User talk:Pulumpi

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Hello! Im Pulumpi, i can translate some japanese to english and also to spanish, but the last one is for personal reading, i would like to help in the Hataraku Maou-Sama proyect, because is one of my favorite histories. I hope i can help in tht history. And in others too, just need to know the plot to say if i wnt to work on it.

About your prsonal imtroduction[edit]

About what you say in your personal introduction, from what I know, you should get a hold of your own copy (or ask people they lend you theirs), there's no time limit and I think you meant "language", since "idiom" is what you'd call in spanish a "refrán", that is, a short sentence with didacting meaning.--Kemm (talk) 14:22, 15 July 2013 (CDT)

Thanks, i meant that, so,as you can see that even my english is still not good enought, but i came here to learn from your people, and i refer to english and japanese, because i would like to contribute here and in my personal life, this could be helpful, so, you could make me a suggestion or something like that about here?? Kemm