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Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:52 am
by tharael89
RL is such a pain at times :roll:

i ended up reading most of the new chapters one by one on the BakaReader EX since i didn't have time to do a conversion.

this time i uploaded
Absolute Due volume 03, i know is old but i really didn't have time
Mahouka volume 13 and
Index volume 11

next update should be this weekend.

ah. almost forgot.
you should check out
Haken no Kouki Altina, i was waiting for this one a long time but it seems Skythewood is setting this a low priority, and
Knight's and Magic, this one also translated by Skythewood and is pretty fun to read, but since there is only a volume in chinese, we'll have to wait for the next one.

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:00 pm
by oraoraora
really appreciate the work! I ordered the H20 so now im building a collection for it :p

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:15 am
by YuzzzzuY
I was wondering, do should small issues be reported here or would that be unnecessary? I'm talking about a small issue in volume 5 of mahouka with the images introducing the characters, like these:
Spoiler! :
I'm not sure what the problem is but the bottom part of the image shows up on another page, usually just a tiny strip. I'm using a aura hd btw. Not a major issue but figured you might want to know about it.

Also about translation, 2 small things which I noticed. Like above, not sure whether pointing it out will change a thing, but maybe you'd like to know.
Anyway first volume 12 of mahouka: the word Rozen (referring to the German cad company) isn't translated the same everywhere. In chapter 6 it's written as Rozin, while in the rest of the volume like chapter 13 it's written as Rozen.
Second thingy: about the translation of a certain magic during the standoff between the Saegusa twins and Takuma. The twins at a certain point use a magic in the kepub translated as 'Suffocating Turbulence' though the same section on baka-tsuki uses the term Nitrogen Storm. I'm suspecting the first term was an older translation?

Anyway no major issues, you can consider it the ramblings of a random person on the internet.

Btw currently reading volume 13 of mahouka (finally) and everything else up to there looked fine in my eyes. No discrepancies, so a job well done :)
Probably going to finish that volume the next couple of days and then I'll be able to check out some fresh material. Probably going to give Only Sense Online a go or perhaps Campione (most likely the former first and then followed by the latter unless something else catches my eye :wink: )

Additional note: A late Happy New Year! Stay in good health and keep those files coming :D

Edit: Finished Only Sense Online, excellent read. Finished it in about 3 days. Great recommendation. Though there were some small imperfections relating to the translation. Did find myself craving more :)

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:10 pm
by tharael89
after a long time I've been able to work on some kepubs.

I'm sorry for the long silence but is been a period in which i found a lot easier to read using the android app XD

this time I've uploaded the latest volume of Antimagic Academy and Only Sense Online, both translated by krytyk on his blog.
you can find his translation in the folder below (signature)

the other one is a series I love and hope to see completely translated one day: Rokujouma no Shinryakusha?!
the anime was really fun to watch and the novel is even better.
if you have time or you have already watched the anime I suggest to search for the ongoing translation of volume 7.5 or the subtitled version of the Drama CD (for now only the first cd has been subtitled).

with some luck I should be able to upload volumes of older series though the motivation is not really high XD

ps: for the bad news. mahouka has been licensed and so I've taken it down. I really hope they'll do a superb work in publishing it :evil:

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:34 pm
by YuzzzzuY
Thanks for upload, though was a bit impatient and already read half of OSO volume 4. At least I can finish it on my kobo. As for Mahouka, it was to be expected I guess? 10+ volumes and reasonably popular. About the older series, started on Campione! volume 17 which is missing, other than that haven't really checked out the other series. I'll have to start looking for something to read. Thanks again :)

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:12 am
by tharael89
thanks for telling me about v17.
totally forgot to do the conversion :roll:
I've uploaded it right now. the images are a little low in resolution but i can't find better ones :(

I've also done:
Volume 04 of Absolute Duo
Volume 01 of Sekai no Owari no Encore. good to read and pretty smooth to finish it in one go.

I've decided to upload the kepubs for the translations of Skythewood. He's working on some nice works though they could go through some good editing since i've found a lot or mistyping or similar errors :(
Anyway i've done and uploaded the following kepubs:
- Haken no Kouki Altina, volumes 01 and 02
- Knight's & Magic, volume 01
- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!, volume 01
you can find them in this folder: ... Skythewood

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:40 am
by YuzzzzuY
Thanks for quick follow-up. Already finished OSO v4, so Campione v17 is going to be next :) . After that probably going to check out Sekai no Owari no Encore or some Skythewood translations. Thanks again, really appreciate the uploads ^^

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:31 am
by YuzzzzuY
Uhm, here I am again? :D
I was trying to covert a file myself yesterday using your instructions, but stumbled upon a small problem. About sections with text above other text, what do you do when the text above overlaps with another line? Leave additional space in between the lines or something else? I think Sekai no Owari no Encore had sections with overlapping text as well, probably also text above overlapping with the lines above.

Oh yeah, I was doing volume 1 Mushoku Tensei, everything should be ok except the text above thingy.
Progress thus far: *note: link removed
Feel free to do with it as you please, so if you want to add it to your folder, no issue for me. Though the text above problem should be solved first :). I might do some more converting, no promises though.

I didn't stop fiddling around with the files so, eventually did some additional work. About the text above other text problem, I decided to edit the stylesheet, specifically by lowering the value for top for the class special1. I lowered it to -20px instead of -25px and this resolved the issue of overlapping text. Doing something similar also mostly solved the problem of overlapping text for Sekai no Owari, though there the value had to be lowered to -15px. The only remaining issue here would be overlapping text in the horizontal direction.

I also did volume 2 & 3 of Mushoku Tensei. Volume 1 was further edited as well (mainly better placement of some images). There was a big issue with id not being unique on volume 1 though, so I had to quite a bit of post conversion editing (basically the entire text), so the html formatting on volume 1 is a bit different... Further notes on volume 3 (and possibly 1), since it was my first serious go at a kepub file from scratch, some minor formatting might be lost in the progress (italic text mainly). I'll look into improving the process in the further volumes. Currently I'm planning on doing Mushoku up to 6 somewhere between now and next week. For the volumes after that, I'll have to wait and see (webnovel only, so no images/cover).

Volume 4 added and have improved the other 3 volumes. Mainly removed 2 stylesheets added by calibre, also disabled the hyphenate setting during conversion. Rearranged some images and updated some formatting, mainly summation, italics is still mostly overlooked. Luckily it's rare and if I spot it I'll fix it. Probably won't be redoing the volumes from now on, not really a lot of things I can think of improving. I might try to fix the last remaining error reported by FlightCrew.

Volume 5 & 6 added. Minor edit made in volume 3 & 4. Somehow failed to properly remove translator notes in chapter 1 of volume 4. Did a quick find + regex to make sure the other volumes didn't have remaining notes, but nothing found.

Volume 6 most likely has to be redone in the future, the exact location for the images couldn't be found here or anywhere I looked. In the end placed them in the locations I though were appropriate, but might have missed the correct spot with a few lines give or take.

From now on there won't be any images, so volume 7-23 will be done from web novel source only. Of course except volume 1 it seems the translations done so far were web novel based as well. Should they get updated to non web novel material, I'll consider redoing them. For volumes 7-23, I'll do them at my own pace, which should be a few volumes a week, depending on how quick I'll be with reading it. Without images it'll be easier to make the files though. I'll add the files as I do them, but obviously won't be adding an update every time I add one, would be an excessively long update log. It's actually becoming a bit long already...


About the series itself, nice read thus far, seems like I won't have to worry about looking for something to read for a while :D

Link to the folder with the files:
moved to newest post

@tharael89: Feel free to add the files to your folder, easier for other people if the kepub files are somewhat bundled together. Also that would allow me to take down the files in my folder (just so I don't forget to take them down should it be licensed, though if someone notifies me, I'd most likely notice it).

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:51 am
by YuzzzzuY
Decided to stop updating the previous post, was starting to get a bit long. Hope you don't mind :oops:

Redid the covers of all first 6 volumes, this solved the last remaining error reported by flightcrew. Also did a minor edit to volume 5, something with the headers not done properly for 1 of the side stories. Also added volume 7. Now it should be safe to grab the first 6 volumes, those don't need any additional editing as far as I can think of. For the other volumes I'll be doing about 1 every few days, won't be updating this post every time though, so if you're keeping up with reading, just be a patient and check the folder once a day. I haven't really decided as what to do with the volumes which only have previews of the translation up. Probably I'll do them anyway but, I'll update them once they move out of 'preview' state with the appropriate translations.

Note @ Tharael89:
Obviously I'm only doing this series atm. Things started by you, I'll leave in your hands. You can consider my work, just me fooling around for a bit and keeping you company in this thread. I'll commit to doing this series, but that's about it. Just so there's no confusion and thanks again for the work so far and hopefully still to come? After doing some converting and work myself, I realize it's still a bit of time and work you've put into this. I really appreciate what you've done so far. :wink:

Yikes, removing the property cover-image was a bad idea. So decided to undo it. Now a different problem popped up, the chapters don't properly follow each other anymore. When your supposed to go to the next chapter, it now goes to a different one. Same happens when trying to go to the previous chapter. I don't really know what happened, probably corrupted the files somehow. :( I'll probably have to redo them completely, which I'll try do this month. If anyone has a solution, I'll gladly hear it. Also changed the placement of one of the pics in volume 6 (misplaced).

The link to the Mushoku Tensei folder:
see new post

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:26 am
by YuzzzzuY
I've tried redoing the some volumes, but problem still persists. Tried removing certain files or the exact opposite to find the problem but to no avail so far. Also added the epubs for the volumes I redid. Won't be adding new volumes until this problem is resolved. I'd appreciate some help as in what the problem could be :|

Link to folder: (like mentioned files cause issues, mainly not properly moving to the next or previous chapter/section; occasionally forced my device to reboot as well)!SlhQVDaL!sl3RbiEwfFqAyfHf9qyzRg

Having trouble uploading files to Mega. But did up to volume 10, which will be uploaded when Mega let's me upload files once more.

Also did some snooping around to see what the problem could be. The epubs work just fine, the issue has to do with the kepubs. It shouldn't be device related, since other kepubs work just fine. I'll try further looking into it and comparing various kepubs to try and spot the problem.

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 1:24 am
by tharael89
I've been away for quite some time. sorry about that.
first thing some updates:
- Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? volume 04
- AntiMagic Academy "The 35th Test Platoon" volume 09 and 10 in Krytyk folder
- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o! volume 02 in Skythewood folder.

I plan to do the conversion of other volumes but i can't really say which ones since it depends on my time and motivation.

sorry for having taken so much time to reply, didn't really check the forums since the android app notifies me of uploads of my favorite series XD
I've checked your epub and kepub for volume 01 of mushoku.
the problem with your kepub is probably the <div...></div> wrapping at the start and end of every chapter.
I don't really know how did you get them. The only time I find a <div> wrapping is when i copy the text from some blog, but never like that.
I found the same wrapping also in volume 02 and 06 (the only ones I've checked) so I can probably say that is a calibre conversion setting.
This one is the kepub conversion I did last year only for myself, if you have time you can probably try how it works on your device and compare mine with yours, so you'll see what I pointed out before. ... kepub.epub
ah. I don't plan to do other conversions of "web novels" nor upload them on my folder. It's not that I don't like them, it's more like a quality issue since there have been too many people translating and editing these novels.

for problems one can find in the conversion I can only say i'll try to redo my tutorial. It's been almost a year and half since I did it and my ability has leveled up pretty well (though my time has been decreased to almost 0 ;_; ) so I can only ask to wait a little for me to redo it.

PS: with a little help from Lady Luck tomorrow I should upload again

Re: KEPUB ebooks

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 4:04 am
by YuzzzzuY
Ah I see, most likely something I did in the settings. I'll take a look at it when I can spare the time, busy lately.

Thanks for letting me know. About the web novels, yeah I understood on that part. I wasn't planning on reading the web novels either, just couldn't resist :D . Since I was making the files for my own use, decided to share them as well :) .