OLN: Hopes Requiem

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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

Yeah that might have been what I didn't like about it, I was mainly focusing on developing the characters a bit.

As for the mountains I could have been a bit more detailed when it came down to it. Basically it just came down to them escaping before Itzel and the "Others" could wreak havoc on it. With all routes blocked=they had to cut through it.

A lot more will be revealed in chapter 4 and a proper plot will be shown. (Or rather I'm figuring out how much I want revealed and ways to go about it.)

In the end the plot would have been revealed in that chapter had I not decided to separate their expedition into the mines. But with how much will be involved with it there was no way I could keep it with the chapter. The separation was poorly planned in the first place and I should have put a better foreshadowing near the end of three. Might do it now since you brought it up.

I really appreciate the crit, helps me think things through a bit better. (My older stories 2 years ago...the crit was terrible. So vague and biased...had to throw them away in the end.) So thanks for that.

EDIT: And for the ones who are confused on why they are beasts I will give this since it may be another week for chapter 4. Think of it as a sort of "punishment/repentance". It wasn't just a whim I put them like this~
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by mania_ »

Thanks for posting the pics! Even with descriptions, images always help me better imagine stories. Svette is so pretty ♥ One other thing I wanted to mention is that I really enjoy the writing style. Since I have the worst attention span in the world, I always find short paragraphs very refreshing to read. It really helps make the story feel "alive" too.

I like the conflict in chapter 3; it makes sense given their personalities. Bonus points for Kat being all nervous and helpless, too... :oops: She really is the kind of character I just want to hug. That scene between her and Svette was all kinds of adorable.

And then Svette went all tsundere on Arc... oh boy. This is gonna be fun :lol:
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

Thank you ^^ When I was first writing this I was afraid it wouldn't gain interest due to a certain notoriety, so I'm glad I started posting on here. It gives me the confidence I need to keep going with it.

Back two years ago when I first tried writing around the subject of beast people it was really horrible XD. Though around then I was just doing it for attention, now its just for myself and wanting to show the worlds I create to give passion to other people as well so they can pursue what they want to do.

And I feel the same way illustration wise, I just wish I could give a better one for Arc that isn't a spoiler lol. I was lucky to have that one of Svette.

I also had a feeling people would love Kat's character right away, to be honest she is based off of my best friend and is the one who got me back into writing. I promised her during a rough moment for us I would put her in my next story as an honorary character and here we are ^^ I'm just happy to do her silly personality justice.

I'll try to have chapter 4 up by this week, still working on some certain decisions on what to reveal since this will be a very...interesting part of the story. I'm kind of bouncing around between that and chapters for vol 2 and character set up so I've been distracted lol.
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

Here is chapter 4, left a few things out to put into chapter 5 since I didn't want to overload it. Chapter 5 will be the end of their story for now though and will bring the attention to some new characters. This chapter may have a lot of mistakes in it since I've been sick from my allergies for two weeks now but hopefully it wont be too horrible lol. I hope you enjoy.
Spoiler! :
Has my heart turned black? Could things have been different had I not locked my soul away? These are the things I wonder as I lie on the ground screaming in pain in a mine shaft.

What good are my emotions when all I need to do is protect? I died the day an important person in my life was murdered. From then on I became the shield, that's all that mattered to me.

But have I made a grave mistake?

I have been a fool. Sure it was in Kat's best interest but what would happen if I died? I am her last living friend, family even. In a way though she already lost both her best friends the moment I threw my emotions away. Sure I could fake emotions but could she tell?

I should have taken better care when we first entered this place. Something felt off but I completely ignored it. I can only hope those two are all right.


"Ok before we start does everyone's flashlight work? Also if anything starts to shake or you hear the slightest noise run away as fast as possible. And if you feel like the air is getting thin activate the re-breathers I gave you."

Its been a few hours since dinner. We finally made it into the mine after breaking into the office and grabbing a few supplies and a layout of the mine itself.

"Yes, meow. I'm ready"

"I'm ready as well but what happens if we get separated?"

Kat nodded while Svette was tinkering with the flashlight.

"Well we already have our own maps so just keep pushing forward if you can to the spot we agreed on and we'll meet up somehow."

With that we set off down the dark tunnels, though it wasn't long before trouble came. It seems the earthquake made the support posts very unstable.

"Look out!!!"

Kat yelled as she dived at Svette who was the closest, me diving forward since I was farther ahead. Seconds after that dirt, dust and debris filled the air.

*Hack, Cough* "Are you two ok?"

I yelled between coughs as dust was filling my lungs.

"We're *Cough* Fine meow. Just covered in dirt, though it looks like the tunnel is blocked now."

"No choice then, we'll meet up near the exit. Just be careful you two."

"No promises, try not to cause too much damage now."

Svette called out with a mocking tone.


I don't know if its been minutes, or hours but ever since separating from Arc it just feels like we've been moving in place.

"I have to say its pretty creepy down here. How in the world did people come down here and work for hours on end?"

Svette mumbled next to me as she was shinning the flashlight around the tunnel.

"Well there weren't many jobs back in the day, meow. Not to mention working here payed a lot so it was helpful for families. It's not as bad as it was over a century ago, back then tons of people died from accidents down here."

Hmm I see Svette's hairs bristling. That gives me an evil idea nyahahah.

"They say their spirits haunt these tunnels to this very day, meow. Looking for their next victim to join them."

"T-That's absurd, there is n-no such thing right?"

I said in the creepiest voice I could make, shinning the flashlight up on my face. Svette starting to shiver and wave her flashlight around frantically.

"Who knows, meow? Rumor has it though that if you hear them call out your name your soul is as good as gone."

"H-How foolish for one to believe such a childish story...am I right Kat?.....Kat?"

I slunk around behind her as she began to shake, her voice clearly showing how on edge she is. And right then...

"I've come to feast on your flesh and soul Svette!!!"


Svette jumped and scrambled around the tunnel, waving her flashlight around like a madman while her trident stabbed at the air.

I-I can't stop laughing, the look on her face was just too perfect nyahahaha. I never expected her to actually fall for it.

"Y-You're mean! I actually thought a ghost came after me."

Svette slumped to her knees with tears in her eyes, hugging herself close.


"Hmm, the hell was that?"

I could have sworn I heard a shriek...Must have been two idiots playing around in a dangerous mine. Kat always was mischievous like that, but it did get rid of the tension.

I will admit I'm not a fan of this place myself. The notoriety of all the accidents that went on here are still talked about today. A part of me wishes we could have found another way but we didn't have time for that. Though ever since we came in here something has felt off...hmm?

~Nice of you to finally join us boy. Why Itzel has taken such an interest in you I can only wonder.~

Where is this female voice coming from? There is no one in the shaft, nor have I heard anything. Am I hearing her in-

~Your head? Yes, it would be bothersome to have someone to interfere in our little conversation.~

She called out in an almost seductive voice that sent chills down my spine. Almost as if the predator has cornered the prey.

"Too much of a coward to show yourself? Who are you and what right do you have to peek into a persons thoughts?"

~Fufufu. I am everywhere boy. In front of you, behind you, beneath you, above you, and even-~

"In your shadow."

My blood ran cold as a person suddenly appeared behind me, licking and rubbing my chin. To better describe it it was coming out of my shadow.

"Its time to play, lets see why Itzel has taken such a liking to you."

I never had a chance to react it happened so fast. She snapped her fingers and numerous skeletal hands started bursting from the ground, pinning me down to the dirt and effectively gagging me.

I should have known sooner from all the video games I played. A deserted mine is a place that warrants a death flag easily. Damn this Mikuru, I can't even see her save for a pair of red eyes. She is the true essence of a shadow.

"Now now, its rude to call a lady that. I just wanted to see your true potential, though you may get killed in the process."

She gave me a sadistic smile and licked her lips in bliss. Kneeling down in front of me as some kind of energy was starting to materialize at her fingertips.

"Just so you know Itzel fakes being a sadist to screw with his victims heads, don't compare me to that worm. Now please let me hear your delicious screams of agony."

My body felt like it was shredding apart and boiling as she pressed her finger to my chest. Even while muffled, my screams were roaring out through the mine.

...Am I going to die like this?

My vision is beginning to fade from the pain flowing through me, everything is starting to feel cold.


"You really are a hopeless idiot Arc."

I opened my eyes at the sound of the female voice and found I was back on the hill again...though this time everything was in black and white...why do I keep coming back here?

"You still haven't put two and two together after coming here numerous times? We're inside your soul idiot, no wonder you fell into their trap so easily."

"Would you stop calling me that. Who are you? Where are you?"

"...We'll just say I'm a concerned party. As for where I am, I am both everywhere and nowhere."

"Yes because that helps clear things up so much."

Great. First I'm pinned down by a crazy chick in a mine shaft and now I deal with a cheeky girl inside what is apparently my soul. What next?

"Honestly it's not important, what is though is have you forgotten the dying wish that friend left you? I know its been five years but really now."


"Hehe whoopsie, that's right. It's not that you've forgotten...its that you can't remember -that day- can you?"

Her cold, mocking tone pisses me off. It's not like I chose for that to happen. I want to remember, but something is blocking it.


These shafts seem like they go on for miles, and I'm still on edge after Kat pranked me. I need something to pass the time before this seriously starts to unnerve me, she owes me one anyway.

"Hey Kat?"

"Yes, meow?"

"I know this is a touchy subject but that friend of yours and Arc's, what was she like?"

I tilted my head as she suddenly stopped in place.

"I...honestly don't know. It's like someone took an eraser to my memories."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"W-We can't remember anything. Her face is blank, her voice is distorted, even her personality is gone, meow."

She clenched her fists tight, spinning around.

"What kind of friends are we? For me to forget the person who sacrificed her life for me and for Arc to forget her final words. That is the guilt which tears into us. I-I really want them back, I want to know so much."

S-So that's what it is, but how is that even possible? How can an entire person, a soul just be wiped from the face of the earth like that? Just what happened exactly on that dreaded day?

Kat then collapsed to her knees, gripping her shirt tight as she broke out crying.

"Kat! Kat what's wrong?!"

"M-My chest feels like it's on fire. I-I don't-"

I ran over and caught her as she fell unconscious, she is panting heavily and her body feels hot to the touch. And her forehead feels on fire as I lay my palm on it.

"Forgive me for this Kat but I have to cool you down."

I begin to pull off her clothes that are becoming damp with sweat and found something disturbing. Her scar has steam curling up from it and is glowing red.

Why does this seem vaguely familiar? It's as if I've seen something like this before but...no, now is not the time. I have to find some way to cool her down before she overheats.


"It's not that the memory is deleted. It's that you aren't allowed to see it for the time being, at this point it would only have you playing into -their- hands."


"But I can give you her dying wish, you have at least a right to that."

"And if I say I don't want it? That I'm tired of all these interventions and being treated like a toy?"

"I'm afraid you don't have a say, your choice now decides whether the world will perish or live on for a little while longer."

The world will perish? What the hell does that have to do with the three of us? Just what is going on here, what have we been thrown into?

"...Go on, I don't want to be known as the ass who forsakes the world. I'm not that pessimistic."

"Good boy, that's what I like to hear. The Dirge are manipulating you three; The dark twisted souls who seek to spread grief and hate. You who stand at the border of good and evil; Light and dark.

This is a prophecy. It won't be noticeable now but the world is in danger. The elements have raged out of control and will soon fade from this planet, consumed by the abyss.

You need to find the four beings who represent those elements and reset the world, reset everything before the primordial abyss swallows everything we know.

You three must become that of Requiem and bring the souls of the world peace and hope. That will prolong the abyss from coming for a bit."


"There is a slight catch as well, the four beings must not die. Otherwise there will be no way to do the reset...Get all of that?"

...This is...

*Sigh* "You do realize how terribly cliche this all sounds right?"

"What can I say? Life is full of these "Terrible cliches" and yet we live on through them regardless."

...She has a point, no matter how much this seems like it came from a video game or tv show. So I have to stop the abyss huh, no...we have to stop the abyss. Still...this is all very hard to believe.

"Guess it's still too much to take in. No matter, I'll leave the small portion of that memory with you as incentive."

"H-Hold on now, I never said I wanted-"

I didn't have a chance to finish. My lips were suddenly enveloped by another as I stared wide eyed at the figure bending over me. All I could see was white after.

"Before you go, no I'm not her. That in itself would be the worst cliche of all, hehehe."


~A-Arc, it seems I failed...in protecting you two as a guardian. I-I'm nothing but a sham.~ *Cough*

~Don't speak A-s--a, everything will be ok! The medics will be here soon, hold on please!~

So I still can't remember her name huh? What a friend I am. But this moment, this is...

~It's no use, I won't be able to last. *Cough* P-Please, listen to my final wish before I disappear...before I'm forgotten.~

~We would never forget about you, stop sputtering nonsense and stay with me, stay with us!~

~Please...p-protect the world in my stead. Show everyone that life is worth working for, show them the happiness you showed me. And finally-

Protect each other, you and Kat. Give her happiness for the both of us. Both of you must live on. For if one perishes, the other will follow su...i...t.~

~No! No! How?! D-Don't disappear please, please! A-S--A!!!!~

...So this is how it was. It may have only been the voices this time around but yes. I was never supposed to be this pessimistic fake, my personality was overwritten.

I remember now, me and Kat. Our souls are linked, if one dies we both die. Don't...Don't...


"Well that was no fun, if he couldn't handle a little energy like that then...wha?"

My body began to shake as energy flowed through it, straining against the skeletons hands.


I yelled as loud as I can as a light flowed out through the caverns, disintegrating the skeletons and destroying the shadow before she could get a word.

"I...I won't let her die! I will fight to preserve my friends memory, I'm coming for you Itzel!!"


"Tch, looks like the kid destroyed his own shadow. What now Itzel? The plan failed."

In a giant clearing full of excavation equipment and rubble two people sat amongst them. One a male black wolf in a kamishimo, and the other a female clad in shadow.

"We have a little fun playing with them, though how long are you going to continue hiding in peoples shadows...Deyanira?"

"When they earn the right to look at my beautiful face, otherwise they don't even deserve to look at the heel of my foot."

"Condescending as always, though I will get you back for that worm comment Miss Mikuru. You never let me have my fun."

"You screw with emotions in more ways than one without ever showing your own. It pisses me off."

I shivered as he looked toward me with a cross-eyed smile and laughed like a madman.

"What's wrong? Afraid of me as well? I won't bite you know...just maim and chop to pieces!~"

"Tch, Twisted psychopath. The faster this mission is over the better."

Fufufu. Lets see just how strong you are kid, I look forward to hearing your delicious screams again! Fight me until your last, bloody breath!

"It won't be an easy task now that they've awoken. But since our grateful goddess decided to intervene lets show her just how fast we can break her toys!"
Last edited by Arcsol93 on Fri May 16, 2014 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Calculatrix »

Oooh, next chapter!

Now, for the few mistakes that you missed, I shall correct:)

"A part of me wishes we could of found another way..." The only mistake here is one word, so it should be like this: "A part of me wishes we could have found another way..."

"Kneeling down next to me as some kind of energy was starting to form at her fingertips." To me, this sentence sounds weird, it's not like it's incorrect, but I just think it could be written better. Something like this I think: "Kneeling down in-front of me, some kind of energy was starting to manifest at her fingertips." I substituted the "in-front" part in because it makes more sense for the later sentence: "...as she pressed her finger to my chest."

"Even while muffled my screams were roaring out through the mine." Just a tiny grammar mistake, nothing major: "Even while muffled, my screams were roaring..."

"...Am I going to die like this? My vision is beginning to fade from the pain flowing through me, everything is starting to feel cold." To me personally, it's sometimes hard to separate a character's thoughts and regular information. I know that this sentence is most likely just a simple mistake, so it should be like this:
"...Am I going to die like this?
My vision is beginning to fade...."__________________Also, continuing on from what I was typing earlier about separating thoughts and reg. story information, I think it would be best to change the font-type of the thoughts. Most authors italicize a character's thoughts, so it makes it a lot easier for readers to separate thoughts and reg. information.

"...We'll just say I'm a concerned party, as for where I am, I am both everywhere and nowhere."--> "...We'll just say I'm a concerned party. As for for where I am, I am both everywhere and nowhere." Also: "...We'll just say I'm a concerned party...as for where I am, I am both everywhere and nowhere." Honestly, I think it's actually fine the way it is.

"...like this before but...no now is not the time." ---> "...like this before but...no, now is not that time."...Another option is to take out the word 'no'.

"The Dirge are manipulating you three; The dark twisted souls who seek to spread grief and hate." This sentence actually seems correct to me, but it can also be written like this: "The Dirge, dark twisted souls who seek to spread grief and hate, are manipulating you three."

I'm not sure if I missed any, but there you go.

When I read that Arc destroyed his own shadow after he did the light-blast thingy, I thought to myself: "Shits gonna get real!" :D

Waiting for the next chapter:)
Author of "Weaver of Chaos" and "Code : Reality"
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

And this is why I hate being sick T.T I mess it up a lot more because I can't think straight.

(Though it does give me some really weird ideas that are pretty cool, so one perk lol.)

Chapter 5 will be something lol, I'm afraid it will be short since there was a lot in this one but its up in the air for the moment. But when I do it will be a double post considering the epilogue is already done with. Hell, might be done over the weekend if proper music provides me some inspiration.
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Calculatrix »

Hahaha, it's fine, really. Also, Double posting it is fine I'm pretty sure. I've double posted before and I haven't gotten in trouble, but, then again, I put the word RESERVE for that post so maybe it's fine because of that...? I don't know. I totally agree with you on the music part! Listening to music while writing is a lot better in my opinion:D
Author of "Weaver of Chaos" and "Code : Reality"
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

Ok fixed up now, though instead of manifested I put down materialized. Sounded a bit better to me. And then changed the intro of -her- to the first example you gave because the way I had it wasn't correct. It was two separate subjects so the sentence should have ended.

Now as for the double post I may just put the epilogue with 5, but that would be a giant word wall XD. I'll decide once I actually have 5 finished. Honestly I probably wouldn't have even finished 4 yesterday if it wasn't for listening to the theme of Mondaiji-tachi, it just fit what happened near the end so well lol
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

And here is 5, really wanted to write it while I still had the events of 4 still fresh in my mind so I kind of spent all of yesterday writing it lol. I don't know if this will be the finished version or not (It feels kind of rushed, but that may be biased with me being addicted to action scenes and feeling they need to be tense for as long as possible...>.>) so if a lot changes don't be too surprised.

Considering this is my first time writing an action scene please be as critical as possible if its bad, otherwise I won't learn a thing from it XD. Anyway hope you enjoy.
Spoiler! :
"And up we go. Hopefully we can get to the exit soon so we can get you some water."

I mutter as I lift Kat up onto my back, making sure she's secure before continuing on.

It's been a few hours since the incident between me and Kat. I was scared for the worst, but her fever suddenly broke and her body started cooling down out of nowhere for some reason.

That scar though...it's not an ordinary slash wound, there's something up with it. Though, how can a scar emit heat like that; much less heat an entire body? I...I think I know what it is but it's like the memory is just out of reach.

Why, why can't I remember a single thing? These two are fighting so hard, I just feel useless with my memory loss. Not a single...actually that's a lie, there is one memory that is very vague.

Blood, blood as far as the eye could see as the surroundings were set ablaze. In the middle of it all; a beast, a shadow of one clad in flames. The perpetrator for everything. And after, darkness. A cold, quiet darkness that robs a person of all senses, the very core of insanity.

The memories end from that point on. If only I could remember more maybe I could help with this mess, maybe even end it.

"But that would be too easy, would it not? I'm sure we'll be fine in the end, though I'll probably catch it from Arc once he sees Kat like this."

I give a bitter smile and pressed on, entering what seems to be a large cavern full of weird machines and tools.

"Nice of you both to finally join us, now we wait for our final piece to come and the games can begin."

A female voice called out and two figures walked out from behind the machines on the other side of the cavern.

"I should have known it would be too easy to leave. Who's your friend Itzel?"

I shouted coldly as I leaned Kat up against a machine.

"Deyanira is no friend of mine. She'd murder you the minute you left your back open."

"My my, you flatter me Itzel, fufufu. I would also take joy in turning you into my puppet as well as having you slowly die from blood loss."

The shadow giggles and licks her fingers at the mere mention of it.

"Your friend was especially fun to play with, girl. Hearing his delectable screams made me swoon."

"! W-What did you do to Arc?! Where is he, you vile snake?"

"Right here. It took a while trying to find the right path but I made it in time, it seems."

Arc walks out from tunnel near ours, his fur covered in dirt with a look ready to kill.

"I see my fears were right, Kat was affected as well. Though she seems fine thankfully."

He leaned down and felt her head, looking up at me. It was then I saw it, something that used to be missing. His eyes look more lively, burning with life.

"Thank you for taking care of her. I'm sure you were scared to death with whatever happened."

I blushed brightly and turned my face away to hide my embarrassment, hugging myself tight.

"N-No problem. Though that scar of hers..."

Arc stood back up and stared straight at the duo, growling softly.

"I'll explain it later, for now we have trash to get rid of."

Itzel let out a maniacal laugh and drew his katana, running his tongue along the flat of the blade.

"Nice to see you're alive and well Arc, but before we cut to the chase. Deyanira, do it."

The shadow snaps her finger and giggles. What happens after no one could ever imagine. One by one gruesome, grotesque bodies came out from the ground until the entire room was full of them.

"What do you think of our army we've gathered? It wasn't easy amassing this many but the results are pleasing. Can you destroy eighteen thousand animated corpses, boy?"

Itzel laughed as he put his hand on the head of one of them; the figure began groaning as tears were flowing down its face.

"D-Did...did you say eighteen thousand? No...you're screwing with our heads again right? RIGHT?!"

Arc started getting hysteric as tears came to his face.

I can see why he would be afraid but for him to get like-

"Because if you aren't...you killed all those people in the span of a day? That's why the town is empty?! You murdered an entire town you Itsuki!"


W-Wh-What? All of these, no...no! An entire town? Its inconceivable, there is no way I can except that! Eighteen thousand people murdered...

My legs started to shake...but not in fear, but pure rage. Are you serious?

"You stole the lives of eighteen thousand people just to subdue three people? You stole the hopes and ambitions of all of these people on a whim? Go...go to poking HELL! What kind of sick demons are you?!"

I shouted at the top of my lungs, holding back tears as I stared at the bloody grief stricken faces of the corpses. Their faces probably reflecting their last thoughts before their lives were stolen.

And right as I thought nothing more could happen another surprise was thrown at us as black, feathered wings sprouted from the black wolfs back. His smile unwavering.

"About that, we would be the worst type imaginable. This isn't even the best part of it all. Would you like to see their last moments? We took the time out to record a few for you."

The wolf snapped his fingers and a large holoscreen appeared in midair. Showing the numerous bloodbaths and bloodcurdling screams.


Both of them laughed as Arc and I went speechless. I put my hands over my ears trying to block out the sound as Arc clutches his head. Despite all of this though...

*Lub-dub lub-dub*


*Lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub*


"I who have just awoken; grant me the ability to avenge the fallen...O Holy water; submerge, crush, suffocate, and drown these souls with blackened hearts and drag them into the briny depths of the sea!"

"I who have just awoken; grant me the ability to smite my foes...O blades of gold and silver; I beseech you to come and bend to my will. Strike down these evil souls and send them to burn in the eternal flames of hell!"

Both me and Arc shouted our chants out at the same time. Rune circles appearing under our feet in an unknown language. Our weapons rising up from the circles, though this time they were slightly different. Arc's khopesh being one made of gold and the other of silver it seems.

And mine: a trident adorned with blue gems of different shades with a carving of water running down the shaft.

A memory returning to me as my hand grabs onto it and water flows around the spear. Blue markings spread around my body, dying my hair a deep blue along with it.

I am the water elementalist, one of the four, Svette Vajorrek; the water bearer.

"Yes, YES! Finally! This is what I've been waiting for, show me! Show me what the goddess's toys can do!"

Itzel shouted as Arc ran into the mob, brandishing his twin blades around and began decapitating one after another. I began summoning up all of the moisture and underground water and using it to wash and slice many away. But...

"Fufufu, do you think just cutting off their limbs will make them harmless? Think again!"

We soon found out what Deyanira meant as the ones that were harmed began to grow their limbs back. I gripped the trident tight and swept away a few that were about to hit Arc.

No matter how many of their bones I broke or limbs that were slashed off they just grew back as fast as we cut them off. No matter what we do we aren't making a single dent.

At this rate we're still at a major disadvantage of being overwhelmed. With no way of retreat we're in some serious trouble. What do we-


It was as if time stopped, my blood running cold as an intense pressure was filling the room. Kat was awake and on her feet, calling out a chant. But there was something off about her...her demeanor is different.

"I who is about to awaken-"

"Svette! Throw up a water barrier, make the walls as thick as you possibly can!"

Arc shouted as he started running towards me, slashing down and pushing back the corpses.

"Wh-What are you talking about? I don't-"

"Now is not the time to argue, either you do it or we die!"

I bit my lip and started pulling out as much water from the ground as I can, my trident swirling around as I brandished it and called out a chant. Arc standing next to me as a sphere of water formed around us.

"Care to tell me why I had to do this?"

Arc was panting hard and gripping his knees, staring at Kat with concern.

"Some of my memories returned. One of them being that Kat and I have our souls linked so if one of us dies, we both die. It has something to do with her scar. It's more than that, it's a seal for her abilities. I guess when I was almost killed it weakened a bit."

What?! So that's why it started acting like that, why she suddenly collapsed. So that means they both...Arc...what happened to you back there?

"I don't remember everything but...she merged with something. That scar is a seal to keep her from being destroyed by her own ability. My soul is the key that keeps it locked away. Nothing bad will happen now, but if I remember right about her ability...sniff the air for me."

*Sniff, sniff*

...?! N-No way! That's!-

"N-Natural gas?! So that means-"

Arc stared at Kat as she continued her chant. Her hair waist length hair rising up into the air as her eyes slitted and turned a blood red.

"GRaNt ME ThE ABiLiTy TO SeT EvERYTHiNG AfLAME; O flames of destruction, I command you to spread far and wide. Burn, char, incinerate, melt, and cremate all evil in your holy flame until the soul is destroyed!"

At the last word her soul arms made their first appearance. They were a pair of red gauntlets and sabatons that had what looked to be like air vents coming out of them.

In an instant she suddenly appeared next to Deyanira and landed a hit square in the face, a large amount of the corpses falling in her wake behind her as a crater appeared around them from the shockwave of the punch. Deyanira's "body" went limp shortly after.

She then set her sights on Itzel and swept her leg at him. The wolf managing to dodge but another crater forming on the wall a few feet away.

"The gall you so called demons have! You stole away their futures, their hopes, their family! You abused them while they were terrified, left their last memories with something that will be etched in them forever!! Die and turn to ash under my boot, you assholes!!!"

She yelled as she threw more hits at the black wolf, the wolf himself giving her a taunting smile as more craters appeared around them.

What terrifying power, to make massive craters like that from just a kick or a punch. What exactly did she merge with? She is not the fire elementalist but she definitely matches our power if not even more powerful than we are.

"Brace yourself! Here it comes!"

Arc shouted as Kat's armor and hair suddenly set aflame, after that it was as if a bomb was blown off. The gas ignited and fire flowed around the barrier as the ground buckled and shook beneath us.

"Do you think she's all right?"

"Yeah she'll be fine, at least in theory anyway."

I went wide eyed and hit him on the head, my blood beginning to boil.

"You banked all of this on a simple theory? Are you stupid? Do I need to admit you into a hospital for having such insane thoughts?!"

"W-Well the worst case scenario is I would die with her if I'm wrong. Might as well do all or nothing r-right?"

My face turned a shade of deep red as I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him around.

"I already almost lost you once! I don't know what I would do if you-"

Arc widened his eyes as I made out my statement. I threw him to the ground before I could finish it and turned my attention back to the clearing smoke, my barrier collapsing around us as rubble started falling from the ceiling.

*Ahem* "I-I me-meant if you two die then who would help me kill these twisted monsters, hmm?"

Arc grinned at me and then turned toward the smoke as well, spotting Kat's unscathed figure through it as well as Itzel in a barrier of darkness. All of the corpses were seemingly turned to ash as well.

"We won't die, not when we have a ditzy princess for a friend that we need to protect."

I was about to retort to that when a shadow suddenly appeared behind Kat and hit her in the neck. Kat's flames extinguishing as she collapsed to the ground.

"That's all I can do Itzel, the kid did a number on this shadow so I'm spent. Try not to die on me now."

She licked his cheek while the shadow was disappearing, laughing sadistically as she finally faded away. Itzel dispelled his barrier and began walking towards Kat.

Arc rose to his feet and took up his khopesh once more, giving a glance at a water puddle then to me before rushing at Itzel.

Hmm the idea may just work but...


Wow, I almost had a heart attack after that explosion. Maybe it was dumb of me to count on sheer luck but it turned out well for me and Kat in the end. But we're not out of the woods yet.

*Shing! Clang, clang*

"Have you ever wondered why we became like this boy? Why our lovely "God" has turned us into beasts?"

"Can't say I've had a chance to even give a damn about it. Why, are you angry with how ugly it has made you?"

I laughed as our blades collided numerous times, stalling for time as Svette took Kat away from further harm.

"Not a chance, boy. But from what I've been told its because she was sick of how we were acting. So she turned us into beasts on a whim, because we considered ourselves a higher power. We looked down on beasts when in the end, we are beasts ourselves; animals."

I dodged and deflected a few slashes as he pressed against my defense.

"Honestly, I kinda agree with her. Whenever a country invades another we start a war, whenever we have a problem with resources we get violent...Doesn't that sound like a bunch of animals? Protecting territory or attacking another if their sources of food are threatened?"

I shouted as I deflected his blade and kicked him in the chest, knocking him a few feet away from me.

"In the end we are no better than the "Animals" we look down on. We supposedly have higher intelligence and yet, we still act likes savages."

The wolf expanded his wings and flew at me full force, dragging me across the cavern as I defend his blow.

"Exactly right, and don't you think something needs to happen? Erase this world and have the abyss wipe everything? Hate, grief and bloodshed will only continue to repeat itself."

"...No. It's been like this because they've been oppressed, separated and filled with hate and fear. I think we should try to unite them. There are good people out there, ones who help despite being in a rough spot themselves. Ones who look toward a bright future despite all the corruption, who believe in a better future for everyone."

Man I sound almost as cliche as her, but it's true. There is still hope as long as we believe in it. We can still fix the mistakes we've brought on ourselves, we can still change.

"I still want to believe, for her. The one who put her faith in me and Kat, if we have to we will show people hope and kindness. Even if it means we don't get to live our own lives. We will reset this world, and give everyone a new start."

"Then you are a fool and you will die where you stand."

His katana became cloaked in darkness as he pulled back and made a stance...but I had an ace as well.

A slot near the hilt of my blades opened, revealing two little jewels. The jewel on the silver blade turning blue as water bagan to flow from it and wrap around the blade. The one on the gold turned red as fire began engulfing it.

This is my role, my ability to put any element that they have been exposed to into them.

I charged at the black wolf full speed and made a stance, he began to charge as well.

...or rather I'm sure he would like to if his feet weren't frozen to the ground.


"Nice one Svette! I knew you would catch the hint."

Svette gave me a wink as she held her palm up towards Itzel, making sure the ice held firm as he struggled and slashed at it.

"He really should have watched his surroundings, that was way too easy."

I smirked as I neared him, catching his katana in the curve of the water blade and parrying it, freezing it in place. I drew the fire blade up and slashed his chest twice, forming a giant x on it.

"That's what you get for toying with us you Itsuki!"

"Don't think too highly of yourself you little shit!"

I jumped back as darkness was flowing out from him, spreading out across the ground. Making it shake violently and causing the ceiling to cave in. He started to laugh and sink into the pool as he leaned against his katana.

"This will be your final resting place, boy. Lets see you get out of this one!"

I was about to lunge at him but Svette grabbed my shoulder, shaking her head as she carried Kat.

"We need to go while we can, don't let him provoke you."

"Y-Yeah you're right, sorry."

I took Kat from Svette and hefted her onto my back, the three of us running through the tunnel the two were blocking with haste.


It's been a few hours since the incident, we've been camping out on a hill overlooking the mine, meow.

I don't really remember what happened but my neck is sore and I think I destroyed the mine. I thought I was asleep the whole time but I guess I went berserk.

But that's not the point. In the end we beat them and we showed them that we aren't to be messed with. Though I can't say I'll be able to use my soul arm just yet, the thought of fighting still frightens me. But I have Arc and Svette to train me now.

Arc managed to fill us in on everything that happened. Why our memories were messed with, our friends dying wish, his personality being overwritten, and the fate of the world that has been placed on our shoulders.

I can't say it doesn't scare me, but...as long as I'm with them I'll do whatever I can to help. I can't just sit back and be coddled after all of this, meow. But I can say...I'm not afraid of what the future has for us anymore. No matter what gets thrown at us we will overcome it at some point.

Our future as Requiem begins. Failure isn't an option now.
Last edited by Arcsol93 on Wed May 21, 2014 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Calculatrix »

Hahaha, reading it a second time is always good too;D. I was listening to some epic music, so I could picture the action scene a lot better:D.

Honestly, I think the action scene was pretty good. Personally, I think you could've done a better job describing how Arc and Svette slaughtered the black demon things, and also described how some body parts were severed and blood came spilling out, etc. But, you know, if you don't like writing gore-y fight scenes, then you're on the track. I always love when characters are able to create craters in walls and the ground with just swinging the fist or something. I love imagining it in my mind, and basically...I just love it haha.

Looking forward to the next chapter~:)
Author of "Weaver of Chaos" and "Code : Reality"
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

Actually their fight is what bugged me lol. So I will be fixing that now when I get home. Though I like being descriptive with the gore may just go into their sights and whatever else. Maybe add a few more scenes before you know who's awakening. But that did confirm my misgivings, so thanks for that.
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

And here is the epilogue for the first vol. I decided before moving on to two that to make up for lack of chapters in the main story I'll be doing short stories of what the main characters do in between it. It will probably be a thing for all the volumes after this.

One that I have planned will better explain Kat's soul arm in better detail since her's is a little more different than Arc's and Svette's. You got to see her fighting ability before so now you'll have a better understanding of how it works when I post it. And no she isn't super strong, she's actually pretty weak compared to the other two in physical strength, she just puts on the illusion she is.

And for one more bonus some more illustrations I commissioned from some artist friends (And before you wonder about Arc, no he isn't one. Think of them as a mechanical appendage, those will also be explained in a short story as well.)
Spoiler! :
It's been six months since the horrible earthquake and the light that transformed the world.

Six months since beings once thought as myths began showing up around the world.

Angels and Demons; Both with their own agenda. One to fix our broken civilization with their technology and knowledge. One to corrupt and plunge the world into the primordial abyss.

Life as we know it has changed completely. Entire governments and countries are now nonexistent on this planet considering everywhere was plunged into chaos.

One could say in a way we are reverting back into medieval times with some of the older forms of governing rising up into power again. The difference this time though is its not as savage.

Not to mention a bit more advanced now with the help from the angels. Airships, advanced defense systems and the like. But weaponry has come to a halt as more are learning how to use soul arms now that the knowledge of them is public.

But even though everyone can use them does everyone have special powers, in the end most are just normal weapons and nothing more. (Thankfully, otherwise the world really would be doomed with the abuse of power like that.)

And finally; Requiem.

This small group has been traveling the world over, doing anything from repairing homes, towns and cities to slaying beasts and keeping chaos at a minimum.

The members themselves are seen by few and their motives are unknown. Some think they are just using the help as a front to cover up their own evil motives. Others think they are savors and will cleanse the world...whatever that means anyway.

Though they have been growing popular. Some aspiring to join them as they admire their carefree lifestyle, moving on with the flow of the world.

Though that only scratches the surface of what they do, beneath is a deep darkness they fight to push back day in and day out. If anyone knew they would call them insane for going on for as long as they have.

To them though, living on each day and giving life meaning is all they need in the end. Seeing a bright future spread out is their goal.

I know they can do it, they always find a way despite how grim it may get. If I didn't have faith in them I wouldn't be a good da-

...Whoopsie, almost gave away too much hehe. I wouldn't be able to pass their stories along for them if I gave away everything right away now would I?

As for who I am...well you'll find out about me more in the near future. Lets just say I'm an important confidant to Requiem~

Though it would be rude for me not to give a name for reference. You can call me Mina, I hope we can become good friends in time as I pass along the stories of their adventures~
Arc 1
Spoiler! :
Arc 2
Spoiler! :
And a little teaser, a peek at our "Goddess"
Spoiler! :
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

Whoops, messed up there. Didn't mean to bump, I meant to bookmark -_-

To make it relevant I guess the first short story is half way through (Distracted with games and lots of anime lol.) And I've been tossing around ideas for a second story (Maybe even third, though that idea may be shelved for a bit.) so expect some updates sometime soon. The second story will deal with the afterlife, really like the idea I've come up with around it.
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Calculatrix »

Haha, well....sometimes double posting is fine, it doesn't hurt.

The afterlife...hmm...sounds interesting as of now.

Sometimes just writing out your ideas will help you clear your head. I did that as well, and posted my 2nd story on here but then I took it down b/c I don't think I want to post it...I guess it can just be something to clear my mind.

Waiting for whatever chapter/story thing you post.:)
Author of "Weaver of Chaos" and "Code : Reality"
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Re: OLN: Hopes Requiem

Post by Arcsol93 »

Calculatrix wrote:Haha, well....sometimes double posting is fine, it doesn't hurt.

The afterlife...hmm...sounds interesting as of now.

Sometimes just writing out your ideas will help you clear your head. I did that as well, and posted my 2nd story on here but then I took it down b/c I don't think I want to post it...I guess it can just be something to clear my mind.

Waiting for whatever chapter/story thing you post.:)
I've actually been pretty good at multitasking, so I'll probably update both at the same time rather than focus on just one alone. (Truth be told I have about five stories on the mind including the two mentioned, but only three have a general plot in mind. So they will be shelved.)

As for the second story it all depends on if I set it up right, the base for it will be parts of nightmares I've had since I was a kid. (Never thought they would come in handy so much, what do you know?) Though it will be a bit lighter compared to Hope's Requiem.
"It's true that the real world is a shitty game. It's both unreasonable...and illogical...But a happy end will never come to those who want to finish a difficult game with ease." -The World God Only Knows
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