Godhorn Tech:Volume2 Preface

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Color Illustration 1[edit]

Godhorn Tech v02 c1.png

“Please, Miyabi. Do not let go of my hand!!”

Eliza Silverstorm

A member of the Arsenal Kingdom’s White Seidr Chosen Knights. Former owner of the Icicle Bullet Snow Sleigh.

“Urp, blehh…”

Alicia Blueforest

Girl belonging to the Blueforest race of elves. Dabbles in alchemy as a hobby.

“Hey! Don’t just open my cover out of desperation!”

Crystal Radio

A philosopher’s stone that Alicia made with alchemy. Talks like an adult human man.

Color Illustration 2[edit]

Godhorn Tech v02 c2.png

“Why am I always the one sacrificed on the altar of sexy!?”

Helen Clockgear

Republic official in Miyabi’s village. Specializes in infiltration and intel gathering.

“You’re the one that wanted to know what a bikini is.”

Celina Bodenburg

Only daughter of the world-renowned Bodenburg Company. Former owner of the Schwarz Schütze Armored Train.

Color Illustration 3[edit]

Godhorn Tech v02 c3.png

Godhorn Tech Bestial Corpse – Deadman’s Fenrir

A heavy tremor shook the ground and continuous sticky sounds soon followed.

A colossal four-legged beast had appeared.

Pieces of it were rotting away and parasites spilled from the sewn-up wounds. The forcibly-attached Wicked God horn glowed faintly.

Miyabi Blackgarden

A perfectly ordinary boy from the first village. Inherited the Lucifer Horn Bomber and pursues the 11th who uses sorcery bombs to cause damage across the land.

The Necromancer

A scholar who performs secret experiments using forbidden necromancy. Owner of the Deadman’s Fenrir Bestial Corpse.


Palette Dice

Construction units perceivable by some Godhorn Tech users and alchemists. Envisions the materials of the world as cubic dice. They are a collection of the elements that make up the world and it is said they can even influence fate when brought together.

Control Device

A human-sized weapon that links with the Godhorn Tech itself. The user’s own possession is transformed into a new weapon that provides control. The user and Godhorn Tech are connected by a contract, so if their control device is stolen, they only need to have another weapon registered as a control device, meaning there is no risk in having the device itself stolen. They tend to be larger than the original tool or weapon, presumably to accommodate the link with the Godhorn Tech.


A popular technical system that is well-known even among the commoners. This world’s civilizations are not all that advanced, but life is still comfortable thanks to magic allowing excellent hygiene and more. Baths and bathrooms are not an issue. But there is only so much magic a single person can use, so reaching greater levels of power requires something else to boost one’s magic. The best example of this is the Godhorn Tech that uses a Wicked God horn.

Philosopher’s Stone

Crystallized knowledge created with alchemy. They are extremely valuable in and of themselves, but their knowledge can also be extracted by combining them with a crystal radio or a writing tool. Whether they chan change the nature of metals or provide immortality differs between schools of alchemy, so two different stones both called philosopher’s stones might be made of entirely different materials.

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