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===Chapter Four: The Emperor and the Secretary===
===Chapter Four: The Secretary and the Emperor===
At the capital city of Albion, Londonium, there was a heated discussion going on over the sortie at the White Hall.
At the capital city of Albion, Londonium, there was a heated discussion going on over the sortie at the White Hall.

Revision as of 12:58, 15 August 2008

Chapter Four: The Secretary and the Emperor

At the capital city of Albion, Londonium, there was a heated discussion going on over the sortie at the White Hall.

Because the Albion army was attracted to Datarnes by Louise's "Illusion", they let the chance to defeat the enemy army at the coast escape. If they had properly assaulted the enemy as they landed in Rosais, it would have been possible to chase the enemy from Albion to Halkeginia......

"Now that the enemy has finished disembarking and set up camp, it would be suicidal to attempt a counterattack from this side."

At a round table where around fifteen people sit, a young general sitting on the north side said in exhaustion. It is just like he said. Half of the Albion air fleet, that still had fourty vessals, were sunk in the fleet battle the other day and the remaining ships received heavy damage. They can't even sortie out ten ships.

On the other hand, for the Tristain・Germania fleet, twelve vessels were sunk and eight received heavy damage, but there are still fourty still able to fight. They have complete air superiority in this situation.

On top of that, the number of people in the Albion army were decreasing. At the battle of Tarbes, they lost a whole three-thousand, and the loss the other day caused the morale of the entire army to drop and some groups end up estranging. The vigor shown during the revolution were no longer there. Against the sixty-thousand who own air superiority, there's no way they could continue attacking. Stares of blame were focused on Cromwell, the Holy Albion Republic Diet chairman and first Albion emperor, who was sitting in the middle.

Because after failing many strategies, he had let the enemy land.

However, Cromwell shook off the stares...... and remained nonchalant.

General Hawkins, who was substantially taking command of Albion's main force, opened his mouth.

"The inversion is my miss. I let opportunity to annihilate the enemy in one move escape. There are no words of apologies."

"Our army is in rags." Cromwell smiled.

"And the operation to take the children at the academy hostage failed too."

Even though he failed, it doesn't seem he was troubled over it.

Hawkins said in a sigh. It was a tired voice.

"The magic weapons the enemy uses was above what we imagined."

"Miss Sheffield"

The black-covered secretary behind Cromwell, Sheffield, nodded read the report written on parchment.

"The "illusion" that appeared near Datarnes stayed for thirteen hours and suddenly disappeared afterwards."

"It is just a makeshift magic that creates illusions. What is there to fear?"

"It had enormous effect."

Closing his eyes, Hawkins said that. Perplex through illusions and cause the army to be brought back...... In other words, it was creating an effect that doesn't change from a military force of tens of thousands. He couldn't make light of this as just an illusion.

"To be honest, I am afraid of the enemy. Besides the illusion of Datarnes, the enemy uses many unknown magic. That magic light which destroyed our fleet......"

Cromwell faces Sheffield and nodded.

Sheffield once again read the parchment in a well resounding voice, like a choir singing a hymn in a temple.

"It is concluded... that the enemy is not in the condition to attack with the light that annihilated our fleet at Tarbes."

"Why is that?

"If they were to use it, they would have used it in the fleet battle before landing the other day."

"The possibility they were reserving?"

"The enemy army would have been in a devastating situation if they lost that fleet battle. If they were to use everything they could, then, most certainly, they would have released that "miraculous light". But the enemy fought normally. Though our army lost regardless."

"It is fine if we win on land." Cromwell took over for her.

Hearing this, the general staff headquarter's general stood up.

"Your Excellency, general staff headquarters assumes that the enemy is headed to capture City of South Gotha. This is......" Tapping the tip of his staff on the map on the table, he explained.

"It is the meeting point of the main road and an important metropolis. As a factor that supports the assumption, the enemy's reconnaissance has become active around here. A few days ago, dragon knights, thought to be for reconnaissance purposes, came flying and fought with our army's dragon knight squad. We should position our main forces in City of South Gotha and wait for the enemy."

The other generals raised voices of approval. It was a plausible strategy.

However, Cromwell shook his head.

"The main forces will not move from Londonium."

"Do you plan to sit and wait for defeat?"

Hawkins looked at Cromwell in the way as if rebuking a child who refused to let his toys get taken away. Cromwell shook his head once again.

"General, I do not mind if the city of South Gotha is taken."

"You say to give the enemy a strategic base from under your nose. The enemy will probably replenish their low supplies at the metropolis and rest."

"We will not give them supplies."


"Take all of the food away from the residents."

Hawkins was at a less for words. What a...... Cromwell was trying to use the residents of South Gotha.

"The enemy will end up having to give their little amount of food with the residents. It'll work well on stopping them. This plan is wiser than rashly proceeding through a defensive battle and suffering losses."

"What will we do if the enemy abandons them! Many people will die from starvation!"

"That will not happen. What, even if the enemy abandons them, it is just one city. Between the importance of a country, it is a trivial sacrifice."

Those were cold words, unthinkable of an ex-prelate. However, what he said was right.

The allied forces did not invade to negotiate with Cromwell. They came to abolish Cromwell and dominate this land. Eight to Nine chances out of ten, they will think about the civilians after the war and perform charity.

Still...... What will we do if we will? At the worst, a whole metropolis could revolt. That is how fearful the resentment from food is.

"You plan to make a whole metropolis your enemy...... Either way, there will be unpleasant aftereffects..."

"Why do you think I arranged for those sub-humans to be sent ahead? All we have to do is say it was their own decision."

It was unknown how, but Cromwell excelled in negotiation with sub-humans. Knowing that the sub-humans were sent ahead not for a normal army operation but this kind of strategy, the generals were dumbfounded.

Their leader broke a treaty, not only used makeshift means to commence strategies, but finally plans to betray his own country's civilians through cowardly measures.

"I will also place a trap in the water of South Gotha."

"Do you plan to throw poison in the water? Something like poison will be quickly washed away."

"Not poison. 'Void'."

"A trap of 'Void'?"

"That's right. It will become interesting. However, it will take time for the effects to work." Cromwell smiled.

And standing up...... He raised his fist.

"Gentlemen, it's the Pentecost! Stop the enemy until then! When the Pentecost ends...... 'Void" and the crossing of two staffs will drop the iron hammer upon our haughty enemies!"

The crossing of two staffs is the crest of the Gallia royal family.

"OHH! Finally, Gallia!" As the conference room became excited.

"At that time, our army will advance! To demolish our haughty enemies! I promise you!"

Sensing the atmosphere on the grounds heating up, Cromwell walked briskly to the balcony.

The generals and cabinet ministers stood up and followed him.

"Let all of our cabinet ministers encourage our brave and loyal soldiers!"

Voices of jubilation surrounded Cromwell and the others.

In the vast courtyard once built to wait on the king's audience, crazily enthusiastic trust was being offered to Cromwell, and the monarch's guards were lining in rows.

Thousands of voices of jubilation reach him. Cromwell waved his hand to answer.

"The enemy has landed on fatherland! Everyone! I question you brave revolutionary soldiers! Is this defeat?"

"No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!"

A ring of jubilation surrounded Cromwell.

"Exactly! This is not defeat! Absolutely not! I promise you victory! To you all, peerless, loyal, and brave, who stole the crown from that incompetent king, I promise you victory! The haughty enemies will be destroyed when the Pentecost ends! They have touched God's wrath! Listen! Listen! The ones to leading the lost Halkeginia are the civilians of Albion, who are chosen by God! For that reason, the founder has entrusted power to me!"

There were numerous numbers of soldiers who died in battle lined up on the balcony.

Cromwell raised his ring up high.

Doing so...... the dead soldiers revived and walked off.

"Everyone! As long as we have this "Void", we have no defeat! Believe in me! Believe in our fatherland! Believe in 'Void", the power of us who were chosen by the founder!"

"Void! Void! Void! Void! Void! Void! Void! Void! Void! Void! "

"That's right, Void!" Cromwell swung his fist.

"The founder is with us! Do not fear! The founder is with us!"

The enthusiasm in the courtyard reached a climax. Cromwell shouted in a loud voice.

"Revolution, Banzai! Destroy the enemy!"

The enthusiasm even reached the balcony.

"Revolution, Banzai! Destroy the enemy! Revolution, Banzai! Destroy the enemy! Revolution, Banzai! Destroy the enemy!"

"Holy Albion republic, Banzai!"

"Holy Albion republic, Banzai! Holy Albion republic, Banzai! Holy Albion republic, Banzai! Holy Albion republic, Banzai!"

"Holy emperor, our highness, Banzai!" One of the cabinet ministers stood up and shouted in a loud voice.

"Holy emperor, our highness, Banzai! Holy emperor, our highness, Banzai! Holy emperor, our highness, Banzai! Holy emperor, our highness, Banzai! Holy emperor, our highness, Banzai!"

The endless shouting was sucked into the air.

After the wildly enthusiastic audience...

Cromwell was sitting, troubled, in a gigantic private room that once was the king's bedroom. His body was shaking slightly.

Sheffield was standing in front of him, and whispered to him while looking down at him.

"That was a brilliant speech, Prelate."

The man, who was called prelate at his previous position, as if falling off the chair, kneeled down at Sheffield's feet.

The mask of dignity he had shown earlier has been blown off.

Just a man in his thirties that was panicking in fear, just a thin man who was nothing but a prelate was there.

"Ohhhhhhh! Miss! Miss Sheffield! That person! Will that person really send soldiers to this abominable country? This is not the words of that general just not...... I! I am scared! I, a thin man who can't even control magic, am afraid!"

To that Cromwell, Sheffield spoke in a voice as if to comfort a child.

"What are you saying. To be afraid now! The one who said 'I want to be king' at that bar was you. Because I was impressed by those candor words, I decided to give you, as my master, Albion."

"Perhaps a mere prelate has dreamed too much...... Tempted by you and "that person", I obtained the Andvari's Ring, collected nobles that held contempt towards the royal family, and began my revenge towards the Albion royal family who embarrassed me... To that point, it was fun, oh it was fun, it was like I was dreaming."

"It's that sufficient."

"Ohh, just this continent above the sky is too much for an accessory like me...... Why was it necessary to invade Tristain and Germania?"

"How many times does it take for you to understand. There is the necessity to collect Halkeginia into one. To recover the holy land is the only way to follow the founder and God's will."

"To me, that is a part of a clergyman. Though there is no mistake that recovering the holy land is a dream......"

"Then continue to dream."

"The responsibility is too heavy! The enemy has invaded! Enemy in my country! The enemy has come to hang me like those incompetent kings! What should I do! Tell me this isn't a nightmare. Miss......" Smiling, Sheffield squatted down in front of Cromwell and looked into his tear-soaked face. Cromwell raised his face. Lifting up his chin, Sheffield...... "Stop acting spoiled." whispered quietly.


The polite and warm demeanor just now had disappeared, and Sheffield had made a complete change into a Raptores-like face.

Her brunette hair, like deep darkness, fluttered and the eyes below it were releasing a bewitching radiance. Taken in by those eyes, Cromwell began to tremble.

"You dream a sweet molasses-like dream that a normal priest couldn't see even if he reincarnated a hundred times and now you say you don't want to see a nightmare? 'My country'? Your land doesn't even stretch fifty centimeters on this uselessly destitute Albion."

"I'm! I'm very sorry!"

Cromwell slid his face on the floor beside Sheffield's feet . Sticking out his tongue, he licked Sheffield's shoes.

"Forgive me...... Fo, forgive me...... Ha, hagi...... Forgive me......"

"The Andvari's Ring"

Timidly, Cromwell handed the ring he was wearing to Sheffield.

Treasure of the water spirit, the magic ring that can grant the dead fake life......

Cromwell remembered the day where he went with Sheffield and Gallia's magic knights to Ragdorian Lake to steal this ring from the water spirit.

What caused the start of everything was him talking at a bar. He was heading towards Gallia's capital, Ryutis, because he was delivering something......

Cromwell was treating a beggar to a bottle of sake.

"Prelate, as thanks for the sake, I will grant you one thing you wish. Tell me."

Being told that by the beggar, Cromwell said as a joke.

"Let's see, I want to be king."

"King, is it."

The beggar, with his face covered in a deep rope, smiled and said.

"Yes." Cromwell nodded.

Of course, he meant it to be a joke. Playing around after sake. He wasn't serious about it. However, the next morning...... This Sheffield came to the lodge he was staying in. She said.

"I will make you king. Follow me."

At that moment, his life as a local prelate delineated to a different path. At a violent momentum......

Sheffield was patting the Andvari's Ring dearly.

The stone on the ring was, enchantingly, glowing deep light blue.

"What do you think is the power stored in this ring?"

Cromwell shook his head. He knew that it could revive corpses. That is the truth. There is no way he could know about the mechanisms of "Void".

"Unable to control magic, I do not know. You are the one who told me to call this power 'Void', right?"

"Do you know about the 'wind stone'?"

Cromwell nodded. It is the material used to allow flying ships to float. A magic stone said to be the condensed power of "wind". There are countless numbers of mines for digging out wind stones in Albion.

"This is a similar substance."

"Then it isn't 'Void'?"

"Correct, this is not 'Void'. 'Wind stones' and this 'Andvari's Ring' are just drops of the source of the powers that rule this world. This is the material that becomes the source of magic called predecessor magic. There are all kinds of names it is called by though. Sage's Stone, Orb of Life...... Historically, it would be called 'Void's' enemy......"

"I am constantly impressed by the profoundness of your knowledge."

"That is why every time it is used, its magic is whittled and it gets smaller. See."

Cromwell nodded.

"The point is, this is a crystallization of the predecessor's magic of 'water'. The condensed magic hidden in this is incomparable to the wind stones common around here...... A rare stone. Which is the reason this is the protected treasure of the water spirit...... Andvari's ring. In other words, the predecessor's treasure......"

Sheffield stared at the ring.

Doing so...... Her forehead started to shine.

The light was flowing from inside.

When Cromwell first saw this light, he was surprised. When Sheffield touches this Andvari's ring, her forehead shines.

Are there times when people's forehead shines?

Even if he asks Sheffield, she does not answer. This mysterious female will not teach him anything that matters, anything essential. She only hands down orders.

With the stone, Sheffield lightly combed Cromwell's cheek.

"Ho, hohhhhhhh......."

Cromwell twitched and shivered. The Andvari's ring was vibrating slightly. Just touching it made him feel like an electric current was running through him.

When it touched Sheffield's hand, the Andvari's ring awoken...... it was that kind of vibration.

"Do you know? The trait of the power of water."

"He, healing wounds......"

"That is on the surface. The power of 'water' rules over the body's constitution. The heart too."

".......Ha, hah"

"Moving corpses is only just one of the powers this ring holds."