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Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:06 am
by ainsoph9
I do not know. Even if it is not Tanigawa's style, we still basically know nothing about Haruhi's family or her home life. We only really know about the stadium even her dad took her to and that the SOS Brigade have visited her house a few times. Kyon at least has said little about her family other than that.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:20 pm
by typhonsentra
So this board is open now? I thought you guys didn't open a new one until the book is released.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:19 pm
by onizuka-gto
Hey! thanks for reminding me! :)

*locks forum*

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:09 am
by quigonkenny
typhonsentra wrote:So this board is open now? I thought you guys didn't open a new one until the book is released.
onizuka-gto wrote:Hey! thanks for reminding me! :)

*locks forum*
Hey, thanks for reminding him! :twisted:

*smacks typhonsentra*
ainsoph9 wrote:I do not know. Even if it is not Tanigawa's style, we still basically know nothing about Haruhi's family or her home life. We only really know about the stadium even her dad took her to and that the SOS Brigade have visited her house a few times. Kyon at least has said little about her family other than that.
I think the reason we haven't seen Haruhi's family is for the same reason that we haven't seen the rest of Kyon's family, or any additional Espers, or Interfaces, or Time Travelers, or middle school friends of Kyon's, beyond what we've already seen.

They're not important.

One thing that certainly is Tanagawa's style, and he's not alone in it, is that he's very frugal with his characters. If someone is necessary to get his computers snookered away by Haruhi (or get PWNXX0R3D by Yuki, or get locked in a pocket dimension), or to spout Kyon backstory that Kyon may not want spouted, or to get her dog infected by alien nanites, or to be in a band that Haruhi stands in for, etc., etc., they'll automagically show up, sometimes literally out of the ether (like "someone with a knife" at the end of Disappearance?). Until then, they may as well not exist. This is for the simple reason that is well within the possibilities of Haruhi's universe that they may literally have not existed before their "need" arised. (Sasaki, possibly?)

I don't think we will ever see Haruhi's family...that is of course, until we do. At which point we'll know they're now important to the plot in some way.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:42 pm
by ryvrdrgn15
I do like the writing style. The way it's written is that you don't really wonder about the missing family members and such while reading the story. That means (to me) that most of the necessary characters are already in the story or at least the direction of the writing doesn't make you wonder about things outside of it.

Some stories can get saturated with many characters that are unimportant or sooner or later dropped/forgotten/pushed into the background. Here I think the number of characters used is just right so far. You can focus on the characters and their development and little quirks since they have the 'stage' all to themselves.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:32 pm
by HAL9000
In regards to Haruhi's family, at least, I think there is a more practical reason for their absence- it gives Haruhi more mystery. What kind of home life could have produced someone with her personality? We don't know. Do her powers have something to do with her family or lineage? We don't know. How does she get away with doing all the stuff she does? We don't know. Is she good friends with the guy who will invent time travel? We do know, but it was a surprise when we learned of it, and we're still mining the ambiguity of the whole deal.

I have heard that William Faulkner had a strategy to his writing- he would look at what he wrote, and then cut out any scenes and exposition he possibly could without ruining the overall story. I think such a method could often improve a work.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:50 pm
by deskoh91
I think the reason why the characters are only developed to a level that is really required is so that Tanigawa can easily add in details at a later time, or he is simply not thinking about that yet. after all, his writing style appears to be rather random.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:38 am
by Kenox
HAL9000 wrote:I have heard that William Faulkner had a strategy to his writing- he would look at what he wrote, and then cut out any scenes and exposition he possibly could without ruining the overall story. I think such a method could often improve a work.
I would think that cutting out everything but what is necessary makes a story confusing/vague for the sake of confusing/vague. Is that what makes Faulkner a great writer?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:12 pm
by quigonkenny
Kenox wrote:
HAL9000 wrote:I have heard that William Faulkner had a strategy to his writing- he would look at what he wrote, and then cut out any scenes and exposition he possibly could without ruining the overall story. I think such a method could often improve a work.
I would think that cutting out everything but what is necessary makes a story confusing/vague for the sake of confusing/vague. Is that what makes Faulkner a great writer?
Well, removing something that would make the story confusing or vague by its removal would qualify as ruining the story, so he probably wouldn't remove it.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:24 pm
by HAL9000
To be truthful, I think Faulkner overdid it in The Sound and the Fury. I have no such complaints about Tanigawa, though.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 12:09 am
by mingz
out yet? :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:13 pm
by typhonsentra
Damn you for bumping this and putting my hopes up!

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:36 pm
by Fushichou
Yeah seriously.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:33 am
by Guest
Come on man, all of us are rather edgy about Volume 10 not coming out. Makes one wonder why it has been delayed all this time, no? Did he lose the manuscript or something?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:11 am
by Kaisos Erranon
I'm going to die if Volume 10 doesn't come out soon.

I've already resorted to reading fanfiction... God, I need help.