Original LN, Kuro Jinsei (Black Life) : Enemy Lover

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Original LN, Kuro Jinsei (Black Life) : Enemy Lover

Post by Validus »

This is remake story with same plot @_@

Kuro Jinsei : Enemy Lover
Do you have a dream about adventuring an unknown land in another world?
Year NG2115 there’s mysterious monumen site that discovered contain knowledge about the universe. It divided into two parts, science and magic.
Ten years of searched, the science part solved and successfully applied. Not long after that, the magic part also solved.
The knowledge called, God’s Theory.
One of the knowledge is about the world, there’s another world beside we life. And also it’s described how to go into that another world.
Five years after the mysterious case of missing people, Vanish Call; Validus came back from certain world. As the victim of VC case, he gained his life again.
But soon he learned what will happen in the next tragedy unfold.

“Oi, heartless Itsuki. Are you planned to do this alone?”
Validus shouting into a figure that stands on the wreck land in the distance. That figure is another youth that around same age as him. His face was covered with darkness so it’s not clearly visible, but they’re already knows each other.
“Why are you still here shitty pervert? The portal already opened, so you must go.”
Validus shout was heard by him, but he just answered with calm tone while not look at away from his view.
In front of that youth was a massive energy accumulated into one. It was pitch black, creating black spark and thundering sound around it.
Three beautiful girls follow behind Validus, wearing clothes that in few parts covered with armor and machines.
They’re running into the core of destruction.
Core of world nearly destroyed.
The ground was wrecked, heavily destroyed. Trees already dead, also there’s not a sign of single life was detected. Far away, there’s no horizon. It’s was pitch black, each time ground was disappeared into that darkness.
Just few meters again, they can reach him.
But the youth raises his right hand into them.
Validus and the girls suddenly stand in front of a clock tower. The sky above the clock tower was amazingly beautiful, decorated with lot of star shape a galaxy.
There’s a gate in the clock tower. The gate is connected with a portal gives way into another world, his home world. It’s like a very long tunnel, just one way straight.
There’s small intent for Val to came back and help the youth. But since this is the youth decision to finish this alone, Val trying to leave the matter alone for him.
The girls also agree with this so they with Val walking into the gate. The only way into go home.
After they entered, the gate automatically closed. Once closed, it can’t be opened again.
They’re the last that escaped. Escaped from reality that worse than nightmare.
However, there’s no single happiness in Validus heart.

Chapter: 1.
“This is really bad Val-sama.”
Vilistia, a girl with her clear water blue hair swayed in the hair; express her worry while chanting long range and supporting rune spell.
She was in a battle. Together with her two older sisters, destroying the enemy while protect their master.
“Where they are come from, there’s no end for this.”
While brandish the monsters with her spear, Valtis; the eldest sister also express her worry. Although she says something like this, her face doesn’t show any expression. Her natural poker face gives impression she doesn’t have emotions.
“But they’re seems different, i can feel bloodlust from then. And they’re weaker then we fight all those time back then in that world. The problem is their quantity.”
The second sister, block the sharp claw from the monster with her hands that equipped with a pair of gauntlets. But since too many, she can’t block all of attack; so she focusing her mana into her armors that giving blue light matching with her hair color. The sharp claw that suppose can rip steel cannot even leave a scratch.
”You are right Valenesca. Although they having the same appearance, pure jet black body and beast like shape but they are totally different with spectral we fought back then.”
Validus standing behind the sisters, protected. He can’t join the battle because his body doesn’t produce mana that required for casting magic also he can’t do any martial arts movement.
What he can do now is analyze the situation and giving commands to his guardians.
This battle has been running for an hour. Even his guardians possessed very large quantity of mana, but their stamina is not. They using large area attack for destroy many spectrals but the spectral swarm was never stopped. If this keeps up their mana actually will run out and the situation will worsened.
As the beast know his thought, the spectral attack more fiercely.
What are Validus and the sisters fight are Spectral.
Creature created from human soul. It is not ghost or demon, originally human soul, but tainted with the power of darkness it changed became something else.
They can change into any forms, from human, plant, animal or beast-like shape. With pure jet black body, only wander at night searching another soul for consumed. Also this trait that makes them harder to detect by sight when they hiding in the darkness.
And anyone who injured by them, will became one of them. Just like in the zombies film that get bitten or scratch will became one of them.
Also when you meet the spectral, there’s nothing can feel. Different when you meet a beast that ready to attack, your body will react with worry and fear of death, but not with spectral. Even when you saw they devour your precious person, there’s no sadness linger in your heart.
But right now they were in the middle of day, impossible for spectral to come out. Their suspect was right on the mark.
“This is totally mood ruined, when I think asking Val-sama for a date. They showed up.”
“You are too young for a date Vilistia-chan.”
“Being the youngest that’s mean I will be the last became old hag and you will like that first before me, Valenesca nee-chan.”
“Our distance just one year, soon you’ll be an old hag too. And you are just a kid for Val-sama.”
While evading the attacks, Valenesca purposely spread wide her arms. Showing her little sister two moderate beautiful breast jiggling because her movement, somewhat her breast part are not covered in thick armor. Vilistia that look at that view, grit her teeth.
“Whaaa… I’m at my growing age, soon I’ll beat you.”
“Keep quarreling you two, after this over; I will be the one having date with Val-sama.”
Valtis brandish more spectral with her Holy Spear Gungnir, created empty space between the swarm of spectrals. But soon the space got filled again. While the two give the protest for her, she choosing to ignore and kill more spectrals.
Even in the fierce battlefield like this, those three still can be joke around. This is showing how powerful Validus guardians. But still, he having little headache three girl was quarreling for date with him in this battle.
A second later Validus saw something big coming, and alert his guardians.
“Get serious you three, giant class is coming.”
Not far from swarm of spectral, the space was distorted and a gigantic was coming. It has shape like a golem, but with whole black body.
The sisters are stopped their quarrel and looked into the giant. Valtis was the quickest to react running into the giant.
“How we make a bet. The one destroy that thing will get the date.”
Too late to respond, her younger sisters just can complain while blocking the attack from another spectral.
“Hey, you are cheating Onee-sama.” X2
Valtis are getting close into the giant. While slashing the spectral that get into her way, she infused more mana into her spear. They spear glowing brightly, and then she jumped. In the air she executed her large area moves “Illuminating strike”, trying to finish this battle with one strike. The glowing spear release a huge burst of light element wave, but before the burst of light hit the spectrals; all of them are vanished.
The missed burst of light hit the ground and a really huge explosion is happen.
A young lady stands in the distance. Suddenly show up, when she come even the sisters don’t know.
Her eyes color are silver, the same as her hair. Wear her usual maid outfit, and a headband. There’s tense aura around her, just like a very strict head maid that often makes a princess crying.
“Why are you showed up here?”
Their (ex)enemy that giving hard battle was standing there, Val just keep his calm while Valenesca give shocked look into her, while Valtis with her poker face; it’s hard to know what she feels with that face.
“And Silverin-san wins a chance to date with Val-sama.”
Vilistia was giggling until Valtis pinch her cheek, well it show she is pissed.
“Well, I would like happily take that offer but I declined for now. My lady wants to meet you.”
She bowed lightly, while declined the offer; and gives the invitation.

It’s just an ordinary house where a girl living alone. Despite her age that reach sixteen, she already used for living alone. Originally she lived with her two little brother, but since a year ago, she lived alone.
But today was different. Her mother that always traveled was home and making breakfast for her.
“Hey, look at the time. You’ll be late if so slow like this.”
“But, this is rare chance since Okaa-san was at home. I want spent more time with you.”
The girl gives her complaints while pouted. Her mother was smiling and giving pad in her head, at least that erase her daughter bad mood.
After finishing her breakfast, she ready to go school. But before going, she hugs her beautiful mother.
If there anyone see this scene, they’re not wrong for assume they are sisters. The mother was very young at her early twentieth.
“Well then, I’m going Okaa-san.”
As she going out from the front door, five people already arrive in front of the gate.
“Ah, Silverin-san. Welcome back.”
The maid reply the greetings while bowed her head. Since she is the daughter of her master, Silverin also give high courteous to the girl.
Then the girl takes a peek into behind the maid, a youth and three girls around her age that she never meet stand there.
“Um, Silverin-san. Who are they?”
“They are your mother guest.”
The girl looked a little shocked, then while fidgeting she started introduce herself.
“Sorry for my rudeness, I’m Tenkuro Harumi. I’m sixteenth years old, I live alone here but okaa-san came home right now and my hobby is….”
“Ojou-sama, please calm down.”
Thanks to Silverin, the introduce finish shortly. Harumi was to panic, Val wondering why she be like that.
As people just met and the other party already introduce herself, now Val turn to introduces himself. He also introduces the sisters.
After the introducing finished, Harumi goes to school.
But after few steps, she stopped.
“Val-kun, are we already met?”
“No, this is first time we met.”
Short reply, but this is the truth. After that, Harumi quickly goes to school.

After enter the house, a young woman greet them. She looks like a normal housewife, wearing a white apron and just finished the chore.
Few months ago when Validus and the sisters came back, they meet with her.
She is the one opened the portal gateway from another side with the help of her spirit guardian, if she not do this Validus will surely trapped in the portal or going into unknown world.
What the most shocking is her spirit guardian also as a maid that stand behind her was Silverin.
Validus and Silverin few times fight each other in that world. But, meeting one more time, it looks like grand battle will get start.
[No, I don’t to fight.] That’s what Silverin says. Of course this makes them wondered.
Then after the long explanation, Validus and the sisters calm down.
Then the shocking next words from the lady is [Please, make a contract with me.]
“Ara, what’s happen Val?”

“No, it’s nothing. So what is lady summoner want us to do?”
“You don’t need hunting spectral again, the spectral terminate squad already recovered.”
While serving tea, Silverin answer Val question; Then she continues.
“Next is, you will enroll at Aria Academy.”
“What? Why enrolling?”
“We just want you to enjoy your youth. You are still young, so education is needed.”
This is the next order. But that’s too weird, suddenly saying to enroll.
But Validus already make a contract.
At first of course Validus reject it. But after the lady saying [Then you will not never know the truth, the string of fate about VC incident. Also regard that heartless youth.]
He doesn’t care about that youth, but there’re many unsolved mysteries. Like regarding his guardians, the sisters. It seems they’re also come from Valhala, Validus homeland. They’re teleported at the same time as Val.
In the end Validus is accepting the offer, and became the lady contractor.
“Fine we’ll do it.”
“That’s great. But, I’m sorry. Your guardians are not enrolled.”
Validus is the only one enrolling. Hearing this, the sisters make dejected faces. They can’t always together with their master. Only Valtis that looks calm, her poker face always unwavering. But also there’s time where she shows her true expression.
“Why we can’t enroll?”
Valenesca trying one more time, but they giving the reason it’s the school rule.
The school only accepts one person at time, since he’s a VC victim. And it seems huge influence are used.
“Then I’ll make Val-sama a bento every day.”
As expected from Valenesca, she quickly recovering because her cheery attituted. She’s also having positive thinking.
There’re many times Validus was saved because of her while in that world.
“So, I’ll wake up Val-sama every morning with a morning kiss.”
“No, you can’t!”
Vilistia always showing her huge affection for Validus, because of this she always quarrel with her older sisters.
“I’m sorry girls. But for the next year, I will try making you three enrolling.”
The lady makes a bright smile looking at them. [They’re always lively.] This is what her maid says before they’re met. That’s true, and she’s also smiling when she summon Validus.
Looking at that smile, just like a smile that an older sister given to her little brother/sister; Validus remembered for someone. Someone that always takes cares of him since he is a little.
I can’t go home yet. But soon, I will. So wait for me.
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