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(jealously should be jealousy.)
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Reason…because the fact that Himeji-san’s living with me was revealed, so—
Reason…because the fact that Himeji-san’s living with me was revealed, so—
“Eh…basically, it’s because of jealously.”
“Eh…basically, it’s because of jealousy.”
Jealously? Un…I see.”
Jealousy? Un…I see.”
I seemed to see a glint flash in Koyama-san’s eyes for some reason.
I seemed to see a glint flash in Koyama-san’s eyes for some reason.

Revision as of 17:53, 17 January 2012

The Third Question

From the picture on the right, state from 1-4 the identities of the Indian Caste System.

Himeji Mizuki's answer:

1.Brahmin 2.Kshatriya 3.Vaishyas 4.Shudras

Teacher's comment

Correct answer. When translated down, they are separately known as 'priests', 'nobility or warriors', 'citizens' and slaves' It's best to remember their meaning.

Tsuchiya Kouta's answer:

1.Brahmin King 2.Brahmin Knight 3.Brahmin people 4.Brahmin.

Teacher's comment

Can you please remember something more than just Brahmin?

Yoshii Akihisa's answer:

1.Brahmin (Mother) 2.Brahmin (Older Sister) 3.Brahmin (Others) 4.Brahmin (Younger brother) 5.Brahmin (Father)

Teacher's comment

How in the world is your father being treated?

Nothing bad happened after that, and the day ended like that. The next, Himeji-san and I pretended to meet together on the way and went to school.

It seemed that Himeji-san was the person on duty for today, and had to head to the staff room. So I went alone to the classroom and saw the frail Yuuji lying at his seat.

“Morning Yuuji—wah, what happened to your face?”

As I walked near him and wanted to say hello to him, I found that his face was all covered in bruises of all sizes, which really shocked me. That's right. His face was entirely covered with wounds and bruises. What happened?

“Ahh, morning Akihisa. I just fell down from the stairs due to lack of sleep.”

“Lack of sleep... were you playing computer games all night long?”

“Yeah...that was a very realistic game. Once I'm caught, I would be locked up inside a room that's no different from a prison.”

“Heh~ I don't know such a game existed.”

Did such a game come out in the market?

I never remembered seeing this kind of game. Maybe it's because I hardly touched games ever since ane-san was living with me?

“But for Yuuji to be unable to sleep like that, I guess it's a rather interesting game, right?”

“No, it's not about whether it's interesting or not. Well...it's more like a survival game where I have to continue even if I want to stop.”

“Un...I see. I'll try that game next time then.”

“Leave it to me. Even if you're not willing, I'll make you play it until the end. We'll start playing after school!”

Yuuji's tone had a mysterious determination in it. It's rare for Yuuji to recommend it so strongly. Is that game really that interesting? Even I'm looking forward to it.

“Ah, speaking of which...”

“Hm? What is it?”

Yuuji's eyes were sparkling strangely, probably thinking about the contents of that game just now. To be safe, I deliberately kept my voice low to ask something I had been wondering the entire time.

(Yuuji, you haven't told anyone about that, right?)

Of course, that thing I was talking about was the fact that I was living with Himeji-san. If this is revealed, I'll be pursued by everyone in class, so I have to keep this secret no matter what.

(I never said it to anyone. That's to be expected, right?)

After saying that, Yuuji's scarred and bruised face gave a radiant smile.

Un, as expected of the most trustworthy person when we're on the same boat. Once this guy can be used, my safety's assured.

(Thanks, that was a great help.)

After thanking him, I returned back to my seat.

I couldn't help but ask Yuuji just now just to be safe, but there's no need to worry that he would reveal my secret in the first place.

As the classroom's quieter than usual, it didn't feel like anything big will happen. Besides, once these guys know that Himeji-san and I are living together, their nature wouldn't allow them to sit back. These guys will immediately leap at me once they see me, and they didn’t do so, which would be the biggest proof that my secret's not revealed.

“Eh? What's wrong? Today's rather quiet compared to yesterday.”

“Ah, morning Hideyoshi.”

“Ohh, Hideyoshi, so you came.”

“Morning, Akihisa, Yuuji.”

Maybe it was because of morning practice that Hideyoshi came into the classroom slightly later. He looked around and said that. It's true that yesterday was really noisy...

“If it happened every day, it'll be really bad for our health. Right, Yuuji?”

“Yeah, that's how it is.” “Unn…”

Perhaps Hideyoshi sensed something strange as he gave a strange look.

“Is this ‘the calm before the storm’…”

Hideyoshi muttered to himself, and for some reason, his words remained in my ears.

The premonition never came true, and nothing special happened as things went on until school dismissal.

“Class dismissed. Don’t hang out on the streets. Hurry up and head home.”

With these words ending things, homeroom ended. Ironman didn’t stay for long and turned to leave the classroom.

“All right, then I’ll head for club activities.”

As if trying to follow Ironman and get away, Hideyoshi carried his bag and walked towards the gym.

“Sorry, I was called to help in the staff room. Please go home first, everyone.”

And then, Himeji-san said so as she packed her stuff and left the classroom. I’ll definitely make her feel bad if I wait for her here, so I decided to go home like she said.

“Then let’s go home, Yuuji?”

“Hm? Ahh, wait a sec.”

Yuuji said ‘wait’ and didn’t take his bag. What’s going on?

“Is it alright now, Muttsurini?”

“…There’s no presence of people nearby who will stop us. No problems.”

Yuuji closed his eyes and nodded his head slightly at Muttsurini? People who will stop us? What are they talking about?

“Everyone, sorry to keep you waiting.”

“No, I wasn’t really waiting for long…”

Hm? Yuuji’s eyes seem to look past me, right behind me—

“—Let the festival begin.”

“““YEAH! LET’S PARTY!!!”””

Killing intent!

Before I could even think too much, my body reacted instinctively and jumped aside. The next moment, there was an extra table at where I was standing. What? What’s the meaning of throwing the table onto the tatami!

“Yuuji! What’s going on!?”

“Akihisa! Today’s the day of your death! Return quietly to Hell and regret being born in this world!”

“Ever since Sakamoto brought it up in the morning, we have been waiting for this moment for a long time, Yoshii!”

“We waited until after school so that nobody would disturb us. We’ll make you see Hell clearly! DIE! YOSHI AKIHISSSSSAAAAAA!!”


Unknowingly, my classmates built several layers of human walls around me.

How did this happen! These simple-minded yet quick-footed straightforward guys would be able to endure until now after knowing my secret just to punish me!

“If we attacked you right from the beginning, there will still be lessons midway through, and the execution will be forced to stop for the time being. But I won’t let you off that easily. Akihisa, enjoy the happy after-school time with everyone!”

Yuuji’s eyes were giving an uncomfortable evil glint. He didn’t take action on me yesterday when he found out the truth, and even said that he would try to hide this for me. Was that all a lie!?

“YuujI! Why did you betray me!? Didn’t you promise?”

“What a pity, that’s only useful to me when it’s effective. When it’s not helpful to me and even causes disaster to me, what’s left is my rage on you! I can’t get back anything by killing you, but I can’t get rid of my rage if I don’t do this…”

I have no idea what Yuuji was talking about at all, but the killing intent he was showing was definitely—and I’m absolutely certain about this. This guy’s…really is intending to send me to Hell!

“Everyone! Calm down! Yuuji’s obviously lying! How can Himeji-san be staying at my house? That’s a trap Yuuji set!”

To escape from this crisis in front of me, I desperately mentioned this baseless thing.

At this moment—

“Yeah. Everyone, please wait.”

At this moment, the only girl who stayed behind in the classroom—Minami suddenly spoke.

“Mi, Minami, are you willing to save me?”

“Didn’t you help me take care of Hazuki yesterday? I have to thank you properly for that.”

Minami said and smiled to me. That’s great! I’m finally saved! Thinking about it, I’m often in danger, but this may be the first time someone’s willing to stand up for me.

“Aki, thank you for yesterday. Because of you, Hazuki didn’t get a cold due to rain.”

Seeing this delighted me, Minami shook her ponytail slightly and bowed slightly to me.

“Nonono, that’s nothing much.”

In fact, that’s really nothing much. Hazuki-chan’s just Minami’s little sister and my friend, so we should help each other out.”

“No, you really helped us. Because of this, I…”

“Because of this…so?”

“—So I could tell that Mizuki was really staying at your house!”




The killing intent Minami released caused the classmates that were surrounding me to take a few steps back. Is this how we should thank when necessary and punish when necessary? Did Minami intend to thank me and execute me when she said ‘please wait’ while I’m still conscious?

“I thought that Hazuki mixed up Akira-san with Mizuki, but after hearing what Sakamoto said, it seemed that Hazuki wasn’t mistaken. Aki, you really know how to anger me.”

That Yuuji…why did he reveal my secret! If he didn’t say too much, Minami would have thought that Hazuki-chan was wrong, and things wouldn’t get worse…ah, I can’t let things go on let this! Got to find a way to escape! While everyone’s backing away in fear of Minami, it’ll be the best chance for me to escape!

“I can’t die here!”

“Ah! Yoshii! Hold it right there!”

“Damned bastard! You dare to run away!? Sakamoto, what should we do?”

“There’s no need to panic. Send 5 guys to hunt him down. Everyone else is to stay guard at each of the school’s entrances, and shrink the perimeter down. We have a lot of time to catch him. There’s no need to panic!”


The conversation could be heard from behind me. I may be able to escape if they searched for me frantically. That damned Yuuji…maybe it’s because he had to escape so many times that he knew all the scenarios a fugitive doesn’t want to meet most! I feel that he’s a very disgusting person when we’re on the same side, but he’s really irritating when he’s my enemy.

“Yuuji…I’ll make you pay for what happens today!”

The rage of being hunted down…I’LL MAKE YOU PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!

I’m not a man if I don’t take revenge. I swore solemnly to myself and quickly ran to the new school compound to avoid Yuuji’s perimeter.

“Damn it! Someone’s keeping guard here too…?”

After having finally shaken off the 5 guys, I came to the first level and looked around where I was, but I could see F class members everywhere.

“Damn it…I can’t get away like this.”

I was so anxious that I felt like biting my fingernails.

Yuuji’s normally an idiot, but no matter how rotten he is inside, I can’t underestimate the fact that he was once called ‘genius’. The tactics Yuuji ordered were so precise it was irritating, and all the exits that could lead others (even the windows) were guarded. They weren’t just guarded, but showing signs of shrinking the perimeter. Even if I deliberately show myself to mess their movements up, these guys wouldn’t just follow, and the contact with each other didn’t collapse as they closed in on me, slowly but surely. They had such efficient movement as they closed in, and I couldn’t hide my whereabouts at all and break through their perimeter. This is bad, this is really bad!

“In that case, I can only think of getting to the second level window and jump up…”

I don’t really want to do this, but it couldn’t be helped. Better go to the first years classrooms and jump out from the windows…

Once I had this thought, I looked around to check the situation and moved to the second level. At this moment—

“How about your side? Did you see him?”

“Yeah, we just spotted him. We have definitely surrounded him.”

“Okay, continue with Sakamoto’s plan.”

I could see F class people chasing me on the second level. So they have shrank the perimeter to that small…to even think about my hesitation to jump out from the window and shrink the perimeter slowly like that…that damned Yuuji!

It’s now dangerous to escape from the second level. Right now, I can only head to the third or fourth level, or even the roof. Without any preparations at all, it’s impossible to jump off from the window and hope to survive.

“Damn it. My actions are being controlled by him.”

There’s a powerless feeling like I’m being forced into a dead end. If this keeps up, I’ll be completely trapped. If I really have to do something before I die, the best way is to kill that Yuuji…but unfortunately, there’s no such chance.

Thus, I could only grit my teeth and move to the third level. I had no way back.

“In that case, I can only use the escape device for fire escape—no, if I use that slow thing to get them, they’ll be waiting for me to land there, and it’ll all be over.”

Anyway, I better get to the third level and find some way to escape. Maybe there’s something I can use…

“Yoshii, what are you doing?”

A voice suddenly came from behind me and nearly caused me to scream out.

Damn it! Was I found out?

I timidly looked around to see the person who spoke—the one who called my name. It was a girl with neat short hair and sharp eyes.

“Eh? Aren’t you C class’ rep…Koyama-san?”

“That’s right, that’s me.”

Koyama-san showed me a rather unenthusiastic expression as she responded. What should I say? She look like she’s reserved against calling me, but why did she call me in the first place?

No, now’s not the time to think too much about this. Right now, the most important thing is to escape from this current crisis.

“I’m escaping to save my life because a lot of things happened. If there’s nothing, I’m on my way!”

Just when I got ready to turn around and leave—

“Please wait. Are you being chased by F class?”

“Nn, that’s right.”

Koyama-san started asking for some reason.


Reason…because the fact that Himeji-san’s living with me was revealed, so—

“Eh…basically, it’s because of jealousy.”

Jealousy? Un…I see.”

I seemed to see a glint flash in Koyama-san’s eyes for some reason.

“To take action faster than me. As expected of F class…”

Koyama-san started muttering something to herself. What’s going on?

“I understand. In that case, I’ll help you get away from here.”


It’s unexpected that she would say that, which made me suspicious. She’s going to help me escape? Koyama-san? She’s willing to help me?

“Please don’t be mistaken. Besides, if F class creates trouble again in this situation, our second year batch which already had a bad reputation will be even lowered. I’m not doing this to help you.”

Koyama-san coldly answered my question.

Ahh, I see, so it’s because of that reason. It’s true that the 3rd year sempais were giving us sterner looks. As a fellow peer, she couldn’t just sit back and watch.

Well, no matter what reason it is, anyway,

“Koyama-san, are you willing to help me out?”

“Yes, I’ll make an exception only this time.”

That’s great! Someone was actually willing to help me! And I never even expected this person. This should be something Yuuji didn’t expect, so I may really be able to break through and survive!

“Basically, you’re being hunted down by your classmates, right?”

“Un, that’s how it is. And they’re strategically hunting me down slowly. Right now, I can only escape to the fourth level and the roof.”

“Fuun…in that case…”

Goso goso, Koyama-san rummaged something out.

“Put this clothing on, wear a wig and dress up as a girl. Wouldn’t that do? I guess you should be able to avoid being hunted.”

Koyama-san took out a girls uniform and a wig, the so-called female attire set. Eh…why does Koyama-san have such things?

“Koyama-san, are you…”

“What? Is there anything you’re unhappy with?”

“Are you…actually a guy?”

“What’s with your thinking!?”

She’s angry.

“My situation has nothing to do with you, right? Are you wearing or not?”

Koyama-san said that with an unhappy look. Uu…another girl’s outfit…emotionally, I’m really unwilling. I don’t want to dress up as a girl at all.


“Really, that Aki, where did he go? I’ll only be willing to forgive him if I push him down the roof. If he scampers off again, once I catch him, I’ll push him down without questioning him! I can’t get rid of my own anger!”

However, the voice that came with the wind was muttering ‘take the lesser evil of the two’. Comparing between my pride and my life, my life would be more important! Right now, I have nothing to hesitate about even if I have to wear it once or twice.”

“Koyama-san, please lend me this then. Thank you.”

“Shouldn’t you have said it right from the beginning? You’re really troublesome. Here, take it.”

Though she muttered this, Koyama-san handed me my disguise. Right now, I have no right to complain.

“Speaking of which, is it really alright to lend me this outfit?”

“It’s alright. That was specially prepared for you anyway.”

“Eh? For me?”

“Ah! It’s nothing, nothing at all! Don’t worry.”

Koyama-san looked a little panicky as she waved her hands. Un…I don’ t really understand…

“Anyway, thank you very much, Koyama-san.”

“I thank the pursuers from F class haven’t gone near the empty classroom that’s unlocked in the old building. You can change there.”

“Un! I’ll go there to change then.”

After taking the uniform and wig from Koyama-san, I turned around and head towards the empty classroom. The perimeter that was meant to capture me was becoming smaller and smaller, and now I have no time to hesitate.

“Then do your best…in more ways than me.”

Koyama-san said with some special meaning behind it.

“Girls’ uniform…guys normally wouldn’t be associated with such a thing…”

I ran through the corridor linking towards the old school building as I muttered to myself. Luckily, like what Koyama-san said, those pursuers look like they haven’t surrounded the classroom.

“Saa…it’s pointless to sigh. Better change first…”

I rushed into the empty classroom, closed the door tight and started to take off my clothes.

“Eerm…how do I wear this?”

It’s really complicated to wear a girl’s uniform, and I really don’t know, but if I waste too much them and they rush in, it’ll be bad. Anyway, I better put my wig on.

Thinking about this, I stripped myself until I had my boxers on and wore the wig in my hands.

“Ah, Aki-cha—Yoshii-kun!”


A seemingly familiar female student rushed into the room. No way! The pursuers!

Like what Koyama-san said! Aki-cha…Yoshii-kun’s really here!”

A seemingly quiet and well-behaved girl with 3 braids was blushing hard as she stared at me. Was she Yuuji’s assassin…no, this person couldn’t be a pursuer. How could an ordinary girl join that horrifying FFF?

But…if that’s the case, why would this girl follow me and enter this classroom? From the words she spoke, I can tell that she was looking for me.

“As expected…so cute…”


What’s going on? This girl’s stare is making me feel hot.

“Well…I’m Tamamo Miki from D class.”

“Ah, un. I’m Yoshii Akihisa from F class.”

We lowered our heads in the empty classroom and introduced ourselves. My own life and death’s pressing right down between my forehead. What am I doing…

“Well…can I talk to you for a while?”

“Sorry, I’m being hunted now, and I only have boxers on. If possible, can we talk next time?”

“Well, actually I—”

“Hello, are you listening to me? I did say that ‘I’m being hunted’ and ‘I only have a pair of boxers on me’. Either way, now’s not a situation where I can talk carefreely! Why can you still continue to talk?”

She really looks well-behaved, but she’s just someone who’ll do anything according to her own whims. That’s really hard to get along…

“Actually, I have someone I like.”

“I, I see. That’s good. Anyway, can you please turn around?”

“That person’s really, really cute~”

“Someone cute. That’s great. Anyway, can you please turn back?”

“And he’s a little stupid.”

“I got it! I know you have someone you like! But can you at least let me change?”

I’m now embarrassed and in an awkward position here, but she never had any intention of looking away from me. What! What kind of prank is this!

“But, that person, that person looks so happy everyday~”

“Ahh, I see. Unnn.”

Can’t be helped then. I don’t understand what’s the situation at all, but it seems that she’s not concentrating on me, so I can only use my clothing to block and change secretly.

“I feel that I can get happiness by being with him. That’s the impression the boy gives me.”

That boy? The term sounds a little weird, but now, the most important thing is to hurry up and change before talking. It’s so embarrassing to wear girls’ clothing in front of a girl, so much that I wanna die…but, if I don’t wear it, I’ll really die…

“Oh, so he’s such a boy.”

I responded nonchalantly, and as I took the shirt, I suddenly thought. If it’s the shirt, guys and girls shouldn’t be too different, right? In that case, I might as well wear my own shirt.

Just when I took that shirt I just took off,

“That’s right! He’s really really cute! He’s the best!”

My hand that was about to get the clothing was suddenly grabbed. Ehhh!? Did she just hear that response I made just now!?

“Wa, wait a second, Tamano-san! Calm down and let me go first—”

“He’s so cute he’s so cute! He’s so cute that I really want to eat him up!”

I know that person’s cute already! So please hurry up and hand me my shirt!

Maybe she was overly excited as Tamano-san continued to grab my hand and my shirt. Wait…what’s the situation now? Why am I wearing boxers and tussling over a shirt with a girl in an empty classroom?

“He’s so cute that I nearly forget his gender!”

In comparison to her forceful tone, the force Tamano-san used to pull was even harder, and my shirt landed in her hands mercilessly. I, I actually lost to a girl in strength…

BTS vol 08 123.jpg

As a boy, I’m really devastated by this fact, but looking at the current situation, it’s hard to get my shirt back from her. I can only reach out for the girl’s shirt Koyama-san lent. This is really bad…I never intended to dirty a borrowed shirt!!!

“And that boy has a lot of fans in school, both male and female!!”


The girl in front of my snatched the girl’s shirt Koyama-san lent me with shocking force. This girl looks like she’s really in her own world, but she’s always looking at me! In this case, I can’t even appear in front of anyone, let alone those guys from F class!

“If I continue to drag on, other people will take the initiative…so, I, I decided to gather my courage and confess!”

“Ahh! Even the coat…Tamano-san, I beg of you! At least leave the pants to me!”

Tamano-san snatched my clothing one by one and laid them on her aims.

I don’t know what to do if I’m only left with a skirt, but if I can wear pants, I won’t be arrested by the cops. Now I have to cling onto this last line of defense…

“It’s my first time, but I’ll do my best!”

“I got it! I’ll help you! I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ll help you with all I got, so please don’t be so forceful. You’re going to rip the waistline! Please return me my pants, will you!?”

My pleas obviously became feeble, and unknowingly, all my clothing was in her hands. Maybe she’s really the assassin sent by Yuuji, right? Yuuji already knew that I would be stuck in such a situation, and actually snatched my clothing. That’s way too despicable!

“It’s okay, it’s okay…I practiced this many times at home…”

Tamano-san continued to breathe hard in front of me. The uniform that she snatched away were already thrown somewhere I couldn’t reach. Looks like I can’t get them back.

Anyway, since things ended up like this, I better settle this thing with her before moving on. Once she’s completely satisfied, she’ll definitely return me the uniform.

Even if I only have boxers on myself, I better not think too much and listen to what she has to say first.

“Then…are you willing…to listen to me?”

“Un, tell me.”

Seeing such a serious girl, I nodded at her as one of my hands was holding onto the wig I took off. Don’t worry about such small things! Right now, I have to think of how to break through this tough situation!

“That’s great…well, Aki-cha—Yoshii-kun!”

“Tamano-san, I think I should tell you straight first. You must be calling me ‘Aki-chan’ secretly all the time, right?”

“I, I have someone I like!”

“No, you mentioned this before. Anyway, you should call me properly—”

“So, Aki-cha…Akiko-chan!”

“No! I don’t want such a worsened ending! My name’s Akihisa!”

What’s this person trying to say to me? Bullying? Or is it some gag show messing with me? Is everyone hiding somewhere and laughing at me while I’m all troubled?

I have no idea what she intended at all, but Tamano-san said with a really passionate tone.

“Please! Please go steady with me!”


The conversation just now went into an vague direction, on hearing those words from her, my mind was left blank.

Going steady What? What’s that?

“Erm…you’re talking about that…with you?”

“Tha, that’s me…tha…and Aki—Aki-chan…”

The Aki-chan she said should be referring to…me? Me, Tamano-san—dating? Isn’t this a so-called love confession!?

“Ehhh!? What’s going on!? Why does Tamano-san like someone like me…”

“Please don’t say ‘someone like me’! Yoshii-kun may not know it very well, but Aki-chan’s really an attractive person!”

She forcefully declared that. This is the first time since I was born that a girl confessed to me. Well…how should I describe this…

“Because Aki-chan’s so handsome and so cute! Whether it’s the thin and soft skin, the large eyes or the shyness when you are forced to wear girls’ clothing and blushing, they’re all so cute! Yoshii-kun should know the charm of that kid!”

The overly excited Tamano-san closed in on me with shocking momentum.

“Ah…so, sorry.”

Perhaps she noticed that she was being way too rash as Tamano-san recovered and back away from me before lowering her head.

“So, that…”

Thinking about it for a while, Tamano-san then con tinued.

“Please, please become…my one and only Aki-chan who belongs to me only!”

That’s way too strange. I should be even happier than someone of the opposite gender confessed to me, but why is it that I can’t really answer her when I really got confessed to?

Actually, there’s really nothing much to say. Since she’s really serious in asking me to go steady with her, I should be more cautious and think of how to answer her.

In my mind, I simulated what will the situation be like if I went out with her.

“Yo, kept you waiting for long?”

“No, I just happened to arrive just now—hey, what’s with that attire of yours?”

“Eh? Just an ordinary T-shirt and jeans.”

“No wig and skirt? That’s too much! I wanted to bring you to an accessory shop that’s suited for Aki-chan!”

“No no no, Tamano-san, I have no interest in those things at all—ACK! Killing intent!?”

“Yoshii Akihisa…to even dare get a girlfriend. Have you forgotten about the pact of the FFF…”

“Wait a second! Our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriends are still in douuubbbbtttt!!!”

“Bury him!”


Shockingly, that’s not a heartening scene for me.

The problem’s not whether I liked or hated Tamano-san, but that we’re already fated not to be together. I can’t go out with her.

After saying that, I looked up and exchanged looks with Tamano-san.

“Sorry, Tamano-san. I’m really sorry, but I—”

Without waiting for me to finish, Tamano-san hurriedly said,

“I, I’ll definitely do my best! I’ll work hard to make lots of cute clothing for you to wear! Every week—no, every day! I’ll make lots of cute things that Aki-chan will like!”

Perhaps Tamano-san heard that ‘sorry’ part as she started to promote her good points. No…how should I put it. If someone says that ‘I’m willing to go out with you’ after hearing those words from her…willing Tamano-san be really happy about having such a boyfriend?

“I don’t mean that. I’m sorry. I can’t go out with you.”

I really can’t follow her to that world.

On hearing my answer, Tamano-san went silent, and half a beat later, she asked me,

“You can’t go out with me, don’t tell me…it’s because you have someone you like…”

No matter whether I have someone I like or not, it’s unlikely that I’ll change my answer.

Even so, now that she’s using such a serious expression to ask me, I really find it hard not to answer her properly. Uu…how should I explain this to her? I really have no experience in this…

“Well…if I really have to say it, I do have…”

It’s really hard to say it out. No…instead of saying that it’s hard to answer, it’s more like I really don’t know how to answer. Besides, I never really thought through this seriously.

“Then, the person Aki-chan likes is—”

“Tha, that’s…”

My voice was stuck in my voice. This is really tough. I really don’t know what to do now.

Speaking of which, why am I forced in such a ridiculous predicament?

Maybe in my life, there wouldn’t be such a memorable confession, yet I’m only wearing a pair of boxers, and I’m really scared of the imminent danger. Also, I’m not the one being confessed to, but me in my girl disguise. How is fate manipulating me now?

To escape from the trouble in front of me, to escape from this reality that’s hard to resist, I started to use all my brain cells to find the culprit behind all this mess.

Where did I go wrong? How did such a negative chain of reaction occur?

“That person is…”

After thinking about it, a person’s profile appeared in my mind. That’s right. It all started once this person betrayed me!

The rage continued to rise up from the bottom of my torso. It’s all that guy’s fault! I won’t let it rest the next time I see him!

I started to search to all sorts of ways to execute my enemy.

At this moment, that mastermind himself appeared on the corridor, perhaps to check things out as he appeared in my eyes. Found him! So he’s actually moving about this! Now that I find you here, you’re dead me! I’m going to kill you mercilessly and appease the rage inside me!



I couldn’t help but curse as I roared out. As I roared out, the other pursuers may definitely find me. Bu~t, who cares about that now!?”

“Yo, you’re saying Yuuji…Sakamoto Yuuji!? Yoshii-kun likes Sakamoto-kun?”

Tamano-san seemed to be really shocked by something, but I’ll talk about that later. I have to catch that scum and beat him up good!

I transformed into Asura and leaped on the corridor. Yuuji, it’s your death today!!

I used all my strength to run down the corridor, and on the way, I seemed to hear someone tremble and mutter softly,

“…I, I’d think I just heard something big…!”

I’d just wanted to head to the empty classroom to get some props, but such a thing actually happened…knowing this unexpected thing, I really don’t know what to do…

“…Hideyoshi, what’s wrong?”

“Muu, un…Muttsurini…actually, that...I just went to the empty classroom to get some props the drama club needed, but I heard something big.”

“…Something big?”

“This really isn’t something that should be said to others, but I really can’t calm down…Muttsurini, are you willing to listen to me?”

“...I understand. Muttsurini store will definitely keep this secret tightly.”

“That’ll really help me out. Actually…”


That female student—if I remember correctly, she’s Tamano from D class, right?

That girl called Tamano,

“Likes him!”




To think that it wasn’t just Himeji and Shimada. That lad actually got confessions from other students…that fact really shocked me…

“…I, I just heard something really big…”

While heading to my club, I went by a certain classroom, and heard Muttsurini-kun and others talking about such a thing…that unexpected thing’s really shocking…

“Aiko? What’s with you?”

“Ah…Yuuko. Actually…that…I just went by the old campus for club and heard something unbelievably big.”

“Something big?”

The way he talks, it’s definitely Yuuko’s little brother—Kinoshita Hideyoshi.

That Kinoshita Hideyoshi—

“Likes him!”




“…Mi, Miharu just heard something big…”