Editing This title is too long!:Volume2 Chapter6

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Nitadori, who handed me the shopping bag, is not wearing a skirt, but jeans this time, with a green military jacket and a blue sweater.
Nitadori, who handed me the shopping bag, is not wearing a skirt, but jeans this time, with a green military jacket and a blue sweater.
Nitadori placed the bag behind her, and placed her jacket on it. Then, she ties her usual long hair carefully behind her, letting the hair drape down her right shoulder to her chest before sitting down.
Nitadori placed the bag behind her, and placed her jacket on it. Then, she ties her usual long her carefully behind her, letting the hair drape down her right shoulder to her chest before sitting down.
I accept the convenience store bag.
I accept the convenience store bag.
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How much does an author need to assist when participating in the anime production? I feel that this question will depend on the work and the author.
For participation, it can be classified as two ways,
"Do the bare minimum of checks."
"Help as much as my time allows."
I chose the latter.
I had a lot of time due to my leave from school, and the writing of the continuation was going well, so chose to do that.
Most of the animation companies seemed to be located in Tokyo.
It was said that currently, anime is made digitally, and the data can be exchanged through the computers, so the company need not necessarily be in Tokyo. But even so, many companies were located there.
Thus, the production meetings of the anime 'Vice Versa' were also held in Tokyo. To attend the script meeting, I did visit their production office that was located somewhere in Tokyo.
As the words implied, the meeting was a discussion on the script.
Everyone read through the original work, and would look through the script written by the main scriptwriter, giving suggestions to improve.
Such meetings would be held once a week, so I would visit Tokyo every week, on the same day. It was around this time, last year when I first went to such a meeting, and I felt nostalgic thinking about it. I don't know how about it goes for the other anime, but I heard that the entire production speed for 'Vice Versa' itself was one of the faster ones.
During the script meeting, what I had to do was to make requests from the viewpoint of an author. However--
"To be honest, there's practically nothing to be picky about."
"That's because...the lines weren't really omitted, right? I checked the script and the original work, and found that the dialogue was hardly cut off. There was a change in scene order though."
"That's right."
As expected of Nitadori, who read through the original work and the script.
"All I did at most was some minor tweaks, like 'a little mistake in the terms' used, and also 'I hope this character won't do this thing, since I'm planning to use this as a foreshadowing in future volumes'. Unlike the original work, the first episode of the anime had the scene of Shin and Sin in a battle against Pluto. This edit was really exciting...and I was really impressed."
"So I attended all of the script meetings. All I can say is that this is a really precious experience that allowed me to truly experience the talents of the series composition writer, the scriptwriters and the anime producers. I was really looking forward to every single week, and I learned a lot of things too."
"I see--besides that, have you provided assistance in some way?"
"Hm, after checking the script, I need to check the settings and design."
The editor-in-charge would attach pictures in the mail messages, or tell me the download website. Some were character or weapon designs, and some were background design."
I would look through those pictures and check. There were a lot of characters appearing in 'Vice Versa', so the data was massive.
But I was happy.
Shin and the other characters retained the flair of the illustrator, refined into linear art. Also, there are characters who did not appear in any of the illustrations.
"In that case...what happens?"
"Actually, the illustrator would come up with a few sketch images based on my words. Leaving aside the very unimpressive side characters, she drew all the characters that appeared a few times in the story! I'm really grateful!"
"Heh! That's amazing!"
Nitadori's eyes were blazing. I know it's an expression, but in my eyes, the brown eyes beyond the lens were really dazzling with light.
"The illustrator is also in charge of checking the character designs. If there are disagreement in opinions, I guess I'll back off, but we haven't had any disagreements in opinion."
And so, the residents of the world of 'Vice Versa' were dyed vibrantly in a similar artistic flair, refreshed as they entered the world of animation.
Meek in the anime did look really different, and two daggers were added for her design.
The two daggers had an elegant design, like an Athame. The blades had large handguards with lumps over them so that they could be used to beat enemies up and damage them.
They looked pretty, and yet savage, a really amazing design.
"I'll also participate in assisting one of the work 'locahun'. This work is to be done before checking the script, so actually, the order's reversed, sorry."
"Locahun refers to 'Location hunting', right? That's like looking at filming locations for a movie."
"Right. But I heard that it's English localized into japanese."
I learned of this term in the book, so when I asked, Nitadori nodded,
"In English, it is 'location scouting', right?"
"I see…"
The 'scout' here would refer to the 'scout' in 'boys scout'. I checked on it before, so I remembered. It meant 'investigating' or 'inspection'. I felt that rather than 'hunting for a location', 'checking out the location would be a more appropriate term in conveying the meaning. I think the portmanteau should be 'LocaSca'.
"But the anime won't be using locations that were actually taken, right? Or?"
Nitadori made a valid question. <em>That's basically it,</em> I answered.
"Of course, the anime is different from a live action movie, and we won't necessarily be filming there--"
I heard that recently, a lot of anime productions would head to the location that forms a model, and take a large number of photos and videos. That data would be used mostly for background art. Sometimes, the DVD or BD would have a special video involving those places.
When scouting the location with the producer, directors, art supervisor and the artists, I would lead the way. The setting in 'Side Sin' was directly based on the town and area I lived in.
When writing the light novel, I would change the terminology completely, so the name of the town was completely fictional.
However, there are those that would recognize the place through the various descriptions. Looking at the readers' thoughts on the light novel, some are able to say the correct answer 'this is definitely the place. The reason being...'.
The basis of the high school Shin and Yui studied at was--not the high school I studied at in my first year, but a private high school I could see from the library. I was a middle school student when I first started out as an author after all.
The staff did not enter the school, merely taking pictures of the scenery they could see, of those who were headed to school, and so on. The artists would not follow exactly when they draw the background, but would modify the scenery greatly.
As for how the inside of the school looked in the second volume, I did use my middle school as reference.
In the anime, the layout of the school was similar to the high school I studied in, but my middle school wasn't taken as a reference. It was said that the interior of the high school was simply ordinary.
Shin's house was designated at a certain high class residential area in the same town.
Closest to that place was many beautiful residential houses that were just built up from farm land, and Shin's house was one of them. We went there on a rental minivan, and took photos and videos of that place without disturbing anyone else.
Shin and Yui's houses were located near a park. Even though we went to that area, we couldn't find such houses.
Of course, the ancient castle that is the symbol of my hometown appeared too.
<strong>"This castle is great! I'm going to set camp here one day!"</strong>
The location where Sin lifted his head to look at the castle and yell that with emotion was established beforehand too. Through videos and photos, we recorded the Tenshu from the position Sin stood at.
"Sensei, please try shouting from there like Sin did."
The director told me, the guide to do so. Just standing there was fine, but I would pass on the shouting. Speaking of which, the difference in height between me and Sin is too great.
The train station we took our rides from would also become a scene in the anime.
There was a description of the platform and the inside of the train in the novel, and of course, there were large posters of female characters from the original story placed on both right and sides of the train carriage. I heard that the production team had obtained permission from the transportation company to do so.
If the anime became a great hit, would there be colored wrappings of of Shin and Sin on the trains…? Would a voice actor take over as announcer on the train broadcast? If that became the case, I'll be really happy, but I'll feel awkward when it comes to riding on the train.
"Then! When the anime reaches 'Side Sin'..."
Nitadori noted happily, and I followed up on her words.
"There'll be a lot of scenes that we saw before."
"Wow! I'm really looking forward to it!"
"Something worth being happy about is that once the anime becomes a hit, there'll probably be an increase in number of people going on 'Pilgrimage'."
"Well...that refers to the fans happily visiting the places where the anime is set."
"Ah, it means visiting the locations? That's such a grand way of calling it!"
This term really is that exaggerated. I guess it's because the religious knowledge the Japanese have is a little weaker, so anywhere can be considered 'Sacred Grounds'. Some might even think 'well, it's not just the Japanese who might feel this way'.
Leaving that aside,
"There's a lot of 'Sacred Ground' all over Japan. The number of visitors will increase because of an anime, and some might use them to develop the towns."
"Then when the anime becomes a hit, will you be appointed as a tourist ambassador and be hailed by the town council, sensei?"
Nitadori asked happily. I never thought of such things before.
The possibility...might not be zero--
"If that's the case, I'll definitely refuse...I'm going to escape, even if it means moving houses…"
"Eh--that's a pity!"
No no, not at all.
"Instead of me..how about you be it, Nitadori?"
"Eh? What do I do?"
Looks like Nitadori's a no go too.
Back then, besides sleeping, I was checking on the anime and related information, writing future volumes without stopping.
From Summer to Autumn last year, as far as I remembered, I hardly went out, besides heading to Tokyo.
Since I was basically cooking for myself, I could do some simple dishes, so at most, I merely went to the nearby supermarkets for ingredients, or cycle to the shopping mall that was slightly further (there is a bookshop inside too).
Maybe the people living nearby would gossip,
"There's a tall son living in that house, right? If he's not going to school, I wonder what he's doing…?"
"That's a 'shut-in' that's common nowadays, right? That's disgusting. I hope he doesn't start killing animals or something."
Or have similar discussions. (But it's just my delusion, I guess)
"Actually, I did kill…"
"Shin and Sin in the story."
"What the...that shocked me…"
The assistance work in producing the anime included attending script meetings, LocaHun, and design checks.
"Speaking of which, how are we going to handle the image content checks?"
The editor-in-charge asked me when I was done with the above described work.
That referred to the grids that explained how the produced visuals would be displayed through illustrations and script. Basically, the images would be aligned vertically, and there would be the explanation and timeframe designated on the right side. It is commonly known as storyboard.
This storyboard can be said to be the layout of the anime scenes and actions. The pictures would be drawn based on the storyboard.
"I don't think I'll reject any of it, but I want to have a look."
I answered. As there time was constrained, the editor-in-charge agreed on the condition that I had to 'reply immediately'.
I was really happy seeing the storyboard the director drew in data format.
Just being able to see a real storyboard alone was exhilarating for me, but there was no way I couldn't be delighted with the storyboard having my own work drawn on it.
Starting from Shin, Sin, Pluto, Meek to the other characters, it was amazing how they could move like this, and thinking about it
The only nitpick I had was that a certain warrior's master hand was often mistaken.
During the process of the anime production, the storyboard would be made into a layout, and then made into an anime. THere was nothing left for me to check, so I suppose this would be the end of the explanation.
"Would you pick the voice actors...or visit the auditions, sensei?"
Nitadori asked, sounding a little terrified,
Hearing her say this, I believe such situations do occur. I answered.
"No, I didn't. When the editor-in-charge asked me what I intended to do, I stopped at that point. I like anime, and I have beloved voice actors--but I feel that I'm unable to choose someone appropriate."
"I see...so you never nominated for anyone you hoped to voice?"
An actor say indicate his hopes to some extent, and voice out the impressions he hopes to have from some people. I was asked on that matter too, but--
"I gave no opinion at all. This is the only part where I feel that I can trust the director and sound supervisor. It would be better for them to have full authority."
"So...when you visited the After Record yourself, what did you feel…?"
Nitadori's involved in this, so she sounded a little pessimistic as she asked that.
"Those who believe shall be saved."
I answered clearly.
And then, I saw Nitadori smile.
I did reject another work too.
That's composing lyrics.
The company would create image songs for the anime characters to sing, character songs. They would seek my agreement, and of course, I agreed immediately.
Once a certain script meeting was done, the producer asked me,
"Sensei, are you willing to compose lyrics for the character songs?"
And then,
"If you want to do so, you can."
The editor-in-charge answered.
And then,
"No, I'm not doing it! I can write novels, but not lyrics!"
I answered immediately.
"I see. Well, we have no choice. Guess we shall give up on producing character image songs. However, what about the ending?"
"Erm...has the difficulty increased?"
I rejected the proposal to compose lyrics for the Opening (OP) and Ending (E).
As for the OP and ED for the 'Vice Versa' anime--
The titles and singers were announced.
The one in charge of singing the OP is a veteran female singer who sang many OP anime songs, or anisongs for short.
Of course, i knew about her; I did buy a few CDs from her. When I heard that she could possibly be singing for this anime, I was shivering in excitement. I heard that there's a chance for me to meet her, so I thought that when I get to do so, I'll have a CD for her to sign on.
The one singing the ED is the voice actress of Emma. She has an amazing talent in singing too, and her identity as a singer might be more famous than her identity a voice actor. She did sing all kinds of songs, including Anisongs and other songs.
These two songs are great. When I first heard them, I was so moved I was about to cry.
"Eh! --You heard them! Do you...have them with you?"
I saw that Nitadori had a strong reaction.
"Ah, it may be a secret...but I have the data with me...don't tell anyone that I have them."
I shrank back as I said.
"Got it...how nice…"
"Well...this is my right as an author."
"How nice…"
Nitadori gave me a really spiteful look, and as I looked back at her,
"The songs are in my laptop..."
I said something I shouldn't have.
The brown eyes under Nitadori's glasses glowed. Right, they're really glowing.
"Ah, no...that was a lie. Nothing...at all."
Nitadori in turn,
Glared at me from beyond the glasses. I turned my face to the window that was washed by the rain.
"Hey...sensei...just a little question…"
I never thought that Nitadori would let out such a scary voice. That's to be expected of a voice actress, I guess. I was really scared, and my back shivered slightly.
"W-what is it…?"
Nitadori then reverted to her usual voice, grinning as she said,
"There's a trillion Yen at the basin."
"It multiplied by ten!?"
"If you want it, now's the time."
"No, it's fine...I can survive on the money I earn…"
"I see...that's impressively…"
"That's how it is."
"I won't be touching your laptop so carelessly, sensei."
"That's because...there's a password, I can't do that."
"I won't be touching your laptop so carelessly, sensei."
"Well, I say."
"I won't be touching your laptop so carelessly, sensei."
<em>Nitadori's a voice actress. It's fine to think of her as someone related to the anime. Or I should say, since she's involved, she knows of my secret which only a few people know of. I feel that she's determined, and she kept interrogating me, so I'm helpless. It's raining today, no other passengers on board, and there's still power in the laptop. It's great if her hearing the OP and ED will get her more into the role of Meek.</em>
While Nitadori inserted her earphones into my laptop and heard the music, I began to think of many excuses.
"Amazing...I'm moved."
Once she heard the ending theme, Nitadori removed the two earphones, saying that.
Was it my imagination? Her eyes seemed to be a little teary.
I guess I probably showed a similar expression back then.
I slipped my laptop back into my backpack, and looked at the watch.
There was another 10 minutes until the terminal.
The rain was strong, and the train continued to race on, as if saying <em>I won't lose to this</em>. Looking at this, I guess the train should arrive at the terminal on time.
I did not put my backpack on the rack, but at my feet.
"Eh, sensei."
I heard this call, and turned to the right, seeing Nitadori give a serious smile.
"This will be the last question of the day--how will the original plot of 'Vice Versa' carry on in the future?"
This question was obviously different from the questions about the authors I answered before. Or I should say, she's basically begging me to spoil the plot for her.
Her expression differed from usual, probably because she understood that well. Her face was stiff, and she bit her lips.
I know the feeling of wanting to know the later plot of a story. I too would feel frustrated whenever I'm done with the latest volume of a series I'm following.
Based on my imagination, I'm getting that she wants to know more of what happened to Meek.
"How is it?"
Again, she asked.
At this moment, i thought of 2 things.
First, Nitadori's pretty face was too close to me, so close that I'm almost unable to hold myself back.
Second, my back's leaning against the wall, so if I want to run, I can only break the glass, but I don't have that much strength.
Third, I told Nitadori so much till this point, and even played the opening and ending themes to her. In that case, I guess it's fine to tell her, right?
Let me correct myself. It should be three things. Well, the first two can be combined to one.
My heart faltered for an instant,
And I immediately corrected myself.
Even if it's Nitadori, I can't answer this question. I said,
"I can't answer it now. I hope that you'll read the book once it's published."
Since now that we're talking about plot in the future, we can't possibly not mention Meek.
Nitadori's probably shocked, and maybe depressed.
Of course, as an author, I write for the sake of shocking the readers. I hope that the readers will be really shocked by the developments, that they'll lament.
However, I still hope that the readers would feel shocked after they read the story.
Right, now, I shouldn't be revealing the future plot.
"I see…"
Nitadori answered, probably because she was somewhat mentally prepared.
"I guess it was impossible...to ask for such an unreasonable request. Sorry."
The sealed lips curled up slightly.
That anguished smile caused me to recall of Meek whom Shin met for the first time--
I felt that for a moment, my consciousness was dragged to Reputation.
The train continued to move on in the city.
We'll arrive at the terminal soon. It was raining outside.
I decided to make a trip to the toilet before we arrived. There was still some time. The toilets at the station were normally packed, and the ones on the train was more comfortable.
I had Nitadori get up to leave the seat, and moved to the aisle. I would soon return to my seat before I arrived at the station, so i did not take away the backpack by my feet.
I slipped through the automatic doors at the back of the car.
I finished washing my hands at the basin next to the toilet, put my handkerchief back into my pocket, and quickly went back to the corridor.
At this moment, I was about to knock into someone.
There wasn't usually anyone around, so I didn't pay attention at all. I was taken aback when I saw a shadow appear in the corner of my eye, and hurriedly turned aside--
Only to know into that person.
I didn't know how urgent that person was, probably ran here. I couldn't dodge, and was knocked down really hard.
I really lost balance, my waist falling directly onto the corridor. It hit the floor, and my back hit the wall, causing me to fall with limbs in the air, so it really hurt. Luckily, I didn't hit my head as I immediately pulled my chin back in.
After I fell, I thought.
It's really my fault for not looking around before I walked out, but the person I knocked into didn't have to be that anxious. Didn't the teacher say not to run on the corridor?
Whose fault is it anyway?
But I guess I should apologize first.
Since I should be the one with a bigger body.
Or I should be asking, is that person alright after knocking into me?
Even I was taken aback, so there's probably no way that person should be completely unscathed.
Is that person hurt?
If there's a fracture or an injury, how do I compensate?
What if it's a doctor with a high yearly salary?
What if it's a lady who's about to give birth?
While I was wildly thinking about the worst case scenarios--
The ceiling I could see was covered by a black figure, and I was strangled.
It was Nitadori.
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