Editing This title is too long!:Volume1 Chapter4

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May had arrived.
May had arrived.
The first week was commonly dubbed as 'Golden Week', but this day and the day after were still normal days. I had to attend classes today and visit the After Record tomorrow.
The first week was commonly dubbed as 'Golden Week', but this day and the following day were still normal days. I had to attend classes on this day, and to visit the After Record the the following day.
After school, I changed from my uniform into plain clothes, and got on the same Limited Express train as usual.
After school, I changed from my uniform into plain clothes, and got on the same Limited Express train as usual.
Line 125: Line 125:
She let out a slightly perturbed voice.
She let out a slightly perturbed voice.
There's another classmate who's definitely never around on Friday here, but it seemed that classmate wasn't being noticed in any way. My presence is so small it's shocking, and only in this situation did it help me out here.
There's another classmate who's definitely never around on Friday here, but it seemed that classmate wasn't being noticed in any way. My presence so small it's shocking, and only in this situation did it help me out here.
But I was still worried if I would end up distracting her. I missed the opportunity to leave while pondering if I should quickly leave my seat.
But I was still worried if I would end up distracting her. I missed the opportunity to leave while pondering if I should quickly leave my seat.
Line 935: Line 935:
There's still no seat in the one seated in front of us, but there's finally a young woman seated at the right side of the aisle, near the window.
There's still no seat in the one seated in front of us, but there's finally a young woman seated at the right side of the aisle, near the window.
In that case, we couldn't converse as we normally did.
In that case, we couldn't converse as we normally id.
And once I wondered that, the woman immediately put on her earphones to listen to music, and closed her eyes.
And once I wondered that, the woman immediately put on her earphones to listen to music, and closed her eyes.
Line 1,053: Line 1,053:
"'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' The Japanese version uses the direct translation, and the English title is this long. There are also some titles that are really long in movies, so I think the trend of titles being so long they're sentences don't simply appear in light novels."
"'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep?' The Japanese version uses the direct translation, and the English title is this long. There are also some titles that are really long in movies, so I think the trend of titles being so long they're sentences don't simply appear in light novels."
"Hmm...then, sensei, will you use that kind of title?"
"Hmm...then, sensei, will you use that kind of title?"
Line 1,247: Line 1,247:
I'll increase the name of lines.
I'll increase the name of lines.
“Eh? Why do you do that?
“Eh? Why do you do that/
“Because the priority is 'readability'.
“Because the priority is 'readability'.
Line 1,255: Line 1,255:
A light novel's the first novel most people would have read in their lives.
A light novel's the first novel most people would have read in their lives.
That was the impression I had through the fan letters I got and the online book reviews. To me, who grew up living with books, I really was surprised that 'many read books for the first time after entering Middle or High School'.
That was the impression I had through the fan letters I got and the online book reviews. To me, who grew up living with books, I really was surprised that 'many read books for the first time since entering Middle or High School'.
But any point is a starting point.
But any point is a starting point.
Line 1,279: Line 1,279:
When writing, I'll occasionally end up in situations where 'I'm in a groove'.
When writing, I'll occasionally end up in situations where 'I'm in a grove'.
That's a wonderful moment where my thoughts simply flow.
That's a wonderful moment where my thoughts simply flow.
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“The one thing I really have to take note is to make sure the names don't clash with any real life celebrities or characters in other works.”
“The one thing I really have to take note is to make sure the names don't clash with any real life celebrities or characters in other works.”
“It's still tough having to come up with names for so many people, right? How do you come up with names for your own characters?”
“It's still tough having to come up with names for so many people, right? How do you come up with names from your own characters?”
“It seems like some will name characters according to certain rules. For example...I know that a certain manga has all its names based on prefectures.”
“It seems like some will name characters according to certain rules. For example...I know that a certain manga has all its names based on prefectures.”
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Thinking about that, I reached my hand towards the tea by the windowsill.
Thinking about that, I reached my hand towards the tea by the windowsill.
“Thanks for telling me all of this. I had been wondering about it all this time.”
“Thanks for telling me all these. I had been wondering about it all this time.”
Line 1,515: Line 1,515:
Probably got into 'work mode'.
Probably got into 'work mode'.
To me, I really wish she would stop with the formal language as before.
To me, I really wish she stop with the formal language as before.
While thinking about it for a little while, she suddenly stood up, saying,
While thinking about it for a little while, she suddenly stood up, saying,
Line 1,525: Line 1,525:
The train passes through some tunnels that are rather long, moving through smoothly. It's a pretty, lush mountainous area around here, but it has become rather dim outside the window, so there's not much scenery to be seen even after leaving the tunnel.
The train passes through some tunnels that are rather long, moving through smoothly. It's a pretty, lush mountainous area around here, but it has became rather dim outside the window, so there's not much scenery to be seen even after leaving the tunnel.
It's still noisy inside the carriage. Looks like Nitadori had cast a really powerful spell, for that woman's still affected by it. I hope that she's getting off at the terminal however.
It's still noisy inside the carriage. Looks like Nitadori casted some really powerful spell, for that woman's still affected by the spell. I hope that she's getting off at the terminal however.
Nitadori has yet to return. I'm not really picky about her taking too long; it's useless to be picky about it if she's headed to the toilet.
Nitadori has yet to return. I'm not really picky about her taking too long; it's useless to be picky about it if she's headed to the toilet.
Line 1,563: Line 1,563:
In that case, I guess a certain acquaintance of hers want to be an author for some reason.
In that case, I guess a certain acquaintance of hers want to be an author for some reason.
Or maybe that she's already an author, and I don't know? Is she a voice actress and an author? Is she planning to get intel beneficial to her from a rival?
Or maybe that she's already an author, and I don't know? Is she a voice actress and author? Is she planning to get intel beneficial to her from a rival?
Once I had my delusions till that point, I decided to return to reality.
Once I had my delusions till that point, I decided to return to reality.
Line 1,575: Line 1,575:
Nitadori asked.
Nitadori asked.
It's a term taught in elementary language classes, and I thought everyone knew this.
It's a term taught in elementary language classes, and I thought everyone knows this.
Perhaps Nitadori was on leave that day, so I explained.
Perhaps Nitadori was on leave that day, so I explained.
Line 1,761: Line 1,761:
Because of this, I cut a lot of parts from the original fight scene.
Because of this, I cut a lot of parts from the original fight scene.
And the number of enemies that originally appeared in battle was reduced in half. A few would have appeared in other scenes, but even though there were some named characters, I scrapped them.
And the number of enemies that originally appeared in battle was reduced in half. A few would have appeared in other scenes, but even though there are some named characters, I scrapped them.
Looking at the results however, I felt this correction was really appropriate.
Looking at the results however, I felt this correction was really appropriate.
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“I'll bring my laptop to the meeting.”
“I'll bring my laptop to the meeting.”
At the end of the year when I made my debut as an author, I received the publication fees for the 2nd volume that was released that October.
At the end of the year when I made my debut as an author, I received the publication fees for the 2nd volumes that was released that October.
About money, I'll leave that for later (if I'm asked)—
About money, I'll leave that for later (if I'm asked)—
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And using this laptop, I could work on my way to and fro, or in the hotel. This really helped me out.
And using this laptop, I could work on my way to and fro, or in the hotel. This really helped me out.
The large laptop I first bought was old, but it wasn't faulty, so even after 4 years, I'll continue to use it. When connecting to the internet at home, I'll use the large one. If I have to be picky about it, the operating speed's a little slow, but this won't cause me any problems.
The large laptop I first bought was old, but it wasn't faulty, so even after 4 years, I'll continue to use it. When connecting to the internet at home, I'll use the large one. If I've to be picky about it, the operating speed's a little slow, but this won't cause me any problems.
It's very helpful to have 2 computers for work. In case one breaks down, I can continue to work.
It's very helpful to have 2 computers for work. In case one breaks down, I can continue to work.
Line 1,813: Line 1,813:
I never thought Nitadori would be that surprised.
I never thought Nitadori would be that surprised.
I suppose she never did see my handwriting; no, actually, I did write something on the blackboard during class. Back then, I did my best trying to write.”
I suppose she never did see my handwriting; no, actually, I did write something on the blackboard during classroom. Back then, I did my best trying to write.”
“Erm...and then?”
“Erm...and then?”
Line 1,869: Line 1,869:
“As for the time required to edit the manuscript...if there's a need to edit a lot of it, it'll take about a week. If there's ample time until the next deadline, I can spend a few more days. I'll then complete the second manuscript and send it to the editor-in-charge again.”
“As for the time required to edit the manuscript...if there's a need to edit many of it, it'll take about a week. If there's ample time until the next deadline, I can spend a few more days. I'll then complete the second manuscript and send it to the editor-in-charge again.”
“And the editor-in-charge will check through it again?”
“And the editor-in-charge will check through it again?”
“Yeah. He'll check if the parts are edited, and find mistakes. Of course, there'll be far fewer mistakes in the second one than in the first one—or I'll cry.”
“Yeah. He'll check if the parts are edited, and find mistakes. Of course, there'll be far fewer mistakes in the first one than in the second one—or I'll cry.”
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“Go ahead.”
“Go ahead.”
“When the editor-in-charge tells you 'this part needs correction', do you feel hurt about it? This novel conveys all your ideas, right? Even if it's a small part, you won't feel angry or hurt to hear 'please edit this part' will you?”
“When the editor-in-charge tells you 'this part needs correction', do you feel hurt about it? This novel conveys all your ideas, right? Even if a small part, you won't feel angry or hurt to hear 'please edit this part' will you?”
“No, practically not.”
“No, practically not.”
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As a professional author.
As a professional author.
In other words, since a publisher's willing to publish my books, and I can obtain a publishing fee—
In other words, since a publisher's willing to publish my books, and I can obtain publishing fee—
The work I write has to be checked by the editor-in-charge.
The work I write has to be check by the editor-in-charge.
If I think I'm completely rejected because my work's denied, and I sink into depression,
If I think I'm completely rejected because my work's denied, and I sink into depression,
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A long time before I became an author, probably 5th grade, I once saw a prose with such content.
A long time before I became an author, probably 5th grade, I once saw a prose with such content.
I don't know who the author was, probably a bestselling author.
I don't know who the author is, probably a bestselling author.
Back then, I only thought 'I see'. When I had the potential to be a professional author myself however, I suddenly thought of it, and I couldn't forget about it.
Back then, I only thought 'I see'. When I had the potential to be a professional author myself however, I suddenly thought of it, and I couldn't forget about it.
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“I waited for you! Now then, please go through the process after the finalization!”
“I waited for you! Now then, please go through the process after the finalization!”
“I'll feel very relaxed after the finalization's done, freedom, a sense of liberty, like 'Great! It's over!' Some authors will say stuff like 'feels like I just broke out from hell'. Well, but my thinking's more like 'okay, time to write the next work'.”
“I'll feel very relaxed after the finalization's down, freedom, a sense of liberty, like 'Great! It's over!' Some authors will say stuff like 'feels like I just broke out from hell'. Well, but my thinking's more like 'okay, time to write the next work'.”
“...Eh? You aren't going out to play?”
“...Eh? You aren't going out to play?”
Line 2,003: Line 2,003:
I spent three seconds thinking of a good example, and said,
I spent three seconds thinking of a good example, and said,
“Assuming that I have a line in the text 'I'm head to the capitol of USA, New York City.”
“Assuming that I have a line in the text 'I'm head to the capital of USA, New York City.”
“So the reviewer will point it out to you, saying, 'the capitol's actually Washington D.C.. You made a mistake'. Right?”
“So the reviewer will point it out to you, saying, 'the capital's actually Washington D.C.. You made a mistake'. Right?”
“That's right. But...this line may be correct.”
“That's right. But...this line may be correct.”
Line 2,015: Line 2,015:
I read through many books, and accumulated lots of useless trivia, but I never expected Nitadori to actually give the correct answer immediately.
I read through many books, and accumulated lots of useless trivia, but I never expected Nitadori to actually give the correct answer immediately.
“Correct...back then, the capitol was New York City. If the story's set in that era, it's correct not to edit it in that situation. The reviewers have to be particular about that. Of course, if there's a mistake in the information the author found, and wrote it as 'Capitol, Philadelphia', the reviewer too has to say 'looking at the year and date, the capitol's still in New York City' and point out the error.”
“Correct...back then, the capital was New York City. If the story's set in that era, it's correct not to edit it in that situation. The reviewers have to be particular about that. Of course, if there's a mistake in the information the author found, and wrote it as 'Capital, Philadelphia', the reviewer too has to say 'looking at the year and date, the capital's still in New York City' and point out the error.”
“Wow. This job's tough—I see. So that's why the original manuscript has to be handed for a professional check.”
“Wow. This job's tough—I see. So that's why the original manuscript has to be handed for a professional check.”
Line 2,125: Line 2,125:
The next one's called the 'second check'.
The next one's called the 'second check'.
The first and second checks refer to the actions,
The first and second checks require to the actions,
But sometimes, it can also refer to the review script, so it gets a little complicated.
But sometimes, it can refer to the review script, so it gets a little complicated.
From here on, I wouldn't omit the 'script' part when talking about it.
From here on, I wouldn't omit the 'script' part when talking about it.
Line 2,219: Line 2,219:
For example, like 'there's no period at the end of the paragraph', 'the furigana's completely wrong', they'll correct it with red pen.
For example, like 'there's no period at the end of the paragraph', 'the furigana's completely wrong', they'll correct it with red pen.
But there are times when the reviewers end up 'unable to tell if it's wrong', and they'll mark the questionable parts with pencil.
But there are times when the reviewers end up 'unable to tell if it's wrong', and they'll make the questionable parts with pencil.
Basically, only the authors can edit the text.
Basically, only the authors can edit the text.
Line 2,289: Line 2,289:
“I'd say that I don't understand.”
“I'd say that I don't understand.”
Once the editor-in-charge pointed it out, my face paled. I really wonder what'll happen if the book's published like that…
Once the editor-in-charge pointed it out, my face pale. I really wonder what'll happen if the book's published like that…
Line 2,309: Line 2,309:
“Because the editor-in-charge will be making corrections in red pen at the top, indicating 'this problem appeared before, and I corrected it'. I heard that this stuff will be kept.”
“Because the editor-in-charge will be making corrections in red pen at the top, indicating 'this problem appeared before, and I corrected it'. I heard that these stuff will be kept.”
Line 2,315: Line 2,315:
“So I typically use a multipen with red and black ballpoint inks and a mechanical pencil function. I keep it with me at all times.”
“So I typically use a multipen with red and black ballpoint inks and a mechanical pencil function. I keep it with me at all times.”
“Ohh! You brought it along today too? What does it look like?”
“Ohh! You brought it along today too? How does it look like?”
Line 2,337: Line 2,337:
“I'll hold my mechanical pencil and check through the first review that went through checking. Sometimes, I'll add some stickies if there are problems, but I'll typically flip through the entire manuscript page by page.”
“I'll hold my mechanical pencil and check through the first review that went through checking. Sometimes, I'll add some stickies if there are problems, but I'll typically flip through the entire manuscript page by page.”
And then, assuming that I can see the parts from the reviewers,
And then, assuming that I can see the parts from the reviewers.
and if I agree to them, and hope to make such changes in the text,
And if I agree to them, and hope to make such changes in the text.
I'll use the mechanical pencil to mark the part with a large circle, writing 'please do this'.
I'll use the mechanical pencil to make the part with a large circle, writing 'please do this'.
In contrast, if I feel there's no need to correct it,
In contrast, if I feel there's no need to correct it,
I'll mark it with a cross.
I'll make it with a cross.
Sometimes, I'll write down 'please leave it as this'
Sometimes, I'll write down 'please leave it as this'
Line 2,359: Line 2,359:
I'm really grateful to the corrections by the reviewers, but there are a lot of parts I wish to maintain. Looking at my situation, there are some moments where I'll leave strange Japanese in the conversations, so I'll mark all those suggestions with crosses.
I'm really grateful to the corrections by the reviewers, but there are a lot of parts I wish to maintain. Looking at my situation, there are some moments where I'll leave strange Japanese in the conversations, so I'll mark all those suggestions with crosses.
And so, I continue to flip through about 150 pages per volume, (around 300 pages per book), checking through them.
And so, I continue to flip through about 150 pages per volumes, (around 300 pages per book), checking through them.
Sometimes, there are moments where even I can't decide.
Sometimes, there are moments where even I can't decide.
Line 2,371: Line 2,371:
And at this point, I remember there's something I forgot to mention.
And till this point, I remember there's something I forgot to mention.
“Ah, about the location where the first review check is done—”
“Ah, about the location where the first review check is done—”
Line 2,407: Line 2,407:
“Hearing you say that, it sounds really troublesome.”
“Hearing you say that, it sounds really troublesome.”
“In fact, it is.” I grumbled.
“In fact, it is.”
I grumbled.”
“I had to widen my eyes and look for mistakes. It's very tiring.”
“I had to widen my eyes and look for mistakes. It's very tiring.”
Line 2,425: Line 2,427:
“There's still more? Erm, what is it?”
“There's still more? Erm, what is it?”
“What's left for the author is to write the afterword, put a recent photo of the author, write an author introduction, and check the illustrations.”
“What's left of the author is to write the afterword, put a recent photo of the author, write an author introduction, and check the illustrations.”
Line 2,453: Line 2,455:
“I see...I never thought it would be that difficult...”
“I see...I never thought it'll be that difficult...”
“It's so difficult it's annoying. It's said that an essay allows room to showcase an author's personality, so I'm rather curious as to how the readers will view it...”
“It's so difficult it's annoying. It's said that an essay allows room to showcase an author's personality, so I'm rather curious as to how to readers will view it...”
“Looking at it, I'll guess you're a college student...”
“Looking at it, I'll guess you're a college student...”
Line 2,471: Line 2,473:
“I can't imagine it...how?”
“I can't imagine it...how?”
“First off, leave a few spaces for the parts meant for the afterword. It's said that the afterword finished later won't be deemed an essay, but an illustration, a picture, and it'll be inserted. Those authors that want to change, play with the playout and add some flavor will use this method.”
“First off, leave a few spaces for the parts meant for the afterword. It's said that the afterword finished later won't be deemed an essay, but an illustration, a picture, and it'll be inserted it. Those authors that want to change, play with the playout and add some flavor will use this method.”
“So...in other words, it's fine even if you're either using pictures or written manuscript?”
“So...in other words, it's fine even if you're either using pictures or written manuscript?”
Line 2,521: Line 2,523:
And once she did, I could tell what it was. Unmistakably, it's the first volume of 'Vice Versa'.
And once she did, I could tell what it was. Unmistakably, it's the first volume of 'Vice Versa'.
I could see many little stickies inside the book. Nitadori probably read through it thoroughly for the After Record, and it's really delightful.
I could see many little stickies inside the book. Nitadori probably read through it thoroughly the After Record, and it's really delightful.
She looked at the first volume's photo, and stared at me, saying,
She looked at the first volume's photo, and stared at me, saying,
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The train entered the city, headed straight down the straight. Many have got off the train midway through, and the carriage's empty now.
The train entered the city, headed straight down the straight. Many have got off the train midway through, and the carriage's empty now.
The woman, whom Nitadori cast the spell on, managed to successfully get off the train through the anti-magic installation called the 'cellphone alarm'.
The woman, whom Nitadori casted the spell on, managed to successfully get off the train through the anti-magic installation called the 'cellphone alarm'.
“Thanks for today...no, it's interesting today too.”
“Thanks for today...no, it's interesting today too.”
Line 2,691: Line 2,693:
“Hm...I got more female fan letters.”
“Hm...I got more female fan letters.”
It's said that the main demographic for light novels is men. Leaving aside books targeted at women, that is definitely the case for Dengeki Bunko.
It's said that the main demographic for light novel is men. Leaving aside books targeted at women, that is definitely the case for Dengeki Bunko.
But even so, there are works that are very popular with girls.
But even so, there are works that are very popular with girls.
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