , but she was making fun of me on her inside" Could we tour the Academy now together ?" did she add with a sweet voice.
I Nodded towards her and bowed slightly.
Hiding my right hand behind my back i signaled the girls , everything was okay for now.
So Xeva and me went off to some place.

My Hand hurt as it seemed i missed to grasp a wound Kira has inflicted on me before.
I had a Cut on my Palm and Lily told me to go get a lookover for it.
So i asked Xeva , which held my right hand at this moment pulling me along , if we could visit the Infimary.
My left hand was hurt so Xeva intertwined her finger with the fingers of my right hand.
To outsider it would surely look as if we were Lovers , did i mischiviously laugh in my mind.
This sure will be fine if she starts with holding hands.
So we entered the Infimary and i explained the situation to the Nurse which was filled with anger to have seen me the 4th time in 5days.
SHe just gave me a cream which i should apply very thickly and let it rest for 10 minutes.
Xeva took the earthware pot and pulled me outside.
She came to a halt infront of a Door at a place ive never been before.
Giving me a girlish smile , witch i identified directly as calcualted , she opend it.
Before me a field full of flowers was laid out.
There was a huge well about 20m across with different types of water sprayers in the middle.
Several stone benches were laid out in a circular shape around the well.
This purpose was easily described with 2 words " DATE SPOT".
That was my thruthfull thought in respekt with the scenery and the atmospshere this created.
She signaled me to sit on a Bench and relax while looking deeply into my eyes.
Got longer than i anticipated.
Oh well, hope you guys dont mind.
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Re: Suffering

Post by Rohan123 »

That sure is long... :shock:
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suffering 4,2

Post by DOL »

suffering 4,2
Spoiler! :
Chapter 4.2
I was sitting on a bench in a wide field full of flowers.
Arranged stones set up as a extravagant path gave the scenery a refined touch.
The calming sound of water flowing through a well in the middle of the field made everybody relax.
Currently i was seated on a bench , while a girl with pointy ears and Darkskin as well as yellow eyes applied a cream to my palm with gentle strokes.
She applied the cream without stopping to look deeply into my eyes.
Surely she had a nice body and exotic curves , but her eyes made her seem really exotic with the Dark purple in them.
A dress which fitted her so tightly it left little space for imagination , clung to those volumonus curves.
Her long hair, which were made into a ponytail hung down her back.
It gave her an alluring touch with those pointed ears , and she seemed to be 18 winters of age.
As she was in class 1 like myself she should be 14 or 15 winters of age.
I was an exception to this age requierment since my magical talent didnt get found out till i was 17 years.
Normally magical talent bloomed at the age of 5 and the Kids of every village got tested with using a stone.
This stone reacted to the sign you were born under.
It displayed different colours for each sign like Grey for Zephyr , Yellow for Scymar or Red for Efreet.
While conversing with Xeva i got her to tell me this usual common known facts.
Since i didnt have memorys off my past i didnt know if i was tested.
I was different alltogether anyways.
Since i was the child of the Godess of humanity.
Darkrend herself and the Godess who gave Users of the green Spells their magical power.
But nobody besides Lily knew yet.
I kept talking to xeva to try to get more infos out of her.#
" So Xeva , you are of Zephyrs planet?" did i ask her with played happiness on my face.
" Yes , very kind of you to graps my situation" did she reply , with a sweet voice , which i clearly deemed as fake.
" So why is a beauty as yourself as well as one of Zephrys planet here?" was my honest curiosity peaking out.
" I am wondering what they thaught you in these few days Lord Iliyan. It is because of the Games that i am residing here." did she say with an amused tone in her voice while belitteling me on the inside.
" Games what Games , oh beauty of a faraway Land? " did i hastly add while almost forgetting at the mentioning of Games.
" The Games being held twice a year , Sire Iliyan. Those Games where every Planet competes in a test of Strength , Power and Strategies against one another."
' I got mad at this instant at my Mother. She didnt tell me sth such important as this'
" So Xeva , oh maiden of unrivaled beauty , explain to me why you are residing here at this moment."
" With pleasure . These Games are a competiton. When one Planet wins they gain the favour for half a year of the God govering over the looser of this game. In addition to that one student has to switch over to the winners Planet. The Game was held at start of the year and the next one will be in about 5 months. After those 5 months i will go back to my world."
" So this Planets participants won against your Planet?"
" Yes and No. This game involves more than just the privilege to gain one gods favour it effects more than just that. What would happen to a world which lost 12 consecutetive games? Chaos , revolts and mass destruction would be its cause. So we off Zephyr decided to loose the competition to ensure this worlds stability. Do you see our generosity?" did she reply with a broad smile , which was belitteling the Planet my mother created." Oh 12 looses was the most one could get in one period of Games. The Classes 1 - 4 and the classes 5 - 7 participant in groups and since there are 7 Worlds one has to fight 12 Times a Period. Since the World of you Humans hasent won even 2 Games in one period for the last consecutetive 15 years the other Worlds took pity on them. Some decided to loose by default or loosing in the actual battle. But this loose would ensure the safety of your world. Since then another god has to watch over the Land and grant the wishes of people. If one would loose all 12 Games the God would have too much to do to even think about his own Planet while taking care of the others. If a God wouldnt watch over a world natural disasters would be almost a daily occurence and if the peoples whishes werent granted at all anymore this would lead to riots. Can you follow everything i said so far?" There it was again this belitteling smile , as if she looked down on me.
" I think ive got it. So you are going back to your own World after 5 months."
" Yes very notacable you got everything with only one explantation." She clapped with her hands , but her effort for faking to make me believe she ment it sincerly failed.
The Cream should have already seeped in as my Palm didnt hurt anymore but she was still caressing my Hand.
" So why did you get picked out of all the students on your side?"
" For the same reason you will get picked." did she rather state as a matter of fact.
" What would you mean by that?"
" Tell me which Spell colour you have."
" Im a user of Green spells?"
" Which is the native Spell of this Planet. The most incredible Green spell user have been borne here without excemption. As i am a native of Zephyr and my Power is greatly in Grey Spells i got picked. As well as you will get picked in the next Game. You have a tremendous power in Green spells so you will be the next target. Oh and dont forget one student gets picked for every year . So if 1 - 4 looses 1 game 1 Student from every Class will get picked. "
" Okay , and you have been here for 6 days correct? At the start of the new class semester. So why do you know of a place like this?"
" The Morgue on this side is a exact copy of ours." did she say while intertwining her Fingers of mine.
Interesting what i got out of her while listen to all of that.
" So , my dearest Lady Xeva , i think you had another reason just to give me a *tour* today." i pronounced *tour* rather heavily.
" Oh my , did this humble maiden gotten seen through thus easily?" did she pick up her humble speech again.

Part 2
I shook of her hand reached with my left hand around her until my hand lay outstrechted on her back.
Then reached my other hand around her head to place my hand in her neck.
Nearing her , i applied some pressure on her so she would let herself be lead down.
She abidded with my signals and lay down on the bench while i gently supported here weight.
" I am sorry to say this , but it seems i understood pretty well , wouldnt you think so Lady Xeva?" did i reply in a sweet but still deep voice.
" Just Xeva is enough as of this moment." was her answer with a little hot headedness inside her voice.
Following her body closily i lay onto of her with little space preventing our bodies from touching.
Bending my neck a little bit and going to her left side i reached her neck.
There lay her flesh which was ready to be *harvested* as she followed my directions with interest.
Placing my finger on her cheek i signaled her with a little bit of pressure to lift her chin and turn her head towards another direction.
As she did this , her face became flushed a little bit.
So i kissed my way from a little bit above her collarbone towards her ear and then bit lightly into her earlob.
She was breathing rather heavily.
' Weak spot found ...' was the thing i thought as if this moment.
My head rose up again looking from above at her refinded feature.
Her facial features were a little more sharp then the Human females.
It still looked cute even if her cheeks werent as *spongy* as Human females were.
It gave off a adult feeling-
Now she began looking straight into my eyes for about a minute , she was thinking heavily.
After she seemed to have finished a battle with her inner self she closed her eyes.
Also raising her chin a little bit , she pursed her lips to me.
With a evil smile showing on my face i slowly decended.

I , Xeva , was waiting for my first Kiss.
Even if he wasnt a Elv like myself , so one of Zephyrs race , he was handsome.
Also he was even taller then any Elv male ive ever seen.
Elv males normally became 1,85 meteres tall but this Human , if he stood upright for once , clearly exceeded this by a little margain.
Normally Humans were averagly 1,70 meters tall , even his magic power was extrodinary.
Thats why i was in this situation.
He attracted me , he even smelled nice and had this certain *Bad boy look* about him as well as the occasionally freightening aura.
Elves were said to be the most compassionate of all the 7 races so thats why this worked exceptionally on me.
Those stupid Human females didnt stand a chance in ANY aspect against me so i decided to claim him to be mine.
Even a possibility off taking him back with me and never letting him return to his homeworld was a option.
Normally if a resident of another planets decides to stay at the other Planets they would get executed for treason.
Simply by winning the next game against the other Planet they would get this student back and execute them then.
It was a common accepted rule , so nobody interfierd.
But since the earth hasnt won a Game for about 15 years, without the other Participant resigning or striking a deal , that wouldnt be a problem.
Surely i wouldnt be able to marry him , because of his human blood , but as a plaything or an occasional lover maybe a loveslave would be alright.
While i was waiting thoughts like this passed through my head.
Wait a moment he never told me to call him plainly Iliyan after i gave him the fortunate constent of myself for him to call me just by my name.
Maybe i should overthink this whole situation.
Yes that would be a good idea.
" Iliyan ... maybe we sho...." did i say while opening my eyes.
With my lids opened wide enough to actually see my surrounding Iliyan wasnt bending down anymore.

I was standing at the door which lead out of this field of Flowers.
The girl which still lay on the bench just said something while i let a deep rumble like laughter come from my throat.
Then i turned and closed the door behind me and walked all the way back towards the dining Hall.
Maybe if she hadnt mocked this Planet i would have given her what she wanted.
I knew she would back out as i havent gave my approval for her to call me just by name.
All of this i already thought out , when she asked me if she could give me a tour.
I was still laughing while walking leisurely along the interwoven corridors.

Part 3
I just returned to the dining hall and was hungry again.
The 4 girls were seated at the special table.
Lily was standing behind the girls and was chatting with them.
As one of the saw me approach she told the others and everyone of those 5 girls were shooting icy gazes towards me.
I just calmly sat at the usual throne like chair and started to tell them everything.

As soon as i finished they all started to laugh letting out their hearts content.
Even i started laughing again.
The Atmosphere changed back to the usual energetic and warm way.
Then i saw a Person enter the dining Hall which looked familiar.
It was Xeva then i told the girls and they all turned around to get a good look at her face , as all of them were seated across from me.
Instantly laughter filled the whole dining hall.
Xevas head turned red as she quickly strode towards a table way back into the hall.

'I will pay you back for this you filthy Human Itsuki' did Xeva , a princess of the Elvs think as she heard the laughter pointed towards her.

I told the girls after a light meal i would be retiering for my room today.
Erica just told me again no running around and me and Lily left towards the boys dormitory.

Then we finally arrived at my apartment.
I instantly threw myself on the sofa.
Lily was standing infront of me having the table creating a distance between us.
She seemed to be thinking of sth , after she returned to her normal apperance she went for the Kitchen and got my Goblet and filled it with red wine.
She gave it to me and i savoured the flavour on my tongue.
This drink sure was delicious.
Then as she was closely standing besides me , giving great thanks to the carpenter which made the level of this sofa verrrryyyy low, i got reminded of sth .
A white piece of cloth could be seen from this angle coming out of her Dress.
That reminded me of another thing.
" Lily , could you please light a fire inside the fireplace. It will surely get colder...." did i say rather mysteriously.
Sure it wasnt Summer yet but it was still warm enough to laze around in a short sleeved shirt.
But with something different in mind she made a crackling fire which heated the room significantly.
Then she resumed the position closly to standing at my side.
" You dont have to stand all the time." did i tell her.
So she sat down a little flustered.
Then i continiued with a sardistic smile.
" This reminds me of sth. You havent answered my one question during breakfast at the hall this morning."
Lily remained silent and blushed furiously as she remembered what i told her about it.
" Lily ... thinks .... Master ... pervert" did she let out a while after still blushed.
" Nonetheless Lily Masters commands are absolut." did i let out a commanding voice.
She undressed loosening the lace of her corsage first before letting her Dress slide down.
Now i saw what i was waiting for all day.
Those pantys which revealed to much of her cute buttocks.
Also that strange Bra with see through cloth which left her belly exposed and parted like a curtain to let anyone get a good view of those pantys at front.
Feasting my eyes upon the sight displayed before me Lily was figgeting around.
" Pervert ... " could i hear a faint whisper.
Maybe true but this was the best relaxation i could get.
After i feasted my eyes on her she sat back down closer then she did before.
I snipped my fingers and rested my elbow on the sofa.
Placing my head on the hand which i spread out from that arm i conjured up a book about the Games , with a snipp of my fingers.
Concentrating on the book something distrubed me so i looked up.
Nothing in the room changed , maybe my imagination.
Resuming to read i felt another change inside the room.
Looking up again i examined everything closely which lay displayed before me.
So i resumed reading again.
Then another change in atmosphere.
I didnt even bother to look.
After a nother short while i noticed what changed.
Lily crept up to me and was sitting right before me now as i lay leaned onto the backrest of the sofa there was a wide enough space for her buttocks to be placed infront of me.
Since she was small from my perspektiv i put my other hand up while still laying down and stroked through her hair.

It was currently 10,15 i was just having another fight with Lily because she wanted to join my bathing , seem to be a routine now.
" But Master your legs ... Lily will help ~cleaaaaannniiinnnggg~ yourself." came the cute voice from her.
" Lily , my legs okay dont bother."
" ~MMMAAAASSSSTTTEEERRR~ listen to Lily your Servant." did she puff out her cheeks.
I sighed.
" Okay Lily , but Master will also clean you very ~thoroughly~" did i say to her surprise.
She instantly covered her petite sized chest and her lower most private parts , they still were coverd in underwear though.
" ... Pervert..." did i hear her say again.
So i laughed it off and went to the bathroom alone letting in the hottest water the device let out.

It still wasnt hot enough but i forgot to ask Lily about it.
Then i heard a door clicking open.
Lily was standing there squirming and shaking visibly.
" L-Lily?!" did i state in wonder.
" Master ... wants to bath with ... Lily... so hear i came" did she say in a flustered voice.
" Ah sure while you are already here hop in" did i say to hear teasingly after i regained my composure.
Something is clearly wrong with this Master - Servant realtionship ive got.
Why i say this you ask , ohh sure she was taking off the underwear she was wearing at this moment.
I watched every move she did while taking it off.
After she got herself out of this very exciting attire i looked a little down.
" Master liked those ... clothes?" was the thing she asked me.
Sure she was spot on but i didnt reply to her.
Then after closing my eyes to once again regain my composure i heared the water splash feintly.
She was sitting at my side clearly leaning onto me...
This friggin bathtub was enough to house 20 people and still have room but she decided to sit there?
This was more than i could take...

I had my clothes on again and Lily was just trying to get back into her Dress when i halted her.
She hasnt said a single word after what happend in the bath ....
Even i was embarassed to what has gotten into me.
But she did even worse things than what i did ....
Nonetheless i grabbed her arm.
" Lily , only underwear for today ." did i exclaim in a sort of embarassed voice.
She didnt even make eye contact with me ... and her skin from head to toe was red ... not due to the heat of the bath....
So she let her dress slide down again.
This time with remorsed filled movements while letting it slide to the ground.
She clearly wanted to cover her body....
Punishment is Punishment.

I went into the intersecting Dimension filled with the ruined city.
There , althought it was 10 pm, the sun was just setting as it did at all times.
I was seated on a flat rooftop in meditating position and let conversed in my Mind.
' Mother are you there?' did i say in my mind to the direction where my Mothers voice usually came from.
' Yes my little bewitcher of the opposite sex?' did i hear the clearly joking tone of my Mother.
' You sure have some guts...' did i say in a cold tone.
' Oh what is it ,my young exploiter of female emotions , that you tell me that ?' still a joking tone , eh?
' Oh nothing ... nothing at all ... oh if i think about it there is a little something ... WHY THE HELL DIDNT YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE GODDAMN LAZY ASS GODS WHO LET THEIR CREATIONS FIGHT FOR THEM !!!' was my angered voice resounding in the depths in my head.
I clearly could hear a deep male voice laughing really hard as i started shouting.
This voice came from the same direction as my Mothers but it definetly wasnt my mothers ...
' I really like this one , Darkrend ...' did i hear that voice say after the laughter subsided.
still only half as long as a original SAO post :P

Some of the Questions get solved again in this chapter hope youll enjoy ;-)
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suffering 4.3 + 4,4

Post by DOL »

suffering 4.3
Spoiler! :
Part 1
' i really like this boy . Hahahahaha' did the deep voice say again.
' Dont worry Iliyan , thats just that mass of grey Rock speaking.' did my mother say while resining with a sigh.
' So you are telling me that mass of Rock can talk?' did i state my disbelieve.
' Yeah . Cmon your Mom is a Godess why do you sound so surprised'
' True.'
' Okay , now back onto the main topic. The Games. Sure it sounds extreme if you hear it for the first time. But we always try to keep the death rate to a minimum an....'
' Deaths? There occure deaths within that Game?'
' About 3 participants die everygame. Yes .... Iliyan im sorry but this is the better meth...'
I interupted my Mother again with alot of curses and swearing , she calmed me down somewhat with the rest of the explantation though.
' Listen. We started this game not to have fun , but to prevent the gods from fighting. When a Plane looses 12 games its terrible enough. But before those games were held the gods themselves were fighting over the most trivial things and thats how the evil Races as Orks and such got created so what do you think is better?'
' I still dont like it but i guess its better then the alternativ... So Mom tell me what are those games like?'
' There are simply tests of combat strength. 2 Teams fighting over supremacy. It is a teambattle of 10 people. To win there are 2 conditions. Capture the enemy Flag or make every one of the opposing team unable to continue fighting. 2 Flags are set up in different Stages. If one of the opposing team gets your flag he will have to bring it back to his own Flag to win. There are some special rules on time but thats the core of it.'
' Okay but why does this Planet loose so often? 'was my next question.
' Hmm ... thats a though one ... I really dont know because we normally dont interact with the other worlds that much.'
' Very well , so what can i do to restore the balance of this game?' i made a decision for myself.
' Thats myboy , Hehe Moommmmmyyyy issssss ssooooooo prrrroooouuudddd'
My Mother went into joking mode again .... what a torublesome mother i have...
' Okay , just train and do your best then i will be more then proud.'
After this Mom made some ridiciolous remarks that im a Natural born Lady killer , and the male voice even threw in some Stuff about the occasion with Xeva.

I opened my Eyes again and i was still located in the abondend city.
The sun was still setting as it usually was in this intersecting Dimension.
Rising from my seated position i went over to the Door and saw Lily standing there , in the best attire i could think off , and asked her sth straight out.
" Lily look at my leg and tell me its healed enough so i can go running." was the determined voice coming out of my Mouth.
She looked at them and gave me a okay to go train.
Not any of her childlike behaviour remained , which she usually used , as she saw the grim determination.
Wanting to follow me in her underwear i stopped her.
" Get dressed , then come."
She was clearly surprised as i stated this , refuting my earlier command.

Part 2
It was the 2nd of July now and i was striding along the corridoors of the Morgue.
Taking 2 Weeks off of school it was also the very first time for 2 weeks that i left my Apartment.
As i started training on the 18 of June i sent Lily out a day after to tell Rose my legs turned for the worse and i would need a little Time to get well again.
Currently being 8 am i was headed towards the dining Hall.
I woke up at 5 oclock and had the usual ritual with eating in bed and teasing Lily a bit.
After that i had a 1 and a half hour training session with Lily.
Then i told her i would be going to the remaining 2 weeks of Combat training practice.
Using the City was an okay training but i had something in mind with the Forest where my class was held.
So this was why i decided to go to class.

Striding through the Portal like door into the dining Hall the idle and energetic chatter suddendly fell silent as the lay sight upon me.
I thought a grew a little more over the time i spent secluded and was 1,92 m tall as of yesterday morning.
That wasnt the only change though.
My clothes didnt fit me anymore due to the change in height as well as the increase of Body fat and muscles.
So i was wearing a full set of Black clothes Lily conjured up for me.
A Black Linenshirt , not the usual Silk i wore but this made it easier to move in.
It was shortsleeved and the refined buldges of my Bizeps and Triceps were clearly laid in anyones view.
Wearing also Black linen Pants with no embroidery or any significant change in the " Common" appearance the attire gave off.
The Normal Black kneelength boots and a Black belt to top it.
As my hair and beard got rather long over this 2 weeks i decided Lily should cut it this morning.
The beard was shaved off clean.
Hair only 5 cms long i decided this would be best.
This ruined the Bad boy look a little i had , but for this something else came from me.
Scrunched determined fierce gazing eyes.
Ignoring the missing chatter i went up to the counter and fetched a cart.
Loading ridiciolous amounts of food atop of it i pushed it over to the Table where Lily was already seated clearly pouting.
" Master , Lily could have done this for Master" did she tell me while puffing her cheeks.
" Silence , i told you to keep that kind of tone when we are in my Apartment." did the rough voice resound.
My voice also changed a little.
The usual deep voice coming from my throat got replaced.
Now it came more from my Stomach and had a reveberating ring to it.
When Lily first noticed she told me that was a good commanding voice befitting my status of Darkrends son.
Even Mum and her Plane , which she named jokingly Useless mass of Rock all the time , where delighted at the drastic change that occured within me.
I sat down and started to eat . even Lily which trained me in various things , was now seated and eating.
Yes during this time Lily got accustomed to her role that surely is still a servant but more of a friend.
Even though Lily teached me more etikets on a Daily basis i ignored them.
I couldnt care less so i gobled down the 20 Plates full with meat and bread infront of me.

After i finished i saw the 4 girls i was accustomed to looking over but clearly hesitating to come over.
So i stood up and put all of the trays back onto the cart and directly left for the Classroom.

Part 3
It was 8.30 and Lily was following me.
We just arrived in the forest like Dimension.
Rose was the only one present but i directly took off to explore how far this dimension was across.
Lily strode up to Rose.
" Rose , my Master will be attending Class from today onwards again. But he will not parttake in Spars. He will do training in the woods." did Rose hear.
Then Lily turned around and went to the border of the clearing sitting down and leaning her back on a tree.
Rustiling could be heard inside the woods but nothing else.
' Sure , there is no rule that one has to spar in this time if he does other related activitys.' was roses clear thoughts about the matter.

Being 11 o´clock the clanging of Metal on Metal could be heard from the clearing.
i , Kira , was disturbed.
Doing a light shadow boxing Session with my Armor on and giving my Muscles the oxygen they needed.
Seeing Lily seated at the border of the Forest i got unsure what to do.
I havent noticed her before so i called Sophie over.
A wind could be felt and as Sophie was walking towards me a gust of it picked on her short brown hair.
" Have you noticed Lily over there?" did i say to her.
She just shoke her head at my Question.
" Should we go over?" did the unsure question come from my mouth.
Shrug of shoulders.
" Yeah , i know what you are getting at. Since this morning Iliyan is kind of hard to approach."

There could be seen a blurred black line where i was running in the forest.
I ran at full speed for about 3 hours straight at this moment.
This dense grown forest was perfect for high speed motions and evading.
That was the reason why i came back to class earlier then i wanted too.
The Buildings were to big to do this kind of training and Lily couldnt keep up with my speed anymore so i decided this would be best.
Already being exhausted after these 3 hours i was dissapointed in myself.
The vigorous training didnt help that much if one would switch loactions.
I nearly collided with a big tree trunk as i thought this.
This really is tireing....
Then it happend.

I , Sophie , just after Kira said the boy was hard to approach heard an explosion coming from the woods.
Looking in the direction where the sound came from, i saw Lily sprinting off into the woods.
Then i didnt believe my own eyes.
This forest was made up of trees about 20 m too 40 meters in height.
One of those trees just toppled over.

I , Lily , Master beloved Playth... Serv... FRIEND was running frantically towards the toppled tree.
There he lay breathing in very heavily from exhaustion.
Knowing this would happen sooner or later i was prepared.
He had small scares all of his Chest and the upper part of his arms.
Those Scares came from the daily fighting training we did.
At first he always just evaded with a small margain , but me still being able to scratch or wound him a little bit.
A new wound hasnt appeared for 1 week.
I wasnt able to touch or even hurt him anymore for quite some time.
But now he collided in his intense training with a tree and that tree just fell down.
He wasnt unconscious.
Just shocked from the collission he didnt want to move and was breathing heavily.
He didnt even have a wound from the crash... his body sure became amazing.
He only wore his boots and his pants leaving his bare upper body clearly into view.
As he was transported here he had a little fat onto him but this dissappeared and gave way for refined muscles.
My heart always skipped a beat when i saw this.
Helping him to get up ,he half leaned onto my figure and i dragged him to the clearing.

As we broke out of the forest and reaching the clearing i plainly felt like a piece of shit.
My head hurt like crazy and my muscles allover were hurting.
The bright light of the sun telling me it was 11.30 blinded my sight.
Being really dense the forest didnt allow any light to reach the ground.
Lily put me down and leaning against a trunk.
She then gave me a whole bucket of water which i greedily put to my Lips.
Some of the clear refreshing water ran down my face but i couldnt care less.
After placing the bucket back on the ground i held my head with both of my hands on my temples.
" Half an hour left before Lunch , eh? Lily ill continue running call me when everything is prepared and the plates are already placed on the Table." did the low reveberating voice come from my stomach and out of my mouth.
So i left for the woods once again.

I , Xeva , was stunned.
Just hearing a explosion like sound followed by a unrooted tree in the middle of the forest my eyes stared in disbelieve.
This sight was more frightening then the rest though.
Seeing a giant of a Male returning back into the forest with muscles EVERYWHERE along his bare upper body.
Clearly shock was displayed on my face.
The arrow i held with my hand fell silently to the ground with the bowstring already strained reveberating without shooting it off.

I , Lily , just went to retrieve Master from his secluded training.
It was 12,30 this moment and only 30 minutes of break left.
20 new plates of food stood atop of his special table.
Still with a dissatisfied look in his eyes he went grumbling to the table and immediatly started to eat.
He was dissatisfied with the training , as it didnt let him reach the heights he wanted fast enough.
This running training he did was to increase his speed as well as the smootheness of his motions.
After i became too slow to keep up with him he even derrived his own training.
Thats why he needed this training.
The new training method was out of his reaches but he was slowly approaching a good level.
Still he wanted to reach heights very fast , he was unpatient.
I told him various times with time comes the power , but it didnt work how i wanted.
He finished eating the plates in less then 15 minutes and instantly rose up returning to the classroom.
The Light from the chandeliers clearly reflecting from his sweat drenched back as he didnt even bother to put on his shirt again.

Part 4
As everyone returned he leaned against a treetrunk with closed eyes.
Most likely reflecting on the training sequence.
Rose also entered the clearing that was when his eyes shot straight open.
Standing up and going towards his instructor.
" Ms Rose , what happens when i destroy a part of the forest?" did he say with his new voice in a commanding tone towards his teacher.
" U-Uhm , it will get restored by tomorrow , why?" She blushed furiously at his manly tone.
He smiled with satisfaction and snipped with his fingers.
A green sphere appeared above him in a fraction of a second.
Even his magic activation sequence became lower.
He stood at the border to the forest with every pair of eyes locked onto him.
Just standing there he lifted up his arm and in another fraction of a second a booming sound could be heard.
Swinging his arm so fast nobody could see it he sliced through every Tree.
Slicing exactly where they came out of the earth.
Trying to make another clearing.
Tree after Tree , he walked leisurely towards them and sliced them.
Until a clearing of about 50 m across was set.
After this he grabbed one Treetrunk after another and pulled them , with what seemed inhuman strength , into the surrounding forest.
He broke out of the forest carrying 4 big bush like twigs from the trees setting them up in a square around the middle about 20 m apart.

I was standing in the middle of the new clearing i just made.
Rays of the sun were shining brightly on my back.
Holding my warscythe in hands i breathed in rather heavily.
Snipping my fingers again the Circular apperance grew out of my back.
With the Jade coloured green frame , as well as the clear substance in the middle which had a rough surface to the touch and the green lines like green blood running from the top to the bottom.
Breathing in the hardest i could i snipped again.
This time 4 forms tried to make their way out of the shadows which the Bushes created.
At first they looked like masses of a semiliquid substance in a Dark colour, but then they got a clear apperance those of wolves as their eyes shone as birghtly as when one would look into the sun.
Snipping again and again and again i made more wolves appear.
30 surrounded me as of this moment.
Surely they didnt have a regular substance in this plane and they were just a tool for my training.
But it hurt like crazy when they bit or clawed at my body.
Sticking my weapon into the shape growing out of my back , i drew the Moonpiercer.
With its Not green , like the colour of grass , and not black , like the pitchblack darkness in a cave , colour , but with the Jade like colour the same as the burning flame surrounding the rock in my mind.
" Attack" was the command i uttered towards the wolves.
Simulteniously they surrounded me before the jumped onto me trying to kill me with ferociousness in their movements.

I , Lily, was watching Masters progress.
He surely was faster then before.
Only a black line could be seen in the middle of the new clearing.
Countless wolves kept jummping to this blurred black line.
The wolves which jumped were sliced in half or knocked back , as soon as they touched the ground they stood back up and growing a new half out of their bodys.
But both bodys grew the missing part so there were 2 new ones.
This continued for 2 hours until there were about 200 wolves the maximum capacity he reached.
He never was fast enough to pass this.
When the first wolv inflcited damage onto him they would all dissipate into nothingness.
But i couldnt see his new magic spells yet.
When he was at about 150 wolves he would have to start using his new technices to even stand a chance.
Momentarily at 220 he was still fighting with only his speed.
Now the change occured.
The whole class was starring at this scene in disbelieve and everyone watched in awe.
There it was a clear snipp of fingers could be heard.
A green fog emitted from the shape on his back blocking ones view momentarily.
The fog lifted 20 secs after it blocked the view.
A change occured on the battlefield as there were 300 wolves.
Now 3 blurred lines could be seen clearly making the surrounding wolves retreat a little bit.
The circle got bigger but then it happend about 30 wolves each jumped simultaneously.
The substance dissipating and the wolves returning to nothingess my Master slumped on the floor streams of sweat running down his body.
Steam was rising from his bare chest arms and head as the sweat vapourized on his skin due to the incredible friction when he moved this fast.
This fiction increased to an almost unbearable level so he started bathing hotter every day so he would get accustomed to it.
He was at 57 ° Celsius at the moment when he let in bathwater.
After he soaked in this incredible hot water he drained it and let normal bathing water in taking a real bath.
So i ran over to him with an incredible speed hoping he wasnt hurt too bad.

Part 5
Lily gave me 2 buckets.
I stood up and pured one bucket of water on myself to let my body cool down.
This felt incredibly good.
The other bucket went directly to my lips and i drank every last drop of it.
Looking down at my boots i felt there was a new hole in the sole of them...
Damn thats the 6th pair since i started training.
I definetly need to do sth about that.
Finally my battle focus broke and i saw everyone in class looking at me.
Still having my Spear outside and the circular shape behind me i let them dissapear with sealing the gap in my mind which connected the core to the Lines.
In my mind the green lines started to turn black and everything which i conjured dissapear.
Craking the tissues between my neck bones , i went over to the 2 doors to get a shower and change clothes as the ones i was wearing were drenched.

Inside the dining hall once again savouring the smell of the 20 plates infront of me.
I quickly gobbled everything down and rose from my chair.
Walking towards the exit and then back to the intersecting dimension like city.
More training awaited me to test the new abilitys.

7 weeks passed i was currently sitting in Class.
We had magical training Rose gave a few hints to people who had problems.
Sleeping soundly in my chair nothing disturbed me.
The 2 girls at my left and right still have to talk to me after i was secluded for 2 weeks for self training.
The combat training ended 3 weeks ago.
Another round of sparring training would commence in a weeks time.
Something awakend me from my sleeping state.
Rose she poked my shoulders.
" Iliyan , you are slacking off again . Show us one of your magnificent new Spells , if you have the leisure to sleep in class" did she say with a condescending tone.
Still only half awake i yawned heavily.
My body ached from the daily training i did everyday.
I formed a circle with my thumb and index finger off my right hand and blew my breath through it.
Snipping with my fingers i let a green subtle aura envelope myself , nobody could see , and beyond the O i made with my fingers the breath turned into Flames.
Brilliantly shining emerald Flames.
They flew directly towards rose.
She screamed frantic and in pain then i stopped breathing out.
Rose used her palm to put the fires out which enveloped her body but they suddendly dissappeared.
" Ms Rose , im not one borne under Efreet so that obviously was a Illusion." did i say to her with a voice which only could be described with one way.
It sounded like a cart being pushed over a gravel Path.
Lily handed me a Goblet full of water which i drank to return to my normal voice.
" B-But it felt so real..." sounded her surprised voice.
" Master has the perfect state of mind to make full use of Illusions and even give them natural feelings and substance." did Lily state matter of factly towards my teacher.
I would never be this disrespectfull towards a teacher , but as Lily explained who she really was a while back , and Elric and Rose seemed to be friends before they were pals.
Rose lightely coughed and returned to her Teachers desk.
" As some of you already know in a week the combat training will resume. But after 3 weeks of combat training there will be a measurement Spar. You will get ranked , in the one week period , spars will be held declaring which one stands atop of the academy. First, fights inside of the class then the best 5 will battle against the best 5 of the other first year classes . In a battle royal type of spar. The best 5 of the 20 best of every year will get the privileg to participate in the Games taking place in 3 months." did Rose say in an unsual Teacher like voice, for her atleast.
My eyes were burning with passion at her statement from just before.
suffering chapter 4,4
Spoiler! :
Part 1
After Rose said the ranking fights will take place in 4 weeks of time i increased my daily training to the max.
Cutting edges on Sleeping or studying magic while running around the intersecting dimension like city.
Tomorrow will be the first day determening who were the best 5 students of our class.
We will get judgded by already graduated Combatart users or Magicians.
These 2 types i learned a little while back.
Combatart users where those like Kira.
People enhancing their abilitys using Magic used to fighting in the front lines.
Magicians were the Robed figures standing at the back of the Lines reigning down hell from above.
There were hybrid types of both like Xeva who enhanced her Arrows with magic or using a sword for meele combat increasing her speed through the Grey spells.
Or May , as Lily told me , she was a meele fighter using a mace and a Shield but after she learned about those wolves she started to conjure up little creatures fighting along side her.
Sophie would be in the Combatart section while Erica was in the Magician section.
I was a different type than Xeva or Lily.
Using my well trained muscles , i reached a speed unrivaled so far.
Utilizing magic in a close range combat without breaking concentration was a feat not any Year 1 magician reached thus far.
I missed the time i spent with the Girls but i had a clear goal layed out infront of my eyes.
Winning the Games.
Especially one thing.
Winning against Zephyr.
Xeva returned to her original world for a 1 week period to partake in her own ranking fight.
If she got picked we would meet on the battlefield and there i wanted to embarress her to the most.
Lily told me i could most likely take on 5 people by myself.
I wanted to crush the Zephyr plantes participants by myself ... all alone for the bad talk Xeva said about this world.
Inner hatred quelling up this was what i clearly felt.
The Girls still havent even tried to talk to me , for unknown reason.
I was thankfull that they left me alone but on the other hand ... why didnt they talk to me...
I shook my head as i actually was about to try a new magic.
Ive made progress with the wolves even giving 4 or 5 at a time acutal flesh and after the lines in my mind went black again they remained for quite some time.
Concentrating on only one picture in my mind i tried to give this creature flesh.
I just saw it a while back in a text book when i was in class and we had a lesson of Mythical creatures.
Ferocious shaped fangs.
Triangle like head.
Big round eyes with a slit for a Pupil.
Slender neck which was very long.
A Body with 4 legs and a long tail , spikes coming out of the tipp of the tail.
Skin which was made up out of dark scales.
Wings portruding out of his back with 4 bones connected through a leathery membrane.
About 10 meters long with freightening sharp claws sticking out of his legs.

At this sound i opened my eyes again.
I looked infront of me to my sides behind me but nothing.
Another failure....
Scratching my head i tried to stand up , as i was at the usual well sitting on it.
There i felt a weight on my legs.
I looked on my lap.
There it was a small 50 cms long form.
Curled up into a ball not very much unlike Lilys sleeping position when i woke up every morning.
This one sure is small....
I poked it where its head should be , as i couldnt really tell thanks to the curled up form where what was located.
Kreech, it made a cute little growling sound.
Hehe how cute, did i think for myself.
The more i poked , the more sounds it made but it didnt want to wake up.
Sighing i waited 30 minutes for it to dissappear.
Still there ,eh?
I untied the ball like form it was curled up in and layed it around my neck.
Its head with the closed eyes hanging limply from one of my shoulders it was still sleeping.
' Hope well get along well little buddy , hehehe'

I went out of the door and Lily awaited me on the other side.
She looked fascinated at the sleeping thing around my neck where i just shrugged my shoulders at.

The bath next morning.
Little creature around my neck i went into the tub.
Lily and i tried to remove it last night but it would just dig its little claws into my flesh and growl at us so i even slept with it around my neck, where as Lily pouted as she had to share the bed with something different then only me.
Same as yesterday as soon as i went into the really hot water which was set at 60° Celsius the little creature around my neck made a purring noise but it still had to open its eyes.

Being fully dressed i went , with Lily and Daisy which i called the little Dragon , towards the dining hall.
The Dragon was getting really annoying.
Do you guys know how hard it is to get dressed with something like this around your shouders....

Splendid Meat in all kinds of varriations was spread out before me.
Water formed in my mouth at the incredible smell it gave off.
Then i started to dig in.
A short while after i noticed Lily look at me with a shocked expression pointing at my neck.
There it was the limply hanging form with OPENED eyes.
So i put my hands behind my neck and grabbed the little form exactly where its mid was, holding it between my hands.
Lifting it over my head i placed it straight infront of my eyes.
Hanging there it tilted its little head to the side then i did the same thing.
A sound emitted from it which could be easily described as giggling.
I laughed under my breath at this scene.
Placing it on the table in a seated positon it tried to stand up but fell down due to its shaky legs.
" Lily , how old is this Moondragon?" did i say quite to her surprise as i knew its real species.
" It should be around 12-14 years. But Master how did you know what it was exactly?"
" Ive been reading some books out of pure interest while you were sleeping." did i state matter of factly while pulling a piece of meat from a plate.
I held it between my fingers infront of Daisys nose.
She looked at the piece of meat mesmerized.
With a grin on my face i moved my fingers to the left , eyes following.
Then to the right , eyes following again.
Holding it closer to its mouth she grabbed it and swallowed it whole like a snake!
I used a finger and patted it between its horns which were sticking out behind its head.
Purring sound.
' Oh it sure liked this spot ,eh?'
I arranged a plate with different meat and put it before Daisy.
First looking at me then at the plate she tilted her head again.
From the book i read i could tell she was female.
The male version of this race of Dragons had a pitchblack belly.
She on the other hand had a pitchblack back and feintly Jade coloured linings everywhere and a complete Jade coloured belly.
Those dragons remained small until they reached a age of 20-25 then they grew about 30 cms each day until they reached the stage of maturiety.
This race of Dragons had its origins on this Planet and were closely related to the Moons thus the name.
I tapped , with one finger , on the plate.
She followed the movement of my finger and began to swallow down the meat displayed before her.
'Sure was a cute thing ' did i think for myself.

Part 2
After the little dragon ate 2 Plates full of meat , where the Hell did this little creature put all this? , i went to the intersection Dimension Room where my class was asigned.
For this battle royal we would be split up in groups of 5.
When one emerges victorious they can interfere with the next group elliminating everyone within to get to the next group and so on.
There were 5 groups in my class.
Since Xeva was gone , it added up with 25 people.
At this special room we were assigned a Grassy plain with few trees around was displayed.
A extra room observing the grassy plain was loacted somewhere but not visiable.
In that room the high ranking Officals which rated our fights were waiting.
Rose explained yesterday that even if one was the first to be sent back to the waiting room there still was a chance one could get picked for the Games.
The most surefire way to be a participant of this game would be to actually win this interclass fight.
You could win this fight by eleminating all others participants or be one of the last 5 standing.
The first could only be done with a spell of massdestruction or sth so it was not common.
After today 5 people would get picked , the 5 best , from every year 1 class.
There were 5 classes of every year with about 25 students each.
So 35 classes with 25 students , about 875 students as there were 7 years before one would graduate from this school.
Tomorrow will be a battle between the 25 best Students of year 1.
Only 5 will emerge superior there and those would be ranked from 1-5 for the first year.
Those rankings were the surefire way to achieve a position in the Games ... The top five.
Neither Lily nor i doubted who would be spot 1.
My humble self.
After these 2 days of fighting the ranking period for all years above year 1 would also start.
This was quite different than our match though.
Every year 1 gets there first offical rankings at this time of year.
After this it is up to the students themselves to determine the ranks.
Once a week a Student could challenge any other.
If he defeated one above his skills he would move in rank.
As he moved up in ranks his status within the academy would also move up.
The first 1-5 ranked people of every year had single rooms beds.
The 5-10 double beds the 10 -30 tripple beds and everyone lower than that 6 room beds.
Before this every year one normally had 6 room beds just me was the exemption of this rule.
Even better food would go with a increase in status.
None of this mattered to me , thanks to Lily as she was a guardian for the most talented youth within the Morgue, officially.
So alot of eyes were layed on my fight today.
Even going up classes was determined by fights in this Academy.
If one was of the rank 1 through 5 of a year he could challenge one other person of rank 1-5 on a weekly basis.
Sure enough anyone could decline a battle , but if the one who was declined only wanted to fight the decliner for 2 weeks straight without any other challenges he couldnt decline anymore at the third week.
So no battles for a 2 week period and on Mondays of the third week the other party had to fight.
But a Rank 1-5 couldnt decline to prevent the seating of those from never changing.
One could also challenge as the first of a year ANYBODY ranked 1-5 of any year.
There hasnt been any note of a year 1 first ranked , against a year 7 of even the 5th rank winning yet.
This wasnt what i had in mind anyways.
Something else spurred me on.
Still some time before that will happen though.

On another note i found out sth very disturbing.
If for example our team of first years would win all 6 games that didnt mean nobody from year 1 would have to switch Planets for 5 months.
There were 24 games held from year 1-4 and 18 games held from year 5-7.
All 1-4 yeared held a Game with the other Planets and the average winning score of a Planet would determine if he would have to sent a Student over.
The highest winning Planet would be able to pick first and so on.
Lets say Year one won 6 times and all other years ( 2+3+4 ) lost they could pick 3 students regardless of year to have them stay for 5 months.
If two planets had both the same winning score of 3 wins 1 loose , for the years 1-4 , the Time would make up the essence on which Planet gets to pick first.
That was something which i feared the most.
If Zephyr won even 1 game i was sure , Xeva Zeykral ,the prinzess of the Zephyr Capitol would do anything to get me over there.

Part 3
2 minutes before the fight will commence.
Leaning my back onto a treetrunk while standing up straight.
Yawning and covering my mouth.
Relaxed state.
I put Daisy in Lilys care , as she was in the observation room.
Closing my eyes and relaxing even more.

1 minute till the fight of the year 1s would begin.
I , Lily , with Daisy resting on my arm was listenting to the chatter of the already graduated high ranking officals.
They got told by all of the varying homeroom teachers which fight they shouldnt miss at any cause.
Rose remained silent even as she was the most respected Magician type among all the teachers.
Some of the officals of the Army , noticed this because they knew about Roses energetic state and easy to get along with nature.
So they asked her why she remained silent.
" I hope they high Void users are watching my class carefully ..." did she say in a worried tone.
" Huh?" came it from some of the mouths of the seasoend veterans of the Battlefields.
" The surely 1st ranked this year is in my Class , his level of power ... can be compared to mine.." did she state absent minded.
A stunned expression made its way through the observation room.
There was a huge screen infront of chairs positioned inside of this room.
This one displayed recomendable fights randomly throughout the battle.
Everyone of the Veterans was operating a private small screen infront of them which was powered through their magic.
A Robed figure of the same Green colour made his way through the crowd and was standing infron of rose.
He seemed to be a male but was only as tall as Rose herself with her 1,60 m.
" Wait isnt this boy a hybrid? How can he be as strong as you are then?" did a calm tone come from this green robed man.
" You will see...." did rose say rather cryptic.
" But my daughter is in the same class he cant be stronger than her!" did a bukly bear of a man say dressed in red Armor only leaving his head outside of the protective Metal.
" General Morgain , sure is right." did a Red robed figure say.
At this statement everyone lost their stunned expression and were laughing happily.
Only General Morgain , Rose , the green robed short Man and myself werent laughing.
Still a few where looking at the Data sheets from the participants.
Flipping through the different pages for every year 1 student they made their marks for every Student which they wanted to watch.
Some even set up recording crystals besides those screens for future reference.

Part 4
The Black spell users with help of the Grey spell users will help to keep the injure rate to its lowest, did i think for myself 15 secs before the fight began.
Sure keeps me calm ...
Lily told me that the highest tier of spell users would work together to keep injuries to a minimum but i still couldnt resist to doubt it.
I surely didnt want to kill anybody but i will fight for Darkrends Planet to get the old Glory back to where it belongs!
My Mother told me about this a while back.
There was a time where this Planet dominated in the Games.
Winning 90 % of the Games the Planet flourished , taxes of the people was reduced , even the military fought the Demihumans ways back to occupy more of the lands which were in turmoil.
Those Lands have already vanished from Human control once again.
At that time the Humans occupied 70% of the Planet.
Now we were at 30% and were keeping them at bay...
This was another side effect of not being strong enough in the games.
As i just let my thoughts strive leisurely about we got transported to another grassy plaine.

4 other people were inside this 50m sphere.
They looked nervous and were shaking at my sight.
" Battle commence in 1 minute , no magic invoking before then." was our Instructor Roses voice coming from high in the sky.
" You guys lets band together against Iliyan!" did one of the 3 boys say before me.
They nodded in silent approval and even the girl made a grim nod at this suggestion.
'hahaha' very interesting.

I , Kira Morgain, was nervous beyond believe but had a calm mind at the same time.
Good ... no Iliyan here.
Iliyan was the most problematic opponent for me.
He didnt use power or defenses but disregarded those facts as a meele fighter.
I havent been trained to fight something like this.
Acutally nobody has ever thought or managed to accomlpish such a fighting state.
He bet all he had into speed and his Dark and Light extorting spells and everchanging tactics made it hard to predict and impossible to be prepared.
Even if we havent talked for quite some time , i liked him.
But feared him at the same time.
That was probably why we havent talked for quite some time.
Even Erica and Sophie burned with unease to just go talk to him.
He didnt make any openings to approach him tough.
We werent even sure if we should just go visit him.
There was something else which made me uneasy...
My father was here today....
He will be dissappointed if i dont emerge as top 1 ranked...
But that is impossible...
Iliyan created a unbreachable wall between the letters 1 and 2...

My Hands folded behind my head i stood relaxed on the field.
" Hahahahahahahahahaha" came out of my mouth.
At this deep reverberating sound the 4 students before me flinched.
" 10 seconds remaining , prepare your Magic." Roses voice again.
Holding my Hands above my head my loopsided smile appeared.
My opponents started Shaking uncontrollably.
Closing half of my eyes and with this smile i could be the villain plundering a whole village.
" Battle start ! " did i hear Roses voice again.
A Sphere of Darkgreensmoke appeared above my head with 10 m across.
My weapon needed to be even denser that why the fog was extended.
My Warscythe fell into my Hands.
" HAHAHAHA" came the evil laughter from my throat.
I was burning with battle focus already as i readied the spear like weapon i had and sped up towards my opponents!
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Re: Suffering

Post by Rohan123 »

Four chapters in one day, man, you're on a roll today. :lol:
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suffering ch. 5,1 + 5,2

Post by DOL »

chapter 5,1
Spoiler! :
Part 1
Striking down all four off my oponents this battle ended in a flash.
" Group 1-1 eliminated , opening 1-2 fields to 1-2." did i hear Roses voice comin from overhead.
Observing this new field i stood still for 2 secons.
Still a grassy plain but it seemed to be dawn at the moment in this battlefield.
3 Persons were locked into meele combat while the other 2 seemed to be exchanging Spell after spell.
The meele combatants wielded a Spear , a Sword and a Dagger as well as a Axe and a Shield with varying Armor attached to them.
Spear wielders armor was made up out of a Legguards and Armguards in Black colour so a void user.
Sword and dagger had a Brestpiece and armguards in grey , Zephyr.
Axe and Shields armor was made up of brown colour and he wore a complete set without helmet.
One of the Robed figure was clad in red and threw one fireball after another against his opponent, robes in yellow.
The yellow Robed figure made up a net of lightening infront of him to absorb the fireballs.
Most likely a defensive type of yellow Spell of Scymar the other one was a offensive Caster from Efreet.
Both of them were Humans , that was a fact as well as my classmates.
They just were born under different signs.
My signs colour was Green.
Not the grassy green most borne under Darkrends sign but a dark emerald or jade colour.
There existed persons who had different shades of their respektiv signs but the pure normal colour made up the biggest part.
I , Iliyan Osson , one who was the actual son of a Godess had one hand on my favourite weapon.
My Warscythe placed with the midsection of the shaft on my shoulder and holding it lightly with this one hand.
Wiping of the sweat on my forehead with the other, coldly analyzing this battle trying to decide what to do.
This battle which progressed before me was actually quite boring and was at a stalemate.
So i finally decided what to do.
With the same posture i just had i invoked a Spell.
Snipping the fingers of my left free hand i made the effects wander from my mind into reality.
The Black clad figure which was myself , blurred and i appeared behind the Efreet borne user and made a light slashing motion with the tip of my warscythe to his abdomen.
Particles of pure Grey all around as the lines blurred again.
The Yellow robed figure couldnt believe his eyes as the only thing he could see was the red robed oponnent of his dissappear.
After this in a fraction of a second he felt something hitting him at the center of his back.
Grey particles everywhere.
A Hand just surfaced out of his shadow and as this Shadow disappeared also did the hand.
Jumping out between the three opponents right after their weapons clashed , i dont know how often it has already been i drew a full arc with my Warscythe slashing at their abdomen one after another turned grey and dissolved into particles , telling me they just went to the waiting room or infimary.

" That youth is good. He easily defeated his 9th opponent assesing the situation perfectly. He even waited if they could overcome their own stalemate." was the good assecsion the green robed man standing besides Rose made.
This man had his hood drawn deep into his face so one couldnt tell if he was actually male , his height was another factor which made it unclear.
But his deep voice didnt allow any doubt.
Rose the teacher of this Class only watched one Person, Iliyan , she feared he would release his true power and maybe opress the other students just because he felt like it.
This boy was a troublemaker.
He was the most gifted person she ever saw , but this made it all the more unreasonable.
He had a fickle and sometimes overbearing nature.
Was antisocial and kept for himself all the time.
On a whim he could decide he wanted to use all of his strength.
This would lead to some of the youths in his class to loose their will to fight momentarily , in the worst case forever.
Thats the kind of monster he was.
" I just hope he stays amused ... and not looses his calm..." was my freightend voice leaking out.
" Rose , you are my collegue of old. You almost sound like you are scared." was the assesment General Morgain, a high ranking Officer of the Imperial Army , made towards Roses comment.
" Even you will be scared ..." was the soft whisper from Rose to his reply.
General Morgain a man about 40 Winters of Age a bear of a man with a height at 1,67 meters above human standards as well as highly trained physical capabilitys , made a complicated expression of disbelieve anger and frustration as he still caught that whispered comment.

Part 2
" Group 1-2 defeated. Opening Group 1-3." Roses voice again eh?.
Looking around freightened faces at my apperance.
One had a rather ungiving expression though.
Brown hair not longer than my own.
Also brown eyes like that of a proud Deer.
She , Sophie Metra , was standing there wielding a round shield about 80 cms across and a shortsword.
Her weaponry as well as all of her Armor had a Darkbrown colour.
Opening my eyes in amazement only 3 people where left.
2 were locked in combat as Sophie seemed to have been watching them from some distance away , prior to my entrance.
She was clad from shoulders to toe in this Brown armor but as soon as she lay sight on me she snipped her fingers and prepared a stance.
Her armor seemed to be going through a change.
A Demon like apperance formed in blue substance at her head giving her and additional helmet.
Her arm and legguards also changed colour to blue.
Breastarmor , shoulders ,legguards and her weapons remained brown.
" Didnt know you were a dual borne." did i state matter of factly while closing in the distance at a normal pace.
" Kira?" was the only word i heard from the demonic shaped Helm with horns.
" Not yet , but should you be worrying about others at this moment?" came my battle crazed voice out while snipping my Fingers.

I , Lily , Master belove Playthi... Slav... Serv...., FRIEND was standing in the examiners room filled with various high ranking officals of the Imperial Army.
Personal screen at my wrist i was watching Master intentionally.
Even Daisy the newest member of our little ... Family? ... was watching the screen.
" Wow , Sophie is going all out against the likes of him?" did a female , in the same kind of Armor the girl at the other side of the screen had, exclaim her surprise.
Hushed voices of 'wow one at this age dual wielding both powers at the same time , huh?' were heard.
" That boy is probably pissing his pants now . Look at him laughing like hes crazy .. hahaha . Surely feels different to have one against you who was trained at the Combatarts pinnacle of Morgain Academy." did a random male voice from the crowd say.
" Got to admit he sure is fast and that little magic trick with the shadow hand is straight out of the book, but lets look how he deals with a real opponent. " another random voice this time female though.

Instantly the Circular shape grew out of my back.
Actually GROWING was the right assesment i could make , this hurt like shit everytime i used it.
Increasing the speed within the 50 m bridging us from engaging in combat.
The normal center of mass of a Human was in an upright standing positon about 10cms above the navel.
With the Circular shape on my back mine was moved up my body.
It was fixed at the height off my chest now.
Sharper turns while doing complex fast movements was a goal i reached with this.
Bending my body i restored the spot back to my navel and it allowed me to remain firmly fixed to the ground with all of the friction and heat caused by this speed, as well as the g forces applied to me.
I bent my body to do a spiraling movement around her able to strike her from various positons as i closed the distance.

I , Sophie , knew how this would end .
Utter defeat , even if i was a lot stronger now then at the beginning of this school year.
This boy gave off a penetrating aura of dread but this wasnt enough to make me shiver as ive already faced alot of Strong opponents in the Morgain Academy of Combatarts before i came her.
My neck was still drenched in threat because of this boys aura as he closed the gap in a spiraling motion.
I was following the blurred lines which were the only proof he was closing in.
Another reason for this sweat was that my Mother was watching.

Finally i was in attacking range , as i thought this level of speed was still in the capabilitys of her to look straight through.
She just heigtend her defense , with another snip of her fingers , with making the armor thicker.
The normal weapon should still penetrate.

I , Sophie, just increased my defense.
As i put my Shield up front a already heard the loud clank as he hit the shield.
Swinging my other arm upwards i barely managed to get his weapon to loose its mark and miss my body.
Still not understanding how he could make his legs and body move this fast i was uttely stunned.
I felt like a mouse trapped between numerous vipers.
Those vipers were already coiled up and were silently waiting to strike the single mouse in the death ring they formed.
Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank.
I dont know the how manyieth time this was i barely managed to defend properly.

I , Lily , was giggling in my mind at this moment.
" Why the hell arent you attacking BACK." came the shout from Cpt Metra , Sophies Mother.
She was making a fuss yelling at her personal screen with commands of strike of raise your shield all the while.
I was giggeling because i knew this wasnt even a fraction of my Masters power.

" Battle end , 5 participants remaining." Did i hear Roses voice from up above again.
Could be heard across the field as i saw Kira appear and Sophie at my side.
Everyone in the field flinched at the noise , this noise came from me digging my feet into the ground to regain normal speeds faster.
In short i used the earth as an extra brake.
I bowed towards the other 4 contestants and turned around to empty a bucket over my head as steam emanted from my shirt.
As i started walking something heavy struck my head which hurt like Hell.
" What the poke are you doing?" did i say before looking around.
Sophie without her helmet in the usual Brown armor.
She was crying.... wait ... wait what?
She WAS really crying.
" Idiot..." was the thing she muttered before approaching the door.

Part 3
Still holding my head i also approached the door leading to the observation room.
Sophie was held by a tall refinded beauty with the same colour of hair as hers.
Kira happily chatted with a ' tall ' man in red armor.
I went over to Lily.
As soon as i was standing in range Daisy jumped unto my shoulders and spread her wings to remain her balance.
" Master you are and Idiot." was the first thing Lily said with an angry voice towards me.
" What the hell?" came my not so sophisicated answer back.
We both were yelling in this not so large room so everyone turned around to look at us.
" Lily dont make a scene ... there are high officals present..." came Roses voice as she touched Lilys shoulder.
" Like Hell i will , Iliyan you are sure a stupid asshole for declining ones Warrior soul their right to fight you seriously!" She shouted back to me in a angry voice i never heard Lily say before.
The meaning sure got across to me.
Instantly turning around i walked over to Sophie with everyones eyes still glued to me.
I kneeled down infront of Sophie who was still being held by her Mother.
" I am sincerily sorry , Sophie. The next time i will go allout with every bit of strength I have left ..." did my throat let out while i looked at the floor with a bowed head.
Sophie wiggled herself out from her mothers grasp and sat on the floor now directly within touching range of myself.
She hugged me out of the blue without saying anything.
Briefly hugging her back and standing back up i returned to Lilys side.
"*Giggle*" could be heard from Daisy who was hanging limply from my shoulders.
If one wouldnt look closly it would look like a Blackgreen scarve...
" Good Master , now everyone is happy." did Lily say while patting my head.

I , Kira Morgain , just talked to my Father as i saw the heart warming scene before me when Sophie hugged Iliyan.
Now i was laughing my heart out as well as my Father did.
" Sure looks messed up..." was my Dads assesment to this scene of a 1,6m girl patting a giant of a mans head while standing on tipitoes.
Even if my father was a high offical he was easygoing and he always was up for a good laugh like this.

One hour had passed since we assembled for the fight of our class.
Our Battle was already over but some would continiue for another hour was Roses assesment she made for all of the 5 people remaining.
We were waiting at the cafeteria , me at my usual table drinking some Wine which Lily made up from somewhere.
Sophie and her Mother seated at one of the tables with Kira and her dad at a closeby table.
They were eagerly disgussing some things.

Part 4
A small figure appeared before me in green robes.
The figure was as tall as rose was but had a bit of a bulky built so i thought he was male.
His hood was drawn way down into his face so i couldnt see his facial features.
" Who might this young Lady be?" did he say towards the seated Lily at my side.
Definetly male with that voice.
" Cmon Craven , you should know who i am." did Lilys rather distant voice resound.
Not distant in a distance meaning but in a not fimiliar fealing.
" I wouldnt have thought this Human(?) could have such an exquisit taste , that is all my old friend Elric." i clearly heared the ? out of his voice , did he know....?
" Yes Master , he knows." came the warm voice towards me from Lily.
" You sure are already truly fimiliar with him , Elric." did the voice come from him lacking emotion.
" Her name is Lily, call her by that or begone." was my angered reply.
Lily blushed a little.
" Sure a fickle one aint he?" did he say towards Lily with another tone lacking emotion.
He was referring to my Mothers attribute . Fickleness which made up alot of her personality turning everything into a joking matter for example.
My fickleness was the worst case.
The mood i had could turn from normal to annoyed to joyous in a few seconds , that was the ficklness materializing in my personality , as Lily told me once.
I looked straight into his hood without blinking where his eyes should be located at.
" You sure are a brave one to ignore me ." still with anger in my voice.
" Sure sure , thats why i like Darkrend the most she so easy to get along with , even her offspring."
This was most likely due to the fact that i didnt even bother to use a polite language.
" I was curious about the fact i just got verified and the *Scarve* you have dangling around the neck." i really couldnt get warm to him with the lack of emotions in his voice.
" Daisy is a Moondragon why?" matter of fact tone from me.
Suddendly the whole dinning hall became silent.
Looking around i could see alot of people approaching me some were drawing their weapons.
I jumped up and was standing behind the chair now while covering Daisy with one hand , to block some of the views.
" Give up that fiend!" did i hear the sound from Sophies Mother.
Giving a hostile look to everyone around i just snipped with both of my hand at the same time materializing the Warscythe and the Circular shape at the same time.
" Haha , do you really think you can handle even one of us with that kind of strenght?" came a arrogant voice from a red robded wearer across to me.
That Man was holding a red orb of pure fire in his hands.
" If this isnt enough how about this." did i state with the utmost reverberating tone i could make.

I , Kira , just watched my Father stand up and walk over to the Boy i wanted to fight.
He just said Moondragon and i was cowering in fear , my body shaking uncontrollably.
My Father even snipped with his finger and his gauntlet like fighting weapons appeared.
All of the high ranking officals were determined to kill that ferocious Beast.

I snipped with my Fingers and my Scythe went to the clear substance in the Ring of Jade on my back.
As it flew out again it also had a jade colour instead of the normal 50% black 50% green surface.
Giving of a surrounding aura of dread even i could feel.
" Dad watchout that weapon ignores armor." did i hear a call from Kira.
The big red Armored figure infront of me was looking at me in surprise.
" Hand that thing over you are no match for us" did i hear the voice from Kiras dead with sorrow and hatred mixed in.
I saw a black small ball the size of a marble fly right past my weapon and hit Daisy.
She started to screech in Agony.
Turning my head slowly i saw a black robed figure with opened palms.
He looked satisfied.
Snipping my fingers again my whole body vanished in a blur of shadows and i reappeared directly besides that man.
Instantly thrusting my Spearlike weapon forward it penetrated through both arms and a spur of blood could be seen.
Daisy still cried out in Agony.
" HOW THE HELL DO I STOP HER PAIN!" did i cry a shout out in frustration.

I , Sophie , which havent had bad memorys with Moondragons , unlike Kira, was watching this scene with interest.
Something changed though.
After Iliyans shout the little dragons shout became heavier.
Iliyans body went limp as if drained from his Energy but he emitted of utmost Terror to his surroundings my Mother began to sweat heavily.

" STOP torturing the Dragon this Instance , or you will all die!" was the pain striken cry i , Lily made.
" Who are you little Lady?" did Kiras father say towards me.
" Dragulav" was the only word i uttered.
" Not even the Dragulav can keep us from slaying that Beast which race has done the Humans so much harm." was his reply towards this.
" Im not going to kill you he is." did i state as a matter of fact.
" Rose gather all students and get the hell out of here." did my voice reach Rose and she heeded my plea as we were life long friends.
So she left the room and a Green light was emitting from my Master.

Part 5
Hot , Hot , HOT.
My body started to emit the Jade coloured light alover.
Angered temperment made this ability appear without me visualizing it.
" Quiek Quiek" did i hear the pain filled voice of Daisy on my shouulders
A sound of ripping flesh could be heard and i knew my skin between my shoulder blades just ripped open.
The circular shape got longer and thinner forming an Oval.
Then a second one appeared directly besides it.
Those 2 shapes were facing right and left at my shoulder blades as my Body started to intensify the Jade coloured light.
" Dont hurt her anymore please ... i cant control this much longer...." did my pleaing voice reach the high ranking officals.
They just gave off more hostile aura at my words.
The green light intensified at my shin.
It formed a legguard with spkies on its top.
Reaching over my knees the spikes come halfway up my thighs.
Armguards as long as my whole arm appeared with the same spikes starting at my Elbow and going halfway up to my Shoulder.
Those pieces of Armor werent attached but they seemed to be floating infront of my body with a paperthin margin between my body and them.
The Oval shapes made a cracking sound.
They were attached between my shoulder blades and were standing straight behind me.
But as the cracking sound appeared they moved until they stood like a V expanding over my head.
" Please stop her pain ... ill do anything" my voice was frantic as i tried to protect the little cute Dragon which i got accostumed too.
Even if i didnt know if she would just dissappear in the next minute , but i wanted to protect her.
' MOM help me ' did i say towards the portion of my mind where my Mothers voice usually came from.
' I cant son ... or they will find out...'
My anger just reached its peak.
As i was just in a relaxed state due to the pain i instantly regained my angered filled posture ready to attack anybody in range when the pain subsided.
" STOP IT THIS INSTANT" did i try for a last time.
This was totally ignored again.
I was still able to grasp the level of hatred i felt but i was about to loose it.
Loose it ... the one thing Lily told me should never happen.
In a last attempt i tried to threaten them.
Snipping my finger a shadow enveloped the sole of my feet and i began my attack.

I , Lily , still couldnt believe what i saw.
He was at his limits , that was a fact , but he was still able to keep his calm somehow.
Appearing in 3 directions at the same time he cut three black robed figures down in one second.
" Stop it right now before he looses his self control!" was the last attempt i made to create a chance for their survival.
" Never , this beast must be killed before it kills our Children in this Academy!" said a random Red robed figure.
" KYRAAAAHHHHHH" came the pain filled voice from Daisy.
At this point i felt dread running towards my core.
Iliyans eyes which usually had a Blue as the wide sky colour changed to a complete Jade colours.
Not only his pupils but the entierety of his eyeball changed to Jade.
He has lost it ....

chapter 5,2
Spoiler! :
Part 1
Suddendly opening my Eyes i looked at a white ceiling.
The stench of Alcohol filled the air.
Infimary ... huh?
Rememberin everything that happend i looked around frantically and searched for Daisy.
The wet sound of Flesh being torn apart and my Spear materialized.
2 oval shapes pushing me upwards from the bed stood out of my back.
Rising instantly to search for Lily the curtains got pulled open.
Lily was there smiling at me and holding daisy with her cute Emerald coloured eyes.
Good she was ... saved.....

My Master lost his conciousness again.
Evenening of the first Combat Festa day.
This was a special infimary reserved for the crisis of war.
The Morgue served as a last line of defense against the races of Demihumans.
So natuarilly this place even had such installments.
Most of the 50 beds inside this room had occupants.
All the Highranking offcials lay with wounds covering their bodys in the beds.
Iliyan surely wasnt stonger than all of them but he took them by surprise.
They clearly underestimated this first year boy.
Boy ... Ha ... God was a more accurate description.
He had godlike speed which he used to make everyone feint inside the room.
Instantly drawing all of the light into the Oval shapes he filled the room with pitchblack darkness.
Every flame which was conjured , didnt matter if it was an Efreet flame or a neutral one instantly got sucked into these shapes.
Then he started to attack.
Beams of purelight shooting out was the only source of light filling this darkness.
While he shot those beams he attacked mercilessly with the spear in hands.
The speed he did that with made it seem like there were 5 attackers this was only disinguishable due to the crys of pain coming from5 directions at the same time.
10 seconds after the first cry could be heard the Darknes dissapeared.
As soon as the Darkness dissapeared i could see body laying around everywhere.
I was the last person standing besides him.
He gave Daisy who was soundly sleeping now to me and collapsed.
Running from the scene i retrieved every Void user i could find and got them transported here.
This was the Monster my Master was.
My beloved Master who will stand at the Pinnacle of every Person , be it this Planet or any other.

Part 2
I woke up with Lily sleeping in a even more arousing attire then usual.
It was my own bed and it was the usual 5 am i woke up.
Little wheezing sounds told me Daisy was sleeping above my head using the same pillow.
I bit into Lilys ears which got me what i wished for.
" FHunya?"

After eating breakfast training and a quick shower, everything with Daisy on my shoulders ....
We left for the Dining hall.
I even asked Lily for me to go down there after she explained in detail what happend.
" Master , dont worry. Master hasent done anything wrong , you just protected your friend from Harm. Good Master ... Lily ... sooo proud..." did i hear her usual sweet girlish voice which belittled her apperance of a refined beauty of 19 winters of age.
Yeah i actually didnt do anything wrong as the codex which we Humans lived under never said anything about killing Dragons as soon as you saw them.
Different case with Demihumans though.
There actually was a law which told every Human to kill a Demihuman onsight.
Fearsome Codex.
So i was wandering down the corridor with Lily holding Daisy on her arms.

I , Sophie , was just listening to my Mothers matter of fact talk that i should defeat that boy instantly when i saw him later.
' Sure mom , after you and the other 20 officals got defeated in a few seconds yesterday , i can do it' did i think while sighing.
As she heard that sigh she pinched my cheeks.

Entering the dining hall the usual silence filled the room.
Sure i was bored of this so easily predicatable behaviour.
Why couldnt they do sth interesting for once ... like .... Dancing ontop of the Tables.
SIgh again.
Counter - food . Table - eat.
As usual but then something picked my interest.
Alot of Parents seemed to have entered the Morgue and were chatting with their kids while having breakfast.
The Dining hall was thrice the size it usually was.
My Table was still the farthest in the back.
But what caught my interest the most after i finished my first of 20 plates was May sitting all alone at a table and seemingly down.
Lily giving me a surprised look at my behaviour of declining food while pushing the plate away , i stood up.
The whole room got enveloped in silence again only disturbed by the crackling sound the Flames from the chandeliers located at the ceiling.
Walking over to the Table may was seated at i grabbed her plate and gave it to Lily which was standing behind me.
Forcefully pulling back Mays chair , to her surprise.
Putting my arms under her knees and through her armpits i lifted her up.
Then i started walking back to my table leisurely with May in my arms staring with disbelieve at my behaviour.
Sure it really was the spur of a moment but i couldnt look at her lone figure.
I placed her besides the chair i previously sat at.
Lily put her plate infront of her and smiled at her bewildered look.
Planting myself back into my own chair i glanced towards her putting on my loopsided smile.
" Hi , there. Missed talking to you alot." escaped my lips with a sweet tone to it.
" UWAHHHHHHH" was the thing i heard while flinching in shock.
She started crying and was digging her head into the sleeves of my Shirt while tightly hugging onto me.
Damn women sure are complicated.....
" Natural borne Lady killer ..." did i hear the ocassional serious tone of Lily every once in while starting as of this moment

Part 3
After May stopped crying she told me excitedly about her match yesterday.
She was one of the last 5 and would procede to the Battle royal fight today.
Then she bombarded me with questions if the rumours really were true.
Another drastic changed happend.
The silent duo came over and was seated at this table now.
Sophie the always listening but silent one , Erica the other absentminded silent one.
Even Erica and Sophie bombarded me with questions.
Sophies mother and the black robed user i slashed first were seated infront of me now.
I gave them a scorning look.
" No need to look at us like that." was the reply from the Black robed one.
" Who are you?" was the hatred filled question at the Void borne man.
" Im Ericas father, Rainer Sulfalur , you sure act nice towards the people you beat yesterday." was his reply with humour filled in it.
" Beate Metra ..." did Sophies mother introduce herself.
" Your after Daisy again?" did i say while hiding her a little bit as she was dangling from my neck.
" I think you made it quite clear ... that we shouldnt thouch it." Serious tone from Sophies Mom.
" It is called Daisy refer to it as such." were the words i let out in a commanding voice.
They looked at me in surprise the father of Erica started laughing.
Both of these parents asked me questions at my techniques and why i was so fast and such they even trief to ask me if i knew any flaws in the tactics i used , i didnt answer them though even if i knew its weaknesses.
I searched for Kira which i missed but she didnt even glance over just talking to her father.
Now i remebered another face and looked for her.
There long velvet like black hair tied to a ponytail .
Black very deep but warm eyes.
Slender neck ...
Still think there is something missing around her ears ....
Aylin also sat alone.
But after she just runs off all the time i couldnt call her over.
Even Lily was glancing towards her.
I noticed this a while back but Elric and Aylin seemed to be connected in a different way then me and Lily.
Different but still the same...
Also i noticed that Lily quite often searched for her during our stay in the dining Hall.
Turning around i looked in Lilys face.
She quickly averted her gaze from Aylin and looked back into my face.
" You dont have to stand around here if you got something else what you want to do" did i say towards Lily in a warm tone.
Her face gave of the expression of utter happiness as she went and almost ran towards the table Aylin was seated at.
Silence engulfed this room.
" Wow ... he sure is a smooth talker... like you said Erica..." was the stunned voice of Ericas father coming out and breaking the silence.
Besides me everyone laughed even Daisy.
" Did that thin... i mean Daisy just laugh?" came a shocked question from Ms Metra.
" I really have no idea why but she giggles alot and laughs at me occasionally all the time." was sighing reply.
They all looked in the direction Daisy was sitting atop of the table.

Part 4
We , everyone who was seated at the table , started to depart the dining Hall at 8,45 , 15 minutes before the next battle phase would begin.
Ms Metra just told me that even the other years could watch our battle today , as everyone looked forward to the rankings or the new talents they had gotten.
Lily came rushing towards me.
" Sorry Master , i took so long" did Lily say with the tone she started using more frequently when other people were around.
I stopped in my tracks and looked in Lilys face.
She tilted her head questionally.
" Say Lily , as the other years are only watching our battles today , will Aylin also watch from here?" did i say referring to the big display set up in the dining hall.
" Yes Master." was her relucant reply.
" Go to her if she wants your company ill manage to find someone to watch out for Daisy , can i trust Craven for that matter?" did i say in a commanding voice not leaving another option.
" Yes Master thank you." did Lily reply with a delighted smile.
She spun around but returned after a few steps to give me a Kiss on the cheek.
"Hehe" was her statement to this while stretching her hands behind her and touching both pair of her fingers together she spun around and returned to Aylin.
They hugged onto eachother and almost cried a little bit as i saw the flames being reflected from the corners of their eyes.
" Sophie ... guys like this are only appealing on the outside..." did a serious Ms Metra state.
Shrugging my shoulders and ignoring the laughter i walked back up to them.

Parting ways with the children I , Rainer Sulfalur , was standing in one of the 5 observation rooms now.
I had one student marked for recording , my own daughter , as i would need to watch this scene numerous times with my wife back at home ....
But Iliyan , the boy which my daugther was interested in , maybe i could call him son-in-law in a near future ,*sniffle* children grow up to fast , marked for direct view.
Offering myself to hold his Dragon , which got me a critizing glance from him , his dragon and my daugther i wasnt holding her.
He acutally trusted me enough , after i told him i would protect the Dragon with my own life from now on, to give her to me.
That little Dragon was cute and only the big ones were dangerous so the gremium of Officals decided to let it slide until she was bigger.
But she wouldnt let go of him an screeched as we tried to seperate her from him.
Interesting little thing , most likely it thought Iliyan was his Mother or sth , hahahaha.
He was standing calmly in the 1 km long and wide intersecting Dimension which was shaped like a graveyard.
Mist covered the field but enough sunlight of a setting sun was lightening the field.
Tombstones randomly placed everywhere and even bigger Cryptas could be seen.
The screen for personal viewing just now had begun to function.

" THAT IDIOT" was Lilys angry voice resounding through the dining Hall.
" Elric , cmon stop your embaressing me. He cant hear you anyways." was only Lily able to hear the musical tone of Aylins voice.
Both of them were staring at the 1m wide and long personal screen from Lily.
" Aylin , its LILY remember it."
" Yaya, but i cant believe this was the once only slightly handsome farmersboy." did Aylin whisper into Lilys ear.
" You would be surprised to how he is really , hehe." Lily blushing a little bit.
" No , i think i can imagine." did Aylin say while critically oggling Lilys body.
" Lilys body and heart only belongs to Master" was Lilys whispered reply.
Aylin just shook her head at this comment but added sth a few seconds later.
" I really cant get used to that kind of speech..."

I , Dan Morgain , a General of his Majestys Imperial Army fighting at the frontlines and commanding the troops under me had been buisy ever since yesterday night.
Waking up with a freightend and crying daughter at my side.
Firstly calming her down and holding her tight.
Then trying to calm her apathic fear of Dragons down which wasnt easy to be done.
Standing in the observation room i was critically watching 2 personal screens at the same time.
One had my daughter displayed the other one that Boy.
He had that thing arranged around the back of his neck ... this would mean trouble for Kira when they faced eachother.
Yes not if , when.
They were fated to meet in this battle.
I hope she can overcome her fear of dragons by that time.

Part 5
A grave yard huh?
" Battle start in 5 minutes" i heard roses voice from above.
I actually thought i wouldnt partake in this battle , as ive wounded so many officals, as a punishment.
Nobody came up to me though.
Back on topic.
My Light abilitys were greatly reduced because of the heavy mist.
Shadows everywhere though.
From myself or from the tombstones.
The Spells i used had a heavy tool.
Especially the oval double on my back cost alot to keep up.
Thats why i absorbed the light around feeding my source off of this and using the energy.
The rate around here should only be 70% ... not good.
So rather later then soon i would run out.
The normal round shaped form cost me already alot but with the single powering from only 1 source i should use the oval double.
So all out in physical abbilitys , eh?
I need to preserve my strength only using the shadow walk or the weapon + double oval.
Shooting beams of light is a no go as it cost way to much.
Maybe if i fight a Efreet user.
Then about my opponents.
Brown spells - high , enough earth no rocks around.
Yellow spells - moderate , as i sniffed the air searching for fluctations in high or low pressure regions.
Red spells - moderate , the ground cant reflect much heat did i think while touching the cold earth.
Blue spells - high , all of this mist is vapourized Water.
Black spells- very high , the cycle of death was imminent here.
Grey spells - low , as there wasnt any wind to be felt brushing past a part of my body , could change in battle though.
Green spells- Low and very high , thinking about the seperated parts of my ability.
So ive got to be very wary of Sophie ... with her double sign.
Double sign useres were very rare and i was friends with one.
I was clearly smiling at her thought and wanted to return her kindness with a fierce battle today.
There were even rarer triple signs , and it was rumored the King of our land was a 5 colour user.
Thinking about this 1 minute was left until the battle began.

" He has good assesment of the Powers i believe." did Rainer Sulfalur say towards Beate Metra.
" Ha , with this seeting Sophie cant loose." was her not so serious reply.
" Do you really believe so?"
" ..." silence.
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Favourite Light Novel:

suffering Chapter 5,3 + 5,4

Post by DOL »

Spoiler! :
Part 1
I was speeding up my pace inside the mist.
Already both oval shapes stood out of my back and they were absorbing the light which the mist greatly held back.
24 other people inside this graveyard.
Areal of about 1 square km.
My whole body was a blurred mass of black colour and nobody should notice me in this fog.
The oval shapes absorbing light glowed feintly and for bystander it most likely looked like a Ghost was driffting by.
" haha" did i let ouf of my throat.
Ive been running at a inhuman speed for 5 minutes but still havent found anybody.
Okay i didnt use the shadow walk but i wanted to preserve power.
Quickly closing one eye shut i looked at my core.
98 % energy left ... damn.
After one whole day with training in my own little dimension at my apartment i still had 70% left.
16 hours of training at one day , already used up the equivalent of 1/15 spending here 5 minutes...
The situation looked grim.
490 minutes left without using any spells ... just keeping up this form.
If i activated Shadow walk the time would lower about the half.
Changing the status of the weapon once would cause it to half again....
Maybe i need to absorb the surroundings light completly a few times to absorb more light.
That would give away my position though.
Evading every tombstone or rock sticking out of the earth while thinking i ran while thinking.

A sudden change startled me and i hammered my feet into the earth.
Earth flying about.
The mist clustered together to from a water sphere right where i should stand if i continiued without braking.
Couldnt feel any presence but i clearly got attacked.
Twisting my head from one point to another i still couldnt find anyone.
Then Daisy squealed and looked in a certain direction.
Going full speed from the get go i passed by a blue Armored figure.
As i was almost past it i hammerd my feet into the earth once again making the explosion like sound and earth flying everywhere.
Turning around while braking i saw it clearly before my eyes.
A girl about 15 winters of Age.
Wearing armguards as well as legguards also a Breastplate.
A light blue colour , same as my eyes , the colour of the endless sky.
" Tchhh , why did i have to face you first...." was the thing she said.
I smelled something funny , like salt behind me.
As i puzzled about this a whip made out of pure water scrachted my back from behind.
I evaded at the last moment by jumping to my right side but it still grazed me.
" Hahaha , fear the power of a Zygidal born with the power of a pond in the immediate area!!!" did she let out a cry of joy.
' That was that salty smell eh'? did i think for myself while defending from whiplashes from the front as well as the back simulteaniously.
As i was prepared now i evaded them without using Shadowwalk.
But like this i could only keep evading and couldnt close in...
Could wait for a chance for her to lower her guard or keep on evading or using shadowwalk...
I thought about the possible solutions i came up with.
Then i grinned with satisfaction and snipped my fingers.
Pitchblack darkness enveloped the surroundings making the whip lashes frantic.
" W-What is this?" could be heard after a body turning into grey particles and drifitng towards the sky.
First one down i checked my core ....
Damn even if i absorbed the light completly for a few seconds i only had 92 % left....
' Now ive got to be carefull about traps though ...' did i think about the most likely clear visiable black sphere ...

Part 2
" Patricipant of 1-4 resigned " resounded the voice of Rose in the observation room.
Her voice got carried to the field where the game was beeing held at reaching everyones ears.
" He even defeated a blue spell user with a Really high amount of power from her surroundings that fast...." was the voice of Ericas dad echoing of the observation rooms walls.

A sudden change within the mist gave me an alarm as soon as i was ready to start running again.
Evading a blade of Wind with just simply crouching down i realised there was a Greyspell user in the area.
Low Power noo scrape that the wind just picked up.
Normally occurences like change of fighting area didnt occur within a game but it clearly happend as of this moment.
" You sure are a meddling bunch...." did i say out loud.
This was directed at the people watching the scene.
Observing me the probably decided to make it more interesting and changed an aspect of the fighting ground to even out the odds of a grey spell user defeating me.
" But you made a miscalculation on my abilitys." did i say with the loopsided smile which was so natural to me.
I swung my Warscythe from my feet to my head and twisted it with a movement from my wrist.
Doing it fast enough the mist got lighter and dissappeared leaving me bathing in sunlight.
Without doing any spells my Core got back to its 100% capacity after a few seconds.
Cracking the tissues between my spine at the neck region i evaded 3 simultaneously shot presurred piercing blades of wind.
A Magician eh?
Speeding up to normal max speed i tried to do a perfect spiral towards my target.
His blades of wind beeing incredibly off due to miscalculation in my actual speed i crept closer but still couldnt see him since the mist covered everything again.
While almost flying across this plane i swung my weapon again , as fast as i could to eliminate the fog once more.
Nothing happend though as they probably set the mist as unremovable...
Bastards ....
Now i saw a grey from in between the mist.
The form just snipped and my feet got lifted of the ground.
A Gust of wind revealing itself as a minitornado held me straight up into the air.
My head was even hanging towards the ground as my opponent rose my feet above my head and let me perform a summersault in midair...
SHIT this was bad.
Quickly thinking about the situation and a blade of wind approaching i decided on the first thing that came to mind.
A circle made out of a black shadow formed in midair directly attached to my feet.
" Shadowwalk!" did i cry out in a frantic way.
These flat cirlces were directly attached to my feet and made it possible for me to *skate* along the ground without touching it directly.
So the motion while running of lifting ones foot, to place it infront of the other, wasnt of especial use anymore.
After 2 weeks of getting accustomed to this kind of movement it was a piece of cake to move at even greater speeds.
Now i was using it for another type of movement which i master 3 days prior to this to make one of my weaknesses into a strength.
3 dimensional movements crossed my mind with the loopsided smile appearing again.
So i kicked of from the disks to gain momentum.
But to my opponents amazement these disks , even if i kicked off from them and used them kind of like a stepping stone , followed my feet.
He tried to stray me off my set path but that only was able for him in a certain extent.
Surely he kept throwing blades of varying densety at me but i evaded them all.
Being in mid range he unleashed 10 blades of Wind at the same time.
' Wow that sure is alot' .
I just swung my Warscythe in a sweeping motion before me and the blades returned to its master as he lost his control over the blades.
Dissapperaing into grey light i just defeated my second opponent.

Part 3
" Retired of Class 1-4 , 1-3 , 1-1 , 1-1." could i hear Roses voice.
Only three of my Class including myself remaining ... huh?
Surely Sophie and Kira.
I couldnt find any opponents anymore ... this battleground sure was annoying.
Checking my core 20 minutes after my fight it was at 80% damnit.....
The short usage of Shadowwalk sure cut alot of it...
" Retired of class 1-4 , 1-4 , 1-4 , 1-3 , 1-3 , 1-3 , 1-3." did i hear roses voice another 10 minutes later.
Thirteen remaining with only 1-2 and 1-5 completly intact and 2 other of my Class .
What the hell complete intact ... there is something fishy going on.

Another 20 minutes of running around in a random way i found out why.
2 Fireballs , a black sphere as well as stumbling stone appeared before me at the same time from 4 different directions.
Luckily there aim was off due to my speed.
So double red a black one and a brown one.
They banded together and went for the first 5 spots by themselves but one was missing ....
At least that was what i thought as a lightning bolt came from above and engulfed my body giving it quite some damage.
Shacking for a few seconds , due to the electricity in my body, i could hear laughter.
5 people emerged from the shadows and were utterly laughing at my shaking state.
3 of them stood atop gravestones , as i noticed this i smirked and squinched my eyes.
Snipping with my left hand , the brown , black and yellow user got ensnared by hands coming directly out of the shadows created by the Flaming balls the red robed figures where holding.
" Hahahahahahaha" was my clearly crazy laughter resounding from everywhere as i gave my next command.
" Piercer Knives!" 3 Knives directly aiming for their abdomen flew out of the oval shapes on my back.
Dissipating in grey particles , as they got transported away i was still laughing.
" Resinged from 1-2 , 1-2 and 1-2." Roses voice.
Snipping with my fingers again i created the shadowy spheres.
The 2 Red spell users directly started to make a bigger fire ball to penetrate this darkness.
The 2 oval shapes on my back instantly absorbed it leaving the area pitch black.
They tried making a bigger ball of fire together but also this got absorbed.
" Train more then maybe u can break this utter darkness" did my voice resound directly besides their ears.
Slashing both off them at the same time another announcment was made from rose.
" 1-2 and 1-2 resigned."
' 8 left and my power from 50 % too 100% in this fight , didnt look to bad' was my honest thought about all this.
The shadow hands took alot of power but those red spell users instantly refilled it , hahahaha.
Starting to speed again my body still ached a little bit due to the impact of the Thunder.

" He sure thinks quick using other Light sources to his advantage ..." was the serious reply from Ms Metra.
" I cant believe how easy he defeated 5 at once....." was the not so amused tone of Mr Sulfalur coming from within the observation room.
" Still my daughter will defeat him." was the only on the surface convinced reply from Mr Morgain.
" I dont think i could actually defeat him in a evend battle by myself..." Ericas dad just lay this statement for the others to catch on.
" ..." silence
" Yeah ...." was Ms Metras reply that came after the boy ran off towards another combat.
" Since you are a Black robe no wonder since you only heal , hahahaha" was the reply from Kiras Dad.
" Are you sure your Flames could pierce that Darkness?" was the sincerily meant question from Mr Sulfalur.
" ..." Silence once again.

Part 4
I , Erica , Robed in my Black robes just engaged for the second battle.
Wondering for a time now why didnt anybody of my Class resign yet, i still havent found the answer.
Nonetheless standing infront of me now was May.
My caring and a little whiny and shy companion.
The only one which clearly understood me and left me alone until i had to say sth.
Now we were opponents and i wouldnt make it easy for her.
My body was in perfect condition as i healed myself on the way after my first battle.
We looked eachother and snipped with our fingers at the same time.
I changed the cycle of life and death off the ground under her feet and she sunk into it.
This area of about 2 m around her became a stinking pit of swamp like ground easily ensnaring her feet and making her unable to move into close ranged combat which she preferred with her weapons.
As i smiled in satisfaction i felt something at my feet.

" Oh crap ..." was the only thing that could be heared as Mr Sulfalur watched his daughter resounding off the walls in the observation room.

Grinning with satisfaction , but still in a pinch was me , May.
I conjured up a Illusion of black spiders at Ericas feet.
She was someone very precious to me and we shared everything ... when she was in the mood for it.
In one of those moments she told me she had a paralyzing fear of spider which i used now.
' Good work , cute little May ' did i think very proudly of me.
Next step would be to get out of this swamp before she regains her composure.
Finally managing to get out of the sticky mud a ball of black light came rushing towards me.
Placing my face directly into the stinking mud i fell down on the spot to evade the ball of death like magic.
Getting back up and rolling to the side to avoid another ball of Black i got up again my face completly covered in mud.
My normal weapons for combat were a Knive and a Shortsword but i trained secretly for sth like this.
Snipping with my fingers once again the Sword and Knive formed a single curved line infront of me.
As soon as i touched this line a string was attached from start to end.
Also a quiver appeared haning down one of my thighs i quickly grabbed a arrow and nocked it on the frame and bent the bowstring backwards.

' Crap ...' was the thing i thought while blocking the arrow she just shot while decomposing it into its original state.
A unpolished part of a tree and a lump of green metal for the tip.
I didnt expect her to use something like this ...
Never seen her train with a bow before either....
Going into defensive while avoiding her shots or making the arrows decompose i couldnt think clearly of a answer to my stalemate.

All the while as they were fighting each Sophie , Kira and Iliyan finished off one the students off Class 1-2.

" Resigned 1-2 , 1-2 , 1-2. Last 5 remaining stage finished proceed through the exits."

Arriving while after mid battle Erica and May clearly were pouting.
Rose came up to out little group and congratulated us for making the top 5.

Part 5
Switching places over to the dining hall , alot of high ranking officals came over to the girls i followed behind and congratulated them.
None approached me ... bugged me a little bit.
I walked over to the table i always took place on.
As i got seated a enjoyed looking Lily came over and hugged me.
" Very Good master . Lily very proud." there was the sweet girlish voice again ...
Sigh ill let it slide for now.
" Lily how are we going to determine now who is which rank?" did i ask her surprised that we didnt finish fighting till the end.
" Master , the ranks have been assigned already and at 1 pm theyll get displayed on the blackboard in the dining hall." did her matter of fact voice come out.
" Then we dont have to fight to declare the winner?" did i state my surprise.
" No , but if you are unsatisfied you can challenge after 2 pm anyone to get a higher standing."
" I see..." did i say while noticing a shadow following Lily.
There she was Aylin the chandeliers light reflecting brightly from her silk hair...
She strechted her Hands towards me and i grabbed it.
" Congratulations ... Iliyan...." was a sweetish embarassed voice coming from her perfectly formed Lips.
With a loopsided smile i couldnt resist....
" Thanks misses ... what was your Name again?" did i say in a serious tone.
Her marble like skin turned ashen as i said this.
Lily pocked my with her elbow in my ribcage.
" Ow Lily , what was that for?"
" Master has been sayin ... mhmmm Aylin ... everynight!" did Lily say to my surprise.
" Thats an utter LIE!" did i shout out making everyone take note of this conversation.
" Aylin your hair is so silken ... mhmmm..." did Lily continue to say.
I struggeled with her to seal her mouth be she continued.
" Aylin your eyes are as dark and as warm as a comfortalbe summer nig... mumphl" i finally was able to shut her up.
With a sigh i registered all the faces looking at me and Lily...
Then i imagined what this would look like...
Bursting in laughter at the thought of a almost 2m tall human holding his hands over a petite girls mouth ....
Then i noticed something strange again ... Aylin was red from neck to her ears....
Oh great .... did i really say that during my sleep?

Seems she took me very seriously ... at least what Lily tell her.
May , Sophie and Erica came over followed by Ericas Dad and Sophies Mom.
May came flying into my arms as i was just about to tell Aylin that was just a joke but i didnt get a chance.
" Hehe , May ranked person of year 1 to your duty my Lord." did she say while i twirled my body around with her in my Arms.
She even crossed her legs at my waist to cling to me more tighlty and slung her arms behind my neck.
Like this i could easily kiss her , as she noticed this she quickly let go and stepped a few steps back.
Erica came up to me and also hugged me but not as frantic as May.
Then Sophie came up looked deeply into my eyes then blushing.
After she blushed she turned her head and made a "Hmph" sound.
Definetly wanting a full power fight i could anticipate her challenging me every week from now on.
But she still clung to me shortly and giving me a hug.
Daisy lifted her head at the sound of huggin from allover and as she was touched alot.
She looked around with half closed eyes ... seems like she is a hard waking up type aswell ... and then fixing my cheeck within her gaze.
Bringing up her head to my cheeck she lightly touched my cheek with her snout and made a "Chuuuu" sound as if kissing me.
Not believing , while glancing sideways towards the Dragon which hung his head now again , i opened my mouth and it was in this state for a long time.
May had her cheeks puffed up Erica her arms crossed and Sophie gave of a Icy feeling while looking at me.
" No fair i want to give him one too." did may state while closing in on me to give me a kiss.
Janking her head back up Daisy rose again and growled lightly towards the three girls.
May almost started to cry while the other 2 looked clearly fascinated.
" I always knew Dragons were territorial but about a Human?" did Mr Sulfalur state in a astounded voice.
Shrugging my shoulders Lily approached me.
Daisy rose her head looking directly in Lilys eyes and hung her head back down.
Lily gave me a kiss on the cheek.
" Hehe , i got Daisys permission , hehe" did a clearly Happy Lily say.
She then grabbed Aylins hand and pushed her towards my body.
Flying around due to the strength lily pushed her with , i caught her in my Arms.
As i caught her Daisy looked up and rubbed her head on Aylins shoulder.
" Is that really a dragon and not a cat?" did Ms Metra say seriously.
" Cmon Aylin give him a kiss on his cheeck." did Lilys encouraging tone come from my left side.
Daisy who still was hanging her head down at my right shoulder still rubbing on Aylin.
Aylins eyes locked with mine and i gave her an " If u dont mind look".
So she bent over my left shoulder and tried to kiss my cheek.
Daisy noticing this lashed with all force her little neck could muster out at my right jaw.
Thus i turned my head due to momentum which felt like a jab on my lower right jaw.
Mine and Aylins lips touched.
Overlapping eachother we both didnt realize what this feeling was.
... Okay i lied ... i saw this develope before my eyes but i wanted to extend this feeling to the Max.
She opened her eyes as May, Erica and Sophie gasped in surprise.
Opening her eyes as far as ive never seen before she pulled her head back blushing very deeply.
Due to the Girls pleas of " Nofair me too" we seperated.

After a heated argument and me missing Kira in all this , the Rankings were displayed.

5th - May - Darkrend
4th - Erica Sulfalur - Void
3rd - Sophie Metra - Ryulith , Zygidal
2nd - Iliyan Osson - Darkrend
1st - Kira Morgain - Darkrend

2nd i got second.
Really second .....
I was stunned beyond believe....

Spoiler! :
Part 1
" Huh , Iliyan is second???" Mays statement to verify the other places.
" ... ?" Ericas stunned expression while she saw the outcome.
" Hmmmmm?" Sophies critizing gaze.
" Master you can just challenge her to take the first place." was Lilys estimitated answere to the questions in my head.
Walking over to the Place Kira and General Morgain were standing leaving everyone behind.
" 2pm , arena." did i say then i turned around again giving my offical declaration for a fight to Kira.
Before i turned around i saw her flinch in fear and looking at Daisy which was hanging around my Neck.
Walking off to another location besided the Dining hall the small gathering of people such as Aylin , Lily , Sophie , Erica , Mr Sulfalur , Ms Metra and May followed me.

Proceeding to the arena before hand i flinged open the door to this exclusive intersectioning Dimension.
It was a sight close to a Collosiuem which lay out before me.
Only this stage had 24 Pillars in the fighting arena extending 4 m into the air and were 50 cm wide.
My Progression wandered off to the observation seats only Lily standing with me in the arena.
" Master , want to train with me?" did she clearly saw through my intent.
" No , Sophie you wanted a fight correct?" did i say while turning my head towards the observation seats.
" Y-Yes?" was her frightend voice coming from there.
" I know you wanted to wait for after today because i have the battle with Kira coming up , but dont worry about it."
As i said this out loud , which was a spot on deduction of what i already knew about Sophie she came wandering down.
Now we were standing infront of eachother.
" Want to change battlefields?" was my honest question towards her.
This field was bathed in sunlight and all of the Pillars created long shadows a clear battlefield preferring my powers.
" ... No , enough rocks and the air is humid enough." was her reply after she checkd the conditions.
So she snipped with her Fingers and her Brown armor appeared.
Snipping again the Blue enveloped her forming a helmet and changing the colour of her Leg- and arm guards.
With a Blue shield and a Brown shortsword she was standing infront of me taking her defensive stance.
The sound of sth wet ripping.
My Flesh between my shoulder blades ripped open and 2 oval shapes of a green colour formed right out my body.
A Warscythe formed overhead and fell directly into one of the shapes.
Another Jade coloured warscythe flew out of it.
This time i decided a straight spearlike Warscythe was the best since she wanted to fight for real.
" Mr Sulfalur can you judge the point of loosing very closely. Keep in mind that this weapon passes through defenses , be it shields or Armor alike." did i say.
" It really passes through.... Yes..." was the clear shocked answer as he even got told the special charakteristics off this weapon.
" Sophie. I am giving you a warning you know this weapon and my speed . This is not all i can do do you want 100%?" was my clealy not belitteling decleration towards sophie.
" I want it all."
Nodding my head in mutual understanding i snipped again.
My feet got enveloped by a disk of Shadows.
Jade coloured Arm- and shinguards appeared.
10 Wolves borne from the Shadows appeared.
Then i began.

Part 2
The wolves jumped at her he bashed her shield straight forwards and 2 wolves were flying backwards straight through the air leaving traces of a liquid substance behind on her shield.
Slicing through the other 2 she defended against this attack.
The sliced wolves and the bashed wolves stood up again.
Forming 2 more the sliced through ones regenerated.
Procedding to attack one again.
Skating in a Spiral form around her watching carefully for any openings the wolves would create she snipped with her fingers.
Walls of Earth shot out of the ground making a perfect wall to capture the wolves.
Snipp the air around me dried out as Sophie gathered a sphere of Water above her head.
The liquid sphere kep on wabbering above her head as i approached her.
Suddendly i felt a lash out of this sphere.
Quickly sidestepping while crouching down a little bit a Whip made of pure water just hit the spot where i was intending to go.
" Hahaha interesting. Okay now youll get what you want seriously." throwing my spear into the shape once again i after i said this i drew Shadowreaver.
The form which contained 70% Black parts and flecked with 30 % of green appeared and i catched it with my hands.
4 meteres till i could touch her body with a 2,4 meter long weapon i started thrusting towards her.
KRRRCCCHHH did my weapon make a sound as Sophie raised her Shield to defen.
Bzzzzzz came the sound from the double Ovals.
Straight thrust, Krchhh shield.
Low swiping motion , Backstep.
Straight piecring motion with turning my Body , sidestep.
During those 3 attacks i made a whole circle around her she was able to follow my moves clearly.
Those were all feints though.
A sound of sucking in air could be heard very clearly throughout the Arena , originating from my back.
There it was.
2 Beams of purelight shot out from the shapes on my back.
Frantically she raised , with a snip of her fingers , a wall of Earth and rocks infront of her.
This wasnt enough so she put the liquid sphere with another snipp behind it.
An Opening was created.
Moving from my circling motion to a straight dash i flew past her at a 1m distanz and shouted.
" Knives" as they flew out and tried to stab into her shadow Sophie snipped again.
Flames appeared right there were her shadow was extinguishing the shadow.
The knives just went into the ground and dissolved leaving a black puddle behind.
" Very good , this still isnt enough." She snipped and formed another sphere of Water above her.
Now the real fight began.

I Snipped with my fingers and sth which she hadnt seen before was in progress.
My Shadow enlarged itself and got a glint of Green.
It rose from the ground , looking like a dragonsmaw it bit down on me.
Black substance enveloping me while i was standing still.
If one would look at it closely it had the texture of water as it wabbered around.
At the same time it looked like a flame.
It covered everypart of my Body except for my Armor and Weapon.
Even the 2 oval shapes turned into this sickly coloured Darkness.
Kaboooooommm, was the sound heared about as i kicked off the ground to gain speed.
Similar to the Shadowwalk this made me faster.
But 3 times as fast as i was with just Shadowwalk.
" Shadowavatar" did i cry out beneath that form which even coverd my mouth.
My Weapon instantly changed back to Moonpiercer as i used this form this wasnt missed by Sophie.
She thrust her weapon out front while sliding along the ground to get my by surprise.
Well within my calculations though.
Kicking off the earth gaining momentum to fly straight up.
About 3 meters above her head a Form of a Shadow like a disk was made up.
Turning my body in a sommersault in midair i placed my left foot on it and kicked off one again thrusting out.
Screech agains her shield.
4 Meters to her right side about 50 cm above ground another disk formed and it was hovering in midair standing upright like her figure.
Kicking off of this one again Swiping motion from My warscythe.
She raised her righthand and flung her Sword upwards to make me miss my mark.
Defending properly against more than 10 attacks she seemed to look through my pattern and started to control the sphere of water above her.
4 Whips formed at the same time lashing out at me.
Shadow like disks formed in midair everywhere blocking those attacks like a shield before the gained the momentum to lash out.
Beams shot out of the forms and she tried to block it with her Shield.
She dissolved into White particles as Mr Sulfalur transported her away.
Breathing in heavily i snipped and everything dissappeared.

Part 3
I went to the seats and slumped down in one of the seats.
" Sure good defenses you got there , Sophie." was my clear answer to the fight.
" ..." her answer as usual.
May came running over as Lily handed Daisy back to me.
" Wow Iliyan, how is your core?" did she ask me out of pure curiosity.
" 70% i would guess." was my honest answer.
" %(Z?U/(" was the shouted answer from everyone.
Even the overly serious Ms Metra joined in.
" That has ... to be a mistake , boy." was Mr Sulfalurs reply.
" Ill check ." closing my eyes i went into my Mind and looked at the core.
Jade coloured bright flames enveloped the rock.
" About 75% to be precise." was my answer.
" ... What ... are ... you..." a collectiv sound came from everyones mouth at the same time.
Lily gave me a bucket of Water which i poured over my head , as it touched my Body steam errupted instantly.
" Why are you so hot?" did Mr sulfalurs voice reach me.
" Friction of moving so fast produces mass amount of heat ive been trying to adjust to this with bathing very hot. Lily what was the last heat measurement u took while i was bathing?" did i shoot a question at Lily.
" Highest 67 ° a few days back."
After a silent pause , Mr Sulfalur and Ms Metra began to ask me all kinds of Questios about everything i used in battle.

Lily told me that during my fight with Sophie a announcment came making my decleration of War with Kira a offical event.
Alot of Students would take part in it and most likely all of the Officals which came this year.
We were still seated in the Arena but i had my Double Oval bathing in sunlight.
" Why are you using a technice now , shouldnt you try to recover the most power you can all this time?" was a surprised question shot at me from Ericas Dad.
" Those shapes gather Sunlight and with using unused lines in my Mind i can use them to fill up my Core." did i say matter of factly.
" SO youve got a unlimited power???!!!" seemed like Sophies Mom was stunned.
I already discovered if she dropped her serious tone she was like a young girl clearly displaying every emotion on her face.
" No, while in a fight i can regenerate 100% of the usage of Spear and the Shapes but as the Spells cost me deeply like Shadowwalk not even to talk about Shadowavatar , it seemes like it gets scrapped away."
The Arena seemed to fill with more and more people all the while as the 2 pm mark approched.

Part 4
" Fight will being in 5 minutes" did i hear Roses voice echoing throughout the Stadium.
Rose was the announcer of this battle backed up by Kiras father.
Kira was standing filled with a gaze full of hatred infront of me.
" Iliyan , if i win you will have to give up on that PEST you have!" got the angere filled voice of Kira reach me.
Having Pink hair and red eyes she looked cute.
Her hair were tied up in 2 Ponytails at each side extending to her shoulders.
Those eyes were big and round and she was about 1,48 meters tall , so a small petite girl.
Still she had endless appearing legs and slender arms as well as her neck.
But her anger at Daisy distorted her cute face and made it into sth vicious.
' I am sorry daisy for putting you into a bind ...' did i think for myself.
When one wants to challenge one of a higher rank , the loser would either have to give up his spot if he was the higher one, or fullfil a random demand which the higher one would declare beforehand, if he was off lower rank.
Set rules within this academy even if the higher couldnt decline.
Waiting in silence brooding with Anger at her unreasonable demand.
Sure ive read in books about what Moondragons had done through the history to me it seemed like ficitonal storys though.
It was more of a instinctual answer but nonetheless i knew somehow that Moondragons only defended their territory or their offspring if they attacked Humans.
So i couldnt understand all the ruckus which evolved around Daisy.
They even extended the Observation deck to accomodate all the people who were watching.
Even the Principal was here , as ive been told by Lily.
Aproximately 90% of the Students gathered already and all of the officals in the premises , could i make out as my gaze wandered around the Stadium.
Kira agreed to leave the battlefield as it was with the Pillars and the broad sunlight.
She was a Combatart type which excelled in offense in meele range.
Little tricks a pure Power type.
Heightening every Muscle in her body with magic , tricking her own mind to release the limiter of those muscles.
Increasing defense with a thin layer of green substance over her whole body.
Backed up with 10 years of Training she was a destructive machine filled with hatred towards a little Dragon and redirecting it at me at the moment.
I on the other hand fought with a different style.
Mid range fighter barely any Protection i relied on Speed to gain the advantage.
Using Magic to erase a motion in picking up speed.
Skating along the earth or using a three dimensional attack Pattern.
Mixing in long range attacks backed up with sth akin to familiars to create openings.
Varying weapons to make my moves almost impossible to predict.
Using massive amounts of Magic and replenishing it with sth like a sun powered * Energyplant*.
But my latest trick hasent been seen by many yet.
Using it only once , while being able to control myself.
It was a Spell which fed on hatred and malice which i felt rather strongly now at the thought of what would happen if i lost.
" Fight BEGIN" was the last thing i heard before my battle focus kicked in shutting any unnecessary information out.
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suffering 5,5

Post by DOL »

Suffering 5,5
Spoiler! :
Part 1
50 meters between me and Kira i kicked off the ground ans snipped 6 times in succesion.
Snip , Oval shapes grew out between my shoulder blades.
Snip , the Moonpiercer Scythe flew into my hands.
Snip , 15 Disks of shadow appeared around me in midair and kept following me.
Snip , Shadowy disks attached to my feet appeared.
Snip , MY whole body got swallowed by a Dragonsmaw growing out of my own shadow.
Snip , the Shadows around EVERY pillar kept spewing out Wolves with a wabbering substance like water.
Wolves attacking Kira in a Pack circled her and jumped at her numerous times.
Thrusting her fists with the Spikes attached at the knuckles she kept hitting wolv after wolv in a calm manner.
Exploding from within the wolves didnt reappear or regenerate.
'Those fists sure had destructive power...'
By the time i reached a proper attacking range all wolves dissappeared.
Skating in a Circular fashion i released a flurry of thrusts pierces and Swipes with my spear from 360° angle everywhere around her.
Sidestepping the thrusts , backstepping the pierces and counterswiping my swipes with a momentum of her Arm she evaded everything.
Only the tip of the Moonpierecer was able to penetrate her Armor so she hit the Shaft part and defended like that , deducing the ability correctly.
A battle of Magic wasnt all about Strength or Power but it was more of a Mindgame to determine ones ability and using your own to its fullest.
Spreading out the shadow disk farther away from myself i changed weapons.
" Riftslasher..." did i shout out a command but it didnt end like that." DOUBLE"
2 70% green 30% black 1,5m spears appeared in my Hands.
Green aura enveloping the blade parts i kicked off the ground.
Bzzzz came from the oval shapes as well.
Using the first disk right above her head i sommersaulted and kicked of my right foot unleashing a X crossed motion with both spears.
An X formed energy in green colour came flying towards Kira.
Twisting my ankle to adjust my next kicking off phase and sommersaulting in midair again i kicked off from a disk at the level of her head and fired the 2 beams of my shapes on my back.
Kira putting her forearms together snipped and a huge Shield as big as herself appeared before her.
The x shape was negetated.
Turning around to intercept the beams she was stunned as the beams flew past her.
Turning another time she saw something incredible.
The beams bounced off of the Shadow like disks and came ricocheting back.
While this happend i shouted " Shadowreaver" getting my 70% black 30% green Warscythe out.
Having my feet connected too 2 disks i hovered in midair alined perfectly with the ground at her headlevel defiying all logics of Gravity.
Thrusting directly at her using only the strength in my Armmuscles.
Shield dissapearing she turned around again.
Snipping with her left hand directly facing the beams a disk of Shadow 1m across appeared at the palm of her hand.
Bringing her arm , outstrechted , beyond the thrusting Warscythe and with a lifting motion of her arm lifted up the shaft as the Spear scrapped past her Helmet where her cheecks lay.
I missed my target as the Shadow disk swallowed the Lightbeams.

Part 2
Only beeing able to describe her as a Genius in thought process as well as in timing i admired her guts to lift up Moonpiercer like this and beeing able to absorb the Light into Shadows with a Shield of shadow.
Power level 75% after 2 minutes of fight , stalemate.
Snip , was the next sound i heard as a fine film of Shadowyness enveloped the gauntlets of her hand.
The spikes dissappeared but those fists could easily kill me with one hit anyways.
Kicking off the ground , which left pieces of earth flying behind her , she counterattacked.
This was the first time for her to go to the offense.
Looking surprised i deattached myself from the Disks i was hovering at about 1,5m in the air and proceded directly over her head.
Attaching the disk with Kira as the center of mass they moved with her motions.
Reaching the disks i wanted to land on was very hard like this because i needed to calculate her speed movement as well as maybe turns for a attack at the same time before kicking off.
My trained brain managed this though accostumed to higher speed from Lily.
So i thrust out at her from above without her able to reach me.
Using my Midrange weapon + the 3d attacks to its fullest she was on the defensive again as i was , facing my head directly to the ground attacking her.
She thrust directly at the tip of Moonpiercer and i relaxed as i thought the battle was over but the shaft disappeared in her arm.
Not dissolving into particles of Grey or white , as it was natural when someone was wounded since that would mean a Referre of Zephyr or Void intercepted taking injuries into account , i was stunned.
Pulling back my Warscythe it was now 50 cms Shorter the tip missing.
" Didnt expect this , huh?" was a clear mocking tone coming from Kira.
Looking at her gauntlets i noticed something.
The Shadow wasnt acutally a shadow.
It was a thin layer of Nothingness....
Fused with mixing Shadow and Light together sucking in everything and returning it into nothingness.
There she was Standing high and mighty , overbearing from my perspektive as i stood in midair , and ridiculing me.
" With this new weapon , created with my fathers mind , i will turn that FIEND the same way as your Weapon to nothingness." still a mocking tone.
Wearing a Armor which was the same colour as Grass not pure green just a tick darker.
Having a Helmet formed like a Wolv with a thin scrape on it revealing the bleeding skin under it she was revealing the guresome truth of when i lost.

Part 3
" ROSE , CANCEL THE BATTLE , NOW!!! " was the noise i made in the Referre room.
I , Lily , hoped this wouldnt happen to Master.
Knowing what would happen now , as i felt the atmosphere within this whole dimension becoming loaded with a freightening feeling.
As even i felt this for the observers this should be unbearable.
" Lily , what are you talking about , this is a interesting Battle." was the energetic Reply from Rose my firend which i have known since birth.
" He is going to Kill everyone in the Arena if this goes one" was my frantic plea towards Rose.
Everyone within this room laughed it off as if they couldnt feel the dread enveloping the boy.

Something snapped in my mind at those words Kira just uttered.
A schock went through the Intersectioning Dimension.
Like a Ripple starting in the middle of a Pond a wave spread out in Midair at the Center of the Border this dome shaped Dimension had.
Continuing on the observers started to look around confused.
" Beginning transgression.
Reflecting light of the three Moons-
grant me thy Power-
bestowing my opponent with fear-
succumbing to fear-
enveloping in Pitchblack Darkness-
HEED MY CALL" were the words which came out of my mouth with an other worldy Chant.

I, Kira , heard a weird chant coming out from my Opponents throat.
Shiver running down my spine i had trained to the max just developing new skills to defeat this Boy infront of me.
My Father pulled some strings to make me Rank 1 , so the boy would challenge me.
The higher ups agreed under the condition , that i got rid of the Dragon this boy defended in a law enforcing way demanding him to hand it over if i won.
But this shiver made me a bit paralyzed at the Shadowcovered form floating in midair above me.
The shapes on his back which formed a V over his head started to move.

Emitting a feint Green , only breadcrumbe big , substance before me.
It was a powder which emitted when i start beatting the shapes on my back.
Using them as wings to create wind the Powder enveloped the entierety of the Arena.
All of my Willpower went into controlling the Hatred which tried to envelope my Mind.
Kira beginning to writhe in Agony and falling to the Floor the Disks made from Shadow dissappeared and i fell towards the earth.
Landing straight upright with my feet Kira was living through the most painfull memorys she had once again.
Those memorys being as livid that she actually thought she was there were created by this Powder like substance which was also Toxic to ones mind flodding it with fear deeply rooted and shut off in ones heart.

Part 4
I , Kira , a 4 year old girl was sitting on my Mamas lap.
My Mama just made my hair and bound a long Ponytail attached with a ribbon , to keep them in place , at the back of my head.
Hehe i was happy.
She was patting my head.
We sat atop of a Hill facing the sunny Rocks covering this hill.
Papa just went to the battlefield this morning and Mama cried through the night.
She was sad Papa had to leave because today was Mamas birthday.
So Mama and me went on a Picknick to enjoy her Birthday and to make up for Papa who was missing.
My Papa was strong so i knew he would return and smile at me warmly and hold me in his arms like he always does.
This hill was 5km away from the frontlines where Papa was fighting so Papa should return later and give lots of Love to me and Mama.
He was a good Papa always smiling and snuggling up to me or Mama.
He was also very warm , he was Efreet borne so he emitted alot more heat then a normal person.
As Mama and me were always a little chilli this felt good.
Atop of this hill which was covered at the right and left side with Cliff like walls Mama was singing a tune which she normally used to make me go to sleep faster.
So i was a little sleepy while sitting in my Mamas lap with my back leaned against her.
Hehe this felt sooo good , being snuggled up to Mama.
It was past my midday sleeping time so i felt extra sleepy.
Snuggled up like this i fell asleep , being engulfed with my Mamas care and the Honey like scent from the tree we sat under.
Yes ... that ... tree ... it ... *Yawn* ...was ... my favourite ... a ... Moonoak ... a ...tree ... only... found in ... this ... world.
Then i was sleeping soundly in my Mamas Lap.

Waking up to my Mamas frantic breathing i half opend my eyes.
" Mama why are you breathing so heavy..." was my half awake mind telling me to say.
" Shhsh Kira , keep on sleeping everything is okay." was my motheres freightend voice reaching my ear.
" Mama .. what is that black thing there?" did i say while opening my Eyes completly.
My mama held me in her Arms and my head was resting on her shoulder she was running down a Hill.
" Nothing Baby , just sleep" my Mamas voice had sth like dread in it, what is wrong Mama.
A loud beating sound filled my ears as the black shape neared.
Mama twisted her body around and screamed out in despair.
I started crying , this was the first time hearing mama like this.
She took me infront of her gave me a kiss and snipped her fingers.
A water shape wrapped around my body and my Mama threw me away.
Then i saw sth unbeliaveable.
Dark Green flames engulfed my Mama and she screamed in Agony as her body was eaten by the Flames spewing out of the Lizard like creature behind her with Wings.

Part 5
The oval shapes disappeared from view as they were beating too fast for any Humans eye to follow.
Keeping my hatred at bay and seeing Kira still writhing in Agony i turned around and waited for the Referees to declare me winner.
Kira , stood up.
Clearly being shocked at her will power to stand up after sth like this.
Then the loopsided smile appeared on my face and i squinched my eyes as the battlelust engulfed me but still keeping my hatred at bay.
" I-Is ... t-that aaaaall yo-you can DO!" was her clearly shaking remark.
Buzzing sound being heard behind me and still emitting Powder this form gave me more advantages.
Readying my spear i dashed straight at her.
Her hatred also surfaced and the form , till now , only restricted on her Knuckles started to spread over her whole body.
The Green of her Armor vanished and was replaced by the thin layer of Nothingness.
1m of the Shaft from my weapon vanished into nothingness.
Sure it was really meddlesome to fight one with the same sign.
Equivalent to my hatred giving birth to the beating wings and doubling my speed , her hatred towards her most dreaded memory gave her power to make a impenetrable line of defense condescing out of nothingness.
Trying various things out to undergo this Armor i started circling aaround her once again.
" Emerald Flames" did i shout while making an O infront of my mouth.
Shooting out flames forming after the O i made i gulfed Kiras body in those Flames.
I was believing in those Flames that they acutally were a part of Reality so they actually were.
But they had a different effekt then normal Flames.
Sure they were hot but not as hot as a Dragons flame.
This flame would make ones mind go through pain and another form of anguish.
Seemingly doing no effekt on her Armor , it even deepened her hatred.
A wet ripping sound was heard and at the top of her Shoulder blades 2 forms appeared made out of the same Dark nothingness as what engulfed her whole body.
New arms formed giving her an even stronger Destrucive power.
Shooting beams at her standstill form switching Weapons engulfing her another time in Flames summoning 500 Wolves , which dissapeared as soon as they touched her , i was becoming frantic.
Silence engulfing the Stadium at this point i made some distance between us.
30 meteres we were standing apart.
Checking through my Mind i saw my core was down to 40%.
Then i heard a voice which didnt belong to Kira anymore , it sounded more like a reincarnation of pure Hatred filled with thorns and malice.
" Is this all? You are nothing , as soon your Friend that Dragon will be nothing!"
Shaking uncontrollably at this declaration i slumped to the ground.
No being able to fight for my friend ... not being able to become number 1 ... dissapointing my mother ... not bein able to restore the glory of this Planet....

' Hold your head high my *Son* , nothing can stand before you , not even nothingness!' did i hear a encouriging voice which i normally only heard as laughter in my Mind.
' recite after me ....' was his next command like words.

Part 6
Standing up still shaking a little bit i regained my composure after I took a deep breath.
Following the voice which told me what to say.
As soon as i started reciting after the voice in my Head everyones attention turned on me.
When i heard the cite the Jade green Flames which normally covered the Rock in my mind were pulsing out of my Skin.
" Turning Illusion to reality ,
Darkrends Ability has been reborn ,
Fusing Darkness with Light ,
Turning nothingness to EVERYTHING ,
Combining both aspekts ,
I have been borne as the first ,

" WHAT DID HE JUST SAY IN THAT CHANT!" was the reaction the whole refeere room said out loud after this incantation.
Are , are , he just spilled his secret.

A loud booming sound was hearable.
The green Aura turned into a complete set of Armor.
Shin ,leg and armguards of a Black colour wrapped tightly around the areas.
Breastplate and shoulderplates were Jade coloured.
My Helmet was also Black but had Jade coloured almond-drop like shape were my Eyes were hidden.
Pincer like shapes , 4 of them , grew out of the helmet and built a shape similar to a Insect opening its Maw .
Those almond shaped things had a texture of a Insects eye with all of the facets.
The Armguards had a single Spike growing out to cover my hands and about 40 cms before it building a handprotection.
My Fingers werent hidden behind gauntlets.
The surface of the Metal like parts was as smooth as a Pond in a windless night reflecting every bit of light on them.
Although this looked like Armor it felt more like my own skin , thus i knew that one attack would be enough to kill or damage me extremly.
Flashy apperance but no defence was my style.
Did i say with the loopsided smile hidden beneath the Helmet.
All of those parts on my Body were used to increase my Muscles.
Faster , stronger more endureand , thats what they were for.
Not a single thought about defense sure is the best.
There is a old saying: Attack is the best defense.
My Warscythe which i was accustomed too flew into my hands.
But something felt different.
It looked like the Moonpiercer from the Jade colour but i knew i could also use it like the Shadowreaver.

Kicking lightly off the ground i charged to test my new speed.
I stopped 20 m past her without so much as being able to hit her....
' Wow this was only a light movement to gain momentum' did i think for myself.
Adjusting my senses i felt a hostile aura directed at me from that form of nothingness with 4 Arms.
Kicking off the ground with all of my strength i engaded in this battle.

The Jade and sickly Dark coloured shape were trading blow.
The jade coloured one always evading by a small margin bending his body or turning around with only the slightest of movements.
The Dark one took all the blows , with every blow it took the Darkness ripped open and revealed a green Armor underneath.
Those areas immediatly got covered again with the sickly colour of nothingness.
This colour was received in a Humans mind as Dark but the figure watching this battle at the moment sitting atop a rock on a Grey rock covered field with green vein like appearances all over was laughing.
" Did you have to tell him this already? "did she say to the area around her in a scolding voice.
Laughter filled the whole area.
At every laugh the Godess Darkrend bounced up and down as she was shaken by a earthquake.
She seemingly felt annoyed by it.
" Why not he is a one of a Kind anyways." was a deep voice resounding from everywhere.

The battle ended with a clear winner.
As the jade form got accustomed to his new abilitys the attacks got faster while the Dark form wasnt able to land a hit.
The attacks become so fast it seemed like it only took one second to rip open every part of nothingness on the Dark form revealing the Green armored girl underneath.
" Iliyan Osson , rank 1." was the declaration made by the announcer Rose.
This concludes the First Arc ive been planning and so the first Volume is complete.
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Re: Suffering

Post by Rohan123 »

Gratz on completing the first volume man! :D
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Suffering V. 2 Chapter 1,1

Post by DOL »

Suffering V. 2 Chapter 1,1
Spoiler! :
Part 1
A Boy with Hair hanging down all the way to his earlob and on the other side at the level of his Neck was sitting in a Dining hall atop of a chair.
The lights of the Chandeliers hanging off the ceiling reflected off 2 Metalballs sticking out of his left earlob.
Wearing a froak coat loosely hanging down to his knees , with opened buttons in a green colour , slowly bringing up a Goblet of Wine to his lips.
Underneath a Black coloured shirt was peaking out , black linen pants and a pair of black boots completed his outfit.
Yawning one could see that he was bored even if a ball was held in this Hall.
Even under his clothing refined uscles could be seen.
Eyes of a light blue colour , which was very uncommon on this Planet , and Dark skin he was a mysterious person.
Unusually tall for a Human he was about to hit the 2m mark with 1,97 m height.
Behind him was a girl standing looking around without any emotion on her pretty face.
At the corners of her mouth 1 metalball each stuck out.
Long Stell coloured hair as well as eyes also made her quite mysterious.
Wearing a enhancing dress curves could be seen.
Those curves werent too much but for her 1,6m equivallent.
But her face was the prettiest around.
" Lily , why do i have to be here again?" was a reveberating tone resounding as the boy spoke.
" Master , this is a Party held in your honour." came a clear distinguished voice out of her volumenous Lips.
The boy sighed.

Alot has happened in the past month when people found out im Darkrends son.
High standing officals came to me daily until i freaked out and started running everytime i saw a Adult.
Okay actually by the Terms of age i also came of Age but thats not the point here.
All of those guys sucking up to me interferring in my training...
The matter with Kira cant get solved like this at all...
I was still having a cold war with her because of Daisy.
Daisy my cute little Moondragon her scales were black and had traces of emerald in them.
She was cute.
Now even this party ... i could only think off a fighting training with 500 wolves or more ... or a hot bath.
Turning my head i oggled Lily exqusite figure behind me and a loopsided smile appeared on my face.
She blushed as she knew what i was thinking about.
Peaking out under her fluttery hem of the Dress she was wearing a white seetrough piece of cloth could be seen peaking out.
As it was peaking out at both sides one would think it was a piece of the Dress , but i knew better.
Hehe good Lily.
She was wearing my favourite piece of underwear she possesed.
She only did this though to make me attend this party.
A huge fuss broke out this morning but she promised me , for my attendance now, she would wear it all day and walk around only in underwear when we were alone.
Normally she would be sitting on my lap when we were alone but this party robbed me of my private time....
' Ahhh a day completly free of any Officals would be so nice.'
Sighing again another Offical approched me.
" Sire , i am your humble servant a Cpt on the frontlines. " did he say while bowing." This is my daughter i would like to introduce her" did he continue.
Looking intently at the girl she was very pretty extravagant curves and a pretty face on top of it.
Enhancing those curves was a tight fitting dress clearly making moving around in it a pain.
Pinch , from Lily she was getting jealous alot lately.
' Hahaha' did i laught in my mind.
' Iliyan , you goddamn brat , go steady with one !' was the comment my mother has been telling me alot lately.
' Sure is fine that a godess say goddamn' did i say before laughing at my Mother.
She sent me a image of herself frowning and pouting as i even had the nerve to laugh at a godess.
The offical scurried away as i wasnt to infatuated with his daughter.
Yeah , they treated me as some kind of Son-in-law those officals from time to time.
Now another offical in a Black suit approched me.
" Sire, i would humbly present you with my daughter to take her hand in marriage." did this black clothed man say.
As i was residing in a realaxed state i started to sit upright towering over this man infront of me even as i was seated.
Breathing in very heavily i pushed myself off of the handrest standing infront of this person.
Oggling his daughter veryyyy intentionallly which gained me a sigh from Lily.
Breasts above average , slim waist but curvy hips.
A dress tightfitting on top and leaving enough movement at her thighs because there it was layerd.
The dress started at her neck level and spread out over her collarbone but leaving the shoulder bare.
She was pouting a little at her fathers embarrassing speech.
Rich red lips.
Refined lines of her jaw which made her cute.
Legs were also slender and covered in thighsocks which had a lacestring attached as an accesoire.
Brown hair , a little bit curly , only reaching her neck as well as absent looking brown eyes.
Hands entwined at her buttocks and holding the short skirt down.
After i oggled her enough i embraced her in my arms she was emmiting heat from embarassment from her skin.
Turning around after i hugged her and gave her a kiss on her cheeck i started to talk to her Father.
" My sincerest appologies , but i prefer long hair be it curly or straight so until next time i got to decline again."
" Next week same time then?" was this mans answer accostumed to this game which we enjoyed.
" Now to offical buisness , how are the front Lines Mr Metra." did i casually start to talk to Sophies father.
" Same as usual , Sire." was a humble tone coming out of his mouth at which i sighed.
" Peter cmon stop i hate this polite shit anyways."
" Sure Iliyan , no movements of the black horde."
" Good to hear , but seriously talk to your daughter. Tell her to grow her hair out."
" Tried and failed , she even told me that you liked her hair when u usually caress those locks she has... " was the critizing gaze he gave me.
" Cause i like locks but if she had long her she could be my wife without doubt." we were jokingly discussing.
Lily hit me with her elbow and Peter flew through the air and landed on the opposite wall being flung around from his daughter.
" Sophie , that was just a joke."
She didnt talk much in company but livened up when we were alone.
Like the first , last and only time we were alone.
STUPID partys and officals.
Still she was beet red at my jokes with her father.
That guy was seriously easy going ... unlike her serious Mother.
Whenever i saw her i ran away as she started to chase me trying to force me to marry her daughter.
" There he is the defiler of my daughter!" did i hear her voice resounding.
Directly giving my feet the command to run away i chases the way.

Part 2
" Mom ... im a virgin..." did Sophie say towards her Mother.
" Lies all lies he has to take responsability for his deads even if he is sth like a King."
I , Lily , Masters Playth... slav... serv... FRIEND , will explain this.
A while back Sophies Parents were visiting this Academy.
They served at the frontlines to repel the black horde , demihumans trying to kill every human.
Iliyan has taken some matters into his hands to get accustomed to his role as Darkrends son.
Easy overviews of the battles and tactics and those Parents were his direct subordinates reporting to him ocassionally.
Their hands could open the door to his department to report to him directly if needed.
Her father though , as he and Iliyan were one of a kind of man , always abused this to surprise Iliyan.
Sophie visited Iliyan the night before and they were training.
As the day was approaching its last minutes they were drinking and slept in drunk on the sofa in Iliyans appartment.
The sight which was displayed before the Parents eyes was terryfiying for her Mother.
Iliyan only in underwear , holding Sophie tightly in his Arms.
Sophie was wearing a normal dress but even her underwear was clear in view.
So Ms Metra took a wrong conclusion as i was with them the whole night but just stood up before to prepare breakfast.
Thats why Iliyan ran away all the time upon seeing Sophies Mom.

Sighing after arriving at a room not to faraway from the dining hall , I , Iliyan was sighing.
' poking misunderstanding ' was my thought then looking around.
Shit date room flower field with the well in the middle.
Alot of girls and guys were there chatting with eachother.
Turning around on the spot i already got spotted.
Nothing can be done about it.
The Principal was seated at one of the benches surrounding the well.
She was waving towards me and i went to greet her at least.

" Yo , myboy. What are you doing here?" was the sweet voice of a 14 year old girl reaching my ears.
She was also a Greenspell user and used the Illusion part in her powers to keep up this apperance.
" Ms. Metra is here." i said with her understanding my concern and nodding about it.
" Okay , good luck with that. Haha. But her is someone who wanted to meet you , so im taking my leave. "
As she took her leave a girl with a slender neck straight black hair which shined like silk and Black eyes with golden speckles came into view.
Oggling her briefly she wore a lacy dress which gave me a good look at her chest.
Also those thighsocks ... was this a trend at the moment or what?
Aylin was seated at my side watching me carefully with an embarrased look.
Always embarrassed Aylin , since we kissed by accident we havent talked much.
" Hi Aylin ,how ..." did i start as another Parent opened the door and started chasing me.
" LEECHER COME HERE AND ACCEPT MY WRATH!" was the remark shot at me from another direction.
Ericas Mother and Father were chasing me as i ran a round along the well and esacped through the door.

During another Party Erica and her parents greeted me.
I liked Ericas dad but her Mom was a bit scary.
During unforseen circumstances Erica landed in this room , with the well , on my lap facing me.
Lips touching due to more ... unforseen circumstances ... the Parents looked for her daughter and saw this scene.
... Really ... not my fault...
Erica was pretty.
Long Blond hair flowing down her back and touching her buttocks.
Rich blonde colour and iceblue eyes same as mine.
Those eyes were half closed most of the time but when alone with her she opened them completly and those eyes could be described as glittering Saphieres.
Her body ... to say it in a non overbearing way ... was besung in poems by sages all around the world.
When alone with her , her non interested absent minded state of mind changed completly.
Still silent most of the times she showed cute expressions and those eyes made the gap between her behaviours obvious.
... Okay i lied ... that with the well seemed to be planned.
... Okay okay ... it was planned but without my involvement ... seriously.

While running quite a distance to escape those furious parents i entered another intersectioning Dimension.
A forest with a clearing in the mid , my classroom.
Getting seated at my usual desk in the back i started to relax and close my eyes.
Feeling sth pulling my chair back i opend them with surprise.
The reason i opened them was the soft feeling on my Lips.
" Ufufu..." mysterious voice ahead.
Long blond hair enveloped my sight.
A hand holding those hair behind her ears and leaning over giving me a kiss was said girl , Erica.
She always surprised me like this ....
Being very sensitive to changes in my surroundings she seemed to have developed a skill with her black spells to completly erase her surroundings and always surprised me like this.
She now opened her eyes withdrew and showed me a cute girlish smile chuckling a bit after she put a hand over her mouth to cover it.
Radiating Saphieres locked onto my eyes.
" Sooner or later i knew you would come here.... " was she telling me.
Gently caressing those blonde hair and checking her outfit i was satisfied.
Pink dress reaching only above her knees but another pair of those socks was covering her white skin at her legs.
The colour of her skin was that of polished marble.
" What is up with those thigh socks?" did i question her.
Standing upright again with her 1,66 m height she lifted the longskirt a bit and revealing the area ,n one leg only , where the socks finished and her white skin could be seen again she answered.
" Dont like them?" flirting tone ...
' Gotta get out of her or more will happen....' was my clear thought.
Pressing down on my chest she forced me to remain seated.
Sitting on my Lap again our Lips were about to touch as...
" Uguuuhhh , no fair May wants some too." did a familiar voice resound.
May in a red dress , actually enhancing her average features , was pouting.
Erica rose from my lap with a sigh and returned to her normal absent minded state after whispering sth into my ears.
" Drinking tonight?" did her sweet voice send a shiver down my spine.
I cant decline her .... seriously when i tried she started to cry and i couldnt do anything about it...
Sorry Lily but you got to watch over me tonight again....
Greeting May with a kiss on the cheek she was delighted and we departed towards the dining hall again.

Part 3
This feast was partely held for me.
Game training would start tomorrow preparing the participants , the so called rank 1 through 5 of every year , for the inter world competition.
Apologizing towards Ericas and Sophies parents as usual and telling them ill pick one in a not so distant future they calmed down and i could parttake in activitys without any strange occurences.

It took a felt eternity for the party to end and i was enjoying some watered red wine sitting on my sofa.
Lily started to undress herself as she promised but i stopped her.
" 5 mins Erica will most likely come." was my apoligizing answer to her surprise.
Frowning and pouting Lily went off.
After i got the Chant from the still a littlebit mysterious voice , at the battle against Kira , i got a power from Mom.
I could create doors leading to desired Dimensions now.
Making a own room for Lily she was headed there now.
Nonetheless she always snuck into my bed at night.
Daisy was sleeping soundly leaning on my leg.
Petting her Lily entered the living room again.
" Stupid Master , Lilys not going to watch over you tonight. Hope you take Ericas viginity!" was her angry voice reaching me before she banged the door shut again.
Yeah ... if i had sex with one of them i would have to marry that person...
Binding law of the Codex we Humans lived under.
The Codex was a rulebook set up by the first King of this kingdom to ensure stability.
All of those rules were useless in my mind.
Okay actually a few were usefull.
As Darkrends son , as inscribed in the codex , i would lead a prestigous life as the next King as soon as ive fought for 3 years at the front lines.
Still 10 years away i was relieved.
But as the next King , i was destined to marry a prestigeous daughter of a Official.
Another trap which lay there though ... a Offical could marry multiple but a King cant...
Good rule.
Didnt want to end up with 10 wives not being able to treat them equally.
This was to ensure the peacefull takeover off the next heir , so no fights would start between childs of the 2nd or 3rd wive with the 1st wives offspring.
Researchers werent so sure if i even needed a heir.
As i was a God in some aspekts they didnt know how long i would live or if i even could die.
A Uncle of Sophie even tried to convice me to let him stab me through the heart once to find out if i was equivalent to a god.
Nor did they know how long i could live.
Or if all this would affect my offsprings or wive.
.. Yeah got treated as a guinea pig for a while in a researchers lab but it could have been worse.
Being engulfed in thoughts a fimiliar feeling enveloped my Lips.
After the Kiss finished i said it as usual.
" How can you get in this appartment anyways?"
" Trade mark secret ." mischeavious Saphire eyes looking at me.
She even held her index finger to her lips and had one eye closed.
Do you guys understand the gap ... this force is overwhelming.
She just placed herself on my Lap as usual placing her hands on the front of my shoulder tilting her head.
" You know ive been wondering all day long but whats up with the long dress? Sure for normal dresscode it would still be short but normally you wear dresses so short one would think your absent minded state was interfeering with your common sense." a half serious voice escaped my mouth.
" ... Why do you always see through planned things beforehand Iliyan?" did she say with that sweet voice giving me another chill down my spine.
" Huh?" was my clever remark....
" I was planning to tell you later but you destroyed my surprise...."
She stood up and headed towards the Kitchen to refill my goblet with pure Met.
My favourite drink made from Honey which burned a little running down my throat.
Taking her favourite spot on my lap she took a big gulp and handed it over to me.
Also drinking before i placed it on the table without allowing Erica to get off my lap.
She leaned close to my ear and whispered sth which made my swallow my salvia reflexivly.
" No Pantys." reached those shocking words my ear with the sweet sound.
Loopsided smile appeared after a moment of utter speechlessness.
" Yeah right like i would believe you." did i say in a whispering voice.
Even if i muttered she would be able to hear it clearly due to the fact that even our skin was touching.
" ... dont believe me?"
" Not one bit." i continiued provoking her.
This went back and forth for a while before she said.
" Check for yourself then" by placing my hands on her thighs already ways under her skirt.
The skirt was already out of place and quite a distance up to her acutal body , nonetheless she placed my hands there.
At first i only meant it jokingly but as i drank more i didnt want to back out of this situation , as of a stupid reason like pride.

Part 4
poke pride , was the thing i thought first after waking up next morning with a headache.
Checking my surroundings briefly i found myself in the usual state i slept.
' Ah good Lily wouldnt let me sleep on the sofa if she didnt had too... ' did i think calmly while stretching.
The door opened and Lily entered pushing a cart infront of her with 2 trays with the purpose of eating in bed on it.
She gave me one and a cup of coffee.
Burning my throat while hastily drinking i calmed my burning vocal cords.
When i woke up in the morning a deep rumbling sound , like a cart being pushed over a gravel path , resounded from me.
To avoid this i always drank a cup first before saying anything.
" Lily whats up why arent you eating with me in the usual way?" was my honest question still a little bit of the rumbling resounding.
" This tray isnt for me" came a cold voice over.
Coughing up the coffee i just had in my mouth my whole body was trembling.
Looking carefully at the blankets covering me i saw sth disturbing.
There was a human sized bump in the cloth resting directly besides where i was resting a moment ago.
Slowly with shacking hand i pulled on the cloth.
Blond hair came into view.
Oh shit.
Shit shit shit.
Oh shit.
Was all in my mind while i began to hold my temple.
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