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Prologue Rewording

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 4:46 am
by HolyCow
It has been brought up on Anime Suki, but for simplicity's sake I'll type it out again here.

Apparently some people have problems understanding Koizumi's speech, so here's my shot at translating it.
Spoiler! :
“You see, this all started when Nagato-san decided to rewrite the world on December the 18th. In that world, Suzumiya-san, Asahina-san and I were nothing but normal humans. You spent three days in that world before initiating Nagato-san’s Emergency Escape Program, which took you three … No wait, four years now, back in the past. You then encountered the real Nagato-san and with her help traveled back to the dawn of December the 18th.

Yes I know that. I’ve been there again recently, you know.

“Let’s label the day Nagato-san changed the world as ‘X’. On that day, Suzumiya-san had disappeared and I had become a normal human with no esper powers. In order to fix things up, you had to return to X to rewrite the future.”

An ontological paradox, huh.

“If you had not gone back to X, the world would have gone off its original path, and strayed on a ‘wrong’ one. Thus if you had not gone back to X, this world would not have existed, and instead the ‘wrong’ world would continue to exist.”

Seeing the confused look on my face, Koizumi said flatly:

“Let me show you a picture. That might help.”

Ever since the snow mountain incident, Koizumi sure has liked drawing a lot. Picking up a water-based, multi-purpose whiteboard marker, he started to trace a line down the white board.

“Let’s say this line is the world going on its original course from the past to the future.”

Koizumi then stopped and drew a big X in a circle at the end of the line.

“This is Point X and specifically where Nagato altered reality.”

I nodded my head. What Koizumi said made sense.

Koizumi placed the marker on the X and started drawing a loop to the right. The loop went in a full 360 degrees arc, and ended back on the same point it had started – X. His drawing resembled a budding leaf on a snapped twig.

“This loop represents your journey after you activated Nagato-san’s Emergency Escape Program. You traveled back to Tanabata four years ago, met with the adult version of Asahina-san, obtained the nano-machine gun from Nagato-san and proceeded to travel back to the dawn Nagato-san changed the world. If everything had ended here, it would have been fine, but unfortunately, something else happened. Am I right?”

It was because Asakura Ryouko was there that I failed to accomplish my mission. However, thanks to my other self, Nagato-san and Asahina-san (small), we managed to revert the world back to normal. Now that you mention it, it did take us one month to do it.

“Precisely, which means you saved yourself. I will explain later, but for now, please look at this.”

Koizumi started drawing another loop, this time to his left..

“This loop represents the world in Suzumiya-san and my memories. In this world, you had taken a trip down the stairs and ended up unconscious for three days,” he said, as the loop once again reached where it started – the X.

However, instead of stopping at the X, Koizumi proceeded to draw the line further below the X, before once again placing the cover back on the marker. I looked at his drawing, and found myself staring at a sideways eight, an infinity symbol ( ∞ ), with a single line striking through its center. And in the center, where all points were intertwined, was the single letter X.

Even though I had told myself countless times that Math and Physics just weren’t for me, I found myself slowly understanding what Koizumi had to say.

The right loop represented my memory, the one that involved that messed up world. After a series of chaotic events that involved me getting stabbed again by Asakura Ryouko, I had finally managed to bring the world back to X on its original orbit.

The left loop, on the other hand, was the world not in my memory. It comprised of the three days I lay unconscious in hospital.

But if both of them ended on the same X, even though they contained different endings, then that must mean…

“There are two ‘X’s”

Koizumi answered me simply.

“Since the altered reality is called X, let’s just call this current reality X’.”

Koizumi put down the marker and began looking at his own diagram.

“Without an X, there couldn’t possibly be an X’. Thus we can conclude that the original X didn’t disappear. Rather, it was overwritten by X’. The future that was supposed to occur after Nagato-san changed the world was replaced by the other future you created by going back in time to stop Nagato-san. That is why it is the left loop that gets to continue down the time axis, and not the right.”

“I have no idea what are you talking about.”

I lied, suddenly remembering what Asahina-san (Big) had said.

Something about a larger and more complicated time quake occurring.

“It’s just like looking at two overlapping circuits. You can’t see it in 2D, but if we were to put the entire diagram in 3D, you’d be able to see two lines that are of different depth.”

I rubbed my temples as I pondered what would a time traveler make out of this. Or an alien, for the matter.

“There’s also one possibility I would like to share with you.”

I’m pretty darned sure you’re going to spit it out even if I said no.

“The memories we had about you falling down the stairs… Maybe it never really existed.”

Does it really matter? After all, all I did was lie there for three days anyway.

“Do you remember what I said before? We cannot ignore the possibility that the world was just recreated five minutes ago. Maybe you never did fall down the stairs or end up in hospital. Maybe when you went into the alternate world, time simply just froze for the rest of us. Suzumiya-san’s memories, along with mine, were made up simply for us to believe in them…”

I had wanted to tell Koizumi that his idea was totally ridiculous, but I found that I couldn’t. It was, after all, possible to rewrite the future, as I had demonstrated by rewriting the original future X had in store. Surely three days wasn’t that much of a feat?

“Let’s change the subject. It appears that Suzumiya-san saw who the mysterious shadow was, after all.”

Who was it? Who pushed me down the stairs?

“Nagato-san did.”

That’s just plain stupid. Wasn’t Nagato with you guys then? From what I heard, I was the last one to walk down the stairs.

“Yes, that’s what we remember. But what if Nagato-san was the one who invented the entire memory of you being unconscious, and Suzumiya-san had intuitively sensed it? Since she doesn’t know about the alternate world, her intuition got all mixed up, and in the end all that she could remember was that Nagato-san was up to something. That sort of explains why she felt as if Nagato-san did it.”

“But since Nagato couldn’t have possible done it seeing that she was walking ahead of you, Suzumiya-san invented up this mysterious shadow just to provide an explanation for your fall. In reality, the perpetrator does not exist. There is no mysterious shadow.”

You can’t be telling me Haruhi suspects Nagato purely based on intuition. After all, when Nagato had altered reality, she had changed everyone’s memories, and Haruhi didn’t seem to suspect anything at all. I’m more willing to believe this mysterious shadow than your intuition theory. After all, there may be others plotting elsewhere, just like that incident in the snow mountain.

Koizumi smiled at me and said:

“It was simply a theory I had come up with in order to answer your question. After all, I do not really understand how time travel is possible, and how problems are created. What I do want to know, however, is what Asahina-san is doing here, coming all the way from the far future.”

“Let me ask you a simple question. If you had the ability to go back to the past and prevent something terrible from befalling you, would you do it?” Koizumi asked mysteriously as he stretched his hands forward.
This is one long and lengthy speech, and it doesn't really mean anything important IMO, but feel free to make corrections based on it. Of course, if there are any errors in it, then I apologize.


Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 5:02 am
by Smidge204
For reference, here is the same discussion as it currently exists. It may have extra text in there since I just copy-pasted from the wiki...
Spoiler! :
"Listen well. Nagato, who started it, changed the world on the dawn of December the eighteenth. In that world, I, Suzumiya-san and Asahina-san were all normal people. You spent three days there, until you spent three years in Nagato-san's Emergency Escape Program...... No, wait, four years now...... There you met the normal Nagato-san and went back once again to dawn on December the eighteenth."

Obviously. Also, I went again after that.

"I know. Think about it. Dawn of December the eighteenth. Set the time Nagato-san changed the world as 'X'. When you went from Tanabata four years ago to 'X', that 'X' already wasn't the original 'X'."

What? That's impossible. There can't be more than one 'time' at a time.

"No, that's just the only way to think. It's simple, really. If the world had not changed at 'X', Suzumiya-san wouldn't have disappeared and I wouldn't have become a normal person. If that was the case, you would have no reason to go back."

A time paradox. Yes, I know of those.

"But the world requires you to go back in time to fix it. If you didn't go, the world would have continued on its wrong path. So you went back to the past, on time, and righted the world. Or this time would not exist."

I still don't get it. (<~~not sure about this line, made it up.^^)

"Let's draw a picture. It might help you understand."

Ever since that adventure, he likes pictures a lot. Koizumi picked up a water-based, multi-purpose pen and started to draw. As he drew lines up and down, he said,

"Take this line going up as the path time is taking from the past to the future. And —"

The line stopped in the middle of the board. He drew a circle on it and labeled it 'X'.

"This is the original time. Here, Nagato-san changed the world she was in and your memories start.

Koizumi started drawing again. This time it wasn't a straight line. It was a very rounded line curving to the right, finishing a circle leading back to the 'X' point. The picture looked like a budding leaf with half ripped off.

"This circle is the memory you have after the eighteenth. The Emergency Escape Program let you return to Tanabata four years ago, and from there you went to the eighteenth. If Nagato-san was turned back here, everything would be fine, but it didn't work out, I guess."

Because Asakura Ryoko was there. But, at that time, it wasn't just Asakura. There was also a "Me" from the future, who had got there with Nagato and Asahina-san. We did everything in our power to revert the world to its former state. Now that I think about it, it took about a month.

"That's it. Which means you saved yourself. That is —"

Koizumi's pen started out from the 'X' point again, this time looping to the left.

"— this part. The time of the world now. In me and Suzumiya-san's memories, you fell down the stairs on the eighteenth and lost consciousness, not waking up until the twenty-first. And it was two months ago you set out to save yourself."

Even after drawing the left loop, Koizumi didn't stop the pen. He continued the line that ran through the 'X', only stopping when the line reached the top of the board. He put down the pen, took a half-step back, glanced at me and looked at the diagram intently.

It was just a sideways eight, looking remarkably like an infinity sign ( ∞ ), with a line down the middle. It was very easy to understand like this. The point all the lines connected was the 'X' time.

I, who had always truthfully told myself I hated Math and Physics, was slowly beginning to understand what Koizumi wanted to say.

One, the circle on the right was the time from my memory. After lots of chaos, I managed to make it back to 'X' and was there when Nagato changed the world. I even got stabbed by Asakura.

Two, the circle on the left was the time I missed some things. It was composed of the time I lost consciousness after being stabbed and went on until I woke up in the hospital. Those three days were this loop.

And both circles start from 'X'......

"Meaning there are two 'X' times."

Koizumi answered the question.

"If the world before the change is 'X', then after the change — We can call it 'X' ‘".

Koizumi, who had put down the pen, looked at his graph and was very interested.

"Without an 'X', there would be no 'X' '. So, the original 'X' did not disappear. We could say the two times are superposed. When becoming...... superimposed, it got covered up. The old data was overwritten with new data. The first 'X' ran for a week, but it and the changed world that stemmed from it were covered up by the 'X’ ', the second week. But it wasn't gone forever, it was still there."

"I don't get it."

I pretended I didn't understand, suddenly remembering Asahina-san's (Big) words.

A time-quake — a bigger and more complicated one.

"It's like looking at two separate overlapping circuits. The intersection looks like it's a 2-D connection. If we add another dimension, that's different. Even though in the world of horizontal and vertical lines they look like one place, they are at a different depth."

I rubbed my temples. I wonder what a time traveler would think if they heard Koizumi's words. Or the alien.

"There's one more possibility, can I tell you?"

I'm pretty sure I'll have to listen to anything he says now anyway.

"The memory we have but you don't have...... when you fell down the stairs on the eighteenth, to your awakening on the twenty-first, three days later, maybe it never existed."

It doesn't really matter if it did or not. Besides, I was just lying there the whole time.

"Yes, it's just like you said. Do you remember what I said before? We cannot remove the possibility the world was created five minutes ago. Maybe you being lifted onto an ambulance and out cold for three days never happened. You could also think, from when the world was changed on the eighteenth to when you woke up on the twenty-first, those moments didn't exist in time. If this was true, then Suzumiya-san's and my own memories were made up and we were made to believe them after they were reconstructed in the evening of the twenty-first......"

I did say I would listen, but no matter how I looked at it, it was ridiculo — I can't say that. It's not completely impossible. Even the past could be re-written into a year, and this was only three days.

"Change of topic. Suzumiya-san saw the shadow girl's true colors, and she gets it now."

Who? The person who pushed me down the stairs.

"It was Nagato-san."

That's hilarious. At the time, wasn't Nagato going down the stairs with you guys? Apparently, I was at the back.

"Yes. That's what we all remember. Nagato-san didn't push you directly. But, she was the one that made up the story of you being unconscious. And Suzumiya-san intuitively sensed it. Of course she doesn't really know it was Nagato-san. In reality, the perpetrator wasn't at the scene of the crime. But Suzumiya-san doesn't know that. For it to become like this, someone had to do something. So the culprit must be hiding nearby."

Koizumi smiled that bright smile.

"That intuition sort of created the shadow girl. Of course, the shadow girl's existence is impossible."

Even if you got that far, you couldn't explain it using only intuition. After Nagato's new world was fixed, she changed everyone's memories at will. Somehow, Haruhi managed to realize something was wrong. There was somebody, somewhere, doing something.

"It was a theory. It was the result of your question, which I attempted to answer."

The enlivening rogue sat on the chair and suddenly extended his arms wide.

"In fact, I don't understand how the time and problems are created or moved. But, what is Asahina-san doing, coming here from the future? Now I have a question for you. If you could go into the past and steer history away from something awful, would you?"

Now, I didn't have much trouble understanding it the first time around, but I read a lot of dry technical text for a living and I'm also a Douglas Adams fan, so perhaps I'm an exception... I do think HolyCow's translation is a bit more natural, though.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 5:16 am
by HolyCow
I admit I paraphrased a lot, and even moved some sentences one line later, since word-to-word translation doesn't tend to work well.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:51 am
by Kinny Riddle
Looks like my intention to patch up some of the holes in the prologue has been done by someone else, guess I'll work on editing later chapters then.

BTW guys, remember to separate the paragraphs properly as with the book.
Especially the part where Kyon begins and ends his flashback concerning his time travelling adventure back to Dec 18th.

I normally leave at least 5 lines of spaces between the paragraphs.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:28 am
by HolyCow
I'll leave it to the editors to decide what to change. I don't want to replace the entire script. That's just plain disrespectful :(

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:46 pm
by BaKaFiSh
5 lines of space? Oh. I just did two enter for any normal line, and 'big spaces' I just put an extra two enters...xD

And now comes a question!

Should I go through the prologue and fix it up or go onto Chapter 4? ^^;

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:50 pm
by typhonsentra
Chapter 4! Chapter 4, for the love of God, chapter 4!

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:05 pm
by Garstansinilliam
typhonsentra wrote:Chapter 4! Chapter 4, for the love of Haruhi, chapter 4!
What he said! Yuki would command it!

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:49 pm
by typhonsentra
G-O-D is switched to "Haruhi" now? Goddamn, that's geeky even for me! :P

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:47 pm
by HolyCow
BaKaFiSh, go on to chapter 4. Let the editors fix the prologue. That's what they're here for :twisted:

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:14 pm
by Guest lol
You lazy translators xD

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:24 am
by HolyCow
Yea, I'm lazy, so I hope those nice little hard working EDITORS can clean up the mess I left behind... :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:07 am
by ellimist
Chapter 4! Chapter 4, for the love of Haruhi, chapter 4!
i second that :!: XD

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:36 am
by HolyCow
Heh that's BaKaFiSh's chapter. Go poke him or something...

/poke poke


Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:02 am
by Guest lol
Hey me are maybe editor! I grammer is perfectionedest! Saw, are amazed Lol