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Secret - Past[edit]

FX:*owl hooting, crickets, nighttime*

FX:*Shinou pants as he walks, he sits down*

Shinou: These fragments of soushu inside me are going rampage trying to take control over me. *pants* I thought that for the most part I'd be able to withstand it, but I guess I was being naive. The discomfort of these things within me is too great.

Daikenja: Your Majesty, so here's where you were. *approaches*

Shinou: *chuckles* Where can I go to escape from you, my Daikenja?

Daikenja: If you really want to run away from me, please hide in a place where I can't find you. Because if you're groaning on the throne, it's difficult to pretend not to see you.

Shinou: Hah. It's really helpful that you worry like 10 people. *pants*

Daikenja: Are you all right?

Shinou: Tsk. How annoying. Being pierced by this mind-robbing pain, is worse than dying. *pants*

Daikenja: Hang in there, your Majesty!

FX:*Daikenja heals Shinou*

Shinou: What a mess. If this soushu would have been more tame, I was planning on living a more laid back life. But it seems I won't be able to live such an easygoing life.

Daikenja: Your Majesty...

Shinou: Say... there's one thing... I would like though...

Daikenja: What is it?

Shinou: Bring your ear closer...*talks into the Daikenja's ear* To be served by 100 beautiful ladies. And I want to drink alcohol until I'm wasted.

Daikenja: Gh! Hgh! If in the end you're feeling that well, we'll have peace for the following 100 years.

Shinou: Hey, wait a sec. As you can see, I'm not doing so well. If I hurry up and enjoy the pleasures of old age, I thought I could distract myself from this pain.

Daikenja: The pleasures of old age are beautiful women and alcohol?

Shinou: Well, they're not pleasures limited to old age.

Daikenja: This lowly attitude is utterly disgusting.

Shinou: Don't say that. Haven't we been together for better or for worse for a long time?

Daikenja: It's because we've known each other for a long time, that I've run out of patience[1]. And because of your troublesome personality, I've realize there's no point in fighting you anymore, so I get upset by your behavior right away.

Shinou:*sighs* So we're just like a married couple that has been together for a long time. *grunts*

Daikenja: Does it hurt?

Shinou: Yeah. Haha... I'm a mess. I never thought I'd be this weak just because one of my arms is being eroded by darkness.

Daikenja: It's not just your arm. You should know that better than anyone.

Shinou:*grunts* That's right. I understand it now. The power of the soushu feeds on my fears. On the anger and anxiety within me. On sadness and despair. It feeds on those kinds of feelings as it pleases, with endless hunger. From now on, it will be a contest to see who has more patience, the soushu or I. Damn it, what a hopeless situation.

Daikenja: Your Majesty....

Shinou: Don't make that face, Daikenja. I am strong, stronger than anyone else.

Daikenja: I know. And because I know that, I...

Shinou: Don't finish what you're going to say. It'll break my heart.

Daikenja: Majesty Shinou!

Shinou: Right now, for the first time, I regret being this strong. This powerful life force that doesn't allow me to be killed. And because of that, I've gotten you involved in an endless fight, too. Forgive me.

Daikenja: You don't need to apologize. It is the path that I've chosen.

Shinou: But...

FX:*rattling sound*

Shinou: Huh?

Daikenja: What is that ...?

???: Shh...

Shinou: Eh? Who's there?

Siegbert: Please excuse me.

Shinou: Siegbert! Were you spying on me?

Lawrence: I'm here, too. Forgive me, for not coming out sooner.

Shinou: Lawrence Weller, you too?

Rufus: Uhm, uh... me too.

Shinou: Rufus, is that you?

FX:*the three approach*

Shinou: It's not strange to see Rufus and Siegbert together, but I wouldn't have thought that Sir Lawrence would be accompanying you.

Lawrence: We did not mean to spy on you. Please, forgive us for our rudeness.

Shinou: So, what are you three doing here?

Siegbert: To be honest, we noticed that lately your Majesty has been behaving strangely ... and uhm... Rufus was so worried about you that...

Rufus: Siegbert, shut your mouth!

Shinou: Rufus was worried? Hmph. I appreciate your concern, but it's really unnecessary. I cannot have all these people being so overprotective.

Siegbert: "Even if his Majesty directly commands us to stay away, we'll figure out a way around it".... Rufus also said that.

Rufus: Sieg!

Shinou: My, my... You two are really close.

Rufus: Y-You're wrong, your Majesty.

Lawrence: Majesty Shinou, Sir Rufus was extremely concerned. We did not mean to spy on you but...uhm.... in other words... what we heard you say just now, about the fragments of the soushu... we wonder about that.

Shinou: Didn't I make myself clear before?

Rufus: Sir Daikenja... does his majesty have any health problems?

Daikenja: Ah... well...

Shinou: Rufus! Why do you ask this man, when you're right in front of me?

Rufus: That's because... your Majesty is... your Majesty is... a liar.

Shinou: A liar!?

Siegbert: Rufus!

Rufus: Your Majesty is a liar. Hiding his health issues from us, even the problem with the fragments of the soushu, you don't tell us anything! You only reveal what's in your heart before the Daikenja. Are we really so untrustworthy in the eyes of your Majesty!?

Shinou: It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that, I don't want to get you involve in my problems.

Lawrence: But, you allow the Daikenja to get involved in them.

Shinou: This guy's fine. He allows me to be selfish.

Daikenja: Your Majesty...

Shinou: He forgives[2] me for getting him involved... That's why he's fine.

Rufus: I... !

Siegbert: Rufus!

Rufus: I will allow it. Your Majesty's selfishness, all of it! If I do that, can you please allow me to get involved ?

Shinou: What?

FX:*Rufus starts to cry*

Lawrence: Rufus, are you all right?

Shinou: Ah, Siegbert...

Siegbert: Yes.

Shinou: What's wrong with your partner? Did he eat something bad?

Siegbert: No, I don't think he ate anything strange...

Shinou: Then, what's up with him? Does he have the flu? A fever maybe?

Siegbert: That must be it. He might have a fever...

FX:*Rufus continues to sob *

Daikenja: Your Majesty, you can't be making your vassals cry.

Shinou: Look, I don't know why he's crying. Hey! Don't cry!

Rufus:*still crying* Forgive me.

Shinou: What is going on with you, Rufus?

Rufus: It's nothing. I'm really sorry.

Shinou: It can't be "nothing".

Rufus: No! Really... please just forget about it.

Shinou: All right, I have no idea what's going on...

Daikenja: Your Majesty, that's enough, cut it out. It's impolite to keep asking.

Shinou: What's impolite!? You too, stop saying strange things I can't understand. Now, Rufus. I apologize if I said something wrong. Tell me the reason.

Daikenja: Your Majesty!

Rufus: The reason...?

Shinou: What is it?

Rufus: There.... there's no reason. It's just that I... I just selfishly wanted your Majesty to tell me about yourself... please just leave me be!

FX: *keeps sobbing, louder this time*

Shinou: What?

Daikenja: Your Majesty...

Shinou: Siegbert, what's going on here?

Siegbert: Even if you ask me that... well, THIS is what's going on...

Lawrence: What?

Daikenja: Sir Lawrence... it took you a while, huh?[3]

Shinou: Uh, wait. I seem to be the only one not understanding what's going on here. I'm not saying anything against liking someone of your same gender, but... if I think about it... doesn't Rufus belong to Siegbert?

Siegbert: *laughs* What do you mean by 'belong'? I mean, yes, we've been friends since we were children and I work as her guardian but...

Shinou: Wait, wait... what did you just say? Eh? "Her"?

Daikenja: Your Majesty, Rufus is a woman[4].

Shinou: A woman!? Since when?

Rufus: *pout* My whole life.

Siegbert: Since the Bielefeld family didn't have any male heirs, for the sake of the family's survival, this strong-willed woman was raised as a man. You didn't know that?

Shinou: Daikenja, you knew about this?

Daikenja: Of course I knew. Besides, just by looking at her you can tell right away that she's a woman.

Shinou: I had no idea!

Daikenja: *sighs* For a philanderer, you really don't pay attention, huh?

Shinou: What did you say? In any case, is this flat-chested one a woman!?

Rufus: I'm really sorry that I'm flat-chested!

Lawrence: Eh!? WHA..!? A woman!?

Daikenja: Sir Lawrence, it took you a while, huh?

Shinou: Ah, I see. I get it now. That was not proper behavior for a king. Forgive me, Rufus.

Rufus: It's fine.

Shinou: I see. Looking at her like this, she does have a cute face, doesn't she?

Daikenja: Your Majesty, it would be difficult to handle 100 pretty ladies but you can somehow handle one princess. Besides, she'll allow you to selfishly drag her into your problems, she's a remarkable woman. What do you think? Do you want to try and obtain the pleasures of old age by dawn?

Shinou: You... how can you say something so vulgar with that face?

Daikenja: Vulgar? How rude! Everything I do, is only for the sake of your Majesty's happiness.

Shinou: *laughs* Is that so? I can never win against you, my Daikenja.

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  1. Note: When Shinou says: "For better or for worse" it could also mean "being married". When Daikenja says "I've run out of patience", it can also mean "fall out of love with". I'm using the less romantic interpretations of the phrases because Daikenja is Shinou's younger brother in the novels and manga, but know that the phrases they're using are really ambiguous.
  2. In Japanese, the word yurusu means both "allow" and "forgive".
  3. Lawrence just figured out Rufus likes Shinou.
  4. I've been using male pronouns to talk about Rufus, because some pronouns were needed and I didn't want to ruin the surprise. In Japanese they avoided using pronouns up till this point when talking about Rufus.