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Already more relaxed, Mui got out of bed and walked steadily, leaving the infirmary together with Takeshi and the others.
Already more relaxed, Mui got out of bed and walked steadily, leaving the infirmary together with Takeshi and the others.
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Latest revision as of 09:48, 5 March 2021

CHAPTER 4: A Battle of the Collapsing World[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Finally, that ill-fated semester exam was behind us, and now that it was November, autumn had finally made its appearance. All the students at the Subaru Magic Academy spent their days busily training their magical affinities for the next exam that was very close.

This time, they were no longer training only in the gymnasium, but also places like the outdoor sports complex and the classrooms themselves. The exam in question was called the "Magical Aptitude Test" which was to be held at the end of the month. This was a large-scale test and as the name suggests, it sought to assess the students' abilities to control their magic of their affinity. During this exam, students would be grouped according to their magical affinities regardless of the academic grade they were studying.

The academy held three such exams during the course of the school year. The first was held in May. It was a tournament where teams representing each class faced each other in battles with magic. The next one, held at the end of November, was the "Magical Aptitude Test" mentioned above. The last one was held at the end of January and consisted of an event of snow magic battles by teams separated into colors. All the tests were aimed at analyzing the students' abilities to use their magical affinity powers. So, they were strictly evaluated by the teachers and the results could affect the ranking system of the students for the next year.

Takeshi was going to take the exam for the first time, and he was trying to find out what it was about, but none of his classmates could give him a clear idea. He was only four months into learning how to use magic and had just learned how to control his magical power to use Twilight without draining his magical power completely. For such a reason, she had not had much time to have started training with her Evasive Magic properly.

During that exam, Takeshi was supposed to be grouped together with other students of evasive magic where he would have to pass a test imposed by the teacher in charge. However, he was sure that there would be no other students of evasive magic who had better control of their magic than him. That, despite the fact that the test made no distinction of academic level, -except for the elementary students since they had not yet learned the use of their magical affinity and therefore, they were the only ones exempt from participating-. He was sure that among those in his group there would be no one who had learned to use magic in such a short time as he had. Ida and Kurumi had finally returned to training as a team with him and were giving their best.

Kurumi, had practically mastered her biological magic affinity completely by now. A power called "Metamorphosis", which allowed her to change the physical age of her body at will. She could turn into either a girl or an adult woman of ages that Kurumi did not want to give details, but that Takeshi estimated to be around forty or fifty years old. Moreover, she could not only turn her whole body, but also parts of it and once proved it by growing her breasts despite having become a girl in elementary school age. In spite of everything, Kurumi complained that her magic was useless.

Her magic was useless for fighting and if she had any test where she had to face someone in battle, she would lose easily. For that reason, Kurumi was now concentrating on training her basic magic, which was her weak point. However, she did not take it easy as she was as serious as the other students. Despite everything, Takeshi still had a strained relationship with both Kurumi and Ida. It was no longer as easy to exchange words as before.

Whenever training ended right at five o'clock, Ida would immediately leave without saying anything. When he was left alone with Kurumi, the atmosphere between them remained tense even though he accompanied her to the dormitories. He wanted to return to the relationship he had before with the two of them, but he didn't want to apologize and that had him at a dead end. The only one he had been able to talk to normally was Mui. But lately even she had begun to act strangely and he couldn't communicate well with her anymore.

In Mui's case, maybe it was just because of the misunderstanding of the dating relationship he had with Kurumi, that's why he thought of telling her the truth but in the end he didn't tell her anything. (Mostly because Kurumi objected to it). Takeshi held Twilight tightly as he thought about it all, and when the magic circles began to glow in his eyes, he suddenly stood watching one of the groups on the other side of the gym. Beyond the crowd, Mui, an elementary school boy and a middle school girl who were part of his group, were sitting around chatting happily. They seemed to be taking a break at the moment. The elementary school boy was holding up his hands, making faces as if he was imitating something, while Mui and the other girl were laughing loudly.

-Takeshi, let's get it over with....

Takeshi turned his gaze to Kurumi behind him and nodded.

-Oh, right...

-Then, I'll be going now. See you tomorrow.

Ida made the orange magic particles disappear from her hands and left the gym quickly. Seeing that, Takeshi simply let out a slight sigh.

So far, Takeshi had always had many friends but he had never had that kind of tense relationship with one of them before. That's why he didn't know what to do.

"Now that I remember, I've never had a fight with a friend before," He analyzed.

With his younger brother Gekkou, he hadn't had many fights. His parents always told him that when they fought, to always play along with his little brother, so Takeshi thought that's what he should do with everyone. By using that method, he also avoided unnecessary arguments with his friends and so he didn't even know how to make up.

-Takeshi, it's time for us to leave too.

When he heard Kurumi's call, Takeshi sheathed Twilight, deactivated her magic and started walking with her.

In the surroundings, there were still students training and releasing affinity magic and basic magic everywhere, as the most enthusiastic ones, stayed until six in the evening. (Because at that time the gymnasium closed). Suddenly, one of the spells that the students were casting, was about to hit Kurumi, but Takeshi pushed her away immediately without the need to use his evasive magic. Then the staggering Kurumi lost her balance and crashed into Takeshi's chest. He, felt a glance above him and turned to look back. It was mui who from the other side of the gym was staring at them.

-Isoshima... get away now. -He stammered, pushing Kurumi by the shoulders to get some distance from her.

-Ah, right. Sorry, I'm fine now. Thanks, Takeshi.

Kurumi was blushing at that moment, but Takeshi didn't notice. So he took her hand, started to walk pulling her.


Kurumi followed Takeshi's pace with a faint smile and a face blushing up to her ears. However, unlike her, Takeshi wore a tense expression.

"I don't mind pretending that we're boyfriend and girlfriend, but I don't want to feel committed to that even in training."

Takeshi was very worried that Mui would get the wrong ideas about them, so he left the gym as quickly as possible as if he had run away.

Part 2[edit]

A week had passed. And during that lapse of time, nothing interesting happened. However, when the exam was very close and the students were training even harder, Mui disappeared from the academy.

It all started when Kurumi, worried that Mui did not arrive at the dormitory even though the deadline had arrived, called the dormitory manager. She contacted the academy authorities and throughout the night, the teachers searched everywhere for her without success. The next morning, Kurumi told Takeshi what had happened. Then he left to talk to Hitouji-sensei.

Most students tended to stay in the dormitories, and the only ones who didn't, were the ones who went straight home. However, Takeshi knew that with Mui, that was not the case. She had told him before that her parents had passed away and since she had no home to go to, she had been living in the dormitories of the academy for a long time.

-Something is wrong..." Takeshi muttered.

After returning from the teacher's room. Kurumi and Ida had sat next to him in the classroom.

-What do you mean by that?" Kurumi asked with a frown. She had had enough of hearing about Mui.

-I think the reason why Mui is not at the academy," Takeshi mentioned. It's because he ran away again to look for his brother.

Ida, who was looking intently at a supermarket pamphlet, replied:

-Even if you know that, you have no idea where he actually went?

He didn't seem really interested in the matter, since what occupied his mind at that very moment was the type of food that would be in his next day's bento.

-That's right, Takeshi," Kurumi supported. We can't run off looking for her. Chances are that girl has returned home to her parents in the living world, right?

Takeshi shook his head and answered:

-Mui has no family other than her older brother.


-What are you saying?

Kurumi and Ida were surprised to hear such a statement.

-Just as you hear it. -Takeshi clarified. That's why Mui is trying so desperately to get his brother back.

-So that's the way things are..." said Ida with a serious and thoughtful face.

-But even so," Kurumi hurried when she saw that the two of them sympathized with Mui. We can't do anything about it. I'm just starting to get used to basic magic and as for Ida-kun, he's still exploding.

When Ida heard that she mentioned controlling her magic affinity, she replied:

-Hey, hey... you can't say that, Isoshima... I've gone a week without breaking anything.

-That's not true. -She refuted. Then she looked at Takeshi. Listen, Takeshi. The teachers are the ones who should be in charge of looking for Aiba-san, not us.


Even if that was true, Takehsi couldn't help but be worried about Mui for, not being at the academy, she had most likely gone on the Trailers' trail again.

The last time Mui ran away to go in search of her older brother Tsuganashi, she was severely scolded by the headmistress and as punishment, she was demoted from the special class and assigned to the C class. Since then, she had been living quietly as an ordinary student.

At that time, the headmistress told Mui to leave the Tsuganashi matter in the hands of Wizard Breath, but to date, they had done practically nothing. It was no wonder Mui lost her patience. Takeshi was fully aware of the matter and knew that his concern for Mui, was not in vain

"Mui and I, we are so much alike," Takeshi thought.

Mui was trying to get his brother Tsuganashi back, while Takeshi, had run away from his younger brother Gekkou, who now hated him. They were different things that's for sure, but they had in common the bad sibling relationship.

"I would do anything to make Gekkou forgive me."

Since that fateful day when the accident happened, Takeshi remained in his brother's shadow, taking all his anger and spite with resignation. But he felt so fed up, the urge to run away was not lacking.

"Mui is trying to get her brother back no matter how many times he rejects her."

The persistence she had, made Takeshi still felt hopeful of regaining his relationship with Gekkou. He still hoped that someday, they could go back to the way they were before, see him face to face and practice kendo together again.

-Maybe in his room there is some clue about Mui's whereabouts. -Takeshi mentioned.

As he had been silent for a while, they thought he had already given up with the intention of going to look for her. But, they were surprised to see that he insisted again.

-Wait, Takehi, are you serious? -Kurumi whispered.

Kurumi's astonishment, quickly turned to frustration. But Takeshi obviously couldn't leave Mui alone and said:

-Please Isoshima... take a look in Mui's desk, maybe there is something that will give us a clue.

-I'm not going to do that...

-Please Isoshima! -Takeshi insisted, putting his hands together in supplication.


-You know well that I can't enter the Maple dormitory.

The "Maple" dormitory was the girls' dormitory at the magical academy. The boys' dormitory was known as the "Ivy" dormitory and was on the other side of the school building from the girls' dormitory. As expected, it was strictly forbidden for boys to enter the girls' dormitory and vice versa. If a boy was discovered in the girls' dormitory, he might even be expelled from the academy.

Kurumi slapped the desk hard and stood up abruptly.

-I said I won't do it! -She flatly refused again, "I don't want to sneak off to go rummaging through someone else's things.

To tell the truth, Takeshi didn't like the idea of doing that either, but without any clues, he wouldn't be able to look for Mui.

-Please, Isoshima. I'm asking you from the bottom of my heart. If you do it, I will do whatever you ask me to do.

Kurumi stared at Takeshi for a while and replied:

-I may not find anything, but I will do what you ask.

Although a little reluctant, Kurumi finally accepted the request, so Takeshi smiled.

-Never mind, you do it anyway.

Kurumi let out a heavy sigh and mumbled:

-Well, what's the use...

Part 3[edit]

There was a corridor full of mirrors that served as the entrance to the academy. In a normal school, the main entrance would be just a gate, but there, the entrance was two huge mirrors placed on either side of the corridor. However, since most of the students stayed in the dormitories, very few of them used it.

At the end of the corridor, which was about two hundred meters long, there were two white wooden doors on either side. One led to the academy building, and the other led to the courtyard that led to the dormitories.

Takeshi was standing in front of the hallway, all alone. He had already been there for fifteen minutes and during that time, no one had appeared anywhere. Involuntarily, he smiled when he saw his reflection in those huge mirrors. The reason was because of the very somber expression he wore, as he had huge dark circles under his eyes. He hadn't slept all night because he was so worried about Mui. He feared that the Trailers were chasing her or worse, that they had already caught her. The uncertainty just thinking about it was eating him up inside. He had asked Kurumi to look for clues as to Mui's whereabouts, but other than that, he didn't know what else to do. He had a notion of where he had gone, but his hands felt tied. The only thing he could do for the moment, was to wait in that corridor full of mirrors. Whenever he had some time, Takeshi kept doing that for three days after Mui's disappearance.

The Subaru Magic Academy, didn't have an entrance gate or a back door like normal schools and although it looked like there were, those were nothing more than mere decoration. The academy was covered by a powerful magical barrier that no mage could enter or exit, other than through the hall of mirrors. Mui could only pass through that place when he left, and of course when he returned, he would also have to pass if or if, through the same hallway.

"I wish I could go look for her...", Takeshi thought.

There was a reason why Takeshi couldn't go out to look for her. It turns out that traveling through the portals in the mirrors, had a limitation. Such portals could only transport someone to places they had been before. In Takeshi's case, the mirror corridor could only take him to the bathroom in his house and a few public places in the living world.

If Mui was somewhere outside the academy in the ruined world, Takeshi had no way of getting there. It was true that the city of Tokyo in the ruined world was the same as in the living world, but their ages were different. The city of Tokyo that Takeshi knew was one of the present day, while the Tokyo of the ruined world was a Tokyo of the late 1990s where all the people disappeared and time stood still. It was a Tokyo where he had never been. For such a reason, he was trapped without being able to go outside the ruined world.

"I guess waiting for Mui here, no use," Takeshi reflected, letting out a heavy sigh.

Kurumi and Ida, were very optimistic believing that Mui would be back soon. But Takeshi didn't believe that, since when he first met her, she was being chased.

At that moment, the door leading to the academy building, opened and a student who appeared to be two or three years older than Takeshi appeared. He was wearing some sort of black neoprene wetsuit and carried a shotgun slung over his shoulder. The boy stood in front of the mirror and before doing anything else, he bent down to tighten the laces of his boots. Meanwhile, Takeshi simply watched him in silence. But then, something occurred to him and he spoke to the boy from afar:

-Are you going home already?

That boy, who was still lacing his boots, answered in a firm voice:

-No, I am on duty.

Then he stood up, fixed his holster and finally looked at Takeshi.

-You... Are you from the special class? -he asked.

The neoprene-like suit had a black and white moon emblem on the chest area. Seeing the stern look of that senpai, Takeshi placed his hand on Twilight that he wore around his waist. He smiled with a complicated expression and answered:

-Yes, but I'm just here as a backup. I'm an evasive magic user.

Hearing that, the boy averted his gaze and looked at the mirror, completely losing interest and answered:

-Ahh, I see... then, goodbye.....

When the young man was about to leave through the mirror, Takeshi called out to him:


-What's wrong?

The boy turned to look at with an air of suspicion. Then Takeshi asked:

-How's the situation out there?

-Not good. The last operation we carried out was a failure. Two of my men died and on top of that, the director was injured.


Takeshi took a deep breath.

"You just said... that... two people died? Is that really the situation of the war outside?"

The boy didn't seem to have missed Takeshi's surprise and continued:

-That result was to be expected since it was an operation we carried out with only three communities. But, now we have the advantage because this time we will deploy all the C7 communities. This time failure is not an option.


-Don't worry. You will be in the rear, so there will be no need for you to expose yourself to danger. We are in the middle of a large-scale operation. Although the "concierges "* will be placed randomly.

The boy thought Takeshi was afraid and relaxed his expression a little.

-Tell me... What community do you belong to?

-Ah I... I belong to Wizard Breath," Takeshi answered quickly.

-I see, I belong to "Eclipse". My name is Midorikawa. I hope to see you on the other side.

-Of course.

That young man extended his hand towards the mirror, and a light brown magic circle appeared in it and then the portal opened.

-Be careful..." Takeshi told him.

Midorikawa laughed mockingly and as he stepped into the mirror portal.

-Ha ha ha ha... thank you.

The boy Midorikawa, disappeared into the ruined world and left behind his magic circle in the mirror.

Part 4[edit]

-Are you serious? -Kurumi asked, raising her eyebrows. Takeshi nodded and said:

-Of course.

-You can't do such a thing," Kurumi insisted again.

Takeshi was already aware that Kurumi was absolutely right.

-I have no choice.

The expression of tragedy that Takeshi had at that moment, made Kurumi even more in a bad mood.

The last time they saw Mui, it had been three days ago after school. At that time, there were only Takeshi, Kurumi and Ida in the classroom. All the other classmates had gone to the gym or some other place to continue training their magical affinities for the exam.

Kurumi had a bad feeling when Takeshi called her to stay in the classroom after class, but since she already had a clear idea of what he wanted to talk about, she felt a pressure in her chest and had a grumpy expression. Takeshi had asked her to search Mui's belongings for clues, taking advantage of the fact that they both lived in the same room. It was time to deliver results. Mui had a map of Tokyo in the late nineties stored in a drawer of her desk. Kurumi took the map and handed it to Takeshi. The map had blue and red pen marks on it.

"Let him tell me all that, but give me the map without protest, it's very unfair."

Takeshi had brought up that he would go out to look for Mui. Then Kurumi looked at Takeshi angrily and said:

-There's a war outside right?!

Takeshi just let out a small sigh.

-Are you stupid?! Do you want to go there to die?

-But if I don't go, Mui is going to....

-That girl got into it of her own free will! -Besides, she's perfectly capable of using her magic. Not like us...

As she scolded him, Takeshi replied with a lowered gaze:

-Still, I'm worried about her.


Hearing that, Kurumi opened her mouth with the intention of saying something else, but quickly closed it again without saying anything.

"Worried about her? That's all he has in his mouth. worried! worried...! he's only worried about her!"

Kurumi stared at Takeshi who was about to check the map she gave him.

"He's said several times that he's worried about Mui... and I... well, I'm a little worried about her too... That girl... she's really very careless and distracted. She falls asleep in the bathtub. She has a bunch of stuffed animals on her bed like she's a little girl. She never stops talking to me, she lies down to sleep with wet hair, and she's very loud in the mornings."

As she thought about all that, Kurumi's anger subsided a little and she let out a sigh.

"I feel strange being alone in such a big room. Everything is too quiet without her."

Kurumi was still pensively staring at the floor, until suddenly, Ida who had remained silent spoke up:

-Hold on a second....

Takeshi stopped examining the map and looked up at Ida.

-What are you going to do if you don't find Aiba?

-Keep looking for her until you find her whereabouts..." Takeshi answered immediately.

Thinking a bit, Ida suggested:

-The first time you found her she was at Sakuraya Academy wasn't she? Maybe she has gone to the living world again?

-No, this time she stayed in the ruined world. I have no doubt about that.

-Why do you say that?

At the moment, there is a large-scale operation going on out there. It wouldn't be unusual for Mui's brother to be involved in that.

-You're saying Aiba went to that place?


When she heard that, Kurumi asked:

-Hey, what do you mean by "large-scale operation"?

Takeshi didn't want to answer. If he told her any more, Kurumi would only get more worried and end up objecting even more. Takeshi simply folded the map, put it in his backpack and stood up.

-Isoshima please don't say anything to the teacher until my return.


Takeshi looked at her seriously as he asked her that and for some reason, she was filled with fear.

-Hey, are you planning to go alone? -Ida asked.

He remained seated at his desk leaning back in his chair with his feet up on the desk. But at that moment he stood up and said:

-Are you an idiot? Because I'm not going with you.

He took his backpack and threw it over his shoulder and left the classroom.

-Takeshi... I...

Kurumi felt that she still had a lot of things to say to Takeshi, but for some reason, she wasn't able to express them. Instead, she clung to Takeshi's clothes. He smiled at her and said:

-Isoshima... I'll be back very soon.

Takeshi's kind smile always made her feel better, but not this time. This time Kurumi felt a strong pressure in her chest and felt like crying.

-You idiot!!! -She shouted and then ran out of the classroom in a hurry.

Takeshi was left alone in the classroom listening to Kurumi's footsteps walking away.

Part 5[edit]

Ya eran pasadas las seis de la tarde y Takeshi se encontraba de nuevo en el pasillo de los espejos después de pasar por su cuarto para dejar su mochila. Ahora, llevaba consigo el mapa doblado en el bolsillo del pecho. Estaba plenamente consciente de que afuera la batalla se estaba poniendo cada vez más cruda. Pero eso no le importaba, ya que lo único que tenía en mente, era encontrar a Mui lo más rápido posible y no podía quedarse de brazos cruzados.

—¿Qué haces aquí? —Preguntó alguien de repente.

Era otro estudiante de curso superior que venía completamente equipado el apareció mientras él se encontraba allí parado. Llevaba un uniforme azul marino de apariencia militar con un emblema de una estrella de cinco puntas en el pecho. Era un uniforme totalmente distinto al uniforme escolar normal.

«Ese es el emblema de “Wizard Breath”», Analizó Takeshi.

El emblema que Midorikawa —el chico que conoció la última vez—, portaba en el pecho, era el de una luna. Ese emblema, era el de la comunidad llamada “Eclipse”. Fue a partir de ese momento en que vio eso, que Takeshi se dedicó a investigar acerca de los emblemas de cada una de las comunidades del C7, y supo de inmediato a cual comunidad pertenecía este otro chico.

—Estoy esperando a alguien. —Contestó Takeshi. Luego miró directamente al chico y preguntó—. ¿Acaso están planeando una estrategia?

—Sí, más o menos…

Al igual que hizo Midorikawa, este chico también se apretó las agujetas de sus botas y revisó su equipo. Pero cuando escucho “estrategia” alzó la cara. Takeshi se llevó la mano al bolsillo de su pecho y dijo:

—Tengo algo que entregar a Midorikawa-san de Eclipse. ¿Me puedo ir contigo? Estuve esperando a mis demás compañeros pero parece que ya no van a venir y tengo prisa.

Aquel chico miró con cierta sospecha a Takeshi.

—Oye ¿Ya te dieron tu botón de “Concierge”?

—Claro que si…

A decir verdad, Takeshi no tenía ni la más remota idea de lo que significaba “Concierge”, pero de cualquier manera mantuvo la farsa.

—Fuu… a ver, ¿Dónde es que iban a ser desplegados tus compañeros de Eclipse? Porque ya te digo que yo voy hacia la zona de Ebisu.

-Never mind that," Takeshi replied.

However, seeing Takeshi's strange attitude, the boy frowned.

-What do you mean it doesn't matter? What are you going to do if they're lined up somewhere too far away from where I'm going?

-W-well... I'm sure they'll be very close to there.

The student was getting more and more skeptical and stared at Takeshi who looked away.

-Hey... Are you from the special class? Because I don't think I've seen you before?

-Well, I'm not special class, but I am an evasive magic user.

Takeshi knew perfectly well, that evasive magic wizards were very few and very rare to find in any of the communities. Indeed, the student seemed to have been convinced and with an aura of curiosity asked:

-Really? And what kind of evasive magic do you use?

-It's "strike vision," an intuition skill.

-Hee! How nice... I wish you were with us at Wizard Breath," said the boy excitedly. Well, there's no time to be with this. It's time for me to go. But... Are you really going to come after me?


The student put his hand on the mirror and activated his magic circle to open the portal. Takeshi went after him while holding Twilight's grip tightly. No matter where he appeared, he had to think fast about his next move.


The surface of the mirror rippled as if it were water. And, as soon as the portal was ready, both boys headed for it without delay. Right behind the other boy, Takeshi took a long step and stepped into the mirror at once. However, before his whole entire body passed through, something coming at him in a hurry suddenly hit him in the back forcing him through the portal. After the terrible fall, that student exclaimed:

-What's going on, who are you?

Takeshi could not even get up due to the great weight of something that had fallen on him from somewhere. He couldn't even lift his face.

-Well, looks like we made it. The mirror was about to close.

-Hey! Ida-kun, get out of the way, you're too heavy.

Takeshi was astonished to hear two familiar voices. Slowly, as the weight of his body was lifted away, Takeshi was able to stand up and looked at them.

-Ida! Isoshima...! How did you...?

Those two didn't even look at Takeshi, but looked around.

-Hey... we're outside the academy, right?

Kurumi's question was not answered by the student, but by another person who said:

-Are you students of the academy? Come back immediately.

At that moment, Takeshi found himself prostrate at the feet of a woman sitting on a luxurious red velvet chair. The woman was dressed in a white cloak and hood, and gave them a cold look. The student let out a heavy sigh and said:

-This is no place to play around. All of you, return to the academy at once.

The boy pointed to a place where a mirror the size of a person stood. Takeshi stood up and realized that the place where they were, was a room about four tatamis in size* However, the walls were transparent and you could see through them. That kind of room was in the middle of what seemed to be a street between buildings. The room they were in could look from the outside like some kind of giant showcase.

-I'm very sorry Yuri-san. But... could you take care of them? I have to go or I'll be late for the meeting point," said the boy.

The woman nodded slightly and the student slipped through the wall and went outside. The glass room had no doors, but it looked like its walls could be walked through as if it were a hologram. Takeshi was still in shock when suddenly the woman spoke to them:

-I'm going to open a portal for you to return immediately to the academy.

The woman had no need to touch the mirror. She did not even get up from her seat, but simply pointed her finger at it. A number of magic particles flew towards it and drew a magic circle.

-Come on, go back to the academy. This place is dangerous.

The woman had already opened the portal back to the academy. However, Takeshi shook his head and said:

-My friend is out there.

The woman frowned.

-Your friend is a member of the special class?

-She used to be... but not anymore....

Kurumi took the floor in Takerhsi's place and said:

-We are looking for Aiba Mui.

-Aiba... Mui..." the woman stammered while looking at Takeshi and Kurumi. Then she looked at Ida who was simply observing the matter with her arms crossed. I haven't seen her. At least around here, it hasn't happened....

-Mui left three days ago," Takeshi replied.

The woman averted her gaze and ducked her head saying:

-In that case, the chances of her still being alive are slim.

-What do you mean?


The woman looked away and urged the three of them to look in the same direction. Through the transparent wall, in the distant sky, Takeshi saw something that looked like many birds fluttering in the air. Or so he thought, until Kurumi said:

-Those... Are those people?

Those objects could barely be noticed as small dots in the sky that collided with each other scattering sparks and moving at speeds impossible for a bird. Some suddenly fell to the ground while others soared into the sky illuminating the entire airspace with different colored lights. When Takeshi looked closely at one of these points, he noticed that it was a person in free fall with his arms and legs outstretched. Then, a shiver ran down his back.

-As you can see, the C7 is now in the middle of a combat operation that....

The woman's explanation was suddenly interrupted. A dark gray object that looked like mud suddenly fell on the transparent room causing it to shudder violently.


-Uaa! What the heck is going on?

Kurumi and Ida reflexively ducked and Takeshi did the same later.

That mass of grayish slime began to gather above the small room as if it were a living creature, and quickly emerged into a huge ball. From its interior, a person's arm came out and moved up and down energetically as if trying to escape from its interior, but the slime ball quickly rose into the air.

Beyond it was a single wizard floating in the sky. The man appeared to be manipulating said mudball and caused it to crash again and again into the buildings in the area. The sphere exploded splattering everywhere and revealing the person trapped inside.

It was a man who looked completely weakened, who was again caught by the slime before it fell to the ground and slammed him against a wall. The weakened man opened his eyes and seemed to say something. The slime mage, too, seemed to have answered him. After that, a blue and red flash shone brightly between those two mages. The blue magic particles seemed to be stronger and penetrated the man in the wall like an arrow. When the mage who had won the battle called out the slime sphere, the man on the wall fell to the ground and the other flew away without even looking back.

Not only Takeshi, but also Kurumi and Ida, were completely stunned and speechless. And, as the three of them looked stunned, the woman spoke to them in a calm voice:

-Don't worry. You are safe here. You are inside a barrier that does not allow any magic to pass through. -The woman sighed as she saw that the three were still absorbed by what they had just witnessed. It seems that you don't know what "The boxes" are, nor what a "Concierge" is. And it seems that you are not the special kind either. So tell me... What class are you exactly?

Ida, who quickly came to her senses, whispered back in a depressed tone:

-We are Class C....

The woman shook her head and said:

-Get back this very instant. This is no place for you.

Just then, Kurumi, who was still watching, suddenly shouted, drawing Takeshi and Ida's attention. It turned out that more than ten tigers were running across the intersection of the street where they were. One person was riding on the back of the last tiger, but this person immediately jumped up and transformed into a tiger just like the others, and ran along with them.

-That person turned into a tiger!

Kurumi quickly clung to Takeshi's arm unconsciously, and he reciprocated by holding her hand tightly. Her body was completely stiff as she still couldn't believe everything she saw with her own eyes. Even Kurumi's hands felt cold and trembled.

-It's a squad of armored beasts from Wizard Breath. -The woman explained. They seem to be in the middle of a battle. You guys wouldn't be getting in their way, so you'd better get back.

The woman didn't seem to want to get up from her chair, but she still urged the boys to return to the academy. Takeshi had begun to get a good grasp of what was going on outside. But, still, he could not retreat.

-We have to find Mui. -Takeshi insisted.

Saying that, he tried to go out through the wall like the other boy did. However, when he approached the transparent walls and tried to touch them to see if he could get through, the woman shouted:

-Don't touch the barrier!!!!!

Takeshi turned to look at her and refuted:

-She's still alive. She was chased by the Trailers before and managed to escape under her own power. I'm sure Mui is fine.

-That doesn't mean you have permission to come in! Class C students going outside is practically guaranteed suicide.

Takeshi stared at the woman intently. He knew beforehand that going there was dangerous. But still, he felt that if he gave up there and went back, he would never see Mui again.

-Listen, from the first moment you set foot outside the barrier, you will be considered a fighter like the others. So, now that you know that, go back to the academy. The walk ended.

The woman spoke with a stern tone. But Takeshi's head was only thinking about being on the other side.

"Mui is out there."

The map he carried in his breast pocket suddenly became hot.

Most places on the map, was marked with red ink. But there was only one place that was enclosed in a circle. Suddenly, Kurumi grabbed Takeshi's shoulder and pulled him.

-Takeshi, we'd better get back....

Her voice seemed to be full of fear.

-Please Takeshi.

Kurumi's face looked pale. Takeshi held Kurumi by the shoulders and said:

-Isoshima, you go back to the academy. Ida, you too.

-Hey... What are you planning to do? -Ida asked.

Takeshi didn't answer. He just let go of Kurumi's shoulders.


-I'm sorry...

Takeshi turned around and crossed the barrier. For a moment he felt like some kind of membrane clinging to his whole body, but it was relatively easy to cross.


The woman tried to stop Takeshi however the voice no longer reached him. The outside and inside of the barrier were completely isolated.

-Wait Takeshi, don't go!

Ida at that moment held Kurumi by the hand because she tried to pass the barrier to chase Takeshi.

-Isoshima, we'd better go back don't you think?


Kurumi turned to Ida and stomped on her foot.


When Ida jumped up and down in pain, he let go of Kurumi and she took the opportunity to run into the barrier and through it.

-Wait, Isoshima!

Ida chased after her in a hurry and before she knew it, she had broken through the barrier as well. When she stopped and looked back, that transparent room was nowhere to be seen.

-What on earth...?

That entrance they called "The Box", could only be recognized by those who carried and held down a button they called "Conscierge". Once you were completely outside, no other person, wizard or not, would be able to see or touch "the box". Of course, neither Takeshi, Kurumi, nor Ida, had any knowledge of that. Ida knew it was more important to follow Kurumi than to stay and investigate where the box had gone, so she continued running.

She quickly found Kurumi and in turn, they both met up with Takeshi. At the end of the road, there was an intersection where the Wizard Breath and the Trailer were still engaged in a fierce battle, so Takeshi had to hide for the time being.

The three of them ducked into the entrance of a subway parking garage of one of the nearby buildings, waiting for the battle to end.

-Hey, the person we saw fighting earlier... did he really die? -Kurumi asked.

-It's possible," Ida answered.

At that moment they both sighed with concern.

-It looks like it's serious. -Ida added.

While both of them were getting depressed, Takeshi began to check the map seriously.

-Takeshi, the color of your eyes?

When Kurumi pointed, Ida turned to look at Takeshi in surprise.

-You're always pulling out your sword huh?

Takeshi who already had Twilight drawn in his right hand said to them:

-You guys should also prepare to use your magic.

Kurumi put her hands in her skirt pockets and checked to make sure her lipstick was there.

-Even if you say that, you know well that I can't fight. -Kurumi clarified.

-You know how to use basic magic, don't you?

-I'm still practicing...

Ida laughed at Kurumi's weakness and then said:

-Wait a second, In your case, Isoshima can transform you into a little girl to escape right?

-Even having seen that before, you're saying such things? Even if I'm a little girl or something else, here they're going to try to kill me no questions asked.

Kurumi shrugged her shoulders in complete terror.

Meanwhile, Takeshi continued to look at the map very carefully.

Finally, Ida and Kurumi also approached to see the map spread out on the ground next to him.

-We are in Ebisu, aren't we? -asked Ida.

-That's supposed to be it...

While Ida and kurumi were looking for the location of the Ebisu neighborhood on the map, Takeshi pointed to a spot and said:

-If you look closely, Ebisu here is different from the living world where we came from. In this world, there is no Garden Place yet.

Once they were aware of their location, they realized that they were not far from the area Mui had marked on the map.

-The red circle marks the station, right?

Just as Kurumi mentioned, the circle marked a building near the station in the Ebisu neighborhood. Takeshi looked up and saw them both seriously concentrating on the map. Then he said:

-Hey, you are still in time to go back. It would be good if you both did that.

However, Takeshi's suggestion was immediately denied.

-I'm not going back.

-I'm not going to either.

-But it could be very dangerous. Are you sure? Isoshima, you were even screaming in fear until a while ago....

Kurumi tilted her head as if she was confused and said:

-Mmm... I didn't scream.

-Of course you did," Ida pointed out.

However, Kurumi again flatly denied it while looking sideways.

-I didn't scream! Besides, I wasn't scared at all.

Unexpectedly, Takeshi smiled.

-All right. Then we'll look for Mui quickly and come back here.



Kurumi whispered and nodded, while Ida gave a military salute.

-Hey, don't do that. -Kurumi mentioned.

-Why? -Ida asked.

-You look ridiculous saying "affirmative" and making that gesture.

-Are you serious?


Takeshi and Ida looked at each other, then burst out laughing while Kurumi pouted.

Part 6[edit]

The wind whipping across the roof of a certain building was colder than anywhere else. Meanwhile, Mui was running up a flight of stairs until he finally reached the rooftop. She walked between all the air conditioning units lined up on the place, and shouted:


She was 97% sure that her older brother was in that place. Mui had been waiting for that moment since the time she was with the fortune-telling witch at the magic festival. In her hands, she carried the pistol named "Arthur" by her own older brother.

Hearing her voice, Aiba Tsuganashi turned to look at her coldly. The setting sun could be seen behind him and his face in the gloom looked even more gloomy.

-You again?

Tsuganashi was standing on the edge of the rooftop and jumped back inside and started walking towards Mui.

When he was close enough, Mui noticed that the military saber he was carrying was covered in blood. She didn't even want to imagine whose blood it was. Maybe from some fellow Wizard Breath student, or some student she had seen at the academy at some point. It didn't matter who it was. He was terrified at the thought of knowing.

-Stop chasing me.

Tsuganashi shook the sword to wring out the blood and then carefully wiped it with a cloth he pulled out. Meanwhile, Mui clenched his fists to stop the shaking of his shoulders. He waited for Tsuganashi to sheathe the saber, and finally spoke:

-I will never give up. I will pursue you until you are by my side again.

However, Tsuganashi scoffed at Mui's desperate words and said:

-I am not your brother.

Mui then, reached into his pocket. The gesture made Tsuganashi become alert and he quickly stretched out his white-gloved hands which were his Aspect. But, as soon as he saw that what Mui pulled out was not a weapon or his Aspect, he lowered his hand.

-Look at this and tell me what you can say about it. -Mui said.

She threw a handful of pictures toward him.

-Those white gloves you're wearing, I gave them to you for one of your birthdays.

The scattered photos showed a boy and a girl. The boy was wearing a pair of white gloves that were still too big for him, but he was smiling at his little sister who was shyly giving him a peace sign. They looked like a pair of very close siblings. However, the photographs were simply trampled over by Tsuganashi.

-These things can easily be faked. But, it doesn't matter whether your story is true or not. Because what I am sure of, is that I am now Tsuganashi of the Trailer.

-Do you want me to come back to you? How many of your fellow Wizard Breath members would attack me in doing so? Don't say stupid things...


Her brother's stubborn attitude was the same as before and Mui could no longer find what to say.

"I thought that if I showed him the pictures, he would react, but it doesn't seem to have worked."

At that moment, an explosion occurred several kilometers to the southwest. It was the blaze of the battle between the Trailers and Wizard Breath's. Mui knew that Wizard Breath would attack the Trailers in the area south of Ebisu Station. It was to be three days before C7 began operations 356 and 358. When these operations began, the communities increased the number of "Concierges" throughout the ruined world. By Concierges, they meant black magic-using mages who managed the entrances to the ruined world and the living world by creating a special barrier that could not be affected by magic and only let those who carried a special button use the mirror.

Mui took advantage of the start of the operation to go out into the ruined world through the many Concierges entrances that belonged to Wizard Breath. She knew that her brother would appear at that specific location on that specific day, so she kept herself hidden in a nearby building until the time came. And from what she had seen, in that time frame, the C7 situation in battle was not encouraging.

The Trailers had concentrated on dominating the airspace. On top of that, on the ground they were carrying out stealth assassinations at night, targeting only mages of advanced rank, using a minimum number of troops. Something they referred to as: "Operation Jackal". That strategy had done considerable damage lately.

Mui wanted to help the Wizard Breath, but his only reason for being there was to rescue his brother, so he just observed the situation from afar. Tsuganashi was one of those who had been participating in the so-called Jackal operation. For the past three days.

Before entering the building they were currently in, Mui witnessed a frozen mage fall several meters from the rooftop. As the man fell to the ground, blood splattered everywhere, leaving a sight of eerie and grotesque red flowers. Mui rushed to the entrance of the building and shed tears without realizing it. She didn't want her brother to keep doing such horrible things.

-Cheer up, child. I've been thinking about you since the last time we saw each other.


Mui did not understand what Tsuganashi said so she just stared at him, then he smiled slightly and added:

-I pictured you in my mind over and over again turning you into an ice statue. And I thought: What would be the most suitable position to freeze you in? Then I thought of one where you would keep that sad expression you have, forever.

Tsuganashi adjusted his white gloves with a smile.

-Ni-Nii-san... You would never do something like that..." Mui replied shaking his head.

-You're wrong. Of course I can. My magic is capable of that. If you say I'm your brother so much, then you should know. I can freeze everything with my "Evil Ice."

Mui shook his head once more.

-No, my brother would never use his power on a living being. He never used his magic that way.

-It seems that brother you remember was a dull fellow. Isn't this power a wasted treasure?

Mui looked at Tsuganashi who was smiling coldly and said:

-My brother used to create ice flowers for me.


When Mui heard that strange reaction, he looked up only to see his older brother burst out laughing.

-Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ice flowers? Are you serious? I see you used my powers to play with, huh? They sure were all works of art. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

-Don't-don't be silly, Nii-san! -You always used your power to help others, not to hurt people.

Tsuganashi couldn't seem to stop laughing when he heard everything she said.

-I've had enough of joking around. The only thing I will use this power for, is to get rid of all the mages in Wizard Breath. Your precious community, your precious friends, and you, I will freeze them all. I will turn their lives into flowers. You dress them up, don't you, those red flowers scattered around the building?


While mui remained horrified, Tsuganashi displayed his white gloves and began at once.

-Free yourself!

From those white gloves, light blue magic particles sprouted.

Mui responded instantly upon learning that her brother was about to cast a high-level affinity magic spell on her.

-Free yourself!

-Too late...

Tsuganashi's attack was faster than Mui, who didn't even manage to aim his gun.

-Grow up! "Thousand Fang!"

The entire surrounding ground, was covered with a thin layer of ice from which, several fang-shaped ice columns emerged.

- "Float!"

Mui soared through the sky with levitation magic to avoid the attack.

-It's useless, take it down! "Big Hail!"

A large amount of fist-sized hail blew down in a gale and hit Mui. She was blown away by the wind, but still managed to aim her gun at her brother and fired:

- "Thunder mil!

The yellow-colored magic particles that gathered in the baked of the barrel of her gun, and drew a huge magic circle and from there, a lightning bolt came out and transformed into a kind of turbine between the two of them, sending all the hail flying.

-Oh, that's right. You are a user of "Acceleration Magic." -Tsuganashi mentioned smiling with interest.

-Nii-san already stopped all of this....

However, he didn't hear what she shouted from the air and waved his right hand with the white glove again.

- "Diamond Cedar!"

Tsuganashi grew a huge icicle that spread out with branches and ice blades just to attack Mui. That Spell, had been created by the two of them when they used to play together.

-If you claim to have forgotten everything and forgotten me, then don't use that spell!!!!!

With tears in her eyes, Mui pointed at the newly created ice tree.

- "Melt Projection!"

The yellow-colored magic particles, gathered in the canyon bake once again, and created a gigantic magic circle. The branches and leaves stretching towards it were pierced by the heat ray. However, Mui was caught off her feet from behind and lost her balance.


As she floated, Tsuaganshi was below her, and while holding her feet, he spoke in a cold manner and said:

-It's over. "Stab Robin!"

As he uttered that spell, several birds flew several robins made of ice, flew quickly like bullets, severely wounding Mui.


Her clothes were tearing, blood began to gush out and immense pain flooded her entire body. Mui could do nothing.

Tsuganashi made all the ice disappear like dust, and when everything returned to normal. He looked at Mui. She was an intermediate class mage who belonged to Wizard Breath.

-It was a bit difficult to deal with you.....

Tsuganashi slowly approached to corroborate and bent down to check if Mui was dead. At that moment, Mui's eyes shot open and she placed her hand on the surface of the ground as if she was grasping something even though there was nothing there.

-Hold him "Fast eel!"

Her yellow-colored magic particles, spread out on the ground, forming several snake-like strips that wrapped around Tsuganashi.


When Mui stood up, he pulled the bundle of magic particles in his left hand immobilizing Tsuganashi.


As Tsuganashi squirmed and groaned trying to get free, Mui couldn't help but raise her fists in triumph.

-I did it!

It turns out that when she attacked the tree with her "Melt Projection" spell, she took the opportunity to send and weave tiny threads of her magic particles into the ground so thinly that they were invisible. When Mui breathed a sigh of relief awakening her lacerated and ragged body. She received a whisper in her ear.

-What did you say you accomplished?


Something impossible was happening. Mui just heard her brother's voice behind her. She couldn't even say anything to him because in front of her, the older brother she had held with the yellow snakes suddenly shattered.

-I'm so sorry, but that was just an ice statue.

The merciless voice caught Mui like a Shinigami.


He grabbed her by the neck from behind and lifted her up. Those very cold white gloves, tightened Mui's thin neck.


She had to shoot her brother behind her with the gun. But even if she thought about doing so, her hands were too cold and her fingers numb.

-You had said that if I trained more, everything would come out the same way, right, Mui?


Mui had not yet lost consciousness and could hear him clearly and thought about it for a moment.

-What? What was I supposed to say just now? -Tsuganashi stammered.

His hand that was squeezing Mui's neck loosened slightly.

-Nii... saa... saa... n did... you... re... cordar, something?

Even standing behind his back, she could clearly feel her brother's confusion.

-No! You... are... just... saying... weird... things... to... confuse... me...

-Those .... are your memories... I... was... the one who told you that...

It was when Tsuganashi was in the sixth year of elementary school and it was his turn to attend the magical affinities class for the first time. The destructive magic "Evil Ice", was one of the most difficult to control and therefore, Tsuganashi lived every day attached to a special training regimen. And for Mui who always watched her brother from a distance, that was no one else's job.

-Nii-san, you still lack practice. You have to train more to always do it the same way. I will also do it together with you.

The task Tsuganashi was given at the beginning was to shape ice animals, Tsuganashi tried hard and started to practice with clay, but he was always worried that he couldn't do it correctly. Mui was always with him and helped him knead the clay to make elephants, giraffes and penguins.

-I want to play the same as you. -Tsuganashi said.

-No! I'm supposed to be helping you train. -replied Mui complaining.

Her brother always laughed gleefully.

"I can remember that..."

Mui's situation was critical, but there was still hope in her heart.

-You're a very annoying girl. I'll freeze you from the throat.

-Ni... i... i... sa... n....

There was a part of her older brother that could still be recovered. That was enough for her.

"I don't have to give up anymore, I can still get my brother back."

However, her consciousness was slowly starting to drift away.

Mui no longer felt her body and her slightly open eyes, they were slowly closing.

"If only... I could do something else..."

Mui without realizing that he had dropped his gun, raised his hands and placed them on his brother's hand that was squeezing his neck. It was cold, but still, it was her brother's hand. Mui's eyes began to slowly close and at the same time, her whole world turned to darkness.

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Part 7[edit]

While Mui was fighting with Tsuganashi, Takeshi and the others were hurrying towards Ebisu station.

-This is it!

Takeshi emerged from the shelter of the gloom of a building, and hurriedly ran to a corner ten meters ahead where he ducked behind a flowerbed. After him, Ida and Kurumi ran toward the same spot.

With Twilight drawn and the purple circles of evasive magic glowing in his eyes, Takeshi was using his intuitive ability "Strike Vision" to detect enemies and in that way, he had managed to approach the station without running into any Trailers or Wizard Breath mages.

After Ida slipped behind the small shadow of the flowerbed and after standing behind Takeshi, she said:

-Hey, I had been wondering what kind of magic yours was, and now that I see it in action, I realize it's quite useful.

When Kurumi heard that she turned to look and said:

-Of course it is. Your intuition is practically a prediction.

Indeed the intuition effect of "Strike Vision", seemed to have increased its range of action thanks to the training. Four months ago, he could barely predict things that were an instant away from happening, but now, he was fully capable of anticipating up to a minute. However, his ability did not show him things that were going to happen as a kind of vision, as it did with the other prediction magics.

In Takeshi's case, his prediction was nothing more than an intuition that allowed him to feel the events that were going to happen. Like when you feel a shiver down your back or when you feel a kind of electrical signal that tells you something is wrong.

Just at that moment, Takeshi felt something approaching from the front. It was coming towards them from a very close place.


Takeshi silenced Ida and Kurumi who were behind him. A few seconds later, five mages flew past from that direction and crossed the street. A blue cloak they wore, billowed in the wind revealing a navy blue military uniform.

"They are wizards from Wizard Breath."

If they found them, possibly the only thing they would do, would be to scold them and tell them to return back to the academy, so Takeshi and his friends stayed hidden until the wizards left. When he stood up after they left, Takeshi began to concentrate his magic on the hand that held the sword.


Takeshi suddenly ducked his head as if he had just been in severe pain.

-Takeshi! -Kurumi exclaimed worriedly.

-It seems that the way to that side is dangerous. -Takeshi mentioned.

Then he pointed to the east route towards the station. Kurumi stared at a straight road in front of them and said:

-Well... How about we go that way?

However, Takeshi slowly denied and said:

-No, I don't know what will happen yet. I have to look ahead.

Takeshi again concentrated his magical power on the hand wielding the sword. The purple-colored magic particles completely covered Twilight. However, they were beginning to shake unsteadily.

-Takeshi, be careful. Don't overdo it....

Kurumi gently placed her hand on Takeshi's arm. But he inadvertently shook her off.

"More...more...I need to concentrate more. I need to find a route that will take us directly to Mui."

Takeshi closed his eyes and deposited a large amount of magical power into Twilight.

-Just a little more...

Soon Takeshi started panting and breathing heavily until suddenly, he felt something else and said:

-Someone is coming from behind.

Quickly Ida turned to look behind and said:

-I think we'd better move from this spot.

Ida seemed to have heard hurried footsteps a moment ago.

-That's enough, Takeshi. I'll go see if anyone is there.

Kurumi came out from behind the flowerbed and started walking across the street.

-There doesn't seem to be anyone around here.

Then she turned to look at Takeshi. Both he and Ida followed her across a street in a straight line and began to run. However, when Kurumi turned right into a narrow passageway, Takeshi was horrified and his whole body shuddered.

-Wait, Isoshima! Don't go that way...

She made an attempt to stop, but it was too late. Something from the sky fell to the ground and landed right in front of Kurumi. It was three black shadows that landed in front of her. Those shadows were actually three crows that had landed in a dark passageway between two buildings which immediately transformed into three people. Two men and a woman.

-Th-those crows turned into people. -Ida exclaimed.

He caught up to Kurumi and stood alert.

-What do you mean?

When Kurumi took a step back, those three strangers looked at Takeshi and then at the others in a serious manner.

-Are they students of the academy? -said one of them.

-They don't seem to be wearing combat uniforms," said the woman.

Those three looked to be in their early twenties and although they wore black fatigues, their clothes were casual and did not look like military uniforms at all.

-What are they doing here? -He asked Ida, one of the men who looked like he was their leader.

-Well, we have something to do. -Ida replied.

The man frowned at the answer.

-Where is your community? The C7 rules clearly specify that they must wear military uniforms, don't they?

-That's not important," Takeshi replied instead of Ida. The man became even heavier at the answer and said:

-What doesn't matter? Then tell me what you are doing here...

-We're just looking for someone. We didn't come here to fight.

At Takeshi's answer, the other guy, who was not the leader, laughed.

-What are you talking about? You've come to the battlefield, but you're not going to fight? it's a very funny joke.

The leader of the group also smiled.

-Even if they are students. Once you are here, you are enemies of the Trailers. Surrender and we won't hurt you.

-We won't. -Takeshi replied.

The man smiled even wider.

-Then we'll make you feel some pain.

-Do you want to try?

The woman, who had been silent all the time, made a face of displeasure. The other two men, meanwhile, set about taking their weapons from her hips.

-Agreed, we'll finish them off quickly.

The two men took their swords while the woman, touched a brooch she wore on her chest.

-Free yourself! -exclaimed the three in unison.

Immediately magical particles of different colors began to come out of their bodies. Takeshi, Ida and Kurumi, also had their aspects prepared. They had not done anything yet, but the woman suddenly looked at them and asked:

-It looks like they are not going to use the release spell.

-Are they underestimating us? -one of the men exclaimed, completely angry. But then the leader called out to him:

-Don't lose your cool.

At that moment, vivid magic particles of cobalt blue, wine red and beige colors shone and concentrated on their respective aspects.

-Drive!" exclaimed the three again at the same time.

Immediately, the magic particles covered their bodies like a kind of membrane. Neither Takeshi nor his two friends knew that it was an advanced combination of defensive magic spell. However, Takeshi and Kurumi instantly activated the defensive magic.

- "Protection!"

After a short delay Ida also hurriedly exclaimed the same simple basic magic spell.

-Ah that's right, Protection!

One of the men looked at the small particles covering the body of Takeshi and his friends and began to sneer.

-Ha ha ha! Did you hear that? they said "protection". How adorable. I hadn't heard it in a while.

-Can I kill them? -asked the woman coolly. Then the leader nodded.

-We have orders to join another group as quickly as possible. We'll leave that to you. The two of us will go ahead.

-We'll leave that to you. We're moving out. You take over...

The two men again transformed into crows, and left the same way they came. They left the woman alone and flew away in no time.

-They are right. I must do this quickly.

The mage still looked annoyed but still she reached out to touch the swan-shaped brooch she wore on her chest and exclaimed:

- "Flake!"

Suddenly, the mage's body changed shape and transformed into another creature.


-What the heck, that chick turned into a cat now?

Ida and Kurumi stepped back at that moment while Takeshi, raising his sword against them, stepped forward.

-It doesn't matter what she looks like. She's not a cat.

She was too big to be a cat. She had black fur and her body reached a length of a couple of meters.

-Is she a black panther?

When Kurumi said that in surprise, the panther quickly pounced on her.


Takeshi quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her. While holding Kurumi in his arms as if she was going to fall, Takeshi stared at the creature.

-Are you all right? -Ida exclaimed.

Kurumi nodded with a rigid expression of complete bewilderment. The black panther had descended on the spot where she had previously been standing and was licking its paws gracefully. The spot where it landed, however, had been torn to shreds.

-There's a hole in the ground....

Takeshi suddenly sensed danger for Ida who was still in a daze and exclaimed:

-Ida! To your left


This time, the paws of the panther that jumped at Ida were covered with beige-colored magic particles. It had strengthened its paws with magic, so the panther left another hole where Ida had been standing.

-Even though I dodged it, I don't think I can do it again," Ida exclaimed.

But Takeshi had already activated his magic power on Twilight.


An intense headache invaded him, making him gasp involuntarily. In an attempt to get too far ahead of events that his intuition could detect, Twilight had begun to try to absorb more of the magical power than Takeshi had willingly given her.

She was losing a great deal of magical power. Takeshi didn't know what would happen if he completely lost control of the sword at that moment.


Kurumi was still still in Takeshi's arms. She just looked at Takeshi with a face full of anguish and not realizing that she was about to cry. But Takeshi, suddenly smiled a little making her surprised.

-I could see something," she mumbled.


After that, Takeshi made Kurumi stand behind him. The black panther jumped in front of Takeshi, who narrowly dodged it. The skateboarder snorted in disgust and in a single instant, bit Takeshi in the throat but he tried to hit it with his sword and the panther quickly jumped back and placed itself at a distance where it couldn't reach it with the sword.

-Ida, concentrate..." Takeshi exclaimed without taking his eyes off the animal.

-I am! -Ida exclaimed.

-No, I mean try to attack it.

Once she understood what Takeshi meant, Ida nodded:


Kurumi behind Takeshi clasped her hands together and asked:

-Takeshi What are they planning to do?

Kurumi didn't need an intuition skill to have a bad feeling.

-You back off Isoshima.....

Takehsi waved his hand indicating Kurumi to stay as far away as possible.


Right after, Takeshi waved his sword and uttered a spell.

- "Flick!"

That was a basic magic spell, used to shoot down objects with one shot.

The magic particles that came out of Twilight, flew towards the panther, but it nimbly dodged it. Takeshi continued to launch more attack one after another without knowing what would happen.

The panther dodged each and every attack by jumping this way and that while at the same time, it was slowly approaching towards Takeshi.

-It's too fast! -exclaimed Takeshi.

Just then the panther jumped at him once again.


Although he managed to block the attack with his sword, the blade was supposed to have wounded the panther's front paws, but instead, the blade was repelled and Takeshi staggered backwards. That was due to the strengthening of his paws with magic.

"No way..."

Once the panther touched the ground, it jumped back again. Takeshi's sword made a sharp noise as if it had clashed against metal. However, Takeshi couldn't fight the huge creature and it ended up digging its claws into his shoulder.

-Takeshiiii!" Kurumi exclaimed with intensity. Echoing throughout the place.

When the panther landed on the ground after its attack, it quickly attacked again and again. While Takeshi was facing the panther, Ida was standing back by gathering magic power in his right hand.

Even though Takeshi had asked her to do that, Ida was beginning to lose patience seeing what was happening in front of him. Takeshi started to receive multiple wounds all over his body and seeing that, Kurumi started to turn pale.


In the area where they were, there had been many battles previously. Most of the walls of the surrounding buildings had been destroyed and the few remaining concrete walls were badly cracked. Takeshi was fighting the panther while being chased by it, until suddenly Takeshi took cover behind a wall. The panther attacked Takeshi repeatedly with its powerful jaws.

Takeshi stepped out and moved his head to the right to dodge and called out to Ida while holding the panther.

-Ida! Hit it on the right side.

-Hey? What are you saying? -There?

Seeing Takeshi's position, Ida quickly reached out her hand.

Instantly, Ida's orange-colored magic spread throughout the area and exploded. Flames and hot air hit Takeshi and the panther while Kurumi who was far behind him, ducked down and nothing but a gust of wind reached her.

Takeshi raised his sword in the middle of that hot glow and exclaimed:

- "Wreck!

A purple-colored magic power shot out in a straight line and destroyed some overhanging eaves of the buildings. The thick chunks of concrete collapsed on Takeshi and the panther. As the orange flames dispersed, Ida involuntarily wanted to cover her eyes.


Kurumi raised her face and looked at Ida who only made a sound and seeing the situation, shouted at her:

-Hey Ida!!!!

The place where Takeshi and the panther had been, was full of pieces of collapsed concrete.

-It can't be... Takeshi....

Kurumi stood up to get a good look at the promontory of rubble, a part of the panther was sticking out of the rubble and suddenly, it started to move strangely. Takeshi slowly crawled out from under the animal.

-It looks like it served as a mattress for you. -Ida mumbled, relaxing her shoulders. However, Kurumi distorted her mouth in annoyance. She ran up to Ida and slapped her back with all her might.

-You idiot! You almost burned Takeshi.

But Takeshi, who could barely stand up, asked Kurumi to calm down.

-Don't worry. It was part of the plan.

Even so, Kurumi was still uneasy.

-Is she dead? -Ida asked, approaching the panther.

Takeshi simply shook his head.

-Don't worry, she's just unconscious. Let's seize the moment and get out of here.

She had been embraced by Ida's flames and then hit in the back by the concrete chunks so she wasn't going to wake up any time soon.

-Even so, a magic that transforms a person into a huge panther must be very advanced," Ida said as she nodded. -And since it was a woman who turned into a panther, then that means this is a female panther, right? Wow, she's not cute at all.

When Kurumi heard him say that, she silently walked over and kicked him in the shin.

Part 8[edit]

Takeshi, Ida and Kurumi, continued on their way to the station and did not meet any wizards on their way again.

-How are you feeling, Takeshi? -Kurumi asked anxiously. Takeshi smiled and answered:

-I'm very well. The bleeding seems to have stopped.

Takeshi's expression looked quite bright even though a while ago he had received many cuts from the sharp claws of the panther he fought.

-All this is thanks to the fact that you've been practicing healing magic. -Takeshi mentioned, flashing her a smile. She turned her face away shyly in response.

-I-It's one of the basic magics. It's obvious that she had to learn it....

In her study of basic magic, Kurumi had become capable of using a special spell called "Hemostasis" that served to stop bleeding from wounds. That was what she used to treat Takeshi's wounds.

-Neither I, nor Nanase can do something like that..." Ida commented with a smile. Then Kurumi replied in a hostile manner:

-You'd better stay away from us a little bit will you, "Nokon" boy?

<<Translator Ore no Honyaku: Nokon is a nickname Kurumi made up on the fly to insult Ida. She got it from the English words "No control". Referring to Ida not controlling her power and always exploding>>>.

-Who are you calling Nokon?

-Weren't you throwing magic where you shouldn't have been?

Ida didn't take kindly to him belittling her ability that should have been seen as cool.

-There's no problem because everything went as planned. Hey, tell her something Nanase.

Takeshi smiled and said:

-Don't worry Isoshima. Everything he did, was part of our plan.

When Takeshi beckoned Kurumi to stop arguing, she calmed down and became silent.

-By the way. I can see it now...

Takeshi walked slowly and pointed to a building.

-That building?

The three of them had already arrived at the building located in front of the station where Mui was supposed to be. The rooftop of that building was exposed to an intense icy wind. Even colder than the autumn breezes.

The three looked perplexed as they climbed the stairs as before that, they had seen some blood-tinged blocks of ice near the back door. Most likely there were people inside them, but neither Takeshi nor Kurumi nor Ida, had the courage to check. They simply walked past the place looking away until they reached the stairs. Beyond many outdoor air conditioning units. Takeshi's eyes caught something quickly.

There was a man who appeared to be about to leave the site. He had black hair, carried a military saber at his waist and wore white gloves. He was holding a small girl under his arm.


Tsuganashi was standing on the edge of the rooftop, but looked up again when he heard Takeshi's voice seeming to fade in the breeze. Kurumi and Ida were shocked to see the disdainful look on the man's face. However, Takehsi was different.

-What did you do to Mui! Let her go!

Takeshi hurriedly ran through the pile of air conditioners. He quickly stood in front of Tsuganashi and lifted Twilight up.

-Uwaa how scary. That guy's gaze is pretty intense.

-Ta... Takeshi...

Ida and Kurumi who didn't change their expressions of fear towards Tsuganashi, stood completely still.

-Talk! What did you do to Mui?

Despite Takeshi's demands, Tsuganashi just looked at it as something unimportant. But suddenly he acted as if he had noticed something and spoke:

-I feel like I know you from somewhere... Ah, that's right. I've seen you before in the living world.

Takeshi saw Mui being unconscious under his arm, she moved slightly so he could see that she was alive, though he never thought she was dead otherwise Tsuganashi wouldn't be trying to take her away.

Tsuganashi smiled silently as he saw that Takeshi already showed the magic circles shining in his eyes. While on the other hand, Takeshi indignantly glared at him.

-You're supposed to be her older brother. Why are you treating her like this?

-Again with that... Could you guys stop saying such stupid things? Being brothers means nothing in this place.

Tsuganashi's voice sounded calm and serene despite Takeshi's anger.

-I belong to the Trailers and she belongs to Wizard breath. That's more than enough reason to kill each other.

Tsuganashi's calmness was irritating to Takeshi.

-Because of Trailers and Wizard Breath? That's what motivates you?

Since Tsuganashi intended to take Mui, it was more than predictable what he intended to do. Once with them, they would alter his memories as they did with him.

Seeing the fury with which Takeshi was looking at him, Tsuganashi let out a sigh and then dropped Mui to the ground.


While laughing at Takeshi who was distracted looking at Mui, Tsuganashi extended his gloved hands to the front:

- "Free yourself."

Tsuganashi thought Takeshi would immediately respond by activating his magic, but suddenly he stared in surprise.

-What's wrong, aren't you going to cast the release spell?

However, as soon as he asked that, he seemed to have realized something.

-Aah, that's right. You're a novice. That's why you don't know how to use magic properly. My, my, what a good job. They went to all the trouble of coming all the way out here to die.

Takeshi squeezed Twilight tightly and prepared to face Tsuganashi. But the latter only looked at him with pity and then laughed.

-In spite of everything, I won't hold back.

At that moment, Takeshi detected danger with the help of Strike Vision, but it was too late.

- "Wire Blizzard!"

Light blue particles sprouted from Tsuganashi's right hand, drawing a magic circle from which, several ropes made of ice came out and attacked not only Takeshi, but also Ida and Kurumi. Takeshi was pulled to his right hand while Ida and Kurumi were thrown against the wall of the stairs. The ice ropes, moving flexibly like a whip despite the material they were made of, tried to strike Takeshi from above.


Takeshi cast a defensive spell and pushed back the ropes with his sword.

-Are you using beginner's magic?

With a completely different attitude, Tsuganashi cast a spell on himself.

- "Drive!"

An immense amount of magic particles by far, superior to Takeshi's, came out of his left hand and covered his body. At that moment, the strings of ice coming out of his right hand became thicker, longer and more energetic.



Takeshi turned to look when he heard Kurumi and Ida's screams and saw them both fall to the ground after being hit by the ice ropes.

One of the ice wires flew at full speed towards him. It hit Takeshi easily penetrating the defense of the "Protection" spell he had used and collided with his sword.


Twilight flew off and Takeshi rolled on the ground. Tsuganashi looked at them coldly and said:

- "Drive is an advanced spell of basic magic that applies three different types of defensive magic on you and strengthens you. Remember it even if you are not able to use it.

Takeshi had received a cut from his shoulder to his side and was holding his pain as he listened to Tsuganashi speak. Ida and Kurumi were further away from Takeshi, but they were less injured because the force of the attack towards them was less.

-Imbecile! Take this..." Ida exclaimed from the background.

Immediately, a stream of orange flames burst out like a flamethrower and attacked Tsuganashi.

-Fire? I see... you're a destructive magic user. In that case, "Ice Castle."

The ropes of ice, dispersed into light blue magic particles and disappeared.

-What? Where did this wall come from?

In place of the ice ropes, a beautiful ice castle that looked like something out of a fairy tale had appeared, which made it look like there was an ice festival on the rooftop. Ida, however, was trapped inside, throwing punches at the sturdy walls.

-You need oxygen to create your flames. In there, you only have a limited amount of oxygen, so you won't be able to use your flames.

-Shit! I'm going to break this with my flames right now.

Whether she had heard what she had been told or not, Ida still began to concentrate her magic power in her right hand. But Takeshi intuitively shouted for what would happen.


However, Tsuganashi moved before he could say anything to her.

-I'm going to finish you off.

An electric current ran down Takeshi's spine and he quickly looked back at Tsuganashi who was laughing and stretching his palms out in front of him.

- "Invisible Disc!"

Takeshi quickly picked up Twilight and shoved her in front of him. He immediately heard the sound of something cracking in front of his chest. It was something he couldn't see.

-Takeshi!!! -Kurumi exclaimed next to the ice castle.

-Isoshima! Take cover behind Ida's ice.....

When Takeshi shouted worriedly, several invisible objects suddenly flew towards him one after another, but he repelled them with his sword thanks to the help of his intuitive ability. Kurmi said nothing and simply ran for cover behind the ice castle where Ida was trapped.

Many of those objects flew towards where she was, piercing walls and even the castle.

-Evasive magic? How interesting....

Tsuganashi smiled squinting his eyes with his palms in front of him. Meanwhile, Takeshi deposited his magic power on Twilight and kept repelling those invisible objects flying like arrows.


Those objects, upon colliding with Twilight's blade, shattered and shattered like glass.

-It's very interesting!

The fragments that should have been flying away hit Takeshi's face causing scratches.

-Give Mui back to me! -Takeshi shouted.

Several discs made of ice were falling at his feet. But they were so thin, they were practically invisible. Had it not been for his evasive magic, it would have been impossible to look at them. Mui who was unconscious and lying beside Tsuganashi, was aware of Takeshi's call and opened her eyes.


The icy wind was still blowing in the meantime.

She tried to move, but it seemed that her body was dazed by the excessive use she had made of her magic. She was still exhausted from the fight with her brother. She could barely move her eyes so she tried to see what was going on. Meanwhile, Takeshi was still fighting against Tsuganashi's invisible disks. The attack seemed to be endless, however, Tsuganashi knew there was a limit.

-There seemed to be fewer disks.....

Takeshi finally realized that the intensity of Tsuganashi's attack had waned. His magic was wearing thin.

-It doesn't matter. I don't need too much magic power to finish you off anyway.

After saying that, Tsuganashi switched hands to continue performing the attack. At that moment, the purple-colored magic circles glowing in Takeshi's eyes became darker.

-Here it comes!

With his eyes wide open, Takeshi began to run according to his intuition.

-Stab Robin!

From Tsuganashi's hands, many birds made of ice flew towards Takeshi at high speed like bullets. Takeshi swung his sword from side to side, repelling the attack of the birds and deflecting them to specific places as best he could.

-Are you repelling them and trying to hit the ice wall with them?

All the birds crashing into Takeshi's sword were being deflected into the ice castle where Ida was trapped. The birds slammed into the ice walls making holes that allowed air to flow inside.


Ida almost suffocated inside, but at that moment she was able to take a deep breath and gasped.


Kurumi, helped Ida out of there through one of the holes in the wall.

-I was already looking at the light at the end of the tunnel... -Ida whispered between moans. Kurumi frowned and said:

-If you can joke like that, it means you're okay.

-I'm... I'm sorry...

Seeing that Ida had been rescued from her ice prison, Tsuganashi twisted his face in a gesture of fury. Mui barely stood up sideways and clung to his leg.

-Nii-san... don't do this anymore!

Tsuganashi turned his cold gaze towards her and pointed with the palm of his hand.

- "Death Cube!"


A series of ice shackles, seized Mui's hands and feet slamming her back to the ground.

-Stop it! -Takeshi shouted tiredly.

-If they say this girl is my little sister, then you shouldn't care what I do with her.

Seeing Tsuganashi's attitude that said that quite naturally, Takeshi replied:

-Don't give me bullshit! Think a little about how Mui feels towards you.


With his face down and a pressure on his chest, Mui was on the verge of tears. Takeshi continued:

-If you're not going to think about her, I'm going to make you do it by force!

-Try it if you can, rookie. -Tsuganashi replied completely irritated.

Then. He extended his hand to the front to launch a new attack.

-Wire Blizzard!

However, Takeshi didn't wait around. While Tsuganashi deployed his Ice ropes, Takeshi deposited his magic power on Twilight. So far, Takeshi had held back on giving magic power, lest it drain him completely. But now, he was depositing as much magical power as possible into her.

Twilight, neither slow nor lazy, began to greedily suck Takeshi's magic power like a hungry beast. The purple particles surrounding the hilt began to darken. At the same time, cramps and tremors coming from his right hand began to invade his whole body in the same way as it did the first time he touched the sword. A pain also invaded his right arm followed by dizziness and headaches that sapped his strength.

But, despite everything, Takeshi continued to give his magical power to the sword without the slightest intention of letting go of it. His face turned pale and his knees trembled. He was already almost on the verge of fainting.

Trying to pour all his magical power into Twilight, Takeshi squeezed the hilt with the last of his remaining strength.

-Please! Make it come out...

On the verge of falling to his knees and while begging the sword, Takeshi exclaimed:

- "Free yourself!"

The moment Takeshi's desperate cry resounded, Twilight responded in the clearest way possible.

Tsuganashi, witnessed how the magical power that was in the sword, manifested as a black cartridge the moment Takeshi used the "Liberate" release spell.



Mui was also astonished to see that.

"Can he control Twilight already?" she wondered.

However, Takeshi was struggling to keep the cartridge out, though by itself, it was useless.

-Ida! Throw it to me now..." Takeshi exclaimed to Ida, who was already outside the ice castle.

-Hey, you made me work hard to do this....

Ida threw Takeshi something that she held tightly in her right hand. It was a metal cylinder that flew through the air which Takeshi caught with his left hand and then put it into the cartridge.

After that, he placed his finger on the trigger that appeared on the grip. He didn't know if "Strike Vision" would still work after what he was about to do, but that was the only way to rescue Mui.

- "Union!"

Takeshi held the sword as far away from him as possible. He took a deep breath, pressed the trigger and exclaimed:

- "Blast Fog!!!"

The moment he pressed the trigger, Twiligh shuddered sharply as if she had throbbed.


Tsuganashi was watching that with eyes of complete disbelief. Twilight had begun to burst into flames transforming into a mass of fire.

-Her sword... has changed its shape...?

Even Mui was very surprised by what she was seeing. She had already heard things regarding the sword called "Twilight", but she had never heard that it could abruptly change its shape.

-It's not possible that it can use someone else's magic. -Tsuganashi exclaimed.

Takeshi at that moment, swung the sword to the side and all the ice bindings were practically evaporated.

-It's impossible!

Besides wielding Twilight, flames flew from his hand around the place and both of them were lost from sight. However, Takeshi knew Tsuganashi's location perfectly well thanks to intuition. Takeshi swung his sword towards Tsuganashi cutting through the flames. Mui caught a glimpse of the sword blade emerging from the flames and slashing Tsuganashi in the chest.


She screamed desperately and tried to get up and run towards him, but before she did, Tsuganashi shattered in front of her eyes. It was a strategy to distract Takeshi by using an ice statue to attack from another side. However, the magic no longer came out of Tsuganashi's white gloves. Moreover, Takeshi had positioned himself right behind him and stabbed Tsuganashi from behind.

-Gu... How... did you...?

Takeshi quickly pulled the sword out of his body and answered:

-I sensed your presence intuitively.

Unexpectedly, Tsuganashi smiled at the answer and then collapsed on the ground.


Takeshi tried to talk to the rushing Mui, but quickly felt uncomfortable and looked back again. There, stood an unfamiliar man.

-Wow wow... but what do we have here?

Takeshi felt his hair stand on end and he froze completely still.

-Are you an evasive magic user? I saw you turn to look just as I appeared. Did you predict it?

The man stepped closer, turning his crimson eyes very fixed on Takeshi and said:

-If you try to assassinate me, you'll end up dead too.

-Washizu... Kippei..." Mui muttered.

Washizu Kippei, looked away from Takeshi and fixed his gaze on Mui.

-It seems it's not necessary to introduce ourselves, but what does it matter. I'll do it anyway. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aiba Mui-san. Let me tell you that I've been taking good care of Tsuganashi-kun. Oh, by the way, he is now one of the five candidates of the Trailers. And you, you are welcome to join if you wish. It's very sad to see them at odds with each other. And it's also a problem...

Washizu took Tsuganashi by the arm and lifted him up, completely ignoring Mui and Takeshi and continued speaking:

-They are family after all.....

Takeshi had the desire to get Tsuganashi back for Mui's sake, but suddenly that feeling disappeared.

Without needing to use his intuitive magic, he was fully aware that this man would finish him off if he moved a single millimeter.

Washizu, silently cast a small spell of levitation magic, to help himself place Tsuganashi gently on his shoulders and said:

-Look what they have done to your brother. It is terrible. What a cruel little sister you are...


Mui did not move either. And, noticing them quiet and very still, Washizu lost care of them and looked back.

-Fumu... it looks like we have company.

His gaze fell on some shadows flying over the sky from the south.


When Washizu Kippei heard that cry, his shoulders shook.

-How persistent they are.


From those shadows flying in the sky approaching the place, loud screams could be heard.

Washizu, stood on the edge of the building carrying Tsuganashi on his back and then turned to look again at Mui and Takehsi who was pale and exhausted.

-See you next time, Aiba Mui-san. And to the other three as well. -He said kindly. and then, he jumped into the void.


As if escaping from the voices approaching from behind, Washizu Kippei flew several meters in the air in a single step and immediately jumped away through the air.


It was only after Washizu disappeared that Mui was finally able to speak again.

After that, several soldiers in navy blue uniforms arrived on the scene and before she even found out, that they were Wizard Breath mages, Mui lost consciousness and fainted.

Part 9[edit]

-This is a special announcement. Pupils Nanase-kun, Ida-kun, Isoshima-san of class C are requested to report to the principal's office immediately. I repeat..."

A special broadcast was blaring over the loudspeakers in the school at that moment.

Takeshi and the others, were lined up and leaning against the corridor wall in front of the academy's infirmary. Inside, they could hear someone's voice proclaiming spells from inside.

Takeshi and his friends, had been helped by the Wizard Breath mages chasing Washizu, and that was how they were able to return to the academy through a mirror. Mui had been left with multiple bruises and lacerations all over his body, so he was inside the infirmary receiving treatment by someone specializing in healing magic.

The nurse of the Hyodou-sensei academy was not present at that moment, so they had called a third year student to help her and meanwhile, Takeshi and his friends were waiting worriedly at the entrance of the infirmary.

However, after the repetition of that message on the loudspeakers, Kurumi let out a heavy sigh, detached herself from the wall and began to walk. Ida did the same. Takeshi stared at the closed door of the infirmary and then followed them.

He was very worried about Mui, but he was also aware that there was no use waiting there. At that moment, the three of them headed for the principal's office. Obviously, Takeshi was not at all sorry that he had left the academy.

Takeshi had every desire to help Mui. He was fully determined to accept whatever punishment came as a consequence. However, he regretted involving Ida and Kurumi.

When they arrived, the door to the principal's office was open, so they went in at once.

-Very well," said the headmistress. It looks like no one but you three will be coming. I was told that the three of you escaped from the academy to go look for Aiba-kun and bypassed the Concierges' control to go out into the ruined world, is that true?

The headmistress leaned back on the desk and looked the three boys in the face who had lined up in front of her.

This time she didn't have that usual appearance of a cute high school girl, but this time, Principal Shijou Momoka, also known as "Momo-tan", was looking very decadent.

She had a cut on her lip that was already healing, her head was bandaged, a patch over her right eye, and her right arm was in a cast and hanging from her neck.

"So it was true that the headmistress was injured in the mission that failed?"

As Takeshi recalled what that boy told him in the hall of mirrors, she had a stern look that didn't look at all with her childish face.

-I already explained it to the teachers. -Takeshi replied solemnly.

She quickly noticed Takeshi's unscrupulous attitude and said:

-I told you the first time you came to the academy. Never leave the academy and never get involved with the Trailers.

She looked angry because it seemed to her that they had ignored her warnings.

-Our institution does not prepare soldiers to fight the Trailers. We only teach the control of magic. And you are just beginners. The only situation in which you are allowed to use magic to fight is during an evaluation.

The headmistress stepped away from the desk and stood in front of the three of them, looking at them in a way so cold that it completely erased that childish aura.

-If you understand all that, I want you to make me a promise. .... Promise me right now, that as long as you are students of this academy, you will never leave here, let alone, pick a fight with the Trailers.

However, Takeshi had already decided what to answer.

-I can't do that.


Kurumi was surprised and turned to look at Takeshi. Again, he confirmed her answer.

-I'm sorry, but I can't promise you anything, Principal.

The principal was also surprised by Takeshi's attitude and asked:


-Because Mui hasn't given up yet.


-I have not seen anyone try to do anything to get her brother back and all they do is tell her not to try to do anything. She is aware of the dangers that this represents and no matter how much they tell her not to do it, she will continue to fight until she gets him back.

The director listened silently to everything Takeshi had to say.

-I too understand how dangerous it is out there, and because of how dangerous the Trailer's are I understand that you and the teachers have been telling us not to go near them. However, if I run into them on my own fault I will have to fight. Now, I just want to help her get her brother back. She will never give up until she does.



Kurumi, for some reason despite being at Takeshi's side felt him very distant. It was the first time she heard him wanting to do something for someone like that. However, instead of Kurumi's usual jealousy, this time, she simply felt lonely and helpless.

-You sound like someone very selfish. You remind me of someone. -The headmistress commented.


The headmistress at that moment smiled broadly. Takeshi stared at her without understanding what she meant by that last thing she said, but she ignored his gaze and put her hand to her chin saying:

-You're right... Aiba Tsuganashi huh? Certainly, that he was kidnapped by the Tarilers and Wizard Breath hasn't done anything about it yet. However, the magic that manipulates memories called "Silent Screen" is one of the most powerful Illusionary Magic abilities. In order to work on reversing the effect, you have to capture it first. The thing is, Aiba Tsuganashi is a destructive magic user and that makes him difficult to capture.

However despite all the explanation from the headmistress, Takeshi raised his rostrum and replied:

-Even so, Mui won't give up....

-Okay, I understand that. Let's see, I'll give them a chance. We'll think of a strategy to get Aiba Tsuganashi back, so let her know. However, your participation in that will depend on the results you get during the next evaluation.

-Evaluation? -Takeshi asked curiously.

The principal simply laughed.

-It's a fundamental part of a student, isn't it? Now concentrate on the Magical Aptitude Test. If you don't learn to control your magic properly first, no matter what you do you won't be able to survive this world let alone bring back Aiba Tsuganashi.

Takeshi, Kurumi and also Ida, swallowed their saliva with uncertainty. For they had seen with their own eyes the war situation that was being experienced in the ruined world. Being a mage meant that they were no longer mere bystanders.

"I'll help Mui get Aiba Tsuganashi back no matter what..."

It sounded rather absurd the proposal, but still Takeshi looked Headmistress Momoka in the eyes. Momo-tan, finally smiled at him squinting her only enabled eye.

Part 10[edit]

Once he returned from the principal's office, Mui had already woken up and Takeshi was finally able to join her.

-That's why we need to score well on the magic aptitude test.....

Takeshi found himself telling Mui everything the headmistress had told them. Mui, got up from the bed and sat still.

-Are you really going to do something to get my brother back?

-That's right..." Takeshi nodded.

Ida, who was next to him, smiled and encouraged Mui.

-Maybe it sounds selfish but, I hope you will recover soon for that.


Mui was a little surprised, but suddenly she started to shed tears.

-Hey, why are you crying? -Kurumi exclaimed in surprise. Are you still in pain somewhere?

-It's not that. It's just that you guys... I can't believe you guys came out to get me.

Mui's tears and sobbing broke her voice. Then Kurumi put her hands to her waist and averted her gaze away saying:

-Stop crying! It's not like I went because I felt worried or anything. I just went for a walk. This school is so boring and I was already feeling cooped up. Besides, I just wanted to use my magic a little.

-Use your magic? When did you do that? -Ida asked.

Hearing that, Kurumi quickly glared at Ida and shouted at her:

-And who do you think healed all her wounds with healing magic?

-Aah that's just... they were just small scratches.

-Listen, Ida-kun...!

Kurumi stretched out her hand in front, which startled Ida and he quickly ran to take shelter behind Takeshi.

-Uwaa! How scary. Nanase, please do something.

-I can't...

Hearing those cold words from Takeshi, Ida quickly ran to the back of the infirmary in disbelief.

-Gosh, running away quickly is the only thing that Nokon boy is good for..." Kurumi muttered, pursing her lips. When Mui saw that, she started to smile.

Takeshi and Kurumi, also smiled at the sight of her.

"It won't be long now, Nii-san... we'll be together again soon. I'll come to rescue you soon..."

Already more relaxed, Mui got out of bed and walked steadily, leaving the infirmary together with Takeshi and the others.

Translator's Notes and References[edit]

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