The translation of Vol. 6's title (major spoiler)

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The translation of Vol. 6's title (major spoiler)

Post by cuc »

First of all, I shall admit that my native tongue is Chinese (I do know a few things about the linguistics of Chinese), and my knowledge in Japanese is very limited. This is just my two cents.

So far 涼宮ハルヒの動揺 has been translated as 'The Trembling of Suzumiya Haruhi' (here and Wikipedia) and 'Suzumiya Haruhi's Agitation' (a certain Japanese source). While "agitation" is obviously just a word someone somehow picked out of his Japanese-English dictionary, "trembling" doesn't seem very appropriate, either.

First of all, what exactly does 動揺 mean here? According to the back cover text (would someone post it here for a clearer analysis please? can't type Japanese text now...), 動揺 refers to the story "Live Alive", in which Haruhi shows a different side that Kyon "can never image": Haruhi has finally done something not out of self-interest (and as we can see in the story, even Haruhi herself was a bit surprised at this feeling she's not familiar with). So here 涼宮ハルヒの動揺 is not a physical action, but a monentary change of heart. "Trembling", "shaking" and words along these lines do not have that meaning.

IMHO, a better translation would be "The Wavering of Suzumiya Haruhi" or "The Vacillation of Suzumiya Haruhi". Both can mean "indecisive", "unsteady", which seem to fit well here: Haruhi had always been about doing whatever catches her fancy ruthlessly, never considering anyone else for a moment, and in this instant she gives up her usual way to help others for no return. It shows Haruhi isn't unchangeable, irredeemable.

Of course, my opinion is heavily influenced by the Taiwanese version, which is different from the original, putting even more emphasis on the change of Haruhi. Full Chinese text below:

在這之前,誰也不敢相信那個唯我獨尊、不可一世的涼宮春日會有所動搖。但是校慶的某個突發事件,的的確確誘發了她柔情的另一面…真是教我無限感慨:原來無敵女金剛也有化為繞指柔的一天。但是更讓我想不到的是,居然有人向長門告白,而且那個人還是…Live Alive涼宮系列第六彈!

There actually is a bootleg version of Suzumiya Haruhi in China, offering a translation of the original Japanese text. According to this version, 動揺 is Haruhi "rocking to the music". Compare it to the original text to see whether that's correct or not.


(This bootleg version uses the Taiwanese translation for Vol. 1~6, its own translation for Vol. 7.)

Any other ideas?

On a totally unrelated note, "The Intrigues of Suzumiya Haruhi" or "The Schemings of Suzumiya Haruhi", which one sounds better? I kinda like the word "scheming":)
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Astral Realm

Post by cuc »

Regarding the Chinese version, it seems I've made a huge mistake = =

Apparently there're two versions of story synopsis, a short one and a long one.

The Japanese story synopsis:

Short version:

Long version (as seen on the book jacket):
"幻にしておきたかった自主映画だとか突然のヒトメボレ告白、雪山で上演された古泉渾身の推理劇や朝比奈さんとの秘密のデート。SOS団を巻き込んで起こる面白イベントを気持ちいいくらいい楽しんでいる涼宮ハルヒは動揺なぞしてる姿は想像できないだろうが、文化祭のハプニングであいつが心から揺らめかせていたのは確かなことで、それは俺だけが知っているハルヒの顔だったのかもな―。お待ちかね「涼宮ハルヒ」シリーズ第6弾!" ... 0408000069

The Taiwanese story synopsis, short version (already posted) can be seen here: ... 2D%7D&PM=2

The long version:
Live Alive涼宮春日系列第六彈! ... B0C49313B}

BTW, the bootleg version's info is taken from the bootleggers' website (yes they have a website), which for obvious reason won't be posted here.
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Post by arias »

As someone who speaks chinese as well, I do think you are basically correct.

"Trembling" does not accurately convey the sense of what 動揺 means. In context of what you said about her sudden discrepancy in behavior, it would, like you said, be better to describe it as a "wavering" or as a "change". That is, the rigidity of her character is being compromised in some sense...

Perhaps there could be an even better word. Let us think over it.
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Post by arias »

I just realized there's no function to edit messages :O Gahh.

Anyway, from cuc's portion of the Taiwanese abstract:
仔細想想,今年發生的事還真是多到不計其數。猶如幻夢一場的電影拍攝,突如其來的告白,古泉在雪山使盡渾身解數上演的推理劇,還有和朝比奈學姊之間的秘密約會。儘管無法想像因為某個活動將SOS團捲入其中而不亦樂乎的涼宮春日隨著音樂搖擺的模樣,但是校慶確實誘發出了那女人的另一面──或許只有我才曉得的那一面…… Live Alive涼宮春日系列第六彈!
It translates to something like:
To think of it, so many things happened this year. Like the dream-like filming of the movie, the sudden confession (editor's note: love-confession), 古泉在雪山使盡渾身解數上演的推理劇 (editor's note: difficulty, because might be a 古泉 might be a character's name but I don't know), and the secret date with Asahina sempai. Regardless, it was unthinkable that an activity that the SOS group was roped into would witness the image of Suzumiya rocking to the music, but the school celebration has indeed elicited another side of that woman --- maybe a side that only I know.

As such, maybe it really isn't "trembling" or "wavering". It would be, the "rocking" or the "dancing", or the "swaying" of Suzumiya (or some other lingo relating to moving to the music). Perhaps the novel needs to be read and studied in more detail first.
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Re: The translation of Vol. 6's title (major spoiler)

Post by quigonkenny »

cuc wrote:First of all, what exactly does 動揺 mean here? According to the back cover text (would someone post it here for a clearer analysis please? can't type Japanese text now...), 動揺 refers to the story "Live Alive", in which Haruhi shows a different side that Kyon "can never image": Haruhi has finally done something not out of self-interest (and as we can see in the story, even Haruhi herself was a bit surprised at this feeling she's not familiar with). So here 涼宮ハルヒの動揺 is not a physical action, but a monentary change of heart. "Trembling", "shaking" and words along these lines do not have that meaning.

IMHO, a better translation would be "The Wavering of Suzumiya Haruhi" or "The Vacillation of Suzumiya Haruhi". Both can mean "indecisive", "unsteady", which seem to fit well here: Haruhi had always been about doing whatever catches her fancy ruthlessly, never considering anyone else for a moment, and in this instant she gives up her usual way to help others for no return. It shows Haruhi isn't unchangeable, irredeemable.
arias wrote:"Trembling" does not accurately convey the sense of what 動揺 means. In context of what you said about her sudden discrepancy in behavior, it would, like you said, be better to describe it as a "wavering" or as a "change". That is, the rigidity of her character is being compromised in some sense...

Perhaps there could be an even better word. Let us think over it.
Hi, all. Just looking through the forum in an attempt to get more Suzumiya Haruhi information and happened upon this topic, and I think I might actually be able to help. After seeing the discussion over the translated meaning versus the original meaning, I feel (from the English context of your posts, of course, since I don't know a lick of Chinese, and my knowledge of Japanese is limited to the standard otaku-isms) that "wavering" is probably the closest word to the original meaning, but, as Arias implied, it just doesn't feel right. But as I started reading Cuc's posts on this topic, a word popped into my head and started feeling more right as I read Arias's posts, so I'd like to see how everyone else thinks.

"The Hesitation of Suzumiya Haruhi"

Not having read any of the book, of course, as it's not been translated yet, I get from the previous posts that Haruhi kinda mellows a bit in this book, and "grows up" a bit, maybe even feeling uncertain of herself. I thought of "The Uncertainty of Suzumiya Haruhi" as well, which also sounds good, but I understand that in books which happen chronologically after this book, she's just the same as she ever was, so I think the temporary connotation of "hesitation" fits a little better.

As it appears both of you have read the book, does this fit, at least better than "tremblings"?
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Post by extraclassiclite »

I think Uncertainty fits the idea of 'wavering' more than Hesitation or Hesitancy.
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Post by onizuka-gto »

I kinda like uncertainty, it has a er, certain flow to it...
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Post by ratslayer »

maybe it is more like the word wich we want to use is not especific
since it doesnt exist a word wich can have a traduccion with exactly the same meanings than the original one
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Post by Haiyami »

Well I can't wait for the translation of volume 6 to be done. There are only 2 short stories left to be translated so we'll find out what happens. Besides if you want an accurate translation of the title, its best to translate from the original Japanese to English. Because no matterw what Japanese trnalsation and chinese/taiwanese trnaslation can mean two totally different things. I've seen CHinese translate stuff from Japanese to CHinese and then to English. Alot of the original meaning is lost. Therefore I can't agree to anything but the original title meaning.

This is coming from a guy who has had 2 years of Japanese.
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Post by Guest lol »

Plase do not bump REALLY REALLY REALLY old topics. This topic was last posted at july, and the title of novel 6 is already known.
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Post by onizuka-gto »


shame on you hayami, you made guest lol upset. :P
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