Maouyuu:Scroll 03: "Where have you been slacking off to!"

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--- Lake Country, Outside the Capitol


Hero: “…alright.” Looks around

Maou: “Hero’s teleportation magic sure is convenient.”

Hero: “Do you know how to use it as well?”

Maou: “No, just regarding transport of a single person and choosing the location, in comparison, my magic is far less versatile.”

Hero: “Is that so?”

Maou: “It’s due to structural differences. Given the chance, I would like to study that a little bit…”

Hero: “Un, for now, our goals comes first right?”

Maou: “Yes, where is it?”

Hero: “Just across from that hill. Cover yourself first, just in case.”

Maou: “Got it. In comparison to the clothes of a noble lady, casual wear is so much more comfortable.”

Hero: “There are good parts to dressing up that way….”

Sha sha sha

Maou: “Is this it?”

Hero: “Yah, that stone structure, is the cloister for the religious order of this area.”

Maou: “I really don’t understand religion.”

Hero: “I’m not really sure how to explain, since I’m no expert. But if the Union is a monster, then the Church could also be considered another type of monster.”

Maou: “Oh, then we must be careful.”

Hero: “Of course. Especially since you are the Demon Lord, and at the top of the most wanted list. After all, you are the Spirit’s enemy.”

Maou: “Hahaha, what is so scary about gods… why would I fear them?”

Hero: “Not god, the Spirit. Fanatics screaming about the Spirit all day long are scary.”

Maou: “I’ll keep that in mind.” Shudder

Hero: “Alright, let’s go. I’ve already sent word ahead…”

Cloister of the Lakeside Order – inside

Friar: “Honored guests, this way…”

Maou: “It’s peaceful…”

Hero: “Un.”

Friar: “It is currently the time for our cloister’s ‘Silent Reflection’. Please be mindful…”

Maou: “Oh, um…”

Hero: (You are being overwhelmed by the atmosphere here, Maou.)

Clack, clack , clack

Hero: (The atmosphere inside the cloister sure is different)

Friar: “This is the conference room. Much apologies, our cloister will be holding afternoon prayers, if honored guests could please wait here for a little while?”

Hero: “That’s fine, thank you for leading the way.”

Maou: “Good, we have successfully snuck in.”

Hero: “Next is the negotiation with the Dean?”

Maou: “Un.”

Hero: “This time we’ll be playing this by the seat huh?”

Maou: “Yes, but I’ve also considered many chops for negotiation. Either way, this was originally a plan made with humans in mind, something that greatly benefits humans.”

Hero: “Our opponent is religion afterall.”

Maou: “By the way, the center of the Human World’s religion, is the Spirit of Light right?”

Hero: “That’s right, with Central as the leader, all the countries follow the Spirit of Light.”

Maou: “But Hero, you just said several blasphemous things about the Spirit, are you not a believer?”

Hero: “How should I say this? During battle, especially against Demons, I can feel the Spirit next to me.”

Maou: “Hmm…”

Hero: “It’s not because I don’t believe, my relationship with the spirit is kind of like friendship.”

Maou: “Is that so? That seems very rare.”

Hero: “Un, I’m a little special. I can also hear the Spirit’s revelations in my dreams.”

Maou: “Is there really a god in this world?”

Hero: “Not god, it’s the Spirit of Light.”

Maou: “Hmm…”

Hero: “The Spirit of Light is very kind, perhaps an existence close to the Demon Lord? It’s personality feels a little weak, the type that will never refuse troublesome things.”

Maou: “That type of existence, can really be the target for faith?”

Hero: “That’s right. Other than faith, the Church also holds great significance for humans, it’s a large organization after all. In terms of the number of members, it can’t even be compared to that of the Union’s.”

Maou: “In areas of research and science as well…right?”

Hero: “Yes. Almost all of the knowledge of this world is under the power of the Church. I’ve said this before right? People in the cities learn to read and write from the Church.”

Maou: “Looks like you have some expectations for this organization.”

Hero: “Either way, today is just a first meeting, even if it fails, it’s alright. The Church is just a general designation anyways, there are many different sects under that. These sects appear as Orders, therefore it’s possible to see all types of Orders appearing.”

Maou: “But they all worship the Spirit of Light?”

Hero: “That’s right. Because of that, on the surface, it would seem that the relationship between ‘Orders’ are good. They are the forces of good after all. In truth, their courses of actions and aggressiveness are different. To be plain… it’s common to see competition between Orders fighting to gain believers.”

Maou: “What, that’s not much different from the tribes of the Demon World fighting for territory. The battle between the Inferno Hell God and Darkness God is much easier to understand.”

Hero: “You have that type of religion?”

Maou: “Yes. But it’s a type of passing trend.”

Hero: “—back to the topic at hand. This Lakeside Order is one of the more practical and steady Orders.”

Maou: “Oh?”

Hero: “Their activities center on assisting farmers in cultivation. For example, providing labor forces, teaching farming methods for grapes, improving household etcetera… that’s right, they also have a hospital.”

Maou: “Even hospitals!”

Hero: “Hospitals are also the Church’s jobs. Although there are many Orders that doesn’t receive patient.”

Maou: “Hero sure is knowledgeable about these things.”

Hero: “Not really, I’m just paraphrasing what someone told me once.”

Maou: “…hmm.”

Hero: “Maou?”

Maou: “What is it?”

Hero: “Maou, you… how to say this, sometimes you reveal a lonely expression. Like just now.”

Maou: “Really?”

Hero: “Really.”

Maou: “I havn’t really noticed.”

Hero: “Is that so? Maou, what are you looking at with that type of expression…”


Maou: “Ah~ Greetings.”

Hero: “Hello, I believe the introductions letter have already arrived.”

Maou: “I am called Crimson Scholar, currently in the Southern border conducting experiments in agriculture. Please to meet you.”

Hero: “I am her guard and companion White Swordsman. I’m still not used to the atmosphere in the cloister, if there are any offence, please erm…excuse? Right, please excuse me.”

Female Knight: “…”

Maou: “This is my first time to the Lakeside Order. This building is impressive, I was awestruck.”

Hero: “… … ah”

Female Knight: “… you said you’re called White Swordsman?”

Maou: “Eh?”

Hero: “Ah~ that, uhh…”

Female Knight: “HE~RO!”

Hero: “Wah!”

Female Knight: “What ‘White Swordsman’! Where have you been slacking off to! It’s been a year! A whole year with no news of your whereabouts!”

Maou: “What is this about?”

Hero: “That’s not it, that…”

Female Knight: “Hero was the one who left us behind right? You just casually said something like ‘from here on I’ll be going by myself’! You should consider how we felt being left at some border city! Do you know how worried we were! – Urg, just thinking about it makes me angry!”

Maou: “Ah—“

Hero: “But…”

Female Knight: “But my arse! Ah, so…sorry. Oh great Spirit, I spoke rudely. I repent to you.”

Hero: “Wu wu wu…”

Female Knight: “Nevermind the geezer and I, Female Magician became completely depressed!”

Maou: “That party seems a little over powered.”

Hero: “Recovery magic was regulated to me and Female Knight.”

Female Knight: “Are you listening to me, Hero!”

Hero: “So sorry.”

Female Knight: “…humph. So, what have you been doing this whole time?”

Maou: “Ah -- --“

Hero: “Tha… about that…”

Female Knight: “Ah! My apologies, to have forgotten about Lady Scholar. I’ll pour the tea right away.”

Maou: “Ou, thank you…”

Hero: “How can this be…”

Female Knight: “I am formerly of the Knights of the Holy Silver Crown. Due to certain reasons, I am currently staying at this Lakeside Order, working to improve people’s livelihood.”

--- Lakeside Order, conference room

Hero: “Anyways, that’s how it was. But the Demon Lord was gravely injured. The Demon Lord’s army would have moved in if we continued to fight for much longer, so I found a chance to retreat.”

Female Knight: “I see… does that mean, you have been recovering this whole while?”

Hero: “That’s not completely the case. However due to various events it wasn’t very convenient for me to reveal myself…”

Female Knight: “To think that the allied countries would do something so extreme?”

Maou: “---“ look

Hero: “Wait, wait, what was that supposed to mean?”

Female Knight: “No, nevermind. I understand.”

Hero: “By the way, why did you come all this way to be the head of this Order?”

Female Knight: “I can’t believe you, I was originally from around here. I was knighted by the Church, so reasonably, I am a Knight of the Church.”

Hero: “Now that you mention it, that does seem to be the case~”

Female Knight: “… Actually, Hero, after you left for the Demon Lord’s Castle, I reported this back to the central command of the Allied armies; A month later, a messenger arrived… saying something like due Hero’s sacrifice in defeating the Demon Lord, we were all given reward money.”

Maou: “Hm.”

Hero: “Hey you…”

Female Knight: “What?”

Hero: “It’s tiring listening to you talk like that, stop pretending.”

Female Knight: “Arg! It took me so long to get used to this formal way of talking! Anyways, don’t misunderstand! I didn’t accept any rewards…afterwards… due to our activities, the three of us were awarded various positions in the palace…”

Hero: “Is that so…”

Female Knight: “… it’s a nicer way of saying retirement, but I couldn’t care less about them. I didn’t want to use Hero’s sacrifice as a stepping stone of my success, so I came back home, hoping to do something to help the people.”

Hero: “That’s an incredible aspiration. I always thought that Female Knight was someone who could do anything she sets her mind to, a good person full of manliness!”

Female Knight: “…. Right.”

Hero: “And the other two?”

Female Knight: “Un.”

Hero: “?”

Female Knight: “…that perverted geezer, he was originally a soldier, right?”

Hero: “Un, that’s right.”

Female Knight: “So he went back to the allied kingom’s army, and took the reward money. It seems like he went to one of the Southern Kingdom’s intel department…uh, sorry.”

Hero: “Why are you apologizing? Isn’t it a good thing that my actions resulted in reward money? Plus it seems like he’s done well for himself.”

Female Knight: “….ng. Yah.”

Hero: “What about the Magician? That person took the money right? Don’t judge that person by looks, she actually loves money, deep down. She probably said something like ‘I bought… eastern… magic tomes… …’ with that expressionless face, right? She’s a really interesting person.”

Female Knight: “The Magician… left by herself”

Hero: “Eh?”

Female Knight: “She followed behind Hero, and went to the Demon World.”

Maou: “… …”

Hero: “… …”

Female Knight: “… … sorry.”

Hero: “You tried to stop her?”

Female Knight: “Of course! But the next day, her belongings were gone, so probably…”

Hero: “It can’t be helped. It’s not like I don’t understand how you feel, there’s no need to apologize. Truthfully, it’s all because I decided to leave on my own that this happened.”

Female Knight: “Hero…”

Hero: “Back to the main topic, we’re here to negotiate today.”

Female Knight: “I have read the introduction letter…”

Hero: “Ug… that’s not it! Scholar.”

Maou: “It’s my turn. Let me introduce myself once again. I am a Scholar, by the name of Crimson Scholar.”

Female Knight: “Greetings, I am Hero’s companion, Female Knight.”

Maou: “I’m here today, hoping to borrow your Order’s power.”

Female Knight: “I’m listening.”

Maou: “First, take a look at this.”

Brings out

Female Knight: “This is?”

Maou: “It is a crop called ‘potato’. The details are written on that parchment, but to put it simply, it is a crop that can be grown in cold climate, its yield is three times that of wheat.”

Female Knight: “!”

Maou: “Of course, as a plant, there are certain areas to be aware of; but as a crop, it has many advantages, it’s also easy to cultivate. You should understand what I mean…”

Female Knight: “--- this crop, can save many people in starvation.”

Maou: “Correct.” Nods

Female Knight: “What type of assistance do you need from this order? Money? If that’s the case, no matter the price, we will do our best to prepare a great reward.”

Maou: “See, Hero. This is the response a knowledgeable person should have!”

Hero: “I’m sorry I’m so slow.”

Female Knight: “… Or do you wish for a political intervention or rewards of exercise similar powers? Do you want a duchy or position? I’m sorry, but the influence of our Order on royalty are limited, and the money we can prepare are also…”

Hero: “No, no need for that. I understand Female Knight would be troubled by that sort of thing.”

Female Knight: “I’m not talking to Hero, but the Lady Scholar!”

Maou: “If I could receive monetary aid, that would, of course be good, but my current goals are not that.”

Female Knight: “Your meaning?”

Maou: “At the border of the Winter Kingdom, there is a small village called the Wintering Village.”

Female Knight: “Right.”

Maou: “I wish for your Order to build a cloister there.”

Female Knight: “Is that alright?”

Maou: “I will also provide support. I wish to teach the cultivation of potatoes with that cloister at it’s center.”

Female Knight: “Rather than calling this a request, the goal is the same this order’s ideals … is that alright?”

Maou: “Un. Other than that, if the cultivation of potatoes are a success, can I also request your Order to build cloisters in the surrounding villages and countries, in order to aide in teaching the cultivation method?”

Female Knight: “Using this experience, the Order can also increase our influence, we would strongly welcome this; However, what does the Lady Scholar get out of this?”

Maou: “Truthfully, my aim is to spread the cultivation of potatoes. In order to achieve my goal – improve the food supply in the cold southern climate areas.”

Female Knight: “Is… that so?”

Maou: “By the way, I do not only plan to cultivate potatoes, at the same time I wish to revolutionize cultivation methods. I have already found a method to improve on crop yield, in comparison to the traditional three turn method.”

Female Knight: “Truly!”

Hero: “It’s a pretty amazing method.”

Maou: “I am currently experimenting this method at the Wintering Village that I’ve previously mentioned, even if the experiment was successful, I would not have the organization or the people to spread this around. I feel, that your Order can assist in this effort.”

Female Knight: “You must be a messenger sent by the Holy Spirit of Light!”

Hero: “I wouldn't say that~”

Maou: “… …” Pinch

Hero: “Ouch!”

Female Knight: “If that is the case, we will do our best, I will personally head to Wintering Village and put our fullest effort in assisting you.”

Maou: “I am grateful for your enthusiasm.”

Hero: “Wait, that…”

Female Knight: “Do you have anything to say Hero?”

Hero: “That’s not, erm how to say this? Um…”

Female Knight: “Don’t leave me hanging.”

Hero: “I’ve always been a dangerous and depressing Hero, so, you’ll be troubled if you’re too close…”

Female Knight: “I’ve experienced that long ago. Are you saying that there will be trouble if I went to Wintering Village?”

Hero: “Um…. That, because the Demon Lord…”

Maou: “Don’t be rude to the kind Dean who offered us help, Hero.”

Hero: “Eh-- --?”

Female Knight: “… it seems like you’re very confident.” Fiercely

Maou: “That’s because we can only do so much, that we appealed to your Order for help. I am an advocate of contracts, so I will show my greatest respect for my contract opponent.”

Hero: (He….Help---)

Female Knight: “Either way, if not for the blessing of the spirit for leading Lady Scholar to me today, I would never have reunited with Hero after a whole year… who I never thought I would see again, this must be the work of the Spirit of Light. I believe this is the fate of this Order.”

Maou: “No, this is purely human effort… the hard work of those with spirit.”

Female Knight: “… Un, truly. You are right.”

--- Lakeside Order, Forecourt

Female Knight: “I really don’t need to see you off?”

Hero: “Yah, it’s fine, just stay inside. We’ll be using teleportation magic anyways.”

Female Knight: “That’s true enough.”

Maou: “Then, I hope to see you at Wintering Village.”

Female Knight: “Yes, after all, it’s difficult to travel in the winter. I’ll first decide who will be the next head of this cloister, then travel to you in the spring. It would be wonderful to get the approval to build the new cloister from the local officials.”

Maou: “About that, we will try to arrange it during the winter.”

Female Knight: “Your assistance is greatly appreciated.”

Hero: “Seeing the two of you talking so familiarly is scary.”

Female Knight: “Ah? What did you say?”

Hero: “Nothing.”

Female Knight: “Until Spring!”

Maou: “Un, we’ll meet again in spring.”

--- Wintering Village, Springtime

Short Villager: “Wah! We can finally see the sun!”

Skinny Villager: “It’s true. Hey~ ~ Hey ~ ~ ~”

Village Hunter: “Hey ~ ~ Hey~ ~“

Short Villager: “What is it--- ---?”

Village Hunter: “Such good weather today---”

Short Villager: “That’s right. I feel something good will happen this year --- ”

Skinny Villager: “Really?”

Village Hunter: “Yep, I caught 4 hare today, was planning to bring one to the Village Leader.”

Short Villager: “What good luck!”

Skinny Villager: “Now that you mention it, this year there is a lot of smoked boar left.”

Village Hunter: “Yah, I was shocked.”

Short Villager: “It’s all thanks to the Lord Swordsman at the outskirts of the village--- ---”

Skinny Villager: “My boy can help me sharpen my axe now~”

Village Hunter: “With the bears taken care of, it’s become much safer in the forest.”

Little Sister Maid: ~♪~♪

Short Villager: “Oi, just when we’re talking about them, the sisters from the Outskirt Manor arrives.”

Skinny Villager: “Oh yah, hey--- --- hey --- ---“

Village Hunter: “Where are you two going?”

Big Sister Maid: “Good afternoon” politely nods in greeting

Little Sister Maid: “That~ We are going to the Village Leader’s place to share some raspberry jam~”

Short Villager: “Is that right, impressive.”

Skinny Villager: “Are you having guests?”

Big Sister Maid: “Yes, that’s right.”

Village Hunter: “I see…un. OK, please bring a hare back to the Landlady Scholar!”

Short Villager: “Ooh, Mr. Village Hunter sure is generous.”

Village Hunter: “It’s nothing, I’m just showing my thanks for making the forest safer. Plus it’s Spring already, one hare isn’t anything.”

Little Sister Maid: “Thank you~♪”

Short Villager: “That’s true. Here, I collected a lot of watercrests, take some with you.”

Big Sister Maid: “Thank you very much.”

Skinny Villager: “If you need the roof fixed once the snow melts, don’t forget to call me.”

Big Sister Maid: “Alright, I will be sure to tell the Landlady.”

Short Villager: “No worries, no worries.”

Little Sister Maid: “What is it, why is everyone smiling so happily.”

Village Hunter: “Nothing~ Just that everyone who works at the Manor are beautiful, you two as well.”

Big Sister Maid: “Ah….”

Short Villager: “That’s right. Smart, kind and beautiful, completely different from us. Every one really likes the two of you.”

Little Sister Maid: “Thank you~” smiles softly

Big Sister Maid: “… … Sorry”

--- Outskirt Manor, Midnight, Hero’s room

Hero: “Yo, hup!” packing

Hero: “That should do it? There’s medicine, anything else I’ll think of something once I get there.”

Maou: “It’s so late already, why that getup?”

Hero: “Maou…”

Maou: “Hero’s mine.”

Hero: “Ah, Un… … sorry.”

Maou: “Why are you making that useless expression, you’re the Hero.”

Hero: “People make that expression when they’re guilty.”

Maou: “I’m yours. And you’re mine.”

Hero: “Un.”

Maou: “Did you think I would stop you?”

Hero: “… …”

Maou: “Don’t underestimate on me.”

Hero: “Eh? You’re letting me go?”

Maou: “Take this.”

Hero: “This is.” Catch

Maou: “It’s said to be my pre-predecessor’s? that Demon Lord’s Black Forged Armour. Don’t worry, there’s no curse on there or anything.”

Hero: “… …?”

Maou: “Since I’m not there, the order in the Demon World has become a bit slack. I’m counting on Hero to help me a little there.”

Hero: “Un, alright.”

Maou: “This piece of paper is a list of trustworthy tribe leaders, and an introduction letter. If you want to find someone, you’ll need some help right?”

Hero: “No, don’t judge that guy by her looks…uh, she’s fairly collected, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Maou: “If that’s the case, there’s no reason you must go find her.”

Hero: “Maou… …”

Maou: “You should be grateful for my generosity!”

Hero: “Of course. Thank you.”

Maou: “… …” Stare

Hero: “?”

Maou: “Is that it?”

Hero: “What is?”

Maou: “That, don’t humans, that, that is to say… when people who are close… … how to say this, when a couple separates, isn’t there some sort of traditional action?”

Hero: “Uh~ ah, ah ah --- ---“

Maou: “… … Is it because of the useless meat that you can’t?” Teary eyed

Hero: “Why do you use that kicked puppy look at this time!”

Maou: “Or is it that this isn’t included in our contract?”

Hero: “Um~ ah~ that… …”

Maou: “So it’s because there’s not enough skinship?”

Hero: “Where did that come from?”

Maou: “Truthfully, Head Maid would lecture me every week. ‘Lady Maou truly does not have enough skinship. You’re not exposed and cute enough already, how can there be so little skinship as well? Listen, the basis of battle is supplies. As long as you use saturation attack to destroy a man’s reason, there’s no need for tactics’… is what she said.”

Hero: “Regarding war tactics it’s true enough… …”

Maou: “No?”

Hero: “That… that, I’ll be embarrassed. That sort of thing… um, should wait until we’re both calmer… …”

Maou: “How can you call yourself Hero? Where is that courageous Hero, you’re a coward!”

Hero: “Non…. Nonsense. I’m am universally acknowledged as the bravest, that’s why I’m the Hero!”

Maou: “So are you prepared?”

Hero: “Why did you suddenly go from embarrassed to angry, Maou!”

Maou: “It’s been half a year! Living together during the winter when it’s not convenient to travel, logically speaking that should provide advantages. However, with the time passing, we procrastinated and wasted time without any improvement, I can’t take this anymore! In this situation, the cloister is almost ready to begin construction, then once it’s finished in the summer, Hero’s past woman number one will move here! Not only that, but Hero dares to go out to search for his past woman number two! I can’t not take any action!”

Hero: “Where did you come up with this past woman idea!”

Maou: “… …” Stare

Hero: “Really… …”

Maou: “…”

Hero: “…” Kiss

Maou: “… … Wu~”

Hero: “What’s with that look full of complaint… …”

Maou: “It’s just the forehead!”

Hero: “Is the forehead no good? If you don’t like it then return it.”

Maou: “No way. As long as it’s Hero’s, it belongs to me, in other words, a forehead kiss is also mine. I’m not returning it.”

Hero: “Ng… …”

Maou: “… …”

Hero: “I’ll do the rest when I come back!”

Maou: “You said it, Hero! It’s a promise!”


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