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Zero no Tsukaima Joint Collaboration

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:19 pm
by onizuka-gto
Hello Contributors & reader.

I would just like to announce that I have formally contacted the Admins of Kuroneko, the group fansubbing the Anime, and Kawaii Heaven who are scanlating the Manga of a possible colloboration in translating the Zero no Tsukaima.

While such venture would not of been considered, recent contact with Sushi-Y, who argubly has the most experience with the zero no Tsukaima novel series, which I have approached in regards to joining us as a translator has been issued with a condition, of a possible joint Collaboration with the other groups who are interested in the novel in a possibility on pooling our resources, to which she would then consider lending her considerable help in translating the series as she has read all novels up to the latest, and will bring a very interesting translation style, judging by the very enjoyable summaries she have published on the Zero no Tsukaima thread on the Aquastar Forum

While this was merely an attempt to satisfy Sushi-Y conditions, while I have yet to recieve any replies.
I wish to ask you our readers, contributors and members on what do you think of this venture?


Zero no Tsukaima Wiki page has just been created, in preparation:
Zero no Tsukaima Wiki page

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:43 pm
by velocity7
I can't vote. :o

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:58 pm
by onizuka-gto
woops. :p

there fixed.

:roll: :D

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:04 pm
by the_naming_game
(I was about to make a witty remark about the broken voting, and then, of all things, you had to go and fix it! Damnit!)

I don't know much about joint translation projects, but since these translators are primarily interested in Zero no Tsukaima, it's not really going to detract from the Suzumiya Haruhi translation. And with that understanding, my_vote="Fantastic!"

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:13 pm
by onizuka-gto

Well I did not intend to accelerate this project, but after discussing with sushi-Y, which I'am surprised to discover that i'am the third party to contact her (and not the first from Baka-Tsuki either) about such matters.

I felt i did not have much to lose, considering the difficulty in recruiting translators for this project, considering that the current translators we have here have yet to dispaly any interest in this series.

Sushi-Y is by far our best chance, i encourage all readers to check out this thread at the aquastar forum where Sushi-Y has gracefully posted summaries of each volume.

Very very intesting which has lead me to take a more active role in this project.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:34 pm
by velocity7
Since you guys never go on IRC, I'll also try to contact the two groups via their channels and formulate some sort of discussion around the collaboration idea.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:35 pm
by bicube
I support working on a joint project with other groups, though I don't understand what could be so bad about it. Was there anything that could be bad if we picked up this project?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:38 pm
by onizuka-gto
Thank you Velocity7, that would be greatly appriciated.

If anyone else know how to contact Kawaii Heaven & Kuroneko members, please link them back to here.

I thank you all in advance.


In regards to Bicube, in retrospect not really, but from the indications pointed out to me by Sushi-Y i was quite surprise that groups normally known for scanlation and fansubbing were also recruiting translators to work on the novel. So if we had concentrated on our own, it is possible that the competition would take the few willing translators from each other, and considering that the other two groups are mainly focus on other mediums besides novels, the translation could be much longer. However, when you consider that we as a project are only working on Novel translation ,we do not have to bother with as a lot of members that other groups will have to content with, plus with our open translation approach i'am positive that we would be in a much better position,
However on a collaboration, we will have to delegate th work load, as we are sharing resources, 'iam not experienced with translation collaboration, but in all types at leased one of us will eventually hold up the rest, because they have bee delayed by other projects, and if we had kept it "in house" so to say we could actually have more freedom in the way we translate and share the work load. But it is a new learning experience for us as a group, and at the moment it is the starting up that is the imediate problem, we need that one translator who is commited, and once we get it going the more momentum it will gather and evetunally more translators.

The proof? Thelastguardian did it. :wink:

In all, I'am uncertain in the expected replies, i'am hoping for a positive reply. If not well, I have to see what else i can do to, i might have to "voluntary arrest" Sushi-Y and any other translators before the other get them.

After all, i'm sure ZnT readers would rather see us doing it, if only for the wiki fun... :p

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:43 am
by Se-chan
Uh, hello...

Sushi tipped me here, since I was interested in working on the novel itself. I'm from another group as well, named Kawaii Heavens. We're currently working the ZnT manga with AQS, and goes solo on working o Shuffle manga (a lot of projects are in pending, but heck, we can manage...)

First things first, the torrent for the novel volumes(1-8) is out somewhere. one of my staffers has it, I just need to grab her.

Second, 2 translators from my team wished to work on this. But they're quite new to doing this kind of stuff, so they're basically needing some help on some fields. Hopefully, they can still be of some help.

We can provide HDD and torrenting as well, if you don't mind. I do distro too...

And finally, it's better to hear Kuroneko's side as well...

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:57 am
by onizuka-gto
Se-chan wrote:Uh, hello...

Sushi tipped me here, since I was interested in working on the novel itself. I'm from another group as well, named Kawaii Heavens. We're currently working the ZnT manga with AQS, and goes solo on working o Shuffle manga (a lot of projects are in pending, but heck, we can manage...)

First things first, the torrent for the novel volumes(1-8) is out somewhere. one of my staffers has it, I just need to grab her.

Second, 2 translators from my team wished to work on this. But they're quite new to doing this kind of stuff, so they're basically needing some help on some fields. Hopefully, they can still be of some help.

We can provide HDD and torrenting as well, if you don't mind. I do distro too...

And finally, it's better to hear Kuroneko's side as well...
Hello Se-Chan, I welcome you to this baka-tsuki.

I hope you have recieved my email to your Admin at Kawaii Heaven concerning this, as luck has it, i'am currently in contact with Kawool, the Admin of Kuroneko.

She has responded very positive, and we are currently negotiating a collaboration.

while I cannot claim to say our group has anymore experience in novel translation, let just say we have yet to recieve any complaints about our methods. We would gladly welcome any people who can help us translate Zero no Tsukaima. More people the merrier. \(^^)/

Please email as soon as possible at:[@]gmail[dot]com

Once again I thank you for coming here, and i hope our discussion become very productive.

o(^^) b


Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 2:31 am
by Kawool
Ok well hi peeps , I'm Kawool (aka K-neko on irc)...i was contacted about doing joint work regarding the novels and well as i cant vote i would say i hope it will be successful.

I was asked by oni :
Anyway, in respect of this venture, may I ask you what is you procedure when releasing a novel project?

I only fansubs, never -officially- did scanlations but i would say 2 chapters a week could be cool

I assume you have done novel releases before, and do so in the more traditional format?

Read above, put i prefer either jpg or png.

as in per chapter, in .pdf format, with a layout mirroring the original....

pdf ? *runs away*

How would you feel to try something more radical?
Depends what you mean by 'radical'

How do you feel about publishing translated scripts using our wiki system?
That would not be scanlations then but just plain translation, i'm not a fan of wiki and well even if you guys wanna release on wiki, i'd like to also release on bt.

I know the way we have done this, is very very different from what alot of people are used to, and it's from my understanding they are more or less uncomfortable due to it's open nature.
But I would like to know if such a collaboration is possible, would publishing it on the wiki be possible?

Read above. Wiki is ok as long as i can release on bt too.


I did not have the chance to talk with the peeps of Heaven so well i'll probably ask my own questions, later as for now i'm late for work !

In my team , i have 3 translators, 2 editors and a typesetter to help.
Finding someone to color scans would be cool.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:19 am
by Sushi-Y
Ok, before onizuka breaks down from worries, I'll place my foot in here too.

Since he's the one who bugged... I mean contacted me the most, and has even set up a wiki page for this project, I decided it would probably be best if all discussions (between all 3 teams) are done here.

For the actual works, hopefully we can work out something, such as a forum for all the translators and editors to post their works.

I understand that Kawool and Se-chan is probably interested in releasing the novel in scanlation format (replacing the Japanese text with English on a .jpg or .png image, just like a manga scanlation) rather than as a wiki article (which would appear rather "plain"). Personally, if there are editors who are available to do that, I don't see why it cannot be done.

I stress again that there's no guarantee on how much time I can spend on this, so don't rely on me too much.

(150x150 max for avatars? *giddy*) ←is an avatar maniac

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:17 pm
by onizuka-gto
We got plenty of editors over here, some might say too many....


As for a central forum for all the translators & Editors to post and do their work.

I think I know a good one.....



Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:12 pm
by Kawool
Well except for one, my tls are pretty wild i'm not sure if you'll see them posting here..

If this collaboration works, i suggest each tl has 2 chapters to do or so.. for example (before i heard of this collaboration) i asked to a tl to take care of chapters 1-2 another 3-4 and the last one 5-6...etc...

But well before starting anything, how many tls will FOR SURE work on this project ? *glares at Sushi*
I'm off tomorrow so may get time to color scans <3

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:41 pm
by SayonaraNinja
wow. you guys rock!

Serious I can't wait.

But one thing, Is onizuka-GTO always this crazy? he's popping around like he's on crack...