The Kyon Theory

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Astral Realm

Post by Stratosphere »

I thought this too, while reading the novels. Here are some other things I have to add.

Mikuru's supposed "job" is to get close to Kyon, in order to get close to Haruhi. Why get close to Kyon instead of Haruhi? If these people are from the future, then they would know exactly what to do in order to get close to Haruhi. The only explanation is that they know something more than we do, and that it involves Kyon in some way.

Why is it that Yuki so blindly follows Kyon's wishes, if it is Haruhi who is the Goddess? It can't be because she fears the world being changed by Haruhi, when it is Kyon's requests. The integrated sentinent entity does not care what happens to the world as long as they can collect data from the data bursts caused by Haruhi; as this has already been stated. Perhaps Yuki has figured out over time that Kyon is the God. Or maybe she just loves him and wants to make him happy. It sure seems suspicious.
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Astral Realm

Post by wedgejaeger »

well, if they actually believed Kyon was the semi-omni dude, then Koizumi's theory would be out the window. He told Kyon that if Haruhi were to know of the existance of espers, aliens, or time travelers, then it would lead her to believe that it is common, and therefore everyone, if not just a ton of people, would have this power.

though i still figure the pigeon thing leans towards haruhi, cause really, what does kyon care about the birds, much less anything else during that movie.
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Astral Realm

Post by Nutcase »

"Kyon" is dog, That is almost all I have to say. "Kyon" is a variation on the Greek word for dog. I've been reading a lot of paleontology lately, so this point jumped out at me, especially after seeing Haruhi dragging Kyon around by his tie in the anime for the nth time.

My wife says I overthink these things. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Is it reasonable to imagine a Japanese writer making a pun that caroms off of Greek to hit the god-dog palindrome in English?

Regardless of the conscious intent of the author, the pun is there, and it is entirely congruent with the larger context of the story. For what it's worth.

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Astral Realm

Post by Smidge204 »

To quote the late, great Douglas Adams: You just don't write jokes in base 13.

In other words, It's probably a coincidence. A really cool one, though...
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Astral Realm

Post by Garstansinilliam »

I just thought I'd make the point that in both the books and the aime, Kyon has this great long speech at the start about his wishes, about his desire for aliens, espers, time travellers, but then goe son to talk about Sliders, superheroes, evil secret organisations, undercover detectives from the future.

In Haruhi's introduction, she wishes for Aliens, Espers and Time Travellers only.

It is just the things that Haruhi wishes for come into being, all Kyon's supplementary thoughts never get mentioned again, except Sliders, which Koizumi claim probably don't exists, because otherwise they'd be summoned.

So, for me, it's pretty likely that Kyon is not a god.
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Astral Realm

Post by Dragoon »

Not necessarily. Just because she asks for Sliders, that doesn't mean that they have to make themselves known to Kyon. The books so far lack "bad guys." The closest we have now is an "anti-SOS" of some kind that's acting against Haruhi behind the scenes.

There have been instances in which the powers of a Slider, the power to moves to and from alternate dimensions, could have been used against the SOS-dan. That the house in the snowy mountain scenario could have been a very well constructed alternate reality didn't escape me. An evil Slider could've trapped them in there as a test, perhaps? I didn't notice that there was any consensus on who caused that danger. Even Yuki didn't understand what happened at first.

Haruhi wished for Sliders... which doesn't preclude them from being evil. They could exist, but not want contact with anyone else.

Besides, everyone knows Itsuki talks out his ass most of the time. He babbles about things that even he probably isn't sure of.
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Astral Realm

Post by Smidge204 »

Dragoon wrote:The closest we have now is an "anti-SOS" of some kind that's acting against Haruhi behind the scenes.
What part of the text did you get that from? I missed it...
Dragoon wrote:That the house in the snowy mountain scenario could have been a very well constructed alternate reality didn't escape me. An evil Slider could've trapped them in there as a test, perhaps? I didn't notice that there was any consensus on who caused that danger. Even Yuki didn't understand what happened at first.
It's explained quite plainly in Vol. 7 Ch. 1 and has nothing to do with sliders. (Perhaps this is where you got the idea of the "anti-SOS" group? That still doesn't fit, though, because they were not necessarily acting out of malice...)
Dragoon wrote:Besides, everyone knows Itsuki talks out his Tsuruya most of the time. He babbles about things that even he probably isn't sure of.
*Intruiged as to what it means to talk out one's Tsuruya... sounds dirty.*
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Post by HolyCow »

What part of the text did you get that from? I missed it...
It's not mentioned that they're working together, but as of now, we've seen a rival entity (Macrospatial Quantum Cosmic Existence), rival time-travelers (the guys Mikuru mentioned about not wanting the possibility of time travel) and
Spoiler! :
rival espers (Koizumi's speech in Chapter 2, more to be revelaed in future chapters)
. I think it fits "Anti-SOS" really well XD
Besides, everyone knows Itsuki talks out his Tsuruya most of the time. He babbles about things that even he probably isn't sure of.
Spoiler! :
Again, in Chapter 2 Volume 7, Koizumi mentions about Tsuruya-san's role as a financial backing for his Organization. Why is she backing them up, and why so mysteriously? You'll have to read to find out... Fufufufufu....
There are lots of yummy bits in the later part of Chapter 2 (the current remaining 30%), so just pateintly wait for BaKaFiSh to update. Or you could go and "motivate" him [Pokes BaKaFiSh with a stick]

/me claws out throat and dies
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Astral Realm

Post by Smidge204 »

But none of those are particualrly anti-SOS/anti-Haruhi, simply different factions with their own agendas... none of which really seem to be centered around stopping the SOS brigade (though that might happen as a consequence should they succeed)

So I don't really see any group that is explicitly "anti SOS"

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a BaKaFiSh to whip...
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Post by Dan »

Smidge204 wrote: *Intruiged as to what it means to talk out one's Tsuruya... sounds dirty.*
I think the forums auto replace bad words with character names.

A-s-s becomes ass.
W-h-o-r-e become whore.
B-i-t-c-h becomes Mikuru.
B-a-s-t-a-r-d becomes Itsuki.
The f word becomes poke.

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Post by HolyCow »

If you think about it, they are actually a "reverse" SOS, or something like that. All of them have tried to interfere with the SOS one time or another. I won't say anothing that hasn't been translated yet, but the rival time travelers and rival espers will play a part in volume 7. Or who knows, maybe one of them did play a part earlier? Come on, it's not that difficult... ;P

As for the Macrospatial Quantum Cosmic Existence (can I shorten it to MQCS? The name is getting annoying to type. I should have chosen a shorter name @.@), Yuki has revealed that they tried to interfere during the snow mountain incident. Although there is no solid proof (yet) that the rival factions are working together, perhaps some later (part of an untranslated) chapter may shed some light on this? *coughcoughchapter2coughcough*

That's one thing about volume 7. It's so intriguing that you just want to know who's behind the scenes. Talk about the Intrigues of Haruhi :roll:
/me claws out throat and dies
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Guest lol
Astral Realm

Post by Guest lol »

Allow me to give my point of view.

I believe, like Smidge, that there is no particular "Anti-SOS" faction. If Haruhi or Kyon possess godlike powers, why would there be any advantage to putting them away instead of studying how their powers work? The so called "Anti-SOS" faction are just separate organizations that partake in a more aggressive stance compared to the organizations within the SOS Dan. Having a single faction representing a large amount of X species is a silly idea to have in even a book. People have different types of view, thus different factions are born. It has always been like this and why not add it in the book as a interesting plot device in the future?

Also, about why everybody tries to get close to Kyon. I believe that they follow him particularly because he's the one chosen by Haruhi as the only supposively ordinary person in the SOS Dan. Since he's the closest thing to Haruhi, follow him and you're bound to find results in Haruhi (okay, so this explanation isn't the greatest but what ever). Also, there is a possibility (if he really is a god) that they are studying a more actively power abusing god (that lacks knowledge in her surroundings), as well as a passive god that understands the circumstances around him better.
Last edited by Guest lol on Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Umiman »

Perhaps you can just put MQCS (sounds like a swear word or insult) first, then go over it with MS WORD and ask it to auto replace all MQCS's with Macrospatial Quantum Cosmic Existence.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Post by HolyCow »

I don't think I'll be needing to use MQCS for anything other than forum discussion. I haven't come across it so far in my translation.

Oh and I believe MGCH // MGCB is the swear word you have in mind ;P
/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by Umiman »

HolyCow wrote:I don't think I'll be needing to use MQCS for anything other than forum discussion. I haven't come across it so far in my translation.

Oh and I believe MGCH // MGCB is the swear word you have in mind ;P
What's that stand for again?
Spoiler! :
something something chibai /chouhai?
I was thinking of MCP actually.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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